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One year ago…
Sunny Fairfax, daughter of a former Chicago mayor, had been tops in the marketing game. She’d taken a tiny tattoo parlor, Skull and Bones Ink, and turned it into the most famous studio in California. Then the owner and unrequited love of her life, Atticus “Ice” Eisen, fired her.

One year ago…
Everyone thought Ice had it all—a privileged Beverly Hills background, a hot ink-slinging studio and a kickass reality TV gig. The truth? He’d hated most of it, especially that frigging show. The only reason he’d stuck with it was because of Sunny. Then shadows from his past closed in, and he’d had a choice—let the one thing he actually gave a damn about get destroyed, or sacrifice everything.

The way he saw it, the choice was easy.

Sunny’s stunned when Ice walks into her new life in Chicago. He’s the newest tattooist at House Of Payne, and no amount of dodging him works. Wherever she goes, he’s already there, ready to melt her panties with hot glances, hotter words and the hottest kisses she’s ever known. But none of it makes sense. Why had he fired her? And how can she trust him now?

The shadows are back, but Ice is a different man now. He’ll protect Sunny from the darkness that’s been dogging his steps every day of his debauched and useless life, and this time he has to destroy it. He has to, because when it comes to convincing Sunny he’s a man she can believe in, he’s on very thin ice.

90,000 words

***This standalone contemporary romance contains multiple sex scenes, bad cat puns, lame excuses from an Alpha male unused to making them, and a reverse-cowgirl in front of mirrors. No cheating, no love triangles, no cliffhangers. HEA guaranteed. Due to adult language and sexual content, this book is not intended for people under the age of eighteen***

260 pages, Kindle Edition

Published February 13, 2019

About the author

Stacy Gail

41 books310 followers

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Profile Image for Valeen Robertson (Live Thru Books Blog).
5,515 reviews201 followers
March 11, 2019

When Atticus “Ice” Eisen strolls back into Sunny Fairfax's life, to say she's not thrilled at seeing him again is an understatement. But, the mask she wears, born of years of keeping her family's secrets, descends back onto her face, and she's able to shut Ice out. But only for an instant, because Ice is determined to have the second chance he feels he deserves with her. His Sunny day may feel differently, but Ice is confident he'll be able to win her over. But it's that supreme confidence that just may turn Sunny off, or is it?

I really liked Ice. Sunny and Ice's story is angsty af, super steamy, and so intriguing and suspenseful. I can't say Ice was my favorite character, or anywhere near one of my favorite heroes, as his confidence and cockiness really grated on my nerves, but I loved Sunny, and how willing to go to the mat for her family she was. I wish Ice had explained to her from the get go why he had hurt her the way he had, it would have gone a long way toward toning down the somewhat too much angst, and it would have made me like him a lot more. As he was written though, he was able to redeem himself by the end, and I was able to give him a pass for hurting Sunny so much before.

ARC via Enticing Journey Book Promotions for an honest review.

Full review posted here ---> Live Through Books Blog.

Profile Image for Nerdy Dirty & Flirty.
3,985 reviews356 followers
March 4, 2019
I'm not even sure I have the right words to describe how impressed I am with this book.

The amazing job Stacy Gail did with the characters, the plot twists, the build up, it was all just a great combination for a 5 star read.

I wasn't even sure if I would like Ice at the beginning of the story. His pushy, take charge attitude seemed a bit much given what had happened. Or at least what I knew of it at the beginning. I didn't know what was to come though. I didn't expect the actions and secrets in his past to be so revealing of his true character. I didn't expect to feel bad for misjudging him.

What I did expect from previous experience with Stacy Gail was to love the leading lady. She has yet to write one without likeable qualities. This time was no different.

I was a huge fan of this book overall. And I am so thrilled there is more to come from the House of Payne.
Profile Image for April Symes.
5,009 reviews443 followers
March 8, 2019
House of Payne: Ice by Stacy Gail is book 8 in the series and it is Ice and Sunny's 2nd chance at love story.
This is one emotional and angsty read. From the moment the story starts, we get to see how the main characters story went off course and the things required to bring them back together. Ice and Sunny's story is full of heat, drama, angst, secrets, drama, rollercoaster emotions and huge feels. This is a couple that brings the steam and sizzle.
I loved the chemistry and their connection. Loved the ending and can't wait for book 9 in this series .

