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Solar System #2

Silent Sun

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Is our sun behaving differently from other stars? When an amateur astronomer discovers something strange on telescopic solar pictures, an explanation must be found. Is it merely artefact? Or has he found something totally unexpected? An expert international crew is hastily assembled, a spaceship is speedily repurposed, and the foursome is sent on the ride of their lives. What challenges will they face on this spur-of-the-moment mission to our central star? What awaits all of them is critical, not only for understanding the past, but even more so for the future of life on Earth. Hard Science Fiction. All descriptions and events could become reality some day.

444 pages, Kindle Edition

First published May 14, 2018

About the author

Brandon Q. Morris

108 books410 followers
Brandon Q. Morris is a physicist and space specialist. He has long been concerned with space issues, both professionally and privately and while he wanted to become an astronaut, he had to stay on Earth for a variety of reasons. He is particularly fascinated by the "what if” and through his books he aims to share compelling hard science fiction stories that could actually happen, and someday may happen. Morris is the author of several best-selling science fiction novels.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 33 reviews
Profile Image for reherrma.
1,927 reviews34 followers
April 2, 2019
Auch dieser Roman ist in Brandon Q. Morris Future History angesiedelt, wie schon die "Eismond"-Romane oder die "Proxima"-Trilogie wie auch der Einzelroman "The Hole", der offenbar der unmittelbare Vorgänger dieses Bandes ist.
Bei "Silent Sun" geht es um ein riesiges außerirdisches Artefakt, das in Sonne in deren Photosphäre umfasst. Wir begegnen in diesem Roman auch wieder einige bekannte Figuren aus anderen Romanen von Brandon Q. Morris aka Matthias Matting; so ist Amy Michael, die Kommandantin der "Enceladus"-Mission wieder dabei, allerdings 30 Jahre später.
Ein französischer Amateur-Astronom entdeckt auf Aufnahmen einer Sonnen-Sonde merkwürdige Striche. Sein Hinweis konnte von Astronomen nicht nachvollzogen werden, nur eine junge Astronomin nimmt sich seiner an und findet schließlich auf einem Weltraum-Teleskop Hinweise von künstlichen Artefakten in der Sonnen-Atmosphäre.
Durch einen Mediendruck wird die NASA gezwungen, eine Expedition zur Sonne zu schicken, um der Sache nachzugehen. Gleichzeitig wird eine private russische Bergbau-Expediton auf dem Merkur auf die Sache angesetzt, sie finden mit Hilfe schnell errichteter Teleskopen auf dem Merkur Hinweise auf die künstliche Struktur. Der russische Eigentümer der merkuranischen Bergbau-Expedition schickt einen Raumfahrer Richtung Sonne um der NASA-Expedition zuvor zu kommen. Dem Mann, mit seinem Hund !, gelingt es tatsächlich, an Bord einer Station, die an der Struktur angebaut war, zu kommen. Es stellt sich tatsächlich heraus, dass die Struktur von unbekannten Aliens vor Jahrmilliarden gebaut wurde, um die Sonne zu beruhigen und somit ein Leben in der habitablen Zone der Sonne zu gewährleisten, warum sie das getan haben und wo sie geblieben sind, bleibt im Dunkel. Die Struktur konnte nicht näher erforscht werden, der russische Raumfahrer gelangt zusammen mit der NASA-Expedition wieder zurück zur Erde...

Ein spannender Roman, der sich aber mehr über den Weg zur Sonne und die Auseinandersetzung mit den privaten russischen Interessen auseinandersetzt, den Zweck der Struktur wird nur am Rande erwähnt, der Autor geht in seinem Essay "Die neue Biographie der Sonne" am Schluß darauf ein. Ich denke aber, der Stoff bietet genug Material für eine Fortsetzung oder eine ganze Reihe.
In seinem wissenschaftlichen Essay vermutet der Autor, dass unsere Sonne sich anders verhält (sie ist ungewöhnlich "ruhig" als die meisten anderen Sterne in unserer Nachbarschaft, deshalb die SF-Idee mit der technischen Struktur in der Sonne in diesem Roman...
Eine Reihe skurriler und unglaubwürdigen Begebenheiten schmälern für mich jedoch den guten Eindruck etwas, so hat der russische Raumfahrer einen Hund dabei, den er auch immer wieder für Außeneinsätze im Weltraum oder auf dem Merkur mitnimmt, oder die Tatsache, dass ein Amateur-Astronom auf einer teuren NASA-Expedtition mitgenommen wird, nur weil er auf Photos etwas gesehen hat, was den Profis entgangen ist; das ist einfach skurril !
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Dirk.
130 reviews17 followers
May 14, 2019
Nicht das was ich erwartet habe. Eine Mischung aus Liebesgeschichte (Frau und Mann sowie Mann und Hund) als auch ein wenig SciFi. Wie immer entdecken die Menschen alte, von Außerirdischen gebaute Dinge. Wie können diese Dinger immer so lange Überleben. Das habe ich mir bei 2001 Odyssee ins Weltall und den schwarzen Monolithen schon immer gedacht. Diesmal ist das Bauwerk nicht viel jünger.
Aber es sind halt alte Dinge.
Aber gut es hat Spaß gemacht es zu lesen.
Profile Image for Pól.
261 reviews6 followers
October 5, 2019

