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The Traitor's Circle #3

The Traitor's Kingdom

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Unlikely alliances are forged and trust is shattered in the stunning conclusion to The Traitor’s Trilogy.

A new queen under threat.
An ambassador with a desperate scheme.
Two kingdoms with everything to lose.

Once a spy and counselor to the throne, Sage Fowler has secured victory for her kingdom at a terrible cost. Now an ambassador representing Demora, Sage is about to face her greatest challenge to avoid a war with a rival kingdom.

After an assassination attempt destroys the chance for peace, Sage and her fiancé Major Alex Quinn risk a dangerous plot to reveal the culprit. But the stakes are higher than ever, and in the game of traitors, betrayal is the only certainty.

384 pages, Kindle Edition

First published July 9, 2019

About the author

Erin Beaty

7 books1,153 followers
***Hello Readers! I just want to pop in here and explain that I do not accept friend requests on social media (Goodreads included) unless I know you in real life for several reasons, foremost being the nature of my husband's military job. I promise it isn't personal, and I appreciate everyone who wants to know more about me!***

Erin Beaty was born and raised in Indianapolis, Indiana, which means she can't drive a tractor, but she won't eat veggies that come from a can. She graduated from the US Naval Academy with a degree in rocket science and somehow always ended up writing her study group's lab reports. After serving in the fleet as a weapons officer and a leadership instructor, she resigned to take care of her growing family. It still amazes her when other people want to hear the stories that come out of her head.

She and her husband have five children, two cats, and a vegetable garden and live wherever the navy tells them to go.

Erin Beaty is represented by Valerie Noble. Her young adult fantasy adventure, THE TRAITOR'S KISS, the first in a trilogy called The Traitor's Trilogy, will be released May 9th, 2017

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 537 reviews
Profile Image for Lucie V..
1,136 reviews3,077 followers
July 4, 2024
✅ Characters
✅ Politic and spying
✅ Action
✅ Pace
✅ Romance
✅ Plot
🆗 Predictable ending

4.5 stars

The Traitor's Kingdom is a nice ending to the series but it was more predictable than the two other books.

“We women have always been pawns in this game,” she whispered. Then she raised her chin, though it trembled. “But I will play my role, for even a pawn may bring victor in the end.”

This book is about the kingdoms of Demora and Kimisar trying to find peace. Sage is representing the king in the negotiation with the Kimisar queen, and princess Lani is also there to observe. There is an assassination attempt on the Kimisar queen and Sage and the main part of the book is about Sage and Alex trying to find out who is behind the attempt. I felt like they were going around in circles at times, trying to figure out who they could trust, when it was so obvious to me, from the start, who was working against Sage.

"I love you, Sage Fowler," he said. "Of everything I've said and done, that is truth."

There is still relationship drama between Alex and Sage (everyone is getting used to it by now), but it is not the main focus of this story. Once again, this book is about political intrigue, espionage, and survival. I liked how the women in this series are powerful in their own and different ways, and how the matchmakers hold such a big part in the peace and balance of the realm, yet everyone seems to always forget about them.

I was also really happy that Huzan has a more important role in this book. I really liked him in The Traitor's Ruin. He is mature, kind, and can appreciate and respect the courage and wits of other people, even if these people are his enemies.

The pace is good and that's why the story is still very much enjoyable. There is a lot of action and it is a real page-turner even though there was no real plot twist like in the previous books... Well there is one, but I saw it coming, it was not a surprise at all for me. Still, it is a very good ending to a great series.

1. The Traitor's Kiss ⭐⭐⭐⭐.5
2. The Traitor's Ruin ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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Profile Image for Nassy.
196 reviews140 followers
September 9, 2019
3 stars for predictability.

There was an assassination attempt and the vast majority of the book was about figuring out who did it and why. The problem was that I figured out who it was from the very beginning so it was frustrating reading about everyone being like “Is it this person” “is it that person”. And it took them LONG to figure it out.

