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They call me the Badass of Hockey.
The Beast of the Northeast.
And I’m not just referring to my stick play on the ice.

As Captain for the Boston Blades, I’ve spent years working toward bringing home the Stanley Cup.

But when the owners sell us out to Hollywood, suddenly we’re not just playing for thousands of fans, we’re cracking open our lives on a new reality show, Getting Pucked. They want all the dirty details, and I’d rather take a puck to the gonads than peel back the curtains on my life.

Not when it could take me out of the game for good.

I agree to sign the contract on one condition: they hire New England’s reigning queen of media to call the shots.

Holly Belliveaux Carter.

The woman who drives me to insanity and turns me on with nothing but a quirk of her lips and the sound of her laugh. The only woman I’ve ever loved.

The problem?
She’s my ex-wife.

366 pages, ebook

First published September 12, 2018

About the author

Maria Luis

52 books3,026 followers
Maria Luis is an Amazon Top 25 Bestselling Author.

Historian by day and romance novelist by night, Maria lives in New Orleans, and loves bringing the city's cultural flair into her books. When Maria isn't frantically typing with hot chocolate in hand, she can be found binging on reality TV, going on adventures with her other half and two pups, or plotting her next flirty romance.

★ Looking for something quick, fun and sexy to read? Check out these freebies on Maria's website! (Available: Breathless, Undeniable, and The First Fix): https://www.marialuis.org/free-books

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 503 reviews
Profile Image for Paula.
721 reviews15 followers
July 21, 2023
I don't know if I ever loved a fictional romance as much as I did this one! To all my GR friends, PLEASE pick this one up PRONTO ladies!!!

This is a story about Holly & Jackson who were in love & married for 11 years, but with Jackson putting his Hockey career & team first over his marriage. And Holly, after loosing herself in pursuit of his career & happiness, she doesn't know who she is anymore or what she wants so they fell apart - eventually divorcing but never ever stopped loving each other!

I could kiss this Author for giving me (I mean us! 😉 ) a fictional romance that has all the right ingredients of what a romance should be! If Ms Luiz writes like this all the time, I will be her biggest stalker/crazy fan she ever had! That's how much I loved this book!

The premise: Holly & Jackson met back in college (freshman year) and dated for 3 years, married for 11, separated for 2 and divorced the year prior when book opens (so they were apart for 3 years). They were best friends and soulmates but Jackson’s whole life was hockey and he made the big mistake of putting his career over his marriage and it suffered. He is heartbroken & regretful and knows he has fucked up, but he still loves his wife (ex-wife now). For him, Holly is the only woman he ever wants. Ditto for Holly.

Holly is a photographer/Camera Woman/PR firm. When Jackson’s team gets an offer to do a reality show centered around the hockey team, he is very reluctant at first as he values his privacy and he has a secret that he doesn’t want it let out as it could end his career. But he changes his mind and agrees to do it to support his team and only if Holly is involved (so that she can control the narrative & anything else that may be leaked). And this is how they begin their journey back to another.

What I loved: The fact that there is No OW/OM drama at all. Normally (especially in sport romances), the Hero becomes a Manho and already moved on to OW when he separates from heroine. Not this Hero (or heroine for that matter). Three years being separated and they both still love one another and can’t see being with anyone else! Let me just say it again…. No cheating! No moving on to others! No interest in anyone else! No even thinking about it!

And yes, both hero & heroine OWNED their mistakes of where they went wrong in their marriage! How often does that happen in fictional reads??

What else did I love? There was plenty of humor and that is my second biggest deal breaker to my romance preferences! When a book has a beautiful romance and lovable characters, as well as a BELIEVABLE romance and exceptional writing, well it is a winner for me – but when you add humor too? Well then, I am going to 💕💕💕 on you Ms Luis!!! Big time!

Also, it has an Epilogue of 6 months & 5 years later and who doesn’t like those?

So what didn’t I like? Nothing. Zilch. Nada. No complaints here people and how often do any of you who follow me hear me say that???

Here are some favorite quotes of mine:

"You asked me if I ever wonder about us... Only every day since we signed the papers. Sometimes I think you've ruined me for anyone else".

"Tonight, I took my first breath of air in over a year. This thing between us... it's not over, sweetheart. If you think I've ruined you for someone else, just know that for me, there's been no one else. Full stop. Period. I'm ready to breath again, Holls, and I only do that with you".

