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Rock My World

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Addison’s the one who got away.
Scared off by my rockstar life… and her friend’s lies.
Now it’s time to make her my world.

You can split my life in two.

College days and Addison in my arms.
Baby blue eyes, sweet tempting lips.
Knowing we’ll be together no matter what.

Sell-out gigs with screaming fans.
Women throwing themselves at me at the stage door.
I pose for the selfies and sign the merch, but that’s all they get.
There’s only one woman on my mind – and she’s not my biggest fan!

Six years is a long time to be single.
And six years of touring gets old.
Time to find Addison, even if I don’t play by the rules.

Tell her the truth – music is my past.
Her love, our family, is my future.

289 pages, Kindle Edition

Published February 21, 2019

About the author

Mia Ford

146 books597 followers
Description from Amazon

I am a contemporary romance writer who loves strong, gorgeous, Greek God-like alpha men who love protecting their sassy and sexy women.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 196 reviews
Profile Image for Elizabeth Neal.
1,684 reviews141 followers
Shelved as 'not-happening'
March 1, 2019
**Disclaimer: I did not read the book, but my comments below are based upon something I saw in a review stating he wasn't celibate and the heroine was. bit.ly/2IMPMCL**


Sell-out gigs with screaming fans.
Women throwing themselves at me at the stage door.
I pose for the selfies and sign the merch, but that's all they get.
There's only one woman on my mind - and she's not my biggest fan!

Six years is a long time to be single.

Profile Image for Emeres.
204 reviews
February 26, 2019
She went six years without even a date before they reconnected? He was a man whore who slept with hundreds of women? How...typical. I hate when the female characters are portrayed this way. Of course he loved that. How did he put it? Oh yeah, his cock was very busy during their split...ewww.
Profile Image for Elizabeth.
419 reviews47 followers
Shelved as 'nope-nope-nope'
February 28, 2019
The blurb is very misleading if he does sleep with groupies, like that's not cool. If you have faith in your work, dont try to trick ppl into reading it. Some ppl genuinely dont like that crap, and it's one thing to just not say anything about what he does with the groupies, it's a whole other to blatantly lie in the blurb.
Profile Image for Miniikaty .
655 reviews132 followers
November 14, 2019
Reseña completa: https://letraslibrosymas.blogspot.com...

De este libro me atrajo sobre todo la sinopsis, que la parte romántica estuviera ligada con la música y encima fuera una historia de perdón y segundas oportunidades. Y al terminarlo reconozco que eso mismo es lo que ofrece, una historia sencilla, ágil y sin muchas pretensiones, que da al lector un romance apasionado sin subtramas, sorpresas ni mareos. Por lo que para desconectar es una novela que viene muy bien pero si buscas algo más complejo o con más chicha pues seguramente esta novela no te llene, que es lo que me ha pasado a mí.

Y es que a pesar de ofrecer una historia con sus cositas bonitas, su buena dosis de drama y pasión, me ha dejado un poco fría, no sé si ha sido culpa de que esperaba algo más, de la traducción latina que me ha parecido un poco extraña o por los personajes con los que no he llegado a conectar en ningún momento (a lo mejor una mezcla de todo), pero el libro no me ha llegado como esperaba en un primer momento.

"Estremeces mi mundo" es una novela romántica de segundas oportunidades, entretenida y muy ligera.
Profile Image for Anabel.
733 reviews128 followers
November 3, 2019
Desgraciadamente no me ha gustado, la historia en sí comenzó bien dentro de lo que cabe ya que ella lo perdona a mi parecer demasiado pronto y estamos hablando de una infidelidad, que él dice no haber hecho y ella creer a pies juntillas, pese a que su mejor amiga dice que lo vio, cree antes a un ex antes que a ella. Después un tira y afloja que pese a que me gustan en esta ocasión no ha sido así, me ha resultado todo muy irreal y las decisiones de ella no me han gustado nada. Además me ha dificultado la lectura el que esté traducido en español latino, que no estoy para nada acostumbrada. Es una pena porque la portada y la historia prometían mucho.
Profile Image for Claudia.
126 reviews32 followers
October 2, 2019
2,5-3/5 en realidad. Todavía no estoy muy segura de qué nota ponerle a este libro porque aunque me lo he terminado en un día y ha mantenido mi interés por seguir leyendo, los personajes o más bien su historia no me ha llegado a transmitir nada y ha habido actitudes en general que no me han gustado.
Para empezar ha habido una frase que me ha sacado de quicio, pero literal.