Another reason for the rating was the amount of characters in this. You would think that since it’s the last book, I would be familiar with everyone but nope! This book included so many characters that it was sometimes hard figuring out who was who

“If anything, he loved her too much” - Quote by Sage.

This pretty much summarizes the relationship between Sage and Alex. I felt that he loved her way too much and I can’t remember anything happening in the past to warrant such love.

Anyways, regardless of the negative stuff above, I thought it was a decent end to the trilogy and I didn’t really hate anyone or anything. It was perfectly average.
Profile Image for Josh Hyung (조슈아).
106 reviews1,595 followers
October 1, 2018
Once again, I have the opportunity to review a manuscript. Thanks Erin, and happy book birthday in advance! <3
Profile Image for Being_Sandra .
97 reviews49 followers
April 15, 2020
Ein toller Abschluss!!! Aber trotzdem nicht so beeindruckend wie der zweite Band. Und ich muss wirklich sagen für Jugendfantasy habt ihr euch hier viele Namen zu merken und es geht viel um Kriegsstrategien und Verhandlungen, also sehr anspruchsvoll meiner Meinung nach. Wem das allerdings nichts ausmacht sollte sich unbedingt einmal in die Welt von Demora begeben, ich habe es wirklich sehr genossen!!!
Profile Image for MC Gélinas (Wanderlust Ereader).
279 reviews27 followers
December 16, 2019
4.5/5 🌟

Pas une autre bonne série de terminer 😭😭😭 #bookhangover
J’ai tellement cet univers livresque là! Et les personnages sont tellement bien développés! Le seul hic est que pour la 1ere fois dans cette série j’ai vu le punch final venir 200 pages trop tot. Mais quand même, c’est à lire! 🔥
February 20, 2020
Auch Band 3 hat mich in seinen Bann gezogen. Diese Serie ist unglaublich gut und ich liebe sie. Leider ist es nun vorbei und deswegen bin ich auch ein wenig traurig. Hätte gerne noch einen Epilog, wie es allen nach ein paar Jahren ergangen ist und was passiert ist. Man kann nicht alles haben. Eine meiner Lieblingsreihen. Hätte ich nicht gedacht, doch dann hab ich Band 1 gelesen und bin Sage und der Welt rund um Demora verfallen.
4,5 Sterne
Profile Image for Ania.
142 reviews9 followers
December 14, 2021

This whole trilogy is sometimes too cheesy but I don’t mind it. I just really love it. 100% my comfort books

The best part of this book is too see how much the characters have grown and learn from their mistakes since book 1. To see how they planned to make their world a better place

This book is more about diplomacy than action but it was so good. It changes really from the 2 first but for a conclusion it’s for the best.

If in book 1 the twist was a total surprise to me, the 1st I read this book I’ve guessed long before the revelation. While rereading I realised how less obvious (than book’s 1) it was and I don’t understand how my brain works XD

I still love all the characters and I can’t tell you how many times Lani made me laugh or how many times Sage and Alex made me dream. I’m so sad to say good bye to them once again
Profile Image for Insomnolent Reader  °ㅠ_ㅠ°.
411 reviews16 followers
November 17, 2022
I'm disgustingly happy.

Man, this book. This trilogy. This story. Just wow.

It's not overly complicated. I just love it. Again, I cannot believe it took me forever to reach for the series on my shelf.

Profile Image for ♠ TABI⁷ ♠.
Author 15 books508 followers
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August 20, 2019
oof this quietly intense series has perfectly matched quietly intense covers to match!!
Profile Image for Coral González.
344 reviews4 followers
August 12, 2020
Tras lo ocurrido en la batalla del cristal negro y las secuelas sufridas por Salvia, Álex y ella siguen separados cumpliendo sus deberes para Demora. Álex dirige el batallón de élite Norsari y Salvia sigue ejerciendo sus funciones como embajadora. Pero el camino de ambos se vuelve a unir cuando las conversaciones por la paz entre Casmun, Demora y Kimisara se reabren. Pero los años de enemistad entre estas naciones han originado muchos problemas y envidias lo que unido a las constantes luchas de poder hacen peligrar el acuerdo de paz.

