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Unexpected Love #3


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Standalone, new-adult romance about mistakes, acceptance and forgiveness.

There are certain things that are unforgivable…

Falling for your brother’s best friend is one of them.

That isn’t the worst thing I’ve ever done, though.
Not even close.

Shame and guilt follow me everywhere.
Except when I’m with him.

With him, I can breathe again.
Smile again. Love again.

But he doesn't know what I've done...

434 pages, Kindle Edition

First published April 26, 2018

About the author

Isabel Love

7 books416 followers
Isabel Love is a hopeless romantic. She loves to read romances that are sweet and dirty and everything in between. A husband, two kids and a full-time job keep her busy by day. But by night, she can be found with her Kindle in hand, reading “just one more chapter.”

Check out her newest release, Unforgivable! It's a standalone, new adult romance about mistakes, acceptance and forgiveness. Anna and Wesley will steal your heart!
Unforgivable by Isabel Love

Untouchable is a contemporary romance that will make you laugh, swoon and fall in love. Do you like your heroes tall, tattooed and sexy? You have to meet Max!
Untouchable (Unexpected Love, #1) by Isabel Love

Unconventional is a second chance romance that will make you need a cold shower! Do you like alpha heroes well versed in dirty talk? Then you have to meet Charlie!
Unconventional (Unexpected Love, #2) by Isabel Love

Sign up for her newsletter to receive updates about her books here: http://eepurl.com/ctfAU1

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 324 reviews
Profile Image for Christy.
4,235 reviews35.1k followers
November 19, 2018
5 stars!!!

“Everyone deserves a second chance.”

Unforgivable is the third book I've read by Isabel Love. Each book I read by this author is better than the last, and this is my favorite one by far! I love books that hit me right in the feels, and Unforgivable did just that. An emotional story of love, friendship, growth, and forgiveness- this one hit all my love buttons! 

Anna and Wes meet when they're just kids in middle school. Wes quickly becomes best friends with Anna's brother, and he and Anna become close friends as well. Anna quickly starts to fall for Wes, but Wes's life is complicated. He doesn't have the easiest childhood and that factors into the decisions he makes and the things that he does. One of my favorite things about this book was seeing into Wes and Anna's past. I loved watching their interactions growing up.  As they get older though, they change. Things change between them, but they always stay close. 

This book made me think about choices, about mistakes, and about forgiveness. Is there anything you can think of that you consider unforgivable? Any mistake you could make that truly cannot be forgiven? Anna has made a mistake that is that big in her eyes. No matter what, she can't move past it and she can't forgive herself. Wes isn't perfect, either. He's made mistakes in his past as well. As tough as these two are on themselves, I loved that they never held each others past mistakes against one another.

I’ve always been hers. I always will be.

Wes and Anna had the most delicious slow burn romance. I am used to hot and sexy from Love, but this book was just... more. It was so much more that that. The story was real, raw, and had depth. Of course there were some sexy scenes, but the build up was the best part! Anna and Wes had a love story that was beautiful, unconditional, and a bit forbidden, as Wes is her brother's best friend. Their connection was just there from the very start. I felt it. This story captivated me. It broke my heart at times, but also managed to uplift me. Wes and Anna are both amazing characters. Wes was seriously the sweetest, and I found Anna to be truly lovable and completely relateable in a lot of ways. I loved Anna's entire family and friends as well. 

Unforgivable is a story of healing, first loves, mistakes, forgiveness, and learning to let go and move on from your mistakes. It brought me to tears more than once, but in the end, it made my heart so happy! For all my friends who love brother's best friend books, emotional books, and slow-burn romances, I can't recommend this story to you enough! I give it 5 stars, and I can't wait to see what Isabel Love has in store for us next!! 
Our story isn’t simple. Our past is riddled with pain and mistakes. But it brought us to each other.

Profile Image for Cindy M. Green.
823 reviews29 followers
April 24, 2018
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Anna and Wesley! Initially, I wasn’t sure how I felt about hearing Anna’s story. We meet her in Unconventional, not in the best of circumstances. However, after reading Unforgivable Isabel has been completely redeemed Anna in my eyes. There are two sides to every story and Isabel does a fantastic job of showing us that. I adore Anna and Wesley’s story, this is my favorite of her three books and I highly recommend you take this journey!

Choices and second chances. The journey of Anna and Wesley is about the choices you make in life and the consequences of those actions. It also focuses on redemption and forgiveness. Not only forgiving the ones you love the most, but forgiving yourself for making decisions you thought were right at the time you made them.

