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Lainey’s normal, bookworm life no longer exists. With her family murdered by the Master, she joins forces with a group of Supernatural rebels. But as she struggles to cope with her new role as Keeper and the uncontrollable power it gives her, Lainey realizes that magic does indeed leave a mark—but it’s not always physical.

Ty isn’t one of the good guys. He’s done terrible things, and he won’t stop until he gets what he wants. Even if it hurts. Even if it means betraying the girl he loves…again.

For Maggie, all her comic book dreams have come true, and her new life as a Shifter is just beginning. But with war closing in, is it truly a dream or a death sentence?

In the ultimate battle for power, Lainey, Ty, and Maggie must face-off against the Master, and work together to discover the greatest weapon of all.

Seek and you will find.

392 pages, Paperback

Published September 10, 2019

About the author

Kim Chance

3 books676 followers
Kim Chance is an English teacher from Alabama, currently residing in Michigan with her husband and three children. When not writing, Kim enjoys spending time with her family and two crazy dogs, binge-watching Netflix, fangirling over books, and making death-by-cheese casseroles.

Connect with Kim on:
Twitter: @kimwritesbooks
Instagram: @kimwritesbooks,
Facebook: @kimwritesbooks
Website: www.kimchance.com

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 133 reviews
Profile Image for Sylvie {Semi-Hiatus}.
1,033 reviews1,629 followers
March 29, 2024
3 out of 5 stars.

I re-read this book very recently. For some reason I felt like it would be a good idea to re-visit 'Seeker' again, and even though I read it for the first time several years prior, I couldn't remember much from this one. However, I do remember so many things and details from the first book, so I thought it indeed would be a good idea to read this book again.

I enjoyed reading this book again, and love how fast paced it was. I literally finished the entire book in one sitting. Reading this also brought me so many memories relating to book 1 of this duology.

And lastly, I think my rating for this book is totally fair to how I experienced reading 'Seeker' both times. Thus, I'll leave the rating as it is.

I had completely forgotten about this duology until very very recently when it came to my mind out of nowhere, so I decided to once and for all read and be finished with it, because it has already been too long since I read the prequel. Luckily, I still remembered what had happened in the first book, so I wasn't very confused with this instalment.

I enjoyed reading this, since it was easy to follow and fast-paced, but I read the first book a long time ago and was much younger and had different opinions on books naturally. I feel like I would've enjoyed this more if I were still the same age and with the same mindset as I had back them.

The cover is giving me mid/late 00's YA fantasy book vibes (I wasn't a huge fan of them), but I approve of this one.
Profile Image for NAT.orious reads ☾.
891 reviews391 followers
August 26, 2019
3 questionable ★★★✩✩

Yeah, sorry about that. The main reason for this mediocre rating is that this book just didn't ignite any mayor feelings. I didn't even dislike it in some way to put some venom into this review (Yes, Maggie, that's a comic-reference). I feel like there is an extra ounce of fairy dust or something missing to make this a remarkable book. Even writing this makes me feel like a lil prick.

It wasn't much of a problem that I jumped into this one without reading the sequel. I feel like the world building was still pretty decent, considering I wasn't there to witness "the base" of it all in the first book. I got a hang of stuff pretty quickly and attached to some of the characters (Maggie) quite well. The plot development was good, but just like the writing style, they lacked the special something.
This book is for you if…you are a younger reader and/or do not have too many requirements for a catching story or simply want something simple to chill out with. You will enjoy the many magical creatures we encounter in this book.

What's happening.
After the master took away Lainey's uncle and Ty revealed himself as a traitor, living on the farm isn't easy for her. Despite supposedly having the powers to defeat the Master, the young witch has a hard time accessing. In total, Lainey feels like a total failure, carries a broken heart and the conscious of having killed people. Needless to say, these are not the best grounds to built a strong defence line on. She feels unwelcomed and forsaken by most on the farm. Apart from Maggie, she feels pretty much alone.

Maggie, in turn, discovers that something is terribly wrong with her. A Shifter had bitten her and usually, the bite should heal up and she would slowly transition into being a Shifter herself. Discovering that her bite isn't healing as it should, Maggie suspects that there might be a severe problem at hand. She procrastinates doing something about the bite and her nausea and instead seeks help from Shifter Oliver to teach her how to access her newly gained powers. While doing so she can't help but notice how cute Oliver is.

Ty once again finds himself alone. Betraying Lainey was unbelievably hard for him, but it was necessary to get as close as possible to the Master. Because Ty has his own mission of revenge and his time is now. But can he really forget what he has with her? After all, she is more than just his Calling...
Writing Quality + ease of reading = 3*

pace = 3*

plot development = 3*

characters = 5* (I'd like to say I'm a Maggie)

enjoyability = 3*

insightfulness = 3.5* (forgiving yourself is important, too)
This eArc was given to me via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Annika.
461 reviews115 followers
May 30, 2019

Yeah, I'm the odd one out again with my opinion, but... what in the ever-loving world happened?
The only reason I could bring myself to round up the rating for this book to 3 stars was because of the great showdown towards the end. And the fact that the hero, Ty, eventually grew on me again after hating his guts for most of the book.

While I really liked the main protagonist, Lainey, in book one, I found it hard to do so in this one. For more than half of the time, she was a self-absorbed, angsty whiner, contantly crying and vying for everyone's attention. Yeah, she was hard to tolerate sometimes. She did improve a little towards the end but all in all, she wasn't a pleasant character anymore.
I did end up liking Ty and Maggie in the end, even though I didn't really see the need to have the latter's POV sometimes. All those comic book references were silly at best, annoying at worst- I get it, she's a nerd - and more often than not, her narration didn't actually add anything substancial to the story. I enjoyed her character more when she was the goofy but loyal-to-a-fault sidekick.

