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It was chance, guided by the hands of a god, that brought them together.

Natasha didn’t believe the fairy tales she read to her niece. Having given up on love, she only read them to instill a sense of hope. But when Natasha goes scuba diving in the Bermuda Triangle, suddenly the life she’s always known is changed forever.

Thrust into a culture of people she’s only read about in books, she meets Raif, a shape-shifting Warrior Chief of Atlantis—and her soul mate. Their attraction is instant, powerful, and something she’s never experienced before.

Now Natasha must decide what she truly wants. Can she follow her heart and accept Raif without losing herself in the process? Or will she run away and doom a hidden culture to eternal isolation?

136 pages, Kindle Edition

First published January 22, 2011

About the author

Jean Booth

18 books28 followers
JEAN BOOTH lives in Nevada with her husband and cats. When she's not out risking her neck on the back of her motorcycle, she enjoys the more calm activities of reading, gardening, and spending time with her friends and family. She has worked in health care for most of her adult life before deciding to finally share the stories that have been living in her head.
To see what’s coming soon in your favorite series visit www.jeanbooth.com.

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Displaying 1 - 27 of 27 reviews
Profile Image for Maya.
858 reviews483 followers
July 1, 2019
ARC received via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

So when I saw in the blurb the name Atlantis, the Bermuda Triangle and shapeshifters I knew I wanted to read this book. And sadly I think I had too high hopes, since the first 40% of the story were so not my jam. As in, did the heroine really have nothing better to do than to fling herself at every male she met? I mean honestly, that made me want to stop reading the book a couple of times, since this book is supposedly about mates and so on... To say I disliked the heroine would be a mild understatement. Just her whole personality was awful and she all blamed it on her hormones. That to me screams the usual dimwit heroine that no one likes and roots for, me included. The only redeeming characters were Raif and Ashlyn. I even felt bad for her ex slash her back on boyfriend slash the cheated on boyfriend. I mean, the whole thing is just an emotional mess. Oh, right, did I mention we don't get a good ending? Nope, well now you've been warned. Since this book is so short it felt almost like this is only the half of the story and I hope we get the other half in the second book of this series. Otherwise, what was the point in writing this one?!


It all may seem like I have nothing good to say about the characters and plot but there is still hope for this series to grow. I loved the vamps and other supernatural beings, so maybe their books will be better. I don't know, but I sure hope so...
Profile Image for Moony (Captain Mischief) MeowPoff.
1,648 reviews148 followers
May 29, 2020
Actuall raiting: 2.5 stars ( because of the Atlantis and Hades ect...)
At places it happend too much and other places it happend too little? it wasn`t a middle part. And i could`nt get over that the MC kind of threw herself at men left and right, and espesially leading Keith to thinking that they had something... and crushing him, because of Raif. It was honestly so unfair. I liked the Atlantis and god-parts where we got information about them and could read more about Hades, but that was about it. I didn`t like the MC or MCs love interest, plus the whole thing with him happend too fast for my liking.
March 11, 2013
I loved this book. Can't wait till I get my hands on the next one. The book was a very easy read. The characters were easy to keep track of and easy to fall in love with. I would highly recommend this one!
Profile Image for Helen Peter.
292 reviews1 follower
May 4, 2011
I am halfway through on Choice now and so far the story is interesting. The build up is a little slow with so much on Natasha and her family, her interaction with her niece. It is nice and make you feel warm with the love you convey between them, the support of her sister that you reveal in these chapters.

The part where Tash meets up with Keith at the airport, pub (krypt keeper) and on the ship. The feelings she had and the change of her feeling for him now is so telling of her emotional growth. I like this part as it shown her humanity and love and hurt.

The part of the dive is facinating as I will never be able to take part in such activities (I can't swim). Using word to paint the picture is talking about this chapter.

To continue, all too soon after enjoying the description of the facinating sea world, what should appear but the horrifying JAWS. I saw that show as a child and had never forgotten the fear I felt during it. This bring the fear back and I can sympathise with Tash when she did something so stupid.

