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Sheer Mischief

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Love is always just around the corner in a Jill Mansell novel - with a few surprises and a lot of humour on the way to happiness

It's not that Janey Sinclair isn't pleased to see her sister. It's just that being woken at seven by Maxine, complete with police escort, isn't quite how she'd planned to spend her Sunday. Even so Janey, who's just rebuilding her life after her husband disappeared, is delighted that her sister's back in the Cornish town where they grew up. When Maxine sets her sights on Guy Cassidy, an impossibly glamorous fashion photographer, Janey knows there's no limit to the mischief her sister will get up to in order to dispatch her rivals. But little do they know that the competition is a lot closer to home than they think...

504 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published January 1, 1994

About the author

Jill Mansell

81 books4,596 followers
Jill Mansell lives with her partner and children in Bristol, and writes full time. Actually that’s not true; she watches TV, eats fruit gums, admires the rugby players training in the sports field behind her house, and spends hours on the internet marvelling at how many other writers have blogs. Only when she’s completely run out of displacement activities does she write.

Jill Mansell's books have sold over ten million copies and her titles include: Making your Mind up, Fast Friends, Good at Games, Sheer Mischief and Solo, among many others.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 229 reviews
Profile Image for Melisa.
328 reviews531 followers
January 10, 2018
When you read as many thrillers as I do, it’s imperative to line up some lighter reads to break up the doom and gloom, and Jill Mansell is perfect for these. Her books are just the right amount of sugar without being too sweet.

Mansell has a way of writing characters that totally humanizes them in a light way. They are flawed and they are real, but they are also very funny and ridiculous at times which is why these books make me smile.

My single complaint would be that, at more than 500 pages, this one was a bit long winded, but never did it feel redundant.

I recommend this book to readers who are looking for a fun read, with some romance but light on the gushy stuff. Just a good, fun read.

Thank you for Netgalley, Jill Mansell and Sourcebooks for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Yun.
568 reviews29.4k followers
January 27, 2019
While I usually adore Jill Mansell's books, Sheer Mischief fell flat to me. One issue is that, for a good amount of this story, it felt rambling and unfocused. It took about half the book before it became clear to me who would pair up with whom; before that, every pairing was a possibility from the way it was written. I like knowing which couples to cheer for when I'm reading my chick lit, so this really confused me.

I also found the main character Janey to be pitiful and annoying in how she refuses to believe that a good guy could like her. She would turn down dates with them because she feels she isn't good enough and also they would have a better time going out with someone else. Instead, she spends all her time being stubbornly loyal and attracted to guys who treated her badly, while feeling sorry for herself that no one likes her. Puh-lease!

There are still charm and wit in this book that's so typical from the author, and a few of the lines had me bursting out laughing from the humor and well-delivered sarcasm. I'll continue to seek out Jill Mansell's books, but it's a bummer this one turned out to be such a dud.
Profile Image for Telma Oliveira.
76 reviews4 followers
November 20, 2016
Detesto quando as personagens dos livros são a "tipica" mulher magra loira que consegue todos os homens que quer e é modelo/atriz e tem uma irmã que é gordinha, tem problemas de autoestima e tem um emprego banal..... detesto esta categorização das pessoas, já basta isto na vida real acho que os livros se deviam de afastar desta ideia de um tipo de pessoa fisicamente ter um determinado tipo de personalidade ou se ter de comportar de determinada forma!

No entanto, é um livro com situações divertidas principalmente devido as duas crianças presentes na historia.

O que mais gostei foi do facto de mostrar que alguém não precisa de utilizar a violência física para colocar medo noutra pessoa, temos o caso de uma esposa e do seu marido em que este apenas com palavras consegue com que ela faça tudo que ele quer, que não tenha coragem de o chamar a razão e que ainda ache que ela é que está sempre errada.