The pacing was a little messy, too... There were stretches when I felt like nothing happened at all, then the events of several days were being summarized in one or two sentences. Also the ending felt terribly rushed. I would have loved to read more of the aftermath of what happened at the Hetaeria camp.

Of course there were things I enjoyed, obviously, or else I wouldn't have settled on 3 stars.
I really liked the setting and how Lainey ended up there through the events of the first book. I was fascinated by the background story of the Grimoire and the Keepers, Lainey's ancestors and their stories. Some of the secondary characters, like Zia and Oliver, had promise and added quite some bad-assery to the story. And the grand finale, especially the little turn of events , had me aaaawwing.
All in all, this was quite a page-turner, despite its flaws.

So, there you have it. Make of it what you want.
This series had lots of potential but sadly, it wasn't exploited to the fullest.

ARC provided via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Shantala  (Shanaya Tales).
323 reviews75 followers
October 3, 2019
I really adore the author, whom I follow on YT, and many other social channels, which is why I feel like a git saying this - but this was a really underwhelming read for me.

And I did not even have huge expectations to begin with. Because after reading the first book of this duology, I knew the story / series was more suitable for younger audiences, preferably ones who haven't read much in the genre.

But then even outside of that, I felt like Seeker on the whole was a much weaker book than Keeper. Which is not to say that there weren't things I liked / enjoyed in this book. I wouldn't have given it 3 stars without them. But still, there were many things I wished were different.

For starters, there were 3 alternating POVs - Lainey's, Ty's & Maggie's. And while it was great to read Ty's POV, I really did not think Maggie's POV was required.

Then there were times when the plot was shaky, the narration clunky, and the pacing just felt off. All this outside of the fact that the series in general was trope heavy, which is not a bad thing if you are new to the genre. But for someone who has read a lot in the genre, it makes for a very predictable read.

All in all: I felt like the potential was there, for this story to really shine. But that potential wasn't realized. Which is a shame, because I really do adore Kim.

-Shantala @ Shanaya Tales

Disclaimer: I received an Advance Reader Copy (ARC) of this book from Net Galley, in exchange of an honest review, but the opinions, as always, are completely my own.
Profile Image for Tyffany.
Author 8 books76 followers
June 14, 2019
I've been struggling to balance my reading time with other responsibilities lately; so even though I was desperate to keep reading Seeker, I knew I had to adult.

But last night . . . last night Seeker won out. I INHALED the last third of this book. xD I literally couldn't stop even if I wanted to, the pages wouldn't let me.

I don't even know where to begin! I really enjoyed Keeper and I think Seeker really showed Kim's growth as a writer. The beginning was a bit slow, but as per usual I generally prefer the story building/character building that comes with that so to me this isn't a con. Kim has created such a full cast of characters, but her shining stars are (of course) Lainey, Maggie, and Ty, and I really struggle to pick which of the three I loved more this time. Each character has an emotional journey through Seeker and it was really fun watching each of their character's develop, but I think Ty's internal struggle spoke to me just a little bit more.

Plus the new additions to the cast (cough, Oliver, cough, Zia, cough, Teddy) were definitely instant favs.

As to the overarching plot, I did see a lot of the twists coming but I didn't find the early prediction changed my enjoyment of the story. The epilogue absolutely cracked me up!

Guys. Just read it. If you haven't read Keeper, give it a shot. Truly, Seeker is just such an -enjoyable- read. <3
Profile Image for Holly Davis.
Author 1 book40 followers
May 15, 2019
I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review. I also had the pleasure of beta reading a draft of Seeker, but it was already a 5/5 in my eyes. With this final version completely refined, it blew me away again and remains the 5/5 I only give to books that are truly amazing and impacted me.

You guys, this book had me shook! Kim's writing style, the tension, the character development. I AM HERE FOR ALL OF THE FEELS. The prose was beautiful yet easy to read, the character arcs, consistency, dialogue, and setting descriptions were all on point, and of course, Kim is a master (no pun intended) at chapter cliffhangers. This is a story you don't want to miss.
Profile Image for Megan.
72 reviews83 followers
February 10, 2019
I was lucky enough to read a pre-published version of SEEKER and fans of KEEPER are not ready!!!!! Kim Chance does a masterful job at subverting tropes in this one, and I loved the fact that Maggie and Ty got to join Lainey with their own POVs! It’s funny, and dramatic, and chock-full of action, so I think I can confidently say that if you enjoyed KEEPER, you are going to eat SEEKER up. It’s everything that’s great about the first book, but taken to the next level—and OMG, THE ENDING! I can’t wait to read it again when final copies are printed!
Profile Image for Shelley.
5,419 reviews482 followers
September 16, 2019
*Source* Publisher via NetGalley
*Genre* Young Adult, Fantasy
*Rating* 3.5


Seeker is the final installment in author Kim Chance's Keeper Duology. This story alternates narratives between Lainey Styles, Ty Marek, and her comic book loving adventure seeking best friend, Maggie. It has been (2) weeks since the Gathering. After being saved by the Hetaeria at the end of Keeper, Lainey is coming to terms with losing her family and learning what her mother accomplished before she was murdered. She's conflicted and confused and devastated by the loss of the man who helped raise her. She also believes that she is a murderer.

*Full Review @ Gizmos Reviews*

Profile Image for Sarah Esmae Wolfe.
188 reviews104 followers
September 10, 2020
I've kind of lost my spark for reading over the past few years, a lot of books I've read have just not ignited anything in me. This duology, however, was the exception. It reminded me of the reason I love reading, YA in particular. This was simply incredible fun and I flew through these books! The characters, the story, the pacing, the plot twists, everything, I loved it all! Plus I appreciated the strong guiding presence of adult characters in a story about teenagers, which is something a lot of YA these days is missing. Highly recommend picking this up!
Profile Image for Shalini (shaliniandbooks).
2,602 reviews220 followers
August 23, 2019
This was quite a fun book to read where Lainey, Maggie, and Ty made the core of the story. Lainey was the Keeper of the magic. She had to prevent Master, who had killed her family, from getting the Grimoire. Maggie was her best friend who had been bitten by a Shifter. And Ty was the one who betrayed her.

