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The Spiral

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Maddy has only one decision left to make after the final bruise—leave him.
And she’s doing it. She's finally free.
Her own home. Own life.
Own decisions.
There's no-one to answer to anymore.

But when her job as an antiques moderator leads her to the mysterious Blandenhyme estate and the intriguing Mr. Caldwell, that freedom begins to turn into an unconventional love lost in shadows and fog.
And as chilling voices whisper words to cloud her judgement, and dangerous liasons bring terror and dread to the fore, she finds herself struggling to survive Blandemhyne's sinister misgivings regardless of its beauty.

They say the dead never sleep, that they stalk this earth until retribution is served.
That time has come.

Dark Romance. Thriller. Suspense.

385 pages, Paperback

First published June 5, 2018

About the author

Charlotte E. Hart

41 books326 followers

Hailing from the depths of the quiet British countryside, Charlotte likes nothing better than sinking into her characters dark and devious world's. Sometimes they're kinky, sometimes they're twisted, and sometimes they're a serious hold on tight situation, but her stories are always filled with romance and love in some form.

"Life is a torrent of differences, different needs and wants, and it doesn't always end that well. Yet we strive to find our countering balance, hopeful for a happy every after. "
Charlotte E Hart
Connect with Charlotte at:

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 64 reviews
Profile Image for Bex (Beckie Bookworm).
2,249 reviews1,494 followers
June 3, 2018
Release Date-5/6/18

OMG, What was that!
This was a complete brain frazzle and I am still busy analysing the shit out of it internally.
I'm not even sure which category of fiction this fits best into; as it contains a bit of everything; a sort of crossover and blurring of the genre lines.
If I had to take a stab at it; Mmm maybe a Dark psychological ghost story with romantic elements.
There is definitely a love story involved here, but it might not be quite what you're actually expecting.
If I had to give you one piece of sound advice going in here; it would be to start this with no preconceptions; just to go with it; don't try to second guess; just experience this story as its meant to be told and keep an open mind throughout.
I went through a kaleidoscope of emotions during "The Spiral" and just when I thought I had a handle on things, events would veer swiftly in a completely opposite direction.
"The Spiral" even made me cry; which I really bloody hate.
I ran the gauntlet of despair, heartbreak, humour and Love.
Witnessed the depths people can sink in there ultimate despondency and anguish and also the hope that can bleed through to new beginnings.
I know I am not making much actual sense here; but I'm trying really hard to convey my opinion without going into specific details; hope I'm succeeding somewhat.
If you've read Charlotte Hart before well throw those expectations out of the window; this is the polar opposite to anything you would be expecting from her; I'm a massive fan of this authors books and "The Spiral" for me was one I equally devoured but for wholly different reasons.
A fantastic experience but also a totally new direction for this talented author.
I could easily see this on the big screen; imagine the chilling atmospheric intensity that could be achieved in such a setting; it would be so eerily seductive and appealing to the viewer; one I would so watch; definitely my cup of tea.
Charlotte Hart narrates this style of fiction just as beautifully as her other specialities.
The prose used here was enthralling and captivating; pulling me into its dark web and weaving such a fantastical intricate tale; I'm truly impressed.
So right I could go on and on here; so much did I enjoy this; But I'm just going to leave you with this and it's so simple.
Just Read "The Spiral" And make up your own mind; Enter Blandenhyme estate at your own risk and dally with The Mysteriously Tragic Mr Caldwell and his lamentable moods.
Spend time with Maddy as she strives towards a finale; which honestly; she's no clues upon final destination; I was truly quite amazed with where I eventually landed.
and that overall mystique was one of the best parts of this whole surreal journey.
And I actually felt that the ending here was really a beginning of a whole new chapter for Maddy; one she truly whole-heartedly deserves.
Thank You to the Author for providing me with an ARC of "The Spiral" of which I have reviewed voluntary.
All opinions expressed are entirely my own.
Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm
Profile Image for Literatures Movies.
591 reviews337 followers
February 29, 2020

Started off with a bang and had me engrossed for well over 70%, but then all of a sudden it got all ridiculous with the ghost talk and whatnot. An interesting book, however the ideas doesn't really come off as original because it seems somehow like a cookie cutter ghost/paranormal stories.

The main female character has no growth to her despite her constant promises of wanting to change for the better and blablabla. I don't really feel much for any of the characters in the book as I was just ready for the ridiculousness to end after hitting 70% and shits started to stop making sense.

