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The Sting

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Best friends Tommy Boyle and Scratch always had each other’s backs. Dragged up in care, and cruelly betrayed by everyone they trusted, they made a pact to fight their way out of the gutter – together.


Old loyalties die hard on the streets of London. Tommy throws his lot in with the notorious Darling family – even if it means leaving Scratch to the wolves. She’s destined for a different path, reinventing herself as copper Kim Regan.


Now they’re on opposite sides of the law. Running Operation Sting, Kim will rip the heart out of the Darling’s empire – and only her old pal Tommy stands in her way.

As gritty and dangerous as the London streets in which it’s set, this is No.1 bestseller Kimberley Chambers at her best. Get ready for a shocking read with a STING in the tail . . .

448 pages, Hardcover

First published February 7, 2019

About the author

Kimberley Chambers

32 books900 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 224 reviews
Profile Image for Maureen ( NOT RECEIVING NOTIFICATIONS).
1,597 reviews7,002 followers
April 22, 2019
I’ve only read 2 Kimberly Chambers novels, but I can see why she has such a huge following. I saw an interview that she did for the BBC a couple of months ago, and she’s just so down to earth, and that’s something that transfers to her writing with great success.

12 year old Tommy Boyle had a fairly happy home life until his mother was killed in a car accident. He’s sent to live with an uncle, but for reasons I won’t go into, it doesn’t work out well for Tommy. He then finds himself in a children's home, where he meets Scratch. They’ve both had let downs and trauma in their lives but their friendship is something that they cherish, they know that unlike previous relationships, they can totally rely on each other.

On his 16th birthday Tommy leaves the children’s home but he promises to come back for Scratch on her 16th. That doesn’t happen because Tommy is now part of the notorious Darling family ‘firm’, (think the Krays) and you won’t be far wrong. Scratch can’t believe that Tommy would let her down like that, but eventually she gets on with her life and becomes a copper, and she’s about to come face to face with Tommy, but not in a way that she could ever have predicted.

Scratch finds herself going undercover in an attempt to bring down the Darling gang, but it goes without saying that this puts her in a very dangerous situation. These really are the bad guys!

If you want to know the real meaning of gritty then you have to read Kimberly Chambers. The characters come fully fleshed, but you don’t necessarily have to like them, indeed they’re everything you hope you aren’t. In some strange way though, they aspire to exactly the same things that your average everyday person does - a nice house, car, good schools for the kids, it’s just that they achieve these things in an unacceptable and terrifying manner to say the least!

This was a terrific read, really gripping, and worth every one of those 5 stars!

*Thanks to HarperCollins for my arc. I have given an honest unbiased review in exchange *
Profile Image for Louise Wilson.
3,222 reviews1,663 followers
January 28, 2019
Tommy Boyle met Scratch when they were in the care home called the Maylands together. They made a pact, to fight their way out of the gutter - together. But when they leave the home, Tommy and Scratch's paths have went their separate ways. Tommy has joined the notorious Darling family for a life of crime. Scratch, now known as Kim, has reinvented herself and is now a policewoman. She is part of Operation Sting, a police operation that has been set up to pip the heart out of the Darlings. But will she let Tommy mess with her heartstrings again?

The book is set in the 1970/80's and is mostly told from Tommy's perspective. He's quite a vulnerable character who you can't help but like and feel sorry for. Quite a lot of bad things have happened to Tommy. When Scratch arrived at the care home her life experiences were similar to Tommy's and a very close friendship develops. But things don't work out the way the youngsters promised and that's what makes this an excellent read. It's written in a different style/format to the authors usual genre and I really liked it, it made a nice change. This book has now jumped to my favourite standalone by Kimberley Chambers and I highly recommend this book. Once you start reading you won't be able to put it down!

