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Character Development #2

Gathering Strength

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Miles Boone is running out of time. He had one year to solve every beginner’s quest the Game offers or he faces a lifetime of slavery. Now, time is flying by and he can’t even find a safe place to play the Game. His apartment has burned down while he was in it. His secretive father won’t let him enter the Game from his home. Miles’s only choice is to enter the underbelly of society and try to win his bet from anonymous VR pods controlled by an old associate --or is that enemy?--of his father’s.

Meanwhile, the Party’s hunt for him in-Game continues. Surrounded by enemies from without and within, Miles has to keep upping his Game. His lack of a Luck stat makes it impossible for him to play like anyone else. With no luck, Miles will have to gather the strength to survive.

Gathering Strength is the second volume in the Character Development series.

291 pages, Kindle Edition

First published January 1, 2019

About the author

Aaron Jay

6 books79 followers

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15 (1%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 54 reviews
Profile Image for Daindastrup.
24 reviews1 follower
January 7, 2019
Disappointing addition to the story

It took until 2/3 in the the book before anything story wise moved at all. The majority of the “in game” story was actually just him doing training sims. The main character, or author, makes too many pop culture references to make themselves look cool or funny, and then Ancient Greek or obscure artist references to make themselves look smart. It came off pretentious. Had a good ending I may give the next book a try.
21 reviews
May 15, 2019

Is it possible for an MC to become much more stupid?

Here is something funny that I noticed about this book, the MC’s Action doesn’t match the writing.

Elaborate words.

It’s as if I want to say. “Stop that!” But instead, I try to sound smart and say “Cease all and everything you are doing at this exact moment!”

Or “I’m not sure.”

But instead you say. “Due to the lack of knowledge and understandings of present events, along with the befuddlement I currently find myself in. I can’t say for certain.

Ugh, just shoot me.

I had to DNF this book for the sake of my sanity.

And what’s up with quoting philosophy. Were you trying to trick us into thinking the MC is smart. We might have fallen for such trickery if the MC wasn’t wearing a helmet and smashing his head against a brick wall all while picking his nose and eating its contents. In other words, dressing a monkey to look like Shakespeare doesn’t make him an English Poet.
Profile Image for Brad Theado.
1,797 reviews3 followers
March 11, 2019
This is an extremely well developed game world. At times I felt it was too detailed but those parts were easily skimmed.
Profile Image for Tobi.
25 reviews3 followers
January 5, 2019
The author and with it Miles Boon did a good job of recaping the last book without it seeming really out of place.
The story and with it the worldbilding continues. New "players" are revealed. More hardcore mode "features" get explored.
A bit of fourth wall breaking here and there in a somewhat funny way was quiet the nice change, especially when they descripted why the MC did things the way he did.
The ending was good and probably the least of a cliffhanger a book can be with more books coming in the series.
Sadly I have trust issues with a single site character not really liking the MC while being with an oposing faction and than growing rather close and trusted with him, from reading the way of the shaman. Which makes me question every thing the side character does. We will see what comes of it.
Profile Image for GaiusPrimus.
813 reviews87 followers
January 30, 2019
Fun story, pacing problems

While I thought the novel in itself was fun, my biggest issue with it was the pacing. Looking back at the whole book from the end, it seems like the story only moved forward after the lastv1/3 or 1/4 of the book.

The fact that we're going a single quest/book is also a bit of an issue if the trend continues, since the overall arc points don't get resolved.

Timing between novels doesn't help the case either as it took me about 10 chapters to get things lined up in my mind.

Will be reading the next one
Profile Image for Huronimus.
74 reviews5 followers
January 20, 2020
More like gathering wool...

I really enjoyed the first book in this series, Beginner’s Luck. Unfortunately, the follow up is a mediocre slog with several serious issues.

First and foremost, I found the book a much slower and less fun read than the earlier work. This fits the theme of gathering materials, which the author mostly turns into a boring grindfest. The game world tedium is broken up by some lackluster cloak and dagger by the main character in the real world. It’s also in this setting that the main character makes numerous puzzling and foolish decisions. All of this is underscored by a step back in writing quality and editing.

Second, the main character directly addresses the reader at times. I was surprised at this odd change in writing voice, but tried not to let it break my immersion. As it reoccurred, I found it more and more annoying. It pulled me out of a story I was already struggling to stay invested in.

Third, the main character makes a mind boggling dumb decision. This decision would cripple his growth in the long run while offering minimal immediate gain at incredible risk. I had to reread the section to make sure I hadn’t missed mention of some epic bonus or clever plan. Nope, just a desperate main making a foolish choice to stretch and add drama to the plot.

And finally, about two thirds through the book is the most egregious use of deus ex machina I’ve read in a long time. Using false narrative, the author sets up an implausible series of events that lead to a ridiculous reveal pulled straight out of the author’s rear. It’s garbage writing and undermined all the better writing in the story.

