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Felo De Se: The Suicide of Jeremy Price

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Felo de se
Latin for “Felon of himself.”
1. A person who commits suicide or an unlawful malicious act resulting in his or her death.
2. An act of deliberate self-destruction

When his life went down a dark path and was too much for him to handle, Jeremy Price took the only option he thought he had left. Jeremy ended his life and now his family and friends have to deal with the aftermath. Only Jeremy will be there with them as well.
This is not the end of Jeremy Price.
His spirit will not move on to any sort of afterlife. He must wander his hometown, watching those who cared for him. His wife and two kids. A friend. His father. A childhood acquaintance. They all ask themselves why Jeremy did what he did, trying to solve a puzzle no one really wants to solve and one, Jeremy might not even have the answer to.

Bonus This novella also includes six short stories.
Jon's Cabin
Fly Me Home
The Bench
I Try My Best
A Different Kind of Love Story
Poor Man's Coat

115 pages, Kindle Edition

First published July 10, 2018

About the author

Shaun Hupp

23 books64 followers

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Profile Image for Justin M..
Author 38 books96 followers
July 26, 2018
Normally known for extreme horror and I’d dare say comedy as well 😉 this book took a turn in a serious direction with brilliant results. Imagine 13 Reasons Why without the cheesiness and the sharp bite of Hupp’s writing style mixed in. The subject matter is REAL and heartbreaking, but it’s a topic that isn’t touched on nearly enough. Check out this book today!
Profile Image for Danielle Harris.
797 reviews
June 30, 2018
This book is something totally different then what I'm used to by this author. I'm lost for words. This is definitely a very emotional chilling, depressing book you don't want to miss.

I will not go into detail about this because I think you should go in blind. I'm so glad I got to read this book early. Thank you so much for this amazing book.
Profile Image for Rachel Drenning.
488 reviews
July 28, 2018
A very real and disturbing look at a subject that most are too afraid to touch. Shaun has the balls to write about it, and made it hit home.
Profile Image for Lisa Lee.
483 reviews34 followers
April 5, 2019
Felo De Se: The suicide of Jeremy Price by Shaun Hupp was not written as horror. According to the author, it is dark fiction. However, the content may be considered horror by many people. This story is about suicide. It is about the precursors and aftermath. It is about death.
Felo De Se does have an element of the supernatural in keeping with the theme, however, it is otherwise disturbingly realistic. Brutally realistic.
The author says some of his regular readers refuse to read it.
My advice? Read it.
This story speaks to those who contemplate suicide, those who have been touched by the suicide of others, even those who don’t like to think about it at all. Suicide has many forms and motivations, and this story deals with only one, but the messages are still universal. It is dark and gut-wrenching and so very well-written. The characters are all too realistic. The situations are realistic. The motivations and actions and thoughts are realistic.
This dark fiction story will rip at your mind and guts as surely as any horror story.
My utmost respect to Shaun Hupp for his insightful and brilliant handling of this subject.

All I will say about the incredible bonus stories is they are amazingly deep and wrenching tales that are outside of what I generally expect from Shaun Hupp. “Jon’s Cabin” is my personal favorite.
Profile Image for Melissa Potter.
36 reviews10 followers
April 5, 2019
This was a difficult book. The subject matter alone, being addressed by an author who is very straight forward and never pulls any punches, was heart wrenching at times. I'm not really accustomed to fighting off tears while reading books by horror writers, but it was definitely a struggle at times. And that straight forward approach made this such a powerful book. There is no tip toeing around the subject of suicide. We get everything from the family, friends, and Jeremy himself. This book shows the desperation that leads to suicide, the fall-out for everyone left behind, the confusion, the blame, and since Jeremy is present through the entire story, the second guessing and regret. This is a story that will linger with you for a long time.
Profile Image for Michael.
712 reviews46 followers
December 29, 2022
I struggle with Depression so this novella hit close to home for me. The story is very heavy subject matter. This book is a must read.
Profile Image for BookNerdsBrainDump.
361 reviews16 followers
August 9, 2018
Short Take: Shaun Hupp has feelings, and they are all over the page.

I’ve followed Shaun Hupp on Facebook for some time, where he’s the class clown of a group of authors. He never fails to be entertaining, and has made me giggle-snort in my cubicle on more than one occasion.

I also reviewed his first book a couple of years ago, and at the time, I was impressed not only by his willingness to Go There with regard to some of his more extreme scenes, but also his deft touch with pace and character. For every flying body part, there was also an undercurrent of genuine humanity that set the Collection a little apart, a little above most “gore for the sake of gore” books out there (and those books frankly bore me). In that review, I suggested that Mr. Hupp consider toning down the blood and guts, and find other ways to mess with a reader’s head.

I imagine that he rubbed his hands together, cocked an eyebrow in a devilish smirk, and uttered a Barney Stinson-esque “Challenge. Accepted.”

Because his latest work, Felo De Se showed me another side of Mr. Hupp. The title translates to “felony of self”, meaning suicide, and the novella that is front & center, “The Suicide of Jeremy Price” tackles the topic head-on. In this book, the demons are not supernatural beasties, but the real-world villains of depression and grief, and the scariest part of all is that any one of us could experience a very real loss of love or psychological balance at any time.

Don’t get me wrong - there are some light supernatural elements, particularly in the first story, which picks up after the titular character has already killed himself. Instead of just vanishing, or being sucked into any religious version of the afterlife, he’s left to wander for no apparent reason. He is able to observe his wife, children, friends, and family as they try to make sense of a senseless death. It’s heartbreaking and the end…. Well, this jaded old reader ended up sniffling a little and blaming allergies for my watery eyes. When Shaun Hupp decides to twist a knife, by golly, that knife stays twisted, and in Jeremy Price, he aims it straight for the crying organs.