The way Alantis is protray is absolutely beautiful, the story of Poseidon and Cleito is heartbreaking but really convincing. This is why Alantis sunk. I totally believe it although there were so many version of how it did out there. However, the description took up too much pages, would have been better if it were used to concentrate on the developing relationship between Tash and Raif. Although they were soulmate, they fell for one another at "first sight", they should have time needed to develop their love. They had only met for a few days and they are totally comitted to one another?

The wedding scene was very well written and very moving. Tash belated horror at finding out she had married was hilarous. The parting was surprisingly matter of fact to me, as if she was not aware what parting from her soul mate would bring. In the later scene, the pain was parting was fully described.

A hugh surprise to me was Stephen (Owner of Krypt Keeper) was the former high priest of Alantis, Stewart was the villian and Victoria saves the day.

More importantly, the story ends in a cliffhanger. This is very upsetting to me as I was looking forward to a happy ending.

Jean Booth is a powerful writer, able to describe the most mandane thing into thing of beauty and her writing of emotion and emotional growth in her characters are very touching and realistic. Looking forward to seeing her books on the shelf soon.
Profile Image for Christy.
192 reviews7 followers
October 23, 2013
Do you believe soulmates? I don’t mean just on I love this person, I am talking your soul split in half until this person is in your life soul mates. Well Tash believes in soul mates, but in some ways has given up hope on finding hers. She had a great love that ended badly around the same time as her sister did who was pregnant at the time. So the two sisters bonded even more and became great parents to little Ashlyn(which I love the name for the little girl). Both work as a team to give this little girl a great life. But even more Tash has a secret she believes in the myths and fairytale creates and she at work trying to create one. Now it is her 30th birthday and she is going to reward herself with a cruise. What could go wrong its just a cruise to Bermuda and a deep sea dive in area with sharks...
Here’s a couple of things that I loved or made me Laugh out loud as you will see with the 1st one.
“You are like a red, red rose, and I’m a little thorny.” The familiar words were
whispered against my cheek and I could smell his mint gum and spicy aftershave. I’d
know that scent anywhere. Couple it with the husky timbre of his voice, and my stomach
was somewhere in the vicinity of my shoes.
“Keith! Oh my gosh!” I exclaimed as I tried”
“What? Oh, I do believe in soul mates. It’s one of the few things I still believe in
from my childhood. I think that it’s our job to find the other half of our soul and connect
for a complete life, however long it lasts. Do you think that even if you don’t believe in
it, it isn’t true?”
“Do you mean”

Well I will leave the rest for you discover. This book is a fast read and fast pace from start to finish. There a couple of twist along the way that I did not see coming and made me enjoy the all the more. I am getting ready to dive into her new book which I look forward to I highly recommend this book to lovers of the paranormal. Now if only I could find a guy like she did…..Teal eyes how sexy that would be. I rate this 5 out 5 stars.
Here are the author tags
[1. Fiction > Romance > Fantasy. 2.Fiction > Fantasy > Paranormal. 3. Fiction > Fairy
Tales, Folk Tales, Legends & Mythology. 4. Fiction > Science Fiction > General. 5.
Fiction > Romance > Paranormal]
Profile Image for Miranda Stork.
Author 34 books127 followers
March 23, 2014
A Gripping Fantasy World....

First of all, I love Jean Booth's imagination. She has taken some used ideas, and made them into something new and refreshing, creating an epic fantasy world that is easy to lose yourself into. I especially loved how Greek mythology was woven into the paranormal elements of the book, it was both an interesting and fitting take on the Atlantis myth.

There were several grammar issues, but certainly not ones that detracted from the style or the creation of the story. Just some missed commas after speech with characters, and missed punctuation here and there throughout the book that made it a little stilted at points. But having said this, I read a book to read the story, so I read past them and enjoyed it anyway.

The characters could also have done with a bit more 'rounding-out', as I felt they were perhaps not completely revealed to the reader. Having said this, I don't know (yet!) if the author has added to them in the next novel, but it would have been nice to see a little more of the intricate details going on in the minds of the characters themselves. However, I thought they were very believable, likeable figures, and I really did want to know more about each of the main characters. There was even a point where I was sniffling, but you'll have to read it to find out! ;)

I thought the author's descriptions and world-building were fabulous, and created a rich, detailed Atlantis and world that I wanted to read more about, and dip right into every corner of it. I could practically feel the water rushing past me! And the story never lets go, leading you up and down and sending you through a rollercoaster of emotions. The romance between the two main characters was real and warm, and I was rooting for them the whole way, needing to flip through the next few pages to find out what would happen to them before I relaxed again. The storyline is imaginative and creative, and it was a clever twist using ancient myths, romance, and feisty main characters.

