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Out of Uniform #7

Rough Terrain

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The camping trip from hell may be the first stop on the road to happily-ever-after.

Navy SEAL Renzo Bianchi has a soft spot for Canaan Finley, and not only because the man makes a mean smoothie. He’s the first guy to get Renzo’s motor revving in a long time. But when he agrees to Canaan’s insane charade—one all-access fake boyfriend, coming right up—he never expects more than a fling.

Creating a hot Italian SEAL boyfriend to save face seemed like a good idea…until his friends called Canaan’s bluff. Now he’s setting off into the woods with the very man who inspired his deception, and Canaan is not the outdoorsy type. The sparks are already flying when a flash flood separates them from their group, leaving Renzo and Canaan very much trapped…very much alone in the wilderness.

Working together to come up with a plan for survival is sexier than either of them expects. But back in the real world, being a couple is bringing its own set of hazards…

384 pages, ebook

First published January 14, 2019

About the author

Annabeth Albert

97 books3,546 followers
Frequent tweeter, professional grammar nerd, and obsessive reader, Annabeth Albert is also a Pacific Northwest romance writer in a variety of subgenres.

Emotionally complex, sexy, and funny stories are her favorites both to read and to write. In between searching out dark heroes to redeem, she works a rewarding day job and wrangles two toddlers.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 470 reviews
January 2, 2019

Canaan works at a smoothie shop on a military base, but he has life goals. He's taking care of his grandfather and studying to be a nurse. Canaan used to be the drummer for a band that made it big (or at least bigger) after he left.

But Canaan doesn't regret his decision, nor does he regret ogling the navy SEALs, or one SEAL in particular, who come into the smoothie shop to load up on protein.

Renzo (Rooster to his navy friends) enjoys flirting with Canaan more than he wants to admit. It's not that Renzo isn't out. His colleagues and family know he's bi, but his time in San Diego may be limited and relationships require time, something that's in short supply for a dedicated SEAL.

When Canaan offers trouble, Renzo can't say no, and so begins a relationship built on adventure and kisses. Renzo goes camping with Canaan and Canaan's former band mates (including Canaan's douchey ex), posing as Canaan's boyfriend.

When the men get trapped on a trail during a deluge, their flirting moves to another level. Canaan credits Renzo with saving his life and doesn't want to let Renzo go.

Renzo and Canaan's relationship is strong from the start. Canaan is big on talking things out and realizes quickly that Renzo is a perfectionist, especially when it comes to sex.

Renzo has a rather, uh, BIG problem. But Canaan assures him he can take it (really, it's no hardship!) and there are other ways to have fun. Renzo and Canaan burn up the sheets. This book has some of the hottest frotting scenes I've ever read. I loved all the sexy in this story!

There's also a strong sense of family. Both men want to do right by the people who raised them. Canaan adores his grandpa, who takes a liking to Renzo, especially when Renzo proves he can cook.

Renzo's family, especially his mom, puts him on a pedestal; the hero worship makes Renzo feel like he'll never be enough. His brother needs constant care, and Renzo still feels guilty for an accident that wasn't his fault.

Rough Terrain is well paced and tender, with overtones of hurt/comfort. There is some mild relationship angst toward the end, but it's resolved without undue drama.

I really loved this couple and was thrilled with their wonderful HEA. These two will fly high and land together. Always.

P.S. We've met Canaan in a previous Out of Uniform story, but it took me nearly two-thirds of the book to have this epiphany.
Profile Image for Heather K (dentist in my spare time).
3,997 reviews6,251 followers
January 14, 2019
I'm a huge, huge Annabeth Albert, but Rough Terrain wasn't my favorite in the series.

I love military men and I love bisexual men, so it's a little puzzling to me why this story didn't click for me like others have. I think the use of the fake boyfriend trope was a little strange here, and, really, not necessary. I actually enjoyed the forced intimacy from the dire situation that happens in the book (no spoilers so no further details), but I think if it wasn't for that, I would have struggled with the chemistry as well.

Canaan's ex-boyfriend was a total asshole, and I didn't like him even having any page time in the story. I also thought Renzo was way too influenced by his family, and they bothered me also. However, my least favorite thing was the "I'm breaking up with you because it's 'for the best'" trope that reared its ugly head near the end. One of my huge pet peeves.

Now that I'm done with my complaining, I can get onto the good aspects. I thought the sex was SUPER hot, and I loved them getting to know each other and their bodies. Smoking. The pair overcoming Renzo's sexual hang ups was pretty enjoyable to read about. More of that, please!

I also could feel the beginnings of something wonderful between them, though I didn't quite get there in buying the intense emotions. It was almost really great, but stopped short. I also really loved Canaan's relationship with his grandfather. It was very, very sweet and make me like Canaan even more.

While not a stand-out in the series, I think Annabeth Albert fans and fans of the series should still give this one a go.

*Copy provided in exchange for an honest review*

Profile Image for ~Mindy Lynn~.
1,395 reviews662 followers
January 27, 2019
4.5 Stars!

This one was my favorite book of the series.

What this book had going for it that none of the others did was the fact that these two men were in an actual relationship. There was no closets to come out of. There was no hiding of the relationship. I loved that. Usually in this series we have to wait until almost the very end for one of the men to get it together enough to admit to their feelings. So this book was quite the relief from all that. Plus it helped that I really loved Canaan and Renzo together.

