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Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations…

He wore suits and I wore biker boots.
He went to University and I went to Trade school.
He lived in a big home and I lived in a tiny apartment.

When my world was turned upside down, he took me in his arms and promised to help me find a new direction. Now I’ve lost my job, been separated from my friends, and any day an eviction notice was bound to show up.

Unfortunately, my journey was tougher than he had imagined.
When nothing goes right, look who’s left.

213 pages, ebook

First published May 14, 2018

About the author

Danielle Norman

48 books2,218 followers
Before becoming a romance writer, Danielle was a body double for Heidi Klum and a backup singer for Adele. Now, she spends her days trying to play keep away from Theo James who won’t stop calling her or asking her out.
And all of this happens before she wakes up and faces reality where in fact she is a 50 something mom with grown kids, she's been married longer than Theo’s been alive, and now get her kicks riding a Harley.
As far as her body, she can thank, Ben & Jerry’s for that as well as gravity and vodka. But she says that she could never be Adele’s backup since she never stops saying the F-word long enough to actually sing.
Danielle writes about kickass women with even better shoes and the men that try to tame them (silly silly men).

Sign up for her newsletter: http://bit.ly/DNnews

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 203 reviews
Profile Image for The Sassy Bookworm.
3,776 reviews2,829 followers
May 23, 2018


description~WRITING - PLOT - PACE~
So first just let me begin by saying...HALLELUJAH!! I have been in a serious uber picky book slump lately, so I went into this one expecting my mood to heavily influence how I felt about it. Especially since I am not a HUGE fan of the friend to lover type books. Mainly because one (or both) parties usually have to sit back and watch the person they have feelings for with other people. And there was a little of that since Leo has had a crush on Ian since she was five and he really hadn't noticed her in a romantic sense. But since Leo didn't appear to be a virgin and Ian's sexual history isn't harped upon, I wasn't bothered too much by that aspect. 

I actually ended up LOVING this book. I think it is my favorite of the series to date. It was fantastically well written. It was perfectly paced. The plot was engaging and kept me turning the pages. Now, I will say it is pretty obvious early on who was behind all the stuff that was happening to Leo, but overall the plot in this one felt the most cohesive of all the books in this series. There weren't any loose ends, or things that I felt were just thrown in and never explained. I don't know, everything just WORKED really well. Of course, it was full of humor. Which is really one of this author's strong points. Last, it was all wrapped up in a sweet eighteen years later epilogue.

IAN...I loved Ian. He was pretty much perfect book boyfriend material. He was sweet. He was sexy. He was funny. He was smart. He was all in with Leo (after he FINALLY noticed her *lol*). He was a great hero.

LEO...Leo is the type of heroine that could go very badly for me. I am not a huge fan of tomboy heroines. And Leo was a short haired, motorcycle riding mechanic. Even her name (the shortened version screams tomboy). Not my favorite type of heroine by a long shot, but this author did an amazing job of making Leo vulnerable and giving her tomboyness a softer side. I pretty much loved Leo through the entire book. 


If I have said this once I have said it a million times, the best part of this series is the side characters. And again in this one, we have a fantastic cast of them. Ian's brothers, along with the ladies of Iron Orchids. Every time these ladies get together I pee myself laughing at their antics. Ian's mom (who he calls to save him from an OW *lol*). I will say I was a bit sad that we don't see much of Ringo. I adore Ringo!

Mediumish. There were a handful of suitably sexy scenes in this one, but nothing over the top. The frequency felt organic to the story, and this couple had good on page chemistry.

Story wise...medium. Relationship wise...low. Most of the angst in this one comes from the mystery of who is causing Leo all her problems. There are a couple bumps in the road relationship wise, but this couple stays pretty solid throughout. Neither were virgins. Ian didn't come across as a manwhore either. In fact, there really isn't any mention of their sexual pasts at all. There is some OW drama in the form of Ian's secretary lusting after him, but he is never interested in her in the least. There was no OM drama.

