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After Sundown

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Danger brings together two guarded hearts in a battle for survival in this irresistible story from New York Times bestselling authors Linda Howard and Linda Jones.

Sela Gordon, the shy owner of a Tennessee general store, finds safety in solitude. But if anyone can pierce her protective shell it’s the handsome, mysterious ex-military man living alone in the wilds of Cove Mountain. For two years, he’s kept his distance—until the day he appears to warn her that a catastrophic solar storm capable of taking down the power grid is coming. Now, Sela must find the courage to become the leader Wears Valley needs.

Bitter experience has taught Ben Jernigan it’s best to look out for number one. For two years the former soldier has lived in a self-imposed exile, using a top-notch security system to keep people away. But he had to let Sela know about the impending threat—and now the quiet and undeniably sexy woman is making it too easy for him to lower his guard.

As panic spreads, Sela and Ben discover that in the dark, cut off from the outside world, there’s no more playing it safe—in life or in love.

384 pages, Hardcover

First published March 31, 2020

About the author

Linda Howard

253 books6,980 followers
Librarian Note: There is more than one author in the GoodReads database with this name.

Linda S. Howington is an American best-selling romance author writing under the pseudonym Linda Howard. After 21 years of penning stories for her own enjoyment, she submitted a novel for publication which was very successful. Her first work was published by Silhouette in 1982. She is a charter member of Romance Writers of America and in 2005 Howard was awarded their Career Achievement Award.

Linda Howard lives in Gadsden, Alabama with her husband, Gary F. Howington, and two golden retrievers. She has three grown stepchildren and three grandchildren.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 665 reviews
Profile Image for Val ⚓️ Shameless Handmaiden ⚓️.
1,964 reviews33.8k followers
November 22, 2020
2 - 2.5 Stars

I've been reading Linda Howard for over 25 years and have read over 50 of her books. She's one of my all time favorite authors and I still re-read all of my battered mass market LH paperbacks on the regular.

***I was going to insert a picture of some of them here on my shelves, but as it turns out, I'm really effing lazy. So there's that***

Anyway, like I was saying...I love classic Howard, but have had less luck with her newer stuff (especially the stuff she co-authors with Linda Jones). Such was kind of the case here.

I found the beginning a bit slow. Okay, incredibly slow. It read like a beginner doomsday prepper documentary and, well...


The middle picked up a bit and it definitely started to feel like more of a Howard book (for a hot minute, anyway)...but it didn't make up for the molasses-grade beginning and it didn't compare to the LH romance relationships of old. It felt rushed.

That said, I really liked Ben. He was 100% an LH hero (although one who was stifled by the story) and I definitely wanted more of him. And more of him and Sela together. They had great chemistry and I feel like that should - and in an older LH, would - have been expanded on a bit.

Overall, I didn't outright dislike this as I have with the few more recent LH books I have read. (Raintree Inferno, anyone? Ugh). And I definitely have to account for the nostalgia I have for most of her other books. It undoubtedly makes me subconsciously have overly high expectations for anything new I read by her, even though I tell myself to not hope for much.

But it's all good. I enjoyed this well enough and I was able to get it from the library. I would probably have rated this harsher if I had paid for it, not gonna lie.

And now I feel like grabbing one of those battered paperbacks...
Profile Image for Corina.
781 reviews2,487 followers
March 14, 2023
I'm actually reading it a second time in less than 6 month - lol - what can I say, I really enjoyed it...


4.5 stars

This book was right up my alley. Even though I’m not a big fan of YA dystopian novels, I really enjoy them when they are adult fiction novels. And After Sundown was a wonderful surprise for me. Beside me devouring the novel in one-sitting, it’s definitely a book I would recommend. Especially if you like slow burn, and grumpy and broody heroes.

Although the plot was pretty straight forward: a solar storm was coming and it would destroy the power grid on earth. And not surprisingly the hero was prepared, but of course nobody else was. The dystopian aspect of it, the preparation and survival was what made this novel so fascinating for me.

It boggled my mind to read all the things that were necessary to survive a solar storm. Everything I took for granted each and every day. And how the world as it's known would just stop to exist from one second to the other. No more grocery stores, gas stations, warm water, and washing machines. No more hospitals and medications. It got really scary the longer I thought about it all. So I stopped thinking and just enjoyed the book.