I struggled with the rating I would give, because I feel it is let down a little by the grammar and punctuation, to the point where it would have been a three-stars. But the story, creation, and characters were so wonderful, that I just have to give it four-stars. :)
Profile Image for Maria.
106 reviews24 followers
March 5, 2013
Choice is an interesting fantasy novel. If you like eclectic paranormal/fantasy – type books, you should like this book.

Characters: Choice was written in first person, through Natasha (Tasha). Tasha was an independent female who had an unsuccessful romantic life and didn't like to show weaknesses. The character had qualities that I could relate to. Throughout the book, the reader learns more about her. For me, I cannot say that she was a multidimensional character, but she was not simply one-dimensional. [I guess you can say she was two-dimensional (maybe?) is there is such a thing in the literary world.] Raifuku (Raif), her soul mate, was another main character. He lived Atlantis and hence had a different culture and ability than Tasha. Obviously as soul mates, there was a strong attraction between these two characters. Raif had duties toward his people as well as Tasha, so the reader can see some of his personality better as he worked between the two.

Plot: The beginning of the book didn't strike me as well as the second half of the book. There seemed to be more of a point (destination) after Tasha ended up in Atlantis. Because of the book's description, the reader kind of knew what happens at the beginning so it seemed to take longer getting to the real plot of the story. Afterwards, I felt that I got more into it. The ending (to me) seemed very abrupt, although not completely surprising that the last scene took place. I just expected there to be a more settled ending for the story before the story picks up again in the sequel. Also, the beginning of the book seemed to have more repetitions of descriptions than the later half.

Overall, it was a fast, easy read. I won't put any spoilers but you can expect to see a variety of unusual "characters" and fantasy genres in this book –more than what I was expecting.
Profile Image for Kris Pittman.
Author 3 books26 followers
October 22, 2012
3.5-4 stars.

Natasha James, devoted career woman, aunt and sister; decides to fulfil her life long dream of diving in the Bermuda triangle. On the cruise to Bermuda she is joined by her ex-fiance, and only man to have ever broken her heart, Keith. A little fling begins to blossom... but instinctively Tash knows he is not her soul mate. A diving accident transports her to a new/old world, and thrusts her into the arms of Raifuku. Her true souls mate. But prophecy is not on their side.

Wow- there is a lot to this book. So many parts seemed so random and confusing, I was as lost as the city of Atlantis. The author is incredibly descriptive, almost to a point it cripples the story a bit. I am one of those readers that likes some things left to my imagination so I can make the story more relatable. Some things I am still not quite sure on their purpose to the story, but this is a series and that could very well all be cleared up later.

ok, with that out of the way I want to say:
This was such a unique look on the paranormal! I want to climb in the authors head and look at the world through Jean Booth colored glasses. I swear I was surprised by every 2 pages. You will be kept on your toes as long as you get through the lengthy explanations and story telling. I am a huge fan of shifters and Greek mythology, so I enjoyed the combination. You are not lacking for romance here. I am loath to admit I may have teared up a bit when she had to leave Atlantis. The ending is definately a cliff-hanger... luckily you aren't waiting for book two.
Profile Image for Amber.
617 reviews3 followers
November 22, 2013
WOW!!! What an adventure! I loved reading Choice, Jean Booth is a fabulous writer. The imagination and detail that went into writing this book is phenomenal. I mean who would have thought to mix Greek Mythology with Paranormal. And not just any paranormal but shape shifters and vampires. It was really mind blowing. There were some twists in the story that caught me unexpectedly which I love. I hate when I read a book and everything is just as you expect it to be. I loved Natasha's character she was so strong but showed she was just as vulnerable as the rest of the world, but that didn't mean she was weak. I liked Raif but my heart went out for Keith although he kind of deserved it. However, now I want a black panther with teal eyes...crazy? I think not LOL The passion and connection between Natasha and Raif was a Romeo and Juliet kind of feeling, you're heart really goes out to them and their situation. I can't wait to read what happens next with these characters the cliff hanger Jean Booth leaves you with puts you on a book high that leaves ya dreaming and thinking of this book constantly. If I had one complaint it would be that there was parts where the author repeated herself or the characters, other than that I recommend this book to any one who loves paranormal with a twist.
Profile Image for Ashley.
Author 3 books44 followers
August 26, 2013
I pretty much always enjoy a book based on mythology, whether it is Greek, Roman, Egyptian…whatever! And this book definitely had LOADS of mythology in it. And to top it off, the mythology also has a paranormal twist or two. Also, much of this book takes place in (sort of) the Bermuda Triangle!