Honestly, I breathed a sigh of relief when I finished this one. I was starting to think I would never fully love a book again. Especially with this picky slump I have been in. But this one was pretty much perfect. There were a couple small things here and there (hence me rating it 4.5 instead of 5), but for the most part this was a fantastic read. Well written. Well paced. Engaging plot. Humourous. Full of fantastic secondary characters, and two very likable main characters. I really don't have much else to say about it. For me, it was the best of the series so far and now I can't wait to see what this author has up her sleeve for Dr. Tristian!description 



May 14, 2018
I've been excited to read this story and was definitely not disappointed!

Book Four in the Iron Orchids series is, in my opinion, the steamiest one yet. Leo finally gets a no holds barred night with Ian, her forever-unrequited crush. Only Ian has finally opened his eyes and sees her just as she's always hoped; no longer "one of the guys" or just his cousin's "little friend," and that crush is definitely requited (all night long).
But their story is much more than just one night. Their relationship is a lifetime in the making, creating a pull, a bond between them that makes you want cheer when things go right and cry when they go wrong. It definitely keeps you turning the pages.
Of course, the rest of the Iron Orchids are involved (not in the bedroom!) and stick together, even when they are forced apart. I love this gang, I mean tribe, of women (and their men). True friendship, family, love, and respect shine through these characters, making all of their stories ones of triumph for me.
If you're wondering if the book is funny don't worry, Danielle totally delivers on the hilarity you've come to expect. No spoilers but I will never look at a doorbell the same way again.

Profile Image for Brianna at Renee Entress's Blog.
3,850 reviews116 followers
June 1, 2018
5 Stars!

Danielle Norman got me from the first book in the Iron Orchids series and she got me good y'all. Each book I've come right back and each book has been so freaking fantastic... sexy, sweet, laugh out loud, and quite suspenseful at times. But this book was in my opinion the best. A little different and a whole lot of swoony... Often was the perfect blend to keep me hooked cover to cover.

This book was about Leo and Ian. And these two couldn't have been more opposite yet so right in every single way. Ian has always wanted Leo and now that he's found an in, he's not backing down. And Leo well the girl needs him whether she wants to admit it or not. And all it is going to take is one moment to change everything between therm.

These ladies of the Iron Orchids MC are so fierce and so damn addicting...

I highly recommend this book.

Reviewed for Renee Entress's Blog
Profile Image for Danielle Norman.
Author 48 books2,218 followers
April 28, 2018
Often is book four in the Iron Orchids series. Here we meet Ian Christakos, he is brother number two, and a rocket scientist. Ian lives in a world where if he shares a secret it could land him in jail, welcome to security clearances. So when he's told to keep something hush that's exactly what he does. He doesn't think twice.

Leo's life is her friends...oh and her secret love for Ian that she's harbored since she was five years old. But can you say opposites? Yeah, they are night and day.

Think uptown girl meets guy from the wrong side of the tracks then reverse the rolls and you have Ian and Leo.
Profile Image for Darcy.
13.5k reviews514 followers
October 7, 2019
I really like this series, love how the girls are with each other, total support no matter what happens. That is a great thing because Leo needed the support in this one. You could see that someone was framing her and who it was from the start. It didn't help any as Leo was getting more and more isolated from her clan, the one that she had to create because her own family is so bad. I did love how those that weren't supposed to communicate with her still found ways to do so.

I was so so on the romance between Leo and Ian. I just didn't see the chemistry, but did like that Ian was there for her just as much as the girls until he played the old "it's for her own good" which made Leo think he was over her. I hated how down Leo was at that point.

The end had me laughing as what should have been a private moment was shared with the whole Christakos, everyone excited for what they all knew to be true to be proven.
Profile Image for Isha Coleman.
7,890 reviews154 followers
May 16, 2018

