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Talisman Ring #1

An Affair to Remember

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Saddled with five unruly orphans, the Earl of Greyley, Anthony Elliot, is at his wits' end. Unfortunately, the only person willing to deal with the adorable little terrors is Anna Thraxton, governess "extraordinaire" --- and the one woman Anthony can't abide. She's too outspoken, too opinionated, and far too beautiful for his peace of mind. A woman should be meek and mild --- words that perfectly describe his prospective bride, not the flame-haired temptress who haunts his dreams.

Anna knew this job would be trouble the moment she set foot in the door --- but it's Anthony who's the problem, not the children! He's too arrogant, too sure of himself, and far, far too wonderfully big and masculine. The young girl he's courting will never be able to handle him, so someone clearly needs to teach Anthony a few things about women. But when lectures turn to kisses, igniting a passion they can't ignore, how will they resolve the battle between honour and their hearts.

372 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published January 1, 2002

About the author

Karen Hawkins

60 books2,866 followers
New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Karen Hawkins writes novels that have been praised as touching, witty, charming, and heartwarming. A native Southerner who grew up in the mountains of East Tennessee where storytelling is a way of life, Karen recently moved to frosty New England with her beloved husband and multiple foster dogs. The Dove Pond books are a nod to the thousands of books that opened doors to more adventures, places, and discoveries than she ever imagined possible. To find out more about Karen, follow her at:

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 155 reviews
Profile Image for Lauren.
1,264 reviews171 followers
February 17, 2021
I loved it! I don't usually read books with governesses, but I'm glad I read this book.

Anna was wonderful, clever, and the right amount of sassy. She made the whole book. Anthony was controlling but likeable. The children were adorably mischievous.

This was my kind of romance!
Profile Image for Lover of Romance.
3,360 reviews1,025 followers
June 2, 2019
This review was originally posted on Addicted To Romance

An Affair To Remember is one of my favorite reads and I read it years ago and I thought it was time to get a book review done for it. This is one of the best books from Karen Hawkins. I adore this author and even though I ADORE her latest releases, there is something so heart felt and gives you the warm fuzzies when reading this one. An Affair To Remember has a mix of governess heroine, and seeing the growth and change that we see in the hero and the children that our heroine becomes in charge of.

So An Affair To Remember is the first book in the Talisman Ring series. It begins with our hero, who has inherited five unruly children who are quite the handful. in fact Anthony Elliot, the Earl of Greyley is overwhelmed with these children that he has become guardian over so he hires Anna Thraxton. Anna and her grandfather have fallen on hard times and she is need of this position. However, she doesn't only have issues with Elliot who she believes is an ass but she also has her hands full with the five children who need discipline and guidance. As she takes all in hand, she discovers a hidden passion with Elliot and a family she never expected to find.

I adored this book so much, and in my mind its a true classic and must read for any romance reader. It is one of the "Romantic Treasures" from Avon and these are probably my favorite type of romances that Avon has ever delivered. And this book is a true treasure. I do have a weakness for Governess historical's and this is one of the best out there. I adored the heroine so much, she has spunk and strong willed and creative in her methods in how she brings Elliot and his guardian children to heel. So many moments that are packed with amusement and I really love Karen Hawkins writing style. So witty and lively and the reader is always guaranteed for a good time when picking up one of her books. You can never have any doubts that this book is a classy romance that is a must read for anyone.