This was a slow burn that I totally did not expect, but loved even more because of it. The development of their relationship was honest and real. They start out as friends at an early age, but their true connection is felt through every turn of every page. I found myself teary eyed through much of their story. Isabel does a fantastic job of pulling you into their world, tugging on every heart string while holding your hand through the journey. These characters made my heart break multiple times, but kept putting me back together. Their story completely captured my heart!

This is the perfect combination of heart, sweetness, heat and intensity. There is sexiness in their story, but overall there was so much more to the development of their relationship. Anna is broken, but slowly trying to put herself back together. Wes understands and accepts her in a way that no one else can and Anna does the same for him. Wes is so protective of his Angel, he is so completely swoon worthy without even trying. Their journey is not an easy one, but that’s what makes their highs all the sweeter. Just thinking back on their story brings a tear to my eye and a smile on my face.

I can’t wait to see what Isabel comes up with next. The ink isn’t barely dry on Wesley and Anna’s story, but I’m so excited for what’s to come from Isabel.
Profile Image for Kayla.
435 reviews7 followers
April 16, 2018
WOW! THIS. IS. HANDS. DOWN. THE. AUTHORS BEST. BOOK. TO. DATE! I am completely and utterly IN LOVE with Unforgivable! Wes and Anna's story was absolutely captivating. I could not put it down! I devoured the pages like a women possessed! THE FEELS ARE OFF THE CHARTS! Unforgivable was a tidal wave of emotions. I laughed. I cried. I swooned. So many pages seriously gutted me. Completely broke my heart, while then proceeded to heal it the next page. I have NEVER been this utterly enthralled by a slow burn before. I can't stress enough how I loved every deliciously, slow torturous moment. Not only that, but it incorporated one of my favorite romance troupes brothers bestfriend. I loved how the author mixed up so many things with this book. Its unlike any of her previous work. With the characters starting off at the ages of 12 and 14 and gradually coming of age, I felt it developed a deeper more meaningful connection with the characters this story desperately needed to do it justice. I don't think I have ever read a story where the characters developed and grew so much from start to finish. My heart is just so full after finishing this book! I'm so thankful the author decided to give us both sides of this story after Charlie's book.

Anna is hands down one of the strongest heroines I've read to date. I loved so many things about her character. She was easy going, light, and had a huge heart. So many times I thought she was being weak, when in reality she was anything but. My heart shattered for Anna so many times. I never cried with a heroine so much in life. I seriously misjudged her character so much. Anna was just a broken soul who desperately needed saving from her past.

Wes seriously stole the show for me. He will hands down be one of my top favorite hero's! He was so inspiring. With every struggle he faced, his determination never wavered. He had a big heart, with plenty of love to give. Wes had me melting into a puddle of swoons so many times. He WILL be your next book boyfriend ladies! However my heart broke for Wes many times also. Although each struggle was necessary to make him stronger, all the hurdle's just didn't seem fair. My heart about couldn't take it!

*5 STARS!!*
Honestly I won't ever feel 5 stars is doing this book justice. Unforgivable is a hauntingly beautiful story that WILL stick with you long after the pages end. *I voluntarily read a advanced copy!*
Profile Image for A little birdie told me....
627 reviews31 followers
April 27, 2018
Let’s face it... most of us read for an escape, for fantasy. To wrap our minds around the lives of fictional characters so that we can live vicariously. Romance readers want that kickass heroine and the swoon-worthy book boyfriend we wish were real.

Every once in a while, I come across a book that punches me in the heart. Not in a bad way, it just awakens more than the standard, everyday romance. One that is real and gripping. Instead of living vicariously, I connect. Feel. Relate.

This story here is unique. It gives me the kickass heroine, the swoony man, AND it resonates in my heart as something so real and relatable. This book is unreal.

The author’s ability to take a topic one might consider sensitive and bring it to a level that everyone can understand is astounding. A mistake the heroine feels she made, one she can’t forgive herself for, becomes the defining moment for her. The hero helps her to understand how to forgive herself and forge toward her own healing process at the same time slaying his own demons.

It’s simply a beautiful story.
Profile Image for Emma Nichole.
Author 21 books645 followers
April 19, 2018
Where can I even begin to describe this book? It checked off all of the “boxes” for me. Angsty? Check. Sexy? Check. Slow burn to the point of intense, kindle throwing frustration? Check. A love story so deep and perfect and messy and complicated that it sticks with you for the rest of your life? Check.

We met Anna in Charlie’s story, Unconventional (Side note: GOD THAT BOOK WAS SO HOT), and I had a strange love/hate/confusion in regards to her. I felt like I should loathe her but somehow… I didn’t. I felt such a deep pain when you could sense how broken and sad she was. I wanted to know more about her. I wanted her story. I knew it would be interesting and soul wrenching. Boy, did Isabel deliver.