My Rating: 4.5 stars ******
Profile Image for Juliana Philippa.
1,029 reviews971 followers
Shelved as 'did-not-finish'
April 14, 2019
2.5 stars
I have loved the books of this series that I have read thus far, but this one rubbed me a bit the wrong way from the beginning. It reminded me of the first Stacy Gail book that I tried, Branded , with which I kind of had the same problem. Both start with the main characters having a history together and secretly buried sexual tension-crushing situations.

In this instance, it made no sense to me, or rather how things got back on track so quickly was very wrong in my view. The heroine and hero went separate ways a year ago, in a manner which required SO much groveling from the hero. He embarrassed the heroine on national television, said mean things, and fired her. He shows up on the scene back in Chicago now and I was shocked by how quickly she lets him back in. They start getting hot and heavy way too early and it just didn't make sense to me.

I DNF'd it, so you may be wondering why I gave it 2.5 stars and not 1 or 0, but essentially that's because it's still Stacy Gail (i.e. well-written), and the characters and storyline are compelling to a certain extent, and I think others might enjoy, but just wasn't my cup of tea and wouldn't recommend to others.

Instead, I recommend these stellar reads by Stacy Gail: Steele (SO GOOD!!), Twist , and Max .
Profile Image for Hart's Reader Group.
849 reviews39 followers
November 2, 2020
Heroine had no f**king backbone. One minute she was all about keeping the hero out of her life, the next she was thinking with her vagina and all about getting on his dick. She's a thirsty bitch.
Profile Image for Laura Veloso.
194 reviews6 followers
March 16, 2019
Just when I thought this series couldn’t get better. Ice and Sunny appear ❤️❤️❤️. Love them.
Profile Image for Lacie Romano.
593 reviews15 followers
February 18, 2019
Stacy Gail has the amazing ability to make her Alpha’s seeming Jackholes and yet fully redeems them and makes you want one for yourself! Her Heroines are amazingly strong yet relatable and she just draws you in to her writing, which completely devours you.
Profile Image for Joyffree.
3,233 reviews58 followers
March 6, 2019
Brings a whole new definition to the concept of "Fire and Ice"
Ice is primal when it comes to obtaining what he wants. I had a real problem with his attitude and lack of general civility in the beginning, actually most of the story. He was an overbearing self-centered sexy as all hell blonde, tone, tattoo covered, surfer boy and did I mention stubborn and determined? Oh and that Sunny Day is what he wants? The way he goes about "mending" past transgressions leaves a lot to be desired, I don't think he realizes how he once smothered Sunny's flame. Ice's heart has always been in the right place, he just allowed that primal part of his brain to make the decisions.
And just wait for the bomb that is the "why"! (no spoilers)
Sunny I truly felt sorry for. She has spent her whole life equating her value with her accomplishments and it has left her empty. Her inner monologues had me rolling - She really is smart and witty and somewhere in there is a sweet little girl who just wants to be loved. I can't fault Sunny in refusing Atticus advances then suddenly capitulating. They have known each other forever and her love for him has always been unrequited so when he bombards her, literally day in and day out, with the reality that she has always been it for him it is a bit hard not to taste the temptation even if she knows he may shatter her heart

Gail has yet to disappoint me with this series - The House of Payne series is one five stars read after another. Wonderful characters that touch the reader intimately. Story lines that engage and entertain and the perfect concoctions of angst, laughter, and romance.
I recommend this series to anyone who enjoys getting lost in their romance
Profile Image for Kelly.
5,242 reviews203 followers
May 25, 2019
ICE AND SUNNY. Ice is a fairly new tattooist at House of Payne, having just relocated from California, and BOY does he have a doozy of a story behind everything that happened a year ago with his girl Sunny. Except Sunny wasn't actually his girl at that point because of that aforementioned doozy of a story.