My second book by author Kim Chance, it was fun to see Lainey grow up. The initial few chapters were about her training as a witch with the leftover emotions of the first book which fueled her with anger over the betrayal and guilt over the death of a loved one due to her magic. There was many such scenes where she was quite self-absorbed, but the author gave her the swift kick on the butt at the right time to uplift the story.

Changes occurred in these characters, some were life threatening, and some had to come from within. All was not as it seemed. The characters were made to find themselves and grow into their own skin to be the person they were supposed to be. The love and friendship flowed in their bond, but the threat of the Master who wanted to kill Lainey and possess her magic was ever present which made the story exciting.

Twists galore, I didn't expect so many. Masks over some faces were firmly placed right till the end. The author's writing was fast paced, easy to understand even if book 1 hadn't been read. There was a feeling of the impending action down the pages.

The last few chapters were a rocking ride and the finale left me bubbling with excitement. A book with spells and magic as a theme was always exciting. A bit more action would have soothed my bloodthirsty heart. Overall, it was magical read.
4 reviews
Want to read
February 9, 2019
I swear, if Maggie dies I will die with her.
Profile Image for Timi V.
66 reviews2 followers
September 11, 2019
I’ve got an ARC from NetGalley for an honest review, this will be a little long, but I loved this book so much and wanted to give the review that it deserved. Please read only if you have read the book, there may be some spoilers in this review. Mostly these are my thoughts and feelings while reading this book.

I think Kim made an excellent job with this book, there is an enormous difference between Seeker and Keeper, she grew as a writer, her voice stronger and more confident, I can see that she will write more marvellous things. With all honesty I can say she is my fav writer, inspiring me not only to be a better writer but a better person as well. Thank you!


First chapter

The first chapter is very well written, I just want to read more and more from this book. I truly belive that Ty will turn out to be good at the end, maybe even sacrificing himself for Lainey, from the first book I have the feeling that Ty is only with the Master to revenge his father’s death or maybe his father turned into the Master, what a twist would that be. The Master, omg, I don’t want to meet him in person, I don’t know why but I feel him scarier than Voldemort. Show and tell is in perfect balance, I could visualise perfectly every scene. Kim really did a great job with this book, and I am so loving that POV is in first person, my fav. (2019.04.15.)

Second chapter

I love that the book is written from the POV of 3 different characters, they are so different in personalities, getting to know them on a deeper level is such an awesome feeling. I love that Lainey developed from not believing in herself at all, no confidence and now she has the courage even the anger to speak up, next will be the balanced, harmonious self. I read only like 5% from the book, but I am so in love, I may dare say that this book is far better than the first one. Maggie is still my fav, she is the most optimistic and cheerful character from this book, I always want to get to the next part where I can read more about her, she is the best. (2019.04.16.)

Third chapter

I know Lainey is the MC, but I just cannot connect with her, almost at all, with Maggie and Ty was so easy to connect, but Lainey has a wall around her and I just cannot feel her, I hope it will change till the end because I really do want to connect with her. Wow, what an amazing character is Teddy, she is so wise, we cannot use our powers until we let go of our burdens, true in every case and scenario. (2019.04.16.)

Fourth chapter

Maggie makes me laugh so hard that my face starts to hurt, I just love her snarky character and her witty speeches. I know a lot of people don’t like the abundance of pop culture reference but do because I love superheroes, also because I know who’s she referring to, not like in other books that I didn’t have a clue who were they talking about. I think someone has a crush. I thought that Maggie couldn’t be as perfect, her flaw, not telling her problems just not to disturb others is not good at all. (2019.04.16.)

Fifth chapter

Now I am so curious what’s Zia’s secret. I can relate to the feeling of guilt, to fearing you will hurt other people, it’s paralysing. I am wondering is Teddy mother of the Master and grandmother of Ty, that would explain why she doesn’t want to fight and why Zia is like that. I am a little disappointed in Maggie, her honesty is lacking. (2019.04.16.)

Sixth chapter

This book is more action packed, I cannot put it down, want to read all time, it’s pacing is far better than the first book, I admire Kim for developing her writing in such a short time, there is a huge difference between the two books, I cannot wait to read her next book. I am so happy to learn more about Ty, being one of my fav characters I missed knowing him better in the first book. I knew it, I knew it...from the first book I knew it that Ty is good and he only is with the Master to revenge his father’s death. (2019.04.16.)

Seventh chapter

Wow, what an exciting chapter, adrenaline rush. (2019.04.16.)

Eighth chapter

Lainey is too stubborn. (2019.04.16.)

Ninth chapter

Zia is truly a tyrant. (2019.04.18.)

Tenth chapter

I love that the flashbacks are in third person POV. The talk between Lainey and Ty, wow, so intense and full of contradictory emotions. (2019.04.18.)

Eleventh chapter

I always knew Ty was a good guy, he is my fav after Maggie, however I am mad at Maggie right now, so Ty is my fav now. (2019.04.18.)

Twelfth chapter

NOOO! Please don’t let Maggie die, I return my thoughts and she again my fav, but please stay alive, at least until the end of this book. (2019.04.18.)

Thirteenth chapter

It was such a beautiful scene the grimoire accessing. (2019.04.18.)

Fourteenth chapter

I love how the feeling of the magic is described, it is so realistic, very similar to energy working. (2019.04.18.)

Fifteenth chapter

I am really curious what consequences will have using dark magic, especially that magic always leaves a mark. I understand why Lainey did what she did but working against destiny has always severe results. Dark magic has a very high price to pay. (2019.04.19.)

Sixteenth chapter

Such a lovely seen between Ty and Lainey, finally they opened up and getting closer to each other, but I don’t like the feeling that at the end Ty will sacrifice himself for her. (2019.04.19.)

