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The Complete Prophesies of Nostradamus

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The complete prophesies of Nostradamus.

360 pages, Hardcover

First published May 4, 1555

About the author


217 books135 followers
Michel de Nostredame (14 December or 21 December 1503 – 2 July 1566), usually Latinised to Nostradamus, was a French apothecary and reputed seer who published collections of prophecies that have since become famous worldwide. He is best known for his book Les Propheties ("The Prophecies"), the first edition of which appeared in 1555. Since the publication of this book, which has rarely been out of print since his death, Nostradamus has attracted a following that, along with the popular press, credits him with predicting many major world events. The prophecies have in some cases been assimilated to the results of applying the alleged Bible code, as well as to other purported prophetic works. Most academic sources maintain that the associations made between world events and Nostradamus's quatrains are largely the result of misinterpretations or mistranslations (sometimes deliberate) or else are so tenuous as to render them useless as evidence of any genuine predictive power. Moreover, none of the sources listed offers any evidence that anyone has ever interpreted any of Nostradamus's quatrains specifically enough to allow a clear identification of any event in advance.

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Profile Image for هدى يحيى.
Author 12 books17.4k followers
February 4, 2021

صدق.. كذب..تلاعب بالكلمات.. ‏
خرافات.. توقٌ لهذا الذي لا نعرف

أيا كانت الحقيقة
قراءة هذه التنبؤات متعة في ذاتها

المرة الأولى التي قرأت فيها عن هذا الرجل الغامض
كانت في كتب الراحل أنيس منصور
وهذا ما دفعني لقراءة الكتاب فورا ‏
وقت رؤيته في المكتبة العامة من أعوام طويلة‏

ولكن قراءة الكتاب وحدها لا تكفي
فالقراءة عنه أهم
كي تعرف كيف تقرؤه أصلا
فمثلا فرنسا عند نوستراداموس هي رمز الغرب
إيطاليا هي العالم المسيحي و أمريكا هي إسبانيا
‏ ‏
وكان علي قراءته الإنجليزية مجددا‏
والبحث عن عدة مصادر كي أفهم أكثر


ظهرت الطبعة الأولى في عام 1555 ‏
على شكل رباعيات ألفها نوستراداموس بطريقة غامضة
فهي أشعار مليئة بمفردات من لغات عدة ‏
فستجد فيها اللاتينية والإيطالية والإغريقية ‏
وفيها استخدم طريقة" الجناس التصحيفي ‏
أي تغيير أماكن الحروف في الكلمة ‏
أو حذف أو تغيير حرف أو حرفين منها "‏
‏ ‏
وذلك كله لإخفاء المعنى عن العامة من ‏
وكي لا يتهم من قبل محاكم التفتيش ‏
فيحرق وينتهي أمره لاشتغاله بالسحر والغرائبيات

ومن وقتها وإلى الآن تسري ين الناس همسا مسحوقا حينا
وجدالات ذائعة الصيت حينا آخر
يحاول الناس قرنا بعد قرن فك اللغز تلو اللغز
وتفسير الغموض بتأويلات لا تنتهي ‏

ولأن نبوءات نوستراداموس استطاع الكثيرون تأويلها‏
لتناسب الأحداث الكبرى في العالم
فقد جابت شهرتها الآفاق
وظلت وحتى الآن منبعا لا ينتهي لأحداث تمت أو سوف تتم


بعض ما ذكر في الكتاب وتفسيراتها الأشهر‏

‏*القرن الثاني -النبؤة السادسة
‏ ‏

قرب الميناء و في مدينتين
‏ ‏
ستحدث كارثتان ليس لهما مثيل
‏ ‏
جوع وطاعون في الداخل,‏
‏ ‏
ناس يطرحون خارجا بفعل السيف
‏ ‏
سوف يبكون من اجل الحصول
‏ ‏
على مساعدة من الله العظيم الأبدي ‏

‏ ‏
فسرت على أنها ما حدث في هيروشيما وناكازاكي ‏
بعد إلقاء القنبلة الذرية عليهما
‏ ‏
‏ ----------‏

‏*القرن التاسع-النبؤة الخامسة والخمسين

إن حربا مخيفة تدار في الغرب و في
‏ ‏
السنة التالية سيأتي مرض ساري رهيب جدا
‏ ‏
بحيث سيهاجم الصغار و الكبار حينما
‏ ‏
تكون النار و الدم و الحرب و الطيران في فرنسا

‏ ‏
فسرت على أنها الحرب العالمية الأولى ‏
‏ ‏
‏ ‏
‏*القرن الثالث- النبؤة الثامنة و الخمسين‏
‏ ‏

بالقرب من الراين سيولد قائد عظيم
‏ ‏
للشعب في شمال الألب وسيأتي
‏ ‏
متأخرا ليدافع عن نفسه ضد روسيا
‏ ‏
و هنغاريا و سيكون مصيره مجهولا

‏ ‏‏ تتعلق هذه النبؤة كما فسرت بهتلر ‏
‏ ‏

‏*القرن الثاني –النبؤة الرابعة و العشرون
‏ ‏
‏ ‏البهائم التي يدفعها الجوع ستعبر الأنهار
‏ ‏
الجزء الأعظم من ساحة المعركة سيكون ضد هستر
‏ ‏
سيجر القائد العظيم في قفص حديدي
‏ ‏
عندما لا يراعي ابن ألمانيا أي قانون