Their's is a complicated relationship. Actually, everyone at House of Payne kind of does the complicated thing. Or, at least, it's not a straight line from beginning to end. There tend to be a lot of twists and turns and roadbumps and IT'S SO DARN FUN.

So. Sunny. She's returned home to Chicago after her issues with Ice and she's pretty much hating life. Her father's sick. Her job is of the soul-sucking variety. The man she had a thing for had dumped her like yesterday's garbage in a VERY public way a year ago. Let's just say she's not in the best place emotionally when Ice rolls back into her orbit and leave it at that.

On the plus side, she was finding her feet again. You know, until Ice swept her off them. Then it was less about Sunny finding her feet and more about holding her own against Hurricane Ice.

Which she did. Beautifully. (She also found both her people and her place in a big way and I'm all over that.)

Secrets. Lies. Protective, dirty-talking men. Payne and Scout and their crew of artistic miscreants. LOVE IT!

-Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal
Profile Image for Jennifer Pierson.
11.6k reviews171 followers
March 3, 2019
I've gone round & round with myself on how I wanted to write this review, because I've gone round & round about Atticus 'Ice' Eisen, after what he did to Sunny Fairfax to be honest. See, I viewed him as a total douche for most of the book, and I'm not ashamed of that fact, because he was, even with all of his reasons. He fired her after it was the majority of her doing that brought his California tattoo shop, Skull and Bones Ink to becoming to most famous, and he even fired her on a TV show that she started. In my eyes, you just can't come back from that. After the firing, she comes home to Chicago, and a year later is shocked when Ice walks back into her life again. Now he's working at House of Payne, and wants Sunny back in his life again. Can you feel me rolling my eyes?! Yeah there's twists around every corner, like f-bombs dropping twists, but still, these two knew each other for years, which made his crap worse despite his reasons. Of course their chemistry shot sparks everywhere, so I wanted the sexy scenes that lit the sheets on fire, but then I wanted her to kick him to the curb. Yeah yeah, I know, I'm being harsh. But again, these two have a long history so no matter what those reasons are, he needed to be punished more. There's just one major thing, that's Stacy Gail's amazing writing style, yeah that, because she had me forgiving him by the end, and that my friends is why I can only give this story the perfect rating, and HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY RECOMMEND TO ALL!
Profile Image for Brandy Roberts.
2,082 reviews60 followers
March 4, 2019
Ice would be the first book that I've read by Stacy Gail and of the house of Payne series side note this can be read as a standalone and I'm looking forward to reading the first seven in the series . Ice and Sunny are a interesting couple they share alot alot ALOT of sexual chemistry you can just feel how intense they feel for one another through out the book . Loved Sunny she's a ballsy chick I liked how she didn't shy away from her hurt that Ice inflicted . ICE ICE ICE this man just wow he does something that brakes him in order to keep the Sunny safe so wanted to know why he did what he did and when it is revealed wow . The sex scenes were super hot and had me fanning my self with the steaminess coming off of them . Looking forward to reading more by the author in the future .
copy provided for honest review 
hero=8 heroine=8 secondary characters=8
Chemistry=10 steam=6 romance=6
humor=3 darkness level=3 action=3 mystery= 3
enjoyment=10 angst=3 story line=9 Story ending=9
character development=10 pacing=10
cover=10 Blurb =10 Stars =4
Is this part of a series =yes
Can it be read as a standalone =yes
would I recommend this book=yes
would I re read this book= yes
would I read future books by this author= yes
Profile Image for Dar.
3,984 reviews81 followers
February 9, 2019
This book started out, and I thought I had it figured out, but by the end it had turned me right around. I mean, surfer boy and political girl, seemed a simple formula – WRONG! Surfer pretty boy made me ache for him, my heart wrenched, yet, he made me happy at the same time. Politically correct girl also had me worried for her, she simply did not have it as all together as she set out to be

Ice and Sunny, supposedly best friends. A fall-out separated them, and now they are thrown back together. They take us along the ride, revealing bits of themselves to each other, letting us peek at it with them. And then the flood gates open, and everything still isn’t out in the open. They need to build trust, and that is the hardest part. Sunny needs to trust herself, her feelings, her instincts. Only after she does that, can she trust Ice. Ice has to trust her, and all the parts of her, in order to let himself go and be with her completely