Because there was much to enjoy.

But of course the situation wasn’t without danger. Fear can make people rapid. And when survival instincts kick in, everyone fights for themeselves. And then there is also just plain greed. But all in all, the novel was less brutal and scary as it could have been just because of the topic. And I love how well balanced the authors kept the plot, since it’s being marketed as romantic suspense.

I'm a big fan of the couple. I love broody heroes, and Ben was someone that just worked for me. And I really appreciated Sela's independent nature, her wanting to stay in the background instead of being in the middle of things. Together they were an understated couple, but one that really worked for this novel.

last thoughts

The only complaint I have is that there wasn’t enough dialogues for my taste, which is kind of a Linda Howard trademark. With this being a slow burn, and a dystopian novel, the research and preparation was the highlight of the book. And because of the preparation etc there wasn’t much interaction between Ben and Sela in the first half of the novel. And without the interaction, there wasn't the signature dialogue that I love so much.

Nevertheless, I can see myself reading it again, because I’m such a sucker for this kind of novel. (UPDATE I already re-read it within 6month of reading it the first time.)

I received a copy of this book from the publisher for free in exchange for an honest review. My opinions have not been influenced by the publisher or the author.

Profile Image for Michele Rene.
140 reviews63 followers
February 6, 2020
I loved After Sundown. You will get hooked from the very first page. The battle for survival for this community, unlikely people working together and a love story all in one. I recommend it to everyone. I took lots of notes, just like I do with all the survival books I read. We all need to get prepared, you never know what will happen in the future.

I won this book on Goodreads Giveaways!!
Thank you Goodreads!
Profile Image for Esther .
923 reviews197 followers
July 23, 2019
ARC provided by Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review.

Wow, this took me a long time to finish and it was not an easy read. I use to love LH old books but this is so different from her past romances.

The story was very difficult to engage in and this wasn't heavy on romance either.

The story centers around a dire solar storm that takes down the power grid around the world. Sela Gordon who runs the general store and ex-military Ben Jernigan join together to help the small town survive.

Sela is a shy and quite person and Ben is a recluse. Each has noticed the other when Ben visited the general store. But when disaster strikes they are thrown together and find they end up fighting not only for survival but their strong attraction for each other.

This story was written in such a way I couldn't really care about the characters, town or what happens. It was hard to track with the story and what was taking place. And the romance was more physical and not much heart or emotion in my humble opinion. It was very difficult to finish.

Not sure if I will pick up another LH book.
Profile Image for Jonetta.
2,363 reviews1,191 followers
June 10, 2020
Sela Gordon lives in a remote mountain town in Tennessee. She’s divorced, runs a general store and gas station, and lives modestly near her aunt and cousin. Ben Jernigan is former Special Forces who also lives in this resort community but chooses to exist in isolation off the grid, never interacting with any of the people in the town. However, he’s admired Sela and she him but neither have ever spoken to one another. When one of his friends from another state warns him (of course, by ham radio) that they are hours away from a catastrophic solar event (coronal mass ejection or CME), Ben visits Sela’s store for last minute supplies and suddenly decides to warn her. She has a choice whether to believe him and prepare or chalk it up to his weirdness. She makes the fortuitous decision to hedge her bets and behave as if his information is correct, which in the coming months served her well after the CME destroyed the power grids around the world.

Well, it’s not a virus but this event is a global one that destroyed the life everyone was accustomed to living. It was fascinating to contrast the behaviors of those who understood preparedness with others who were quite clueless. Many of the people living in this town were used to living off the grid from time to time because of harsh weather events where they’d lose power or access to stores to get provisions. What I loved about the story was how the unlikeliest stepped up to the challenge and provided leadership. In times of crisis, you’ll see the best and worst of behaviors and that was strongly presented here, rather authentically. Sela emerges as the one with the steady hand and head, quietly steering the community in the right direction, figuring out how to manage chaos into some semblance of a new normal.

I enjoyed the story as it was timely in the midst of what we’re currently experiencing. Though a different event, the reactions and feelings are relevant to the times. I’ve read a couple of other stories involving “preppers” recently and they’re not seeming so strange these days. Ben is one of them and while his past demons drove him to separate from the rest of the world, I respected his decision and liked that it was a struggle for him to reengage at Sela’s request. Their relationship was definitely a slow burn but I liked that aspect, too. The narrator was new to me and I thought she did a wonderful job distinguishing a host of characters and not over dramatizing a dramatic story.