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Profile Image for Penny Watson.
Author 12 books510 followers
January 4, 2013
An Affair To Remember by Karen Hawkins

This is part of the St. Johns' brothers series. My two favorites of this series are An Affair To Remember (Anthony's story), and Lady In Red (Marcus' story). Usually, families of naughty children can become rather irritating in a romance novel. The scene of this book in which Anna, a governess, meets the five unruly children Anthony has recently "inherited" makes you wonder how the hell she is going to win them over. Well, Hawkins does an extraordinarily good job showing us how the bonds gradually build between these distrustful children and Anna and Anthony. It is funny, sweet, touching. This book includes a nasty meddling grandmother, shy fiance, plotting grandfather, and adorable gaggle of children. Anna is a very appealing heroine...beautiful, strong and determined to provide for her down-on-their-luck family, and Anthony is a strict disciplinarian thrown for a huge loop by this sexy governess and the five impish kids. Hawkins' dialogue is superb...I laugh out loud a lot reading this book. It also has a very satisfying HEA ending. The scene where Anthony is forced to rescue Anna in the lake is at once hilarious, touching, and memorable. I should also add that it is not necessary to read the whole series to enjoy this book...it can totally stand on its own!)
Grade: A

Profile Image for Juliana Philippa.
1,029 reviews971 followers
February 11, 2017
Started off really strong, with great sparks between the H&H, wonderful supporting characters, and some highly enjoyable laugh-out-loud moments ... I hate it when authors feel like they have to add in secondary potential love interests and just try to complicate matters as much as possible, including misunderstandings, things unspoken, false assumptions, etc. This was NOT one of those *BIG MISUNDERSTANDING* book, but the second half / last third of the book kind of had me gritting my teeth and ruined it a little for me. It's worth reading, especially if you're going to read the St. John Brothers / Talisman Ring Series, since this book kicks it off, however I would recommend getting it from the library instead of buying it.
Profile Image for Keri.
2,075 reviews113 followers
June 15, 2015
This was a fun read, where a stuffy-almost-set-in-his-ways man inherits 5 children, who are evidently the devil's spawn. So he needs a governess that is going to take the hellions in hand STAT!! Of course the lion tamer he hires is a bossy bit of baggage that has fallen on hard times and had to take governess positions to help support her and her grand-pa. BTW, Grand-pa almost took over the story, he was such a fun character and I am looking forward to reading the next book in the series.
Profile Image for HR-ML.
1,217 reviews49 followers
July 7, 2021
Regency. The book needed more romance and less
seduction attempts.

Anthony became an earl at age 17 so he missed out
on some typical activities and joy in his youth. Now,
at age 35, he had responsibility for 5 wards, aged 4
through 11. Wards staged stunts + defied authority
chasing away several governesses. Unconventional
Anna became the new governess. She+ Grandpa Sir
Phin lived in reduced circumstances. Grandpa joined
her @ her new post. Anna had a reputation for taking
on challenging governess cases.

Anthony was arrogant but somewhat charming. He
needed to scowl less around his wards. He chose a
biddable 18 yo as his future wife (but the bans weren't
called yet). Anna & Anthony argued too much in front
of the kids about the kids. The kids used this non-
united front, to their advantage. My fav scene? The
H's servants could not locate his shoes or boots.

Anthony offered to make Anna his mistress, an insult
to her. He tried to seduce her several times. She stood
up to him, until she caved. Why assume a lady with
reduced funds & reduced social influence will be your
mistress? She's not in the bargain bin! Show her respect
or move on to another woman.

Profile Image for kris.
968 reviews213 followers
March 29, 2019
Anthony Elliot, Earl of Greyley, inherits his ramshackle cousin's five wild children who proceed to terrorize him and his household until he is Out of Options—except, of course, the alluring red-headed, child-whispering governess Anna Thraxton. Anthony doesn't like Anna because she has Opinions and also Good Boobs. Anna doesn't like Anthony because he's Autocratic and also Too Tall. Their squabbling results in kissing, groping, sex, feelings, etc.

1. I mean, I finished it.

2. Anthony is """engaged""" for 97% of the book. The first few chapters make mention of a girl he wants to marry eventually, but then around the 30% mark, it's handily dropped into the text that no, he's actually already talked to her father and they have an understanding but nothing has been announced because they're in mourning but now that his Anna-induced boners are making him restless, Anthony would like to move up the wedding OK?

It's pretty gross.