Seventeenth chapter

They just so cute together, hope they end up together. (2019.04.20.)

Eighteenth chapter

I really do like Voldemort better, he at least killed with maturity, if there is such a thing, but this Master acts like a spoiled young teenager, and not a grown up man, killing people without a reason doesn’t make him scary, just annoying. At least at the beginning was a reason of his killings, but in this chapter. I think this character would have needed just a little bit of more development. (2019.04.20.)

Nineteenth chapter

I knew it, Zia that is why she’s like that and that is why Teddy cannot battle the Master. (2019.04.20.)

Twentieth chapter

Maggie always makes me crack up, her style, I would really love to have a friend like her in my real life, so bold and funny and optimistic, helping others to see the bright side of things. I love her honesty, she says the things as they are, in this way, I can relate to her, however when I am this honest people don’t like me at all, not like in her case. (2019.04.21.)

Twenty first chapter

Well, I just have to say, I really don’t like the personality of Lainey and the her way of thinking, like she doesn’t have compassion at all, how interesting that the MC and the antagonist aren’t as well developed as the other characters, they are a little flat and very alike, they behave and think so alike just in other domains of life. I think this duology would have been better from the POV of Maggie or even Ty, and I am really happy that this entire book is not just from the POV of Lainey.

Twenty second chapter

I know that Kim had a really hard time to write from the POV of Ty, but she did an amazing job, Ty feels so real, is his a round character, he is so well written. I can connect with him, feel him, see him. Oh my it’s the Trickster, obviously and not Lainey. (2019.04.21.)

Twenty third chapter

This scene gave me such a deja-vu of Jacob in Twilight, the books has similar elements from Harry Potter and Twilight. I like Maggie and Oliver as couple more than Lainey and Ty. (2019.04.21.)

Twenty fourth chapter

Oh no, it wasn’t the Trickster after all...wow, this was, heartbreaking, I love Ty even more know, he is just the most genuine character in this entire book. OMG, well the kiss was unexpected, this really did surprise me, and that passion, wowzy. (2019.04.21.)

Twenty fifth chapter

It was obvious that Ty will volunteer to be the conduit. The bed scene was the cutest, they are finally letting each other in. (2019.04.21.)

Twenty sixth chapter

This is a really well written battle scene. (2019.04.22.)

Twenty seventh chapter

Zombie apocalypse...disgusting. Wow, the fight scene between the Master and Lainey is really good, I really hope that one day this duology will be made into a movie or even tv show, I would really love to watch that. (2019.04.22.)

Twenty eighth chapter

Teddy will die for sure! (2019.04.22.)

Twenty nineth chapter

OMG, Maggie is THE BEST!!! This scene just blow my mind! Best chapter in the entire book! (2019.04.22.)

Thirtieth chapter

I agree, Maggie is the true hero of this story. (2019.04.22.)

Thirty first chapter

I am a Seeker too! (2019.04.22.)


This cracked me up...I love this ending so much more than killing off the antagonist.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Marta Cox.
2,758 reviews212 followers
July 30, 2019
Ok I'm a little late to the party and hadn't realised this was the second book but actually there's enough here for me to have some idea what has previously happened. Lainey is struggling to come to terms with the violence and mayhem that her magic caused . She sees herself as a murderer and just cannot get over the deaths but then she doesn't have the luxury of wallowing because Lainey is the key to fulfilling all the Masters plans. Struggling to come to terms with her off the charts powers is just the start though as a blast from the not so distant past is about to reappear but can Ty ever be trusted ?
This was unusual in that as much as Lainey is our main protagonist we also get a lot of her friend Maggie who has been bitten by a Were. Maggie is expecting to become a Shifter but fate has other plans for her although ironically it does involve Shifters. I feel readers might be divided by Maggie because her constant popular culture references and obvious Nerdy ways did occasionally feel like overkill.
For most of this book Lainey is feeling sorry for herself and I could understand why certain characters obviously wanted to shake her. I actually preferred the parts that featured Ty as he is a young man with baggage of his own and his betrayal added angst and emotion to the story that was definitely needed. There is an ending although I'm honestly not sure how I felt about the big reveal. I will say this is aimed at YA readers who want a happy ending although with that cover resembling the actress from Twilight I'm sure most readers will have guessed the audience it's primarily aimed at. Sadly for me there just wasn't enough action but it was easy to read.
This voluntary take is of a copy I requested from Netgalley and my thoughts and comments are honest and I believe fair
Profile Image for Danielle Michael.
65 reviews3 followers
September 10, 2019
Advanced Reader Copy provided in exchange for an honest review.

I was lucky enough to receive an early copy of Seeker by Kim Chance. I loved Keeper so I was excited to get my hands on a copy of the sequel. In my opinion, this story was even better than the first. Kim knocked it out of the park with this one. We are back with old favorites as well as a whole cast of new friends (and enemies). We get to follow the perspectives of our three main characters Lainey, Maggie and Ty. I loved that we got to be in the heads of Maggie and Ty in this book. Maggie is one of my most favorite characters and she is the worlds best friend. I need a friend like Maggie in my life. We see her balance friendship with her own struggles about who she is and who she wants to be. Additionally, we get to work through some complex emotions between Ty and Lainey (both together and individually). All of this is set against the backdrop of a ticking clock leading to an epic battle of good versus evil. This book has laughs and heartbreak, action and emotion and most of all a thrilling conclusion. If you loved Keeper, I hope you are like me and love Seeker even more.
Profile Image for Aly.
1,876 reviews61 followers
August 10, 2019
I knew starting this book that it was 2nd in the series I have not read.  I was hoping that would be ok.  I was a little lost in the beginning of this book but I felt the author tried to help let me know what I missed.  I guess I was hoping for me this book would've have grabbed me more than what it did.  I do really enjoy the character of Maggie and over all the book was good but I think I was looking for that spark to get me up to 4 and 5 star. But I would read more from this author.  I think you should check out this series and see what you think. "This book was given to me for free at my request from NetGalley and I provided this voluntary review."
Profile Image for Jessi Elliott.
Author 17 books383 followers
September 10, 2019
A perfect, bittersweet conclusion to a nostalgic YA contemporary fantasy duology. Chance brought her A game with this magical instalment. It’s sure to enrapture readers throughout and provide a satisfying ending.
Profile Image for Janine.
417 reviews72 followers
September 19, 2019
Seeker takes what was good about Keeper and takes it up about ten levels. Kim Chance brings us a tale with a memorable cast of characters and a plot that took me through a roller coaster ride to the end. I read this in the course of 24 hours and was satisfied and yet sad to see this series end.