There are suspense elements but they present later in the story with sort of a predictable outcome. However, the heart of this story is the strong theme of community that resonated mightily within me. I needed to see and feel this at this moment. It’s a good story with lots of interesting characters who will inspire you to do better.

Posted on Blue Mood Café

(Thanks to HarperAudio for my complimentary copy. All opinions are my own.)
Profile Image for Kay.
2,182 reviews1,119 followers
June 23, 2020
This is my third book by Linda Howard. Because I liked her previous book, The Woman Left Behind I borrowed this one blind. To my surprise, the underlying story was CME (Coronal Mass Ejection) or Solar storm - This is a doomsday romance in small town of Cove Mountain Tennessee.

Some reviewers are sensitive to this topic during our COVID time, understandable, doomsday prepping started very early in the book. Despite having only a day in advance warning from a reclusive handsome hunk ex military guy about the impending storm, Sela stocked up on dry goods and emergency supplies including toilet paper (yes! it left me chuckle, Linda Howard knows her #*!&)

It was a decent book. I like the plot and the characters were OKAY. There were a few love scenes, the author didn't go too deep into any apocalyptic, science or romance.
Profile Image for NMmomof4.
1,651 reviews4,584 followers
August 2, 2020
2 Stars

Overall Opinion: Yeah, I’m big time bummed on this one. I’m actually a pretty big fan of post apocalyptic type romances and I honestly think there needs to be more of them! Especially with how crazy the world is right now!! But, sadly, this didn’t hit all my buttons like I was hoping it would. It was super slow. In the action and in the romance. It was more like a survivalist manual for how to gather a community to survive together...okay, maybe I’m being dramatic there with saying that — but it didn’t feel like much of a storyline and definitely not very romantic. The ending was just the cherry on top with how abrupt and how lets-throw-in-HEA-elements-last-minute it was. Dang.

Brief Summary of the Storyline: This is Sela and Ben’s story. Sela is shocked when the mysterious town hottie speaks to her and warns her of a solar flare headed there way that will take out all of the power grids. Ben is just fine in his mountain home secluded from society but there is something about Sela that has him needing to warn her and also help her when he can. Sela has an elderly aunt, the aunt’s friend, and her 15 year old cousin that she has to protect and she also finds herself in charge of the community when they all start working together to survive. There are dangers to deal with, some suspenseful scenes, some sad moments, and a few sexy times...and they get a HFN ending.

Point Of View (POV): This alternated between focusing mainly on Sela and Ben (and a few other characters) in 3rd person narrative.

Overall Pace of Story: Slow. I never skimmed but I definitely struggled a good bit.

Instalove: Kind of. Is there such a thing as a slow burn instalove?! 🤦🏻‍♀️😂 It took for-ev-er for things to happen between them and there was not much development there once they do make the move. Maybe they were building off of years of being acquaintances or something...?

H (Hero) rating: 3 stars. Ben. He was protective and damaged, but I don’t think I really connected with his character on the level that I would’ve liked.

h (heroine) rating: 3 stars. Sela. I appreciated her growth but didn’t feel like I had a good grasp on her characterization either.

Sadness level: Low, no tissues needed

Push/Pull: Yes

Heat level: Alright. They have some chemistry and scenes -- but not very much and not so much it takes away from the story.

Descriptive sex: Yes

OW (Other Woman)/OM (Other Man) drama: No

Sex scene with OW or OM: No

Cheating: No

Separation: No, once they decide they’re together they don’t have any separations

Possible Triggers: Yes

Closure: This ended abruptly with what I’m going to call a HFN ending. Others might be fine in calling this a HEA, but I felt like it just jumped into a recap of things that would make me classify it as a HEA but I didn’t experience them and was left with a lot of unanswered questions remaining (if that makes sense)

Safety: This one should be Safe for most safety gang readers
Profile Image for ♥Rachel♥.
2,081 reviews898 followers
April 16, 2020
Sela starts off as a quiet sort of heroine, happy to go unnoticed, getting by running her convenience store/gas station with her aunt and niece pitching in. However, every time Ben comes in the store she’s captivated, he’s so serious and focused, but she’s also just fine that he doesn’t seem to register her presence. That is until the morning he comes in and tells her to prepare for a massive solar storm that’s about to hit the earth and knock out the world’s power grid.