2.5 (There is kind of an interesting side-plot about Anna secretly meeting with the fiancée: first, it's allegedly to make sure Charlotte isn't a gold digging monster; second, once she discovers Charlotte is delicate and timid, to help the girl grow a spine in order to have more fulfilling dealings with Anthony in her future marriage. Not super well developed, but then nothing really was.)

3. Anthony really isn't that romantic of a hero. I mean, there's a scene in which Anna—who has been spending time with another of Anthony's cousins—tells Anthony that she's going riding with Anthony's cousin. Anthony gets a jealousy boner right there on the stairs and says he doesn't like it. Anna retorts that Rupert has never offered her any insult, while Anthony has.

Anthony's reaction to this is LITERALLY: "Anna don't. You are so beautiful."


4. That said, there is a slightly decent thread of romance running through this (if you ignore all the terrible trappings like nipple-tweaking outside the nursery and jealousy boners on the stairs and A LONGSTANDING ENGAGEMENT and whatnot); it's almost the story of a man rediscovering joy and warmth after forcing himself to be a cold dictator of a messy, scandalous family. It's not great and it's barely good, but after coming off the unbending that was Governess Gone Rogue, I was hoping this would provide another angle.

It really didn't, but I'm looking for reasons to justify my reading this. So.

5. OH YEAH I forgot to mention that there are POV changes ALL OVER THE PLACE. Just jumping from head to head in order to confuse the HELL OUT OF READERS.
Profile Image for Darbella.
614 reviews
September 2, 2019
4.5 stars. Loved the humor in this story. The Anna's grandfather was a hoot and the children was great side characters as the Anna and Anthony fell in love. I thought it was fun that the heroine nose was mentioned a ton. It was a Roman, bold, remarkable, proud, huge, and adorable nose. Only took off a smidgen because Anthony held on a little too long trying to make Anna his mistress instead of his wife, but on another day I might give that half star back depending on my mood. LOL Totally enjoyed this one.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Lynn Spencer.
1,335 reviews86 followers
May 26, 2016
*happy sigh* It's been a long time since I've read Karen Hawkins, and I don't know how I ever missed reading this book. What a delightful read!

Usually the "I love you, no I hate you" romances drive me up a wall, but the dialogue and timing are so pitch perfect in this one that I found myself loving it. Anthony Elliot, Earl of Greyley, is pretty much at the end of his tether as this book opens. He has taken on the 5 orphaned children of a deceased cousin and they are wreaking havoc on his home. It doesn't help that Anthony is the one responsible member of a pretty feckless family, a position that has him saddled with relatives who don't exactly add many positives to his domestic situation.

In desperation, Anthony hires Anna Thraxton, a onetime member of the ton fallen on hard times. Forced to make a living as a governess, Anna is now exiled from the social class she once enjoyed. Hawkins could have done a lot more to drive this point home, but since most of the book takes place at Anthony's country home, the class lines don't get drawn quite so starkly as they could have. Even so, Anna is keenly aware of her new status and determined not to give in to any flirtations. She simply has too much to lose and she knows it.

For his part, Anthony is determined to cement his respectability by marrying a suitable and docile woman. Anna is not docile, and in fact Anthony convinces himself that her outspoken ways are not to his liking. Until, of course, they are.

Anna wins over the children and she and Anthony end up winning each other's hearts in a story that is full of touches of good humor and warmth. And that perfect timing I alluded to keeps it from becoming sappy. I needed a good historical, and even if it's a bit wallpapery, this one delivers.
Profile Image for Blackjack.
457 reviews177 followers
January 11, 2015
An Affair to Remember, Karen Hawkins - I found this book to be nicely written and quite funny in places. Children are at the center of the story, as a governess and a titled nobleman, recently bequeathed five unruly ones, battle over how to raise them. I found the story to be at its best when the dilemma over how to raise the children dominated the plot. The children are wily and it's great fun to be a spectator to their antics and the ways in which they outsmart the adults in the household.

