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The Stairs in the Woods

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Even adults need fairy tales.

The Stairs in the Woods takes you through a journey into a magical fantasy world while also exploring a unique coming of age story.

After spending most of her life a continent away, Kaitlynn Jenson has come home to Connecticut to tend to her ailing father. But the discovery of a strange painting above the mantle of her childhood home leads her on an adventure to a magical world called Somalie, where mythical creatures exist. But when the painting is stolen, she becomes trapped in Somalie with no means of return.

With little choice, a destiny she's yet to understand, and a family secret to discover, Kaitlynn must become embroiled in the battle to save Somalie. The evil she must face could have potentially dire consequences for her own world, as well as the family and friends she left behind.

Review Highlights:

"The Stairs in the Woods is author Matt Cesca's debut effort. It's a well-written piece and should satisfy most any fan of the genre."

-Michael A. McLellan, Author of In the Shadow of the Hanging Tree.

"The means of transport to the alternate world, the beings Kaitlynn encounters there, and the emotion and poignancy of her and her compatriots' plight all lift this story beyond the everyday fantasy."

-Helen Whistleberry, Author of Black Pine Cove

"Combining a love story with mythical creatures in an unknown world has just the right amount of magic for this compulsive reader."

- Amazon Review

386 pages, Kindle Edition

First published August 13, 2018

About the author

Matthew Cesca

6 books139 followers
Originally from a small New England town shrouded in mystery, Matthew Cesca currently resides in the unforgiving deserts of Arizona. He has a teenage son and is surrounded by an assortment of cats.

Matt is a fantasy, science fiction, and horror author with multiple published works and just as many works in progress. He asks that you not get too attached to any of his characters. It rarely ends well for anyone involved.

To learn more about the author, you can check out his personal website. You can also interact with him as @AuthorMattCesca on Instagram, Threads, TikTok, and YouTube.

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Displaying 1 - 20 of 20 reviews
Profile Image for Michael McLellan.
Author 6 books281 followers
June 4, 2019
“Thousands of moons before I was born, there was but one world,” the satyr began as he started down the steps.  “Twas a great cataclysm and the world was split in two.  Some say the Gods went to war with themselves.  All creatures mundane now live on Earth, all creatures born of magic now live on Somalie. Those that believe that the Gods were at war also believe that these were the sides that were chosen.  They believe that the world split as a result of this war, but no one knows for certain.  The two worlds were linked together by the Gate, as they had once been but one world.  Tis but one Gate and we satyrn have guarded it from both sides for generations.  Well, until one of the Keepers of the Gate on Earth abandoned her post and your father took over.”

After the death of her father, Kaitlynn stumbles upon an old painting with his belongings that isn't quite what it seems. The painting is actually a portal, or gate between two worlds. She's soon swept away on an epic quest in this vivid, classically-styled fantasy novel.

The Stairs in the Woods is author Matt Cesca's debut effort. It's a well-written piece and should satisfy most any fan of the genre. For my tastes, I would like to have seen the first quarter of the book pared down a little. Having said that, it was worth hanging out and waiting for the book to really get going. Well done.

Profile Image for Bekka.
731 reviews53 followers
May 2, 2020
This is my second time reading Matthew Cesca's work. The first was a short story in Autumn Nights: 13 Spooky Fall Reads. The Stairs in the Woods immediately hooked me in. The story felt familiar, although it does contain its own unique aspects. This is a book for a fantasy lover, as it follows traditional fantasy elements and merges them with Matthew's quirky sense of humor. This book contains serious and emotional moments, but is not pretentious in any sense. One thing that I did notice is that at times the diction was a bit erratic, at times very formal and then slipping into very casual phrases. Overall, I did enjoy this book and found myself reading it late into the night on a few occasions. Also, calling all fans of supernatural/mythical Romance: this book had quite the love story and a few steamy scenes! If you are a fan of fantasy and romance, in need of adventure, or are looking for an easy read I recommend this book.
Profile Image for N.W. Moors.
Author 11 books157 followers
August 17, 2018
Kaitlynn Jenson has come home to Connecticut to help her dying father. In cleaning out his house, she discovers a secret he's kept from her - a secret that leads her on an adventure through dangers she never expected. She finds a new world and becomes friends with a satyr named Faljon as well as other creatures she never thought existed.
Ever since I read The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe, I've loved portal fantasies. The idea of someone being swept away through a gate or door into another world is fascinating. The author here has done a nice job of worldbuilding in creating Somalie. It is peopled by different creatures from myth and folklore. and he's added good detail about the various peoples and beasts. The world itself is described well from the forests through swamps and into the mountains. It is easy for the reader to become engrossed in this world.
The writing is good with nice pacing and a good flow to the story. The dialogue has the occasional funny moment as Kaitlynn's view of the world collides with how the people of Somalie think things should go. The battle scenes work well with excellent detail on the thrust of spears or the slashing of a sword.
The developing relationship between Kaitlynn and Faljon is interesting. The author is careful not to rush them into anything so it evolves in a natural manner that is entirely believable.
I very much enjoyed my venture into the world of Somalie and I hope to be reading more from this new fantasy author. Mr. Cesca is someone to watch for.
Profile Image for Vanessa.
86 reviews
April 21, 2021
One stop shop: adventure, fantasy, love, and war.