This story is a little different than Linda Howard’s usual romantic suspense/thrillers. This time she partners up with Linda Jones to write an end-of-the-world-as-we-know-it story. I wouldn’t call this an apocalyptic story, because it’s not really an end of the world situation, but a huge change in the convenient, buy anything at will, life that we’ve all lived… Well, until recently. Some readers, in view of the situation that we’re in, have had an aversion to end-of-the-world stories, and some have been attracted to them. I’ve fallen into the latter category, although I’m not a fan of really gritty stories.

I thought After Sundown struck an excellent balance of urgency, keeping me on edge without scaring me into a panic. Of course, there are bad apples here, like in any community, and the threat they posed made my heart race, but Sela was no pushover, and she did end up having Ben at her back. Mostly, the story was about their small-town banding together as a community, working together to survive. I find the prepper lifestyle fascinating, even before our world had sort of gone to hell, so I enjoyed seeing what everyone had to do to get by, living in a world without a working power grid. I wish I had a place like Ben’s right about now!

Even though it took a while for the romance to get into gear, Ben and Sela’s relationship was at the heart of this story, and my favorite part! Having a military background, Ben was naturally a protective and take-charge kind of guy, but he recognized that Sela was a strong, resourceful woman, he didn’t just barge in and take over.

After Sundown
mixed a bit of reality, romance, and thrills that hooked me in and held my attention enough to finish the story in one day! Not an easy feat right now!

A copy was kindly provided by William Morrow via Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for peachygirl.
291 reviews840 followers
October 13, 2020
13/10 - 2nd reread


Aaaaaaaand she's back!
My LH starved heart has never been happier 🥰
Profile Image for Nursebookie.
2,558 reviews377 followers
April 9, 2020
After Sundown by Linda Howard and Linda Jones

There is nothing more timely than reading this book, After Sundown, about a catastrophic solar storm (Coronal Mass Ejections – CME) that would destroy the power grid around the world – and the effects would be felt for months or even years. I cannot believe how much I enjoyed this for its suspenseful romantic thrill, that after reading I thought that our current situation could actually be so much worse, and that this could really happen too.

The story is set in a small Tennessee mountain town of Wears Valley, and centered on two characters - the recluse and always ready military veteran Ben Jernigan, and Sela Gordon, a single mom who owns the local gas station and general store.

Ben is a survivalist and though he prefers to keep to himself, he decides to warn Sela of this catastrophic event when he went in to town for supplies. The series of events that happen pull them both closer together as they navigate through the dark and panic sets as they are cut off from the world. But the importance of supporting and protecting each other as a community is the key to everyone’s survival.

This was my first time reading their books and I was very impressed with the writing, the setting up of the catastrophic world, the development of these main characters, as well as the supporting casts which add to the thrilling and suspenseful story line. I thought that the writing was creative and I really enjoyed it for its entertainment value. Had I read this prior to COVID, I would have never thought this could even happen or thought to take anything quite so seriously.

I recommend this book for a quick read and amazing storyline.
Profile Image for RachelW (BamaGal).
746 reviews74 followers
August 3, 2019
This was not a typical RS, nothing like what you’d expect from LH. It was one of these disaster and post-apocalypse type books. Some kind of Solar Storm; it was kind of out-there and convoluted, so the reader has to just accept the sketchy, complicated premise and move on. Sort of reminded me of Norah Roberts recent 'Year One'. The first part of the book was getting ready for the disaster; then after it happened, picking up the pieces and life without electricity and conveniences. The romance felt tacked on, and the ending was rather abrupt.

It was mostly interesting, and well written. I liked that it took place in a part of the Smokey Mountains that I am familiar with. Unfortunately, it was also slow and not much really happened. I’m assuming LH was going for an intimate story of how the disaster affected this small town; but it came off pretty bland. So much potential wasted. I did enjoyed it; but it fell far short of what it could have been.
Profile Image for Lana Reads.
494 reviews216 followers
May 7, 2020
It was a satisfying and a frustrating read. Post-apocalyptic stories scare the hell out of me, but I still love reading them, because I'm curious how the author would spin the dance around the human nature.  There were many things I liked. It was was quite well written; I loved the characters and felt their feelings; the inner monologues were realistic and relatable.