"You're my high Jackson Carter. You're my family. You called me today & I've never been so scared in my life. There's nothing in this world that makes me feel happier than you."...

"You're the girl I knew I'd marry within weeks of meeting her. You, the girl who gave me everything she was & loved me just right. You, the girl who I lost, the girl I love. I need you. Love when everything feels like it's going to hell, no one compares to you, Holly. Not for me. For me, it's always been you!"

Now tell me y'all are not swooning in your panties ladies! Now THIS is ROMANCE! THIS is a Hero & heroine worth staying up all night without sleep to finish!

And here's some funny moments, though there are PLENTY of those in this book!

"The groom is sporting hard wood". And then the four-year-old ring bearer seals Andre Beaumont’s sinner status for good. Thrusting one little arm up in the air as Andre releases Zoe and steps back, the kid shouts, “Mommy! Mommy, Mr. Beaumont has a sword in his pants! I want one that big!"

“We lost our heads. Sometimes shit happens, y’know? Anyway, it won’t be happenin’ again. My dick can promise that.”
“Your dick’s making promises now? Should I ask it—”
“But the Beast has got to have a say in—”
“My dick would like to be left out of this narrative, thanks.”
“What’s this about Cap’s dick?”
Jesus Christ, they’re like goddamn grandmothers on this team, always nosily eavesdropping. The least they could do is bring me snacks before breaking out the claws. Pointing at Andre, I grind out, “Shut it. We’ve reached the end of this talk and I’m going to bed.”
“Jackson Carter, owner of the Genie Penis,” Beaumont muses, rubbing his stubbled chin. “I’m thinking ahead . . . merchandise. T-shirts, mugs, bookmarks for our literary fans. I’m a genius.”

So do I recommend this book? ABSOLUTELY FREAKING YES, YES, YES, AND ANOTHER YES!!!!!! Now I'm going back to read all the previous books in this series. Hopefully they are as awesome as this one!!! Happy reading people and thank you my beautiful goddess Maria Luis for making my day, month, year, whatever! Love ya lady!
Profile Image for Carol [Goodreads Addict].
2,702 reviews25.1k followers
November 27, 2019

Body Check is book four in the Blades Hockey series by Maria Luis. I’ve enjoyed this series so much and it’s only fitting that the series ends with Jackson and Holly, the couple who had everything, but then lost it, lost themselves. This is a second chance romance. A second chance for Jackson and Holly.

body check maria luis - Google Search

Jackson Carter is captain of the Boston Blades hockey team. He has given everything to the sport. Hockey is his life. For eleven years, he also shared that life with the only woman he has ever loved, Holly Carter. But one year ago they both signed on the dotted line of divorce papers. So now hockey and his hockey family is all he has left.

Holly Carter had started Carter Photography when she was still married. After her marriage fell apart, it’s all she has, what she lives for. She still aches for Jackson every single day. But he’s in her past. Someday her heart will accept that fact. Just not yet.
Always You - Martella Ingrid - Wattpad
The Blades have signed on to allow them to be filmed for a brand new reality show, Getting Pucked. This means that the cameras will be getting into their personal lives as well as their professional lives. Having a camera follow him around is the last thing Jackson wants. But he will agree on one condition. That his ex-wife and her company be brought on board. If he is going to have to open himself up to a camera he wants someone he trusts behind the camera. And no matter what has happened between them, he will always trust Holly.

“She’s the rush in my veins, and nothing has ever felt so right or perfect.”

Woman riding on back of man on beach ...

Being forced to spend time together, it’s only a matter of time before the chemistry, the pull between Holly and Jackson becomes too much to deny. Their chemistry has never been the problem. It was the communication, the drifting away from each other that pulled them apart. But as they spend time together, they slowly let things out, finally share all the things they held inside.

“He kisses me like he plays hockey: with every last corner of his soul.”

This really was such a beautiful book. I think it’s the longest of the four books! I admit second chance romance isn’t always my favorite. But their story was so beautifully told. This book also deals with some harsh realities of the game of ice hockey that I thought was so important to include.

I have to say that I have enjoyed this entire series so much. I loved getting to know these players and following this team through all their trials and tribulations. I loved how this book ended, wrapping everything up so beautifully. I’m so glad I read it.

“I’m yours, however you’ll have me. Now. Forever.”

For more about this book and so many more, come and visit me at Carol's Crazy Bookish World.

