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Leadershift: The 11 Essential Changes Every Leader Must Embrace

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Dive into a masterclass that reveals the shifts you should make over the course of you career to keep innovating, improving, and influencing others to the highest levels of success in today’s unprecedented business climate. Change is so rapid today that leaders must do more than stay the course to be successful. If they aren’t nimble and ready to adapt, they won’t survive. The key is to learn how to leadershift. John C. Maxwell helps leaders gain the ability and willingness to make leadership changes that will positively enhance their organizational and personal growth. He does this by sharing the eleven shifts he made over the course of his long, successful leadership career. In Leadershift , Maxwell shares some of the leadershifts including… Leadershift gives specific guidance to readers about how to make these shifts in their own lives. Each one requires them to change the way they think, act, and ultimately lead so they can be successful in a world that never remains the same. To go forward, we need to move faster. And as leaders, we need to stay ahead, we need to see more than others, and we need to see before others.

288 pages, Hardcover

First published January 1, 2019

About the author

John C. Maxwell

791 books5,452 followers
John Calvin Maxwell is an American author, speaker, and pastor who has written many books, primarily focusing on leadership. Titles include The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership and The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader. Some of his books have been on the New York Times Best Seller List.

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Profile Image for Krista Vanderveren.
11 reviews1 follower
January 31, 2019
John C. Maxwell is a fantastic author with a great mission and many year of experience. He is encouraging us all to make a LEADERSHIFT rather than focus on leadership. What is a leader shift you ask? Well, it is making an effort to support all those around you and help them to the top of the mountain with you. Being a leader you are doing just that, you lead the way. You pave the trail and tell others how you did it. By creating a leader shift, you are working with those around you to encourage, promote, pave the way together and help them achieve success along the way with you.

You may ask why would you do that? The answer is simple. You must surround yourself with individuals who will be able to give their best while helping all those around them achieve success.

"The team doesn't play its best when its best player thinks its all about him."

The goal-orientated culture:
1. Values achievement
2. Focuses on status
3. Honors privilege
4. Emphasizes the teacher
5. Target is arrival

The growth-orientated culture:
1. Value development
2. Focuses on stretching
3. Honors serving
4. Emphasizes the student
5. Target is growth

Which culture would you cultivate? Goal-oriented or Growth-oriented

Are you a leader or are you making the leader shift?

If you don't live it, you don't believe it. -Paul Harvey

Later on, in the book, it focuses on career vs calling. I have heard so many say I chose this career, but are fulfilling your calling? What are you looking for in your life?

Your ego drives you, your calling draws you. What are you being drawn to? Are you being drawn away from your career? Here is a great breakdown of your EGO vs CALLING.

1. Fears not possessing something
2. Focuses on doing
3. Needs the anxiety to survive
4. Manifests as burnout
5. Focuses on the result
6. Wants to preserve self

1. Fears not expressing something
2. Focuses on being
3. Needs silence to survive
4. Manifests as fulfillment
5. Focuses on the process
6. Wants to impact others

Your calling is discovered through observation and reflection, through self-discovery and the unfolding of your life.

LEADERSHIFT makes you think about yourself in your leadership roles. Whether you are a CEO, Solo-entrepreneur, board member of a non-profit, a parent, teacher or someone in any type of leadership role. How are you using your skills and the skills of those around you to achieve the success and goals of the group?

Comment below on how you are going to make a leader shift in your life.

Leadershift is available February 5th, 2019. PRE ORDER NOW here.

Can't wait to hear your thoughts.