He de decir que aunque me ha gustado mucho este último libro, es el que menos me ha gustado de la trilogía. Aunque es lógico ya que los dos anteriores me habían parecido una maravilla y por eso les había dado las 5 estrellas y era difícil que este se mantuviera en tan alto nivel. En este tercer libro la trama se centra en los acuerdos de paz que tienen lugar entre las 3 naciones de Demora, Casmun y Kimisara y en descubrir a los responsables del complot para que este no tenga éxito. La ambientación en este tercer libro se amplía aún más, conocemos más acerca de las tradiciones, costumbres y sobre el funcionamientos de estas 3 naciones tan diferentes. Y aunque cobra mucha importancia las luchas por el poder o las intrigas entre las diferentes naciones, resulta muy entretenido ya que las traiciones aguardan en cada esquina. En cuanto a los personajes decir que todos me siguen encantando (excepto Clare que no es santo de mi devoción), están muy bien construidos y las nuevas incorporaciones son un gran punto a favor, aunque básicamente son los miembros de las 3 delegaciones distintas. Sobre todo me ha encantado descubrir más acerca de Huzar que era un personaje que me causaba sentimientos encontrados. Aunque por supuesto Salvia y Alex siguen siendo mis personajes favoritos, me parecen la pareja perfecta. A pesar de que en los primeros capítulos el comportamiento de Salvia me pareció algo infantil pero lo puedo llegar a entender debido a lo que había sufrido. Pero me sigue encantado lo inteligente, valiente y leal que es. Además el final me ha parecido el broche perfecto para esta historia, cierra todas las tramas y le da el final que se merece a cada personaje así que no podía haber pedido nada mejor para una de las trilogías que se ha convertido en una de mis favoritas.
Profile Image for Erin Arkin.
1,782 reviews367 followers
June 29, 2019
The Traitor’s Kingdom is the third (and final) book in The Traitor’s Circle series by Erin Beaty. I have to tell you that I’ve been waiting to get my hands on this book since the end of book two and this was everything I was hoping it would be as a wrap up for Sage and Alex…as well as all their friends. No spoilers ahead for this book.

Sage is now an Ambassador representing Demora in talks with Kimisara to avoid a war and Alex is now a Major leading the Norsari that are tasked with protecting her and the others during the talks. The politics are what drive the story here and I loved how Beaty tied it together with the character’s development. There are still wounds from what happened in book two, but everyone is trying to move forward and make the decisions they think will help relieve the tensions between the countries.

If you know me, you know I love when I can connect to the characters in a book and Beaty did a great job of getting my attention in book one and never letting go. Alex and Sage have both grown so much since book one, both individually and together. In this book, they are both getting comfortable with their new responsibilities and while they love each other, those responsibilities tend to get in the way…even if some exceptions are made for them. There are some difficult decisions that had to be made by both of them and while it might have been really easy to just react, Alex is the one to pull back and really consider the impact of their actions. While difficult to understand in the heat of the moment, I love how Sage didn’t just give up and how Alex let her feel her feelings yet still pushed her to realize how much he loves her. It was actually one of my favorite parts of the book and I know this sounds super vague, but I don’t want to ruin anything so just go read it already.

The secondary characters are well developed in this story as well. We learn more about Queen Zoraya and Huzar which I liked as it was great to be able to know more about their motivations. Lani and Clare are still with Sage, but we also get introduced to Clare’s sister, Sophia who has only been mentioned previously. And then all the other characters as well. They all played an important part in the story and I thought Beaty did a wonderful job of bringing everything together.

As the peace talks are taking place, it becomes clear that nothing is going to get resolved with the group involved so the queen secretly proposes (via Alex and Huzar) that she meet with Sage alone. As the meeting concludes with agreements in place, the group is attacked, and things become even more dangerous for everyone as the queen is injured. As the story progresses, it becomes clear that someone from the Demoran camp is leaking information, but no one is sure who or how and Sage convinces the group to move forward with a plan that she thinks will allow them to figure out who is acting against them.