The story picks up right after the end of Keeper, with Lainey, Maggie and Ty continuing their journeys. One of my biggest issues with Keeper was the plot; it was mostly paint by numbers until the last few chapters. That’s not the case here. The plot has many twists and turns that kept me on my toes and didn’t feel rudimentary one bit. I was engaged throughout and I wanted to keep reading more, even if it was 2 am and was getting tired. I laughed, I cried, and notable is chapters , it almost broke me. The prose is smooth, vivid and very easy to read, didn’t have many hiccups going through this one. Notable here is that Seeker is darker in tone than Keeper (a fact that Chance herself has said in several of her YouTube videos), but it’s still suitable for a YA audience; a bit more violence than Keeper in the action scenes. Further, one of the themes is “pain is a tether”, which was Chance’s preferred tagline. The darkness is a natural progression of things instead of forced. One thing I appreciated is that a certain incident near the end of Keeper has serious consequences for all sides and not brushed off like it easily could have. Lainey in particular spends a lot of time pondering on this and effects her character arc.

This time, there are three PoV’s, Lainey, Maggie and Ty, though Lainey takes up the majority of the chapters still. In a lot of books, there’s a trade off between PoVs every other chapter or something like that and ruins the pacing and makes the storytelling feel choppy. I’m happy to say this is not one of those books; PoVs are traded at the perfect times and Chance isn’t afraid to stick with a character for multiple chapters in a row. It keeps the pacing snappy, and while those end of chapter cliffhangers kept me on edge, things didn’t grind to a halt or suddenly speed up.

Lainey has to deal with training in her new magic, as well as what happened in Keeper, and it’s not easy, especially when war with The Master is on the horizon. I loved her arc and wanted to really hold her tight at times with all the pain she has to go through, especially with almost everyone else busy preparing for war and treating her as a weapon that she has little to cling onto from her previous life.

Ty is…complicated. To be fair, a lot of his backstory is revealed here and we get an idea of his actions back from Keeper and even before that. He’s in that morally grey area, but fighting to make things right from his previous mistakes. I enjoyed his journey as well, and his backstory was heartbreaking.

The romance was very complicated as well, but it made a lot of sense why it was and I really loved the progression and how it turned out, and it didn’t feel like it was getting in the way of the plot, since the relationship played a crucial role in the story.

Maggie was awesome. She’s still by Lainey’s side and her high spirits and support really cut through the heavy storyline, even if her story did have darker parts this time around, as well as some character growth.

The other characters (both old and new) were well developed with memorable motivations. Teddy I liked the most, especially after a certain reveal. We see more of The Master’s cruelties this time around and it really hit home in how big of a threat he really is and what will happen if he were to succeed.

The supernatural world is expanded from Keeper, and we get to see all types of creatures, almost like a who’s who in magical creatures. And almost all of them play a part in the storyline. And unlike Keeper, that stays in Georgia, this one travels all across America, though a good chunk takes place in western Michigan. There’s some other facts of world building that makes this feel more real, as well as expanding the magic system by witches. While it is mentioned that supernaturals live longer than regular humans, one thing that I thought should have been addressed a bit more is that , and what that will mean for Lainey as she gets older.

To be honest, an overload of pop culture references in stories that are supposed to be taken seriously can go really bad. It was my other big issue in Keeper. There’s a lot more of them (nearly all by Maggie), but for some reason, I felt it was a nice plus here instead of a deterrent. It stood out more amongst the darkness and gave me something to smile about, and it fit in terms of trying to relate to Oliver, one of the new characters.

The climax and ending was well done and drove home the themes of the series. I almost cried a few times. . My only gripe with the ending, which is minor, is .

One of my favorite reads of 2019 and a great end to a duology full of magic, heart and wonderful characters I’m going to miss. You did well, Chance!
Profile Image for Paige.
1,770 reviews86 followers
September 8, 2019
Disclaimer: I received this copy from the publisher and netgalley. Thanks! All opinions are my own.

Author: Kim Chance

Book Series: Keeper Duology Book 2

Rating: 4/5

Publication Date: September 10, 2019

Recommended Age: 14+ (Bella makes really poor… wait different book, violence, magic, love)

Genre: YA Fantasy

Publisher: Flux Books

Synopsis: Lainey’s normal, bookworm life no longer exists. With her family murdered by the Master, she joins forces with a group of Supernatural rebels. But as she struggles to cope with her new role as Keeper and the uncontrollable power it gives her, Lainey realizes that magic does indeed leave a mark—but it’s not always physical.

Ty isn’t one of the good guys. He’s done terrible things, and he won’t stop until he gets what he wants. Even if it hurts. Even if it means betraying the girl he loves…again.

For Maggie, all her comic book dreams have come true, and her new life as a Shifter is just beginning. But with war closing in, is it truly a dream or a death sentence?

In the ultimate battle for power, Lainey, Ty, and Maggie must face-off against the Master, and work together to discover the greatest weapon of all.

Seek and you will find.

Review: For the most part the second book was enjoyable. The writing was great, the main character was much more developed, and the pacing was on point. The book was an enjoyable read and it would even be considered a guilty pleasure read.