The hero and the heroine were perfect for each other. Their romance took some time and development, but I found it nicely and naturally done. Some people complained about it being sudden after two encounters with months in-between... Those two encounters might have been small, but for two introverts, who used to feel every little thing deeply, such small things mean more than for anyone else under similar circumstances.

The heroine's growth and hero's healing were a delight to watch; she broke out of her shell while he slayed his inner demons so beautifully- and they took their time with it. Those two were amazingly written.

I also appreciated the relationships between all the women. The friendship and family bonds were wonderfully portrayed, their jokes and love for each other... I loved it.

But some moments frustrated the junk out of me...
Did I care for the names of all the relatives of a mean bully who was going to cause problems for the community? Hell no. I would have appreciated if his character would have been written into the story naturally and not presented as a cartoonish villain. The suspenseful parts dragged and were painfully predictable...

The most irritating thing came at the very end, when the heroine, who made such a rational and logical impression throughout the book, suddenly produced some church-loving BS about "how it used to be done before the politicians stuck their noses in it" - and it pretty much came out of nowhere!! I guess the authors decided to put their own words in heroine's mouth as an afterthought and it felt like a whiplash, because it was completely out of character.

Dear authors, FYI, the records used to be kept by the church NOT because it was a natural way of life, but because the church did not give the people other options!!
Organised religion used to monopolise most aspects of our lives - and it's not something one should get back to, no matter the circumstances, FFS!!

Some parts were great, some parts were meh... But the romance was good, so I guess it was still worth it.
Profile Image for Ira.
1,110 reviews119 followers
April 2, 2020
It doesn’t feel like one of Linda Howard’s book but still a good read.
It’s a slow burn post apocalyptic romance.
It doesn’t as dark as usual, for this type of story, probably because the disaster just recently happened.

However, this covid_19 lockdown over here, made this story feels a bit familiar and hit home.
And the story is interesting enough and I couldn’t put it down often:)

Profile Image for Pamela(AllHoney).
2,631 reviews373 followers
April 24, 2020
Sela Gordan owns a small gas station in a rural area of Tennessee. One day, Ben Jernigan, a quiet reclusive man, comes in and warns her that a solar flare (CME) was coming and to prepare. The CME is expected to take down the power grid all over the world. And it is expected to last about a year. So Sela goes forth to prepare and she and her aunt rally their neighborhood to meet and plan what to do.

The book is low on romance but OMG the story itself was pretty good. My biggest gripe would be all the page time used to inform us readers how to get ready for the apocolypse. I guess there are readers out there who want to know but it was just a tad too much at times. And our couple doesn't get together until well into the book. These little things kept me from getting it 5 stars but I do recommend the book. I also have to admit it seemed odd to read this during this covid-19 quarantine.
Profile Image for Lindsay.
2,225 reviews508 followers
February 23, 2020
I felt like I was reading a movie. This would be an awesome movie. I had a hard time putting the book down when work and life intruded.

This was definitely different than anything I've been reading lately and in a way it was nice to have a change. I can't say that the post apocalyptic type of story is my favorite. But I love Linda Howard's writing and I had to see what she do with this book. I wasnt the least bit disappointed.

I have to give the characters a lot of credit, because as I was reading I kept trying to picture myself in their situation and I don't think I would have been even half as successful as they were. I am not a country girl, I do not enjoy nature or farming or dirt. I would be screwed.
November 11, 2020

I am probably in the minority for this book coz I was expecting a 5 star knock me out story and it left me wanting more. C’mon it is co-authored by LINDA HOWARD so what should there be, not to like. But sorry to say, this end of the world post apocalypse story just never worked for me as it should have. The dialogues and banter which I was expecting to be a cracker between the leads was kept to the minimum but the romance was slow-burn and super exciting.