Canaan use to be a drummer in a band that was getting some notice when his grandma turned ill. Putting his family first he left the band and took a different path from the rock and roll one. Now he's studying to be a nurse and working at a smoothie shop while also taking care of his grandpa. He's quite fond of his smoothie job because it gives him a perfect excuse to ogle his little obsession. The men of SEALS. He's got a thang for them and especially for one SEAL in particular.
Renzo (A.K.A. Rooster to his SEAL team) likes to flirt and especially likes to flirt with Canaan. It's all innocent until Canaan offers him a bit fun and trouble. When Renzo decides to take Canaan up on his offer a sweet romance blossoms between the two. It starts off as a fake relationship to shut up Canaan's ex band mates about showing up alone while on a camping trip from hell. But when Canaan proves he can handle Renzo's "big" problem, which by the way is no problem for Canaan, it makes Renzo feel more comfortable pursuing this relationship with Canaan.
Both men are pretty family oriented. Renzo's family is pretty intense. Well I should say his mother is. Still not sure if I like her. When Ren's not drowning in guilt from a past accident he's trying to be the perfect son and brother. His mom doesn't help with that pressure when she loads him down with her hero worship talk and letting him know how much his family needs and misses him. Canaan just wants to take care of the person who has always been there for him and taken care of him when his mother wasn't in the picture. He adores his grandpa and so did I.
Both men stole my heart and I rooted hard for their HEA and was thrilled with their ending.

Happy reading dolls! xx

I received an ARC from the publisher and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for h o l l i s .
2,606 reviews2,228 followers
December 19, 2018
ROUGH TERRAIN is another recent read that is slow to boil but with a satisfying end.

I have definitely struggled with the Out of Uniform series as it progressed, and never knew if it was the stories themselves that failed to measure up to the earlier ones or if I was just outgrowing the series, but I feel like this was a really sweet note to end things on. It had a rough (hah) start where things just felt kind of.. young, or less polished, with twenty-six year olds (and older) acting kind of simplistically but it did even out as the story progressed. Of course, it wasn't without moments of frustration (Renzo's mum was a sore point for me and the Damian nonsense was a little OTT) but I was totally delighted that, in waiting for the shoe to drop to send things into another angsty spiral near the end, instead we have.. no angst. Just happiness.

I actually found this couple to be very well-suited and, overall, found the whole plot to be a little fluffier than I'm used to for this series. And as a wrap-up I'm good with those warm and fuzzies. We don't get too many cameos but one in particular did make me laugh (Ben and Maddox, haha).

While it's certainly not my favourite, I'm happy with the ending, and also happy to see the end of this series. I'm looking forward to different things from this author and hopeful we'll be returning to Rainbow Cove soon (easily my favourite of Albert's last string of releases). Excited to see where she goes next.

** I received an ARC from NetGalley and the publisher (thank you!) in exchange for an honest review. **
Profile Image for Dia.
534 reviews145 followers
January 18, 2019
4 solid stars!

I should start by saying I've read all the previous books in this series. 6 to be exact. I fell in love with the author's writing style and also all the hotness surrounding the SEALs.
Now I just can't believe this is the last book in the series. I don't know where I saw this but if it's true... I will miss this amazing world the author created. Again we revisit some characters from the previous books, but this one can definitely be read as a stand alone.
Renzo and Canaan. They were both attracted to the other. While Canaan tried to catch Renzo's attention and flirt, Renzo was determined to fight his attraction and keep his distance. I had mixed feelings about Renzo. Something didn't feel right with his stubbornness about not wanting to risk something with Canaan. I mean, I get it, he didn't want to be used, because he was burned before, but later he was still afraid of trying a relationship with him.
Anyway, Canaan was super sweet, sincere, straight forward. I liked so much his Grandpa. I was super sorry about his Grandma and his history with his ex. What a moron!

This book isn't short, it's actually over 300 pages, but I've read it in one sitting. That's how much I liked it. I really couldn't put it down. The big minus here, for me, would be Renzo's attitude. Or better said, the way he decided alone for them both. It really annoyed me. And Canaan just should have made him grovel more at the end.

Overall this was a great story, with so many sweet and also hot moments, but it's pretty slow burning, just so you know.

The ending was amazing and I really am sad we won't be getting more HOT stories with SEALS from this great author.

netgalley netgalley2

This review is posted on DirtyBooksObsession

dbo vid

Profile Image for Cadiva.
3,754 reviews379 followers
December 18, 2019

I write this in a strange state of both joy - at such a lovely romance - and sorrow at knowing this is the final book in what has been a quite outstanding series of military romances from Annabeth.

She chooses to end her Out of Uniform series on a high though and this is a story I didn't know I was needing which gives Canaan (who we last saw in Ben and Maddox's On Point literally coming between the two men) his own complex SEAL with which to fall in love.

I loved Canaan, initially seen as a bit of SEAL chaser only interested in the uniform, it quickly became clear that he was a man with far more depth than outward appearances indicated. I loved his scenes with his Grandpa.

Rooster/Renzo - ooh I wanted to shake him sometimes but he behaves as he does for good reason and I completely got why he was so hesitant but once he decided he was in, he went all in and the Epilogue in this one just made my heart sing!