That's all I can say now without giving more of the story away so if you want more, you have to go pick up the book. I was so excited to get my hands on this and now that I’m finished, I am going to have to go back and re-read the whole thing again. It was such a great wrap up to a series that had me at page one and I can’t wait to see what Beaty writes next. If you are looking for a fantasy series that will pull you in with great characters, a story that is full of political intrigue, and of course, some swoons, definitely check this one out.

Thank you to the publisher for an early copy in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for *mk*.
546 reviews103 followers
March 25, 2019
This book series has been a mess. The first book was all over the place in quality but there was potential. Sadly, the quality just declined. In this third installment, almost nothing happens. People sit around and talk. Plot points are recycled from other books in the series (and this book in the series especially felt like bits and pieces of much better novels I have read). More forgettable side characters. More bland romance (I swear half this book is driven by the lead characters’ desire to bang). This book series is just, meh. Not worth your time.
Profile Image for Sylwia.
85 reviews411 followers
July 26, 2019
Beautiful! I honestly can't think straight right now, feel somehow drunk with all those emotions!
I can truly say I'm satisfied. Of course I miss that story already! But, for real, it's one of the best series young adult-ish I've ever read. Actually one of two. With my hand on my heart - Erin Beaty is next to lovely Tahereh Mafi my favorite writer. It's ridiculous how they both know what words exactly should be used in every damn scene. Love them, love theirs books very very much!
Profile Image for redlouder.
402 reviews110 followers
August 30, 2019
J’ai vraiment beaucoup aimé cette fin enfin une trilogie qui se termine comme il se doit
Profile Image for Barbara (My Book&Serie&Movie Blog).
257 reviews16 followers
February 19, 2020
Buch Infos:

Buch: 544 Seiten
Autorin: Erin Beaty
Verlag: Carlsen Verlag
ISBN: 978-3-551-58385-7

Kampf um Demora Reihe

1. Band: Vertrauen und Verrat (Rezension)
2. Band: Liebe und Lügen (Rezension)
3. Band: Gefühl und Gefahr


Sage fiebert auf den Tag hin, an dem sie und Alex endlich heiraten können. Aber vorerst trennen sie wieder etlich Meilen voneinander. Das ändert sich jedoch, als zum ersten Mal seit Generationen Gespräche zwischen Demora und dem verfeindeten Kimisara aufgenommen werden. Sage soll dazu beitragen, dass die Fehde endlich beigelegt wird. Neue, unerwartete Allianzen werden geschmiedet, doch dann gefährdet ein Angriff aus dem Hinterhalt alles, worauf Sage hingearbeitet hat. Wer ist hier noch Verbündeter und wer ist Feind?

Quelle: Carlsen Verlag

Meine Meinung

Auf den dritten Band habe ich wirklich sehnsüchtig erwartet das er endlich erscheint. Ich wurde nicht enttäuscht von der Handlung. Obwohl zwischen den zweiten Band und den dritten Band eine lange Warte Zeit gab. Bin ich sofort wieder in die Handlung gekommen.

Die Handlung vom dem dritte Band ist mehr politisch und militärisch angehaucht. Aber die Liebe Geschichte von Sage und Alex kommt nicht zur kurz. Das die richtig Portion Romance. Bei ein paar Buch Stelle könnte es mehr sein. Aber es rundum wirklich gepasst.

Der politischer und militärischer Teil in der Handlung war durch aus sehr interessant. Weil man das sehen kommt das es nicht so einfach ist mit dem Frieden aus zu handelt. Die Sage hat ihr bestes Können gezeigt das sie nicht umsonst die Botschafterin geworden.

Mein Fazit

Nach mein Geschmack ist der dritte Band hat das richtiges Ende für die Reihe. Aber ich finde traurig das es schon zu Ende ist
Profile Image for Jess.
634 reviews8 followers
October 18, 2020
What a cute happy ending.

I thought this book focused more on Sage and Alex's relationship than the mystery, but I didn't mind too much. They were super adorable and I wanted them to work everything out by the end.