Natasha is about to go on a cruise to the Bermuda Triangle, where she has been dying to go scuba diving! It’s her 30th birthday, and she’s decided it’s time. She’s leaving behind her sister and niece, who really are her entire life, outside of her work as a Biomedical Engineer. She’s nervous about leaving, but she can’t wait to actually dive in the Triangle! Along the way, she’ll meet some new people, and reunite with some old ones…and her deep sea dive? Well, let’s just say she’s going to get a LOT more than she bargained for.

So, I’m going to be totally honest here…this was not the best writing. There were a lot of re-used phrases, and a few typos/grammar errors. I believe these could have been fixed during the editing process. HOWEVER, the story was actually really good. In fact, I actually REALLY want to read the next book in the series! Page 1 will hook you…Natasha’s idea of a bedtime story is hilarious! (In my humble opinion.) And just in case you were wondering…there are definitely some STEAMY parts!
January 12, 2013
Very interesting read. Here you have a classic story of a woman left by a gorgeous rich man and she is left bitter. But then the story morphs and for her 30th birthday she winds up on a cruise ship headed to Bimini. Along the way she meets her once ex lover and they start their relationship back up when all of a sudden she "drowns" and she ends up in the mythical island of Atlantis where she falls in love with her "soul mate" just to be torn from him. It is a very , and again I will use, interesting read. The ending left much to the imagination and leaves you wanting to read the next one. I actually enjoyed the fantasy and the mythical side of the story. I found myself keep wishing there was more to the story but in all it was a good read. I look forward to finding more out about her story and what happens with the Atlantians. The only reason I gave it 4 stars instead of 5 was because of the ending..
4,646 reviews16 followers
August 21, 2019
Natasha didn’t believe the fairy tales she read to her niece. Having given up on love, she only read them to instill a sense of hope. But when Natasha goes scuba diving in the Bermuda Triangle, suddenly the life she’s always known is changed forever. Thrust into a culture of people she’s only read about in books, she meets Raif, a shape-shifting Warrior Chief of Atlantis—and her soul mate. Their attraction is instant, powerful, and something she’s never experienced before. Now Natasha must decide what she truly wants. Can she follow her heart and accept Raif without losing herself in the process? Or will she run away and doom a hidden culture to eternal isolation?
So, the description of the book sounded really interesting, but then I started reading it..The more I read in Natasha’s POV, the less I liked her. It made it really hard to read. DNF.
**I voluntarily read and reviewed this book
Profile Image for April.
1,831 reviews76 followers
March 30, 2013
Choice…what would you do for love? It was a wonderful story of the trial and sacrifice two people make for love. A great mix of paranormal, mythology and modern day. Natasha loved her family (sister and niece) but decided to take a much needed trip to get away. On the trip she met up with a lost love, and discovered new adventures while seeing the sites and scuba diving. Discovering the lost city of Atlantis, her very existance was threatened until Raif showed her how far he was willing to go for love. Their sacrifice for love broike them apart but showed her how much more there was to bone deep, true love.

She discovered herself and made new friends/protectors along the way. I would definately recommend this book to anyone who loves a great love story.

Rating: 4

Reviwed by: Roxanne,My Book Addiction Reviews
Profile Image for PelicanFreak.
1,751 reviews
September 15, 2014
As I catch a glimpse of basic family life in the opening of this book, it is written in a way that makes me want to keep going. I am rewarded for doing so as Tash treats herself to a vacation and has some odd run-ins which are intriguing – each one more so than the previous. Suddenly the story takes an unexpected turn that I love just for the fact that I didn’t predict it. After many little adventures we are treated to a whole new (and beautiful) world and the characters continue to grow on me.