Initially, the governess storyline interested me because it starts off by depicting the loneliness, poverty and social isolation at the heart of that life. Romance novels that romanticize the life of the governess are not accurately portraying the realities of such an existence. Anna Thraxton is a recently impoverished member of the gentry, thrown onto hard times, and with only an aging grandfather, she must turn to paid employment as a governess to sustain them. She's nearly sexually assaulted at her first job and then shunned from society, but her reputation for competence with unruly children keeps her afloat. Anthony, the Earl of Greyley, is desperate for effective childcare and hires Anna, despite his claims that he has never liked her because he finds her "too opinionated." I wanted to be drawn into their supposed animus, but Anthony's lusting after Anna becomes a bit annoying once she is living under his roof. Soon he is waylaying her in the library and stairwells and ignoring what I thought were some pretty decent arguments for why she wants to respect the employer/employee relationship. Perhaps I'm too much a product of our modern age of sexual harassment awareness! I wanted Anthony to respect Anna's professionalism, since it is her very livelihood and survival at stake. I wanted also for Anthony to think a bit more deeply about the insult of offering continuously to keep Anna as his mistress, especially given her recent fall from respectable society. I was grateful she at least had her grandfather with her, and even though he's not very effective, he does at least keep Anthony somewhat in line. Of course, this being a romance, Anna and Anthony fall in love and so the novel quickly takes the easy way out and elides the serious issues of what it means when an employer sets out to seduce his children's governess. Still, this is one novel that makes good use of children, and there are some genuinely funny moments and an overall appreciation for what drives them to act out. I often find children a little distracting in romance writing, but here they were crucial and nicely represented characters in their own right.
Profile Image for Topastro.
470 reviews
June 14, 2021
This was tricky to rate. On one hand I loved the heroine, Anna was smart and witty and I adored her. Anthony fell short, I can't really put my finger on why I did find him as compelling as Anna but he missed the mark. I think it may have been that he was technically betrothed the whole time he was pursuing Anna and that rubbed me the wrong way. The story was strong and exciting until it lost steam at about the 50% mark. The last half of the book was convoluted and boring which was a shame because it was shaping up to be a 5 star.

It had all my favorite elements for a historical romance but I wasn't impressed. This is high rated among my GR friends so this is a "it's me not you" situation.
Profile Image for Barbara Rogers.
1,681 reviews192 followers
October 25, 2015
I enjoyed this book. However, it is another of those where the bad guy doesn't really get their comeuppance! Granted, the villain in this one isn't really horrid -- just plotting and greedy. Still, I'd like to see some punishment other than them just not getting what they were scheming for.

I would also have liked to see a 'finish' for Rupert and Charlotte. Maybe something in the Epilogue or something.

Since this is the first book in the series, it will be interesting to see if the Talisman Ring has some more active role in future romances for the holder. In this one, it seemed 'warm' on occasion when Anthony felt of it. Otherwise, it just seemed to be in his possession. So, that will be something to look for in future books in the series.

I wonder why it was that in the Regency period a lady of long, well-born lineage is suddenly an outcast if they become impoverished and take employment. I get all the better-than-you stuff, but seems more people would ignore that and still be friends if they were REALLY friends in the first place.

Anyway -- to this book -- I loved the story. A story of an arrogant Earl being taken down a peg by a fiery red-head is also gratifying -- and this one was no exception.

Anthony became an Earl somewhere around 4 years of age. His mother remarried a St. John who raised the boy and loved him as his own. St. John protected Anthony from his scalawag Elliott family until he was 17 and assumed the leadership of the Elliott family. Anthony worked very hard to restore the earldom to prosperity and to bring the Elliott's onto the straight-and-narrow and away from scandal, etc. He had succeeded admirably well, but at personal cost to himself. He missed out on all of the 'fun' things young men of his age did. Then, he finds himself at age 35 with no heir.