I would like to thank NetGalley, HarperCollins UK, HarperFiction and the author Kimberley Chambers for my ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Mark.
1,419 reviews
February 12, 2019
I really don’t need to do a review for this book as KC has many many legions of fans and they, when they buy her latest book know exactly what is in store and ‘The Sting’ does not disappoint!
Very easy to read and some of the chapters had a small intro ( in different font ) from Tommy ( the main character ) this helped to set the upcoming scenes and gave a hint of what else was to come
As always a huge array of characters, all larger than life and all make a mark immediately!
The story races from past to present ( the present keeps moving forward as the book progresses and ends up late 1980’s ) and involves many sub stories and plots, pretty much anything you can imagine being in this book is in it from the gangland family who have fierce loyalty to each other to revenge for past wrongs and secrets being discovered....and acted on
The ‘Sting’ itself is the ultimate in betrayal.....from one of their own kind!
Child/teenage sexual abuse and revenge for this are dealt with exactly the same as any other subject ie not glossed over and told in a ‘real life’ and harrowing way
The last quarter of the book steams
ahead and is action packed and led to a surprisingly emotional ending imo
KC has such raw talent for writing these books and ‘The Sting’ just adds to her reputation as being good, very good at what she does
9/10 5 Stars
Profile Image for Mo.
1,389 reviews2 followers
March 2, 2019
To say I am disappointed is a bit of an understatement. I love Kimberley Chambers. I love her books. I devoured the Butler and Mitchell series and I think I gave all of them at least 5 stars. Maybe my expectations were way too high. Of course I am going to compare books. OK, it is not the same series. It is different characters BUT, it is the SAME author.

It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves

I loved all the 70s references, being a child of the 70s myself, albeit in the West of Ireland not in the East End of London. Yes, the summer of '76 was the best year ever. Sunshine, sunshine and even more sunshine.

I am not saying it was a bad book. It did hold my attention but there was just something missing. Bad and all as Tommy was, he was no Vinny Butler!

I know I am being a bit vague. And the Epilogue ... nope - it did nothing for me. Thought it was totally cheesy actually.

I can't take it
I'm so lonely
Gee I need you so
I can't take it
Oh I wonder
Why you had to go
But Baby, Every night I wake up crying
Tears on my pillow
An pain in my heart
You on my mind
I remember all the good times
That we had before
Oh I remember an now my heart
My very soul cry's out for more
But baby, all your love for me is dying
Tears on my pillow
Pain in my heart
You on my mind
I'll always remember that day
You promised to love me
You said you'd love me to the very end
And I'll never forget
I'll never forget when you walked away from me
You walked out of my life to my very best friend

Profile Image for Elaine.
490 reviews72 followers
January 26, 2019
5 Plus Gritty Stars

Tommy Boyle, was on the way up in the world. So sit back and enjoy the ride

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Tommy Boyle is a kid thats had it hard. Brought up in a care home for most of his teenage years, he has dreams of becoming a boxer.
A chance encounter with a boy called Danny will change his life forever.

Life in a children’s home ain’t no bed of roses let me tell you, but thankfully I managed to settle in fairly quickly. The staff were OK, so were most of the lads, and I bonded with three in particular. Benny, Dumbo and Smiffy

He starts a friendship with a girl called Scratch, herself being let down by her family.

The Darlings love Tommy like their own and now he’s part of their family.
Unfortunately for Tommy being part of this family will have consequences.
Scratch alias Kim has a new life now. Career, boyfriend and family.
Meeting up again with Tommy could have a different type consequences.

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My thoughts
The story is told mainly from Tommy's perspective. I loved Tommy, his vulnerability at times hits you hard.
Set in the nostalgic 70s and 80s and full of colourful younger characters its another outstanding hard hitting book.
She is the Queen of gritty London thrillers and this one has still got me thinking about it a day later.
Fans of Kimberley Chambers books will not be disappointed.
Profile Image for Julie Lacey.
1,837 reviews117 followers
April 20, 2019
I’ve only recently discovered Kimberley Chambers and she’s now one of my favourite authors.
The Sting is a gritty crime thriller which tells the story of Tommy.
Tommy’s mum dies in a car accident so he’s sent to live with his uncle but life is not good for him. The only thing that keeps him going is his friendship with Danny Darling. Danny’s family take Tommy under their wing, but soon events take over and Tommy goes to live at a children’s home.
He makes some great friends here including Scratch, a vulnerable skin head.
When he’s sixteen, Tommy leaves the home and moves in with Danny and his family and soon forgets about those he was close to in the home.
Life for Tommy is great and he’s earning a living with the notorious Darling family but Scratch is heartbroken when he doesn’t turn up to collect her when she gets out of the home.
She eventually moves on with her life but their paths were always destined to cross again.
This is a brilliant read and I loved Tommy throughout the book.
Thanks to Harper Collins UK and NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read this book.
Profile Image for The Book Review Café.
777 reviews218 followers
March 31, 2019
If I had to choose only one author’s books to read if I ever got stranded on a desert island, without hesitation I would choose Kimberley Chambers. The author writes what I consider to be the most gritty crime thrillers out there; they pull no punches, their raw, authentic and gripping. It’s obvious that the author puts her heart and soul into writing each book, and it shines through in her writing. The Sting is no different, in fact this has to be one of my favourite books so far. It’s exciting, fast-paced and features an array of characters, some you will love, others you will hate but each and everyone of them added to my enjoyment of this book. The Sting is a sometimes shocking but outstanding tale of betrayal,love,and belonging.