Primero os voy a poner en contexto. Tenemos a una pareja de protagonistas, Addie y Jace, que salían cuando iban a la universidad, se querían un montón pero que cuando él empezó a ser famoso la engañó y lo dejaron sin hablar ni nada, de hecho, la chica "huyó" y se trasladó de universidad. Han pasado 6 años y ahora a Jace le da un flush y dice que se siente vacío y necesita a Addie en su vida., ya que es a la única mujer a la que ha amado. Hasta aquí todo medianamente bien, lo que me ha sacado de quicio es que Jace se pregunta si Addie se habrá mantenido "pura" para él. Pero vamos a ver, tú eres gilip**** o qué!? ¿Cómo que "pura"? ¿Me estás hablando en serio? ¿De verdad me estás diciendo que si se acuesta con otros tíos es "impura"? Que además han pasado 6 años en los cuales tú a parte de convertirte en una estrella famosa has estado con una chica diferente cada noche... De verdad, os parecerá una tontería pero desde ese momento le hice la cruz al protagonista masculino, así que es posible que si no he conectado con la historia haya sido esta una de las razones.
Y luego tenemos a la chica, Addie, que parece una mujer fuerte y centrada en su trabajo, pero a medida que leía su punto de vista me parecía un poco inmadura. De verdad ha habido cosas que no les veía mucho el sentido y me han terminado sacando de quicio. Y en general no tengo problema con esto siempre y cuando haya un desarrollo, el cual no he visto :(

La relación entre los personajes no ha estado mal, dentro de lo normal diría yo. Lo que sí que me ha faltado es el toque cómico que suele haber en este tipo de novelas, pero bueno. Ah! Y otra cosa que no me ha gustado nada ha sido la amiga de Addie, Luci. ¡Vaya! Parece que no me ha gustado ningún personaje, bueno, la madre de Jace me ha encantado jeje. Pero es que Luci no me ha caído bien, al principio creía que sí, que iba a ser la típica amiga de protagonista que la empuja a hacer cosas nuevas y la apoya en todo, pero esto último no lo ha cumplido y el ultimatum que da a la protagonista en cierto momento ha sido como "no, gracias".

Creo que esta historia no ha sido para mí, y eso la premisa me parece muy buena, me encantan los libros sobre segundas oportunidades, pero con este es que no he conseguido empatizar con los personajes. El resto de la lectura ha estado bien, ha sido ligera y como digo me terminé el libro en un día. Sin duda probaré a leer otra cosa de la autora, no solo porque la prosa ha estado bien y la lectura ha sido ágil, sino porque además he visto comentarios que decían que este no era el mejor de sus libros.
Profile Image for JuD.
539 reviews17 followers
February 16, 2020
Una relación que empieza siendo muy tóxica entre los dos protagonistas en la Universidad. Se separan y años después, por motivos que no terminan de entenderse, se vuelven a encontrar y parece que todo lo ocurrido que les separo, fue nada y menos. Ambos llevan estos 6 años que han estado separados pensando en el otro...
Y algo que me ha dificultado mucho la lectura ha sido la cantidad de fallos gramaticales y ortográficos a lo largo del libro.
Profile Image for ReadingDiva Book Reviews.
499 reviews84 followers
April 2, 2019
Rock My World is the latest rockstar band story I read and one I found myself enjoying, even if with a few reservations.

Addison and Jace were college sweethearts, their relationship was full of joy and things stayed strong between them for a long time. But as Jace grew as an artist things started to change and Addison found herself seeing Jace less and less. One day, however, things crumbled when Addison learned of Jace’s betrayal and left him without a second thought. But even after years have passed Addison hasn’t been able to get over the betrayal and her love for Jace keep burning hot. Addison isn’t alone in her yearning. After years have passed Jace finds himself yearning for what he had with Addison and wondering if the pain and lonely he can’t seem to shake off has something to do with the girl he once loved but one who got away.