Anthony decides it is time to marry and looks for a docile, bidable young (half his age) bride. He finds such a person is actually his neighbor -- so he makes an offer for her -- and her father accepts.

Anthony also finds himself the guardian of his cousins 5 very, very unruly children. They go through governesses like water through a sieve. At his wits end, Anthony hires Anna Thraxton who is in impoverished state -- but has a long revered name in the ton. Anna is acknowledged as the best governess in the country and is very, very expensive -- she's also the best friend of Anthony's half-sister.

Read this book to follow Anna's story of taming the shrewish children and the Earl! I just love a feisty heroine and a beleaguered hero.
Profile Image for Connie.
2,254 reviews62 followers
December 15, 2011
I love Karen Hawkins books. She is a great author and her books are always an enjoyable read. "An Affair to Remember" was just one of those books. Our heroine, Anna, is a very special governess in high demand. She is able to work with difficult children with great results. Lord Greyley, a bachelor, has just become guardian to five children all of whom are considered to be holy-terrors. They have run off many governesses due to their horrid behavior. Enter Anna! She quickly wins the children's hearts with her kindness, humor, imagination and fun outlook on life. Lord Greyley and Anna find themselves attracted to one another but Anna is determined that she will not be someone's mistress. Lord Greyley is betrothed to another. Have I tempted you enough? This is a delicious read with a strong heroine and equally strong hero. Do pick up a copy of this book and find out who "wins."
59 reviews
June 27, 2009
Absolutely nothing to remember! Started low and ended worse. I like the children part. Also the Charlotte/Rupid part even when it was made incredible cheesy.

Seems the author is thinking her readers are stupid. The heroine is an independent and strong character, most times at least. The hero is an ogre and I never understood she fell for him. He not even tried to change when it came to his pleasures. Sorry, but someone who cares so little of the feelings and life (sorry Mrs. Hawkins, that is REGENCY not 20th century) of his lover would make a horrible husband. She would die young worn out from all they fights he surely would make her through. No love would survive that. That couple was more on chemistry and not on understanding.

I'm disapointed. I wish I had spent my time with an other book.

3,078 reviews60 followers
November 13, 2020
Rave reviews drew me in to this bodice ripper with a grumpy H and a sort of Mary Poppins heroine. I thought the H's arrogance made him seem stupid. The heroine is grieving a loss of status, hides behind a smug façade and she's actually kind and caring. The five children were a missed opportunity, their story was not at all satisfying, and felt incomplete. The story lurched from one poorly constructed element to the next, until the disappointing ending.
Profile Image for Leandra Azer.
329 reviews11 followers
December 13, 2022
4.5 so close to being perfect!

Standard governess must tame the new wards of an earl. Only the governess used to be a lady, and grew up with the hero. No love/lust at first sight, more like enemies to lovers.

Hero: overbearing and bossy, he expects everyone to do what he says because he was thrust into the head of the family and lost his youth to getting control over the estates. He's not a wastrel, player, doesn't drink to access and not a man ho. He spends the most time with his steward and while I love me a hard working man I needed someone to get him out of the library and live life! It was so sweet watching him soften and open up. He was not perfect, spend more time trying to make her his mistress than find another way, but when he admitted the depths his feelings - boy did he not return!

Heroine: so refreshing! She's brash and bossy and headstrong and thinks she knows best. But I loved her! No self pity, she pulled up her lady breeches and moved on with life. She worked hard and held her head up, she didn't allow anyone - not even the hero! - so seduce away her morals unless she was in control. No fluttering missy here! I loved how much time she ACTUALLY spent with the kids, this wasn't a romance with a side of family, it was a family with romance intertwined. She never put her needs before them and dealt with them so sweetly, unlike how she constantly told off the hero she was all gentle parenting.

The vilian(s) were pretty obvious, and though she irritated me I Liked the 'other woman' aka the fluffy headed future bride. Was it disturbing that the hero (35) was trying to groom a girl (18)? Yes. Was this the norm? Yes.