There's troubles along the way, the sex is possibly some of the most varied and intense Annabeth has ever written

Canaan's former bandmates, manager Kelly aside, weren't particularly pleasant people and I could feel his hurt seeping out when he was forced back into their space. So-called friends don't behave like they did, never mind his ex-twat of a boyfriend and I found the scenes with them to be quite moving.

Renzo's family were fab, Italian, expressive, consuming, overwhelming, but proud of their son and not quite sure how to demonstrate it in a way which didn't bring more issues.

There's lots going on in this one but Annabeth saves the best for last as she pulls all the plot lines together for a truly wonderful conclusion. I will miss this series, although there will still be new shorts put out every now and then according to the lovely author so all is not gone forever!

#ARC kindly provided by Carina Press via NetGalley in return for an honest and unbiased review
Profile Image for Martin.
765 reviews504 followers
January 19, 2019
I didn't plan on rating this book as I stopped it at the 20%, but apparently the GR app requires stars so I can write a few lines.

I didn't like the overwhelming awkwardness that the beginning consists of, so I don't trust these guys to be a powerful romance couple...

And if I ever a guy has an issue like Renzo, someone needs to put him out of his misery. A life with such an issue sure isn't manageable. LOL.
January 22, 2019
Audio - 5 stars
Story - 3.5 stars

I wanted more for the final book in the series. The couples in each book were different, but when I sit back and think about the actual stories, they shared enough in common to be predictable. Overall, I enjoyed the series, but I'm ready for something new and different from the author.
Profile Image for Elsa Bravante.
1,143 reviews203 followers
January 17, 2019
4.5 estrellas, le voy a subir a 5 porque es una serie que, en general, he disfrutado mucho y este último libro es un estupendo broche.
Rooster y Canaan, comprenderéis que con el nombre de Rooster no era un personaje que en principio llamase mucho mi atención, y si la llamaba era para mal. Qué cansino leer el clásico SEAL machote y gallito, meh. Pero, al final ha resultado un personaje lleno de ternura, con muchas inseguridades, y que aunque alguna vez abusa del victimismo, al final ha despertado todas mis simpatías. Por otro lado, Canaan, poco hay que no pueda gustar de Canaan, divertido, generoso y el contrapunto perfecto para ese SEAL un tanto contenido.
Una historia fundamentalmente bonita, con trasfondo militar, pero sin abusar de él y sin las típicas misiones que suelen provocarme algún que otro bostezo. Una pareja que intenta buscar un lugar común y adaptar sus diferentes circunstancias vitales. Amor, ternura, algún que otro cliché salvador y alguna que otra escena muy erótica.
Me da mucha pena despedirme de la serie.
Profile Image for .Lili. .
1,259 reviews261 followers
January 11, 2019
I have some mixed feelings about Rough Terrain. Overall I enjoyed it, but there were some niggles.

Bad news first:

-Fake boyfriend trope is never a favorite but has worked for me before. I didn't enjoy it here. I hated the person it was done for and wished Canaan has just stood his ground.

-I also didn't care for the for the rescue mission. It felt too similar to Tight Quarters except I got a little bore and skimmed some of it in this book.

-I hated most of Canaan's old bandmates. Their lousy behavior almost felt contrived; it was too much.

The good news:

-I Loved Canaan and Renzo. They were great guys who were family oriented.

-Nice relationship development.

-Steaming chemistry.

-Dual POVs

-A strong HEA.

As for my final rating, I was torn between 3 and 4 stars. I'll go with 3.5 and round up to 4 since the second half of the book was my favorite.
Profile Image for Jewel.
1,871 reviews272 followers
January 23, 2022
2.5 Stars

Rough Terrain is Annabeth Albert's 7th and final book in her Out of Uniform series. It pretty much follows the author's formula of likable MCs without getting too deep or angststy.

Canaan is working at a smoothie shop on base while he puts himself through school. He has a bit of a military fetish (who doesn't like a man in uniform?) and when it comes to SEALs, he is fully on board. He's got his eye on one SEAL, in particular, and when he overhears something that suggests that "Rooster" might not be entirely straight, he steps up his flirting game.

Renzo "Rooster" Bianchi is the SEAL of Canaan's dreams. He's out as bisexual, but he's had some challenges when it comes to sexual encounters, and he doesn't really have time to pursue relationships. His eye is drawn to the flirty guy at the smoothie shop, but what are the odds that the flirtiness would be genuine?

I did like both MCs, as individuals, and maybe given time I'd like them together. I think my problem was that the timeline was way too condensed. Canaan lets his ex walk all over him and push him to take someone on the camping trip and Canaan brings it up to Renzo way too early to be believable to me and everything else quickly followed -- too quickly.

The fake boyfriend trope has worked for me before, and it can be fun, but I didn't enjoy it here, at all. The MC's lacked tension and everything felt too contrived and superficial. In fact, the whole reason that Canaan even needed the fake boyfriend felt ridiculous to me. He let his ex walk all over him and caved, at every turn.

After Renzo and Canaan decide to be real boyfriends, I still wasn't feeling it. Everything is great and perfect, they are compatible in every way, and they're happy until Renzo decides to do one of the things that nearly always kills my enjoyment in a story. and when that bit of story gets resolved it was, again, too easy, no tension, no muss, no fuss, and on to their happily ever after. Meh.

There are plenty of others that enjoyed this story, though, so if you're a fan of this author, and you've enjoyed this series, take the chance, because you might like it.