He's the guy that broke her heart without even having a clue. She's the gentle heart with the tough chick exterior. Often is a new chapter in a love that never was, but has the chance to be. The Iron Orchids are not the traditional family. From biker babes to tough guys this group may not be angels, yet it's a sense of loyalty that has made them a family. Often is Ian and Leo's emotional tumble into love. Leo knows how it feels to be an outcast. A difficult childhood, bitter mother and a bruised soul has created the woman she has become. Ian is a reminder of the life she always wanted, but knew she'd never have. Until finally the man who never really saw her suddenly opens his eyes. Only now it may have come too late. Norman crafts a tale of broken hearts, shattered spirits and finally getting it right. The rain is abundant and the clouds are thick, but the healing balm of lover and the power of faith can move mountains. A HEART STIRRING READ!
Profile Image for April Symes.
5,009 reviews443 followers
May 24, 2018
Often is the 4th book in the Iron Orchids series by Danielle Norman is full of FEELS and sizzling romance. It is probably the hottest book in the series by far. This story is about Leo and Ian. Leo has crushed on Ian for the longest for Leo has been a part of the Christakos family since she was five and has always had her heart set on Ian. For Leo, the sun rises and sets on him. While Ian, who is super smart and is a rocket scientist. He doesn’t see Leo and he doesn’t have any romantic feeling for her. The book starts with Ian's youngest brother's wedding, marring one of Leo's friends so as part of the wedding party they are put together for the evening. Its at the wedding that Ian wakes up and sees Leo and realizes he wants her –wants this beautiful woman in his life. Then Leo's life goes into a tailspin. Someone is trying to frame her because of the mystery accidents that have happened. Poor Leo is accused of the crime and She´s the prime suspect. Then we have Ian being chased by his secretary. Things are so bad that Leo isn’t even allowed to see her friends. The story just flows and moves like magic. This story is complex, intriguing, full of angst, and passion. I liked the characters and the dynamic in the story. Leo and Ian make sense and I like watching them come together – this is a long time coming for Leo and Ian should have woke up sooner, in my opinion. I also enjoyed trying to figure out who was trying to frame Leo. Overall, I was kept very happy in my reading by the mystery and Ian's steamy hero.

My Rating: 4.5 stars *****
“I received an advanced copy of this book from the author at no cost to me."
May 16, 2018

I'm currently going through the hardest time of my life right now. I'm watching my mother in law die everyday a little more . she's been battling cancer for over a tear now in her lungs, brain and bones . with having not one but two aneurisms in her aorta. Its been a long battle . than about three weeks ago I had to rush her to er BC she was so confused she didn't even know who I was. Don't sound like much but I was with her every single day since I met her 10 years ago . anyways. At the er we found she has had five strokes . .. Can't do any thing for her BC of everything else she has. So we just make her comfortable and wait. So every day since then I have been going to nursing home twice a day to sit with her, help wash her , etc she just recently had another stroke that turned into a seizure its been bad. Anyways there's a point to all my sadness. Its not to get pitty BC I know she will be in a better place soon and not suffer anymore. My point is this. Reading Often has been my go to happy place. To hang with the #notagang. Between my mother in law and being a working mom I am so busy and mind is so jambled that reading this was my sanctuary. I laughed so hard at times , I got so mad at times yelling to my kindle for them to open their eyes , I melted at other times, I even needed a shower a few other times...if you know what I mean 😉 and every time I picked up Often I was on a mind vacation from everything else. Leo reminds me so much of myself that it was almost creepy at times. I'm a tom boy who hates if people see me cry. I'm tough on the outside and yet not so much on the outside. I just loved her. And Ian....omg....I know every single one of the iron orchids books I change book boyfriends . but omg Ian.......mmmhmmmm momma likely.....once again Danielle Norman did not disappoint . I am so in love with this series . 5 stars all the way. I'd give more but not allowed . now I'll end my short novel review with one of many of my favorite quotes that I highlighted......

“Wow, I guess that Viagra is really working for you because you seem like twice the dick you were last time. But, keep this in mind, maybe your woman stays in the kitchen because you have no clue what to do with her in the bedroom.” 😂😂😂
Profile Image for Sheri.
778 reviews20 followers
June 13, 2018
3 1/2 out of 5 stars

Often is the fourth book in the Iron Orchids series, and I've only read books 3 and 4. Book 4 focuses on Leo (short for Leonora), who is a motorcycle mechanic and looking to stay away from her bible thumper mother, who doesn't approve of her lifestyle, friends or choices.