Special shout out to the meddling grandfather! Loved him and the heroines relationship.

This was a romance book where even after reading the last page you not left with any doubts that they lived happily (arguing) ever after.
Profile Image for Cynthia.
156 reviews
July 4, 2019
A very funny book. Lots of banter, jokes and romance. I love books like these. I really like the Earl and Anna and those kids were adoreble and so funny! One of the best books i ever read!
Profile Image for Nikki.
159 reviews
June 21, 2021
I laughed so hard I cried at one point... First time I've done that with a book~
Profile Image for Mackenzie.
239 reviews1 follower
April 8, 2010
The Elliot family has always had a bad reputation, that is until 17 year old Anthony Elliot, who was raised by the St. John family took over the family in his position as the Earl of Greyley. In his cousins will, Anthony becomes guardian of 5 very spoiled and unruly children who could put previous generations to shame. Anthony is determined to give them a different life. After going through several governesses, he finally takes his sister's advice and goes to the best governess London has to offer, Ms. Anna Thraxton. The Thraxton family was once very powerful but had fallen into hard times. Anna had to support her and her grandfather somehow.... and discovered she actually enjoyed and was good at dealing with children.

Soon, she is in Anthony's home dealing not only with the children but trying to deal with Anthony himself. However, she can barely deal with the growing attraction amongst the two of them when they are alone. Anthony eventually insists on her becoming his mistress. His honor is at stake he he can't go back on his promise to marry a neighboring families daughter.

The Elliot grandmother of the children insisted she come and live so she wouldn't be so far away from them. She wants the children for herself because although the diamond mine her son became entangled in went bust, later it was discovered that there were rubies. Only, all the money will be in Greyley's care until the oldest, Desmond was of age. She needs the money now. So she calls in her other son to come between Anthony and Anna.

It all backfires and thanks to the children by a play they put on, the engagement is called off. He discovers that Anna has left to go back to London accompanied by the son, Rupert even though Rupert has fallen in love with Anthony's fiance. Due to an accident, Anna and Rupert are stranded at an inn where Anthony finds them. Everything is put back to right.
Profile Image for Maura.
3,883 reviews103 followers
March 4, 2017
I had originally rated this at 4 stars. I enjoyed the book - it was honestly a fun, engaging read with not-too-annoying children, a delightful heroine who knows herself and what she wants and a pretty fun plot. The romance here was full of passion, right from the get-go. There was only one thing that, during the second read, sort of rubbed me the wrong way. And that was the hero. He wasn't awful and too overbearing, he wasn't rough or abusive, but he was grumpy, prone to roar and yell and very controlling...but in a "I'm looking out for everyone's best interest" sort of way. These weren't problematic. Anna, the heroine, is a lady turned governess and because of her family connections, the hero is prone to treat her like a lady, rather than an employee. All ways except one. Pretty early on he starts thinking that he'll make Anna his mistress. He's already engaged of course - so making her his wife is out of the question...only he doesn't monologue this. He never even considers, until the last 20% of the book, the possibility of making Anna his wife if he could. This is IMHO pretty insulting. So he is all the time planning to set her up in a house, take care of her and still get married. Even after all of it is out in the open, he still plans to make her his mistress while he goes ahead and gets married and he expects her to go along with it. Even after she explains that accepting his offer would be sacrificing her honor and pride, the only things she considers herself to have left having taking a position as a governess, he still continues to persist. The man simply cannot accept that while she may be attracted and interested, she has some very good reasons for not wanting to be involved with him. That was my big issue...the moral flexibility of the hero and his lack of respect for the heroine that his actions implied. Other than that, a great book.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
277 reviews4 followers
March 2, 2012
Sometimes in romance, a book with many characters can get lost and a bit overwhelming. However, I really enjoyed such a large "cast" in this book. There are 5 quirky kids, an evil grandma and a meddling jolly grandpa. The plot, the earl falling for the governess, has been used many times, however, the details make this work for me. Frist, the governess had equal footing, as someone who once moved in the earl's social circle then became impoverished and had to go to work. She still had her grandfather with her, meaning that while the responsibility for earning an income fell to her shoulders, she was not so totally alone in the world as to have no moral support. I really liked that she brought her own self worth and self esteem to the table. What made this book extra delicious was how the characters stayed true to themselves. No one had to compromise his or her own moral code to have the happily-ever-after. I really enjoyed this book. While there is a series, this one can be read as a stand-alone.
Profile Image for Mya.
746 reviews11 followers
July 5, 2017
The first book in the "Tailsman Ring" series. I loved the premise of "whoever has the ring falls in love" plot. It's great! I am a fan of Hawkins already, and have mostly read her newer stuff.. so I am now making my way through her backlist. This book was fun. Great humour, chemistry, and some wonderfully stubborn lead characters which made for fiery confrontations. As I haven't read this series before.. I am already hoping she has written or plans to write, a story for the eldest child Desford. I enjoyed his character and think he'd make a strong Lead. I am looking forward to the rest of the series.