But again, it’s another cliché romance. I can definitely tell by the cover it’s targeted to a specific audience and the book definitely hit the high points for the audience. The world building wasn’t there enough for me and I feel that the romance was too focal in the story than what it needed to be. I also felt like the comic references were a bit too much for me. There were so many. So. Many.

Verdict: It’s a decent read and if you like the paranormal romance books this is your series!
Profile Image for Maranda.
930 reviews36 followers
May 20, 2019
LOVED CHANCE'S THE KEEPER AND ALSO THIS DUOLOGY 2!! Our witch Laney has a destiny to fulfill that has left her with guilt, loyalty, and a fear that she can not achieve this before more tragedy comes to her friends. Amazing paranormal story with heart!!! Starting with the first in this series would be best. Will not hesitate to pick this author's works up again. "A copy of this book was provided by North Star Editions via NetGalley with no requirements for a review. Comments here are my honest opinion."
Profile Image for Mandi Lynn.
Author 12 books469 followers
May 8, 2019
I loved this book! It’s so hard to make a sequel be as good, or even better than the first book in a series, but Kim Chance does it with flair! One thing I was most excited about for this book was seeing Lainey come into her powers, and boy oh boy does she! An exciting finale!
Profile Image for Mevia.
113 reviews29 followers
July 11, 2019
This book is such a great conclusion to the duology! Such good writing and an unexpected romance that really put it over the top! Plus, the ending is perfect. I definitely recommend it.
Profile Image for Nerdy Housewifey.
445 reviews2 followers
September 19, 2019
Seeker is book two in Kim Chance’s series. I feel there was definitely more action in this book and I enjoyed the series overall.
Profile Image for Tianna.
104 reviews17 followers
May 22, 2019
Wow what can I say besides Kim Chance you have done it again.

First let me say I did receive an Arc of the book from NetGalley and Flux in exchange for an honest review.

For me the book started off slow and it took me a while to get into the book but once I did I couldn’t help become invested in these characters and their character arc. I loved how in this book each character had their own point of view. This way you got to see how they were each dealing with the events of the end of keeper while also getting to know each of those characters a little more.

At the end of keeper I was really sad how Ty Arc had ended but I’m glad it ended that way and picked up in Seeker because you were able to see his journey and his struggles and why he did what he did.

I loved the theme of the story and how friendship was a main part of the story line.

I don’t want to go into too much detail just pick up the book for yourself.

Once again Kim Chance you did a great job and can’t wait to see what’s to come next.
Profile Image for Heather Venkat.
68 reviews
June 2, 2019
*I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review*
Kim Chance hit it out of the ball park with this one. I don't normally find a sequel that I love just as much as-or more than-the first book, but I have to say that Seeker did all of that for me and squeezed into my faves for sure! I could definitely tell that Chance's craft was stronger in Seeker. Her prose roped me in, making me feel everything that the characters were feeling. It usually takes me a while to get into new POVs but I was immediately engaged in Ty and Maggie's paths in addition to Lainey's of course. The story was woven expertly in terms of the external and internal plots. I felt all of the emotion and like I was actually there in the scene, with all of the sights, sounds, smells, tastes, temperatures, etc. If I could give more than 5 stars, I would! I can't wait to read her future books!
Profile Image for Blaise Ramsay.
Author 11 books316 followers
May 19, 2019
Oh my lanta....

And I thought Keeper was powerful. What a gorgeous ending to a truly inspiring duology. Kim, you have such a way of writing that is both captivating and so unique. I barely ever read YA but you're making a believer out of me.

That ending...the feels!

The only complaint I have is Maggie's part. I like her as a character but I don't think she really needed to be given her own POV.

But! Whatever because I loved this book!!
Profile Image for Bookhemianrhapsody.
29 reviews10 followers
September 1, 2019
Non Spoilery Section:

There isn't really much I can say about this book to keep it non-spoilery but I will do my best. This is going to be a very short paragraph about why I loved this book so much, just without the detail 😂

This sequel was epic, and had so much crammed into it. I loved how Kim elaborated on a lot of the characters that we met in the first book, developing Lainey, Maggie and Ty equally. I also loved the new characters that were introduced. Teddy and Zia, Oliver and Ajay. They were such great characters and just added another dimension to the story that really drew me in. I also loved the relationships in this story. There were so many complicated relationships in the novel that grew and changed and that I fell in love with. The magic was so much deeper as well. The lore and the methodology that was written into the magic made it so much more realistic than it had been in the first book. I could go on and on about the things I loved but if the things that I have already mentioned have compelled you to read Seeker then go and do that now and come back to fangirl with me once you are done...


Lainey changed so much in this novel. It begins as Keeper ended, with a girl who has seen her family murdered, had the boy she loved turn against her and who has become a killer herself. She is conflicted and confused. Throughout the novel she grows and learns in ways that I really loved. I love that she comes to accept who she is, that she learns to stand up for herself, that she finally opens herself up to the possibility of being the Ducarmont witch, the Keeper of the grimoire. But, what I loved most was her interactions with Ty.

If I had to pick one word to describe Lainey and Ty's relationship in this book it would be... complicated. Just the way I like it. They go through so many ups and downs in this story and a lot of that has to do with Ty's character development. I loved learning so much more about his backstory. His father's murder, his reason for joining with the Master, his need for revenge and his love for Lainey. I loved how their relationship started off as a love/hate one and grew as they learned to forgive each other and themselves. Ty and Lainey, they became a force to be reckoned with in both their own rights and as a pair.