The complicated, decade spanning friendship that beautifully bleeds into romance between Anna and Wesley is literally a tale as old as time. It was so perfectly executed and thought out. From the minute they were connected, you could feel their souls blending together through the pages of this story.

They were both so beautifully broken, but they each had the glue that the other needed to mend themselves back together, except when they did, they mended their hearts with one another’s.

This couple has seared a place onto my heart that I only give up to certain pairings. Ana and Christian. Eva and Gideon. Ash, Embry, and Greer. Tyler and Poppy…. And now… Anna and Wesley.
Profile Image for Malene.
1,275 reviews723 followers
April 25, 2018
How on earth is Unforgivable only Isabel Love’s third book cause damn she knocked it out of the park. I was introduced to Anna and Wes in Unconventional but Unforgivable can easily be read as a standalone.
I really appreciate Isabel Love for switching it up this time around. Whereas her two previous books were very sexy Unforgivable is a delicious slow burn romance with well developed characters and sensitive topics.

While reading I could easily feel how much this story means to the author. Her attention and care for her characters and important topics shows and most importantly it feels. Through her words. I hurt, swooned and cheered along with Anna and Wes thanks to her strong and flawless prose.

Anna and Wes. These two flawed characters captured my heart immediately. I love how this story is constructed cause it’s the reason why I connected so strongly with Anna and Wes as I did. Their friendship is one of kind, extraordinary and sweet. Wes is swoon worthy in every sense of the word. Wow how I love this man. His devotion and love for Anna blew me away numerous times. His determination to reach his goals in life is awe inspiring. Anna made my heart break because of the shame and guilt she felt for certain choices she made. Her and Wes’ fight back towards forgiveness and acceptance was definitely a highlight.
Their road towards a relationship as lovers is long filled with mistakes and losses but it’s also a road where they are each other’s confidants and loyal support. They help each other out in a way not even Anna’s brother or parents can. Their bond is truly unique thanks to their shared history since they were twelve and fourteen years old.
The secondary characters are fabulous. I love Anna’s brother John and their parents. They play a crucial part in Wes’ life and become a family to him. Also Anna’s friends Christy and Desirae add some laughs to the story which I enjoyed.

The epilogue was spot on and gave the characters the closure they deserved. I couldn’t be happier. I expected Unforgivable to be an angsty slow burn romance and it most definitely was and again it was so much more. Unforgivable is the perfect childhood friends to lovers with an emotional storyline. It hit the mark for me big time. Isabel Love’s third book is a homerun.

5 BadAssDirtyMyAngelStars
Profile Image for Alex ♈.
1,568 reviews1,335 followers
December 13, 2018
If not for my friend Leonor's brilliant review
I would have missed a very good book.

Thank you, Leonor!

May 7, 2020
Spoilery Review

Do not continue reading if you don't want any spoilers

I really liked this book. My heart broke for the 14 year old boy who didn't have parents, the boy that didn't have clothes or love from anyone, who was bullied because his clothes and shoes had holes in them. I wanted to hug him and give him all the love that I could give him. I loved the heroine's parents how they took him in and they gave him love and support. Even when he made big mistakes they were there for him.

They both made mistakes but they were young I'm not saying I agree or happy they made the mistakes but like my mother says if you don't make mistakes how the hell are you going to learn from them?

********Spoilers Below*********

Hero became a drug dealer when he was 16 years old. He never took drugs... I'm not agreeing nor happy that he did what he did but it was a mistake and no one is perfect. Because of this and because the heroine's life is being threatened he decides to pushed the heroine away and kisses a girl on her lips this was just like a peck but the heroine see this.

The heroine begins dating a boy and she falls in love with him and she gets pregnant, she also made mistakes and she doesn't tell her boyfriend that she's pregnant and she gets an abortion without telling the boyfriend. She does it because she didn't want her boyfriend to resent her and she didn't want her plans and his plans to fall through because of the pregnancy. No one has a right to tell a woman what to do with her body, the choice is always the woman but what I didn't agree with her is about not telling her boyfriend about her pregnancy she should have at least told him about it. The boyfriend has every right to react how he reacted but he should have let her explain and should at least agree it was her choice of staying pregnant or not.

Safety: The hero is a virgin, he never had sex with anyone not even with the girl he used to push away the heroine but he dated her. So they both saw each other date OP the only thing was that he never fall in love with the ow but she did fell for her boyfriend, she had every intention of marrying her boyfriend and have a family with him. She also had good sex with him.