Leo has been crushing on Ian Christakos for years. Problem is Leo is a tomboy, and feels like men look at her like one of the guys. Ian doesn't really notice Leo until they both stand up in a wedding, and Ian sees Leo in a dress, and in a new way. Ian's secretary, Taylor, who has a big crush on Ian, shows up at the wedding and Ian refers to Leo as his girlfriend. From that day on, Leo's life starts to spin out of control.

All of a sudden, things are happening and Leo is a suspect. Police choppers are being tampered with, and Leo works on those. There are a lot of little things that happen to Leo, and it really crushes her. It was a bit predictable, and quite honestly, the reason as to why the things were happening (once it was revealed) wasn't really explained. It was just like "here's what happened" but not why.

I did like the bit of drama that all the stuff happening to Leo added to the story. It helped bring her and Ian closer. Ian comes from a huge, Greek family, and they had welcomed Leo with open arms for years. She's best friends with Ian's cousin, Sophie. There are a lot of fun side characters in this story.

Leo was a cool chick, but she had some real self esteem issues. I know that her bible loving mother didn't help, but even when Ian made it very clear he found her beautiful, she had a hard time believing him. Even with the cards stacked against her, she still fought to clear her name.

Ian is a great character. Very close to his family, and his mother. He's protective, a bit alpha and kind. He was a really great character.

In terms of story, the relationship between Ian and Leo felt pretty rushed. They were friends and then lovers really quick. Ian decided he wanted to be Leo's white knight, and wouldn't really take no for an answer.

This book was an enjoyable read, and I would recommend it.

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Profile Image for Cris.
515 reviews9 followers
May 20, 2018
This story is about Leo and Ian, if you haven't read the saga (do it!) I can tell you that Ian is Greek and he has 3 brothers and is really close to them. Also he has a cousin named Sophie who is Leo's BFF, so they have known each other for a long time now. The book starts with Ian's youngest brother's wedding, marring one of Leo's friends so as part of the wedding party they are paired together for the night. After that day, Leo's life starts to get way out of control, real fast real hard.

The plot was really interesting, you can figure out what is happening real quickly, but still the development of the book is really nice and smooth. Ian and Leo’s relationship was really cute! I loved Ian because he is quirky and doesn’t know how to express himself but one thing that he is sure about is his feelings.

One of my favorite quotes: “At that moment I was looking at the truest side of Leo, one that I had never seen. It wasn’t the clothes because I could tell that she wasn’t comfortable in what she was wearing but it was her subtle open vulnerability that she showed whether she knew it or not, and I liked it.” I know right! How can you not love this guy?

Leo is amazing… her life is falling apart, she is separated from her chosen family, she loses her job and because of that she is practically broke (or soon to be) but she holds her head high and never let that define her or change her convictions. She is such an inspiration of a strong and rightful woman.

I loved Ringo, he is such an addition to the gang and I loved all of the secondary characters in the story and cannot wait to read about some of them!

This is a sweet and sexy read that you cannot miss!

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Samantha Grubey.
Author 4 books28 followers
May 24, 2020
"The story is very suspenseful! The plot was different to the other stories as it was more suspenseful and you kind of had to suss out who was framing Leo for the crimes (trying to be vague). From the moment it all happened I did guess who it was and I was right. Although I guessed it, I still loved it. Such an amazing plot!"

Full review at ABookHaven
Profile Image for Laura.
2,464 reviews112 followers
May 31, 2018
2.5 Stars

Full Review to follow.
Profile Image for Paula.
437 reviews98 followers
June 3, 2018
She forgives him way too fast
Profile Image for Natshane.
536 reviews53 followers
May 13, 2018
** 4.5 Christakos Stars**

Of all the ladies in the IRON ORCHIDS, with their sassy tongues and the iron-clad sisterly bond these ladies possess, Leo, the tomboy of the group is my absolute favorite!

** Storyline ** - NO SPOILERS.

Hiding beneath the sharp tongue and tough exterior was a soft-hearted girl who wanted to be seen, wanted to be loved, and wanted for her goddamn childhood crush, Ian to just return her unrequited love. Was that so much to ask for? When a wedding threw both of them together and MAY be the time (finally) when Ian started to take notice, and that was also the catalyst of a series of unfortunate events. From losing her friends to her job and most probably her apartment, will she also lose the one man she loves...without even given the chance? Will Leo give in and give up? Or throttle her fate in the face?