‏ ‏
هتلر مرة أخرى
‏ ‏
‏ ‏
‏*القرن الثاني – النبؤة التاسعة عشر‏
‏ ‏‏ ‏

قادمون جدد سيبنون مدنا بلا دفاعات
‏ ‏
و يحتلون أماكن غير قابلة للسكن
‏ ‏
بسعادة يضعون أيديهم على الحقول
‏ ‏
و المنازل و الأرض و المدن ,‏
‏ ‏
فيما بعد سيكون في هذه الأرض
‏ ‏
المجاعات و الأمراض و الحروب التي تستمر وقتا طويلا.‏

‏ ‏
فسرت هذه النبؤة بعودة اليهود إلى فلسطين واحتلالها
‏ ‏

‏*القرن الثالث- النبؤة السابعة و التسعين‏

بقانون جديد أراضي جديدة
‏ ‏
ستحتل في سوريا و الأردن
‏ ‏
و فلسطين وستتقوض القوة العربية
‏ ‏
وستنهار عند الانقلاب الصيفي(12 حزيران)‏

‏ ‏
فسرت على أنها حرب الأيام الستة (5 -10) يونيو‏
‏ ‏

‏*السداسية الحادية و الثلاثين
‏ ‏

السلالة التي واجهت المخاطر
‏ ‏
و المجازفات التي لم تخسر أبدا
‏ ‏
حربا في بلد قريب من فكرة
‏ ‏
المسيحية عند المغادرة.‏
‏ ‏
ستفاجأ بعمل غريب تقوم به مصر
‏ ‏
أما شعب مصر فسيكون مبتهجا بهذا الإنجاز

‏ ‏
فسرت على أنها حرب أكتوبر 1973 التي انتصرت فيها مصرعلى ‏إسرائيل ‏
‏ ‏
‏ ‏
‏*القرن الأول – النبؤة السبعين‏
‏ ‏

ثورة وحرب و مجاعة لن تتوقف في إيران
‏ ‏
التعصب الديني سيخون الشاه
‏ ‏
الذي ستبدأ نهايته في فرنسا على
‏ ‏
يد رجل دين (أو نبي) معتصم في معتزل

‏ ‏
فسرت على أنها قيام الثورة الإسلامية في إيران ‏
ووجود آية الله الخميني في فرنسا ‏
ثم قيام حرب الخليج الأولى
‏ ‏
‏*القرن السابع – النبؤة الثانية و العشرون‏
‏ ‏‏ ‏

سيهاجم العراقيون حلفاء أسبانيا
‏ ‏
بينما الناس أما يمتعون أنفسهم
‏ ‏
أو يتضاحكون أو يأكلون أو نيام
‏ ‏
البابا سيهرب قرب الرون ,احتلال إيطاليا و الفاتيكان

فسرت على أنها الاحتلال العراقي ‏
وقيل أن وصف الكويتيين بحلفاء أسبانيا يعود لأن
أمريكا كما نعلم ‏كانت مستعمرة أسبانية والبابا هنا يرمز لأمير الكويت ‏


‏*القرن الثاني ـ النبؤة الثانية و الستين‎

( mabus )سيموت‎
‎الغازي الشرير سريعا‎

بعد أن يقيم مجزرة‎

للإنسان و الحيوان لكن الثأر‎
سيتم فجأة بسبب خطابات لا نهاية لها‎

ستحكم القوة وهو سيزول الجوع والعطش‎

حالما يعبر المذنب قبة السماء‏‎

قيل أن النبؤة تخص صدام حسين
‏ فلو أننا كتبنا الاسم ‏‎
( mabus )
‎‏ ونظرنا إليه في المرأة لوجدنا أن الاسم يقرأ صدام‏‎
( sudam )‎


‏*النبؤة السابعة والثمانين

نار مزلزل الأرض من مركز الأرض ‏
سوف تسبب هزات حول المدينة الجديدة ‏
‏ ستتحارب صخرتان عظيمتان مدة طويلة ‏
ثم ستضفى اريثوزا لونا أحمر على نهر جديد

‏*النبؤة السابعة والتسعين

سوف تحترق السماء في خمس وأربعين درجة ‏
يدنو الحريق من المدينة العظيمة الجديدة ‏
ويقفز اللهب الكبير المنتشر الى الأعلى مباشرة ‏
عندما يريدون الحصول على دليل من النور متدين

هاتان من ضمن التنبؤات التي فسرت على أنها أحداث 11 سبتمبر‏


تظل هذه التنبؤات كنزا قرائيا
لصعوبة تفسيرها وصياغتها المعقدة
وتظل مادة لا تنتهي لكتب وأفلام سينمائية وتسجيلية‏
ومنبعا لهواة كل ما هو غريب ومدهش

لا ‏
ولكن هذا لا يمنع أنها مسلية للغاية

Profile Image for فؤاد.
1,082 reviews2,054 followers
December 19, 2018
پيشگويى هاى نوستراداموس

١. علوم خفيه
شب هنگام
در كتابخانه اى پنهانى
به تنهايى نشسته ام
شعاعى باريك
از ژرفاى خلأ بيرون مى جهد
صدايى بر مى خيزد
در ردايم به لرزه مى آيم:
خداوند نزديكم نشسته است!

قرن هاى انتهاى قرون وسطا و ابتداى دوران جديد، دورانى كه به رنسانس معروف است، از جهت آميخته بودنش با علوم خفيه، سحر و كيمياگرى و طالع بينى، براى من بى اندازه هيجان انگيز است. عارفان بزرگ كتاب هاى پيشگويى مى نوشتند، روشنفكران به اديان پنهانى و پرستش شيطان روى مى آوردند، حتى دانشمندان مى خواستند قوانين جهان را بر اساس محاسبات رياضى سحر و طالع بينى كشف كنند.