As the story develops and continues we slowly learn of how things have gone for each these characters over the years they have been apart. Addison has become an accomplished woman and Jace has enjoyed stardom. Each has gone through the years differently but each has found a certain level of joy. The author did a good job giving the reader enough information about these characters and their perspective in life, however, as we continue to dive into their story it is clear that what has been considered a betrayal isn’t anything more than a misunderstanding.

I enjoyed this story, both characters are well rounded in their respective career choices, while of course carrying enormous baggage and insecurities. Addison seems unable to get over what happened with Jace, she also doesn’t give herself a chance to move on, she buries herself in her work but forgets to live her life.

Jace, on the other hand, has grown as an artist, has enjoyed everything stardom had to offer including his fair share of groupies but understand that what once filled him with excitement and joy no longer does. While the story revolves around these two characters they each have lived a very different life. Jace has taken advantage of his position and has enjoyed it throughout, Addison, on the other hand, has hangup to the past and refuses to let go. Even after she is shown and proven to be wrong she refuses to give herself the chance to move on and be happy.

The story has a good pace but it fluctuates between cold and hot almost all throughout until the very end. Even after this character’s come to resolving their conflict we are given unnecessary drama that only lingers without adding substance to the story. However, the author did a good job exploiting these characters emotions and insecurities, but these added very little depth at the end. Addison reluctance to confront her insecurities and her lack of interest to explore what life was giving her, frustrated me the most. While her trust issues made sense and were justified, her inability to move on after having given the truth was what I dislike the most.

Rock My World is a nice story, one that explores the consequences of betrayal and lack of communication and what it leaves behind. The story isn’t very profound and it certainly has moments of unnecessary drama but overall it is enjoyable if one looks past those things.
Profile Image for Lenna  Wright.
3,172 reviews31 followers
February 26, 2019
I’ve read a few from Mia Ford and loved them But this story fell flat to me, I didn’t get a connection as a reader and actually skipped around to get passed all the extras. Okay simply put there was great moments and a bunch on okay moments. A lot of it felt to me was just added drama where it shouldn’t have it. Addison was weak in my opinion, she gives in and believes everything her friend Luci tells her without confirming the tale. As for Jace is 25 rockstar singer but he hates the groupies, the strange women in his bed and The traveling never enjoying the rockstar life anymore. 6 years they been apart from a misunderstanding but she haven’t dated nor went past the first date and him singing and sleeping is way through cities but they can’t get passed the other. NEITHER ONE WILL MAN UP AND ASK UNTIL HE LIES TO GET A DATE WITH Addie through her dating agency, money for him in and on their ‘date’ Jace thinks it’s a great time for a second chance at their love but will she belive he never cheated that Luci ‘supposed to have seen’????

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
1,079 reviews8 followers
March 2, 2019
Rock My World is a book of longing, love and emotional angst. It has the Author of a lifetime that has crafted such beauty with her words, that you just enrapture yourself with every single word. Trust that if you were ever to fall in love with a well designed book, it is this one. If you do not find yourself a fan for life, I'd be surprised. Ms. Mia Ford has crafted pure gold with the fated romance between Jace and Addie. These two met in college and when they saw each other for the first time, not only did the World stop, but life made perfect sense for these two amazingly created characters. They are calling for your attention and time. Honestly, to be able to walk away from this book was incredibly hard. Rock My World just demands your attention and draws to light, all over again, how unbelievably talented Ms. Ford truly is. This release comes equipped with a heartpounding happily ever after and a lightness of heart as well as the belief in true love that is indescribable.

I was beyond fortunate to have requested an advanced reader's copy of Rock My World in exchange for my honest & voluntarily given opinion and I can not wait to see what is next from this brilliant Author.

Profile Image for anita_thebookaddict.
496 reviews48 followers
March 28, 2019
ARC was given to me by Author. My review is being done voluntarily.