I'm not upset he dated the girl because he had to see the heroine fall in love with the OM what would have bothered was the heroine pining for the hero while seeing date the OW. I'm glad he stayed a virgin for her and she wasn't one. I'm also glad it wasn't mention if he did more than kissed the OW. I wouldn't have been able to handle those details.

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Profile Image for Imani Blake (Enamored Reads).
307 reviews113 followers
April 25, 2018
“One mistake doesn’t define who you are.”

I don’t think this author could ever write a book I won’t fall irrevocably in love with at the drop of a hat. Unforgivable has stolen my heart as my new fav book by this author, as well as a top read for 2018. When a book is just so effortlessly emotional yet more uplifting than you could ever imagine, you refuse to be anything but glued to the pages as you feel each character bleed then heal. Anna and Wes couldn’t be more than perfect for each other in every right way imaginable.

I won’t lie and say I felt a dead weight on my chest through a majority of this book. It’s just filled with so much devotion and heartache I couldn’t help but feel under water as I watched both characters suffer. But the best thing about a book like this? It’s the reprieve you feel when two people come to the realization that all they really needed was not only to forgive and forget, but each other. It’s as simple as that.

This book is one to remember for numerous reasons. But I feel the main one is to teach the underlying message that a mistake will only define you if you let it. Good people can sometimes make mistakes and bad people can sometimes make great decisions. But it’ll only define you if you give it the power to. And that’s what I love about all of Isabel Love’s books. She has a way of teaching every reader something equally as important as love.

Unforgivable is easily one for the books. One of the most emotional books I will have ever read and it’ll always have a place in my heart as the book that taught me the importance of moving forward no matter the obstacles. That while one may feel lonely, sometimes it’s the people right in front of you that may have seemed distant yet in some way, always there for you.
Profile Image for MammieBabbie.
301 reviews13 followers
April 26, 2018
An outstanding and unputdownable must read romance that'll shake you to the core...

My goodness, where do I begin? I'm a little lost for words with this one. I mean, I feel like I'm alway left at a loss for words with this author. But Unforgivable, maaaaaan, this story got me in every possible place.

There's a select group of authors that always manage to surprise me. Each one of their stories brings something new to the table and just completely overtake anything else surrounding me. Ms. Love is one of those. There is no question that she has talent and her writing is unquestionably outstanding. She is simple in delivering her heart-wrenching and consuming stories. Her characters are empathiseable and loveable, even when you don't feel like you will endear to them. Her words are carefully crafted and meticulously chosen to draw you in and give you pause. And in this book, she has achieved all those things and so much more.

Unforgivable was impossible to put down. Even when the story got bleak and broke my heart, I just couldn't stray from it not even for a second. I'd be lying if I said there were times that I didn't struggle, because I did. In a completely good way. I didn't just empathise with the characters, but I felt like I lived their story with them. I felt like I was in their shoes. I felt like I was a part of them.

When I went into this book I was already familiar with the elephant in the room. I already knew Anna's sin and I never in a million years thought that i could grow to understand or love her. I thought that the most that I would feel was pity. I was wrong. I fell in love her at the very beginning. I fell in love with her courage and her heart, and when I saw her struggle through her eyes...I felt ashamed for having loathed her so much in Unconventional. From just that little snapshot I got of her that didn't really show her for who she was. I had judged her before I even knew her reasoning or her heart, and I am so sorry for it. And actually in this book I found myself almost shouting at Charlie (Unconventional) for his attitude and his hate.

I feel that the topics in this book are darker than what I've grown accustomed to from Isabel. I can't fault her followthrough or even the brutality in which she picks apart every little fibre in the fabric of those issues. For me it's what made this book so great. The honesty and the rawness of it made it something extraordinary. You know, people make wrong decisions for the right reasons. People make mistakes and live to regret them. But for me what stood out was that as much as I wanted to berate her for her choices, as much as I wanted to shame her...I couldn't. I couldn't because at the heart of the matter and at the cost of my morals I could understand her reasoning. There were times that I had to question myself and who I was because I had never thought that I could sympathise with something of that nature.

As a friends to lovers and as a brother's best friend romance, this book ticks all the boxes, however it is original and punchy. It is different to every other book I've read within those tropes. This isn't your usual romantic comedy that has those storylines. It is the farthest thing from a Rom Com. Yet, there are moments of unadulterated humour and moments of pure swoon that balance out the darkness. I can't praise this book enough.

