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Objectively, Zade was a great catch. He was funny, good-hearted, gentle, affectionate, and very, very attractive – everything that Lee said he was. But he was still an Alpha. So, in other words, he was absolutely not for me.
"It's just that I don't want to be claimed. I don't want to belong to an Alpha."
Zade frowned at me. "But you're an Omega."
I nodded, entirely too used to having this conversation. Omegas only wanted one thing out of life; a claim. Except, like with most generalizations, it wasn't necessarily true.
"I am," I agreed, "but I don't want to be claimed by an Alpha."
"Why not?"
Oh. Well, that was a new twist in the old plotline. I was used to everyone I told steamrolling over my wishes, telling me I was confused, laughing it off as a tease or fear that I wouldn't measure up.
Even the Coruscation Omega - sweet, supportive Trevor - had stared at me like I was a crossword puzzle clue in an unknown language before quietly assuring me that I would never be forced into a claim. I couldn't remember anyone ever asking why.

From the time I first set eyes on Levi riding up to my house on the back of a Blood Valley Beta’s motorcycle, I’d known he was meant to be mine. So, when I agreed not to continue pursuing a claim on Levi, I saw it as a temporary agreement that would allow him to get to know me. After all, I might be a little impulsive in non-life-threatening situations, but I’m a good guy. And a good catch. Or so I’ve been told.
When Levi had rebuffed my suggestion that we could play chess together, I’d managed to hold my wince in. In all fairness, he couldn’t have known that I played, and I was stuffing candy in my mouth with one hand and tossing my lucky fetch ball in my other – I couldn’t exactly dispute that I looked nothing like a grandmaster should. Unable to use the one thing that I now knew we had in common without looking like a pouty twat, I set my mind to the next challenge.

Game on. Pawn to a4.

146 pages, Kindle Edition

First published January 24, 2018

About the author

Kian Rhodes

49 books251 followers

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Displaying 1 - 26 of 26 reviews
Profile Image for Shin Mon Thway.
663 reviews1,654 followers
February 3, 2018
If you have read Kian Rhodes’ Omega Auction Chronicles and Omega Rescue series, you must know that her books are hits or misses. 😁 There are more hits than misses but some books are just meh. 😕 However, let me say, these sweet treats are VERY addicting! 👍 They are filled with very smexy smut, sassy omegas and badass alphas. I love ‘em! 😍 They are always nice to read between very heavy and angsty books. 😌

Levi, a deeply wounded omega, whose first innocence was robbed by a cruel Alpha. 😭 And to top the things, he was kidnapped and almost being sold but rescued by our heroes from previous books in the series and now he’s under werewolves’ protection. Unlike most omegas, he doesn’t want to be claimed. In fact, he downright refuses to be claimed. 😁 He’d rather spend his days doing accounting, reading books and playing Chess. Levi believes that he doesn’t need an Alpha’s protection to enjoy life.

Zade, a very caring and sweet Alpha, who imprinted Levi the first time we met. There’s only one mission in Zade life for now. That is to claim that sweet and smart Omega who conquered his body and soul. Can he convince an omega who’s afraid of Alphas that he’s nothing like other Alphas? 😉

Frankly, first half of the book is about how Zade courts Levi. I was even thinking this book is quite different from the previous books because they are usually filled with a lot of very erotic smut. 😁 But there’s no action whatsoever until the second half of the book. After that, things get escalated very quickly and very exciting. 😱 I liked the whole Vegas trip to play in Chess tournament. It initiated the real romance between Zade and Levi. And the teasing scenes were really hot. 🔥 And I think the whole checkmate, chase/run theme was fun and creative. 💙 Also I feel like this book is laying very heavy foundation for the next issue in the series. This is not a cliffhanger and Zade and Levi got their HEA in the end. But there are a lot of unanswered questions in this book. For example, Zade got kidnapped for a while but we don’t know why and we don’t know who the criminals were. 😱 And another omega who’s connected with these MCs have amnesia now. So like I said, it’s not a cliffhanger but there are a lot of mysteries we need to unfold. This was a decent read. Not the best book in the series and definitely not the worst. It was sweet, fun, a bit angsty and hot as usual. I enjoyed it. 😊

Favorite excerpts from the novel: 💚

“Are you ready for more?” “There’s more?” I gasped, already so full that I wasn’t sure how I’d taken the length already in me.