Profile Image for Kiki.
1,217 reviews626 followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
December 5, 2018
Update 29/9/18

One thing that REALLY bugged me up until the 18 chapters, which I didn’t identify until I slept on it which I feel like I should add here. It may not bug other readers and others actually might like the fact. Heroine pretty much sacrificed her whole life for hero and put her life on hold until the divorce. This she spelled out in no uncertain terms. I HATED the fact that she doesn’t regret even a little bit. Because that according to my standards screams doormat. But that’s on me. What irked me further was the fact heroine could STILL not say NO to the hero after the divorce and the hero tried to take advantage to the fact and DID succeed simply because that makes his life easier. He didn’t consider what that does to her or what it’d cost her emotion-wise, and despite that this heroine rolled herself out like a doormat because she couldn’t say no. Now after that, it was hard to EVER believe in his love or the strength of her character or the possibility that the inevitable reconciliation after 30 odd chapters or more would be any different to their first civil union.

For those who want to know, heroine doesn’t regret the fact she put hero first in her life, hero is aware of that fact, and took that for granted during the marriage and tried to shamelessly take advantage of that fact after the divorce without ever thinking of putting her first but the interpretation is of course my own and this interprets as great weakness and failure of epic proportion and good reason to DNF.


Let me repeat. WHAT. THE. FUCK. IS. GOING. ON?????

They got divorced for a reason. At chapter 18 or such odd number they can’t keep their hands off each other because let’s face it celibacy sucks, but hey it seems conjugal rights was NOT the problem during the marriage, they have not yet resolved that pre-existing reason, heroine throws the phrase “neither of us will ever compromise” for the umpteenth time, to which hero agreed for the umpteenth time cos hey he divorced her for the same reason hey? Then team mate says your involvement with heroine makes her cry, and you lose focus and we don’t win the cup, and we need to win the cup so don’t get involved, to which he says he and his dick understands and make promises to stay away and I’m supposed to either believe or root for their HEA?????

LMAO!!!! Either you don’t know me or you don’t know me.

To top that of I was privy to this not so smart hero’s inner monologues which tells me: he regrets losing her but doesn’t regret choosing his team over her.
Come again?????

I have thrown in this towel!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Marie  Brown (Marie's Tempting Reads).
2,754 reviews54 followers
September 10, 2018
Marie's Tempting Reads ARC Review:

Body Check is an incredible, heart-melting, sizzling effing HOT second chance romance with heat, sparks, and ALL the glorious feels!

Maria Luis brought me to my knees with her newest hockey romance. Out of all her books, this one made me sigh the most, smile the most, and made my heart clench in the most delicious way. I do love a good second chance romance but this one isn't just good, ITS EFFING FANTASTIC! Holly and Jackson are my FAVORITE BOOK COUPLE TO DATE by Maria Luis! Their romance is slow burning with so much heart and swoon that I couldn't help but find it beautiful and kind of dreamy. There was also so much entertaining and fun parts that when things just started to get a bit heavy, the humor made me feel lighter and had me smiling and laughing. But honestly nothing beats the BEST second chance romance I HAVE READ THIS YEAR like the one I got in this book. It was sweet and sexy and really spoke to my heart and was everything I was looking for. Perfection!

Profile Image for Heroesinbooks.
1,114 reviews326 followers
January 9, 2022
Beyond 5 Jackson and Holly Stars

I have never read this author before and I read this book out of the order in the series because I really liked the synopsis. I have to say , this is one of my favourite books of the year. It hooked me in right from the start and I was picking it up at every chance that I got.

Jackson Carter is the Captain of the Blades Ice Hockey Team. He was married to Holly for eleven years after they met in College. But somewhere along the road , these two drifted apart and they divorced a year prior to the story starting. Holly is a photographer and still does work for the Blades. A TV Channel launch a new docu-series following the Team and Jackson only agrees to take part if Holly is involved. He has reasons for this and finding out what one of the reasons is was heartbreaking.

I think both Holly and Jackson are two of the best H/h I have read. Jackson Carter stole my heart. Holly is a really likeable heroine and the best thing of all was how these two never stopped loving each other. No other person got a look in even during their separation.
I loved how they both grew and both took ownership for what went wrong in their marriage. This story has so many elements that I love - second chance romance, humour , romance, passion....OMG the passion practically shimmers off of the pages. The secondary characters are so well written and add a lot to the story. Highly recommend this book.