Their chemistry gives them a second chance, but their hearts give them their forever

And can I just say, I want to work at the Itty Bitty Kitty Committee part-time! I mean, who wouldn’t?
Profile Image for Natasha Mahadeo.
963 reviews6 followers
March 17, 2019
OMFG this was my second book by Stacy Gail and she wowed my pants off. I fucking adore her writing style and her ease with both writing dialogues, hilarious banta and suspenseful scenes. Stacy you are definitely my go to Author from now on. I plan to go back and read this series from the start.
FYI LADIES I hadn't read the series of books beforehand and I was not lost one bit.

Hands Down I fucking was Gaga for Ice. He is an arse, arrogant arse but such a lovable, Hot arse.
Sunny is a Girl i would so have drinks with every weekend. She is mature, brainy and no ones Doormat.
Ppl said it was a second chance but it really isn't. Ice and Sunny never dated they were best friends and Ice fucked that up big time. But you can't blame him once secrets are revealed.
Sunny was so understanding about it all and that makes me so happy.

Ice Is ALPHA TO CORE AND MORE. He is relentless anx strong willed and in Sunny he has met his perfect match.
Grab this book now its nothing like what you may think after reading the Blurb, it's damn Sexy and intriguing. Grab it now ladiea....
Profile Image for Sheila'S Book Corner.
1,040 reviews79 followers
March 17, 2019
OMFG this was my second book by Stacy Gail and she wowed my pants off. I fucking adore her writing style and her ease with both writing dialogues, hilarious banta and suspenseful scenes. Stacy you are definitely my go to Author from now on. I plan to go back and read this series from the start.
FYI LADIES I hadn't read the series of books beforehand and I was not lost one bit.

Hands Down I fucking was Gaga for Ice. He is an arse, arrogant arse but such a lovable, Hot arse.
Sunny is a Girl i would so have drinks with every weekend. She is mature, brainy and no ones Doormat.
Ppl said it was a second chance but it really isn't. Ice and Sunny never dated they were best friends and Ice fucked that up big time. But you can't blame him once secrets are revealed.
Sunny was so understanding about it all and that makes me so happy.

Ice Is ALPHA TO CORE AND MORE. He is relentless anx strong willed and in Sunny he has met his perfect match.
Grab this book now its nothing like what you may think after reading the Blurb, it's damn Sexy and intriguing. Grab it now ladiea....
Profile Image for Kim.
1,564 reviews20 followers
February 10, 2019
4.5 stars! Another fabulous installment in this series! Ice and Sunny were so perfect for each other. I loved how strong and fearless Sunny was and how Ice burned his world down to protect her. This story seemed like it was ripped from some recent headlines, however, it was written before those headlines were made! Perfect timing.

Ice and Sunny had some super hot chemistry which led to even hotter sexy times. And that reverse cowboy mentioned in the blurb? Oh yes!

I wish both of them had been able to trust the other with their secrets just a little sooner in the story, but that's probably my own impatience. It was great to get a few cameos from previous House of Payne characters.

I highly recommend this entire series. Every book has been a winner for me! Can't wait for the next installment.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Christine Woinich.
2,480 reviews20 followers
March 7, 2019
I was not sure where this was going. It seemed to rush to the forgiveness part, but the secrets kept coming up and I wanted to know more. As I turned the pages, I became more engrossed in the story. Ice was gruff but truthful on the current situation, and he pretty much wore his heart on his sleeve. As for Sunny, she was loyal to her family but hard on herself. I loved how they came together with a little steam and a lot of all-in. This was the first book in this series that I read, and I liked the secondary characters as much as Ice and Sunny. I recommend this story.

I received an ARC through Enticing Journey Book Promotions, and this is my unsolicited review.
Profile Image for Allena.
1,254 reviews
March 4, 2019
I can’t get enough of House Of Payne, just when I think there’s no more to the story another winner hits my kindle.