Arc of Rough Terrain was generously provided by the publisher, in exchange for an honest review
Profile Image for Fabi.
1,031 reviews157 followers
December 17, 2018
This is #7 in the awesome Out of Uniform series. I haven't missed a single one. In fact, I'm a little early with my review of this one, but I couldn't resist diving in.

BTW, that cover looks a lot like our MCs. :-)

Navy SEAL Renzo Bianchi (Rooster to his team because he's very image conscious) has been enlisted for a decade and is nearing some well deserved training and promotion. The Navy changed Rooster's life in many ways. Not only did it give him a purpose and satisfaction in life, it also changed a chubby kid into a body conscious, healthy eating and healthy lifestyle man. In his spare time he films and vlogs fitness videos. Rather on the down-low from the Navy which ignores the hobby as long as it doesn't interfere with Renzo's duties. In spite of him being a little reserved, his image does catch more than one eye.

Smoothie barista, Canaan always enjoys the SEAL eye candy that regularly comes into his store. He's had a special eye on Renzo for a while. When he accidentally learns that Renzo bats for his team, Canaan gets his courage up and makes a move. It's just an outing as friends since Renzo is so reserved. Easy going, fun loving Canaan has no problem with that. In fact, he enjoys the company so much that he asks for a favor. Will Renzo pretend to be his boyfriend for a weekend of hiking with Canaan's old bandmates? It turns out that Renzo is great boyfriend material. :-)))

I adored Canaan. What a wonderful, caring, easy-going character. He would be my favorite friend. I wasn't as enamored of Renzo. He was more difficult for me to like. He was quite self-absorbed and a hard body isn't the end-all be-all for me. How does an Italian boy love Asian food so much? LOL, that kept throwing me off. I also did not like his family (particularly his mother) - at all. On the other hand, I adored Canaan's grandpa.

Overall, it was very one-sided for me in this particular story. Surprisingly enough, I didn't fall on the SEAL side as I usually do. As always, I did enjoy the romance and the sex scenes were smokin' hot. More in this series please. :-)

Review ARC graciously provided by the publisher via NetGalley.
Profile Image for Ele.
1,311 reviews40 followers
December 30, 2018
This is the seventh and final book in the Out of Uniform series by Annabeth Albert. I have read all seven books, and while book one still remains my absolute favorite, Rough Terrain was a very good finale.

The characters were a pleasant surprise. My first impression of them was completely wrong. I first thought that Renzo was a shallow, muscle dude who spent all his time outside the army in front of a mirror or on Instagram. Not true! In reality Renzo is a very insecure, sensitive guy who’s looking for love and partnership. He also has a rather…um…BIG problem. To the point it has made sex a hardship for him. That was an interesting angle.

It took a while to remember Canaan but I finally did. He has made an appearance in On Point. Appearances were deceptive in his case as well. He was not the selfish kid, always flirting or hooking up without taking anything seriously. In fact, Canaan has sacrificed a lot of things for his family.

I loved the chemistry between the characters and their bonding during some intense scenes. Ι liked how Canaan seemed to soothe Renzo’s nerves and how slow and easy they took things. In general, I think that this story’s best aspect is the very natural relationship development. There is some conflict that spices things up in the end of the story but not too much.

I did have some complaints, though. Canaan came on way too strong sometimes, kept making it everything about sex even when poor Renzo was trying to have a simple conversation. Canaan’s friends were obnoxious and I really didn’t see why he still wanted to be a part of that. Renzo’s mom and the way she handled his bisexuality irritated me as well, but at least it was realistic.

All in all, it was a good read. If you ‘re familiar with the series (not necessarily all books) you don’t wan to miss it.
Profile Image for Papie.
783 reviews166 followers
November 12, 2020
3.5 stars

Canaan and Renzo were really sweet together, and the sex was quite hot. I really liked the beginning with all the flirting. Then they both started annoying me, but once they got over their “nobody likes sex with me” (Ren) and “nobody loves me” (Canaan) hangups, I started liking them. I loved their relationship development, and how they gradually built up their sex life to get over Ren’s issues. I loved seeing them interact with their friends and family. The epilogue was sweet and perfect.

Now a few things annoyed me (possible spoilers ahead):

- I don’t get why Canaan stayed friends with his old band (especially Damian) after the way they treated him.
- Ren/Rooster seems so different from the previous book. He initially seemed like a super confident cocky guy, and here he seems all shy and quiet. It didn’t make sense to me.
- the Ben/Maddox encounter. It almost seems like they were judging Canaan for the threesome THEY had with HiM? And making it all awkward in front of his new boyfriend? Dudes. No. That’s casual hookup 101, no judging and no making it awkward.
- I already mentioned it, but both MCs came off as “poor me” for a while there and that was annoying. I’m thinking especially about a scene where Canaan is all sad that Ren disappointed him because people always disappoint him. After ONE date. Save the drama for later.
- Ren being really dumb and stubborn near the end. Annoying plot twist.

That makes it sound like I hated the book. I didn’t. I really enjoyed it. It’s cute, sexy and relatively low angst.
Profile Image for Caz.
2,983 reviews1,113 followers
June 4, 2024
Review from 2019

I've given this an A+ for narration and a B+ for content at AudioGals.

Rough Terrain is the seventh and final book in Annabeth Albert’s consistently entertaining  Out of Uniform  series. It’s always hard to say goodbye to favourite characters and the worlds they inhabit, but it’s a series I revisit regularly in audio as all the books are excellently performed, making it well worth investing the extra time needed to listen as opposed to read them.