Re read via Audible - JANUARY 2022.
This is a gorgeous story of how two people who drifted apart , find each other again. I listened to the book this time and I think it detracted from my enjoyment as the narrators were not to my liking. When I read it in 2019, I gave it 'beyond 5 stars'. I think my tastes have changed and as I said, the narration wasn't great. It would likely be a 4.5-5 if I was reading for the first time now.

HEA? Yes- fab ending
Cheating? No.
Profile Image for Syndi.
3,279 reviews956 followers
May 23, 2023
Body Check is a torture. So tired reading this. The story is not too bad but in my opinion it is lacks of depth. Lack of drama and lack of characters development.

Miss Luis fails to bring her sport romance to life. The banter, the conversation to mee seems off. Lack of chemistry is not helping either.

2 stars
Profile Image for Mónica BQ.
828 reviews130 followers
October 8, 2022
I've read way worst and I've read waaaaaaay better. But what this was is mostly unremarkable. Unmemorable. I'm already forgetting about it only a few days after finishing it. It brings nothing new to the table. The second chance romance is more of a: continuing where we left off. There's no conflict to resolve. The sex scenes are boring and trite. The dialogue is dismal. The banter is non-existant.
Profile Image for Malene.
1,275 reviews723 followers
January 4, 2020
I’ve mentioned it before and I’m going to say it again. I’ll never get tired of reading a second chance romance when it’s about a divorced couple. In Body Check Jackson and Holly have been divorced for a year after being married for eleven. He loves hockey but Holly slowly lose herself in her husband’s fame.

I really enjoyed this second chance cause I felt their connection and chemistry immediately. They still loved each other despite being divorced and apart for a year. Jackson was yummy, the good guy and very vocal about getting back together with Holly. They took it slow rediscovering each other and making sure they wouldn’t make the same mistakes all over again. Their courtship was filled with laughter and sex but most importantly love.
The other guys on the team added to the comedy as well.
It’s book 4 in a series and it’s my first book from this author. I didn’t feel I missed anything and can easily recommend it being read as a stand-alone.
Jackson and Holly delivered all the feels and delicious chemistry.

4 You’re My High Stars
December 26, 2020
4.5 Stars!

Loved this one!! It's always rare to read a book about a divorced couple who are still so loyal to each other and only want one another. Super sweet story with some feels. The only thing I disliked or was iffy about was the ending. It was just a little too quick for me and after how long they were apart, I just wanted more time with them as a couple. One other thing, was when the hero and heroine was being told the hero's diagnosis, I don't think Holly should have been as on board as she was about him continuing to play. I felt like she should have had some reservations because of the possibilities and how dangerous it is, and him being the love of her life too. Otherwise, this is definitely my favorite book in the series!


No OW/OM drama

No Cheating

Married 14 yrs, divorced one

No other partners during separations
Profile Image for Angie.
1,229 reviews210 followers
January 27, 2020
Jackson wasn't a bad husband. He was good down to his core; always wanting to help others, to help me, but in living within his shadow for so many years, I became a returning secondary character on the Jackson Carter Show, simply known as "the wife." --Holly

4.5 stars!

I've been craving a solid contemporary read for a while now, so when I finally got this one on my kindle, I couldn't resist starting it right away. This novel was such a solid, heart-wrenching but ultimately uplifting read, and I found it hard to put it down and leave these characters and their raw emotions for too long. The story follows Jackson Carter, aka the Beast of the Northeast, a hockey legend and Captain of the Boston Blades, and his ex-wife Holly, owner of Carter Photography whose clientele includes various sports teams in New England. I don't think I've ever read a contemporary where the hero and heroine were formerly married (to each other), recently divorced, and still in love with each other (though it takes some soul-searching to fully admit this).
Truth: letting Holly walk away is the hardest thing I've ever done.
Truth: I may have brought up divorce first but only because Holly had lost her spark, her luster, and I wasn't enough anymore to rekindle her fire.
Lie: I've moved on.

Jackson and Holly met and fell in love in college and got married soon thereafter. While Jackson spent his time chasing a career as a professional hockey player, Holly was content to follow him around and support his dreams unconditionally. However after years of living in Jackson's intimidating and all-consuming shadow, Holly realized that she didn't know who she was anymore and that she and Jackson were no longer a team. They had grown so far apart from each other--spending their evenings working and eating dinner alone--and ultimately end up calling it quits.