While I found this book quite disappointing, the author’s writing potential is still a notch above the average LitRPG book. I hope the author reconnects with what inspired him in the first book and continues with the series. There’s a really interesting story here waiting to be told in what I assume to be a five book series.
Profile Image for Brittany.
115 reviews18 followers
July 11, 2024
When I first picked up this book, I was actually looking forward to the continuation of the previous story. The first book had a plot that was intriguing, complex, and sophisticated. I don't necessarily understand all the mechanics of this world. But, that was part of the reason I enjoyed it too. It was one person against an entire army of people.

However, this book lacked all of that. I only managed to make it through about 1/3 of the book before I just didn't care about it anymore. The main plot had died off into the background, while our main character - Miles Boon, grinded through battles he wasn't prepared for and OMG was he just completely insufferable!

He went on about how the smell of a business lobby ticked him off to the businesses deeper darker secrets, and how he knew that the word porn came from Ancient Greek, along with the interior design of this place.

While the author does provide a good reason for Miles is completely insufferable - His father is just as bad. It doesn't make me want to continue on. I don't care about Ancient Greece, I don't care that you think you're the most intelligent man on the face of the planet (cause you're not). I just wanted to be taken away into a new reality where the good guy wins, and the party has to give all their gold - or nano, away. But, as of right now... I agree with the party.
64 reviews2 followers
April 11, 2019
Improvements on the first, but still lacking.

I am a bit annoyed that I picked this book up. I wasn’t super impressed with the last one. However, this one does remove some of the heavy handed lecturing so prominent before. It also does a decent job of setting up a clash of political forces. You can see how Miles reacts to being a pawn.

I think I remain frustrated by the world itself. It does really feel all that fleshed out. Which is fine, the book focuses on character dev. However, there is not much interaction in most of the book. You are just stuck seeing how he will piece it all together. It gets tedious because he will figure it out and come up with some hack. I think I would like a bit more dialogue.

Still I want to know what happens next, which should say something.
Profile Image for Tony Hinde.
1,772 reviews49 followers
July 2, 2020
I was disappointed.

In book one Miles games the system by working out how to make money fast on the back of a local arbitrage scam and by leveraging a supposed handicap imposed on him by his enemies. That's a clever protagonist who is worth the reader's time. In book two he passes his second milestone by getting a lucky drop and using it to learn a skill which, unknown to him and the reader, grants him a magical refuge. Deux ex Machina!

I also did not like it when he, (I'll use a metaphor here to prevent spoilers), decides to buy some magic beans... from a woman he just met, who is one of the heads of the corrupt government and is an enemy of his father. These are the very beans that he knows caused the death of one man and the insanity of another. No problem, let's surgically implant them in the brain... what could go wrong?
728 reviews6 followers
August 25, 2024
A huge let down after book 1

DNF at 56 %

Unfortunately, the protagonist acts like a total buffoon from the start of the book regarding his location choices in both worlds. It did seem VERY idiotic to stay at places one can be expected to be when hunted.

I have to admit that I really don't care that much about his real life problems and the new threat as he still has enough problems as it is.

After suffering through half of the book and the moronic decisions of the protagonist i conclude that he obviously suffer from severe brain damage and should be institutionalised. His actions became ever more bizarre and he reminded me of times when i got stuck in old adventure games having to resort to desperate often idiotic measures,.
68 reviews
February 10, 2021
Well the main character is mentally challenged nitwit. The author is just terrible at creating a story developing characters and keeping characters engaged in the story.

So the author has the main character constantly acting like a complete moron. He is also constantly talking to the reader. Constantly filling the book with crap filler. I mean the main character thought it was a good idea to take a implant that mutates and turns the person into nut case that eventually kills themselves. Then he decided it was a good idea to go ask the people that tried to kill him for answers and help. Then I just gave up. The book is complete trash.
6 reviews
July 16, 2020
As a once upon a time DnD player I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed this book. The story shows the challenges of a running through a dungeon and how knowing the game mechanics can be more important that loading up your character with stats and high level equipment.

I really enjoyed the book.

I do have to give a negative point about the book. The explanation for how life became like a video game is not described very clearly... I still give 5 stars because it doesn't matter how the world came to exist. It is an interesting world.

14 reviews1 follower
September 22, 2020
The first book was good but slow at first. This book was slow for most of it. The MC seems to happy being constantly in a state of frustrating failure. It is well written and there are many very relevant historical and cultural references. Overall a good book but the lack of progression is frustrating until the end and I’m hopeful that the there is a actual planned plot for the remainder of the series. Will read the next book based on that hope. Could be a great series addition to the LITRPG bookshelf.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
387 reviews
August 30, 2024
Really good but no sequel yet (30-Aug-24)

This was a really fun sequel. The main character makes some stupid decisions compared to the last book but not so stupid you'll rage quit. The plot makes decent sense and is good.

There's still a lot of development and solo training which drags quite a lot compared to books with a more action based style. Although it has a fair bit of action too.

The world remains rich for a LitRPG and the narration was brilliant.