Rock My World by Mia Ford

I gave this book 5 stars. This was a second chance at love romance, and I loved it.
Based on some of the lesser kind reviews some readers are taking Jace Fairs " hooking up with other women" out of context. You really need to read the whole book to fully understand their circumstances that caused their separation to begin with. It was difficult for both of them. Luci, (wrongly) thought that she saw Jace kissing another woman, and ran to her best friend Addison Lang at the party they were at, and told her. Addie was so heart broken, that without confronting him she just took off without asking Jace if this was true or not?! Not even leaving a note of explanation. He was left, broken hearted without a clue as to why she just disappeared, left him with no cause, as far as he knew - for 6 years he never knew the cause of their separation. He had to move on, and he did by moving to L.A with his band.
She stayed and became a successful editor without ever thinking about dating anyone, because she didn't have time!

****The touch of her skin sent electrical fizzles everywhere and I knew that she felt it too from the way that she nearly jumped backwards. We laughed together, sharing our very first joke. I think I might have fallen in love with her there and then. I knew that she was different, that she was the one. “My name is Jace,” I told her. “What’s yours?”“ Addie,” she replied with a blush in her cheeks. “Actually, Addison, no one calls me Addie. I don’t know why I said that. Sorry, I’m just…” Her nerves were adorable. I just wanted to hold her, to comfort her, to love her. It took all of my strength not to grab her then and to squeeze her tight. I only resisted because I thought it might send her away. I didn’t want her to go anywhere. Ever again. “Addie.” I laced my fingers through hers, interlocking the part of our body that’s acceptable for now. The rest would come, I knew it. I could sense that sizzling chemistry bubbling already. “I think I like Addie.”“Then, Addie it is.”****
❤️❤️Jace's thoughts, I haven’t dreamed about her being my bride for a very long time, but now the image floods my mind and I love it. There hasn’t ever been anyone else that I wanted to marry, not like I do her. I may not have waited around like a nun for Addie, but she’s the only one who’s ever had my heart and soul. I love her so much that I would be happy with my decision even if it was because of her.❤️❤️
This was a beautiful story full of angst, misunderstandings, emotional, anger, heartwarming love, learning forgiveness, making a positive choice in life - maturity, a second chance at HEA, family!
It was a battle for Jace and Addie to finally overcome everything to get to their happy place, but they did it! What a wonderful ending.
Thank you Mia Ford 😍!
Profile Image for Michelle Quintana.
1,761 reviews7 followers
March 9, 2019
Enjoyed reading this book

I actually enjoyed reading this book by this this author. Jace and Addison had a strong love that burned hot when they were in college, but when his band started getting noticed, things slowly began to unravel. Now it's several years later and neither one has gotten over the breakup. Jace's band is now world known but he is no longer happy living the rock star life. Addison is living alone but is successful as the editor of the local paper. She hasn't dated since the breakup and her best friend Luci is trying to get her back in the game. She manages to convince Addison to sign up with a dating agency. Jace happens to see it posted online and freaks out. He knows that he has to do something in order to win her back. What he ends up doing is sweet but can also seem stalkerish. When he finds out why she left him, he tries his best to convince her that Luci was wrong and that it never happened. Every time things seem to go well between them, Luci goes and tells things to Addison, which gets her all twisted up inside. When Addison kicks him out of her life again, Jace knows he needs to get his life in order so he can try one more time to win her back. I really liked the ending because I felt like it tied everything up
Profile Image for Charmaine Nouwen.
4,415 reviews20 followers
February 26, 2019
Rock My World by Mia Ford is a great read. interesting,intriguing filled with drama and ups and down.great storyline,interesting characters with great chemistry,well done!