A woman is transported from her modern day life into a land with unconventional mythical creatures ready to embark on an adventure to save both of their worlds.

Although the beginning of the story has a slow set up, it is worth staying to follow their journey to the end. This book draws you in with strong characters, humor in just the right places, and fun parallels between worlds. I enjoyed this to the last page.
Profile Image for Tiffany J McLay.
67 reviews5 followers
May 30, 2024
What do you get when you mix a couple cups of Lord of the Rings, a tablespoon of greek mythology, and a dash of modern?

This amazing book!!

I absolutely love this book. From the get-go, I was enamored with Kaitlynn.
And somehow, I managed to fall in love with a Satyr.

This book was an epic journey filled with copious amounts of action, the beauty of friendship, and just a bit of romance.

You don't see many books highlighting Satyrs yet putting a fantastic spin on them.

Even the lore had me discussing it with my husband late at night, as he attempted to sleep.
Profile Image for Elizabeth.
Author 3 books5 followers
August 18, 2018
Have you ever finished a book and wanted more of the story? That was my reaction to The Stairs in the Woods by Matthew Cesca.

Combining a love story with mythical creatures in an unknown world has just the right amount of magic for this compulsive reader. Add in some family drama, and I'm hooked.

I personally have a hard time with books where I don't like the characters. That was never a problem here. I wanted to see how Kaitlynn managed the difficulties she experienced. I wanted to know more about the friends she made and their loves and lives. And I wanted more of everything in the Land of Somalie and the Keeper of the Gate Faljon.

Do yourself a favor and check out this book. Meanwhile, I'll be hiking in the woods looking for some stairs and gorkaberries.
Profile Image for Vanessa Perry.
Author 2 books76 followers
July 3, 2024
This book is a beauty. The world building is enchanting and the story is adventurous. I would LOVE to see more books like this in the genre.

I read The Stairs in the Woods while I was sick and miserable. **The only reason it took me so long to read and review.**

Let me tell you, it’s the perfect dose of medicine for any book lover needing a bit of escapism!

I cannot wait to read more from our author!
Profile Image for Julia Colbourn.
Author 6 books15 followers
February 9, 2021
Enjoyed this once I got my head around the fact that it’s Narnia with an adult flavour, with echoes of LOTR. If you’re a fan of those two and an adult, you should find this good fun. The book is of a satisfying length and reads well, with very few snags. The mystery of the painting was a nice angle and one or two more unusual fantasy creatures added fresh challenge for your imagination.
39 reviews1 follower
August 21, 2018
I thoroughly enjoyed this novel from new author Matthew Cesca. The story was engaging and the words flowed to allow the reader to keep moving and be engaged. Descriptions were vivid and placed you in the world along with the characters. As a woman I enjoyed following along as Kaitlynn, the main character, came into her own and found her strength and came to know herself and her values.

I don’t know if it was the author’s intent but I found it interesting to draw parallels between the make believe world of Somalie and our own.

One of my favorite passages sums it up best. “Look, on my side, sometimes people treat others who look different as if they’re somehow inferior. They judge each other by their skin color, their religion, or their nationality. It’s wrong. Most people just want to live in peace and have the same opportunities as everyone else. It’s sad that some people still try to divide us over something so superficial.” “You may be different than I am, but you are all good people.”

So, whether you’re looking for a little escapism or want to initiate thought and discussion you won’t be disappointed in “The Stairs in the Woods”. Wish that we could all occasionally say “Into the forest take me”
Profile Image for Helen Whistberry.
Author 29 books66 followers
July 10, 2019
Strong fantasy outing in the quest-based tradition of books like the Lord of the Rings series with our heroine, Kaitlynn, getting unexpectedly caught up in events far from her own world and beyond her wildest dreams. The book is very well-written with unique touches that keep it from becoming a rehash of other such tales. I won't give too much away here as the author has chosen not to reveal a lot of details in his book description, and I always enjoy being surprised as a reader, but suffice it to say that the means of transport to the alternate world, the beings Kaitlynn encounters there, and the emotion and poignancy of her and her compatriots' plight all lift this story beyond the everyday fantasy. I particularly appreciated messages of love, acceptance, teamwork, and loyalty that were woven naturally into the plot. I think fans of exciting and hard-fought quests against great odds for a noble cause by a determined band of warriors we come to care about (and who doesn't like all those things?) will enjoy this thoughtfully-imagined adventure.
Profile Image for Jae Vel.
Author 3 books4 followers
July 15, 2019
I thoroughly enjoyed being swept away into the world created by the author. The characters came to life on the page with each vivid detail written. I fell in love with Kaitlynn and was with her as she experienced the ups and downs throughout her journey of discovery of self, love, courage, friendship and more. If you read fantasy I highly recommend this as your next read.
Profile Image for Mindy.
321 reviews35 followers
January 7, 2019
While this book may have a bit of a tough start, it is absolutely worth a read! I could immediately tell that it was the author's first book, mainly by what I felt was some over explaining. Once the story was set up, it quickly morphed into the one that I wanted. It is definitely a book for adults (and maybe the very mature teen) but it took me to a fantasy world that I would have loved as a child too. I would love to read more set in Somalie, with the same cast of characters or not, it was an interesting place to visit.
5 reviews
August 22, 2018
Great Read