I will say that it is frustrating that the author has seemingly abandoned the series.
Profile Image for Adam Shook.
152 reviews4 followers
January 4, 2019
A good read

A worthy successor to the series long overdue. I loved the references to other authors in the community and a real trick ending. Better yet it didnt end on a cliffhanger!! Book 1 kind of did he ended up facing the unkown yet in this one while there was the eastman's and an unkown way to do his next task... there is hope. And hope is one thing miles needs a lot of. Especially since the poor badtard has no luck lol
337 reviews4 followers
January 24, 2019
Not as good as the first

Not as good as the first one, still and interesting story, but way too many internal monologues, someone ask a question then like 10 pages later you get to the response having forgotten the question that started the whole diatribe. Also, the M.C. in the first book was clever, in this one he's an idiot, still probably read the next one, but the first book was miles better.
3 reviews
January 25, 2019
good clean (as clean as any gamer will be) fun.

I enjoyed this book thoroughly. the struggles the protagonist went through gave the story more depth than is usual for this genre. well worth the time to read if you enjoy litRPG, but have been getting burnt out on more hack and slash (and spell..?) to level up. more thought and soul searching involved here. looking forward to the next one!
15 reviews1 follower
March 26, 2019
There were tons of fun gaming elements to this book, and the writing felt much more polished than the first book in the series. I enjoyed the references to other books in the genre. I didn't enjoy the pits; while this element reflected some books in the genre, I believe them to be the worst of the genre and was disappointed to see it here. If not for this writing choice, I would have given five stars.
Profile Image for Topher.
1,522 reviews
September 15, 2020
I found the real world in this story to be fascinating, and not something I still understand. And, the connection to roman-origin mythology (Romulus and Remus, not Jupiter et al) is a nice different spin on things from what I've seen in the past. I'm just a bit disappointed that there isn't a 3rd book - it's been a few years, so I'm thinking either there never will be a 3rd or it'll be far enough off (and the 4th and the 5th) that I won't remember the story from these first two, so I guess I stop here.
Profile Image for Chris Evans.
903 reviews43 followers
December 25, 2020
I forgot how much I love this series. The design of the world remains excellent and the characters engaging. There are some excellent character moments in here and a lot of good world building, but, in the end, it didn't really feel like much happened.

I also appreciate the OT star wars references. I wasn't expecting a "Great Pit of Carkoon" reference to end up that way. Disney trilogy references drop you to 1 star ;).
January 4, 2019
Great book

Another great instalment to this promising series, this books continue the story of Miles with his seemingly impossible quest. More political intrigue with the powers that be and some self-introspection are some of the things you can find in this book as well as more fights, crafting and gathering and an awesome Wolf. Hope people will enjoy it as much as I did! 10/10
898 reviews12 followers
January 6, 2019
Good follow-up

Over all i liked this sequel. I enjoyed this book by the end but the first half was slow and a bit of a struggle. I personally enjoy the MC gaming the game and players/factions but the first half was mostly setup and social intrigue which made it slow going. By the end i was very satisfied but I did have to grind early in the book.
Profile Image for Johnny.
1,945 reviews62 followers
January 6, 2019
Book two

Mistakes: I found only two in this book. Both were before reaching the 25% mark.
Plot: this book could have used a chapter to give a better refresher on the first book due to the length of time between the two books. This book was a lot drier than book one because it is mostly training and world building.
Characters: still kind of dry and bland.
Profile Image for Drew.
185 reviews3 followers
February 7, 2019
Great 2nd instalment

This was excellent IMHO and a great follow up. The MC continues to evolve slowly and sensibly in a believable manner. The story is very well paced and the writing style is something I’m enjoying and allows for nice we plot twists.

Looking forward to number three coming soon (v/soon please 😉).
29 reviews
February 8, 2019
A good balance of game and life circumstances

Raging against what remains of life to try and pave a better path, with a little bit of skill and a heavy dose of learning, having no luck can help you win it all. Or the barrier between worlds may prove to much and claim the ground from under you feet.
49 reviews
January 2, 2019
Worth the wait

It’s been a while since I read beginners luck. It was one of my first adventures in litRPG and this book has made a fine continuation. Looking forward to the next one
January 3, 2019

I love it, short sweet and super fun to read! The challenges the MC faces are endless, and the occasional breaking of a certain wall(hint hint Deadpool is known for it) gives me a laugh!
404 reviews7 followers
January 10, 2019
Fantastic sequel

Lots of great character development in this second book to the series. There's plenty of action, drama and plotting going on, as well as more training. I can't wait for the next book to see how the MC puts it all together!
38 reviews1 follower
January 11, 2019
Finished in one sitting

Well missed half a day of work because I never came back from lunch. The book is so good. A great story with awesome drama. The real world is as interesting as the game world with so much you want to know more about.
748 reviews11 followers
January 20, 2019
Excellent read

Like the first book, Gathering Strength is different than most LitRPG fare. I'm not sure how though. It's an intelligent optimistic post fall book and a great read. Definitely recommend this series.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 54 reviews

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