All the characters were amazing, as usual. I was never a big fan of Clara, but Lani and Zoraya are wonderful to read about. I also loved that the author brought back Darnessa Rodelle and the Broadmoors in the final installation.

I have to say though, I saw the "plot twist" with the traitor coming a mile away. That wasn't very surprising, but I liked that Sage seemed to want to believe the best of this person.

Overall, a very wholesome series.
Profile Image for Marie's Salon du Livre.
820 reviews64 followers
March 17, 2023
Nachdem Sage die große Schlacht mit schwersten Verletzungen überstanden hat, möchte sie eigentlich nur noch in Frieden Leben. Allerdings stehen sich die verschiedenen Königshäuser feindlich gegenüber. Als jedoch eine Partei den entscheidenden ersten Schritt macht, wird Sage gebeten an den Verhandlungen teilzunehmen. Sie kennt die Beteiligten, spricht deren Sprache und sie will Frieden stiften und ist nicht hinter Macht, Geld und Einfluss her.
Als alle am Verhandlungstisch sitzen, ziehen sich die Gespräche und keine Seite ist bereit nachzugeben bzw. Kompromisse einzugehen. Eine Pattsituation die schwerwiegende Folgen haben könnte.

Ein grandioses Finale der Trilogie. Wie gewohnt hat die Autorin Action, Intrigen und Spionage zusammen gewürfelt und daraus eine Geschichte gemacht. Sage macht in allen drei Teilen Veränderungen durch aber hier wirkte sie auf mich extrem stark, manchmal sogar rücksichtslos. Sie akzeptiert ihre Stärken, sie baut darauf und verlässt sich auch darauf.
Auch in ihrer Beziehung zu Alex geht sie neue Wege und das ist ungemein interessant zu lesen.
Ich bin so froh, diese Reihe für mich entdeckt zu haben. Sie hat alles, was ich gerne mag.
Profile Image for Kennedy Liggett.
108 reviews15 followers
March 12, 2020
*Me as I read the words “sweet spirits” one more time*


I have a lot of gripes with this book.

I’m all about having strong female characters and themes of female empowerment but I hate when authors try to write off a character as being "strong" when they’ve done nothing to prove it. All the women in this series were weak and their positions of power annoyed me.
Tell me, what did Clare do in this series to be considered important besides being Sage’s friend?? I honestly don’t know what she contributed to anything. I’m trying to rack my brain for one thing she did and I can think of nothing. She was invited to all these important high-up meetings but all she ever did was stand there alongside Sage. So please tell me, what did she do?!?!!

It's like the author was like:
“You know what will be really monumental? I’m gonna write a book that’s set in a time period where people call each other ladies and lords. A time period where women wouldn’t be respected. And then I’m gonna write these female characters and give them all this power and it’s gonna be fabulous! And then, to make it even better, I’m gonna create these male characters that are are oh so noble because they don't care about society's expectations and they're completely fine with women being invited to these secret meetings. Not because they deserve to be there, but because they're women and they're all about breaking boundaries!"

UGHHHHH GIVE ME A BREAK. It was all so fake and forced. You can’t put in these concepts and expect readers to connect with them when there’s nothing backing them. Also, don’t even get me started on Sophia. (In case you don't remember her, which to be honest, no one would blame you for, she’s Clare’s annoying older sister who is unlikable from the very start).

She seems to have no importance or relevance whatsoever but then she shows up to the top-secret meetings and the guys are like:
“oh yes, whatever-title-that-I-cant-be-bothered-to-remember Sophia. Please join us at these important talks that you have no authority being at. And while you’re at it, let us tell you all of our juicy secrets about the talks that are highly classified information that only specially selected people are allowed to hear. And oh, what’s that? You’re crying over something for the millionth time? But oh what's that? You're now saying you're willing to do whatever you must for our kingdom? Wow, you are so incredibly strong."