We met Renzo “Rooster” (he hates the stupid nickname!) Bianchi in earlier books in the series, and if you’ve read or listened to any of them, you’ll remember he makes fitness videos which have gained him a large online following. He’s good-looking, super fit (well, he’s a SEAL, so I suppose he’d have to be!) and comes from a large, close-knit Italian-American family he loves very much and misses a lot; to that end, he’s recently applied for a posting nearer home, but doesn’t really expect it to happen. His family members all accept his bisexuality, although he knows his mother secretly hopes that when he does eventually settle down it’ll be with a woman so he can get started on giving her (yet more) grandchildren.

But in spite of all the things he’s got going for him, Renzo isn’t particularly confident when it comes to sex and relationships. Sex hasn’t always been a pleasant experience for him (for reasons made clear later on) and he’s been burned more than once by people who were interested more in what he represented – a hot, tough Navy SEAL – than they were in him as a person. But even so, he can’t help thinking about the cute guy at the local smoothie place who suggested that perhaps he’d be interested in them finding “some trouble” together.

Canaan Finley was on the verge of his big break with the rock band of which he was the drummer when he received the news that his grandmother was dying of cancer, and he decided to quit the band’s European tour and fly home to care for her and be with her in her final weeks and months. Canaan now lives near his grandfather, is studying to become a geriatric nurse and works part-time at the smoothie bar on the military base. It’s not the most exciting job but it does at least mean he gets to quietly ogle the guys who come in after their workouts wanting protein shakes ;)

It’ll come as no surprise when I say that Renzo does decide to take Canaan up on his offer of “trouble” – although he’s wary and his insecurities threaten to end their night out before it gets started. He’s worried Canaan is a SEAL chaser (he sort of is, or at least, has been in the past) and tries to keep him a little bit at arm’s length, but that soon proves incredibly difficult. Canaan is funny and charming and incredibly intuitive, somehow sensing what Renzo is comfortable with, and they spend a great evening together. Although Canaan makes it clear he’s definitely open to taking things further, he doesn’t push and is clearly just happy to be with Renzo and to enjoy the night for what it is. Things sour a little however, when he at last gets up the courage to ask Renzo for the favour that’s been hovering in the back of his mind for days. His former bandmates have invited him on an outdoorsy weekend, and he’d really like to go and spend time with them all. The trouble is that they’re all going with their significant others, and his ex – who is a total git – insists that Canaan needs to bring someone with him. After saying he’ll probably go alone over and over, he finally snapped and hinted that he had a boyfriend – a SEAL from the base – which is how he comes to ask Renzo if he’d consider going with him as his (fake) boyfriend. This only confirms Renzo’s worst fears; he really likes Canaan, but the guy has just proved to be yet another someone who wants something from him, and even though Canaan does his best to assure him that he wants to spend time with Renzo regardless of whether he goes on the trip or not, Renzo is hurt.

Well… of course Renzo goes on the trip, but not without telling himself that he’s only going because his superiors have more or less ordered him to take some leave, and that he’s going along as Canaan’s friend and nothing more. The trouble is that Canaan is just too hard to resist; his gentle flirtatiousness, forthright manner and sunny disposition draw Renzo in, and he finds himself loosening up and really talking to him about stuff he’s never discussed with anyone. He’s still mistrustful about the whole fake boyfriend thing though, and doesn’t quite believe in Canaan’s assertions that he’s interested in Renzo beyond the weekend, but when they arrive and he meets the other band mates, he finds himself glad he’s there for Canaan. He hates the way they (especially his douchebag ex), treat Canaan as though he’s somehow losing out while Canaan discovers that Renzo is everything he wants in a real boyfriend, someone caring, protective and supportive of him and his ambitions and life-choices.

The camping-trip-gone-horribly-wrong aspect of this story (as mentioned in the synopsis) is actually quite a small part of it. Their time “trapped in the wilderness” provides the opportunity for both men to talk more and for them – and us – to learn about the events that have shaped them, as well as for the author to strengthen the deep emotional connection she’s already established between them, but I couldn’t help feeling it was a little info-dumpy. What’s more interesting is the way the author then refocuses the story on the real problems that face anyone in a relationship with someone in the military – distance, long absences – and how both men have to juggle their different responsibilities and find compromises that will work for them. Most of all though, I loved the kindness and mutual respect and understanding that developed between them that showed clearly that they were going to make their relationship work.

As I said at the beginning, the Out of Uniform books are all superbly narrated so whichever one of them you pick up (and they all work as standalones), you’re guaranteed an excellent listening experience. The first three books used three different performers, but since Wheels Up (book four) we’ve been treated to awesomeness that is Greg Boudreaux, who has done sterling work in each book in the series he’s narrated. I listen to a lot of audiobooks – some of them for review here and some not – and to a lot of different narrators, many of them extremely good. But even when I’ve listened to something featuring an excellent narrator, I’ll turn to one narrated by Mr. Boudreaux and will find that indefinable “something more” about it that puts him in a class of his own. It’s not just technical ability – with someone this good, that’s a given; it’s the way he gets under the skin of the characters and into their heads to highlight even the smallest emotion, or the fact that his delivery and speech patterns are so natural that they sound exactly the way you imagine they do when you see the words on the page. Whatever that quality is, it’s something that keeps me coming back for more time after time.