Tommy Boyle’s life may not be perfect, but as long as he has his mother and sisters, it’s a life he’s happy with, then one day everything changes as Tommy finds himself taken into care. It’s here he meets Scratch, and they become inseparable, after being cruelly betrayed by everyone they ever trusted, they make a pact to make a better future for themselves once they reach sixteen. Unfortunately for the pair circumstances change and Tommy joins the notorious Darlings firm and Scratch joins the police, as you can imagine this doesn’t bode well. Neither knows the devastating consequences of their actions that lie ahead.

Yet again Kimberley Chamber has created characters that are vibrant and larger than life, the characters are so well developed you can’t help but invest in their life’s. I loved Tommy’s character from a young boy he suffers the worse kind of abuse, he’s betrayed by his own family members and my heart went out to him. Although Tommy was a “bad boy” I found myself making excuses for his behaviour, and as the author revealed the full of horror Tommy’s story, I found myself in tears, which surprised me, and that’s a testament to the author’s writing skills. The Sting is set in the 1970s through to the 1980s and the author’s attention to detail is incredible and well researched, the songs, the clothes the trends all add a sense of authenticity to the story and also made me nostalgic for the era I grew up in!

The Sting felt very different to her previous reads; the emphasis is on Tommy and Scratch’s relationship, and their own difficult past, with the gangland crime element being secondary to the plot. This book deals with some tough subjects childhood abuse and domestic abuse, and although the author isn’t afraid to tackle them head on she does so with sensitivity, the abuse is fundamental to the plot, and the abuse the two main characters suffer very much defines the adults that they become. The Sting didn’t end the way I was hoping, but never-less it was the more authentic conclusion. Once again the queen of gritty crime thrillers Kimberley Chambers has written a blinder of a book which I know will reach the top of the book charts. Highly recommended by me.

All my reviews can be found at http://thebookreviewcafe.com
Profile Image for Chris Steeden.
462 reviews
April 26, 2021
Let’s be honest here. Although each of the four parts of the book begins with a quote from Shakespeare this is not going to win any esteemed literary awards. What Chambers does well is to write in such a way that it draws you in to the story and you feel for the characters. I always want to come back to the book to read more. It is pure escapism, but it is dark.

The main character is Tommy Boyle. A boy with perpetual sadness in his eyes that is dragged along in life from one incident to another. As you would expect we are in the London underworld. Having been ripped from his family at the age of 12, living with a perverted uncle and then into a children’s home and then living with a South East London gangster family. Tommy’s life is eventful but mostly for the wrong reasons.

We follow Tommy from the early 1970’s and into the 1980’s. You want the best for Tommy but a lot of time his decision making is not good, but he is young. Sometimes his actions are not becoming of a man that you should want the best for. He makes mistakes. As is the case with most books like this it builds up to a grand finale with a few decent twists on the way.

This is no Disney story. Be warned. If you want to be cheered-up, then look elsewhere. This book will drag you into Tommy’s mire and it is not really one you wish to find yourself in but once you are in, like Tommy, you cannot pull yourself away.