I also can’t with how annoying every single one of the characters was. In the second book, Alex and Sage fought over the stupidest things the entire book. Everything was so up and down it was exhausting. This book was the exact same except ON STEROIDS. In case Alex and Sage's mood swings weren’t enough for you, this book consisted of EVERYONE behaving like Alex and Sage—including Alex and Sage themselves! Someone would do one tiny, miniscule thing and then everyone would flip sh*t and that person automatically became enemy number one. But then two seconds later everyone would love each other again. Isn’t that beautiful?

I’ve also had it with Alex and Sage’s relationship.

The whole book Sage was like:
“woe is me. Alex doesn’t love me. Did we grow up together or did we grow up apart?”

Literally THE ENTIRE BOOK (no exaggeration). She never stops questioning their relationship and then

Do I have more beef you ask? OF COURSE I HAVE MORE BEEF. Let’s just talk about the fact that all of the lords and dukes (and whomever else's) names were so confusing that I couldn’t remember who was who half of the time and I honestly didn’t care enough to figure it out. So for the majority of the book I had no idea what was going on. But did I care. No.

That also reminds me that there wasn’t a single moment in this book where I was intrigued or on the edge of my seat. If this wasn’t the third and final book in the series I would have DNF-ed it. So there’s that.


Also, the side romances. They weren’t developed at all yet somehow the author expected me to be invested in them??? Characters just blush at each other a couple of times and the next thing you know they’re popping out babies!!

Happy reading my friends!!!!
Profile Image for Sophie.
1,321 reviews557 followers
July 30, 2019
This book was just simply perfection! After adoring both of the previous books, I was slightly apprehensive that this wouldn't live up to expectations, or wouldn't be the perfect ending to the series, but it did not disappoint, at all! Following the explosive conclusion of The Traitor's Ruin, Sage is coming to terms with her injuries, and new position as ambassador. She luckily has Clare to rely on, but she herself is grieving the loss of her fiance, Lieutenant Gramwell, who died trying to help, and save, Sage. When they are called back to the capital, along with the Princess Lani, they know that they will soon have a mission that is their most important of all, talking with the Kimisar in a bid to stop the war, once and for all. While in Tennegol, Sage and Alex meet up again, but have very little time to be together, even with the law being changed for them to allow them to marry early. However, with Sage and Prince Robert being the main negotiating partners, with the Queen Regent, Zoraya, there is more on the line than just their romance, and when plots appear left, right, and centre, they need all their wits about them in order to survive until they can be together, properly.

Because of how much foreshadowing has been in the previous books about the relations between Demora and Kimisara, I hoped that we would see a good resolution to it all, and in this book, that's definitely what we got. Any questions we had from previous books, or from early on in this one, were definitely tied up by the end of the story, and there were no plot holes, anywhere. That's not to say not much happened in this book; rather, it was fast-paced, with action on just about every page, and you were completely invested in the plot, until the conclusion.

Like I've said in previous reviews, Sage and Alex are one of my ultimate OTP's, and all I wished from this book was for them to finally be happy together. There were ups and downs again, but I couldn't have been happier with their conclusion, and when they were together, the chemistry and true feelings for each other was apparent in every look and word. Beaty definitely knows how to write a proper relationship, and proper characters, and I definitely can't wait to see what she does next - I don't care what, but I'll be ordering it as soon as it becomes available. Don't sleep on this series anymore, get yourself a copy now!
Profile Image for Rachel.
368 reviews7 followers
April 28, 2019
I tried to make this book last as long as possible- how are we already at the end?? I'm not ready!

This was a great conclusion to the trilogy. The characters were well-developed and we switch between a couple third person POVs to help keep things interesting. The romance is still bomb af and the plot is full of traitors, conspiracies, assassination attempts, and other such fun things. We got some new characters and further insight into some old characters which was interesting. Honestly, I know this review sucks. I'm still in denial about the trilogy being over and can't process, so just trust me when I say it's good and you need to read it!
Profile Image for Lulai.
1,322 reviews157 followers
November 25, 2019
I find the plot twist so soon that the whole ending seems flat. I think I expected more than this for the last book. Sage and Alex were kind of annoying about some issues and miscommunication.
Profile Image for Jennifer Bentele.
157 reviews
July 31, 2024
Last book in the series and it was wrapped up well IMO! Loves Lani’s last scene - she is one of my favorite characters. I guessed the twist but it was still shocking to read. Sad to say goodbye to this series - it’s become one of my favorites!
Profile Image for Shelley.
5,418 reviews482 followers
August 30, 2019
*Source* Library
*Genre* Young Adult Fantasy
*Rating* 4.0