Ben is a retired marine whose lonely existence high up in the mountains is exactly what he needs. He hates socializing and community existence and being responsible for anyone after being a witness to the horrors of army life. Sela is shy and extremely reticent to be in the forefront of anything even though she is capable of always doing what needs to be done. When a solar storm hits the world and everyone is plunged into unfathomable darkness, with Ben’s warning, Sela and her aunt rallies the whole community together to survive the loss of power for indefinite length of time.
In a way this story kind of related to the pandemic situation we are currently facing with access to everything that we consider normal being shut down and it was hopeful to read about the survival techniques used by the people to fight against the odds. Of course, the going is not easy as the greed and selfishness and even hunger cause the rotters to bound out of the woods and attack the old and feeble.

The story definitely has its moments with a cantankerous aunt proving humor and I simply loved BEN, uh, excuse me but I am a huge fan of super brooding heroes who needs saving and I loved Sela’s quite strength and reliability to lead her people even though she prefers the background.

3.5 stars for this slow-burn romantic suspense.

This review is published in my blog rainnbooks.com, Amazon India, Goodreads and Twitter.
Profile Image for Carol.
1,349 reviews256 followers
April 24, 2020
4 surprised stars. 🌟🌟🌟🌟

I am not sure what I was expecting from this recent release from Linda Howard but this post apocalyptic story was truly a genuine surprise.
I had never heard of a coronal mass ejection (CME) before this book and was fascinated to know that it is a real event and that this planet has actually experienced one before... I recommend googling... the solar storm of 1859.
So what would happen today ....in this modern age of satellites, internet and smart phones .....when all the lights go out!!!!
Well... Linda Howard decided to explore that possibility with this romantic and thoughtful thriller.
It is set in modern day Tennessee featuring Sela Gordon the shy owner of a remote general store and Ben Jernigan a former marine turned survivalist/mountain man.
When Ben receives advance notice about this impending catastrophic solar storm....that will take down the global power grid in less than 24 hours he feels compelled to warn Sela.......she doesn't quite believe him but decides to stock up on necessary supplies anyway.
When this anticipated event actually happens as predicted....Sela, her family and neighbors must face a changed future...money has no value, gasoline is gold and people must pull together to eat and survive.
During these desperate times .....a hot 🔥romance begins to bloom between Sela and the reclusive Ben...as they strive to make it through this frightening new world.
This was a riveting and thought provoking read....and I was glued to my kindle the entire time.
Profile Image for TinaNoir.
1,829 reviews320 followers
April 30, 2020
I usually like immediate aftermath post-apoc novels. I am always interested in how an author imagines what the world will be like and how the people will react when they are in the midst of it.

On the one hand it was very community based with people rallying around and helping each other in their small town. But we also get antagonists who are some bad dudes who want to capitalize on the chaos and it brings out their worst instincts so they just want to take over, usurp resources, kill and prove they are the baddest of the bunch. So nothing new in the sub-genre.I ended up skimming a fair bit in the middle.

It could have still been a good book except it gets bogged down by its own need to dive into the weeds of survivalism. So instead of giving us good characters and stories among the apocalypse it becomes a little pedestrian and dry with logistics of conserving gas and getting food. Also the romance was just meh. The hero was a typical Linda Howard alpha dude who could beat people with one of his pecs. But the heroine was a little flat to me. I didn't feel the chemistry.
Profile Image for Tracey.
638 reviews46 followers
May 9, 2020
This is an entertaining, fast paced, well-written novel of suspense, survival and romance. The characters are liable and engaging. It has a hot hero, a strong and capable female protagonist, and wonderful chemistry. Ms. Jones and Ms. Howard never disappoint their readers!
Profile Image for endlessbookworld.
303 reviews210 followers
April 18, 2022
Ich bin nur durch Zufall auf dieses Buch gestoßen aber der Klappentext hat mich direkt unglaublich neugierig auf die Geschichte gemacht. Ich hatte nämlich mal wieder richtig Lust auf eine Liebesgeschichte mit einer guten Portion Action und war gespannt, ob dieses Buch mir dies bieten kann.
Ich hatte vorher nie etwas über das Autoren Duo gehört und muss sagen, dass der Schreibstil gerade am Anfang eher gewöhnungsbedürftig war. Es hat sich zwar im Verlauf ein wenig gebessert aber ganz warm wurde ich damit leider nicht. Die Geschichte wird aus der Erzähler Perspektive erzählt und wechselt auch oft die Perspektive.
Sela war mir als Charakter im Großen und Ganzen sympathisch, denn sie ist selbstlos und nimmt oft Rücksicht auf ihre Mitmenschen. Allerdings war sie mir in manchen Punkten leider auch etwas zu naiv, sodass ich beim lesen schon fast mit den Augen rollen musste.
Bei Ben weiß ich immer noch nicht ganz, was ich von ihm halten soll. Er war immer sehr unnahbar und grimmig. Ein kompletter Einzelgänger, den man aber in Selas Nähe besser kennenlernen konnte, weil er in ihrer Anwesenheit öfter auftaut. Trotzdem hatte ich das Gefühl, dass mir bei ihm und dem Großteil der Charaktere die Tiefe gefehlt hat.
Die Handlung schlug außerdem eine Richtung ein, die ich nicht wirklich erwartet hatte. Ich hatte das Gefühl zu einer Dystopie gegriffen zu haben, was mich am Anfang etwas überraschte. Die Liebesgeschichte ließ auch auf sich warten und nimmt erst zum Ende des Buches Fahrt auf. Trotzdem hatte das Buch einen starken Suchtfaktor, der es mich manchmal kaum aus der Hand legen ließ.