ماتيو ملوين كوشكى متخصص تاريخ اسلام مى نويسد:
بررسی اندیشه چهره‌های برجسته فکری سده‌های میانه، مانند راجر بیکن [با فرانسیس بیکن اشتباه نشود] و بسیاری از قهرمانان اومانیست دوران رنسانس و انقلاب علمی، مانند نیوتون، نشان می‌دهد که آنان، هم از نظر گرایش و هم از نظر روش، به علوم غریبه اعتقاد عمیق داشتند.
تأثير عميق نيوتون بر علم، يعنى اين ديدگاه كه جهان بر اساس رياضيات ساخته شده است، ديدگاه نوفيثاغورسيان و طالع بينان و اصحاب علوم خفيه بود، و نيوتون از پيروان راسخ اين نحله ى فكرى بود.

آن گونه که جان کینز، اقتصاددان بزرگ هم گفته:
نیوتون، اولین پیشگام عصر خرد نبود. بلکه آخرین فرد از عصر جادوگران بود، از عصر بابلی‌ها و سومری‌ها.

٢. نوستراداموس
به مدت چهل سال
رنگين كمان ديده نخواهد شد
به مدت چهل سال
رنگين كمان هر روز ديده خواهد شد

"ميشل دو نوسترادام"، با اسم لاتينى "نوستراداموس"، پزشك و عطّار فرانسوی بود كه به علت اشتغال به عطّارى، از دانشگاه اخراج شد. وى سپس در اروپا به سياحت پرداخت و با علوم غريبه آشنا شد و شروع به نوشتن تقويم هاى نجومى كرد كه وقايع ناگوار سال آينده را در آن پيش بينى مى كرد. (هنوز امثال اين تقويم هاى نجومى كه در آن ساعات سعد و نحس براى مسافرت و ازدواج و... مشخص شده، در بازارها و كتابفروشى هاى قم موجود است.)
از اين رهگذر شهرت يافت و شروع به نگاشتن پيشگويى هاى خود كرد كه در قالب اشعار كوتاه (چهار يا شش مصرعى) به پيش بينى وقايع جهان تا سال ١٩٩٩ مى پرداخت. كتابى كه امروزه از او مشهور است، همين پيشگويى هاى اوست.

٣. پيشگويى ها
باران، خشك سالى و جنگ در پارس متوقف نخواهد شد؛
آن كه بيش از همه مورد اعتماد است، به پادشاه خودكامه خيانت خواهد كرد؛
و آن چه در فرانسه آغاز شده، آن جا به پايان خواهد رسيد؛

تونس و الجزيره
به وسيله ى اهالى پارس
به جنبش در خواهند آمد

حقيقت آن است كه پيشگويى هاى نوستراداموس بيش از آن مبهمند كه بتوان آن ها را بر واقعه اى تطبيق داد، و مهم تر آن كه همه ى پيشگويى ها، "بعد" از آن كه اتفاقى افتاده، با دست بردن هاى فراوان در م��ناى عبارات، بر آن اتفاق تطبيق داده شده.
مبهم گويى رمز موفقيت پيشگوها (حتى پيشگوهاى امروزى) است: شنونده خود شروع مى كند به تطبيق دادن و تفسير كردن سخنان، و اگر پيشگويى اشتباه از آب در آمد، پيشگو مى تواند بگويد: منظور من اين كه تو فهميدى نبود!
مى گويند: يكى از امپراتوران يونان از پيشگوى معبد دلفى خواست نتيجه ى جنگ با ايران را پيشگويى كند. پيشگو گفت: اگر وارد اين جنگ شوى، امپراتورى بزرگى را نابود مى كنى.
پادشاه يونانى با خوشحالى وارد جنگ شد و شكست بسيار سختى خورد. وقتى پيشگوى معبد دلفى را بازخواست كرد، پيشگو گفت: من كه نگفتم كدام امپراتورى را نابود مى كنى!
Profile Image for James Swenson.
492 reviews34 followers
March 12, 2012
Let's take a page at random. There are 168 pips in a set of double-six dominoes, so we turn to page 168. On that page, we select quatrain 69, because 1+8=9, so that page 168 indicates 69 hermetically, and because the digits in the number 69 are symbolic of Cancer, astrologically:

Cancer astrological symbol

The psychic significance of this quatrain thus established, we discover a genuine prophecy!

The great one shall be no more in a false sleep,

The restlessness shall take rest,

He shall raise an army of gold and azure

He shall conquer Africa and gnaw it to the bone.

"The great one" here is a reference to guard Trey Burke, who scored thirty points to lead Michigan (maize and blue) over Minnesota, 73-69, in overtime, in a Big Ten men's basketball tournament quarterfinal on 9 March 2012. Nostradamus is amazingly accurate in predicting Burke's "restlessness" -- he played all 45 minutes. (box score) Burke "takes rest" after the semifinal, won 77-55 by Ohio State. He is described as "gnawing to the bone" to further clarify the allusion to the Wolverines. "Africa" refers to Golden Gophers head coach Tubby Smith, who is African-American.

Henry C. Roberts wrote some nonsense associating this quatrain with World War II; perhaps his prophetic vision failed him.

***serious review follows***

The apotheosis of mental illness, achieved at great effort by generations of scam artists and credulous fools.
Profile Image for Clay Davis.
Author 3 books141 followers
October 13, 2020
Not a good book cover. The poetry of the quatrains is very descriptive but the images are often too confusing to understand. There are some quatrains that the translators admit they can not interpret.
Profile Image for Nicolo.
2,831 reviews168 followers
February 19, 2016
A very interesting book to say the least. This is a volume that needs to be reissued to fit modern times.

This translation of Nostradamus' prophecies came at a time when the stated date of his armageddon was nigh. More than a decade has passed, but people should still be wary. The French mystic had an uncanny ability for prognostication and though he wasn't a hundred percent accurate it was still scary close. That was reason enough for people in the centuries after his death to study his more obscure and still active quatrains.