Fast forward one year later and Jackson finds himself persuading Holly to become involved in the production of the reality show his team is forcing the players to participate in. Jackson isn't comfortable sharing his intimate life with the world and hopes Holly will run interference with what content will ultimately be aired. But in the midst of filming the show, Jackson and Holly find themselves spending more time together and rekindling old feelings of love, belonging, and hope for a future that sees them together once more.

I really enjoyed this novel. It was so beautifully written and the emotions of the characters--their hurt, their hesitation, their guilt, and ultimately their love for each other--bled across the pages until I found myself wholly invested in their gorgeous and tumultuous story. There was also moments of laughter and levity that balanced the story nicely, and I am so glad I picked this one up. Definitely recommend!!

My Jackson Carter, the Beast of the Northeast and the Badass of Hockey, Captain of the Boston Blades...
Profile Image for Rejane.
1,359 reviews63 followers
October 1, 2018
Even if I don’t agree of reason for the divorce (11 years of marriage) and for feeling like heroine resented her husband’s successful career (that’s how I felt from her a couple of times in the book) and I think the problem was miscommunication (something I really disliked in books) I give this 4 stars for being so refreshing. Hero and heroine didn’t have other people in the 1 year separation and they only loved each other. If the author had cut out the many fillers in the book I could make it 5 stars.
I agree with Paula

Profile Image for Tracy  C.
541 reviews38 followers
October 15, 2018
Maria Luis appreciation post!!! I feel like she is a bit of a hidden gem and people need to know how fantastic her books are. ALL her books. This installment of Blades Hockey is a second chance romance between divorced couple Holly and Jackson. How they found their way back to each other was so good and realistic. And of course we get to see the whole blades family here. The interactions between them all are so funny and heart warming. If you haven't already, pick up a Maria Luis book. You won't be sorry.
Profile Image for Izzie d.
4,199 reviews334 followers
February 26, 2020
Sweet story.
No cheating.
Divorced due to drifting away from each other.
No intimate scenes other than the Hero and heroine.
During separation both not been with anyone else, three years I think it was.
Secondary characters introduced for future books in series and previous characters appear.
Profile Image for Book Snob Sue.
1,358 reviews125 followers
September 10, 2023
I am a huge Maria Luis fan, and her books never cease to amaze me. This one had all the feels, a story about true soulmates finding their way back to each other. Jackson is the captain of the Blades Hockey team and Holly is his ex-wife photographer. These two met in college and married after. Fast forward 11 years and they are divorced. The story picks up here and takes you through the journey of them trying to find their way back to each other and feel their way through the ups and downs. The pull between these two is amazing, they are trying to fight against destiny and it just can’t be done. You could feel their chemistry and love through the book. “Always you” is their phrase to each other and it is so accurate for them. Soulmates, he’s the yen to her yang, the peanut butter to her jelly, the salt to her pepper...I think you get the picture, these two are everything😍.

Maybe this wasn’t the “traditional” fairytale, but it was for me. The belief that true love really does exist in real life, even if the road can be bumpy. A safe read, yes even during their separation, no om or ow drama of any kind. A soulmate, true love that will leave you breathless. So much chemistry. A funny af hockey team with an equally funny af group chat (don’t ask, just read). A hockey legend alpha with his fierce and supportive soulmate. A wonderful epilogue and an hea.
Profile Image for Romancing the Reader.
1,039 reviews446 followers
September 4, 2022
It's that time of year, and I'm easing my way through more hockey reads to get myself in the mood for the season.

📚 𝗧𝗿𝗼𝗽𝗲: Second Chance romance, sports romance

📖 𝗦𝘆𝗻𝗼𝗽𝘀𝗶𝘀: Jackson and Holly divorced over a year ago, but when they're drawn back together for a project they both can't deny there's still feelings there.

🌟 𝗥𝗲𝘃𝗶𝗲𝘄: Maria Luis writes hockey well - or at least she did in this book. I love a good second chance romance, too, so this was a perfect storm for me.

All around great story. Well written in the sports aspects, which not every writer can do. Solid spice, and some totally heart-melting moments as Jackson and Holly put their marriage back together.