The mythologies of Greek culture and Atlantis are combined here, with some paranormal thrown in to create a fascinating world and the inhabitants of this other world are realistic.

The writing is can be slightly redundant at times but is good overall, making the narrative to be generally well spoken. I will definitely seek more from this author and you should too!
147 reviews
March 29, 2018
I received this book from library things in return for my honest feedback.
so im honestly not sure where to even start with this book. You start out reading it like any regular book then out of no where BAM you are in the mythical underworld. In the start of the book she is a normal woman living her life. decides to go on a cruise for some "her time" on the cruise she runs into her ex boyfriend who is recently single. they decide to go on a scuba dive in the ocean. she panics and ends up cutting her buddy line and ends up in the portal to the under world. while in Atlantis she meets her true soul mate. they have a union (marriage) where she can come back to the surface (real world) until they can meet again. interested in seeing the next book since this one leaves you hanging a bit.
Profile Image for Pammy.
38 reviews
April 9, 2014
I received this book as a gift from the author. It was a totally enjoyable read. It was a little slow moving in the beginning, but then it got to the good stuff. I enjoyed how the Greek mythology was interwoven into the paranormal romance (I am glad I read the Percy Jackson books, which really introduced to me mythology). The characters were smart and endearing. The sexual attraction of Natasha and Raifuku was very intriguing. The cliffhanger at the end book was very surprising, I did not expect it at all. Looking forward to reading the next book. Jean Booth has an amazing talent for storytelling. Keep up the good work!!!
Profile Image for Shannan Williams.
Author 3 books40 followers
November 15, 2013
This first book in the Origins Series had me pulled in from the very beginning. I have not read a book this good in a long time. I was on the edge of my chair; couldn’t wait to turn the page to see what would happen next. This is a wonderful story of true love, finding one’s soul mate, sacrifice, adventure, excitement. I went through many emotions while reading this book. I cannot wait to read the second one, which I have right here and I’m going to dive right in! The ending was amazing; completely unexpected! I give this book 5***** all the way around.
Profile Image for Cindy Holdmann.
55 reviews1 follower
May 23, 2013
This book is almost a fantasy within a fantasy. It is a wonderfully written account of a woman who celebrates her 30th birthday by going on a cruise and winds up in a world of wonder and mystery after a diving expedition. The characters are well written and the story does lead you into the sequel. I'm anxious to see how the other minor characters play a part in what is yet to come. Very nice read!
Profile Image for Helena#bookdreamer.
1,202 reviews9 followers
November 20, 2019
Thank you netgalley for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Not crazy about this paranormal romance. Natasha is taken to another realm of mermaids and underwater creatures after she drowns during a vacation. She meets Raif and immediately falls in love with him.
Story felt too much like a fairy tale and not enough grit or depth to the characters.
Profile Image for Kelley .
604 reviews4 followers
July 21, 2013
This is a pretty good story. It is a little more descriptive than I like...by which I mean it drags a little in places as every nuance is explained. Still I enjoyed a tale of Atlantis and will p err probably look for more.
Profile Image for Jessica.
3,027 reviews23 followers
July 1, 2019
So the concept of this story sounded great! The blurb sucked me in!
But I started skipping around... this one didn’t hold my attention. Too many things going on that didn’t line up to me. This is probably a great story if it’s something you are into... I’m apparently not into it.
Profile Image for Sarah Taylor.
11 reviews
July 2, 2019
I am voluntarily reviewing after receiving a free copy. I had a hard time getting into Choice, and my attention would slip off. Parts had great universe building and others left a lot unwritten. Concept was good, but just needed a little more buildup. The ex on vacation? Yuck!
Profile Image for Adalee Buster.
8 reviews
January 25, 2013
I'm beyond in love with Raif and Stephan, the bar owner!! I love your books because you're able to put me into their world. I can't wait for more!!!
Profile Image for Katherine.
137 reviews7 followers
May 11, 2013
Love, Family, Relationships, Suspense, and Atlantis. A fun read, a well-developed story, slow at first but draws you in with the re-imagined Atlantis tale. Would I read the second book? Yes.
Displaying 1 - 27 of 27 reviews

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