** My Thoughts **

Leo is all fiery and badassness, with her crazy mechanic skills - that woman knows her way around a Harley better than me with makeup - yet with a vulnerable side, I was intrigued by her character and even more so when she was faced with a cruel twist of fate.

And then there was Ian.

Gentleman. Big heart. Wears suits and tie. Works as a high profile engineer. A family man.

Ian Christakos ticks all my boxes alright. He is a Greek-God reincarnate!

I have to also comment on the creepy/thrilling vibe in this one. As opposed to the other books in the series, I love the added mystery around the plot and it genuinely sparked an interest and quickly became a page-turner! I've always loved playing a little Nancy Drew in the books I read and was hooked on every single word the author written.

And of course, it wouldn't be an IRON ORCHID novel without the beautiful casts of its members, as Sophie, Kayla, Stella and Vivian made their reappearance, they always warmed my heart (and made me cry-pee too!)

I can't wait to see which Christakos is going to be paired off next!

** Overall Rating **
Plot: 4/5

I voluntarily read and reviewed an ARC of this book.
Profile Image for Deborah G..
633 reviews8 followers
August 5, 2019
I thought this was going to read as a regular romance but I was pleasantly mistaken. Leo has been best friends with Sophie since she was quite young. She has also had a burning crush on Sophie's cousin Ian but nothing ever came of it. Growing up in a very tight knit Greek family, Ian & Sophie's families lived close to each other, supported one another & the entire group of cousins were not just related but more like best friends. They teased & joked around but would also do anything for them. A family wedding, where Leo was not only invited but also in the wedding party brought Leo & Ian closer. It's as though he was finally seeing her for the beauty & wonderful person she was. He couldn't believe it took him this long to notice & he wasn't about to give up on this sudden revelation. As for their careers, Leo is a motorcycle mechanic, usually covered in oil & soot whereas Ian is a rocket scientist always clad in a suit. Not your typical love match but I loved this about them. This book was almost more mystery than romance & quite unexpected but very much welcomed. I enjoyed the twists & truthfully wasn't surprised at one of the people involved in foul play. The last two chapters were somewhat cheesy for my liking but this did end with a HEA. A nice story with an interesting twist.
Profile Image for Erin.
323 reviews295 followers
June 1, 2018
I received an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review

My Rating: 4 Stars

Wooooooowza this book was hot! Hot as in, all hail Danielle Norman and her character’s sexual chemistry. There was so much angst and longing, it kept me turning pages like crazy. I would like this level of chemistry in real life please and thank you.

Leo was a total freaking badass MC – the girl could easily kick my ass, but she’s also a relatable character, one I’d like to be friends with in real life. She showed a really great vulnerability that made her so easy to connect with throughout the book.

I loved the added mystery twist to this book as well, it had me hooked and intrigued. It was both a great way to pull the characters together, and a thrilling plot addition. Though I’m normally wary of mystery plot lines in my romance books, I didn’t mind this one at all! It was extremely well done.

My Takeaway: A gripping, steamy read, perfect for a lazy day. I haven’t read this entire series, but I absolutely plan to!
Profile Image for Lea Bookjoy.
1,598 reviews80 followers
January 23, 2022
French & English reviews

Une romance légère et amusante que j'ai dévoré =D

J'ai adoré Leo et son côté garçon manqué mais attachante et Ian qui était adorable (enfin un mec alpha MAIS sans être arrogant et sans qu'on ait les détails de toutes ses précédentes conquêtes !) ! Leur romance était mignonne même si c'était presque du insta-love / lust =)
(l'intrigue avec le sabotage des motos m'a moins plu parce que j'avais l'impression que tout le monde était incompétent, surtout la police xD)

Bref, une romance légère qui se dévore en un rien de temps =)


A light and fun romance that I devoured =D

I loved Leo and her tomboyish but endearing side and Ian who was adorable (finally an alpha guy BUT without being arrogant and without having the details of all his previous conquests !) ! Their romance was cute even if it was almost insta-love/lust =)
(I liked the plot with the sabotage of motorbikes less because I had the impression that everyone was incompetent, especially the police xD)