𝗙𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗹 𝗥𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴: 4/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐

𝗦𝗽𝗶𝗰𝗲 𝗥𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴: 3.5/5 🌶🌶🌶

🆓️ on KU
Profile Image for E-Reader Addict.
1,219 reviews44 followers
September 16, 2022
Second chance romances are usually my favorite, but this one was underwhelming. I didn’t feel the angst of either hero or heroine that their marriage fell apart, and I’m not sure their marriage will work again because they didn’t seem to address the issues that caused the demise of the marriage the first time. This was definitely a case of Too Much Pecs, Not Enough Plot.

Narrators were fine - they did well with the story they had to read.
Profile Image for Sims.
52 reviews11 followers
February 1, 2024

This book had so much potential but it lacked depth that should have been there when there is a second chance romance between a divorced couple who were married/together for more than 10 years?

After reading this book i really feel second chance romance should have mandatory proper and good communication between the MCs😌

The sports element, jokes and banter were all there but there wasn't much background. Infact, I got the impression that the characters who were supposedly married and been together for so many years didn't even realise the real reason for their divorce🙂 Based on how bad and sad they said they were when divorced these people didn't fight that much.

Yes, they grew apart because of reasons but apparently they were talking about the real reasons of falling apart after a year of their divorce which was sort of weird. And so if communication was the issue in the marriage then i wanted more reassurance from both of them they have realised their mistakes and changed.

Even after the H and h started reviving their romance the never properly had a conversation on what needs to be done and there weren't much actions to prove they have changed either. All those healthy conversations somehow got covered with some funny banter or someone disturbing them🙃

Yes there were 2 epilogues✌️but they felt sort of empty because i was waiting for that moment when the H would have said that his soul and everything was h, above all and not just his profession. He was like hockey is still my soul and my wife who I love supports me for my profession 😬

The goods were there was no OM/OW drana🩷 Safe. HEA.
Profile Image for C.
64 reviews2 followers
June 18, 2024
4.5 stars
I’m not someone who typically enjoys second chance romances… I don’t know why but they’ve never clicked with me yet this is hands-down the Best second chance romance book I’ve ever read
2,354 reviews14 followers
September 11, 2018
Rcvd an ARC at no cost to author...Maria has done it again! She brings us a love affair and two people who truly belong together and you are rooting from your chair the whole time. Jackson is the Captain of the Blades Hockey team and he is known as the badass of hockey, this man plays thru pain and sickness and literally breathes Hockey it is first in his life, and he ends up seeing that he made a mistake with that attitude. Jackson was married to Holly the love of his life for 11 years and their love dwindled by other factors, thankfully it did not involve cheating. These two still loved each other and both regret the distance that they allowed while married and put them in the predicament that they are in. I loved reading about their love and the necessary steps they took to being them, a couple again. I loved reading about the past characters from the previous books in this series and catching up a little with them and reading the devotion that each hockey player had to each other. There is so much more I could say but I am not writing a book, just a review but I implore you to grab a copy and read and as always Enjoy!!!
Profile Image for Debbie DiFiore.
2,400 reviews277 followers
November 2, 2018
Puck it up

This is a story about a couple who divorced a year or two ago but should never have done it. I never really understood why either but they are still in love with each other and have not moved on. I loved that. Both had been celibate. Very unusual since the hero is a hockey star and they have something called puck bunnies. Disgusting. I am ashamed for real women everywhere. Well there is a show about hockey and the heroine is asked to do pictures/stories about it since she is a well known photography person. The H is having some issues and they are brought together again and they are still in love. It was a good book, some very real issues concerning aging players and brain injuries and it really was moving. I thought it dragged a little in the middle and there were a little too many d!@k jokes and discussions. They really loved each other and I loved the epilogue with the two Stanleys!! I may go back and look at other books in the series even. New author for me.
Profile Image for Kristiej.
1,390 reviews93 followers
January 11, 2024
4.5 out of 5

Although I haven't read that many lately, I love a good hockey romance. I've been reading them for years, long, long before they gained the popularity they have these days. I'm Canadian so it's almost in my DNA. So I'm very happy to report that I really enjoyed this book. Its a second chance romance but one of the things I appreciated is Jackson and Holly never stopped loving each other, they just kind of got lost, Jackson particularly.