This is a stand-alone book so not one of a series.
Profile Image for Eglė  (IG-atgimusi_meile_knygoms).
283 reviews24 followers
April 14, 2024

Geluonis - knyga, kurioje istorija prasideda mažo vaiko akimis, o baigiasi suaugusio vyro. Ypač nuoseklus detektyvas. Nors knygą bandoma pateikti kaip dviejų žmonių istoriją, kuri persipynė nuo pat mažens, bet tai labiau Tomo Boilo istorija.
Mažasis Tomas net negalėjo pagalvoti, kad jo gyvenimas taip apsivers, mirus jo mamai visas berniuko gyvenimas lyg vienas didelis krytis į bedugnę. Tačiau tai tik pradžia. Vienintelė paguoda pažintis su Darlingais, bet ir ji ne ilgam. Galiausiai berniukas atsiduria globos namuose, o ten taisyklės visai kitokios. Galiausiai berniuko vienintelė paguoda ir draugė lieka Dryžė.
Bet gyvenimas tuom ir nenuspėjamas, nes niekad nežinai kaip jis pasisuks. O Tomui viskas dar labiau apsiverčia kai į jo gyvenimą vėl grįžta Darlingai. Jaunuolis visad manė, kad tai vieninteliai jo draugai ir tikroji šeima kokia kada nors galėjo būt ir kokios būtų galėjęs norėti. Tačiau priklausti gangsteriams reiškia atsiduoti ir būti ištikimam šimtu procentų. Ir nors po keletos metų Tomą ir Dryžę vėl kilimas suveda tačiau jie nebe tie patys naivūs vaikai. Jis - Tomas Darlingas nusikalstamos šeimos narys, o ji - policijos pareigūnė Kimė.
Tai viena įsimintiniausių neserijinių detektyvinių knygų, kurioje labai nuosekliai aprašomas vieno iš pagrindinių veikėjų gyvenimas. Jo pakilimai ir nuosmūkiai, ir žinoma, kas lėmė, kad jis tapo toks, ar atsidūrė vienokioje, ar kitokioje situacijoje. Pagrindinis veikėjas, kuris labiau priklauso blogiečiams, bet jam neprijausti neįmanoma.
Profile Image for Sandra.
565 reviews22 followers
January 27, 2019
Well what can i say i have loved kim's books she is a fabulous writer and a proper down to earth person who has a talent to entertain readers with her books.Tommy is a lovely lad who had a bad start in life but he turned his life around when he became friends with Danny,Benny,Dumbo,Smithy and Scratch.They had fun together and Tommy saw Danny as his adopted brother as he only had sisters Hazel and Linda and his dog Rex.I have loved reading The Sting and have ordered it from amazon please kim keep writing your fantastic books.worthy of more than 5*
Profile Image for Ugnė | pilna_lentyna.
287 reviews142 followers
June 3, 2020
Tai pirmoji mano skaityta šios autorės knyga. Kimberly Chambers iš viso yra parašiusi vienuoliką kūrinių, daugelis iš jų, jau spėjo tapti bestseleriais. Lietuvoje kol kas išleistos tik dvi jos knygos - Geluonis ir Gimę nusikalsti. Pirmoji man labai patiko, žinau, kad būtinai skaitysiu ir antrąją. ⠀

Pagrindinis knygos veikėjas Tomis gyvena su mama ir dviem sesutėmis. Toli nuo namų dirbantis tėvas tik epizodiškai pasirodo namuose. Niekas iš šeimos šių vizitų nelaukia - vos tik grįžęs, jis nuolat geria ir smurtauja prieš motiną. Nepaisant to, berniukas vistiek džiaugiasi gyvenimu. Tačiau vieną dieną viskas kardinaliai pasikeičia - jo mama žūsta autoįvykio metu ir berniuko gyvenimas pradeda ristis žemyn. Nepasakosiu apie visus jam nutikusius žiaurumus, nes nenoriu sugadinti skaitymo malonumo. Bet patikėkit, jų tokiam mažam vaikui likimas drėbtelėjo su kaupu. Vėtomas ir mėtomas, Tomis galų gale atsiduria vaikų namuose. Čia ne taip jau blogai - atsiranda keletas tikrų draugų, tarp jų ir mergina, save pristatanti Dryže. Jaunuoliai puikiai sutaria, dalijasi pačiomis slapčiausiomis savo gyvenimo detalėmis. Sulaukus šešiolikos jų keliai išsiskiria - Tomis susideda su nusikalstama Darlingų šeima, o Dryžė, dabar jau Kimė Regan, tampa policininke. Po daugelio metų jų keliai susikerta - tik šį kartą ne itin maloniomis aplinkybėmis - Dryžės užduotis įkišti Darlingų šeimą už grotų. O Tomis dabar šios šeimos dalis..⠀