In short, a light romance that can be devoured in no time =)
Profile Image for ★ Belle The Bibliophile ★.
876 reviews268 followers
Shelved as 'not-interested-anymore'
June 1, 2018
Too fast of an attraction for me so I knew it was time for me to get out before I get any more annoyed.
Profile Image for Andrea B .
435 reviews3 followers
September 3, 2018
I loved everything about this series. There has to be more!! Stella needs her story told
Profile Image for Susan.
1,110 reviews40 followers
May 28, 2019
Can’t get enough!

I can’t get enough of the Iron Orchids and the crazy Christakos clan. Leo & Ian’s romance was the perfect blend of sweet & sexy.
Profile Image for Gale Albright.
2,607 reviews18 followers
July 1, 2020
I have loved sweet Leo throughout each of these books. I hurt for her during her difficulties in this book. I was thankful that Ian finally wisened up and really “saw” her.
Profile Image for Jacquie South.
509 reviews9 followers
November 16, 2019
Pretty silly plot line. Annoying characters and lots of editorial errors throughout.
Profile Image for Katie Silvi .
478 reviews18 followers
May 31, 2018
Iron Orchids for life!

First I just want to say his jealous I am of all the Iron Orchids. They all have beautiful Greek gods in their lives and I want one.

I love the Iron Orchids and from the very first moment I met Leo and knew she crushed on Ian something fierce i needed that story. Well this is that story and I am not disappointed. Danielle Norman has a way of making your heart pound in excitment with each of her stories. I absolutely and fantastically loved reading Often. 

Leo has been a part of the Christakos family since she was five and has always had her heart set on Ian. Smarr Rocket Scientist Ian, never really thought anything of her. Well that all changed at Kaysons wedding. Ian woke up and saw what has always been there. A women, who is beautiful, smart and independent. 

When Leo is set up to take the fall for officers being hurt, Ian does everything he can to help her prove her innocence. And when the truth comes out so do declarations of love. 

Often is fantastic and I highly reccomend it, and the rest of the Iron Orchids.
Profile Image for Amanda  B Gillespie.
512 reviews15 followers
December 27, 2018
"...what girl meets the man she's going to marry when she is five?"

I love it when I find a new to me author to find they have a whole series I want to obliterate then drown myself in what was left over. I was surprised to find out this was book four in the series and even though I hadn’t read the first three books, I wasn't lost in the backstories. But, it did make me want to go back and read the rest just because of the author's fantastic writing style. The characters were on point and believable in a world apart from what I would ever be involved. What are the chances someone like me would ever find a wealthy rocket scientist to sweep me off my feet when the going gets tough or be involved in a crime mystery revolving around, well... me?
I can’t wait to read more in this Iron Orchids series!
Profile Image for Laundry.
241 reviews26 followers
May 30, 2018
This series is quickly becoming one of my top favorite of all time. No joke. No exaggeration. These Iron Orchids chicks are so fierce. I long to be one of them. And they make me super jealous that my husband isn't a hot Greek God. Seriously.

Story Line: This is the 4th book in the Iron Orchids series. If you haven't read the first three, sucks to be you. Kidding. Sort of. But you can read this book without reading the first three and still understand and appreciate the beauty of it. Leo (short of Leona) was raised by her mother (of whom I would love to throat punch. Sorry, not sorry). She was raised in probably the most conservative environment possible - plain loose fitting clothing, dresses - totally plain Jane. So of course her mother is a total butt munch over her "beloved" daughter growing up to be a mechanic who specializes in working on motorcycles. And then there's Ian. A rocket scientist. SERIOUSLY. These two could not be more different. Yet, a wedding throws them together and suddenly the girl Ian has known forever isn't just "family friend Leo". She's smoking hot and he can't wait to get into her cut off jeans.

Things heat up quickly and then are slowed down to a delicious slow burn. Drama gets slapped in Leo's face and it's a struggle each day for this couple to make it work. Back thank the Lord, Danielle Norman believes in happily ever afters. Ian and Leo get their happily ever after and it's probably the most well deserved one I have ever read. And the 18 years later epilogue? THE BEST.