Absolutely loved this couple and second chance is my least favorite sub genre. There is a lot of things going on that had me flipping pages to see if I knew the big secrets. Pace was good, it was nice seeing some of my favorite characters and we had some hilarious secondary characters. I learned that there is language out there for cat lovers that will have me forever cringing when I read or hear about a cat lover.

“Where in the world did you come from?”
“Technically speaking, a prenup, a twisted inheritance obligation, and a phony paternity test. That statement is one of the clues that gets dropped.
Profile Image for Wendy Livingstone.
18.1k reviews224 followers
March 6, 2019
This is the eighth book in this phenomenal series, and I am totally baffled as to how this talented author has the unique ability to just get better and better with each story. This is Ice and Sunny’s story, and it is an intense, emotional roller coaster journey from beginning to end, as well as being steamy, humorous, and with secrets and second chances. I was totally enthralled throughout this addictive page turner, and cannot wait to read more from this author whose work I always highly recommend for all.
Profile Image for Kristi Metcalf.
282 reviews4 followers
February 19, 2019
I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader’s Copy of this book

Soooo every time I see or here this title all that plays in my mind is “Ice, Ice, baby. “ Lol!!!!!
It’s Christmas in Shy town and we are back with the gang at HoP you know our favorite crazy tattoo artists!!! Man, I love these people.....
Any who, like I said we are back but with a few new people. Atticus “Ice” Eisen and Sunny Fairfax.
Sunny is a Chicago native and a PR whiz. After all it was mostly her that brought Ice’s California Tattoo shop Skull and Bones Ink to the most famous shop in Cali. That is until Ice fired her on TV and a show that she started no less.
Since the firing a year ago she came back home, which is good because her dad a beloved ex mayor is in poor health, but bad because she is working at a place that is the exact opposite of the Ink world.
Now, Ice has been in town since the summer and has sold his shop and taken a job at HoP and is ready to get his Sunny Day back. Yes he fired her, yes he did it in a horrible way, but he had his reasons.
Sparks everywhere with these two folks, all over the place. Lol, from the first “Why the Hell are you here” scene to the “I love you” scene these guys kill it. Throw in a slimy. black mailing, tabloid owning father and lots of secrets and BAM you got yourself one heck of a story.
What I love about most about Sunny and Ice is they are not a couple who met a few years ago, they have been in each other’s lives since Sunny was a teen, went to college together, worked together to build something from nothing, and yes loved each other.
Yes, Ice did some really crappy things, but we learn why and he had a great reason and thought he was doing the right thing.
We also learn secrets always get out, its better to get it out there then for it to be twisted to be used against you.
Profile Image for Fran Zoch, LSoR.
2,105 reviews13 followers
March 4, 2019
Ice and Sunny had it all until he threw her away and she never understood why, she has built herself up another life at the House of Payne and now here is Ice again she knows she shouldn't let him in but the pull is still there and she wants to give in.
Ice pushed Sunny away to keep her safe but now he is going to fight his demons and get to keep his girl forever , he just has to convince Sunny to give them another chance.
Profile Image for Renee Entress.
5,346 reviews77 followers
March 8, 2019
4.5 star

I was pulled right into this story. The story flowed well and I was able to keep interested in the story. Read it in one sitting. The story has laughs, pain, secrets, steam, and deep heartbreak.

If you have not read the below I would recommend reading those books(s) first
Payne (House Of Payne #1)
Scout (House Of Payne, #2)
Twist (House Of Payne, #3)
Rude (House Of Payne, #4)
Steele (House Of Payne, #5)
Max (House of Payne #6)
Tag (House of Payne #7)

This is Sunny and Ice’s story. Sunny and Ice were together but he made a choice when his past came for him and he sacrificed his love for her and shattered her in order to keep her from being destroyed. Not a year later he is walking back into her life. She is still hurt about getting fired and tossed aside but now he is all up in her space. Can she resist him? She never could before. But the past is coming back will he leave her again or will he fight the demons and get to keep Sunny this time around? He needs her like he never needed someone before can he trust that he will get to keep her this time?

I felt I was able to connect with the characters and the story was a great read.