They met in college and new almost immediately they were meant to be. Jackson's hockey career took off and Holly dropped out of college, they got married and she followed him from team to team until he finally landed with the Boston Blades and became their captain. Holly started looking for a career and begins to make it big as a photographer. But that spelled the ending of their marriage. The book opens as Holly is offered the deal of a lifetime. There is a plan afoot to to an in depth reality series on a season with the Boston Blades. She is somewhat reluctant as she is still close to many of the players and is protective of them. Then she finds out he ex was instrumental in her being offered the job and she is livid. He's always been the driving force in their marriage and she wants something she's earned herself. But she eventually accepts and this of course spending a LOT of time with her ex. The attraction has never disappeared and Jackson wants her back. And since she's never stopped loving him......

There's so many positives about this book. I loved how after Holly's initial hesitation they talked things through. There was no bitterness or angry feelings. And the comradery between Jackson and his teammates is sweet and hilarious. Their text messages gave me huge smiles.

The author also has a very serious side story. Jackson knows something isn't right with him physically. He's played hockey full throttle all his life and hockey is a physical game. He's terrified he has TBI (traumatic brain injury) or CTE (which can only be diagnosed after death). Hockey has been his life and he doesn't know what he would do without it.

So what's keeping this from being a total 5 star read is the number of very descriptive sex scenes. Now I love me a good descriptive sex scene - or two, or three. But more than three just has me skimming to the end of the scene. But that is totally me. The next reader will probably love them and that is completely fine.

I've read at least one other book by Maria Luis and I very much enjoyed it and I picked up a couple more while I was reading this one. Many of her books, including Body Check are available on KU. She gets a strong recommendation from me.
Profile Image for BookAddict.
1,851 reviews169 followers
September 9, 2018
“He kisses me like he plays hockey: with every last corner of his soul.” Wow. For such an amazing rom-com queen, this latest work from Luis is surprisingly profound and deep, dealing with some pretty spectacular devastation. With their first chance laying in tattered ruins, it appears to be a nearly impossible undertaking for Jackson and Holly to get their second chance. Jackson Carter is the captain of the Boston Blades hockey team who lives, eats and breathes hockey. He seemingly has everything – fame, fortune, and his brothers/teammates. Everything except Holly, his ex-wife. Their marriage may have fallen apart but somehow neither of them managed to fall out of love.

As a Luis fan from the beginning I grabbed the chance to read an early copy of this one. Each new book she pens is better than the last, but this one takes her work to an entirely new level. All of the elements we’ve come to expect are here – a captivating storyline, realistic and flawed, but immensely endearing characters, fantastic chemistry and a good dose of heat, and well-placed comic relief – but this book is so much more. Parallel to the hilarity Luis quickly sets the scene with regret over lost love, broken dreams and poignant longing. There’s something so compelling, relatable and endearing about both Holly and Jackson that I couldn’t help but love them as they brought their story alive. The element touching on sports injuries allowed Luis to flex her geeky research muscles and adds a deeper and somewhat heart wrenching aspect to the story that leaves a lasting impact on the reader offering a richer, more heartfelt experience.

Of course, within the first few pages Luis had me snorting and then choking on my drink from an eruption of laughter, and then the book only got more hilarious. Group texts in the group dubbed the “Safe Space,” which was anything but safe, were a hoot and a half! Especially when Jackson thinks he’s sending something racy to Holly and it goes to the entire group. Oops. Then there’s the sacrilege perpetrated against the Stanley Cup. I’ll be laughing for days about that one!

This book certainly runs the gamut of emotions, often turning on a dime. One second I’m laughing out loud and the next my heart is breaking for Holly and Jackson. They epitomize the saying, ”you don’t know what you have till it’s gone,” but their time apart led to growth and a deeper appreciation of what they had in each other, making them more determined to fight for their relationship and succeed the second time. If I were ever in doubt of the power of love, destiny and soulmates, Holly and Jackson exemplify that love can mend old hurts, heal old wounds, and wash away old pain and regret when given a second chance. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll love, your heart will break and your soul will leap for joy. Don’t miss this phenomenal, evocative read that will leave you with a happy sigh, a full heart and a smile on your face.