Interaction: Leo is as tough as nails. She has a steel backbone and a sharp tongue. And Ian eats that up. At times, quite literally. But in all honesty, Leo is the perfect girl power hero. She's is taken through the ringer throughout this story. She is beaten and pulled around before she gets to the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. And just when we think we are all going to hunt Ian down to castrate him? THEN everything falls into place and we all can collectively sigh in relief.

Laundry: These Greek men. Jesus. I could just eat them with a spoon. They are the most gracious lovers on the planet. I may have to look into my husbands genealogy to check for any Greek ancestors. First of all, so freaking hot. Second of all, their mom can cook better than Paula Dean. And third, they know exactly how to use EVERY appendage on their bodies. YEAH. Leo is one lucky lady.

Depth: Holy crap. I was not prepared for this book to take poor Leo on a wild goose chase. There were times I wondered if I was reading a Danielle Norman book or watching an episode of Chicago P.D. That's a compliment. Just FYI. Leo is accused of doing something awful. So awful she even loses her dang job over it. And the investigation? ABSOLUTELY MADNESS. I yelled at the pages of this book so many times. I was so freaking invested in this book. I was googling Greek words to see what they meant. Going to the food network to find recipes for the amazing food they talk about. And I was definitely throat punching quite a few people. I LOVED the twists and turns Leo and Ian's story took.

Danielle Norman is the queen of writing insanely strong female characters. These chicks are hard, sassy and so perfect. I cannot get enough of these Iron Orchid books!
Profile Image for Emma.
2,863 reviews35 followers
June 5, 2018
This is an excellent book. I love the Iron Orchids series. It has Alpha males and kick @ss women. It made me laugh, smile and had me on the edge of my seat while I read it. It has drama, humor, suspense. mystery and romance. I could read this over and over again without a problem. The main characters Ian and Leo were paired perfectly an absolute dichotomy. The supporting characters were a riot. Leo's friends Stella, Sophie, Katy and Ariel and Piper. Don't forget her cat Throttle. Ian's Greek family: his three brothers, Damon, Kayson, Tristan, his cousin Sophie. his mother Mana and his dad Pops. A very loving family that has been there for Leo ever since she was five years old. She grew up hanging out with Sophie. Sophie's mom was always treated Leo like family. She did not like Leo's mother because she was a religious zealot and was not the ideal mother, She was a horrible hateful mother always accusing Leo of this or that. Leo never regretted moving out as soon as she could. She was now working as a mechanic at a Harley Davidson shop. She had always had a crush on Ian and it was until the events surrounding Ariel and Kayson's wedding that Ian finally noticed how beautiful Leo was and wanted to get to know her on a more intimate level. At the wedding reception Ian made his move (more about this in the book). After that Leo's life became very complicated. She was implicated in a rash of tampering with the motorcycles for the Orange County patrol unit. Her life started spiraling even further out of control than she could have ever anticipated. Because she was the prime suspect, Mike, Leo's boss, put her on indefinite leave without pay because of the insurance liability. Leo was now even more afraid. Without an income she realized she may lose her apartment. Unfortunately for Leo, the Orange County Sheriff's department was on her tail because there were more incidences. They were constantly hauling her in and out of the police station. It was getting to Leo. Ian could tell. Ian told her she was like an "M&M, hard on the outside but soft on the inside and melts in his mouth." How sweet is that. (swoon). In the meantime, Ian was having difficulties with his secretary, Taylor. It seems Taylor has the hots for Ian and he did not reciprocate her feeling. It was becoming clear to Ian that she was trying to sabotage his relationship with Leo. But more than that Taylor's subversive actions toward Leo was making him suspicious of her because of the times they coincided with the incidences of tampering that Leo was accused of. it was becoming clear that there was someone else causing the tampering. Taylor was not working alone. But the sheriff's department had no other suspects. This book took me on a wild ride. There were so many twists and turns in this book. It was fabulous. I highly recommend this book. I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Suey_Library.
360 reviews19 followers
June 2, 2018
***Received an Advanced Readers Copy during Blog Tour hosted by Give Me Books Promotions in exchange for an honest Review***

In the great words of 90's nostalgia can conjure from the almighty one worded expressions presented by Joey - Whoa. Seriously I love all things Danielle Norman at this point. She hooked me with Impact and now with Often I am drop dead in love with her.