Šį kartą skaitant įtampos tikrai netrūko. Vieną baisų įvykį netrukus perspjaudavo kitas. Jau seniai neskaičiau taip įtraukiančios knygos. Buvo įdomu skaityti tiek apie Tomio vaikystę, tiek apie jo gyvenimą užaugus. Tiek Tomio, tiek Dryžės gyvenimo istorija be galo skaudi. Vaikystės traumos ankščiau ar vėliau vis išlysdavo į paviršių ir vienaip ar kitaip pakeitė jų pasirinkimus. Autorė pasistengė kurdama Tomio personažą. Vaikinas vienu metu įkūnija du vaidmenis - nusikaltėlio ir aukos. Vienu metu smerki jį dėl jo pasirinkimų, bet tuo pačiu jį supranti ir palaikai. Tik knygos pabaiga pasirodė šiek tiek perspausta. Tačiau sudėliojus viską į bendrą paveikslą, viskas atrodo gana žmogiška ir logiška. ⠀

Jei norite greitos, įtraukiančios istorijos - Geluonis bus puikus pasirinkimas 😉
Profile Image for Michelle.
1,512 reviews143 followers
January 30, 2019
Tommy lives with his mum and his two sisters Linda and Hazel. His dad works on an oil rig and is away for long periods of time. When tragedy strikes and their mum dies in a car crash, the family are torn apart. Tommy goes into a children’s home where he meets Dumbo, Smithy, Benny and Skinhead Girl Scratch they become best of friends. But, there are always getting into scrapes. So to get himself out of trouble, Tommy starts to go boxing where her meets Danny Darling and his family and he is introduced into the criminal underworld. His life changes dramatically and leaves his friends at the children’s world behind.
Years later, Tommy has doubts with the future being with the Darling family after certain events. When a chance meeting with Scratch he starts confessing all, only he doesn’t know that Scratch is an undercover copper and is part of Operation Sting to take him and the Darlings down.
I loved this book from the very first page. It was so engaging that I didn’t want to put it down. Told mostly by Tommy’s point of view we learn about his life in the Children’s home and the abuse and the dealing with the Darlings. All he wanted in life was to fit in somewhere in life and be loved. In some ways, your kind of felt sorry for him in what he went through. I also like the time setting of story and the mentioning of music in the story, especially the Bay City Rollers. It brought memories to me of when I was a child. This is another 5 star read from Kimberley Chambers. She doesn’t disappoint. I highly recommend
Thank you Harper Collins and NetGalley for a copy of this book.
Profile Image for Sarah.
2,780 reviews202 followers
April 27, 2019
I knew from the opening pages that this was going to be an emotional roller coaster of a read and I wasn’t wrong. Now having finished it, I feel quite bereft after reading Tommy’s story.

Tommy from as soon as we meet him, I knew was a good lad. His home life isn’t the best and is about to get even worse. My heart broke for him and his sisters for what they have to go through, more so for Tommy.

The story centres on Tommy himself, his time growing up and to when he becomes part of the Darling family. There are so many highs and lows for Tommy but I couldn’t help having a feeling of dread throughout the novel as to how things were going to end.

The Sting totally absorbed me. I switched off to everything going on around me whilst I entered Tommy’s world. I enjoyed the friendships and relationships he had with certain characters. Actions are everything in this book and I have to say that some peoples really took me by surprise. An enthralling and heart wrenching read of which I devoured and absolutely loved.