#StayChic ~Krista

*Thank you to John C Maxwell and his launch team for the opportunity to review this book and the advanced reader's copy.*
Profile Image for Lara.
44 reviews14 followers
February 2, 2019
I just pre-ordered mine. I got a bonus of a mini-course. I cant wait to get started. Update I was able to join the launch team. . I want to thank John C Maxwell I would give more than five starsif I could... I want to thank @harpercollinsleadership and #netgalley for the draft and final product and allowing me to be a part of the launch team. I preordered my copy so now I will have one to share. What I love about John Maxwell is his passion for people. He gets up in the morning thinking ‘how can I add value to someone today”. This book does that in spades.
Leadershift is relevant to the new generation who require authentic communication before they will follow someone. They want simple not complicated. Of course most of us want simple right.
One thing he talks about is making plans.
Have you ever made a really good plan towards to reach a goal but something doesn’t work. It doesn’t mean that it was the wrong goal it just means your plan is not working. Evaluate your failures “Leaders who cling to inflexibility in a plan stifle creativity and miss opportunities to be creative.” Test your ideas. Be creative and take two ideas put them together and test them. If they don’t work you will learn to make a shift to make a difference.
Another quote is “Creativity is the JOY of not knowing all of the answers but of knowing the answers are out there.” I love this! I am reminded once again to evaluate my failures so that my creativity is not stifled. As an entrepreneur in the coaching world I must be authentic. It is what sets me apart. In my journey to adding value to people I have hit a wall many times sometimes it is as simple as making it more about me than other people. I know I will make many more. I will just get up,be humble, shift and fail forward. I am learning how to grow into different zones to be more productive and more value to people. This book is helping with that.
I am a Certified John Maxwell coach and I am always learning something new. You get a very good look about who he is and how he has made mistakes and how he has learned to make small shifts that changed his trajectory. Don’t fall in the love with the plan. Learn how to overcome your failures. Learn how to lead the next generation. Learn to shift your thinking. Begin this by reading his book. Make sure you have markers because there are so many golden nuggets inside that put together will make you more successful in all the zones of your life.
Profile Image for George P..
554 reviews56 followers
February 6, 2019
“Every advance you make as a leader will require a leadershift that changes the way you think, act, and lead,” writes John C. Maxwell in Leadershift. He goes on to enumerate eleven specific changes, which he illustrates with stories from his own leadership journey. He also provides practical advice to help readers make necessary shifts in their own leadership practices.

Maxwell defines leadershifting as “the ability and willingness to make a leadership change that will positively enhance organizational and personal growth.” Here are the specific changes he outlines:

* focus: from soloist to conductor,
* personal development: from goals to growth,
* cost: from perks to price,
* relational: from pleasing people to challenging people,
* abundance: from maintaining to creating,
* reproduction: from ladder climbing to ladder building,
* communication: from directing to connecting,
* improvement: from team uniformity to team diversity,
* influence: from positional authority to moral authority,
* impact: from trained leaders to transformational leaders, and
* passion: from career to calling.

Like all of Maxwell’s books, Leadershift offers shrewd advice in simple language. Some readers may find its advice formulaic. Others, myself included, think the formulas make the advice memorable and therefore easier to act on. Having followed Maxwell’s writing for more than 25 years, I can honestly say that anyone who takes his advice to heart will improve as a leader.

Though written for a broad audience, Leadershift contains illustrations and applications directly relevant to church leaders. “If you want to be successful as a leader,” Maxwell writes, “you need to learn to become comfortable with uncertainty and make shifts continually.” His book shows how to do precisely that.


Book Reviewed
John C. Maxwell, Leadershift: The 11 Essential Changes Every Leader Must Embrace (Nashville, TN: HarperCollins Leadership, 2019).

P.S. If you liked my review, please click “Helpful” on my Amazon review page.