That aside, this is definitely my first time reading a book about ghost. Different as it was from my normal read, it was still quite interesting however not a genre that I will pick again anytime soon.

Blog: http://literaturesandmovies.com
Profile Image for S.J..
Author 8 books100 followers
May 18, 2018
Holy cow, I’m telling you there aren’t enough stars in the sky for me to be able to rate this book accurately!
Now before I say anything else I have a couple of things I need to mention.
Firstly this is absolutely NOTHING like anything else that I have read from Charlotte! I love her other stories for their darkness but this is so different and it’s stunningly beautiful in its difference!
Secondly, I’m really struggling to write this review. I want to shout and tell you all about it but I don’t want to spoil anything so forgive me if this is a rubbish review 😂
When I started reading I had no idea at all what it was that I was reading, I thought I knew before I went in but no I really didn’t lol.
At 11% I was confused but so gripped by what I was reading I couldn’t put it down. By 43% I was in love with the story that was unfolding before my eyes! It is the most breathtakingly beautiful, no stunningly sublime story I have ever had the pleasure to read. By the end I had tears in my eyes, my heart ached but I was smiling so huge.
Yes I am a massive fan of Charlotte’s previous work but this has officially blown me away. It is genuinely the most brilliant, most beautiful, most mind blowing, most everything story with characters that have you confused one minute and loving them the next.
Seriously expect your mind to go on a journey, a journey that you don’t expect, a journey that will have your mind spiralling...
Come lose yourself in this story, let the words take you away from what you expect and show you something exceptional.
Profile Image for Vickie Brown.
144 reviews1 follower
June 10, 2018
Mind fuck of the year!!! I'm totally blown away.
If you've read Charlotte's other works you know she writes dark, erotic BDSM. The Spiral is very dark and has more twists and turns in than a Formula1racetrack. I found myself rereading parts and thinking what the hell did I just read. I thoroughly enjoyed this book!! I've got mad love for you Charlotte Hart, keep on writing and I'll keep reading. 🤩🤩🤩
Profile Image for Charlotte Hart.
Author 41 books326 followers
May 20, 2018
"Just. Hold. On."

This story ripped me in two.
It will forever be engrained ❤

Profile Image for Leanne.
536 reviews47 followers
May 20, 2018
If you look back through my reading history you will see that i am a massive fan of this author. She can do very little wrong in my opinion.
As an "old" fan of her work, I'm used to the dark bdsm nature of her words. The love stories with that hint of darkness amd depravity.
When she said that this book was different, i was intrigued. Could she handle different? Where do you go from bdsm?

I got to chapter 3 and realised, whilst dabbing away the tears and sniffling back the snot, that she has so totally done different! And she's done it in a way only Charlotte E Hart could do.

There is no bdsm. Not whips and chains, no dominance.
There is danger, violence, twists and turns. And, as with every one of Charlotte's previous books, there is a whole host of love, passion and sex.

I've been totally blown away by this book. I've been left with a kind of withdrawal, my brain ticking over while I'm supposed to be sleeping.

It's mesmerising, beautiful, dark and Charlotte's best work to date!
913 reviews3 followers
May 22, 2018
Turbulent, Mysterious, brilliant, sexy and different.

I could go on, but i think this is one of those stories that you as a reader need to experience on your own. Come up with words to describe how it made you feel. The author has cerainly stepped out of her comfort zone with this one and she brings you with her, experiencing it all to the bitter end.

Maddy certainly felt the author's hand at work and so too our Jack, with his mysteries about those spiral staircases.

I am awed.

Review made voluntarily from an ARC copy gifted by the author.
Profile Image for Jodie Scott.
236 reviews6 followers
May 20, 2018
The spiral by Charlotte E Hart