*I reviewed this book freely and voluntarily, having made no commitment to provide a review and receiving no compensation of any kind from any source for this review.
Profile Image for Ames.
278 reviews5 followers
June 12, 2023
i think this is my favourite of the four.
i was never a massssssive fan of this trope, but i do see the appeal and beauty of second chance romance, esp like this one.

they both made mistakes in their marriage, but its also so obvious how much they still mean to eachother, and how much both are willing to do to stay together.
there were some parts that couldve been developped, and maybe some flashbacks every now and then would be nice, just so we could get more of a feel on how they were before things went badly / during.

a few plot points were lowk skimmed over which was a shame, but the background stories were all pretty solid, and the way jackson had to retire was well executed.

i rlly enjoyed reading holly and jackson fall for eachother all over again (not that there was any animosity between them)
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Stephanie.
699 reviews1 follower
October 9, 2018
3.5 Stars

What I liked - The chemistry and sexiness was strong because of their true real love for one another. It wasn't just a lust thing, which would have made it empty and gross to me. The love made the sexual spark. It wasn't sex that evolved into a relationship. I rarely like second chance romance books, but I would read and like more if they were like this one. Neither was with anyone else during their time apart, which I love. There was no other person relationship or ex relationship drama. It was really nice, and the book was done really well aside from what I'm mentioning below. There is humor in this book, and that is amazing. I love to laugh. The cape thing was both funny and sweet. The Stanley stuff was great. This is my favorite in the series so far. I hope any future books in the series take after this book and not the first three in this series. Those were nowhere near as good as this one. I loved the ending. It was pretty perfect.

What I didn't like - I understand the basis for the divorce, but I don't agree with it. I'm confused as to why they got divorced when their reason(s) is something that could be resolved. They resolved it in this book, so why could they not have resolved it instead of getting divorced? They gave up too quickly, and that doesn't mesh with their personalities or love for one another. They loved each other then and apparently still did in this book, and while there's a lot about the book I do like, I don't think this part makes sense. There were a few punctuation errors. I don't understand why Holly was put in the group chat in present day but wasn't back when they were still married.

Overall - The book wasn't perfect, but it was really good, really sweet, and possibly the best 2nd chance romance I've read.
Profile Image for Megan.
546 reviews2 followers
September 8, 2018
I’ve been waiting for this book since the very first sneak peak was released and I have to say, my expectations were blown out of the water!

This is not your typical sports romance novel where our heroine falls in love with a big shot hockey star. This novel is a story about second chances. Holly and Jackson were married to eleven years before calling it quits. Maria Luis has captured the aftermath of ending a relationship prematurely perfectly. She brilliantly describes the messy intricacies of marriage and love. Post-divorce holly and Jackson are amazing characters individually but I absolutely adored them together. This is by far my favorite story in the Blades Series.

This book has everything. I laughed so hard at times, found my heart hurting during others, and was utterly smitten at all the sweetness of Holly and Jackson falling in Love all over again. I think the fact that this book was able to invoke such a wide range of emotion speaks for itself. Body Check was brilliantly written and will go down as one of my favorite reads of 2018. I couldn’t recommend this book more!
225 reviews6 followers
September 12, 2018
I dare you - DARE YOU- not to fall in love with both Jackson and Holly Carter. It will be more difficult than eating only one potato chip from an open bag, or not staring at a shirtless Channing Tatum. Because this couple? Damn. This is love at its finest. This book shows you that there are loves worth fighting for. Worth figuring things out. Worth compromise and heartache. Worth putting the needs of others before yourself. And worth a second chance.

And I am beyond proud of Maria Luis for bringing attention to as issue that is just coming to the forefront of professional sports- even sports at all levels. TBI and CTE are real. And dangerous. And well done Ms. Luis for using the romance genre to shed some light on it.

This series is one of my favorites. Ever. And they just keep getting better.
Profile Image for K.K. Allen.
Author 40 books3,049 followers
September 14, 2018
There is everything to love about this book. The humor, the sexiness, the emotion that seeped through every single one of its pages. I love a good sports romance, and there's something about hockey boys that just does me in. Stick a fork in me. Maria's characters are off the charts amazing, the chemistry between Jackson and Holly was PERFECTION. A divorced couple who can't seem to stay away from each other. Whose connection is still buried so deep you just want them to rip off all the layers of pain so that they can find their way back to each other. 5 MILLION ALWAYS YOU STARS.
53 reviews1 follower
September 10, 2018
This book was absolutely fantastic! SO. MANY. FEELS. This book tells the story of Jackson and Holly and their marriage, divorce and reconciliation. It's full of laugh out loud moments, steamy scenes, and some heartwrenching emotions. I love the way Maria Luis weaves all of these things into her books and gives such a fulfilling reading experience. Body Check is by far my favorite of the Blades series and one of my top picks for this year.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 503 reviews

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