O final é previsível, um pouco como todo o livro, mas acontece tudo muito à pressa não se focando em quase nenhuma das personagens que aparecem ao longo da historia.
3 reviews1 follower
September 5, 2024
Just…. WHAT?!? The story get negative 1 star. But I couldn’t stop reading! How can something so…. Dumb? …be so compelling?
Profile Image for Patrícia.
231 reviews39 followers
January 22, 2012
Uma florista estagnada pelo súbito desaparecimento do marido, uma aspirante a actriz que procura a oportunidade da sua vida e que se refugia face um relacionamento infrutífero, um fotógrafo marcado pela morte prematura da sua esposa e com a responsabilidade de cuidar, sozinho, de dois filhos menores. Após se acrescentar um gerente de restaurante extremamente mulherengo, uma artista de relativa idade que insiste na sua independência perante tudo e todos e uma modelo que tem tanto de arrogante como de narcisista, claramente se chega à conclusão que Jill Mansell voltou a fazer das suas, ao criar um enredo intricado e recheado de personagens curiosas e divertidas, que levarão o leitor ao mais hilariante dos delírios.

Das várias obras que li da autora, esta é, sem sombra de dúvida, a minha favorita. É realmente surpreendente a forma como Mansell conseguiu conjugar toda uma série de encontros e desencontros, dúvidas e acções, amores e vinganças que acabaram por desencadear as situações e consequências mais cómicas possíveis e imagináveis. Embora seja um livro sensível, que aborda temas susceptíveis e até algo pesarosos, como é o caso da morte de um membro querido ou do abandono por parte de alguém que se ama, essa camada mais lúgubre e séria da narrativa acaba por ser camuflada e acompanhada por incontáveis momentos de gargalhada pura, o que não só aligeira o ambiente como transforma Pura Malícia num romance de entretenimento puro.

Opinião completa, em:
Profile Image for Ana.
566 reviews114 followers
March 26, 2019
Um história divertida sobre duas irmãs muito diferentes que acabam por ver as suas vidas viradas do avesso por um acontecimento inusitado: Janey que acorda às sete da manhã por Maxine, sua irmã, trajada de noiva e com escolta policial, num domingo!
A partir deste acontecimento, as duas irmãs vão tentar seguir as suas vidas calmamente, mas sem muito sucesso!
Cheio de peripécias engraçadas e divertidas, com bastante romance à mistura, este livro vai de certeza pô-lo a sorrir!
Apesar de gostar bastante dos livros desta autora, sinto que já não consigo achar tanta piada Às histórias como antes.
Comecei a ler Jill Mansell em 2010 e acho que os meus gostos literários se alteraram um pouco, pelo que apesar de ainda achar alguma graça, já não vibro com as histórias como antes.
Ainda assim é um livro para nos por bem dispostas e para intercalar com leituras mais pesadas.
Profile Image for Suad Shamma.
715 reviews201 followers
July 30, 2013
This book was a disappointment and not up to par with her other books. I initially chose to read this book because I wanted a little escapism, something quick and sweet to read in between other books, and I thought Jill Mansell is definitely the right choice.

Boy, was I wrong. This book was absolutely ridiculous. I mean, yes, granted, it's a chick-lit, so certain expectations go with that genre. There will always be a happy ending, it will always be cheesy and romantic, it will include the jerk, and the chivalrous hero, and two female characters, one who is absolutely clueless and naive and the other who is a complete skank.

So yes, as usual, Jill Mansell delivered on all of the above. But besides the fact that story line was so overdone and predictable as hell (again, I realize most chick-lits are predictable), but the quality of the story is what bothered me. What I usually love about Mansell's books are the short chapters, because I feel like I can fly through the pages in no time. Not this time though, it took me forever to get through the book and through the chapters. At one point, I found myself skimming huge chunks of text just to get to the freaking point.

It was very long-winded, stalled like no tomorrow, the twists and turns were so frustrating and annoying, and both protagonists were MEH. In fact, I found Maxine and Bruno a lot more interesting than Janey and Guy.

Definitely not worth more than a star in my opinion, however, that does not mean I've given up on Mansell. I simply did not prefer this particular book.
Profile Image for Blodeuedd Finland.
3,524 reviews306 followers
July 13, 2018
Mansell likes to write from many POVs and that is the case here too.

First we have Janey, who is the main POV. Her husband disappeared one day, and she still wonders about that almost 2 years after. Like who wouldn't! She is kind, but with low self esteem. She keeps comparing herself to her thinner pretty sister. Also she totally flirts with the wrong man, I so worried about that.