Rough Terrain is a beautifully developed, tender, steamy and well-written love story, and a wonderful addition to what’s been a really enjoyable series. I highly recommend it.
Profile Image for CrabbyPatty.
1,674 reviews181 followers
August 15, 2021
FYI, I've read three books in Annabeth Albert's "Out of Uniform" series and enjoyed them immensely, but after reading more than a few SEAL-related books lately I was a bit burned out with the general theme. But, holy cow, hold the presses ... I loved the everlasting heck out of "Rough Terrain."

The author has a way of taking various plot devices (fake boyfriend and two MCs in peril that brings them closer) that could be overdone in lesser hands and makes them fresh and insightful. Canaan is an admitted "SEAL chaser" and is fascinated by gorgeous Renzo who, with his SEAL friends, weekly drops by the smoothie place where Canaan works (in addition to finishing up his classes to become a nurse).

Renzo looks like the typical buff SEAL but he's got some issues. He's relatively shy, doesn't like hook-ups, prefers long slow gentle kisses and is uncomfortable with sex. ("Canaan was beginning to suspect that Renzo had a hidden romantic side that really valued the emotional part of sex.") He's also got a huge hero complex and a strong bend towards perfectionism. "He had this ... need to be perfect. [...] To be the best son. Best brother."

Canaan, on the other hand, is very comfortable in his freewheeling existence and his sexuality:
Ah. There you go. It's a perfectionist control-freak thing with you. No one's great at sex - that's part of the fun. Weird parts knock together. Things get tangled. People fall off beds. Lube runs out. But then you get lucky, and everything works, and it's ... Nothing like it.
But Canaan also knows that "he wasn't the kind of guy people planned futures with." He's still a college student at 26 and basically lives with his grandpa.

Yet, these two dissimilar personalities work so well together, and for the most part because they honestly communicate with one another. They work together to survive a perilous situation and work together for their happy ending. Yes, the sex scenes are pretty darn hot, but it's their basic understanding and appreciation and love for each other that really really works so well in this book. (Personally, I could have done without the subplot about Canaan's evil-ex but that's a small niggle.) 4.5 stars and a Recommended Read.

I received an ARC from the publisher, via NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review.

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Profile Image for Denise H..
3,116 reviews251 followers
May 14, 2019
***** Another wonderful story in this amazing series.
* Renzo/Rooster Bianchi, 28, is a big, muscled SEAL

stationed in San Diego. He and his friends stop into a "shake" store to get their rejuvinating protein shake refreshments after training.
* Canaan, 26, a Nursing student who is

a smaller blonde man who lives with his Grandfather, works part time making shakes. The first time he sees Renzo, the Italian SEAL, he gets his attention, because there is something about him that's special.
Renzo, who is Bi, is skeptical because SEALs are always getting attention from women and men who want to flirt.
He agrees to hang out with Canaan and they have a great time, no sex involved, yet. We learn about Renzo's hang-ups, and Canaan past, too.

When Canaan's ex-band mates want him, a former drummer, to bring a date to hike the Grand Canyon, he asks Renzo, who at first, reluctantly, accepts.

The band members are okay except for two guys, but Canaan will be able to see the nice members again.
Our Renzo is a no-nonsense hiker and has everything in order; plus Canaan is game for anything and our guys have fun. They are fooling around by now, and Renzo get some first times, but actual sex comes later on.
* The group becomes seperated while on a hike, when the sky darkens and a flash flood forces Renzo and Canaan to climb up, up and away.
* Stranded on an outcropping, they ration their food and water, and wait for the next day for rescue. It's a wonderful, rewarding, intense, and sweetly romantic tale.

Our guys sexy times and more firsts, are truly hot and exciting, plus the deep emotions are new for both men, too.

There are obstacles to overcome, and they have expressed their love, when the worse news hits. How will they be able to figure out the logistics? It takes them both, because two heads are better than one.

There is family, distance, and true love on the line.
The epilogue is fantastic, and we are very happy with our HEA.

I highly recommend this whole series, and this particular book, too.

Profile Image for Santy.
1,211 reviews71 followers
January 4, 2019
My love for this series started from the very first book, hasn’t waned and with this latest instalment ,wouldn’t be waning any time soon.

Renzo(aka Rooster) is a teammate of Bacon from the previous book and he’s been paired up with the lovely nurse-in-training-slash-punk drummer Canaan.I liked Renzo’s loyalty and adored Canaan’s spirit of adventure(both in and out of bed). They made a wonderful couple and were sexy as hell to boot.

Unfortunately, they both came with baggage(Renzo’s being of the extra heavy, sometimes selfish and mostly annoying variety lol). It took Canaan’s sheer tenacity and Renzo’s complete re-evaluation of his priorities for him to realise and accept their future together.

I must admit that this story was slower paced than the previous book but still managed to be engaging. As usual,the writing was great and I liked the secondary characters well enough(though not the former band mates; those people can drop off the face of the earth for all I care...they didn’t deserve Canaan).

All in all I thoroughly enjoyed this book and suspect it might be the last of this series. If it is, that would be sad news but I believe all good things must come to an end. If not and there are more books in this series, count me In! I am sooo here for that!