This was an interesting story of an unbelievably ancient artefact and the star that sits at the centre of our solar system. There are two quests and each has a distinctive background - one criminal and the other an multi national effort in the name of humanity and science
Profile Image for Jodi.
2,034 reviews37 followers
November 15, 2022
Mit Band eins dieser Reihe begann meine Faszination für das Werk von Brandon Q. Morris und auch wenn "Silent Sun" bisher nicht mein liebstes Buch von ihm ist, so habe ich die Lektüre dennoch in vollen Zügen geniessen können. Wiederum bietet der Autor genau das, was ich von ihm erwarte: gut geschriebene Charaktere, eine durchdachte Handlung und vor allem - Fakten.

Morris schafft es, unterhaltsame Geschichten mit Hard Sci-Fi zu verbinden, ohne dass das Lesen ermüdet oder der Lesefluss beeinträchtigt wird. So etwas ist nicht einfach zu handhaben. Aber Brandon Q. Morris schafft dies aus dem Effeff. Bestimmt wäre er auch ein guter Lehrer geworden.

Vor allem schafft es der Autor nicht nur, Hard Sci-Fi leserlich zu schildern, sondern auch lebendige Figuren zu schaffen, mit denen man sich direkt anfreunden und identifizieren kann. Vor allem Teamleiterin Amy hat mich tief beeindruckt. Wahrscheinlich, weil ich gleichzeitig ein Buch las, in welchem die Teamleitung eher unqualifiziert war.

Sehr erhellend, im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes, war wieder der Anhang, in welchem Morris auf die Hintergründe seiner Geschichte eingeht und den aktuellen Stand der Forschung erläutert. Auch hier gibt es wieder einiges zu lernen. So soll es ja auch sein - schliesslich haben wir es hier mit Hard Sci-Fi zu tun. Hard Sci-Fi wie sie meines Erachtens sein sollte.
Profile Image for Steve.
344 reviews3 followers
April 22, 2020
Interesting, fast paced and well researched sci-fi thriller that kinda reads like a modern version of Arthur C Clark's 2001.

Quick, short chapters and interesting characters.

Great settings largely focused around our Star and the surface of Mercury with lots of fun facts about our Solar System.

Ohhh -and one of the main characters is Space Dog complete with her own astronaut suit :)

The author also included a number of short "fun facts" chapters at the end, detailing interesting astronomical and physical scientific facts about the Sun and Stars in general.

Wonder why more Sci-Fi books don't do the same?
1,421 reviews1 follower
April 21, 2019
wish I hadn't read the prequels

This story takes place just two years after "Black Hole". It's a very good continuation that includes some of the unsavory groups that appeared in the first novel. There are two characters who travel together that are a special treat and a new iteration of the AI from the first novel.

The characters are all relatively full-bodied and the major characters pop pretty much. The decisions and actions were exciting, especially against such a dark background (Sol not withstanding). If you like the first, you'll almost certainly like this volume. It's totally standalone but works perfectly in the universe of the previous novels. I'm going back to read the previous novels in this universe.

Don't read the Enceladus books that start this series. I went back to read them and the prequels put me off the rest of the series. They are that bad. These books aren't really stellar but there Enceladus books are really awful.
January 1, 2021
I started this book by Brandon Q Morris after I had read its prequel "Hole", of which I've already written a review.

This story is much more appealing I could say. There has been much more care as to the plot. The science is much more detailed and plausible. I'm still reading it (nearly finished 1/3s or 3/4s of it) and I very much liked the idea of the alien station around the Sun, referring to some kind of Dyson sphere. The description was really masterful.

As far as the description of the NASA ship and life inside it, I think it did not stick so well. There should be more description so the reader might feel more at home and identify themselves in it, sort of participating in the events there. The same goes with the RB ship. Also, I'd like more detailed description of the Mercury environment in order to have a clearer idea of the site and the events there.