Then there is Maxine who is a whirl storm. I really can not compare, but even if the book starts with J, I would say Maxine gets almost the same numbers. Anyway, you can not dislike her, even though she is flighty, can not be trusted and likes men too much. But she is still kind and funny and she does love her sister. She is the worst and the best at her job and I kept shaking my head, but she was amusing to read about.

Their mum gets a minor POV later on, but hush hush about that.

Then there is Guy, who Maxine sets her eyes on. Oh he was so blind when it comes to women. But he is a really nice guy, really. And he loves his kids.

There is love to bo found and lost. New roads to take. Secrets to find out. Lives to live. It's a nice book and even though I knew what would happen with some, I did wonder about the road there cos it sure took long ;)

I did have trouble with this narrator. Her sentences were chunky
Profile Image for Ali Bookworm.
612 reviews43 followers
July 18, 2016
This was my first Jill Mansell book. It was quite a fun read set in Cornwall. I got a bit bored halfway through but then it picked up and got better. An enjoyable read.
Profile Image for julia de jong.
57 reviews3 followers
August 11, 2023
so boring and unremarkable i cant even be bothered to write a proper review
Profile Image for Judi Easley.
1,484 reviews48 followers
December 24, 2018
Sheer Mischief

Jill Mansell

Sourcebooks, Jul 2018

416 pages, kindle, paperback, audiobook, audio cd

Contemporary romance, second-chance romance, women’s lit

Provided, NetGalley


The cover is that typical Jill Mansell cover with soft colors, flowers and no real person. Yes, there is a woman standing there, but you can’t see her feet or anything above her waist, so she’s not an actual person, just a body shape. She can’t be identified.

The story is that typical Jill Mansell story where everyone gets a second chance, well, except for Bruno. In her wonderfully real-to-life style, the author shares the stories of her characters with us. These are real people, as usual. Maxine is a b*tch, Janey is great, Guy is sweet, Alan is a slug and a user, and Bruno was a player until he played once too often in the same sandbox.

The story was told with the heartbeat-of-life pace that makes stories so realistic with the tension slowly building as events took you.

I loved Janey who was lost, befuddled, confused, and hurt by the disappearance of her husband, Alan. And she was such a nice person, so sweet. Being a florist was the perfect career for her, a giving type of job and one that deals in beauty.

Maxine was a user, as I said, a b*tch. She could use anyone, Janey, Thea, the kids, Guy, Bruno…and lie straight-faced without remorse. Oliver and Thea were a great couple. Wish they had had more time.

The relationship between Guy and Janey builds like a jigsaw puzzle as they each take steps to put the pieces in place until their whole picture fits together. Until Guy finally puts the two dozen pink roses on order and she delivers them to his door. This is definitely a one thousand piece puzzle!

Highly recommended for romance readers.
Profile Image for Debbie.
1,751 reviews104 followers
January 17, 2018
As usual, Jill Mansell has come through with yet another light romance with lots of comedy.

I found this one to be a funny, cozy romance that I just sped through. I loved Maxine!! I thought she was a hoot and I loved some of her comebacks.

And Alan, someone should shoot him . . . twice.

Another, IMHO, great read by Mansell that I totally enjoyed.

Thanks to Sourcebooks and Net Galley for providing me with a free e-galley in exchange for an honest, unbiased review.
Profile Image for Krista.
575 reviews9 followers
July 6, 2017
A great summer read! This gets an automatic 4 star rating because I was very sad to have to put it down to go to work this morning.

The book could probably have done without the mother storyline - it didn't add much to the overall plot.
Profile Image for Carla Marques.
540 reviews3 followers
July 17, 2017
Este livro foi muito confuso para mim, pois adorei a história mas cada vez que pegava nele "adormecia".
Adoro Jill Mansell pois acho que tem uma escrita divertida e refrescante mas sinceramente não sei o que me aconteceu com este livro.
Opinião completa em: http://aviciadadoslivros.blogspot.pt/...
Profile Image for Heather Mulvihill.
263 reviews26 followers
November 22, 2017
Just finished my ARC of Jill Mansell’s Sheer Mischief due out 1/3/18. If you love Jill Mansell like I do and have read her books. She doesn’t disappoint. This one is one of her best
February 18, 2021
I did not find this book as good as the others I have read.
And what's with the blonds, for heaven's sake...? ALL GORGEOUS, the three male protagonists as well... I'd like to meet them !!! haha
It is still enjoyable and diverting, easy reading.
Profile Image for Filipa.
1,745 reviews300 followers
March 13, 2012