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for ☆☆Hannah☆☆.
3,182 reviews43 followers
March 3, 2019
Overall this was a decent read. It's just that Addison made me angry at times. She clearly still wanted Jace yet the way she was acting made me angry. If she had acted different things could have gone differently but instead she had to be pain. Thankfully it all worked out in the end and they got their HEA.
Profile Image for Whit.
3,303 reviews41 followers
March 4, 2019
Cute story about a rock star who, after six years apart, tries to win back the love of his life. Addison's best friend Luci, told her Jace cheated on her but it is never explained why she said that. Even when it is proven that he never kissed Emma, his then agent, the whole accusation is never clarified. Extremely confusing.
661 reviews2 followers
March 4, 2019
A fantastic, heartwarming story of second chances at love and family and realizing dreams coming true that were thought to be long sine broken. Jace is a rock star who has had enough of the music industry and want the life he dreamed with the girl who got away. Addie is a writer and editor and is reunited with her college sweetheart by a dating service six years later. Now, yes there is a lot of back and for between Addie and Jace with the same thoughts and questions of 'will he leave me again for something better' and 'will she ever believe that I love her more than anything and won't leave her again'. But I think it's this type of story that resonates with readers who have had the same doubts and insecurities in their own lives that makes this story so meaningful for them. So if you don't like a story with this same push and pull from start to finish with a wonderful story of self development in between then this book is not for you. Rock My World was a great story filled with doubts, insecurities, heartache, second chances, forgiveness, trust, passion, flirtatious banter, and love. I loved this new book from Mia Ford.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Tab.
445 reviews13 followers
July 24, 2024
Ok first off - the blurb selling this is complete BS- nice try - celibate rock - eyeroll.

Second off - the man whore and his celibate second chance true love is a trope that I am glad to see was getting called out more and more even back in 2019. This sexist shit is insulting to women. He fucks around even though he only wants one woman and she can't fuck around because she only wants one - do these author even know how full of shit that sounds!! Don't get me started on he wants her to remain pure for him - talk about losing two stars for that shit the fucking hypocrite.

Third off- the premise - he signs up for a dating site to meet her - good lord how lame.

Fourth off - I felt like my maturity level dropped ten years just reading this.

Fifth off - I almost didn't care what happened because I didn't like the heroine. She's supposed to be a career woman but she blushes at the drop of a hat, can't date a guy for even fun (eyeroll) caves to a date after he ambushes her, with zero grovel and an oh well I was so wrong.

I had to skim because all of the above made this story hard to get through. Of course its her cruel best friend Luci who set this in motion (the only interesting character in the whole story) and is supposed to be the villain. Overall bored and couldn't give a shit about either main characters.
Profile Image for Maria.
1,667 reviews6 followers
February 25, 2019
This is a book of college sweethearts, one going for his passion of music and the other being supportive. In college, Addison and Jace were hopelessly in love until Addison is told by her BFF that she had seen Jace kissing his manager. Addison ran off without a goodbye or confronting the situation leaving Jace confused as to why she left him, six years later he is done with the life of fame and decides to go back home to look for his true love. Addison on the contrary is dedicated on to her work that she wants nothing to do with men or relationships that is until Jace reappears.

Addison's BFF is always there for her and she knows it. She has no true relationship with her own family and believes in the only one that has always been there for her except the person who she loves. Jace had his life planned out in college with Addison but recognizes that they were both young, so he goes looking for her for a second chance, but then Addison's BFF is so upset that she distances herself from Addison, which creates a barrier for Jace, so he leaves.