"You're not lame about anything and if you're only doing this because you think you have to, we won't. I want you -all of you –but if I had to choose between sex with someone else and us without sex, I'd take us in a heartbeat." I leaned down for a kiss.

“I am yours, you know,” he said, staring into my eyes. “And you’re mine.

“Checkmate.” I laughed and pulled him closer. “You may have checkmate, but I think we both won.”

3.5 checkmates and soulmates stars
Profile Image for Mimi.
2,271 reviews
April 16, 2018
3.25 stars

Safe had the patience of a Saint and Levi was an ass.
Profile Image for Jesslan Rose.
1,139 reviews46 followers
January 31, 2021
Checkmate By Kian Rhodes

I really didn't think I'd like this book, but I am so glad I was wrong.

I adored Zade. Levi was kind of a pisspot, but once he realized how smart and sweet Zade was he finally came around. Not as much angst as is usually expect from this author except in the beginning and end.
Profile Image for Katherine.
2,765 reviews9 followers
February 12, 2018
Love and war and chess and geeks

Deftly starting a whole new direction of investigation for this series, this book had a fun and sweet new couple that started one way and flipped to a completely unexpected and enjoyable direction by the end!

Levi is an omega that does not want an alpha after a very bad experience. Yet his world doesn't really support omegas on their own, at least not outside Coruscation. Zane has been pursuing him since the whole thing with Trevor but Levi has steadfastly refused him and is now just friends. I enjoyed how Levi was quite confident in who he was and what he wanted. The world was not made for him, but he had no problem saying what he wanted out of it regardless. As time goes on and his friendship with Zane turns into something more through chess matches and Vegas mishaps, I couldn't help but think that Levi was graysexual and was only truly ready for a relationship once he made a strong emotional bond with Zane. Once he decides what he wants Levi goes for it, but still stays true to himself. It was wonderful.

Zane was such a different alpha. He is an odd mixture of bubbly childlike actions, laid back surfer, and at the core strong leader. This mixture comes in layers and the first impression is that he is impulsive and irresponsible. As the book moves along it is so clear that is not true, and watching Zane carefully build a relationship with Levi was great. Being so calm in the face of danger, but also a bit impulsive when it comes to the man he loves, made for a great mix. Zane was patient and steadfast, and I hope we get to seem more of his input in the future books!
Profile Image for Katheryne Tyra.
41 reviews
February 8, 2018
No knotting or mpreg.

This was a great story about patience and understanding. The alpha, Kade, wasn’t overpowering or a know it all jerk that learns the error of his way like most alpha’s. He is sweet and sincere in his pursuit to win his omega. Levi is slow to trust, with good reason, and makes Kade work for it. They were great together. I wish there had been more though. There was no knotting like from previous books in this series. There was also no mpreg or heat or mention of either for these characters. And those are two of the reasons I love this series. I feel like with each book mpreg get left out more and more.
Profile Image for Anisha Kanwar.
84 reviews2 followers
January 26, 2018
Fabulously written

Kian Rhodes did it again.
What an amazing story.
I've waited for so long for levi's story to come out and I was very happy when I got to read it.
I hadn't expected so many twist and turns in this book. But, wow. I mean the plot was so well written, I was captivated from the start.
This book kept me on my toes and I couldn't put it down once I started reading it.
Drama, action, romance, humor, mystry, it had everything.
Levi and Zade's relationship evolved beautifully. The romance between the two was hot, scorching hot.