Pura Malícia é mais um livro a juntar-se àquela que se está a tornar uma extensa colecção de risos, humor, alegria e muito romance da parte de Jill Mansell. Sendo esta uma autora obrigatória na minha estante e tendo já lido todos os livros que foram publicados em terras lusas, da sua autoria, Pura Malícia não podia faltar com uma opinião aqui no meu cantinho.
Aproveitei o lançamento recente de Paixões À Solta para ter as leituras em dia e como sempre acontece, não fiquei desiludida.
Embora possam existir obras melhores e outras piores, a verdade é que a diversão está sempre garantida.

Desta vez, Jill junta duas irmãs que não podiam ser mais diferentes uma da outra. Janey é uma mulher discreta que está numa fase má da vida. O seu marido desapareceu sem deixar rasto e Janey ainda não conseguiu ultrapassar esse acontecimento traumático.
Maxine é bastante extrovertida e as acções irreflectidas governam a sua vida. O impulso e a indulgência são as palavras chave na sua vida.
Por isso quando num belo dia às sete da manhã, Maxine chega a casa de Janey afirmando que quer que a sua vida tenha um novo rumo, é com uma mistura de hesitação e agrado que Janey deixa Maxine mudar-se para o seu apartamento (temporariamente).
Tudo corre às maravilhas, até ao momento em que Maxine fica com uma paixoneta pelo fotógrafo Guy Cassidy e as confusões multiplicam-se como nunca, porque Maxine irá fazer de tudo para conseguir as atenções de Guy - inclusive ir trabalhar para ele na capacidade de ama dos seus dois filhos, coisa que Maxine nunca fez na vida.

Como anteriormente referi, esta autora nunca me desilude. As suas obras são entretenimento puro e injectam o leitor de uma dose concentrada de boa-disposição. Desde os cenários caricatos, às personagens cómicas, Pura Malícia é uma obra feita para fazer rir até chorar.
E melhor ainda: vem com um final feliz, característica que nunca fez mal a ninguém e que aquece o coração de qualquer um.

Da lista de livros que já li da autora não posso dizer que este ficará entre os meus preferidos, mas de qualquer forma, não perderia esta leitura por nada - que veio no momento certo, para animar os meus dias. É caso para dizer que Jill Mansell e o seu humor vieram para ficar.
Profile Image for Els .
1,962 reviews39 followers
November 1, 2015
Eigenlijk al voor ik aan het boek begon, wist ik dat het leuk zou zijn. Ik moet eerlijk toegeven dat ik nog nooit door deze auteur werd teleurgesteld. Natuurlijk ligt het ene je al ietsje beter dan het andere maar dat is altijd zo. Als ik haar boeken van vroeger, want dit is al een wat ouder, met de meer recente vergelijk, dan vind ik wel dat ze toen luchtiger waren dan nu, maar goed en ontspannend zijn ze sowieso.
De stijl is vlot, er zit humor in en het is soms wat over-the-top, maar het blijven heel menselijke gevoelens, vaak in dagdagelijkse situaties waar je jezelf of iemand uit je omgeving soms in herkent.
Er zit een paar boodschappen in het boek : Ware liefde komt, vroeg of laat, toch boven en deze 'let op met wat je doet, want voor je het weet, krijg je van hetzelfde laken een pak' heeft iemand hier aan den lijve ondervonden.
De cover is vrolijk en geeft wel iets over de inhoud weer maar, naar mijn gevoel, te weinig.
De titel geeft weer dat er veel droeve momenten in voorkomen maar uiteindelijk krijgt iedereen wat hij of zij wil. Of misschien toch niet iedereen ...
In welke situaties de mensen terecht komen en hoe ze zich eruit redden, laat ik jullie zelf ontdekken.