The sequence inside the alien aircraft was very interesting and pageturning. However, the idea Sobachka, the dog, was not very successful. It is not credible really.

I'm looking forward to finishing the book, which will happed with the turn of the year and I thing I'll have to make an additional review, or enrich this one if there is such an option. Happy reading pals. It's a nice way to travel far and wide despite this curse or coronavirus, or rather in spite of it.
Well, I see that I can add to this review...
That was a quick end. It was much more abrupt than I thought. As I was reading an e-copy on my android I didn't immediately realized that there was so much material at the end of the book about the sun and everything.
Although I was kept interested while reading the end of the story was really naive. It gave me the impression that the writer tried to end it prematurely, as he wanted to have done with it.

As regards the relationship between the two book, namely Hole and Silent Sun, I shouldn't say they are so much related. Other than the date and the mention of one even or a common character I think the Silent Sun should not be considered as a sequel.

Anyway, I'm finished here and I think I should move on rather than stay with this author any longer.
Profile Image for Leo.
349 reviews7 followers
February 24, 2021
I wasn't sure what i was getting myself into with this book. The synopsis looked interesting, alien machinery around the Sun, a space race to find out what it was, but despite those setup, there wasn't enough there to keep the story interesting.

All of the characters were one dimensional, some displayed a bit of 2D, none came close to being fully flushed out. Dialogue between 1D characters was, well... flat. Another side effect of 1D characters was the lack of any real story engine, outside of "we must get to the space station first", there really wasn't must action to speak of. Oh sure, there were characters running around doing things, setting up an antenna array, building a solar ship out of spare parts, but it all read mechanical. I just thought about this as I wrote that line and I holds true, this book read like a very long IKEA manual; insert character X into situation B, used plot device Q to move object Y. This book definitely wasn't the Martian.

Ultimately I ended up finishing it because I wanted to check it off the list. I did drag my feet along the way, read a couple other shorter books in-between. I'm not sure if I will pick up another BQMorris book in the near future. I enjoy me a bit is hard-sci in the morning, but this was TOO much.
278 reviews3 followers
July 16, 2022
What is that around the sun?????

Alain is performing a part time analysis of the number of sun spots as a volunteer when he spots a line on one of the images. Searching additional images he sees the line repeated again several times around the same location. He contacts the head of the project and is told it is an artifact and to ignore it. However this explanation is not satisfactory to him so he reaches out to real astronomers to obtain the original scans to see if the line is still present. One of the scientists who responds is Heather. The line is confirmed and so starts a perilous journey to find out what it is. However other entities are also interested leading to a race...
This is an interesting adventure that provides an explanation for why the Sun may be less active than expected....There is action, intrigue, even romance along with some hard science in an easy to read fashion. Highly enjoyable and informative.
148 reviews
August 7, 2020
Great science; Great story

This sci-fi was hard to put down because it was so enjoyable. I did not feel like I was on the edge of my seat waiting to find out what would happen, but I did get interested in the characters and concerned about them. This book reminded me of Star Trek in the way it balance science, human aspects, and politics in the story not getting deep into any aspect at any specific moment but letting it gradually build so you understood each area a little better with time.
This was the first book I’ve read by this author but definitely not my last!
Profile Image for Kissu.
459 reviews2 followers
June 30, 2023
Gracias a esta novela he comprendido el concepto de convección (nunca es tarde para aprender aspectos básicos de la existencia). Y la idea de que haya una estructura de ese tipo es muy buena, me entretuvo mucho (las implicaciones, las implicaciones).

Debo decir que me ha encantado la introducción de Sobachka (amiga canina de Artem). ¡Tiene traje espacial y todo!

En otros asuntos, me alegró ver de nuevo a Amy. Se conserva tal como la recuerdo.

Como siempre sucede con este autor, fue un libro con mucha acción y no me aburrí en ningún momento.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Jamie Rich.
376 reviews2 followers
September 24, 2019
Silent Sun: Hard Science Fiction (Kindle Edition) by Brandon Q. Morris

Another good scientific mystery to be solved!