I am not certain of my own interpretation, but it seemed that even Nostradamus predicted 9/11 and the coming of Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda; the rise of China and the recent global economic meltdown. Read it and see what you think.
Profile Image for Dani (The Pluviophile Writer).
502 reviews47 followers
January 31, 2012
I had been really looking forward to reading this book for sometime and I'm sad to say that I was slightly disappointed.

I enjoyed the introduction that Nostradamus wrote for his son and King Henry as they gave me an insight to Nostradamus as a person and to a small extent the way in which he came up with prophecies and how he himself did not consider himself a prophet. What was surprising to me was the prophecies themselves as they are written in verses like a poem which I didn't expect. While the prophecies themselves are not poorly written I felt that I was reading a riddle through the entire book or like reading a book without ever determining the context of it just because I wasn't able to visualize or pin point any historical events myself. Nostradamus' period of reference (the 15th century) didn't work to his advantage when writing about centuries to come as much of his references had to do with monarchy which, no longer exists and hasn't existed for some time.

I think if I were to have a reference novel or research paper to accompany me while I read this I would have been able to take a lot more away from this book. In saying that, I now have a strong desire to read some essays and books by people who have taken the time to analyze this work properly so that I pursue what I properly missed by reading this book on my own.
Profile Image for Young Kim.
Author 5 books22 followers
April 8, 2020
...And now that we are in a republican era, with Almighty God's aid, and before completing its full cycle, the monarchy will return, then the Golden Age. For according to the celestial signs, the Golden Age shall return, and after all calculations, with the world near to an all-encompassing revolution...

Intriguing, yeah, we will see about that ;)

There are many typos and mistranslated lines. Nevertheless, the book's got clear linguistic value for the 16th-century French and Latin.

It's like a primary source, so the book's got its priceless value as it is.

Of course it is always pain in the ass to analyze his prophecies, but the book's like 16th-century French literature, and it is kind of fun to read if you like puzzling, classic literature like classic Chinese poems.

Each line's got its English translation; so if you are interested in Nostradamus or simply classic literature, I recommend this book for you, but if you don't enjoy classic literature you wouldn't like it at all.

His messages are delivered in his "original" quatrains, so if you are looking for messages "clearly interpreted", I recommend you to find another book.
Profile Image for azhar.
16 reviews1 follower
April 18, 2007
spooky!...i used to read this book all the time when i was little...basically i was trying to see if nas (his street name) had prophecized about stuff like what day my schoolbus would be late, or when my teacher would call in sick so i wouldn't have to study for the exam scheduled to be given that day--you know, that kinda stuff...looking back on it now that i'm (much) older and (somewhat) wiser, i realize the guy was just talking to jinn...big deal...
Profile Image for Steven Belanger.
Author 6 books24 followers
July 13, 2010
I started writing Apocalypse after reading this book, when I was 14. Very creepy at times; puzzling at others. For those who think that anyone can write gibberish and then readers can "see" in it whatever they want, I urge a review of the book's--and author's--history. The guy could certainly see something. If he could, it proves that history (aka fate and time) is interconnected and linear. That view led to my (so far only) published short story, "Hide the Weird." Cheetham does a good job translating and editing and occasionally commenting, but there's scant scholarship for these translations. I doubt anyone's radically differs.
Profile Image for حيدر العبدلي.
Author 1 book188 followers
June 21, 2017
نوستراداموس عبقري من ناحية انه يترك كلامه مبهما يحتمل عدة تأويلات كما انه يستخدم تأثير بارنوم،. ولو قال نوستراداموس ان كتابه منزل من الاله لوجدنا مراكز للأعجاز تشرح كيفية لوي عنق نصوصه كي تنطبق على الاحداث والعلوم، لأنها ببساطة من نوع النصوص الرمزية التي تقبل عدد لا محدود من التأويلات.
انا لو كنت قرأت رباعياته بلغتها الأم لأعطيتها تقييما اعلى لكني اقيم على قدر فهمي واستذاقتي لما هو متوفر.
Profile Image for Esraa.
145 reviews26 followers
April 3, 2014
كل واحد مفسر التنبؤات ع كيفو -_- !

كذب المنجمون ولو صدقوا
Profile Image for Pritam Chattopadhyay.
2,911 reviews177 followers
June 27, 2022
Can people in actuality perceive the upcoming? Can they receive messages from across time and space?

For centuries, seers and prophets have come forward, offering dramatic visions of mankind's providence. But what happens when the predictions turn lethal?

Paris, France, 1555. Astrologer and physician Michel de Nostradamus publishes a volume of four-line poems called quatrains. Readers at the time are bewildered by the author's use of manifold languages, word puzzles, and what was even then considered antediluvian syntax.

The book of 353 quatrains, foretold natural disasters, wars, conflagrations, plagues and other major problems far into the future.

But perhaps even more inexplicable is the volume's title, "Les Propheties," "The Prophecies."

He wrote down his visions in the form of “quatrains”, which are four-line poems. These can be difficult to decipher, and it is their very vague nature that skeptics say discount their meaningfulness.

Did he really see the future, or are we vainly trying to find meaning in someone’s puzzling ramblings?

Dig these:

1) 9/11:

“Earthshaking fire from the center of the Earth
Will cause tremors around the New City,
Two great rocks will war for a long time,
Then Arethusa will redden a new river.”

This is one we can all relate to, as many of the predictions happened a long time ago. Center of the Earth doesn’t make much sense except if you think 9/11 was an inside job, in that the detonations came from within the building. It might also mean that the USA is debatably the most commanding nation, the center of the Earth.