*** eARC Copy Was Graciously Provided By The Publisher Via Netgalley In Exchange For An Honest, Unbiased, Review ***
Profile Image for Erth.
4,040 reviews
October 12, 2020
Once again, Annabeth Albert delivers a wonderful addition to her OUT OF UNIFORM series–with everyone’s favorite sniper, Bacon, and a journalist who is embedded with Bacon’s SEAL team.

As with all the other books in this series, TIGHT QUARTERS was a delight to read. The characters continue to be amazingly dynamic and full of unforeseen depth. Bacon, as I mentioned, has been a favorite, and I was super excited to learn this book was about him. From his first appearance, I loved him and the way he supported his brothers in arms. He’s such a good guy, willing to help out however he can, and I’ve been eager to see him finally get his happy ending and someone who can help take care of him in the way he cares for others. And with this book, he finally finds that in Spencer Bryant, a journalist 20 years his senior, who’s been embedded with the SEAL in order to do in depth research for a story.

I enjoyed the fact that there was a bit of enemies to lovers happening with Bacon and Spencer, even as they were attracted to each other from the first. It was so interesting to watch their relationship progress from journalist and Navy liaison to friends and lovers who’re secure in just how much they need and rely on each other. The progression of their relationship was so fun and sweet and tender, and the breakup scene was almost as crushing for me as it was for them. I couldn’t stop reading, waiting for them to finally achieve their happy ending, and the way they get there is just perfect.

In addition to the characters and overall plot, I was also a fan of the pansexual rep we find on page here through Bacon. We learn that he’s pan in the previous book (SQUARED AWAY), so I was curious about how Albert was going to portray it, and I think she did a good job. Bacon was just pan–forthcoming with using the term and correcting anyone who mislabeled him–and there was none of the weird “validation” involving past sexual partners that books with bisexual and/or pansexual character tend to feature. He talks about having past partners, and talks about his teenage enbyfriend Jamie, whose story is relevant to how it’s affected Bacon’s life, without using them as part of Bacon’s “pan cred,” but that’s it. As I said, he’s just allowed to be and exist as pansexual, which I loved.

Also, as always, I loved seeing familiar faces from the previous books in the series, as well as meeting new character, such as Rooster (who’s one of the heroes of the next book!).

I look forward to more from this series, and Annabeth Albert in general, in the months and years to come!
Profile Image for Ami.
6,041 reviews491 followers
November 23, 2018
3.5 stars

After two years, Annabeth Albert’s Out of Uniform is ending with book seven, Rough Terrain, featuring Canaan Finley and Navy SEAL Renzo Bianchi.

The main conflict of this book can be summed up to this: Renzo doesn’t trust Canaan enough – Canaan is a bit of a player before meeting Renzo, plus there’s joke that Canaan is a SEAL chaser. On top of that, Renzo is planning to get a permanent change of station to East Coast, closer to his family. Therefore, having perpetual relationship with Canaan is out of the question…

In between that, there’s this Renzo’s ‘issue’ with sex – apparently, his dick is monster size, so sex has not always been an enjoyable one.

I’m afraid that the numerous sex scenes bored me. Renzo’s issue is interesting at first, but in the end, it wasn’t something I particularly have interest with. Thus, Renzo keep having doubts and Canaan trying to convince him that sex with Canaan can be fun becomes repetitive after a while, and I ended up skimming.

My favorite times of this book is the one that has nothing to do with sex talks – like when Renzo and Canaan are trapped after flash flood during their camping trip and Renzo talks about his family and his reason for joining Navy. Or when Renzo’s family is visiting and Canaan making good connection with them. Or when Renzo meeting Canaan’s grandfather. THOSE are the highlights of this book for me, and I feel like I understand them better because of it.

I liked Canaan better than Renzo, though. I think his uninhibited attitude towards sex is positive. I adore Canaan’s relationship with his grandfather. Plus, Canaan is the one making Renzo sees that there’s more to their relationship. Renzo … well, he’s kind of needing that slap on the hand, in my opinion.

It's still a good one to end the series, not my top favorite (that will be Ben and Maddox's story, On Point) but not a complete let down. I did wish to see more cameos from previous couples, though.

The ARC is provided by the publisher via Netgalley for an exchange of fair and honest review. No high rating is required for any ARC received.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for True Loveislovereview.
2,615 reviews1 follower
January 9, 2019
Renzo and Canaan

This author is master with conversations and monologues. Not one dull moment

Canaan... dear, sweet and honest... no second agenda... Renzo has to adjust to all the honest actions.
Renzo is very conservative... always on his guard... most of the time I didn’t like him... but on the other side I love it when characters are flawed... so kind of contradicting huh.. I know...
They are far out of each others league but Canaan knows a way to connect with Renzo.
Asking Renzo to go with him on a weekend trip with his ex band members, as his fake boyfriend so his ex boyfriend will not bother him further, is changing their whole friendship... they start some kind of a relationship. It’s quite a complicated relationship and that’s more because of Renzo and his issues and attitude..
Renzo is a SEAL and before he’d known Canaan he ask for a translocation...

A large story, a lot is happening and like I said not one dull moment. Friends, colleagues, family, a band, a survival trip, sweet lovemaking and a lot more things you can find in this read.
This author has a tremendous way of writing, always well developed main and secondary personalities... overall a wonderful story.