Unforgivable is unputdownable, it is risky and it is harsh. Its ability to make you second guess yourself is unnerving and the way in which it disarms you of all your preconceptions is awing. For me, this book is one of the best I have read this year, and I just know that it'll be in my top handful for 2018. This is that book that you can't not read.
Profile Image for Olga therebelreader.
890 reviews760 followers
April 13, 2018
This was a refreshing romance. I found it to be very different from the author’s previous books. The story was very captivating. I just didn't want to put it down.
There was some drama and it fluctuated up and down. I liked both main characters and how their issues were explored when they embarked on a relationship together. My favorite character was Wes. Insecure enough to be vulnerable without being desperate, romantic, sexy…He had low self-esteem and he thought he was not good enough. But at his core, he was a protector and his emotions ran deep. The chemistry between the pair was intense! There are several super hot scenes in this book… when the pair finally let their own walls down, it's pretty steamy.
The background characters were just as incredible as the main, where each played an important role in the telling of this outstanding story. I cried, swooned while reading it….I loved it. It was a pleasantly surprising, sexy-as-hell story.

In short:
Hero 5/5 | Heroine 4/5 | Plot (Point, Originality) 5/5 | Writing Style 4/5 | Steam 4/5 | Romance 5/5 | Angst-Suspense 3/5 | Darkness 2/5 | Humor 0/5 | Secondary Characters 4/5 | Drama-Conflict 4/5 | Mystery 0/5 | Twists 4/5 | Pacing Fast | Action 3/5

ARC kindly provided in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Enakshi - The E-Book Addict.
157 reviews5 followers
April 19, 2018
This book is not all about hearts and flowers but its also so much more than that, it so beautifully shows the hardships in life. It show that there's always a silver lining ahead of every situation and you just have to be strong and be able to forgive yourself for your mistakes and move on, BE BETTER.

This story is also about childhood love and shows us the story about Wesley and Anna which was so beautiful and amazing. I can not thank Isabel Love enough for writing something so meaningful and giving us the opportunity to read this..❤
Profile Image for Syndi.
3,279 reviews956 followers
March 21, 2021
Unforgivable is sweet. The super sweet among these series. This is Ana (Charlie's ex) story. There are so much to know about Ana. I do enjoy her story very much.
Miss Love putting her best effort to bring Ana and Wes' story alive.

Even though I think the amount of self pity ing is bit too much especially about Wes, I still enjoy the book very much. I do not know if Unforgivable is the last book in the series or there will be more.

Overall I do enjoy this book on my quite Sunday.

4 stars
Profile Image for Isabel Love.
Author 7 books416 followers
November 14, 2018
Unforgivable is NOW LIVE!!!
Unforgivable is a standalone, new-adult romance about mistakes, acceptance and forgiveness. Can one mistake define who you are?

I'm so proud of this book and can't wait for everyone to meet Anna and Wesley.

Amazon: mybook.to/UnforgivableKindle


This audiobook is EVERYTHING!! Vanessa Edwin and Teddy Hamilton are the perfect voices to bring these characters and this story to life!!

🎧Audible: http://bit.ly/UnforgivableAudible
🎧Tantor: http://bit.ly/UnforgivableTantor

Profile Image for ~Stéphanie~.
623 reviews360 followers
April 20, 2018
There's two side of a story and Unforgivable shows exactly that you shouldn't believe what you think you know. I read all of Isabel's books and Unconventional is my favorite. I judged Anna. I didn't specifically want her story, yet Isabel gave it to her readers and I didn't think she could be redeem… I was wrong.

Anna & Wesley's story is not what I expected. Not at all. I couldn’t imagine how tangled their relation was and how well they knew each other when I first met them in Unconventional. I couldn’t imagine for one bit Charlie was just the type of the iceberg in an already complex and captivating story.

If you want to read Unforgivable as a stand alone, I would say go for it. There’s a tale behind this book but you don’t have to know it in order to appreciate Anna & Wes.

I loved how the author gave us a detailed story from how they met to how they finally get together. From friends to lovers with so many ties in between, Anna & Wes were meant to be together but unfortunately life and unfortunate decisions got in the way multiple times.

The first two books written by Isabel Love showed us she can set our kindle on fire. With Unforgivable she shows us how beautiful and sweet her prose can be when you let your heart speak.
Because yes, Wes & Anna together comes from the heart, it comes from a place where nothing is perfect and everything is a battle. I felt so many emotions while reading and I often thought how it was unfair to fight so much for a piece of happiness. These two should have been together long before they actually did but protectiveness and awareness prevent it. Guilt and shame were stronger than feelings. I wanted to set Anna’s free so many times because she thought she had to keep her secret for so long and she couldn’t see how much support she could have had all along. Parts of this story are sad. It raises questions, it approaches subject I don’t see often in books.