The New City, New York, experiencing tremors makes sense as does two great rocks, The Twin Towers. But they don’t war for a long time, so was he talking about Islamic terrorism and the USA?

Arethusa was a Greek nymph and we can’t relate that to the disaster but redden a new river could be a river of blood. In another quatrain he supposedly wrote: "Two steel birds will fall from the sky on the Metropolis / The sky will burn at forty-five degrees latitude.” We don’t need to explain steel birds, and New York lies at 40 degrees North. Although, there is proof to suggest that the first part was made up, and the quatrain actually went like this: “The sky will burn at forty-five degrees latitude, Fire approaches the great new city.”

2) The rise of Hitler:

“From the depths of the West of Europe
A young child will be born of poor people,
He who by his tongue will seduce a great troop
His fame will increase towards the realm of the East.”

Two lines from another quatrain read:

“Beasts ferocious with hunger will cross the rivers,
The greater part of the battlefield will be against Hister.”

By West Europe we can say Germany. Hitler wasn’t born underprivileged but experienced poverty in his early life and was destitute for a while. His populist policies were also meant to support the exploited. He was a great orator who got most of the country behind him and surely seduced a great troop. His reputation, or notoriety, did indeed amplify. In the other lines the beasts that cross rivers could be Germany invading countries and of course Hister could be Hitler, although it’s thought Nostradamus was using it as a name for the Danube River.

3) The French Revolution:

“From the enslaved populace, songs, chants and demands
While princes and lords are held captive in prisons,
These will in the future by headless idiots
Be received as divine prayers.”

One might look at the enslaved masses as what was known as the ‘Third Estate’, the common people of France who for the most part had been subjected to deficiency and inequities. They banded together with chants and demands and stormed the Bastille. Indeed, many of the noble people were imprisoned by the tides of the mob. As for headless, we have ‘the guillotine’.

4) Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombing:

“Near the gates and within two cities
There will be scourges the like of which was never seen,
Famine within plague, people put out by steel,
Crying to the great immortal God for relief”

The two cities make sense, and a scourge never seen was the dropping of the first atomic bomb on a populace. Famine and plague could be radiation poisoning and those sufferers left howling for relief.

5) The Great Fire of London:

“The blood of the just will commit a fault at London
Burnt through lightning of twenty threes the six:
The ancient lady will fall from her high place
Several of the same sect will be killed.”

The ‘fault’ was perhaps a fire that started at a bakery owned by a man called Thomas Farriner. That was in London and the great fire happened in 1666. Three times 20 equals 60 and plus the 6 you have 66. London could be the ancient lady and indeed London was at that time in a very high place. The city didn’t fall, but the damage was vast. The city had to be practically rebuilt. As for the same sect, was he talking about religious people or the mostly poor that died?

6) The Moon Landings:

“He will come to travel to the corner of Luna
Where he will be captured and put in a strange land,
The unripe fruits to be subject of great scandal,
Great blame, to one, great praise.”

‘He’, the astronauts, will travel to Luna (Latin for moon or goddess of the moon). Captured could mean put on TV and of course space was a strange land. The unripe fruits some people think could be the beginnings of space travel and the cost, accidents, even moon-landing deniers, could all be scandal. Depending on where you stand on the space race, you might blame or praise it.

7) JFK and RFK being assassinated:

"The great man will be struck down in the day by a thunderbolt,
An evil deed foretold by the bearer of a petition.”
Another falls at night time
Conflict at Reims, London and a pestilence in Tuscany"

A great man in JFK is struck down not by thunderbolt but by gunshot. This deed was indeed forecasted as he had received many death threats (petitions). Another falls, could be RFK who at nighttime (he was killed at 12.15 am) was assassinated. And as for the last part it’s a long shot, but these murders reverberated around the world.

8) Napoleon:

"PAU, NAY, LORON will be more of fire than of the blood
To swim in praise,the great one to flee to the confluence
He will refuse entry to the Piuses,
The depraved ones and the Durance will keep them imprisoned.”

Nostradamus doesn’t mention France explicitly, but Pau, Nay, Loron are three towns in the southern part of the country. Rearrange these words and you get Napaulon Roy. In French, Roy (spelled Roi) means king, so you’ve Napoleon the King. He certainly swam in praise and perhaps by confluence it could mean how he battled all through Europe. Some people think the mention of Pius relates to Popes Pius VI and Pius VII, who were both imprisoned by Napoleon as is said in the last line.

9) Louis Pasteur:

"The lost thing is discovered, hidden for many centuries.
He will be celebrated almost as a God-like figure
This is when the moon completes her great cycle,
But by other rumors he shall be dishonored."

Pasteur was the great French biologist, microbiologist and chemist who was in fact pretty much the demigod due to how many lives he saved. It seems Nostradamus did mention Pasteur by name as the French reads “Sera Pasteur demi-Dieu honore.” The thing discovered may be the technique to obliterate bacteria by heating beverages and allowing them to cool, among other discoveries he made. But then it says after a while he will be desecrated, which Pasteur was, many years later in 1995. That was when Gerald Lynn Geison published his biography of Pasteur “The Private Science of Louis Pasteur” that leaves him in a less heroic light.

Nostradamus had become, initially, celebrated as an almanac writer.

One has got to actually understand that this is during the time of the printing revolution. And he was one of its first bestselling authors. And then he embarked on a history of the future, which would look at everything up to the year 3797 AD, nearly 1,800 years from now, and beyond.

The book received a mixed reaction when it was published. One critic charged that Nostradamus conspired to ‘wrappe hys prophesyes in such darke wryncles of obscuritye that no man could pyke out of them either sence or understandying certayn.’ But others accepted his prophesying. Catherine de Médicis, wife of the king of France, was one of his most prominent admirers.