P.P.S. This review is cross-posted from InfluenceMagazine.com with permission.
Profile Image for Rob Ivy.
120 reviews4 followers
December 20, 2019
John Maxwell is a master of turning 30 pages of mediocre content into a 300 page book. Nothing new here for sure.
Profile Image for Παύλος.
233 reviews36 followers
August 24, 2021
Ήξερα ότι ο συγγραφέας θεωρείται ως ένας από τους καλύτερους εκπαιδευτές ηγεσίας στον κόσμο με πολλά από τα βιβλία του να έχουν διαβαστεί από εκατομμύρια ανθρώπους παγκοσμίως - το βιβλίο αυτό είναι απόδειξη του γιατί.
Χωρισμένο σε σύντομα αλλά ουσιαστικά κεφαλαία, καλύπτει με πληρότητα τις βασικές (και όχι μόνο) πτυχές της ηγεσίας σε έναν διαρκώς μεταβαλλόμενο κόσμο και μάλιστα, όχι μόνο τον επιχειρηματικό κόσμο αλλά σε κάθε μορφή της ζωής.
Στον αντίποδα, ταπεινή μου γνώμη είναι πως οι συνεχείς αναφορές στην θρησκεία και τα εδάφια της Βίβλου όσο και της εμπειρίας ως πάστορας, δε προσφέρουν κάτι. Ίσως φταίει η δική μου θεώρηση για την θρησκεία αλλά δε βρήκα κάτι χρήσιμο σε αυτές τις αναφορές και δε πιστεύω ότι αποτελούν συστατικό στοιχείο της ηγεσίας ούτε και της οπτικής με βάση την οποία πρέπει να ασκείται.
Profile Image for Fredy Orozco.
21 reviews
February 15, 2020
Helpful leadership principles, though if you have read one book on leadership, you have kind of read them all. I also disliked his use of Scripture, it seemed forced at times and very reductionist in that he failed to explain the context of the texts he cited.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
January 30, 2019
I just finished an advance reader copy from Harper Collins Leadership. Wonderful book. A very insightful and practical guide for remaining influential in an ever-changing world.
Profile Image for Mike Cook.
17 reviews
February 1, 2019
I was honored to receive an advance copy from Harper Collins Leadership. I have read it through once and plan to go through it again and take more notes. John shares wisdom from his years of serving and influencing others. I am blessed to learn from his experience instead of having to make the same mistakes myself. If you are in a position to influence people, make this book part of your personal growth plan.
Profile Image for Robin.
622 reviews10 followers
November 21, 2020
A book filled with critical Concepts about leadership. Though the premise of the book appears to be for those making a transition to leadership it is far from exclusive to those readers. I believe all leaders, aspiring, new or well established can find some helpful words inside of this cover.
John Maxwell's ability to simplify the concepts to be so unmistakable is astounding. I greatly appreciate not only the anecdotes of his journey but also the examples made up to see more clearly the change he describes.
Profile Image for Anton Nikolov.
100 reviews2 followers
March 17, 2021
It provides very good insights and principles on how to change your mindset and shift to become a better leader. It is one of those books that you can re-read several times and still get benefit from it.

The book acts as a catalyst to make you think about leadership the concept of it and how you can utilize the principles to increase your own influence and make a positive impact.
Profile Image for Antoinette Lewis.
802 reviews20 followers
July 17, 2020
How to transform into a transformation leader.

How to become more of who you are and who you want to become.

How to implement these changes and what it means be a leader and to find out which stage you are in life.

Great growth and development book by John Maxwell he is my friend.
Profile Image for Paul Kandavalli.
11 reviews
February 5, 2019
“Leadershift” is the ability and willingness to make a leadership change that will positively enhance organizational and personal growth, according to John C. Maxwell. John is a #1 New York Times Bestselling Author, Leadership Guru, Coach and Speaker. John Maxwell asks the readers to keep in mind that everyone can improve, and everything can be improved. He writes that every day has improvement possibilities.
John Maxwell in his book “Leadershift”, writes that the framework of leadershifting as to Continually Learn, Unlearn, and Relearn; Value yesterday, but Live for Today; Rely on speed, but Thrive on Timing; See the Big Picture as the Picture keeps Getting Bigger; Live in Today, but Think about Tomorrow; Move Forward Courageously When Surrounded by Uncertainty; and Realize Today’s Best Will Not Meet the Challenges of Tomorrow.
John Maxwell, helps leaders gain the ability and willingness to make leadership changes that will positively enhance their organizational and personal growth. He writes that every advance you make as a leader will require a leadershift that changes the way you think, act, and lead. He states that If you want to be an effective leader, you must leadershift.
As you read through this book, John will make you to think how you can make a continual shift from action to reflection. John presents questions and challenges and the leadershifts presented in this book will take you from from being a good leader to becoming a better leader. John writes that if you try to make some small shift in that direction everyday, you can and will reach your leadership potential.
He does this by sharing the following eleven shifts that he personally made over the course of his long and successful leadership career.
1. Why Every Leader Needs to Leadershift
2. Soloist to Conductor
3. Goals to Growth
4. Perks to Price
5. Pleasing People to Challenging people
6. Maintaining to Creating
7. Climbing to Ladder Building
8. Directing to Connecting
9. Team Uniformity to Team Diversity
10. Positional Authority to Moral Authority
11. Trained Leaders to Transformational Leaders
12. Career to Calling
John writes that each shift changed his trajectory and set him up for new and exciting achievements, ultimately strengthening and sustaining his leadership abilities and making him the most admired leadership expert he is today. John Maxwell gives specific guidance to readers about how to make these shifts in their own lives. He concludes that each one requires the readers to change the way they think, act, and ultimately lead so that they can be successful in a world that never remains the same.
Thanks to John Maxwell for another excellent book on Leadership. I highly recommend this book and give it a 5 star rating.
HarperCollins Leadership provided me with an advance reader copy of “Leadershift: The 11 Essential Changes Every Leader Must Embrace” by John C. Maxwell for review. Opinions expressed are my own.
February 11, 2019
I was fortunate to receive an Advanced Reader Copy of John Maxwell’s new book Leadershift from HarperCollins Leadership.