The end was surprising. I don’t want to say more. The end put me a smile on my face and it gave me the closure I needed. So Isabel, thank you

~I voluntary read a copy of the book provided by the author ~
Profile Image for Heroesinbooks.
1,114 reviews327 followers
April 29, 2018
Beyond 5 Wes and Anna Stars

"One mistake doesn't define me."

I have been in something of a reading slump and then I saw something on Twitter regarding this book so thought I would give it a whirl. Isabel Love is a new author to me and I was not familiar with her work. Let me just say that not only is she now an author that I will definitely be reading more of, but also that Wes has absolutely secured his place in my Kindle heart and my Hero Hall of Fame shelf.

Essentially, this is a childhood friends to lovers, best friend's little sister book but it is so much more than that. From the first page, I. Was. Hooked.

Wes is a foster child and on the wrong side of everyone until Anna (two years younger) and her brother (same age as Wes) make friends with him. Their parents help make this boy's life better too but ultimately , John and Anna are his bright point and best friends.

The book is in three parts and the writing flows so well. I loved that we got a really good look at their early relationship and all the teenage feelings and emotions that grew. Both Anna and Wes make big mistakes / choices but there are reasons and the author explores these with senstivity and care. Yes, it is sensitive and may be a trigger for some, but I thought she did it really well.

The chemistry between them is HOT. It is a slow burn but OMG it's intense. And incredibly sweet too.

The secondary characters are well written and are a strong supporting cast. This book held my interest from page one. I was really invested in it and I adored both Wes and Anna. They truly are soul mates and this is their heartbreakingly beautiful story. No one else could reach Anna but Wes and equally, she resonated within his heart.

Absolutely a Top Read of the year for me.

"No one was you Anna. I've only ever wanted you."

HEA? Yes! Beautiful.
Cheating? No
Trigger? Yes-
Profile Image for Anna.
1,088 reviews7 followers
July 13, 2018
Where are my 10 stars???
Just Epic Love Story!
Amazing book, on my re-reads list! I love authors style, I loved MCs. I was crying like a baby this night. I was gonna kill Charlie the bastard!!!
Wes, sigh, my heart was wrenching and broking for him.
I wish there would be more Bellamy's families!!!
Foster care in different countries is just hell system!!! It's doesn't work. Why ??? There would be less broken people.
Anna, poor girl, I loved everything about her also. I wish she wasn't do broken, so depressed during 10 years....

Again, people, read this book, it's amazing!
Profile Image for A Book Lover's Emporium Book Blog.
2,814 reviews169 followers
April 17, 2018
5++++ Stars!

I just LOVE Isabel Love's books! I have fallen in love with every character written and, yet again, she has woven her magic spell over me and made me fall in love with Anna and Wesley.
The writing is superb and the story gets you right in the feels; emotional to the max. I felt all of Anna's trauma with a fountain of tears and loved the anxious heart breaking scenes that built her up so high in my heart.

Wesley! What can I say? From the moment I met him, I loved him... is it wrong to fall for a fourteen year old? Well, I don't care! I. Love. Wes! End of.

These two go through a decade of troubles that give your heart a battering and have you clutching your kindle through the night to find out how they manage to survive their individual plight. It makes for a fabulous story that is totally relatable and makes you need more.

I highly recommend this book. You will love this whole series too; hot, emotional, sexy, loving, funny... they've got it all.
Profile Image for Zairobe25.
824 reviews
May 17, 2018
It was ok!
Entretenida, bastante predecible y cliché, pero con buen ritmo, sobre todo la parte del pasado de ellos, cuando se conocen siendo casi adolescentes. Nada destacable en mi opinión, sólo para pasar el rato.
Profile Image for mel ☽.
370 reviews11.3k followers
May 26, 2018

The hero, Wesley, and the heroine, Anna, met in middle school when Wes (14) was being bullied and Anna (12) stepped up and stood up for him. Wes, was immediately grateful, though hesitant, because no one has ever treated him with kindness. EVER. Until Anna, and her brother Josh stepped up.

With that, Anna and Josh showed him the kindness and love he deserves. Although their mom was pretty hesitant at first, I love how Anna insisted that they should treat the boy with generosity and affection and that she wanted to be best friends with him, which I thought was super adorable!

The relationship between Anna and Josh’s parents with Wes is so heartwarming to read because they treated him with so much kindness that he never experienced in his life.