I highly recommend this book and this author.
Profile Image for M B.
295 reviews1 follower
March 4, 2019
Ice and Sunny

The house of Payne stories are always so amazing and this one was no exception. The characters are so vivid they feel real. You really get the feeling you know these people personally and that is how you know a book is great.
Profile Image for Melissa.
670 reviews9 followers
March 3, 2019

She does it again... Stacy I swear with each new book, I’m deeper and deeper in love with all things The House of Payne related but Ice and Sunny’s just added that extra bit more. Like a huge chocolate sundae with cream on top kind of extra bit more. Love your work!!!
Profile Image for Tee loves Kyle Jacobson.
2,480 reviews175 followers
March 8, 2019
OMG This story was off the chain and I loved every moment of it. This is one of those stories that capture you right from page one and keeps you reading and had me on the edge of my reading seat wondering what was going to happen next and I needed to know why Ice acted the way he acted towards Sunny. Sunny had everything she wanted and she had an awesome job of being a marketer and she helps out Ice and things are going good until Ice fires her.

Sunny picks up and goes to the House of Payne and starts working there. She is living her dream when in walks her past yes Ice and he is their newest tattoo artist and Sunny can't help but to want to stay far away from him because he broke her once but she be damned if her tried to break her twice.

But Ice has other plans and with each touch and kiss Ice breaks down Sunny's walls and they give into the chemistry that has been kicking off since the first time they met.
Profile Image for Ashley Carr, LSoR.
4,710 reviews61 followers
March 8, 2019
This is absolutely the best series!! Can’t get enough of the men and women of the House of Payne!! This author writes stories that you are emotionally invested in it’s like you are living through the characters. This is a story about second chances at the beginning of the story Ice is a real pushy b**tard with an over-the-top take charge attitude, basically he is a douche. Then there is Sunny who has spent her whole life equating her self-worth with her accomplishments. When Ice fires her from the reality TV show that she started she is crushed that her best friend could do that to her. They meet again in Chicago when Ice is working for the House of Payne and he wants Sunny back. They need to build the trust back that was broken but will too much hurt get in the way? Their chemistry is off the charts when they finally come together but will that be enough to repair the damage already done? I highly recommend this book!
Profile Image for Pamela with Dreamer's Books.
3,875 reviews35 followers
March 8, 2019
Sunny and Ice had it all in their relationship until he fired her from his tattoo shop and let her go. One year later, Sunny is working at the House of Payne tattoo shop and is shocked when Ice shows up as the new tattoo artist to the team. The chemistry between them is as steamy and scorching as ever. Ice had his reasons for letting Sunny go. Ghosts from his past were coming after him and he wanted to protect her. Now he's back and changed but will he be able to convince Sunny to give them another chance? I love this series and every book keeps me interested, a recommended read to anyone that likes tattooed bad boys with dirty talk.

I received a copy of this book and am leaving a review.
244 reviews4 followers
March 9, 2019
Reviewed for Angel Babe's Blog!!!

I absolutely love the House of Payne series and I think Ice might be my favorite!!
I'm a sucker for second chance at love stories!!
Ice and Sunny are definitely a case of opposites attract!! Their story is an emotional rollercoaster ride full of LOL moments, tears, secrets as well as some F-bombs add in some insane chemistry and wow, you have a book you can't put down!!
I highly recommend this book and the entire series you won't be disappointed!!
Profile Image for Lynn  Just Lynn.
108 reviews
March 10, 2019
I believe this is my favorite book in this series. Which is strange because not a lot of it actually took place in or at the tattoo shop. I just loved the characters and the storyline. Ice and Sunny have a history that was based on protecting each other and over the years it became what true love is based on. I really did like this book and it can be read as a standalone.
Profile Image for Danielle Tate.
54 reviews
February 16, 2019
Another great read

Ice and Sunny journey was a rollercoaster of lol moments ,tears,and secrets.They also had steamy hot moments mixed in with a couple of throat punch moments. So all in all a pretty rounded book with all the feels. So I would give this one a 4.5 only because I'm not a fan of lolcat. If you are looking for a great read ✔ this out
Displaying 1 - 30 of 38 reviews

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