Kindly received an arc from the publisher through NetGalley
Profile Image for Adam.
611 reviews370 followers
January 31, 2019
3.5 stars

The Out of Uniform series sort of crept up on me. Through seven novels and a bunch of short stories, I’ve had a blast reading about these men in uniform and the people they love.

I’ll be sad to see the series go, but ‘Rough Terrain’ ends it on a really good note!

This book brings back two supporting characters from previous books - Renzo (i.e. Bacon’s teammate Rooster), and Canaan (who played a bit of a weird role in Ben and Maddox’s story).

The two men have eyed each other from a distance for a while, with just some light flirting. That is until Canaan decides to take a chance and ask the SEAL of his dreams out for a night of “trouble”.

Their first date sets the pattern for their relationship. The two men click immediately, and it’s undeniable to either that there’s definitely something worth exploring between them. But Renzo has some serious hangups - about love, sex, and family.

But that doesn’t deter him from agreeing to Canaan’s crazy idea - to be fake boyfriends for a weekend hiking trip with Canaan’s ex-bandmates.

I think what I enjoyed most about Canaan and Renzo’s relationship was just how much fun they had together. There weren’t necessarily any swoon-filled emotional moments (at least not at first), but instead there was a lot of laughter and playful competitiveness.


Plus, I loved how family meant so much to both men. Canaan’s grandfather was just precious.

And the sexual tension. These two were hot while fake boyfriends, and even hotter when it became something real.


But of course, not everything was sunshine-and-roses. There was a life-and-death situation that brought the men closer together.

And then there was relationship drama. The book dragged a bit for me at this point, simply because Renzo was being deliberately obtuse. Things didn’t have to get as complicated as they did.

Luckily, Canaan’s made of sturdier stuff, and Renzo gets his head out of his ass pretty quickly. The happy ever after was perfect.

If you’re looking for an MM series about soldiers in love, give the Out of Uniforms series a try!

Profile Image for Trio.
3,354 reviews186 followers
May 26, 2021
Very exciting! It was like three stories in one, and I especially enjoyed the camping part of it. Lots of interesting backstory which kept up a rapid pace, and of course Annabeth Albert's crazy hot sex scenes - what's not to enjoy?

Fantastic audio performance by Greg Boudreaux.
Profile Image for Gabi.
678 reviews115 followers
January 18, 2019
I really did not like the beginning. Canaan was very pushy and also straightforward, and I liked his honesty, but that combination is very intimidating. But then I started warming up to him. It's refreshing when you don't have to guess what you're love interest thinks and wants, coz he tells it to your face. The dialogue was sometimes awkward however.

Ren was a surprise. I thought he would be more flirty and laid-back, you know, a dudebro. He is quite the opposite. Very self-concious when it comes to sex, with good reason, which I found funny at first. Coz that wasn't a problem in any of the MM books I've read. But yes it's a real problem I guess, and not that funny.
I kind of expected them to be in a reversed role, this dynamic felt weird at first, but I liked it. Macho guy needing reassurance.

This fake boyfriend trope did not work that well for me. Before they became fake boyfriends, it was established that they liked each other more than just friends, there was mutual interest. I mean Canaan was coming on so strong, he couldn't have been any clearer. So it was very frustrating when Renzo was thinking 'oh he just sucked me off to get back at his ex, because of revenge. He didn't really want to'. Dude, he's so into you, he literally told you he wants you, whyyy are you acting like this. Grrr. :@

Everything was better after what went down in the canyon. Renzo seemed to be more trusting, which helped the relationship move forward, and their feelings to go deeper.

The best part of this book was the preview of the author's new book, Arctic Sun. I'm looking forward to the new series.
Profile Image for Annery.
947 reviews154 followers
November 12, 2020
This is a nice final entry in a series that has kept a consistent tone in telling the different love stories for some SEALS stationed in San Diego: strong family dynamics and friends that are like family.

Renzo Bianchhi aka Rooster, he of the Health & Fitness IG, turns out to be a sensitive soul. He's 28 and more than ready to enter into a more adult stage of his life. He's also cautious of personal involvements as he's been burned.

Canaan has left behind his early avocation as a drummer in a moderately successful band (they're famous in Europe) to take care of his grandfather and become a nurse. He also works at smoothie bar where he can ogle all the SEALS he wants but his favorite by a mile is Renzo.

The initial coming together of Renzo & Canaan comes about as a fake boyfriend thing which I don't hate but also don't love. I can never take it seriously. Luckily Canaan isn't shy about talking and he drags Renzo out of his shell. They quickly acknowledge that there is something real worth exploring and that they both want to take a chance. Renzo's hangups and fears can't withstand Canaan's "can do spirit". The boy is fearless when it comes to sex and he's pretty brave with the emotional stuff too. Renzo is a lucky guy but also very deserving of that luck.

The sex is smoking but, as usual with this series, it's the emotional intimacy that wins out. Though they have loving families Renzo & Canaan are each other's home. It was sweet.
Profile Image for Vanna (on-hiatus).
720 reviews85 followers
April 26, 2023
3.5 Enjoyed it stars! ❤️ ❤️Story was good, but I think the narration made it better. Both Renzo and Canaan were interesting MCs but I felt that Renzo seemed more serious and skittish than how he appeared to be as "Rooster" in the previous books. Nevertheless it was still pretty hot and steamy as well as tender and sentimental. Highly recommended to all fans of military M/M romances. 👍👍
Displaying 1 - 30 of 470 reviews

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