Leider konnte mich das Buch nicht vollends von sich überzeugen, da mich bei den Charakteren und in der Handlung ein paar Punkte gestört haben. Trotzdem konnte mir das Buch ein paar spannende Lesemomente bieten. 2,5/5⭐️
Profile Image for Lyn *Nomadic Worlds.
469 reviews53 followers
January 11, 2024
2nd read:
I had a nice time re-reading this book.

1st read:
This book wasn't as apocalyptic as I'd expected. In a way it didn't show the harsh reality of such an event as it should have. The pacing was super slow but I loved Ben.
Profile Image for Anita.
2,379 reviews195 followers
April 3, 2020
Holy Moly talk about a pandemic. How about a coronal mass ejection - CME for short or a massive sun flare for us moron types. This CME destroys the power grid for the entire world and Sela and Ben are left to handle life in Wears Valley in the mountains of eastern Tennessee. One problem, at least early on, Ben doesn't want anything to do with anyone, except maybe Sela. I'm really in awe that this book, which has postponed publication for over a year, has picked this week to finally be published. There is a lot of narrative and I miss the witty dialogue of other Linda Howard books, but this book could not have come at a more opportune time. It gave me something to really think about besides the current medical Covid-19 situation. A CME would have been much worse.

Sela Gordon runs her convenience store and gas station in small Wears Valley, Tennessee and keeps to herself. She doesn't get involved with her customers and is generally shy around anyone but her family. She plays it safe. Her life is built on solitude and she likes it just like that.

Ben Jernigan is a former marine who basically has checked out of the civilized world. For two years he has lived alone near the top of Cove Mountain that looks down on Wears Valley. That is as close as he wants to get to anyone down there. Except, maybe, the quiet convenience store owner.

Ben's ex-military friend calls in the middle of the night to tell him of an impending coronal mass ejection - CME and the news that it will definitely cause worldwide destruction to all the power grids for at least a year. Ben knows that the little world of Wears Valley has a rough time ahead. He warns Sela about the coming event and she heads that warning. As life alters, Sela is forced to find in herself what it takes to help the people of Wears Valley through this time. But, when outsiders threaten she needs Ben and she needs him for more than protection.
Profile Image for Mimi.
103 reviews4,991 followers
March 13, 2020
What would happen if the world lost all electric power? How would your character and society as a whole stand the test? With the power outages we have faced and after learning that even with solar I am still not immune to outtages, I found the premise of this book kept my mind spinning long after I finished.

P.S. If you like strong women leaders, you'll find this especially satisfying.

My honest review made possible by an advanced copy from the publisher
Profile Image for Ann Lorz.
1,681 reviews22 followers
March 18, 2020
Reviewed for Romancing the Readers Blog: http://www.romancingthereaders.com/20...

I can't tell you how excited I was to be able to read a new book by Linda Howard. I love her older books and feel her books are well written with characters I like to read. I've also read books by Linda Jones so I also know her writing style. Both are enjoyable authors.

I came into reading After Sundown without knowing what it was about than getting a slight chuckle when I did because a TV show just did this. So do we have a new worry?