There are six other short stories included, but I’m not going to try to describe them here, because it’s best if you just dig in. They all follow similar themes - love, loss, and the occasional bright spark of redemption. “Poor Man’s Coat” is probably my favorite. As a former kid who believed that my stuffed animals had feelings, I love the idea of that the items we possess become imbued with bits of our lives, and that eventually, someone will see the meaning in them, and value them for that.

While reading Felo De Se, I kept waiting for the author to sneak in a horror element, an evil twist, or even a severed limb or six, but there was none of that to be found. Which isn’t to say that the book was lacking in any way, but it was definitely not what I expected from someone whose output paints him more as “Evil Puck” than “guy with a lot of insight on depression", but never underestimate Mr. Hupp's capacity to surprise.

The Nerd’s Rating: FOUR HAPPY NEURONS (and a Costco-sized box of Kleenex. For obvious reasons.)

8 reviews4 followers
August 17, 2019
     Fiction isn't an easy genre to write. I know what you're thinking; yeah, just make up some shit and put it on paper. Yes, I must admit that you would be correct. You would however, only be partial correct. Because every author leaves part of themselves in their writing. Little clues that tell you who they are or what they've been through. It's the pieces of the author that gives you the connection to the story, the emotions. When you read something that gives you that feeling, it stays with you. 
     Now full disclosure, I am friends on Facebook with Shaun Hupp and it makes it easier to see him in the words of Felo De Se: The Suicide Of Jeremy Price and the short stories that are included as a bonus. Stories of love, loss, and healing. Of coming to terms with who you are and realizing that you're okay with that. I saw Shaun Hupp the father who would move heaven and earth for his children, I saw Shaun Hupp the man who is still learning who he is. Most importantly I saw Shaun Hupp the human who knows the value of every person. 
     So maybe you're interested in the book, well I'm getting to that now. I can't tell you. Obviously there is a suicide in the book, but that's only a side note. Wait, Scott, the book is about suicide but it's a side note? Yeah it is. It's not the focus of the book. Well it is, but not the event. It's more like walking into the aftermath of a tornado and trying too imagine the sheer force of it. You can't ever come to terms with that destructive power. You can only collect the pieces and move on. 
     Okay Scott, so is it a scary book? Yes, there is a supernatural element, but it's more an emotional horror story (if that's not a subgenre, it should be). 
It's a real world horror of losing someone and falling into the great void of searching for answers that you'll never find. Not only would I recommend this book, but think maybe it should be in the library of any hospital Grace Unit for those who have reached that tipping point to read. The book is also a reminder to let people know that you're there and you value them, take the time to be a true friend. 
Profile Image for Shaun Filion.
195 reviews7 followers
December 28, 2019
As gory as his other books can be, mr. Hupp proves that he can wrap you up in one of his stories, in other ways. Amazing, emotional read. I couldn't put it down!
Profile Image for Suzanne Paul.
419 reviews11 followers
July 2, 2023
Let me finish crying and I’ll write a review. My younger brother committed
suicide in his 20’s I got a call in the middle
Of the night that told me he was already gone. I can only hope that he found what he needed in passing. This is a hard subject to review. You did a good job writing about it.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Jay Sigler.
Author 5 books31 followers
September 24, 2018
I have read a few of Shaun's other extreme horror books and Felo de Se is a great deviation from that genre. That is not to say Felo de Se isn't disturbing. It is, just in a different way. The blood and gore found in previous books was absent, and instead, chilling thoughts and feelings were spun up in my head. This is a testament to the great versatility in Shaun's writing. The story itself is fundamentally sad, especially if you have ever been affected by a suicide in your life.
Profile Image for Lee Howard.
Author 27 books177 followers
March 5, 2019
Suicide has touched my family, and I wanted to read something about it from a fresh perspective. Shaun Hupp looks at the suicide of son, husband, and father Jeremy Price from many angles--relatives, friends, coworkers, acquaintances. We never know the lives we touch and need to appreciate the love and kindnesses we experience and need to share these even more. The subject was poignant, and Hupp handled it well. I look forward to reading more of his work.
Profile Image for Bryan Moyer.
201 reviews15 followers
March 30, 2019
This story absolutely gutted me. Having only read Hupp's extreme horror before this, I wasn't truly prepared for the beauty and emotion in Felo De Se. While the topic is dark and something most people avoid, Hupp not only handled it amazingly, he told a story that had you wanting to reach out and comfort the characters. There are not enough words of praise for this one.
Profile Image for Jessie Williams.
29 reviews3 followers
January 24, 2024
I can't even think where to begin with this one... horror to me has always been subjective. And this is very different than most books I have read by this author and in this genre. That being said... I loved it. The reality is this subject is so shied away from because it is scary. Horrific actually... the author wrote with such grace a character that alot of people would lack empathy for. I myself have been on the journey of understanding the loss of my mother due to her demons and it is not an easy path.... a fictional view of what it may seem like from her perspective watching me come to terms really made me evaluate my feelings about SI. Thank you to the author for this one!!
Profile Image for Lance Dale.
Author 6 books23 followers
August 13, 2018
I was blown away by this book. It's not what I expected from this author. I love his other books, but this is a totally different subject matter. Most of us have been affected by suicide or know someone who has been. This book tackles this subject and the aftermath. I don't want to give too much away but there were parts of this book which nearly had me in tears. It's a very powerful book and I will be recommending it to my friends.
496 reviews41 followers
September 25, 2024

Man this was a gut wrenching, emotional, beautifully written story about not just suicide, but a story about life and ultimately seeing the good and the love from the people around you and knowing no matter what you think there are people that care. This story honestly just makes me wanna check on people if for nothing else to let them know I care. This was a hard read but a awesome one. I highly highly recommend this one
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