The only thing that is constant in the world today is CHANGE. Dr. John C. Maxwell again proves why he is a #1 New York Times Bestselling Author! Written in the familiar Maxwell prose, Leadershift walks you through the eleven essential changes (shifts) you must make as a leader to positively enhance organizational and personal growth. The book is full of relatable and memorable information you can immediately apply to your personal and professional life to enhance your leadership skills. Maxwell brings immense clarity the importance of continuous learning, unlearning, and relearning in today’s ever-changing and fast-paced world.

Maxwell says, “If you want to be successful as a leader, you need to learn to become comfortable with uncertainty and make shifts continually. You need to be flexible and deal with uncertainty without losing focus. Leaders who leadershift must be like water.”

Maxwell’s explanation of what it means to “live on the other side of ‘yes’” is compelling and motivational. It’ll have you eager to jump on any challenge that comes your way...even challenges that would ordinarily scare you.

Leadershift is a MUST-READ for anyone who aspires to be a leader, in life or in their organization. It is particularly relevant to those who are presently in a leadership position but have lost touch with those they lead. Leadershift will refocus the reader on several important principles like humility, consistency, trustworthiness, relationships, equipping, attitude, generosity, listening, and encouragement (to name a few). Reading and applying the principals in this phenomenal book should be a pre-requisite to being placed in any leadership position in any organization in the public or private sector.

Leadershift is practical and enjoyable to read. It will add value to you so you can add value to others. I highly recommend investing in this book!
Profile Image for Diego.
95 reviews19 followers
September 1, 2019
This book is incredible. My first Maxwell book. You can tell he inserts some previous lessons but not much. So much good stuff in this one. The end is a bit slower but doesn’t take away from the book’s many messages and advice. Adaptability is very hard within a company that has set its ways. I really love his 25-50-25 rule. 25 will follow you and agree, 50 will be undecided, 25 will disagree no matter what. Work on bringing the 50 in, don’t waste time on the last 25, they will find any way to disagree.

Here are a few good quotes:

“Conformity is the negative quality of blending in, becoming average”

“To be a successful leader you need to learn to become comfortable with uncertainty and make shifts continually.”

“People may honor you for what you did yesterday, but they respect you for what you’re doing now”

“Yesterday’s home run doesn’t win today’s game” - Babe Ruth

“Growing is the only guarantee that tomorrow will be better than today”

“Develop relationships with other growing people”

“Failure isn’t failure if you learn something from it”

“Focusing on perks won’t take you anywhere worthwhile”

“No leader can please everyone all the time”
Profile Image for Linda Smith.
256 reviews23 followers
February 9, 2019
Leadershift: The ability and willingness to make a leadership change that will positively enhance organizational and personal growth. Leadershift ©2018 by John C. Maxwell

This book is so good! The author is well known for his books regarding leadership skills so I was anxious to read this new one. There is nothing to be disappointed about!
Written in easy to understand terms and common sense language; this one is simply packed with good info. I particularly like the fact that this can apply to those in the professional world as well as just your ordinary person. For instance:
Wanting Others to Shine More Than You Do
Before I say, “Follow me,” I find you.
Before I ask you to listen to me, I listen to you.
When I show you the Big Picture, you are in it.
When I point to success, I point to you.
Often you hear me say, I need you.
Often you discover, he needed me!
After the journey, we are both exhausted.
After the victory, you hold the trophy!
Leadershift ©2018 by John C. Maxwell
These are thoughts that would make life so much easier if they were applied. Maxwell also focuses on that fact that we need to embrace change. (I need to read and re-read that chapter!)
Overall, this is a short but packed with a common sense approach that could be beneficial for any reader.
I received an Advance Review Copy from the publisher. All opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Angela.
30 reviews
February 5, 2019
I have been a fan of John Maxwell’s books for quite some time. I was so thrilled to be chosen as a member of a launch team for his most latest book called Leadershift. Each one of his books is great to read and filled with a lot of wisdom. You definitely get more than you bargained for and then some. This book is no exception.