Teddy and Zia have a similarly complicated relationship with each other and with Lainey. I loved how they are introduced as two completely different characters on the same side of the war. Teddy, the pacifist, and Zia, the fighter. I also loved that their reasoning for each path was the same, the fact that they are mother and sister to the Master. My heart broke so much for Teddy when it was revealed that she was the Master's mother. She had spent so long helping Lainey to work on the spell that would kill the Master and yet she refused to fight him herself. However, when it came down to it Teddy and Zia both discovered that what they had believed in wasn't quite as it seemed when they faced the Master. The familial relationships in this novel played a huge role and it was really refreshing to read a YA fantasy novel where families existed, and where character's motivation was related to their living family members and not just their murdered ones. It was this kind of complicated familial type of relationship that made me fall in love with Oliver and Ajay. I found it incredible how much information Kim managed to pack in about these two characters pasts without it feeling like too much. For characters introduced in this book they were complex and so full of life and love that I couldn't help but love them.

Okay, the time has come to talk about who may be my favourite character in the whole series... Maggie. I think the main reason I love Maggie is not because she is the only human on the scene, but rather because she recognises that the supernatural fight that every tells her she shouldn't be a part of is as much her fight as anyone else's. Her tenacity and stubbornness are some of my favourite qualities. They play a part in her relationship with Oliver, which is one of the greatest relationships in the series, and also her relationship with Lainey. When she rejects the bite and is then saved by Lainey she doesn't let it hold her back. She gets up, forces Oliver to take him with her and then manages to bring the faction leaders to the fight. Maggie is literally the glue that holds the whole story together and without her the whole fight for supernatural freedom would have fallen apart and she does it all with stubbornness, friendship and comic book references.

Finally I want to talk about the final showdown. What a showdown it was! I loved the aspect of dark magic in the story, the idea that this grimoire which had been owned and protected by good witches for generations didn't only contain good spells. The spell needed to destroy the Master was one of these spells. The final showdown brought a lot of things to light. It really was a moment where all the threads of the two books came together and then exploded in an incredibly intricate web. The moment when Lainey tried to use Ty as the conduit for the spell to defeat the Master had my heart and stomach in knots. I honestly thought it was going to work, I thought they would beat him. But, when it looked like they were going to fail I was literally crying. But all was not lost, because suddenly Maggie turns up. Literally the moment she became the conduit for the spell I was like... duh, of course, Maggie has been through everything with Lainey of course it would be her. I really loved seeing an ending where it was the power of a friendship that saved the day.

There was so much about this book that I fell in love with, so much that made this story a wild ride and a joy to read. Of course, I couldn't round of this review without mentioning the very last chapter because let's be honest... this is one the only YA fantasy/paranormal novels where the bad guy hasn't been killed but has instead been put in an old people's home devoid of any magic. I literally couldn't stop laughing. It was a great way to end the novel.
Profile Image for Stephanie Ward.
1,183 reviews116 followers
September 9, 2019
4.5 Stars

'Seeker' is the second and final book in the Keeper Duology, a young adult paranormal fantasy. I absolutely loved the first book in the series and I couldn't wait to see how things would play out and end in this one. I wasn't disappointed. This is one of those series that you need to read the first book before attempting to read the second one. If you don't you'll be really lost and confused and won't be able to get into the story or the characters to the level you need to in order to really enjoy this series. So definitely read the first book, Keeper, before this one! The plot had a quick pace that kept things moving quickly - but not too fast. I loved learning more about the history of everything and everyone from the history of it all to the current issues and war. The story was fantastic - basically everything I love in a good book. Friendship, family, coming together and learning how to work together and protect each other, love, hate, trust, and being comfortable about who you are were just some of the topics the author touched on underneath the main plot. I love that she layered these aspects in naturally, they were really woven into the story and seemed natural, so the reader's actually getting more than they bargained for when reading.

I continued to love the characters, especially Lainey, Maggie, and even Ty. We get to know them even better throughout the story, which I really enjoyed. Each of them have their own strengths and weaknesses which not only makes them much more realistic for the reader, but allows them to help each other when needed. They seemed to complement one another in major aspects of their problems or character flaws, which is partly why I grew to love each one in their own way. The big thing for me was the writing style. I absolutely love that the author wrote the book in the first person point of view, from not just one but three perspectives. We get an inside look at everything going on from Lainey, Maggie, and Ty. I adore this writing style because of how deeply the reader gets to bond with the character. We see everything about them - hopes and fears, doubts and dreams, memories, thoughts, and an unique look at the world around them - and what's happening at the moment - from three different perspectives. I think that the author writing the book in this style was one of the biggest positives for me and it absolutely made me love it all the more. I don't do spoilers in my reviews, so I can't go into the plot much without accidentally revealing something. I will say that it's action-packed, quick paced, and a ton of stuff happens to keep you on your toes. I'm sad that this is the end of the series, but I'm hoping and wishing for more books - maybe a spinoff? I don't want to leave these characters or their world behind just yet. I highly recommend this book and series to fans of YA fiction, fantasy, and paranormal fiction.

Disclosure: I received a copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Heather Horst.
Author 1 book7 followers
May 7, 2019
First of all: This arc of Seeker was provided to me by Net galley in exchange for an honest review. And I always promise to be honest.

It’s not everyday that the sequel to a book does better than the first. In this case Chance’s sequel Seeker outshines Keeper 10-1. I rated Keeper a 3.5 (see my review for why.) but I am giving Seeker a FULL 5 STARS! I can honestly say that it is one of my favourite books of all time now, even though I didn’t strongly love Keeper.

Seeker captivated me from chapter 1. Chance’s use of multi POV’s was fantastic. To see all of her main characters grow and struggle through their own eyes really enhanced the story. Chance didn’t even have to label whose perspective it was in, with each chapter the voices were so distinct I could tell which character it was right away. AMAZING.

Her characters each had their own arc that were all very well done. Lainey has truly grown since the beginning of Keeper and grew from the start of Seeker until the end. I personally enjoyed Ty’s story the most. (I love Lainey and Maggie too!). Ty was such a complex character and getting to see his side of the story was heart wrenchingly beautiful. His character was not the standard love interested that will always protect the girl. He was full of emotion, moral gray areas and so much more.