Loved this story.
Profile Image for Keshia.
18 reviews1 follower
May 27, 2020
This has got to be one of my favorite books from this author in a while, might be my favorite of the series, at least so far. I loved Zade and Levi, they made such a great, dynamic pairing. Zade especially was a total badass in the guise of a sweet, easy-going guy (can I just say? he's going to make a great dad lol). I loved his persistence in winning over Levi, and how he let things happen naturally through an easy friendship. I also loved Levi's independence, it made you appreciate even more the way he slowly fell for Zade. Great read!
Profile Image for ....
1,586 reviews9 followers
November 11, 2022
This was an ok read pretty much in line with the strengths and weaknesses of the rest of the series, but now that I'm done with it and have glanced ahead at the next few books to see which couples they'll focus on, I realize I need to either take a break from the series or else quit it all together. It's engaging but repetitive, and the things that annoy me about this author's style - all described in previous reviews for this series - are starting to outweigh the parts that I enjoy. 🤷‍♀️
Profile Image for Sue Milkovich.
1,461 reviews14 followers
February 2, 2018

Zade and Levi had a beautiful, patient romance that has a chance to mature. Zade is a young Alpha, who has a slightly mysterious past and a wicked fun streak. Levi is a very skittish, quiet Omega from the auctions. This was a moving love story of how they learn to fall in love and trust. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS BOOK AND THIS AMAZING SERIES!!!
Profile Image for CB.
3,182 reviews6 followers
October 4, 2021
This was an epic journey with 17 books in the Omega Auction Chronicles (plus 4 shorts) and they are intertwined with the Omega Rescue and Blood Valley Investigations). They are definitely best read in order and worth it - very sexy, entertaining and fun.

I still have the Omega Destiny, International series to get through and looking forward to it.
Profile Image for Tiffany.
558 reviews2 followers
January 26, 2018
I’m always wanting more of this series

But I really wanted more of when they got home. The book was a little bit like hurry up and wait then it ended. I really like Zade and glad he found and won over his Omega. Excited to see where the story goes with all these kidnapped Alphas.
2,821 reviews15 followers
March 27, 2019
Quick but complete read. This is great and I enjoyed it but where's the next book? No cliffhanger but I am hungry for more of these characters, particularly Harley. My only problem with Kian Rhodes' books is that they're so good I always want more, right now.
Profile Image for Diane Dannenfeldt.
3,861 reviews73 followers
April 7, 2018
They were so sweet. I would have liked more of them as a claimed couple. Poor Harley, I hope he gets his memories back soon. Also, want to know more about the unknown omeg. Plus all those poor alphas that are being kept captive. I can’t wait for the next book in the series.
Profile Image for Fran.
958 reviews10 followers
November 11, 2020
I have read others of this series and loved them and returning for Zade and Levi's story was amazing. I think I might have loved it even more than the others. They might be my fave characters so far. Witty and fun with some angst and sweetness it was amazing.
Profile Image for Reading Addict.
901 reviews51 followers
December 27, 2022
One of the best books in the series! I wish the grandmaster thing had culminated in something more. I loved the organic way their relationship grew and Levi learned to trust Zade. This was really a breath of fresh air within the series.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
10 reviews
February 22, 2018
Waiting for the next series

I could continue to enjoy this storyline for a long time. I look forward to the next release in this series.
258 reviews
March 4, 2018
I really enjoyed Levi and Kade story. Was a nice continuation of the series. Levi didn't want an alpha but he sure found out he wanted this one.
Profile Image for Li Taylor.
1,753 reviews
April 15, 2018
Loved it

I love this series so much it's one of my few rereads. The plot is great and so are the various characters. Sweet , funny, intense and hot .
1,158 reviews7 followers
April 19, 2020

This book was on the best in the series. It had everything from romance to action. It made me laugh, it made me cry it was a complete rolletcoaster. I wish it was longer
Profile Image for Pamela Raglin.
386 reviews2 followers
January 27, 2021

Another good entry in this series. I'm always happy to see Colby and Rafe but assuredly the focus is on Levi, Zane, and their romance.
Profile Image for Shelley Chastagner.
2,583 reviews37 followers
August 24, 2021
Levi and Zade

Levi's first encounter with Zade made me laugh. Zade was a wonderful hero and so sweet. Levi has several reservations about being claimed, but Zade shows him over and over how right they are together. I'm so looking forward to the next book.
Adult read
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