Voor wie het nog niet las, kan ik het zeker aanraden. Installeer je lekker in de zetel of op een zonovergoten terrasje en geniet. 4 sterren
Profile Image for Maria.
1,006 reviews106 followers
October 28, 2011
Estou completamente rendida a Jill Mansell. De uma leitura fácil e divertido, a autora leva-nos às lágrimas de tanto rir com as peripécias tão divertidas das suas personagens, mas também coloca dose de romantismo q.b.
Em Pura Malícia Jill Mansell presenteia-nos não com uma, mas com duas protagonistas, irmãs, que são completamente diferentes uma da outra, mas que, apesar de tudo, se dão bem e ajudam-se mutuamente. Chegam a estar apaixonadas pelo mesmo homem, embora em circunstâncias diferentes, e mesmo assim a amizade não é quebrada. No meio da trama existe um famoso fotógrafo, viúvo, que é disputado pela irmã mais extrovertida, que faz de tudo para ser ama dos seus filhos, para se aproximar dele. O problema é que este não mostra qualquer interesse nela e soma casos e mais casos com mulheres deslumbrantes e conhecidas de todas as revistas do social. No entanto, sem que disso esteja à espera, a sua vida também vai sofrer uma reviravolta.
Pura Malícia anda sobretudo à volta destas personagens, e é uma autêntica novela com muita diversão à mistura. Para quem é fã do género, recomendo.

Profile Image for Michele.
2,167 reviews
January 8, 2018
See the full review at HarlequinJunkie.com

Sheer Mischief definitely lived up to its name. A raucous standalone reissue from 1994, Jill Mansell’s charming cast of characters kept me in stitches with their outrageous antics.

It really did seem like everyone in Mansell’s ensemble cast was up to nothing but mischief. And I kinda loved every second of it. Although I have a feeling that readers who avoid stories with cheating in it might not enjoy this book so much, considering there were a few characters who had no qualms about their philandering ways. I think that’s why it didn’t bother me as much as some other books have. Maxine, Guy, and Bruno were open and honest about not being monogamous and for the most part, everyone around them knew the score. Read More
Profile Image for Tania.
116 reviews7 followers
June 7, 2014
There are lots of things I liked about this book. I liked the main character and her relationship with her sister, as well as with the main male. I liked that the author tried to give the story some depth.

The problem is the key word is tried. The book needed a really good editor. Someone needed to tell Mansell she wasn't developing her plot and characters so much as plodding along and making the story drag. And the thing is, the extra time wasn't worth it at all. It isn't as though there were any surprises.

As much as I think Mansell has skill as a writer, and I'll happily read more of her books, this one ultimately wasn't worth it.
Profile Image for Angie.
1,170 reviews87 followers
July 8, 2014
I was wanting a nice, easy escapism read and this fit the bill nicely! I've been super busy the past couple of weeks with being a camp nurse and then having out of state company so I haven't been able to read much AT ALL (which was horrible-lol). I needed something to keep my attention but not be too heavy. I love Jill Mansell books for exactly that! Most of her books are quite good (there a few notable exceptions). I enjoyed this one about a lovely girl who thinks she's not because of some louty men in her past. I liked seeing the romances unfold and a few people get their due! It would make a great beach read as well.
Profile Image for Barbara Elsborg.
Author 89 books1,666 followers
June 2, 2013
A light fun read full of mistakes, missed opportunities,
right and wrong love, old love, new love, sisterly love, parental love. I love the way Jill Mansell sets up stories. This starts with a woman whose husband disappeared 2 years ago. Is he dead? Alive? You can probably guess what's going to happen, but it doesn't spoil the enjoyment of the story. We're given lots of interesting characters but I'd have liked more to happen between the main two!
Profile Image for Raquel.
1,332 reviews38 followers
August 25, 2017
Quando li a sinopse disse logo para mim mesma, esta história promete.. e não é que foi uma agradável surpresa? Adorei, e o que não me ria às vezes com as peripécias entre Janey e Maxine. Este duo é um espectáculo. Adoro romances e este foi sem dúvida alguma um dos que recordo e que adoro e que provavelmente irei voltar a ver. Adoro os romances desta autora.

Profile Image for Bobby Hall.
14 reviews1 follower
August 31, 2020
Wonderful lively book with love, humor, and twists between two opposite sisters. Even their Mom is romantically involved in the story, all set in one of Great Britain's top holiday spots, the Cornish seashore. Jill Mansell is a wonderful storyteller and have never found a book of hers that didn't delight. I highly recommend this funny classic Mansell winner. *****
Displaying 1 - 30 of 229 reviews

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