Chance’s writing style has definitely grown exponentially with this book. I was constantly highlighting sentences and paragraphs because they were so beautifully written. Her prose became more emotional in Seeker and I am all for it! I swear I want to get “You never walk alone” tattooed on my body. (RIP Gareth). Chance’s action scenes were so exciting to read, she kept the pace quick but not too quick that you feel like you are being rushed.

As for Seeker’s plot, I honestly have nothing bad to say. I was intrigued the entire time. Especially since it was written in multi POV I was never bored and kept learning new things about the characters. The stakes were high and I felt that IN MY BONES.

Without spoilers, let me just tell you that I have only ever cried while reading ONCE in my life... BEFORE NOW. The ending of this story fully made me tear up at different points. Some sad tears, some happy. Chance fights the stereotypes of the YA genre and gives us something that young girls can look up to. Lainey and Maggie are such strong heroines that will be amazing role models for young girls. The message of the story: forgiveness is also something I strongly believe made this book great.


I plan on buying Seeker in paperback, and hopefully one day I will have the opportunity for the author to sign it. I can state enough how impressed I am with this novel, and Kim Chance. Her writing style has improved immensely and I look forward to seeing her future works.

In other words: PLEASE READ SEEKER!
Profile Image for Liz (Quirky Cat).
4,709 reviews73 followers
September 9, 2019
I received a copy of Seeker through NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.

Seeker is the second and final novel in the Keeper Duology by Kim Chance. This concludes the tale of Lainey, Ty, and Maggie. And it’s a dramatic tale, to be sure. While this is the second novel in the series, you could easily jump in at this point if you really wanted to. Though you’ll miss out on some of the finer details on their backstory, naturally. Thankfully, Kim Chance’s recap is more comprehensive than not.
Lainey is the Keeper. It’s not a role she ever expected to have, and it’s one that has taken a lot of adjusting. And to be honest, she’s still working on that bit. This is a lot more magic and power than she ever expected or dreamed to have to deal with.
Maggie is Lainey’s best friend. Her world was turned upside down when Lainey became the Keeper. Now she’s a Shifter…and she’s still adjusting to that change in her life. Thankfully, copious amounts of comic book reading have prepared her for this. But no amount of reading can prepare her for the war she and her friends are involved in.
Ty has a dark past. And that past is going to leave scars forever. He knows some of the things he’s done shouldn’t be forgivable. And he’s mostly okay with that. The pain certainly won’t be enough to keep him from doing what needs to be done.
Somehow these three different characters will have to work together in order to beat a greater common enemy. But we’re talking about three teenagers versus one of the oldest and most experienced magical beings out there.

“Hollywood made it look so easy: swish and flick. Bibbidi bobbidi boo. The weird nose-twitch thing.
But magic didn’t’ actually work that way.”

Like its predecessor, Seeker was a whirlwind of a read, with a fast-paced plot and ever changing dramatic events to hop between. Having three main characters tends to have that effect. Especially when one considers that they’re all prepping for war.
There were elements of the Seeker that were really well done and interesting. And there were elements that went a little over the top. That isn’t a bad thing, automatically. But it does break the immersion, which can be worse for some readers than others.
I should probably mention that there are a lot of pop culture references in this novel. And I mean a lot. Take a look at the above quote – that should give you a good idea of what sort of references and jokes you’ll be in for.
On the whole, I’m pretty happy with how Seeker wrapped up the entire plot. I don’t feel like there were any loose threads, or plots otherwise left unfulfilled. And I’m happy that the series wasn’t stretched into more books. Two was the perfect number, in this case.

For more reviews check out Quirky Cat's Fat Stacks
Profile Image for Tessa Talks Books.
761 reviews52 followers
August 29, 2019
Seeker by Kim Chance is an enjoyable conclusion to a YA fantasy duology. In the first novel, Keeper, Lainey Styles discovers she is a witch, and her world turns upside down. The story introduces the main characters and explains the reason for the supernatural battle that is to come. In this book, Seeker, we continue with the journey. Lainey is trained on how to access, use, and control her powers and prepares for the ultimate end of the story.

What I Like:

The depth of the writing greatly improved from the first novel to the second. When reading the first novel, you feel like you are skimming the surface, but, in this novel, you get to dive in and truly experience the story with all your senses. I love to see a story grow and develop as much as the characters should.

I love Maggie, the self-proclaimed Sam Wise to Lainey's Frodo. I feel like this is a good comparison for these characters, as I have always argued that Sam Wise is the real hero of The Lord of the Rings and can say (as Lainey did) that Maggie is a hero of this story. Much like Sam Wise, she has the strength of character to make the hard choices that ultimately lead to a successful conclusion. She isn't forced into the situation, as Lainey is by her heritage; instead, Maggie chooses to be there and support her friend. She willingly is a proactive participant, even when Lainey tries to push her away.

I like the fight scenes, especially the final battle. Fights are notoriously difficult to portray, especially in novels, but the fight scenes in Seeker make it look easy.

What I Wish:

I wish I liked the protagonist more. I found Lainey to be very angsty, and I never felt that there was any more to her than her angst. I wanted to like her more, to get to know her better, but the development of her character is not to the extent where I could.

There are some elements of the timeline that I found confusing, and I wish they were explained better. As always, I try to avoid spoilers, so though I think this is impactful enough to mention, I must keep the specifics vague. I can say that my confusion has to do with the longevity of supernatural lives and how that works exactly.

I also wish the novel stayed in one perspective, as the first novel did. I find that my personal experience as a reader is disrupted when I must figure out who is talking now. It's a technique that is used by many writers, but I have never experienced it utilized without disrupting my reading flow.

To Reader or Not to Read:

Keeper and Seeker are good additions to any YA Fantasy fan's library. It has a strong good versus evil plot and is enjoyable to read.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 133 reviews

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