"The Prophecies" was in the beginning met with out-and-out incredulity and contempt. Many believed Nostradamus to be either a swindle or mentally ill, perhaps both, probable due to the fact that one of his verses outrageously foretold of a predominantly violent death for Henry II, the king of France.

Nostradamus made a prophecy about Henry II dying in a jousting accident.

Quatrain 35 read that a young lion would face the old in conventional combat. He shall be pierced through a gilded cage, two wounds made one. The wrangle happened precisely as he foretold it.

Both men had lions on their shields. Large shards went through the gilded visor of the king. One penetrated his forehead into his brain, the other in between his eye and socket, destroying his eye. And he died of infection of the brain, ten days later-- an agonizing death.

After the king's death, Nostradamus' reputation as a seer of the future grew rapidly, which was, at the time, not necessarily a good thing.

It is well known that Nostradamus concealed the nature of his prophecies, which, at that time, was very politically incorrect and could have gotten him in a lot of trouble. He would come into great conflict with the church if he put himself on a pedestal and be like Noah or Moses or people like this.

Despite the controversy, "The Prophecies" eventually became one of the most widely-read books in the world. It both astounded and terrified readers with its predictions about dreadful events to come.

Is it possible Nostradamus received his prophetic visions because he was in touch with a higher power?

It's an interesting theory and could help explain how Nostradamus was able to see and know things that would not happen for centuries, things he was trying to warn us about.

Some readers later credited Nostradamus with foretelling the Great Fire of London, the rise of Napoléon and Hitler, and the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center.

Michel de Nostredame was born on either 14 or 21 December 1503, and he passed away on 2 July 1566. He is almost certainly the world’s most illustrious seer of the future, sometimes called a soothsayer, or prophet, who from a young age so they say, had visions of future events.

Although there is much skepticism about the accuracy of Nostradamus’s predictions, the popularity of his published prophecies has not diminished.

The purposeful vagueness of his pronouncements continues to make them appear pertinent to past, present and future world events.
Profile Image for Lammoth.
250 reviews31 followers
October 18, 2012
След няколкодневни анализи на пророчествата на Нострадамус и разшифроване на четиристишията му, най-сетне успях да разбия кодовете и да разкрия неговите предвиждания за следващите месеци и за цялата 2013 година:

Декември, 2012
Цял свят очаква краят на света. Никъде нищо не се случва, освен на едно място - в България. Там е регистрирано поредно земетресение с магнитуд 7 по Рихтер. Оказва се, че Искра Фидосова е скачала на батут във вилата си, който се скъсал.
Мит Ромни печели изборите в САЩ и в първото си обръщение призовава всички хора на Земята да се обединят...и да приемат мормонството. Кабинетът му разкрива, че мисията до Марс всъщност има за цел да открие планетата Колоб, около която живеел Бог. Дори пратили на Бог съобщение.
България още се възстановява от щетите.

Януари, 2013
Вместо Бог обаче на съобщението отговарят извънземни. Мит Ромни узаконява фон Деникен като месия и приема Деникенианство като негова религия. Извънземните построяват междугалктическа хипер-магистрала, която обединява двата свята. Бойко Борисов от Земляните е избран да пререже лентата.

Бойко Борисов кани извънземните да построят ядрена електроцентрала в България, като им предлага Кремиковци в замяна. Станишев и руснаците бойкотират сделката.
Българският филм "Пъзел" с Асен Блатечки печели Оскар за най-добър чуждоезичен филм на 85-та церемония в Долби тиътър. Оказва се, че журито от Академията гласували, защото го гледали безплатно и ги е било страх да не намерят Блатечки да им рови из хладилниците.

Пореден атентат е извършен на територията на България. Членове на женската крайно радикална терористична организация "Голите фереджета на Хадидже" нападат чисто голи (само с фереджета) изискан еврейски ресторант и се хвърлят в прегръдките на богати господа. Жертвите са 15-на мъже - трима получават инфаркт, а останалите 12 са пребити от ревнивите им съпруги.

Бог най-накрая чува молитвите на Мит Ромни и праща Исус (ака Озирис, Митра и т.н.) обратно на Земята. За негово нещастие той попада в чалга клуб в България. Исус веднага е поканен да участва в Биг Брадър, заедно с двете Златки и Мадона. Двете Златки и Мадона се сбиват и си скубят косите за любовта на Исус. В крайна сметка Исус е изнасилен от двете Златки. Мъките исусови продължават и Исус е принуден да участва в Шоуто на Слави, както и да запише песен с Анн Джи и Устата. На всичкото отгоре Митьо Пищова сяда върху него. След всичките страдания Исус трябва да плати сметките си за ток, вода и парно с българска заплата. Исус не издържа и става будист. Имигрира в Бутан и след три дена възкръсва в Белия дом на Мит Ромни.

Останалото: http://lammothsblog.blogspot.com/2012...
Profile Image for Benjamin Stahl.
2,084 reviews62 followers
November 19, 2023
I could only handle so much of this book. And that's not to say it's awful, or devoid of interesting content. Some of the "predictions" Nostradamus made do, if one applies their imagination, appear quite startling. And I certainly cannot fault the research conducted by Erika Cheetham in linking all the man's many, many muddled writings to events in history.

My issue with the book is that, 200 pages in (which is as far as I got, before I started outright skipping), you are faced with the daunting task of reading another 200 pages of just the same cryptic nonsense that may or may not merely be the ramblings of a deluded occultist, linked with admirable effort but charmlessly numbing repetition to what are primarily obscure events in European history the average reader will not give a fuck about. Too much on the Napoleons, random French towns, the French royalty, battles and assassinations most would not have heard about.