In the book, Mr. Maxwell states that “good leaders are supposed to shift from being self-focused to others-focused.” Being a leader is not just about you. It is taking the time to invest in others and raise them up as well. He goes on to say that leaders need a “seed sowing mind set.” In other words leaders are to:

Focus on adding value daily.
Add as much value as possible as often as possible.
Never wait to add value.
Give without keeping score so motives stay pure.
Welcome any return as an unexpected blessing.

Leaders focus on helping others be their best. This book is so full of very true nuggets that you can apply to any area of your life. You don’t need to be the leader of a huge corporation to apply these truths. You start where you are.

One of my favorite quotes that are in this book is a quote by Phillips Brooks,

Sad will be the day for every man when he becomes absolutely contented with the life that he is living, with the thoughts that he is thinking, with the deeds that he is doing, when there is not forever beating at the doors of his soul some great desire to do something larger, which he knows that he was meant and made to do because he is the child of God.

We all have the potential, the means, and the ability to be great leaders. Let us not waste the opportunity. What a powerful book.

(I was given this advanced reader copy of this book by the publisher for participating in this launch team. What a wonderful honor.)

2 reviews1 follower
February 9, 2019
This book is essential for anyone in a leadership position. John Maxwell delivers some hard truths, but also inspires hope for the future of collaborative leadership. Personally, this is exactly where I am in how I want to lead others.

I love seeing a book that shifts the focus of leadership from "I" to "Us." His explanation of this is shifting our mindset from that of soloist to one of conducting. While we can easily go this journey alone, it is much more worthwhile and can be bigger than we ever imagined when we invite others into the process and help them to see that they have a very important role to play. This takes time. It requires us to slow down and to allow others do things. But the reward is awesome!

This book pushes the leader to shift their their focus, to change how they lead and to adapt to a constantly changing environment.

Leadershift is a great reminder, as Maxwell, himself, states in the book, that "everything worthwhile is up hill." The work is hard but it will change our lives and the lives of those we lead.

Please note: I received an advance copy of Leadershift in exchange for a review. All thoughts and opinions are my own. However, I also purchased a copy of the book.
Profile Image for Amelie.
23 reviews
December 19, 2023

What is a leadershift?
It is an ability and willingness to make a leadership change that will positively enhance organizational and personal growth.

Here are some of my favorite quotes! :)

"We must be willing to let go of what worked yesterday and learn new ways of seeing, doing, and leading. We cannot afford to be in love with any one technology or methodology. We keep learning and changing, or our leadership dies."

"Growth is the only guarantee that tomorrow will be better than today"

"There are a lot of things I freely give to everyone in my organizations: vision, belief, resources, support, and leadership. One thing that must always be earned is my time."

"Leaders should want far more for their people than from their people."

"When you engage with young leaders, value them, believe in them, encourage them, and give resources to them. Make yourself available to them."

"People follow people, not positions."
Profile Image for Kristin Davis.
13 reviews
February 4, 2019
The material in "Leadershift" is fresh, challenging, and encouraging. It also contains lessons that John has learned and the changes he has made that have allowed him to stay relevant and continue to grow as a leader over the years.

The book gives examples of 11 leadershifts that encourages leaders to continue to grow and remain relevant today. These leadershifts (if embraced) will change the way you think, act, and lead.

The 11 leadershifts covered in the book are:
1. Focus Shift (soloist to conductor)
2. Personal Development Shift (Goals to Growth)
3. Cost Shift (Perks to Price)
4. Relational Shift (Pleasing People to Challenging People)
5. Abundance Shift (Maintaining to Creating)
6. The Production Shift (Ladder Climbing to Ladder Building)
7. Communication Shift (Directing to Connecting)
8. Improvement Shift (Team Uniformity to Team Diversity)
9. Influence Shift (Positional Authority to Moral Authority)
10. Impact Shift (Trained Leaders to Transformational Leaders)
11. Passion Shift (Career to Calling)

Each leadershift challenges the way you look at leadership; and for me especially, how you treat those you are leading. More than anything, working to encourage and build up those around me intentionally and daily really challenged me to change how I view all relationships with those I am in a position of leading! Our successes, or failures, as a leader are directly tied to the successes and failures of those we are leading.