Loved the continuity of the story line. The twists keep you engaged and you care about the character 's fates. Hope too see more from the author .
Profile Image for Matthew Herring.
31 reviews
December 27, 2020
Exciting and filled with action, “The Stairs in the Woods” overcomes some reliance on well-worn genre tropes to be a worthy entry in the world of fantasy novels. I enjoyed every word.
Profile Image for Chris Hepler.
Author 19 books3 followers
October 8, 2019
I'll be brief. Things I enjoyed:
* The character-heavy beginning that grounded me in the protagonist's situation.
* The moments of not being sure what's going to come next when she walks through the portal.
* The action climax that has reasonably plausible ways for the villain to think he's killed the protagonists but leaves wiggle room for (spoilers!) the hero to triumph.
* The satyrs as a choice of companions are a little unusual and refreshing, and the satyr magic integrates well into the plot and suspension of disbelief.
* The catharsis with the protagonist's mom seemed like a good dose of reality at the appropriate time.

Things I didn't enjoy so much:
* Somalie as a world is highly reminiscent of D&D. Centaurs, dwarves, wood elves, wyverns. If you've played the game, you know what you're getting. If you like D&D, you're all set here.
* The female protagonist doesn't really worry about birth control, even when another major character gets pregnant. Seems like the subject would come up. A minor nod to this is all I wanted.
* The major villain is pretty clearly cast from the archetype of big bad fantasy bad guys. Old grizzled people like me might want more; for younger readers, he's fine.

All that said, I'm coming down on the side of 3.5 stars, but Amazon's imprecise system means I'm rounding up. It didn't rock my world, but it's a good read overall. Carry on!
Author 5 books1 follower
October 19, 2020
What I enjoyed about the book were the vivid scene descriptions which made it possible to picture yourself within the story. “A scream of warning lost forever in its throat.” I also enjoyed the tension between Faljon and Kaitlynn. I also liked the bits of humor thrown in, which made the quest more interesting for the characters. “Liar,” said Shanja with a smile. “You mumbled his name in your sleep.” One interesting element that I liked was the raven that was a spy for Uligart (the guy who wanted to have the power). I also loved that there were other creatures other than satyrs such as wyvern, frost elves, goblins, and centaurs.

My overall impression is that the book takes you into the world of Somalie and you discover who Kaitlynn is, and what is required of her to complete her journey. The satyrs are enjoyable with their unique, magical powers. You will laugh, yell at the author, and perhaps take a bit of the symbolism that he used in your world. So if you're looking for a read with adventure and wonder, read this book.
3 reviews
February 11, 2020
The Stairs in the Woods is a relatable coming of age story mixed with a well constructed fantasy storyline intertwined with a joy ride of romantic plot twists.

If you, like the main character, need a much needed escape from the norm and want a plot that lifts up resilience and shows the power of humor and irreverence in the worst of times, you need to read this book.

I especially appreciate Mr. Cesca's ability to accurately portray a strong female lead as she navigates her new life in a world beyond what she had imagined was possible.

The overarching theme of perseverance and resilience really hit home especially given current events. I would really like to know whether the main characters are able to find their happily ever after. I do believe a sequel is in order.
Profile Image for Robert Ullrich.
Author 16 books89 followers
September 2, 2020
Strange New World

Matthew Cesca took me into a world of mystery and mythology, in both the characters and story. It's hard to review a book of this nature, without slipping in a spoiler. So I will keep the secret of the stairs in woods. It is a key component to the adventure which follows. If you love fantasy, and want to take a walk through another world, you will find what you are looking for when you climb The Stairs in the Woods.
Profile Image for Dawn Hosmer.
Author 7 books215 followers
April 20, 2020
The Stairs in the Woods by Matt Cesca was an engrossing, well-told tale of Kaitlynn who was transported to a land of fantasy. The premise for this story was unique which I loved. The characters were relatable and well-developed. I don't want to give too much away but I laughed, cried, and felt the character's frustrations on their journey. I will definitely be reading more by Matt Cesca.
11 reviews
March 13, 2023
Portal fantasy full of adventure and heart

This book starts as a somber, touching, human slice of life and turns into an epic fantastical adventure. It has pretty much everything you could ask. Discovery, action, found family, non-human beings. It has no shortage of big events but truly shines with its smaller, more subtle scenes.
Displaying 1 - 20 of 20 reviews

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