My thanks to NetGalley and Harper Collins UK for a copy of this book. All opinions are my own and not biased in anyway.
Profile Image for Booklover BEV.
1,522 reviews27 followers
February 10, 2019
ITS A WINNER The story of Tommy Boyle, this book kicks off Christmas 1972, Tommy 12 yrs old living with a family he adores, then everything changes for this lad, i loved this book, i savoured every bit of it, the only disappointment was THE END, like all this authors books your pulled into the characters, this is a little bit different, and that's what makes it special and unique. loved Tommy's narrative added into the chapters, Miss Chambers just gets better and better and knows how to make the characters grow on you. shes certainly my DARLING of crime books. a well deserved five stars, for a one and only unique fabulous story till the end. Miss Chambers has delivered again to another very happy reader
Profile Image for Živilė.
383 reviews
April 21, 2022
Cypiau iš malonumo, kokia gera knyga!!!
Dar vienas įrodymas man asmeniškai, kad man labai atgrasūs viršelia gali slėpti nuostabius lobynus viduj!
Profile Image for Jane Hunt.
Author 3 books110 followers
February 9, 2019

What I love about this story is the author lets you live your characters’ lives, and find out what made them the people they are, before launching into the present day story.

Set in the seventies and eighties, Tommy and Scratch’s lives are full of tragedy, finding each other is the only light in their dark, young lives. Then events take over and instead of them against the world, they find they’re pitted against each other.

The characters are believable but not always likeable. The motivation for their actions is always clear. This story does highlight the horror of child abuse, which is never an easy subject to read, but it is dealt with sensitively. The abuse the two main characters suffer is integral to their future character development and initially defines the adults they become.

‘The Sting’ is cleverly written, with a unique mix of poignancy and violence. Tommy is an anti-hero and a victim of abuse. The story doesn’t end well, it couldn’t with such a believable plot, but there is hope for some and a lovely twist at the end.

I received a copy of this book from Harper Fiction- Harper Collins UK via NetGalley in return for an honest review.
Profile Image for ~ Cariad ~.
1,911 reviews54 followers
February 22, 2019
This author doesn't know how to write anything less than a 5 star read! She's absolutely auto read (well, listen!) for me and truly, with Annie Aldington narrating, it went from a 5 to a 10 within about the first 30 seconds!!

Profile Image for Lainy.
1,835 reviews69 followers
February 18, 2019
Time taken to read - 1 day

Pages - 448

Publisher - Harper Collins

Source - Pre ordered from Amazon

Blurb from Goodreads


Best friends Tommy Boyle and Scratch always had each other’s backs. Dragged up in care, and cruelly betrayed by everyone they trusted, they made a pact to fight their way out of the gutter – together.


Old loyalties die hard on the streets of London. Tommy throws his lot in with the notorious Darling family – even if it means leaving Scratch to the wolves. She’s destined for a different path, reinventing herself as copper Kim Regan.


Now they’re on opposite sides of the law. Running Operation Sting, Kim will rip the heart out of the Darling’s empire – and only her old pal Tommy stands in her way.

As gritty and dangerous as the London streets in which it’s set, this is No.1 bestseller Kimberley Chambers at her best. Get ready for a shocking read with a STING in the tail . . .

My Review

The prologue opens in 1972 and we hear from Tommy Boyle, first person narrative before we head into third person narrative. The book does this for each part of the story, each new part we hear from Tommy and then straight into the tale. Tommy has a rough upbringing, a house with violence, alcohol and abuse. When something happens to shake Tommy's world his home and family are taken from him and when things seem they can't get any worse Tommy is betrayed in the worst possible way. Ending up in care he meets Scratch another kid who has been abused, passed from pillar to post - the two bond becoming friends for life. We skip to them being adults, Tommy is a big name in the crime world and Kim aka Scratch is now a cop. Bad blood from the past and a chance at getting even who will come out on top?

I always pick up a Chambers book with trepidation, I LOVE her books, not read one I didn't like and always wait impatiently for the next. BUT when the author smashes it each time you can't help but worry if this will be the one that isn't as great.......totally unfounded AGAIN. Chambers has a knack for bringing alive characters that draw you in, creating settings that have you living and breathing the time period with an authentic feel.

Always gritty crime, violence, family and gangsters but this book gives us something else, new, and touches on some hard hitting subjects. Domestic abuse, infidelity, child abuse and there is some sexual abuse, nothing is in depth but enough is hinted at or briefly nodded at so the reader knows exactly what has happened without horrific details. I think sometimes in crime we can be saturated with every horrific gory detail, The Sting is not that type of book. The emphasis is very much on relationships and the struggles these two kids have and how they end up how they are as adults, actions and consequences. You know what you are getting with these type of books but The Sting caught me unawares and hit me with the emotionals. I think it is an absolute testament to the authors writing skills that after so many books she can still keep it fresh and surprise the reader. It isn't too often I read a crime book and get the feels, I did with this book. As with the others, I started it and wanted to sink it in one sitting, I got vested in the characters so quickly and gasped out loud a few times. 5/5 for me, it isn't many times you can say you feel for the "bad guy" but I think reading these books you do get to glimpse the other side of the coin and how they get to be the people they become and in The Sting how we can never really outrun our past or decisions! An absolute belter of a read, emotional roller coaster, action packed and for me hooked from the opening chapters!