This was a very good book for all leaders, including mothers and fathers. It can be applied to all walks of life and any type of leader who desires to be all that God created them to be! I highly recommend it!
Profile Image for Doug Smith.
1 review4 followers
February 14, 2019
John Maxwell's content transformed my life when I was 17 years old. I've consumed everything he's produced since then! I was so fired up to receive an advance reader copy of Leader Shift from HarperCollins Leadership. I am now 33 years old and I can tell you that this book was extremely helpful to me in this season of my leadership journey. I recently took on a new leadership position in my organization. John's chapter on shifting from pleasing people to challenging people is exactly what I needed for going to the next level in my leadership. I'm thankful for this book.
Profile Image for Sarah Santos.
23 reviews
December 7, 2020
Another great one by John Maxwell. Loved these three paraphrased take away pooints in particular:
1. I will only teach what I believe - gives me passion
2. I will only teach what I experience- gives me confidence
3. I will only teach what I live- gives me authenticity

Leadership is not authority but influence in the lives of others. In order to influence you need to know self and know others. It can be trained but to be a great leader you have to transform. See things others don't see, say things others do not, believe things others do not. Look for the potential in the problems.
6 reviews
September 25, 2024
I’ve been a fan of John Maxwell’s for years. This latest offering felt like a summary of John’s life and work. Anybody truly dedicated to understanding and applying real leadership concepts should read this book…and any of his previous books. Leadership is not a “stationary” concept. It has to adjust, flow, and “shift” from person to person, situation to situation, and leader to leader.
“Be a conductor, not a soloist”.
Profile Image for Alexander Teibrich.
224 reviews2 followers
June 20, 2020
The book talks about (mindset) shifts on your path to leadership. I would rather call it learning steps and I love how John Maxwell shares his personal key learning moments! There is much to take away from this book. Thanks!
Profile Image for Lefford Fate.
17 reviews2 followers
February 16, 2019
Amazing book, as a leader who has many transitions in my life it helped me to identify some things I did well and not so well. It also helped me to figure out some shifts I need to make to get better for my team. It is a keeper that will be read several more times.
Profile Image for Josh Andrew.
Author 1 book
October 23, 2019
I feel like every time I pick up a Maxwell book it’s the best one. So this is the best one haha. I really enjoyed how JCM emphasizes the dichotomy between two mindsets in each of the 11 shifts. If you want to lead then read this book!
5 reviews
February 6, 2019
Dr. John Maxwell has written many great resources for leaders. Leadershift is one of his top leader-changing accomplishments. By applying his experience over his career, Dr. Maxwell has shown the necessity of the ability to "make a leadership change that will positively enhance organizational and personal growth." In our fast paced leadership dynamic, Dr. Maxwell targets 11 essential changes we as leaders must be ready to make. From a personal perspective, his two chapters, Positional Authority to Moral Authority (Chap 10) and Trained Leaders to Transformational Leaders (Chap 11) are crucial for our current atmosphere in leadership, yet from a Biblical perspective. The one shift that he highlights throughout the book is one of directing the importance of others from the importance of the leader. Servant Leadership is found throughout. This is a must read for leaders that wish to see their organization/team grow in depth as well as their own leadership.
Profile Image for Nicole Viti.
19 reviews
September 21, 2024
You ever wanna fall asleep!? This is the trick. I had to read this for my masters for admin that’s the only reason I picked it up. Hopefully you enjoyed my review.
1 review
February 5, 2019
I received an advanced reader's copy of Leadershift from Harper Collins. The book was excellent and covered various topics that leaders encounter daily. I specifically like the emphasis and attention Maxwell put on the concept of CHANGE. - Change is so rapid today that leaders must do much more than stay the course to be successful. If they aren’t nimble and ready to adapt, they won’t survive. The key is to learn how to leadershift.

Change is inevitable for all leaders. Maxwell reminds his readers that leaders who believe change is essential is proactive and the leader who believes this thinks, I will make the change happen so that our team can improve. If growth is expected then change is essential. We cannot grow without changing.

I marked many pages throughout the book and recommend this to leaders no matter how new or seasoned you are in leadership, you will find somethings in this book that will shift your leadership in a positive direction. Your shift will benefit you personally and your team for the better.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 358 reviews

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