The main lure employed in this book is its negligible indicators that Nostradamus foresaw the rise and fall of the Third Reich, the assassination of John F. Kennedy, and even a Third World War (which was tentatively expected to occur around 1987).

I do not like to skip pages, or even skim-read, and I only do it when my will to persevere is totally annihilated. It happens only very rarely. And if this book had more of a cohesive and progressive structure, rather than just the same types of jumbled quatrains reworded without form or pattern, I would have stuck with it to the end. As it was, being all mixed around in order to be even more obfuscated (Nostradamus', not the editor's, doing), I could not take any more of it.
Profile Image for جابر طاحون.
418 reviews213 followers
September 11, 2014

"سيندم الملك بعد فوات الأوان
على انه لم يعدم خصمه:
ولكنه سرعان ما سيوافق على أشياء اعظم،
ستؤدي إلى انقراض سلسلة نسبه بكاملها."

"بهيمة في المسرح يعد المشهد والحبكة.
أفعال الأيام السالفة ترفع من شأن المؤلف،
الطوائف المنشقة تضع العالم في حالة اضطراب"

"و حسرتاه، كيف سنرى أمة عظيمة تتعذب إلى هذا الحد،
والقانون المقدس في خراب تام."

"وستبدو السماء غير عادلة في البر والبحر والجو.
طوائف، مجاعة، ممالك، أوبئة، اضطراب"
"يقضى على الأوبئة، ويصبح العالم اصغر،
وستسكن الأرض مدة طويلة بسلام
سيسافر الناس بأمان عبر السماء، وعلى البر والبحار:
ثم ستندلع الحروب من جديد.

سوف يكون التغير صعبا جدا.
سيربح في ذلك كل من المدينة و الريف.
رجل عاقل من مقام رفيع سوف يطرده الى خارج المدينه شخص ماكر.
في البر و البحر سيغير الناس ممتلكاتهم.

في معركة سيبهر الملك مملكته.
القائد الاعظم سيفشل في و قت الحاجة
قتلى، و دمار، و قلة تنجو ثم يباد الجميع
ماعدا واحد سيكون شاهدا.

حينما يكون الغراب على برج من الاجر
و لا يفعل شيئا سوى النعيق مدة سبع ساعات؛
انه ينذر بالموت، تمثال ملطخ بالدم،
طاغية يقتل، اناس يصلون لألهتهم.

بعد انتصار اللسان الهائج
الروح ترغب في راحة ساكنة.
و في المعركة يلقي المنتصر الدموي خطابات،
تشوي اللسان اللحم و العظام.

Profile Image for Bashar Alhamwi.
6 reviews1 follower
January 1, 2015
انا لا أومن بالتنبؤات او التنجيم ..ولكن احد الاصدقاء نصحني بالكتاب و قال انه تم التنبؤ باغتيال كندي و احداث برج التجارة العالمي ...قرات القليل و لم استطع اكماله ...كتاب غامض و تافه مليء بالخرافات التي يمكن تفسيرها كيفما اتفق و بطريقة عشوائية ,,لا انصح ابدا بقراة الكتاب
Profile Image for Nandakishore Mridula.
1,287 reviews2,489 followers
May 26, 2016
I think the predictions are silly, and the interpretations far-fetched; but some of the quatrains are spooky. So as a horror afficionado I enjoyed it!
Profile Image for Ruby Yaquot.
292 reviews23 followers
September 11, 2022
الحمد لله رب العالمين ع نعمة الاسلام ، والإيمان بالقضاء والقدر خيره وشرع
سبحان الله علام الغيوب ، عنده مفاتيح الغيب لا يعلمها الا هو ...
الكتب عبارة عن كلام متلزق ف بعض وبيتفسر حسب دماغك وبيليق الكلام ع أحداث كتير ، اما بالنسبة لتفسير الكاتب لكل رباعية فبحس أنه مبيفسر حس مزاجه ، أو هات يابنى الموقف ده من التاريخ لائق نكتبه تحت الرباعية دى ...
فيه رباعيات مش متفسره ، وفيه رباعيات هتفسر انت غير تفسير الكاتب ...
ف النهاية لا تعتبر نبؤات إنما ممكن سيناريوهات مكتوبه طلاسم كهنه بما انهم بيحبو ينتمى للمجموعه دى (يتحكمون ف مساءر الناس) فمحال أن يفشي الكهان تلاعبهم وتحايلهم لأحد ، فكتبوا طلاسم
اما هو سيناريو فيه اجزاء بتتحق ولا لسه هتتحق بفعل البشر مش بفعل التنبؤ فنسي ال��اتب أن. بنا موجود ، ويمكرون ويمكر الله والله خير الماكرين
Profile Image for Gregory.
183 reviews
July 27, 2021
The fascinatingly accurate predictions of Michele de Nostredame are not to be underestimated. Eerily specific portrayals of history some 200 years before they occurred; like the rise of Hitler, Napoleon, and the exile of Franco. There's many others, mostly associated with France, and it's sad considering Nostradamus's own views of Catholicism reconciling what he obviously viewed in the future as the destruction of Catholic views and teachings. What a depressing life to be burdened with such knowledge. A few quatrains foretell a future which is rapidly becoming the present, and the clear destruction which will be created. I only hope those around to see it know the true importance of God.
Profile Image for Arvind Kulkarni.
29 reviews
August 23, 2020
If the proffecies hold true, I personally feel humanity is going to experience lots of horrifying events...
Profile Image for Arunayan Sharma.
Author 3 books33 followers
December 27, 2020
Not so interesting. Based on assumption and speculation. Accidents can happen, but can't be predicted.
Profile Image for C.
22 reviews2 followers
May 12, 2017
ohhlallaaa back to the future, there and here again! amazing alchemist,
mon bien-aimé sage, michel de nostredame
Profile Image for Meris Stella.
Author 1 book14 followers
August 10, 2021
I've read a few interpretations of Nostradamus, including Stewart Robb's from 1961 and Erica Cheetham's from 1973. This 1986 edition is a bit more updated, but doesn't include the New York 2001 bombings or the French involvement in Indochina and Vietnam. The French history bits seem pretty accurate, Nostradamus is good with names, which is something that Saint John had trouble with in Revelation. Both of these prophets mentioned Napoleon, Hitler and the Kennedy brothers. I'm looking forward to a more modern and politically diverse translation, by someone who has studied history outside of just France. Plenty of quatrains have no current attributions. Nostradamus seems to concentrate on French events, but not much has so far been linked to French colonisation in Africa, the Caribbean, Asia and the Pacific. It's interesting to note that Saint John, Mohammed and Nostradamus made their prophecies from quiet locations around the Mediterranean, and all have been accurate with their predictions.
Profile Image for Leonor.
163 reviews9 followers
July 29, 2020
لقد قضيت وقتاً كبيراً وانا أقرأ عن نوستراداموس وأسراره، وأقرأ الكتاب وعن الكتاب، فقراءة الدراسات الخاصة بالكتاب أهم من قراءة الكتاب نفسه. فالكتاب عبارة عن كلمات غير مفهومة وكلّ يفسرها على هواه. لقد ذكرتني بكتاب الجفر لمحمد أبي العزائم الذي اكتشفت لاحقاً انها مجرد اشعار عادية ممتطية زيّ الدين ضدّ اي تشكيك.