When it comes to Charlotte my reviews are usually quite colourful! I admire this author in the fact that I connected to her writing style so very much!
The spiral is totally out of the norm for this author but don’t take that as a bad thing!
This is a brilliantly written book that just leaves you empty….. It leaves you numb…. It leaves you wanting…..wanting more of the words… wanting it to never end…. Wanting to forget it so you can start it all over again.
Your mind will refuse to function after you have finished this story (don’t panic, its normal!)
The twists and turns in this book are unlike any I have read before and they had my jaw hanging open at several times (As a blogger trust me this is hard to do to someone who reads hundreds of books a year). You wont see them coming and even when you think you know… trust me you really really don’t!!!
Usually I struggle to write reviews because I don’t want to say the same thing over again but in this case I’m struggling because I cant put the words together to describe how utterly brilliantly put together these words are!
The characters are you and me and your next-door neighbour. They were so easy to get to know and I honestly felt like I had known my whole life!
There were feelings going on all the way through the book from the tears to the giggles at some of the things said. Of course, Charlotte wouldn’t give up all her usual but you wont find whips and chains in here!
When all is said and done this book is by far one of top 10 ever best reads in my list! Its one of those books I know and pick up over and over and over and never get bored of it!
Charlotte, you really outdid yourself this time and I am in absolute love with this book!
I cant rate anymore that 5 stars or I would!!!
Profile Image for Katie.
2,260 reviews15 followers
May 21, 2018
The Spiral
By Charlotte E Hart
5 stars

I have spent ages trying to write this review – Just how do you write a review for a story that leaves you speechless? A story that leaves you wishing you could start it all over again for the very first time just so you can feel the way you felt when you first read the words, a story that is so beautifully written nothing that you read after even compares to it. I don’t think that any words I use would do this book justice – it truly is an outstanding read.
I am a huge fan of this author – she introduced me to the darker side of romance and I have loved every single book that I have read but I wasn’t prepared for this!
Charlotte uses the words ‘This story ripped me in two – It will forever be engrained’ and believe me it is true! I was ripped apart and it will forever be engrained.
If you are expecting whips, chains, BDSM then you will be disappointed BUT what you will get is the raw passion that Charlotte pours into all of her stories with a beautiful twist. Be prepared for twists, turns and of course a spiral but most of all be prepared for a story that will grab hold of you and never let go.
Profile Image for Sherry Grant.
85 reviews2 followers
May 21, 2018
Welcome to the twilight zone ladies. This book is very detailed and all consuming. I found myself being lured into the plot line and felt like I was being sucked into the characters actions and reactions. I loved both leading characters and what I wished for their ending storyline to embrace was total different than how the book ended. Which made me happy because it wasn't a story that was easy to predictable. For all of you romantic, thriller, supernatural, haunting readers you will have a ride in the twilight zone. But if you are not trust me you will enjoy the storyline and how this book was written. Happy Reading!!!!!
Profile Image for Vikki Love.
226 reviews7 followers
May 22, 2018
This is by far one of the most intriguing books that I have ever read.
It is so beautifully written and keeps you guessing every step of the way.
Just when you think you've figured it out, a twist comes along and screws with your head.
It's not Charlotte's usual style, there's no BDSM or kinkiness and it was so refreshing to read something so out of the norm, even though it did mess my head up a little.
I really hope she writes more story's like this, it was one of the best books that I've read this year.
Profile Image for Kimberly.
348 reviews
May 24, 2018
ARC for an honest review.
ANY Charlotte E Hart book needs to be savored. Each word is a window to the character - flawed and human. But not all the characters in The Spiral are human....if you want some ghostly presence with your delicious hot love story then you are in the right place! No spoilers here but Madeline Cavanaugh is escaping an abusive marriage and starting a new life. Enter the mysterious Mr Caldwell, a widower who is grieving losses that would cripple anyone. While Maddie only wants to see antiques, Max only sees something else. This book has it all! I’m mesmerized! You really have a best seller here Charlotte E Hart!
Profile Image for Teri.
3,918 reviews36 followers
June 9, 2018
Now that was a trip plus some. This author weaves and I do mean weaves a tale that is dark and desperate and emotional and freaking disturbing but AWESOME!!! I wasn't ready. I don't know if it's just me but it was so unexpected and done so well that I was floored. And then when it happens you go why didn't I know. It's an emotional tale one that some how works out. It's a sad and yes emotional dark in the way it plays out but this author does it well. Many times during the read I found myself sitting up think what the heck through the actions and situations that came up.