I will admit that it's not really my type of book. I was a little shocked that it was billed as a romance because I didn't think there was that much romance in it. Now don't get me wrong I don't need a to much sex or in your face "I love you" to be a romance I just want to feel like they care about each other and I didn't get that from this.

One other thing I was shocked about is that it reminded me of another book by Howard that I really loved. The saving grace of the book is how well written it is. I could see the picture in my head of what was going on. It was interesting enough to keep you reading but in the end, were you satisfied? I'm not sure.

I think those who like this type of romance "world ending" will really enjoy it. Others that are looking for romantic suspense with heavy romance might not. Even with staying this when Howard comes out with a new book and if it's not in this theme I will definitely try it. I might even go back and read some of my favorites of hers. She has many.

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ARC received for an honest review
Profile Image for AvidReader.
71 reviews
December 28, 2019
I was fortunate to receive an early version of After Sundown from a Goodreads Giveaway.

I have been a Linda Howard fan for a very long time. I’ve read every one of her books (several times). I’ve even participated in a Linda Howard fan club. Now, all that said...

I found it exceedingly difficult to get through this book. It is not an exciting read. It took me days to finish rather than the typical “all-nighter”, can’t put this book down until I’m finished, Linda Howard book. This isn’t her typical romantic suspense story. Rather, this is another generic apocalyptic story. This book lacks the romantic suspense and charismatic leads that I’ve previously enjoyed, eagerly anticipate, and really expect to find in a Linda Howard book.

Basically, the story revolves around a massive solar storm that destroys all electrical grids thus impacting global communication, transportation and medical services and suddenly requires struggling survivors to adapt to living a life similar to life in the 1800’s.

I wish I could recommend this book. But regrettably I do not believe Linda Howard fans will be satisfied with this book. I was not.

Profile Image for Eve.
724 reviews50 followers
June 21, 2021

I am reading this story in the middle of coronavirus pandemic when there are lockdowns, our everyday life is interrupted, things are uncertain, people are complaining....and I realized that things could be even worse. Much worse. Think what would happen if some kind of catastrophic solar storm hit us and took down most of the power grids?
The developed world run on technology, so the damage resulting would be terrible. No electricity. No water. No food supplies. No internet. No googling. No wonder that there are more and more people who are following this "Be Prepared" moto because you never know...

July 24, 2020
Oh wow. I devoured this one. The narrator was great. I loved this hero but more than that I really appreciated the strength and tenacity of the heroine. I only wish this would be a series.
Profile Image for CD {Boulder Blvd}.
963 reviews93 followers
August 25, 2020
This was a basic apocalypse type story with a romance for two of the characters. A major CME hits earth and the power grid goes down. No electricity, gas, internet, etc.

The story plods along detailing the plans 1 day before the shutdown and their town's basic efforts to create a community that can help each other through the disaster post CME disaster. Some things were obvious as they are included in all these types of stories.

A couple of weird items is that in a town of 6000, there doesn't seem to be any usual town government or emergency service. No mayor, town council, active church group, school administrators seem to be missing but the cafeteria people know stuff. It felt more like a small housing development than a town. It was a weird group of unqualified people so that Sela and her aunt can be in charge. Some of the plot devices are pretty much dependent on people never having read an apocalypse novel.

The one twist is this has come out in the middle of the COVID pandemic so we all know what it's like to hoard toilet paper and water and favorite foods.

The characters were all OK and Sela and Ben were good characters for a romance.

I however like more action and suspense and this seemed to just plod along in an expected manner.

Profile Image for Katie.
2,832 reviews152 followers
October 17, 2020
Aha, at the risk of sounding very silly, I did not understand the description of this book. I'm not sure if I read a slightly different one or if my brain just decided to do its own thing, but I thought it was going to be about the hero and the heroine in an isolated cabin somewhere and maybe something bad was happening in the outside world, but they don't really know.

Um, no, it was about something bad that happened in the contemporary world that essentially sent the world in lockdown. I am familiar with such events! But it also made me go, well, I guess we are better off! We still have electricity and the internet! So that was a weird reading experience. I almost put it down because um, too close to real world events, but I didn't.

Anyway, the romance was very half-baked. I liked Sela growing into her own, but I'm not sure that storyline got all the way there either.

Owned physical book 2/2 for the month
Overall owned book 2/5 for the month
Displaying 1 - 30 of 665 reviews

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