Original Review posted: http://paragraphsandpetticoats.blogsp...
521 reviews8 followers
July 28, 2021
I had read two of her shorter works in the Whistledown collections, and knew immediately that I enjoyed her style of writing, but this was my first full length novel by Karen Hawkins. What a treat! I completely enjoyed this story! Loved the characters, the pacing, the hearts, the substance of the tale... the ending, of course. This might be the first romance novel I've read that included children, prominently, in the story. There is this natural feel, this deep and abiding appreciation for the broader sense of life, in which a romance takes place. I loved this story. And highly recommend Karen Hawkins as an author.
Profile Image for Daneesha.
382 reviews6 followers
October 14, 2009
i really enjoyed this book. if i didn't have to sleep, i would have finished it in one sitting. anyway, the hero was an earl who always got his way and he got taken down a peg by a sassy, outspoken (aka bigmouthed) governess. i stay away from stories with tots and orphans and children, but i really liked how the author included the kids into the story.
Profile Image for LadyAileen.
1,203 reviews10 followers
August 17, 2021
Un'avventura da ricordare è il primo volume della serie Talisman Ring chiamata così perché un "magico" anello permette a chi lo possiede di trovare il vero amore. Anello che passerà nella mani dei vari membri della famiglia St. John.
In questo volume conosceremo Anthony, conte di Greyley a cui vengono affidati cinque piccole pesti. Le continue marachelle impongono al conte di assumere la migliore governante d'Inghilterra: Anna Thraxton, appartenente ad una famiglia nobile decaduta che per mantenere se stessa e il nonno decide di accettare l'incarico.
La storia è ambientata in Inghilterra durante il periodo Regency, i punti di vista sono vari ma i principali sono quelli dei due protagonisti.
La trama è alquanto prevedibile e semplice ma lo stile è scorrevole e la buona caratterizzazione dei personaggi ti spinge ad arrivare alla fine.
Anna è una donna forte, intelligente e di buon senso. Anthony è un uomo che vuole avere il controllo su tutto, si è preso cura della sua famiglia da giovane e questo gli ha fatto dimenticare cosa vuol dire lasciarsi andare. Una famiglia nota per la sua irresponsabilità mentre lui ha cercato di renderli degni di rispetto.
I due si ritrovano a battibeccare per gran parte del libro e a combattere la loro reciproca attrazione.
Sono un po' perplessa per l'anello, idea intrigante ma mai sfruttata realmente, sinceramente ad un certo punto della storia ci si dimentica perfino della sua esistenza.
Simpatica anche la presenza del nonno di Anna, anche se alquanto improbabile che un datore di lavoro ospiti anche i parenti della governante.
Senza dubbio una lettura piacevole e divertente.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 155 reviews

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