It's a great read by an author I had not been introduced to previously and man am I glad I did. This tale is intense. It will take you places you didn't know you were going and then in the end after stringing you and twisting you it will end. This is an amazing standalone read from this author.
Profile Image for BokaniSak*BookWhore.
223 reviews122 followers
June 18, 2018
2 "wasn't a hit for me" stars**

this is a suspense type of book. Not sure how the 'romance' fits into the label though. I'm one of those readers who really goes with the flow.. vampires, shape shifters, werewolves, valkerynes--hell you can throw unicorns in the mix and I'm all in. but I discovered through reading this book that ghosts and shit like that is DEFINITELY not for me.

basically, Maddy has just left her abusive husband and has a job to go value some antiques at some rich dudes Estate. now enters Jack, a widower who is still crazily in love with his dead wife, Selma. but Maddy is like a doppelgänger for Selma, so he is all up in that shit by day 2. they have sex on the basis that he is thinking Maddy is Selma, brought back to him in reincarnation or some shit.. fast forward to a lot of crazy bat-shit stuff going on, and it turns out Selma's ghost was using Maddy's body (and at some point even Maddy is okay with this dude having sex with her just cause he believes his wife is in her#WTF). anyway, in the end we find out that all this was some kind of spiritual ghost shit cause Jack has been dead for a couple of years... so no HEA for Maddy, but for the dead couple who were using her body, I guess so🤷🏽‍♀️(maybe there's a book 2 coming soon cause another dude enters the picture at the end, but I won't say much on that otherwise I'll give the whole story away)

definitely not for me...✌🏽 (less)
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Lady Living  In Bookland.
481 reviews19 followers
June 15, 2018
5 star irrational lunacy at its perfection!

The spiral is a book I never imagined. From the very start my head was in turmoil and found myself questioning my own sanity right until the very end.

Mads/Madeline escapes a controlling husband, a violent one in order to set up a new life for herself. A new future, but instead, falls right into the hands of another controlling and violent man...but those tendencies aren’t anywhere near the same in Jack.

Mads Blisdey needs to die along with every other dream the stupid cow had. Madeline Cavannagh is the one who’s going to make it out of this now and find her way. Madeline is the one who will stop this unending control over me. And Madeline will make sure he doesn’t do it again.

Jack. Poor Jack. Having had his life torn away from him, his sanity, right alongside ours is pushed to the limits. It breaks, shatters and never fully recovers, just like his life.

The journey Madeline faces most definitely screws with your mind and left me with so many questions. Questions I’m itching to get answers to.

A brain scrambler of a book which just captivated me from the very first page. The authors ability to write so in-depth, all the while keeping up with a packed storyline amazed me.

Literally adored this head-screw of a book and can’t wait to read more!
Profile Image for Jay Williams.
237 reviews1 follower
May 28, 2018
Jack appears to be a cruel man walking his dogs once a week, keeping them in cages and making them wear shock collars. Though when we find The reason why he is this way it gives us a little insight as to why he is the way he is. Then we find out the secret that he has hiding upstairs in the house.
We meet Maddy when she is hiding in the garage, icing her face she is stuck in a loveless marriage with Lewis a man who beats her up. Plucking up the courage she finally leaves him

The two meet when Maddy goes to Jack's estate to appraise some paintings & antiques. Things don't go well as she reminds Jack of his wife in fact she is her doppelganger.
This was a fantastic read, it's a dark read which Charlotte writes exceedingly well. It is full of twists & turns when you think you have an idea of what is happening, something else happens leaving you with a what the hell!!!! Moment.

If you have read any of Charlotte's previous work, you will know she is the queen of bdsm. This book has none, it still has sex in it and as I said earlier it is dark & eerie at times. It was an amazing read & l was fully engrossed in this book highly recommended read.
Profile Image for Tyi.
695 reviews52 followers
May 31, 2018
I feel like I enters the Twilight Zone and I don't know how to get back or even if I want to get back. This story started off so simple... I knew that it wouldn't last long before some madness took over. The characters weren't normal Jack and Madeline. They were both searching for peace.

The twist and turns throughout the story shocked me but didn't have me saying wtf. I kept saying okay... okay.... that could be possible. The ending... I really didn't see the ending coming. Yet with the ending, everything came full circle. Jack and his past... Madeline and hers.... Let me just say you need to read it to believe it.
Profile Image for Gina Burkart.
3,077 reviews52 followers
May 22, 2018
Wow what do you say about a book that will never be read the same. This book will take you down a dark interesting road that will have you in twists and steamy turns that have you wondering what you are missing in this amazing book. This book will draw you in from the beginning tell the very end. This book will have you flowing through this intense story that leave the words flowing through your mind and soul. This book is a must read as it will leave you with a thought that will be hard to describe what you have read.
Profile Image for Toya Richardson.
Author 30 books202 followers
May 27, 2018
I have been lucky enough to receive an ARC of this book in return for an honest review.
This book was so very different to anything I’ve read before. Dark, scary, ghostly, sexy and mind-bending. It’s a story where you have to focus on what’s happening because it really is thought-provoking. I want to write so much but at the same time, I really don’t want to spoil it for the readers. Charlotte’s storytelling abilities are amazing and her talent for the darker side of fiction is sublime. I urge you to take a chance on this book, even if it’s not your normal genre of choice, because it will leave you hooked right from the start. So, grab your copy and follow Madeleine on her journey to The Spiral!
435 reviews6 followers
June 7, 2018
I really don't know how to explain this book without giving too much away. Apart from, it is a total mind F*$k, with a capital F.