Anyways, the relationship and dynamic between Anna and Wesley is so apparent from the beginning it filled me with happiness and I was rooting for them to be together THE WHOLE TIME, even though some circumstances lead to them not being together because Wes was protecting Anna from bad people, which then lead to MORE mistakes, which lead to them being apart for so long.

Wes pushed Anna away in high school and basically rejected her because he did it so he could protect her but with this, it leads to Anna committing an action that she has a hard time on accepting and coping with, resulting in her being depressed and not going to med school.

When the two finally reunite, I WAS SO FRKIN HAPPY and super excited because I love the anticipation! With slow burn romances, it offers plenty of sexual tension and heightened anticipation that when the two love birds FINALLY kiss, the satisfaction that it offers just makes me so happy and giddy and evidently makes me root for them more! And I love romantic novels that offers this aspect!

There is obviously a physical attraction between Anna and Wes but I love how the connection and attraction went deeper than that, and I also love how they fell in love with each other because they make each other strong and happy and even though they have done a lot of mistakes in the past, they still accept each other for who they are. AND I LOVE THIS KIND OF ROMANCE because it feels so genuine and its apparent that they didn’t fall for each other because of their sexual appeal or some other bs that some romantic books focuses on, which kind of annoys me because I genuinely want to know how two characters, disregarding their obvious sexual attraction to one another, fell in love with each other in a more emotional way that makes me convinced that their each others “soulmates” or each others “lobsters”.

If you love slow burn (like reeaaaaallly slow burn), a bunch of sexy times, and the whole being in love with your brother’s best friend trope, this is the PERFECT book to read!

I give this book 5++ stars 💗
Profile Image for Black Ink Riot.
184 reviews38 followers
December 11, 2020
This book started out so fucking good. I devoured the first half and fell in love with Anna and Wesley and couldn’t wait to learn what the big mistake was that Anna made.

But then...

Spoilers below
This book must be written by a Pro-Lifer. Anna’s “big mistake” that derails her life is having an abortion at 16 and she spends the next DECADE punishing herself for it and blowing up her own life because of the guilt.

Seriously...FUCK THIS BULLSHIT. Anna’s internal monologues at about halfway through all become about her hating herself for being a “murderer.”

I HATE the message that this fucking book is sending and if I owned a physical copy of it, I would burn it out of spite.
Profile Image for Autumn Grey.
Author 26 books1,228 followers
April 30, 2018
I loved Unforgivable. LOVED IT. Breathtakingly beautiful, slow burn. Flawed characters who made mistakes and learned from them, redemption and forgiveness. This story is what fairy tales are made of. Wes and Anna went through so much and the character growth throughout the story was amazing.
Isabel's brilliant writing shines through in this story. Wes and Anna are now on my list of favorite book couples. So highly recommend this book!!!
Profile Image for Wobilba.
713 reviews112 followers
December 1, 2022
What in the anti-choice fuckery is this? The heroine basically self sabotages her life for ten years because she had an abortion at age 16. And we had to hear all about her being a “murderer” inner monologues and her self loathing for like half the book. Geeez 🙄 God, her ex boyfriend Charlie was an asshole in this book.
Other than that, it also packs a great message about first love, mistakes, forgiveness, self healing and second chances.
Overall a “decent” read.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Linda.
870 reviews
February 18, 2019
4.5 stars!
Best in the series.

This book is the 3rd in Isabel Love's Unexpected Love series. And my favorite of the series! Anna is a character we meet in book #2, but very briefly, so this book can definitely be read as a standalone. However, this is a unique book series situation, because Anna's secret is revealed in book #2. Since I read book #2, I already knew- but the weird thing is that I don't feel like that ruined anything for me.

Unforgivable is a childhood-friends-to-lovers romance. The book starts by going back in time to when the characters were in 6th and 8th grade. I loved this! I loved getting to know young Anna and Wes. Be prepared for a slow burn with this book! The tension is off the charts.

There are some pretty heavy/sensitive topics covered in this book. I think the author handles them very well. I loved the theme of not letting your mistakes define who you are. It was a powerful transformation, especially for Anna.

I could have used a little more depth and backstory for Wes's character. I needed to know more about Wes's childhood (before the Andersons) and his time away. He was a great character and very swoony, but I felt like I didn't fully understand him.

Overall, this is a great choice for romance fans, especially for those who love childhood-friends-to-lovers romance, or who just love a slow burn.

I own the eBook for Kindle
Profile Image for Starr (AKA Starrfish) Rivers.
1,146 reviews381 followers
July 9, 2019
This was a 3.5 rounded down to 3.