The saying is that the third time's the charm, so Jace finally decides enough is enough and he sets out to fight for what he wants and needs which is Addison. The question is will Addison take him back after seeing him on social media with a new girl? Could his mother help her understand that she was always in Jace's heart? Did Jace truly cheat on Addison? Many questions need to be answer in order to see if this will work out for them both.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and I am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Kaye.
7,177 reviews67 followers
February 25, 2019
Man, I kid you not, Mia can bring the house down. This is just another example of how talented and insightful she is. A whirlwind of emotions and events that bring all the drama, fear, lies, uncertainty and a little intrigue brings this bad boy roaring to life brilliantly. Twisted and twinned and put through the wringer. Toss in some heartache, add a few obstacles and you have a spicy little mix. The characters are complex, believable with such depth and individuality it's easy to relate. and believable. They each play off one another in such a synchronized way they take on a life of their own. The scenes are written with such realism it really pulls this bad boy together beautifully. All the trials and tribulations, hope, fear, mistrust and love make this one outstanding experience that you won't want to miss. Mia totally nailed this bad boy 100%on point. Incredible job Mia, thanks for sharing this little gem with us.
Profile Image for Bookloverkg.
66 reviews16 followers
November 1, 2019
Esta es la puntuación más baja que le he dado a un libro este año, pero realmente me decepcionó!
La historia no tiene pies ni cabeza, los protagonistas viven en un eterno tira y afloja sin sentido, la historia de su separación tampoco tenía sentido, me hizo dudar de su edad y madurez ya que creo que sus separaciones y discusiones eran demasiado tontas.
Otra cosa que no me gustó para nada es que el protagonista es un cantante famoso de una banda pero en toda la historia no se menciona casi nada de la banda, ni una sola mención a la música de ellos, NADA!
Profile Image for Izzie d.
4,199 reviews334 followers
March 2, 2019
Man whore during separation. Not impressed as blurb insinuated he's celibate. He wakes up with random groupies and has a reputation for it.
Accusation of cheating from a friend led to initial breakup, heroine didn't check facts or confront him but just ran away.
The excuse is they were both young.
No intimate scenes with anyone other than the Hero and heroine.
No other women once reunited, despite offers.
Profile Image for Aracely.
857 reviews33 followers
October 25, 2019
La historia es flojita

Esperaba más de este libro y me ha sabido a poco. Por momentos me pareció muy tonta, los protagonistas me parecieron faltos de personalidad y demasiado inseguros. Esto es lo primero que leo de esta autora y en parte ha sido porque se le está publicando en español y soy de las que gusta apoyar cuando pasa esto. Le daré una oportunidad más cuando salga su próximo trabajo y veremos si mi opinión cambia.
Profile Image for Zaskya Benítez.
863 reviews25 followers
December 18, 2019
Abandonado 18-12-2019
La historia prometía mucho, a pesar de no plantear algo demasiado original. Sin embargo, la manera en que está narrado es absurda, las situaciones que plantea son irreales y ella me parece que necesita una buena dosis de madurez en su vida.
En definitiva una historia que sin dudas, no es para mi
1,015 reviews12 followers
September 20, 2020
Love is hard
WOW! What an emotional roller coaster this story took me on! This book is about Addison and Jace. They were college sweethearts who fell in love fast and completely! Their love-at-first-sight relationship lasted about 18 months until Addie left without a word, after being misinformed about Jace cheating on her.
Six years later, Jace is no longer finding his rock star life fulfilling, and is desperate to reconnect with Addie. Over the years he’s tried to get in touch with Addie, but with no success. He’s really missed her, and wants to get to the bottom of why she just up and left all those years ago.
Addie is a real workaholic and her best friend Luci is trying to convince her that she needs to start dating, to get Jace out of her head. Luci just doesn’t realise he’s in her heart still too. Luci was the one who told her that Jace had been kissing another girl at a party they were at, so she knows (?) that she has Addie’s best interests at heart. When Luci writes a quick online post about Addie going to a dating agency, Jace sees it, putting him into action – just before Addie asks Luci to remove the post, thinking it was quick enough that nobody would have seen it.
What ensues is a long cat-and-mouse-type of chase between the two. It’s obvious that they still love each other deeply. They are so incredibly hot and steamy together! It’s like their bodies just automatically remembered how they were together when they were a couple. Despite the passion still roaring through them, there are many obstacles thrown in front of them. It might just be too much for them to happily reconcile and live their dream life together.
I always enjoy Mia Ford’s books, but this had my emotions all over the place, almost making my head spin! I loved these wonderful characters and the complexities of their personalities and lives. I was totally invested in their story from the very start. I was a bit sad when the story ended because I hadn’t had enough yet, but I guess that’s testament to a well-written book too. The only thing I’m not sold on is Luci and what she supposedly saw at that party…
Anyway, I highly recommend this read. Don’t expect to get much decent sleep, because you won’t be able to put it down. Lucky school holidays have now started here! I give this book four and a half destined stars!
I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Jennifer Feltz Milkowski.
618 reviews1 follower
April 8, 2019
I really enjoyed this book.