More good, hard SciFi from this author. I really like the way he introduces a scientific conundrum, and how us mere mortals need to solve it! He does a good job with setting up the world of the future, and making it believable.
I also enjoy his populating the future with many different kids of characters. His look at AI is particularly fun.
Profile Image for Tyler Volz.
53 reviews10 followers
December 28, 2019
60% of this novel could have been told in a one sentence prologue, 20% has no relation to the rest of the book, and 10% is literally a textbook, and the actual climax happens in the blink of eye. There are so many references to other novels I haven't read that it became distracting. I can't recommend this to anyone who hasn't read the rest of his novels and enjoyed them. It would have made an interesting short story, possibly.
Profile Image for E.R. Harding.
Author 3 books19 followers
August 8, 2021

I do like these books; each features the same stressful episode as it affects various characters' lives, and each novel has a plot that keeps one deeply engaged. The real hero, though, and the real point of each one, is the science that spans maths, physics, astronomy and practically everything I've ever wondered about. Silent Sun answers questions about the sun that I never thought to ask before, and is practically perfect.
Profile Image for Cassia Watakabe.
97 reviews1 follower
June 1, 2023
Me senti como uma passageira honorária dessa expedição. Imaginei os desconfortos e os infortúnios. O que fazer? O que podemos ver? Devemos nos preocupar? Sim! A cadela espacial foi a estrela do narrativa, fofa e habilidosa! Comecei a ler esta série por este livro, pausei para ler o primeiro livro da série "The Hole" isso me deu base para alguns personagens recorrentes. Agora vou ler série "Lua de Gelo" pois tenho curiosidade sobre a personagem citada Amy.
Profile Image for Hugo Saravia.
174 reviews5 followers
May 25, 2019
Solar Science!

It's all about the sun, our life giving star. Good fictional story with relatable characters, especially, Sobachka, as an animal lover myself, I love that part of the story, some of it I would consider it fantasy but the author pulled it off in the end, all and all it is good science about the sun which reinforces what we know and then some, loved it!
Profile Image for Bobby.
822 reviews3 followers
June 20, 2019
Good SF

A well-researched tale of the discovery of an unknown origin of a space station between the earth and the sun to protect us from the harmful rise of radiation from the sun. A race between an international crew and a rogue Russian craft to be the first to reach the alien station ensues.
154 reviews5 followers
August 21, 2019
I have certainly enjoyed all Brandon Q. Morris's books.

He certainly has an imagination for the fictional parts of his novels, but the hard science is always explained.

Each book is unique, but it's fun to see the same characters show up from book to book.

This book is a whopper of crazy fiction, but thoroughly enjoyable.

11 reviews
July 20, 2020
Great Story

Great read, I enjoyed it. I am disappointed the story itself ends at 82%. Rest is just filler about story & other books. I know all/most books do the same but not at that low of a percentage. At least the ones I have been reading. I still enjoyed it, is what it is right.
Thank you.
134 reviews
July 17, 2023
I love the solar series

I have seven of the nine books, and I have a couple of more to get,I'm really enjoying the series, I have read five of the books, and I really enjoyed them,they are well written and I love the information given in the books,I also love how well the characters are written,well
7 reviews
June 8, 2019
Another great novel.

Great writing! I am happy to have taken yet another fascinating adventure into tomorrow! Please keep them coming . . . . I am addicted to this type of hard science fiction.
48 reviews
August 30, 2019
Liked it

Some reviews criticized the authors short sentence style. I found it to be more like natural speech. The characters were relatable and the story line drew me in. I will probably read more of his work.
146 reviews
September 11, 2019
C'mon, there's a space dog!! +1 star! Sorry for the lack of a real review. I just love that the fugitive has such an attachment to his pup, despite the lackluster backstory as to how she became a dog in space.
27 reviews1 follower
January 18, 2020
Excellent Storytelling

Outstanding story with good science detail at all turns. Characters are real and believable with a little romance thrown in. Interaction with the AI is intetesting and well written.
137 reviews
January 28, 2020
Wow great science and great storyline

A little slow to start but getting to know the characters really made a read. Loved the dog in space. Plenty of twists and turns to make this one a page turner
149 reviews2 followers
February 8, 2020
As usual

For me, it seems that hard sy-fi comes in two forms. One that I can pretty much follow along with, and another where I am lost almost immediately. Luckily this book was in the first group. Interesting story with well thought out characters
29 reviews1 follower
August 17, 2019
A very good thing the aliens have done for us.

An excellent novel of science fiction that was a pleasure to read. Realistic in every way. Great story,with action packed drama.
2 reviews
April 25, 2020
An Interesting and entertaining read until the end which felt like it came Too abruptly .
Profile Image for Charl.
1,389 reviews6 followers
July 5, 2022
Interesting story, science pretty sound, and I enjoyed the appendix about the Sun. No unacceptable personal events like the previous book.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 33 reviews

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