Profile Image for Loreta Griciutė .
437 reviews13 followers
March 27, 2023
Kokio gerumo knyga,eina sau, nereali tiesiog!!! Taip patiko, kad ilgai dar prisiminsiu,keliais sakiniais ne aprašysiu to, ką perskaičiau, bet būtinai rekomenduoju tiems, kas dar neskaitė, tai padaryt.
Profile Image for Jodie.
532 reviews37 followers
February 8, 2019
Absolutely loved it the whole book is wrote from Tommy POV and his been through a horrible childhood but he meets some good friends and we learn more about Tommy and his friends and things seem to be going good but anyone who loves Kimberley Chambers books know that when things start going good something bad is just around the corner.would definitely recommend this book it’s an amazing read with an amazing storyline.
Profile Image for Leona.
1,279 reviews
February 4, 2019
Oh my word where do I even start reviewing this book. It wasn’t just brilliant it was amaze balls brilliant . I’m a massive fan of Kimberley Chambers books but I think this is her best yet . From page one to the final page this book had me glued to every page . A massive massive 5 star read for me .
Profile Image for Emilija || knygu_grauzike.
170 reviews46 followers
September 1, 2023
2023 || #46
4,5 ⭐️

Tai - į įvykių sūkurį įtraukiantis pasakojimas apie vaikystės draugus, nutrūkusią draugystę bei vėl susikirtusius kelius 🩵

Tomis ir Dryžė auga vaikų globos namuose. Abu jie įskaudinti, išduoti, gyvenime matę ir šilto, ir šalto, tad radę bendrą kalbą susidraugauja, o vėliau ir įsimyli. Tačiau jų keliai išsiskiria: Tomis susideda su nusikaltėlių šeima ir palieka Dryžę, o ši tampa pareigūne Kime. Bet netikėtai jie vėl susitinka, tik šį kartą abu yra skirtingose įstatymo pusėse. Staiga viskas ima verstis aukštyn kojomis...

Išsirinkau šią knygą net nepaskaičiusi anotacijos, tad net neįsivaizdavau, kas manęs laukia. Kažkodėl maniau, jog reikėtų tikėtis trilerio ar detektyvo, mat viršelis man atrodė toks, lyg žadėtų ką nors panašaus 🙈 O gavau daug daugiau ir likau laabai maloniai nustebinta!

Knyga kur kas jautresnė, skaudesnė bei įdomesnė nei aš galėjau tikėtis. Įvairiausi įvykiai žaibo greičiu keitė vienas kitą, tad veiksmo bei žiaurumo čia tikrai netrūko. Buvo juntama ir nuolatinė įtampa, pasitaikė jautresnių, labiau gyvenimiškų momentų. Patiko ir pagrindinių veikėjų portretai - jie su savais vidiniais demonais, trūkumais, tokie, kuriuos kai kada norėjosi apkabinti ir užjausti, o kai kada ir gerokai papurtyti. Žodžiu, knyga tikrai sužavėjo!

Rekomenduoju įtraukiančių, intriguojančių bei nenuspėjamų knygų apie nusikalstamą pasaulį, žiaurius nusikaltimus, draugystę bei gyvenimo iššūkius mėgėjams. Nuobodžiauti skaitant tikrai nebus kada! ✨️
Profile Image for Pol.
418 reviews9 followers
February 24, 2019
OMG, what a book, Kimberley Chambers did not disappoint, worth more than 5 stars. Had me hooked from page 1
120 reviews2 followers
August 26, 2022
Dar viena autores knyga tokrai nenuvyle, negalejau atsitraukti. Ziari knya bet kaip ir gyvenimas kai kuriu zmoniu
Profile Image for Neil.
1,559 reviews14 followers
February 28, 2020
I received a free copy via Netgalley in exchange for a honest review.