I loved that we got both sides of this story. While I hated that Luci over stepped being a friend when Addison and Jace got back together, the first time. It really put Addison in a tight place, she already didn't want to tell her best friend that Jace came back for fear that it would upset her. Then when Addison tells her best friend that Jace is back and that they are together, what does supposed best friend do. Remind her of all the pain that Jace caused not bothering to care that maybe she saw something incorrectly, almost making me think that she was jealous of the relationship between Addison and Jace in college and lied to her 'best friend' about the kiss. I hated that Addison couldn't actually trust in Jase due to the past and even though she believe him about the kiss, she had a hard time letting go of all the girls that she had see him with not thinking that she was important to him.

I enjoyed the stroll down memory lane when they talked about their dreams from their college days. It was sweet to know that even after all these years they could remember and want that future together, no matter what the past held.

There argument before she told him to leave was painful. Unfortunately in their few amazing days or weeks together, they didn't figure out how to actually discuss and disagree about things, so their first fight became their last. I felt her pain when she saw the picture of the YouTube woman kissing on Jace, the felling like she really didn't matter. I just sucked knowing how many women throw them selves at Jace just for their 5 minutes of fame.

I do love his grand gesture, that he didn't mean to actually do. Jace wanted to get out of the spot life he wanted a life with the one woman he couldn't get out of his head and heart.

I really did enjoy this book, the angst was great, the powerful love was great and by the end of the book even Luci was truly a great friend.
9,811 reviews40 followers
September 17, 2020
Playing his way back into her heart

Rock My World is the story of Addison Laing and Jace Fairs. When they met in college they were completely smitten with each other and such hopes and dreams for a beautiful future together. But that is not quite how it turned out because of a lie that was told by Addie's "best friend" Lucy Emery. So they were apart for six years in which time Jace because a successful musician with his band Puppeteers. But for Jace it is not longer fun and exciting as really he is all alone since he does not have that one person to share it with. Addie over the years has never forgotten about Jace and has basically been living like a nun. Yep no dating, no men and no fun. But she still have her bestie Lucy. Addie finally joins a dating service after being convinced by Lucy and from there things turn into a whole social media thing. Jace finds out about the dating service and decides that this may be his chance to get back the one woman that has always had his heart. But even when he finally gets to her she is not welcoming him back with open arms. Things are a bit muddled up with feelings, concerns about others opinions, insecurities, betrayals and more.
In the end I thought this story was okay. To be truthful it annoyed me that Addie would just believe Lucy's lie and not talk with Jace at all about it, instead running away. Then when Jace reappears in her life it is like she regresses to being a teenager and worrying more about what others will think that what her and Jace's feelings are. But the ending was nice, yep they get their HEA, and the view into the future with the epilogue was enjoyable.

I received a copy of this book for my honest review. My opinions are all my own.
1,535 reviews13 followers
September 18, 2020
Jace Fairs is a Rock Star who is part of the rock group Puppeteers. This group was formed about 6 or more years ago while they were in college. Jace had been Addison Laing's boyfriend and in his mind, he never understood why she left college and him and never would speak to him again. Addison Laing is managing editor of a newspaper and her only "friend" Luci Emery and she told her friend Addie that she saw Jace kissing Emma her agent. Her parents she hardly ever saw or even talked to they were always off traveling or staying away. So this is where this story begins. Jace Fairs is restless and he happens to see a post on social media that Addison is looking into getting back into the dating circle and she still lives in his hometown where his mother lives. Jace decides to use the same dating service that she uses to get to see her. He does it and they come face to face and Addison's first instinct was to run. But they instead went to the nearest pub and they went and talked and drank. Felicia Fairs lets Jace know that she really like Addison and he is glad because at least he knows he is supported by his mother, his only family. It was Felicia and Jace against the world. Addison felt like the only family she had was her best friend Luci. I still wonder if Luci lied about seeing Jace kiss his agent or what she saw but anyways they eventually get their happily ever after but it takes a while to get there. Read this story by Mia Ford it is really a really great love story.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
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