What I liked:

* A Hero who's a real hero. Yes, he made bad choices, but they were for the right reasons. And he's so true and good and kind. One of my fave tropes - the virgin Hero. And by the way, this is in spite of the fact that he pushed the h to flee into the arms of another boy.

* A heroine who is pretty good too. I liked the way she defended the new kid in school from the very first moment and how she went out of her way to show him what friends and family are like. Her family is incredible. And she gave that to him. She also defended him in the end and saved his ass again. So she's very much a Hero in her own right.

Why the 1,5 stars off?

* The writing is straightforward and simple. Truly, someone in High school or college could have written it. It's not literary fiction by any stretch of the imagination. The writing didn't wrap me around its little finger and make me oohhh and aaahhh over a particular turn of phrase. I tend to like "interesting" writing. And this was not it.

* The story had the makings of more emotions and more intensity, even more angst and passion. But this might be related to the simple writing - it just didn't come together and live up to that swoon-worthy cover. The feelings were muted. And there were some strange things that kinda irked me

Overall, probably won't read more by this author. It was the virgin H trope that made me check out this book in the first place.
May 28, 2021
"One day, I'll be worthy of her. Until then I hope I see her in my dreams." ~Wes
"Sometimes, I hate that he's my brother's best friend. I want him all to myself." ~Anna

OH THE FEELS! They started right in the Prologue and just kept on going right through to the Epilogue! That Prologue delivered a serious punch to my gut and I just HAD to see the whole thing through. I love a good friends-to-lovers (and brother's best friend) romance. The connection that Wes and Anna share was stronger than her high school sweetheart and her brother warning off Wes. It's stronger than the mistakes that they made to get them to where they were. It was strong enough to withstand learning the secrets that had each kept buried for a decade.
This story is sweet, hot, intense, heart breaking, spirit uplifting and at times quite funny. Isabel Love has told a story with some controversial topics in a way that shows love and compassion along with the anger and anguish that goes along with them. I will have to say that this is my favorite of her books! I felt very real connection to the characters in this book from all sides, not just Wes and Anna. I think that everyone should read this book! But be warned.... you will probably fall in love with Wes. ( I know I have!!)
Profile Image for Jessica Hull.
935 reviews654 followers
May 6, 2018

In my conscious effort to read more new-to-me authors, I picked up Unforgivable without even reading the blurb. I LOVED the cover and I saw a few teasers that sounded deliciously juicy. I just knew I had to read it.

Unforgivable turned out to be a really solid storyline. I loved Isabel Love's writing, I adored Wes and Anna together and I thoroughly enjoyed this refreshing story.

This is a friends to lovers romance that spans decades. The quiet longing these characters feel for each other as teenagers was sweet and angsty but this story is further elevated by the tragic events they face over the span of their teenage years and young adult life. This is truly a story of love overcoming all obstacles, it's about finding your people and creating a family not based on blood but on unconditional love, and it's about an epic romance that made my heart soar. It's a beautiful story of forgiveness and heartbreak, injustice and love and I devoured it.

This story wasn't without its flaws, sure. Some of the time lapses felt a bit jarring and briefly took me out of the story. The fluidity I felt during each "part" of the book was broken up here and there and it would take me a bit to reconnect with the characters, to get acquainted with who they'd become in this newly introduced phase of their lives. I wish there hadn't been such a lengthy separation between the characters, it made it feel as if I was reading two separate books rather than one fluid one... but even given that, it didn't change the fact that this turned out to be a really great story. I'm glad I picked this book up and I'm looking forward to reading more from Isabel Love.
164 reviews2 followers
July 31, 2018
The overall premise was good, and I was into it for the first few chapters. I enjoyed the dialogue between Wes and Anna as kids, but as the story progressed and our characters got older and matured, the dialogue (and writing in general) unfortunately did not.

This book was a whole lot of telling. Literally, the author told me everything “I did this, then I did that, then I did another thing...”, but showed me nothing. Wes spent 10 years in jail and the bulk of the letters he and Anna sent to each other throughout that decade was of what books she would send him. We learn next to nothing about his time in lockup. We were shown nothing as Anna struggled through one of the hardest decisions of her life. But, we know she sent him Colleen Hoover’s Slammed though. We know he liked it. We know he requested books on Carpentry. That’s great and all, but it did nothing to create any depth to the story. It was essentially a lot of back and forth about nothing. These letters apparently got Wes through the hardest times in prison... and I’m just confused.

I grew more and more frustrated as the book went on because so much was happening - there was so much potential, but I had no emotional connection to any of it. The dialogue was just too simple and unbelievable.

I dont know... It has a lot of glowing reviews so perhaps I’m missing something, but it just fell flat for me.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 324 reviews

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