Just when you think you know which way the story is about to go you are thrown a curve ball and sent in a different direction.

A group is required for this book, to allow the readers to get their heads around it. I have only ever read one other book by Charlotte and that is the joint book written with Rachel De Lune. I should have known then I was in for a treat.
Profile Image for skulls121973.
246 reviews18 followers
July 2, 2018
What the Fuck have I just read???!!!

it was a another fascinating and captivating read by this author ......but I did guess the outcome unfortunately!
Profile Image for Rachel Hill.
833 reviews37 followers
June 4, 2018
OK, so... I don't do flowery reviews. I don't add all the fun gifs and very seldom will I use line quotes but I will say OMG....and then some. And The Spiral? well, it deserves every flippin' bit of 5 stars and more, especially since it's right in my wheelhouse, with the use of dark, psychological and suspenseful.
I have loved Charlotte E Harts writing from the beginning, be it poetry or novel. This one here though... let me tell you... If you've read her work before, leave it at the door before delving into this one, as you'll not find a darker BDSM tale. This is something wholly different, yet so completely "her". It's everything I've come to expect from the writer in terms of word usage and talent. From her prose to her poetry she brings words to life and this one? Did she ever. I ran the complete course of emotions. From the "wtf" to the sniffling, to the laughter and relief. She writes with such force! Such heart. This story is amazing and I'll gladly shout from the rooftops that it's one you most assuredly should read. It falls somewhere under a mash up of genres that include a healthy dose of dark, a cup of psychological, as well as a cup of suspense (as it's a total page turner), toss in a bit of paranormal and a dash of romance. It's the perfect recipe for a wonderful read. Seriously, It's a must read from one one my must read authors. Pick it up today. You'll be glad you did.
Profile Image for Cindy.
893 reviews22 followers
June 11, 2018
The Spiral by Charlotte Hart is a dark, suspenseful, psychological mindf***k that will leave you begging for more!

From start to finish I was once again held by Ms Harts words. The storyline was so amazing and original. I didn't know what to expect. And that huge little twist at the end, I was like... WHAT????

Now normally I don't read paranormal type books, however The Spiral was so much more then the paranormal aspect. We get a psychological thriller, and a touch of some darker bdsm. The characters all AMAZING!!! Their connection to one another. I won't give to much away, but this book is a must read. A 5 star thriller that will leave you guessing until the very end!

*I voluntarily read an advance copy from the author. This is my honest review.*
Profile Image for Heather Ross.
134 reviews5 followers
May 28, 2018
This book. This f**king book!!!

I went into this blind. I had no idea what I was in for other than the fact it wasn’t Charlotte’s usual.

It is NOT Charlotte’s usual!

My brain is broken. Kaput. Something short circuited somewhere along the line because I haven’t been able to concentrate since I finished. I don’t even know what to say about this book other than READ IT. READ IT NOW!

There is so much going on here that you don’t realise until it all comes together at the end. Every page, every word draws you deeper into the story, dragging you into the murky world she’s created and leaving you unable to stop turning the pages until you’ve finished. The Spiral is a fantastic name for this book because that’s how you’re left feeling once you finish. If you’re a fan of having your mind fucked into the middle of next week and being left shaking your head and wondering what the hell just happened to you, this is the book for you. Hell, I didn’t even know I was a fan of either of those things but as it turns out, Charlotte could write the phone book and I’d probably be stuck turning pages into the night, wanting to know how that bad boy turned out.

