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Robert Hunter #9

Blutrausch: Er muss töten

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„Seit 37 Jahren bei der Truppe, und das Einzige, was ich vergessen möchte, ist das, was in diesem Zimmer ist.“ Ein Polizist vom LAPD warnt die Sonderermittler Robert Hunter und Carlos Garcia vor dem schockierenden Anblick. Die beiden Detectives sind auf Morde spezialisiert, bei denen der Täter mit extremer Brutalität vorgegangen ist. Im Morddezernat intern als ultra violent, kurz „UV“ eingestuft. Hunter und Garcia, ausgebildete Kriminologen und Psychologen, sind die UV-Einheit, und der neue Fall sprengt selbst für sie alle Grenzen des Verbrechens. Sie jagen einen Serienkiller, der die Welt einlädt, seine Galerie der Toten zu besichtigen.

448 pages, Paperback

First published February 8, 2018

About the author

Chris Carter

126 books4,499 followers
Librarian Note: There is more than one author in the GoodReads database with this name. See this thread for more information.

Biographies can be an absolute drag, so I won’t bore anyone with a long life story.

I was born in Brasilia, Brazil where I spent my childhood and teenage years. After graduating from high school, I moved to the USA where I studied psychology with specialization in criminal behaviour. During my University years I held a variety of odd jobs, ranging from flipping burgers to being part of an all male exotic dancing group.

I worked as a criminal psychologist for several years before moving to Los Angeles, where I swapped the suits and briefcases for ripped jeans, bandanas and an electric guitar. After a spell playing for several well known glam rock bands, I decided to try my luck in London, where I was fortunate enough to have played for a number of famous artists. I toured the world several times as a professional musician.

A few years ago I gave it all up to become a full time writer.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 878 reviews
Profile Image for Mario the lone bookwolf.
805 reviews5,022 followers
September 6, 2020
As if modern art wasn´t already torture enough, now the artists are even killing people for their performances. How exaggerated!

The idea of art made the reason for killing inspired me, not what you may think, to read this first Carter novel and to play with two ideas: How the future will look at serial killers, how research and humanities will try to explain and reflect, and what real life perversions may still come. For instance the misuse of VR, AR, social media, etc. in dark web forums, the continuation of this allegedly just urban legend of pain buttons and viewers paying per view to see the victim vivisected, tortured, and finally killed. But in this case, in a more sophisticated and civilized manner.

Because of the inherent darkness of the human soul, I have absolutely no problem of imagining groups of mad, rich art fans showing their own galleries of evil, real life art installations Saw style, possibly even participating in a different kind of performance art. Already the real thing had strange and weird elements, so what lies closer than to make the already disturbing modern art museum exhibitions a bloodbath.

Narcissistic personality disorders, how they influence human minds, and to what kind of ideas they could grow, especially in this age of split personality, the epic battle between social media and life outside, is another topic. Again, there could be a dark social network account that is more evil than the real thing. An average serial murderer could feel depressed if she/he sees the amazing lives of the other, much more successful, and prominent killers that post their trophies and lifestream their torture and rape sessions. Not sure if I should go in too much detail here, both because of possible goodreads review policy and not to irritate people too much and invite to implications on wtf I am thinking about in my spare time, so I will better stop here. But please visit my dark web futurism Reddit equivalent thread where we discuss these topics and for completely innocent reasons we are always needing new participants because many seem to go missing after a while, very mysterious. I´ll send you the link.

Carter has perfected quick, funny, disturbing, and educating writing to perfection, it´s his first book I am reading and I am blown away. Some new facts learned I didn´t know, although I am pretty into these sick topics, a sudden surprise close to the end of the book, an interesting explanation for the killer's motivation, everything fine except of a bit too many static descriptions at some points instead of action, maybe to add a few more pages, but that´s criticism not even worth mentioning because the whole package is so great. I have to try to discipline myself to not immediately read all the other fabulous, dreadful, novels. Aaaaand too late, I´ve already started the first one of the series, I love this sick stuff. Self flagellation punishment time, but at least while reading to save time.