This is a thoroughly enjoyable story.
The characters engage with each other and pull you into the plot.
Just to finish it off there are some brilliant twists in the story.
13 reviews1 follower
May 18, 2019
The Sting is an easy read that goes along at a very good pace, definitely did not want to put the book down, I kept turning the pages wanting to know more!

It did not have a big cast of characters in it which is a good thing so in return because of that we get to connect with each character on an emotional level especially the main protagonist Tommy Boyle.

Kimberley Chambers has very good insight and is highly conscious of the human psyche, understanding how different kinds of personalities can be brought to life in her books about the characters she writes about, I really do admire this kind of author and Kimberley has that gift in abundance and it shines through in the pages of her books!

The storyline's very plausible and convincing, and at times very emotive.
Chambers tackles sensitive subjects head-on, no bars hold very lionhearted writing indeed!

The Sting is not as gritty or as violent as say The Feud or Butlers saga but it still has plenty thrills and spills to keep her loyal fan base and newfound fans alike to keep turning the pages!

I am very much looking forward to her next book, a big thanks to Kimberley for always keeping us entertained, she does it so well!

A big meaty 4.5 stars from me!

Profile Image for deborah fanning.
88 reviews4 followers
February 23, 2019
I am an avid fan of Kimberley Chambers having read all of her books.This did not disappoint a great read that had me hooked from the start. I really enjoyed it but I think I have been spoilt by the Butlers and Mitchell’s as those books had me totally gripped and engrossed.
Profile Image for Vicki - I Love Reading.
931 reviews53 followers
February 17, 2019
OMG.... Well worth the wait, but come on! Did I really expect anything other than perfection.
What an OH my GAWDDDD read.....
Loved it from the opening pages. I was fooled for a page or two as I thought this was going to be quite a tame read, It wasn't. It was what we have all come to know as ' typical Chambers'

Put your feet up, clear your diary and get ready for the ride of your life.

​Tommy Boyle didn't have the best start in life, losing his mother early in his life set a path for Tommy. A path in which he'd grow up having to make his own choices and take on the world.
When Tommy is forced to live in a children's home it's hard to see how life for a young boy can be. The troubles that a young life has to go through. Yet no matter what troubles Tommy seems to have friendships, yet can friendship hold the test of time?
This book is packed with some amazing characters, Tommy was certainly one of my favorite, a character that was not only likeable but also believable. His childhood girlfriend Scratch was another brilliant character, following their mixed up lives took me as a read on an emotional roller coaster.
What Danny Darling becomes friends with Tommy, neither of them know what their future is going to hold. If they'd had a glimpse of it, would they have lived their lives so differently.
It's such a brilliant book, but such a difficult book to write down your thoughts about. There is so much I could, and want to say but I can't risk spoiling anything for other readers, so this is where the waffle stops. BUY IT, YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT!
A first class page turner for sure, any KC fan will love this book.
Why did I keep expecting one of the Butlers to pop up somewhere. lol
Profile Image for Ingrida Vorė.
20 reviews
May 9, 2023
Skaitant knygą buvo labai gaila pagrindinio veikėjo, nes nuo pat vaikystės jo gyvenimas buvo labai sunkus ir vis blogėjo, todėl skaitant tikėjausi jam geresnės pabaigos ir aplamai skaitant tikėjausi kažko daugiau. Nors ir knyga baigėsi tragiškai, bet tikrai nebuvo iš tų knygų, kad perskaičius, būtų labai liūdna, ar norėtųsi nubraukti ašarą. Tokia, sakyčiau, paaugliška knyga, paprastai parašyta, apie jaunus žmones ir sunkius jų gyvenimus.
Profile Image for Rosie (A Rose Between Pages).
160 reviews3 followers
February 4, 2022
This was so triggering for me and I didn't know what I was getting into. Took it almost half of the book just to get into the plot that's in the blurb.

You follow Tommy and his childhood sweetheart Scratch as they grow up.
I don't know what else to say about this book.

Mention of abortion
Sexual assault
Abusive relationship
Child grooming
Self Harm
Forced marriage
Displaying 1 - 30 of 224 reviews

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