I hereby declare Charlotte E Hart the queen of mind fuckery and shenanigans! I can’t wait to see what she comes up with next!
Profile Image for Shelli.
891 reviews50 followers
June 5, 2018
OMG, I'm not even sure what to say about this book, other than that it blew me away!! It was a unique story for me, for sure...but so satisfying!
Madeline was a woman who was capable of being strong, but she didn't really realize that until she hit rock bottom and had to be. Jack was a man who was completely broken by the death of his wife and son when she met him. I can't really say more without giving spoilers. It was an amazing story though! It went from being a little spooky and having an Alfred Hitchcock feel to it, to WTF is happening?? It was a beautiful mindf*@k of a story!!
Profile Image for Clare.
526 reviews17 followers
June 5, 2018
When you read a Charlotte E. Hart story always expect the unexpected and this book by far is just that.
It's a tale that is full of twists and turns, darkness and mist and things that go bump in the night!
It was a little different from what I was expecting to read about as it's a very big change in style and genre from other stories by this author but it was different in a good way as it showcases a talent for this style of writing that only further adds to their already impressive collection of stories.
I really can't decide if this book should be called a romance or a thriller or maybe it's a mind bending love story as it left me open mouthed as I was so gobsmacked at how it all ended. Maddy and Jack's characters were superbly written and were very believable. I felt like I was there with them every step of the way. I actually felt and went through all their emotions with them and so I never expected things to turn out the way that they did. It took me totally by surprise.
I really enjoyed this book as it's quite something out of the ordinary for me to read and was a very refreshing change. Charlotte has written a wonderful story that although it's a little dark and will spook you it will also fill you with amazing sense of peace and wonder.
A brilliant 5 star read!
Profile Image for Amanda McCalip.
646 reviews2 followers
June 6, 2018
The spiral has honestly left me at a loss of words. This book really was a complete and total mind f--k for me, but not in a bad way.

Madeline was dealing with domestic violence from her husband. While she may have felt and looked at her weakest during the beginning of this book, you quickly learn how extremely strong she is. Her rock bottom pushed her to leave, pushed her to try to find peace, and pushed her to not take sh-t from anyone!

Jack suffered great loss, and was completely broken from the weather of his wife and son. His life is spiraling out of control and he is on a mission to find some type of peace although he doesn't quite know how to achieve it.

This story was genuinely deep, full of so many emotions. It was dark, it was twisted, there was turmoil, and kept you on your toes. It wound up being such a beautiful story that will for sure stick with its readers for a long time to come.
Profile Image for Ana Oh.
654 reviews14 followers
June 8, 2018
4.5 Stars...Well, Make That 5 Stars

This is an excellent, well-written book. The prose, character development, and plot are outstanding. I adore authors who can weave a deep and immersive story without an obvious outcome. It’s like finding a four leaf clover.

There were only a couple distracting things. First, and maybe I misunderstood...but a mature redwood forest in Georgia? If one exists, I’d love to visit it!

Second, the author and editor did a fabulous job with this story. Why not knock it out of the park and have it proofread as well? Errors were few, but occasionally jarred me from my suspension of disbelief.

All that aside, this is one of the top three books I’ve read so far this year. Don’t pass this one up.
Profile Image for Kathy.
Author 16 books265 followers
June 11, 2018
☆°☆Arc provided for an honest review☆°☆

I just couldnt put this book down. Spiral was just that... a spiral of mixed emotions. A lot of ups and downs. A lot of crazy mixed feelings!!!

country gals book blog
Profile Image for Tasha Williams .
538 reviews49 followers
June 5, 2018
::..Reviewed for Red's Midnight Readers..::

I was very kindly offered an ARC in exchange for an honest review, I have given The Spiral FIVE stars.


Even now, days after finishing it, I am still speechless.

The Spiral is a very apt name, my thoughts about Charlotte's latest book are still spiralling around my poor brain.

What on Earth did I read? If you asked me to define this story, I couldn't. I wouldn't even know where to begin. Charlotte has given us something completely different to her usual and it was AMAZING! Her writing talent really shines through as this story starts to develop into something completely unexpected. It was spine tingling brilliant, consider my mind BLOWN! I was so absorbed in her writing that I couldn't put it down, reading it from cover to cover in a matter of hours. It captured my imagination and had me racing to the end, desperate to see what happens.

This book requires to go in with an open mind, forget everything you have read by this fabulous lady and prepare to be blown away. Just when you think you have got it all worked out, Charlotte throws you one hell of a twist! This book will certainly do a number on you.

Absolutely amazing! Everyone needs to read this now!!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 64 reviews

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