لماذا لا نتحدث عن مصداقية الكتاب؟

لقد تعرض الكتاب للتحريف من قبل النازيين في الحرب العالمية، وقد تعرض للتحريف مرة اخرى من قبل بريطانيا العدوّة في الحرب العالمية الثانية لأغراض نفسية.
ولأن نوستراداموس كتبه بلغة اختلطت ما بين الفرنسية واللاتينية والإغريقية والبروڨانسية والإيطالية والاسبانية وغيرها، فقد تعرض للتحريف أيضاً في ترجمته الى لغة واحدة.
وخلال عملية ترجمته الى اللغة الانجليزية وهي التي اجيدها أيضاً قد تعرض لبعض من التحريفات.
وبالطبع قد تعرض الى تحريفات خلال عملية ترجمته الى العربية، فالكاتب لم يشير الى اسم هتلر بصراحة في النسخة الاصلية، ولكن كان اسم هتلر صريحاً في النسخة العربية، كيف ذلك؟ لا أعلم.

مليء بالدجل والطلامس، كلام فارغ بصراحة.
Profile Image for Marwan.
87 reviews32 followers
December 21, 2014
الحقيقة لم أفلح فى فهم أى شىء و لم استطع أكمال الكتاب قهو مليىء بالقصص الوهمية التى يمكن تطبيقها على أى شىء يريده الباحث .
هل المشكلة فى الترجمة؟ أم فى قلة الحواشى , على كل حال الكتاب بالنسبة لى يعتبر ملىء بسخافات و لغط القرون الوسطى. ما أعرفه أن الأعلام العالمى و هو موجه بشكل غير مباشر من صناع القرار فى الدول العظمى أستخدموه فيما يتعلق بأحداث الشرق الأوسط و بالتحديد ضد صدام حسين و ذلك لتخويف الرأى العام منه و هذا يكفينى لأحكم عليه بكونه هراء, فالواضح أنه أداة أعلامية رخيصة و الأهم فى النهاية لم يصدق ( و كيف يمكن أن يصدق) أى شىء وصفوا به قوة صدام
شىء أود أضافته قد لا يكون ذو أهمية و قد يكون سخيفا , لمن لا يعلم أسم آموس يستخدمه اليهود بكثرة لدرجة أنه يكاد يكون حكرا عليهم الآن وسابقا فى أوروبا و أسم العراف مكون من مقطعبن نوستراد و آموس أى ببساطة يمكن أن يكون يهودى! أكتب هذا الكلام و أنا لا أعتبر اليهودية وصمة شر بل فقط لكوننا أناس عرب و لدينا مشاكل كبيرة يصعب حلها مع الصهاينة
Profile Image for T Campbell.
59 reviews3 followers
January 27, 2018
This has got to be one of the greatest examples of people reading into what isn't there that I've ever seen, even greater than what people do to the Bible, horoscopes, and Shakespeare. Any reasonable reading would find these prophecies far too specific and irrelevant to the modern day to be useful, but the desire to make sense of our chaotic world is so strong that thousands sort of will themselves to believe one guy with no particular other talents could foresee five hundred years of human history. They find themselves saying "Well, that's just a metaphor" and "isn't it amazing this one four-line quote of a giant work, if you squint and mistranslate it just right, looks like it could have predicted this present-day thing?" No, it isn't.
Profile Image for Jim Davis.
44 reviews
August 14, 2021
Author translates by feelings instead of obvious exact word matches, repeats mistakes

Author translates by feelings instead of obvious exact word matches. 51. By those at the Seat of the Picards, Normans, of the Main (river). So many translations are wrong and people keep repeating those mistakes. See is German word for sea. Siege without accent grave alludes to the headquarters or king or council of nobles. I suspect you took someone else's work that was wrong and altered it as you see fit. The book is worth 4 bucks. Sorry to be so harsh but it's really not hard to realize that he likes to play on words. He may mean the seige at the headquarters of the Picards and Normans by those from Frankfurt am main...but I don't think so.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 114 reviews

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