The Traitor's Kingdom is the third and final installment in author Erin Beaty's Traitor Trilogy. As the story unfolds, Sage Fowler has taken up her new job as ambassador to Casmun while her fiancé, Major Alex Quinn, has taken charge of the Norsari. Thanks to the fact that Alex is unable to marry until he turns 24, things aren't exactly perfect between the couple who are separated by great distances. But, to be fair, that has been the story between these two since the beginning when they first met and she understood his responsibilities to the country and his King.

*Full Review @ Gizmos Reviews*

Profile Image for Lauren Kornegay (fortwords).
307 reviews11 followers
October 26, 2019
I loved this conclusion to the trilogy! Enough action to keep it interesting without it being a repeat of battle scenes from the previous two books. Lots of inner character work as the mains each grapple with trauma and loss from the first two books and work in their relationships to overcome that. Alex and Sage are heart eyes forever. I felt like every character got an ending I was happy with and made sense. The only thing I didn’t like about this book was how fraught the relationship was between Clare and Sage throughout but they come out of it in a good place. Highly recommend this series!!!
Profile Image for Eifie.
9 reviews1 follower
January 8, 2020
Je l'ai terminé cette nuit, à 2h du matin. Si j'avais adoré les deux premiers tomes, j'ai eu un gros coup de cœur pour ce dernier tome et cette saga qui est incroyable !

J'ai le cœur brisé de quitter cet univers et ses personnages, c'était si biiiien. 😭

Profile Image for tessa.
824 reviews
July 15, 2022

idealne zwienczenie trylogii
wszystko było odpowiednio zakończone i całość współgrała ze sobą fantastycznie
bohaterowie zostali przedstawieni w sposób genialny i nie dało się ich nie polubić
alex i sarge to po prostu para idealna i cieszyłam się strasznie że udało im się osiągnąć swój cel
Profile Image for Nadjab.
2,080 reviews
November 18, 2023
Sage fiebert auf den Tag hin, an dem sie und Alex endlich heiraten können. Aber vorerst trennen sie wieder etliche Meilen voneinander. Das ändert sich jedoch, als zum ersten Mal seit Generationen Gespräche zwischen Demora und dem verfeindeten Kimisara aufgenommen werden. Sage soll dazu beitragen, dass die Fehde endlich beigelegt wird. Neue, unerwartete Allianzen werden geschmiedet, doch dann gefährdet ein Angriff aus dem Hinterhalt alles, worauf Sage hingearbeitet hat. Wer ist hier noch Verbündeter und wer ist Feind?

Meine Meinung
Das Buch erzählt weiterhin primär aus der Sicht von Sage und Alex Quinn, wobei auch Hauptmann Hazar zwischendurch mal zu Wort kommt. Beide verbindet eine starke Anziehungskraft und Liebe, die aber von Demora, ihren Pflichten und den politischen Gesprächen und Intrigen auf die Probe gestellt wird, denn es geht nicht weniger als um Friedensverhandlungen zwischen verfeindeten Reichen. Auch diesmal taucht man tiefer in die Welt und die Geschichte von Demora ein, aber auch die Vergangenheit lässt die Charaktere nicht weniger los, während sie erneut über sich hinauswachsen müssen. Auch diesmal gibt es einige überraschende Wendungen und Entwicklungen, während neue und lose Fäden zu einem durchaus passenden Ende verknotet werden. Offene Fragen werden beantwortet. Der Schreibstil ist angenehm und flüssig zu lesen.

Ein gelungener Abschluss, der dem Vorgänger in nichts nachsteht und und mich wieder wirklich gut unterhalten konnte, daher gibt es verdiente
4 von 5 Würmchen
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