The characters comrades - simply amazing.

Leo was absolutely rollicking. She was a the perfect level of badassary that was just hilarious and charming. Which also scared me because she could probably take me in a fight, but she has such a likable personality. And of course Ian. Oh my lanta Ian he is just a doll. He has this charismatic personality that is both sweet and sexy rolled into one. 

Leo and Ian together.... Honestly that chemistry was HOT HOT HOT! And when I say hot, I mean the characters chemistry was drool slurping delicious. The heightened amounts of desire, angst - it was basically what kept me on the edge of my seat flipping through the pages like a speed crazed woman. 

One thing though that peeved me - really just a slight thing that always bothers me about best friend go lovers. With Ian and Leo, there was a definite crush that Leo always felt towards Ian, one that she never really expressed while Ian always saw Leo as his 'one of the guys' biker chick bestie. During the first moment of these two closing that friends to lover gap, there just feels like Ian didn't notice Leo was this attractive being until his brothers wedding. Though later on during the plot there are little nudges where that isn't entirely the case, but at first it made me really dislike Ian.

And what I really LOVED about the twist of the plot was the type of mystery that came with the secondary characters dynamics mixed with our main characters. It wasn't just a 'lets fight' kind of romance drama, there was an actual plot twist that really took this to a different level. It was just a great push and pull of the characters that created a really thrilling addition to the plot. 

In the end, I gotta tell you, at this point I will read anything Danielle Norman. I mean it. I haven't gone back and read Enough and Almost just yet, but I loved Impact and I flipping inhaled Often. It was honestly such a great read, it was gripping with so much steamy connection that melted off the pages with a nice twist in the plot that threw the characters for a whirlwind of an experience. I just love it. I cannot wait to see what next comes my way from this author.
Profile Image for Ruby Ap..
655 reviews51 followers
June 1, 2018
Some say that opposites may attract and in this case, it happens with Leo and Ian...even if it did take many years for Ian to finally realize what was in front of him all long but at least he opened his eyes, yay!

Leo has been secretly in love with Ian since she was 5 years old; I know what may be thinking, "No kid at that age even knows what love is", well she did and as years passed by, her love grew but Ian never noticed so she decided her love to be hidden. I loved Leo's characters so much! She was a strong and at the same time, vulnerable, but she always stood for her friends and who she considered her family. She was loyal, passionate in what she loved to do, which is being a mechanic and she would change that for anything in the world.

I especially loved reading her thoughts because you can see through the rough facade she puts in front of other people but inside herself, she can't hide and that includes her unrequited love for Ian. Destiny saw it was time to put these two together and that it was time for Ian, the businessman, complete opposite from our tomboy, mechanic Leo, to open his eyes to what was in front of him all along and in their friends/siblings wedding, he did and after that nothing was going to stop him in getting Leo. At first, he was confused to what he was feeling, seeing as he's never felt either protective nor possessive of the women he's been with before but with Leo, it was different but after realizing how Leo is, how genuine, passionate, caring, he decides that he's staking his claim on her and when he did... well their intimate scenes were HOT as hell!!

Of course, there are some nefarious situations/obstacles that these two have to overcome, especially Leo since it seems she's the one being targeted. The events that start occurring after Leo and Ian officially get together, makes me believe that someone doesn't want them together and I was right but I can't spoil who it was but I'll give you a hint, it's no ex for either Leo or Ian but someone obsessed with one of them... Luckily at the end, the culprit is discovered and apprehended and these two get their happy ending <3

I absolutely loved that Danielle Norman gives us almost two decades into Leo & Ian's future and it was awesome! It was also funny, the scenes with their kids, it cracked me up reading it :)
But I most loved about the epilogue, was Leo and Ian's love showing in the writing and it was a beautiful thing to read <3 <3
Displaying 1 - 30 of 203 reviews

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