Subjective drivel, completely irrelevant:
What made me restart my psycho killer, typo, sorry, psychothriller reading career that was on hiatus for over a decade was that I got bored of reading extreme horror stuff after movies and games couldn´t really show anything new. But I didn´t want something with subtle, psychological horror and the investigator´s private problems, boring!, I was looking for something that celebrates the real stars of this genre, the maniac sadistic serial slashers. And there he was, Carter, an epiphany, someone who worked in this job as a profiler in real life and I knew, my desperate search was over. What a match made in hell that this ingenious multi talent isn´t just a musician, but an awesome writer too.

A wiki walk can be as refreshing to the mind as a walk through nature in this completely overrated real life outside books:
Profile Image for Matt.
4,194 reviews13k followers
February 19, 2018
Chris Carter is back with his ninth instalment of the Robert Hunter series, keeping the story as captivating as ever and the serial killing as gruesome as one might expect. A cell phone call beckons Robert Hunter away at the most inopportune time. A detective within Ultra Violent Crimes (UVC), the most exclusive branch of the LAPD’s Robbery Homicide Division, Hunter and his partner, Carlos Garcia make their way to one of the most gut-churning crime scenes they’ve ever encountered. The victim has had her hands and feet severed and all but a small portion of her skin removed. Upon that untampered piece of flesh, a cryptic message in Latin about beauty. Sure that they are dealing with the most sadistic killer ever to cross the desks of UVC, Hunter and Garcia begin trying to decipher what it all means. Soon, their squad room is filled with three individuals from Washington, as the FBI has a keen interest in the case. Could it be that this killer has more victims outside of Los Angeles. Working for the first time alongside the FBI on a case, Hunter and Garcia learn that the killer—called The Surgeon for the attention he has paid to each victim—has committed at least three murders across the United States, his message only slightly different on each body. While the authorities try to put their heads together, another victim turns up in Arizona, forcing the team to leave the confines of Los Angeles. Hunter has some theories, though every discovery opens new and baffling aspects about this killer. Lurking in the shadows, the man called The Surgeon has more targets in mind, chosen for a specific purpose; to add to his gallery of the dead. Carter offers up one of his most convincing pieces yet with this series that does not stop. Series fans will love this piece and it ought to fuel new readers to begin this collection without delay, especially with the cliffhanger that awaits.

Perhaps one of the greatest psychological thriller writers I have ever discovered, Chris Carter has a masterful way of pulling the reader in during those crucial first chapters and then refuses to let go. How something so disturbing can—like a gruesome car wreck—leave the reader unable to turn away, I will never understand, but Carter does it each time. While the novels no longer focus their attention on protagonist backstory, Robert Hunter continues to thrive with is dry sense of humour and constant delivery of factoids, which enhances the story and educates the reader in equal order. As with each novel, Carter introduces a powerful collection of secondary characters, who not only serve their purpose in the narrative, but also offer a slice of backstory to keep the reader intrigued by them. Some develop in the novel and others remain needed bridges to larger story arcs, all of which tie together by the end. Carter’s utilisation not only of a strong narrative and dialogue, but peppering the story with explanations about serial murder, forensics, and police procedures brings the story to life in a way that few other novels can, placing the reader in the middle of all and on the frontline of any surprises that emerge. These novels, as I have told many people who are seeking something intense, are not cookie-cutter thrillers, in that the serial murderers and the means of killing do not repeat. Each novel provides new and exciting avenues for fans and pulls them in with the simple discovery of a body in some sadistic set-up. It is that addictive factor—that cannot be explained—which serves to turn this series into something so explosive.

Kudos, Mr. Carter, for never letting us down with your writing. I cannot wait to see what Book 10 brings, especially with that ending you provided in this piece.

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Profile Image for Sandysbookaday .
2,315 reviews2,307 followers
March 6, 2018
EXCERPT: The room before them was plastered in crimson red - the floor, the rug, the curtains, the furniture, the bed, the walls. . .everything, and still, all that blood amounted to nothing more than a silly joke when compared to the centerpiece in the room. Linda Parker's body had been left on the bed, which had its headboard pushed up against the south wall. She was lying on her back, on blood-soaked sheets that had once been white. Her arms were resting by her torso, with her legs naturally extended, but the extremities to all four of her limbs were missing. Her feet had been hacked off at the ankles and her hands at the wrists, but that too played second fiddle to the killer’s main disturbing act. Linda Parker's body had been skinned, leaving behind a grotesque mess of brownish-red muscle tissue, naked organs and exposed bones. The smell of rotting flesh toxified the air inside the room.

ABOUT THIS BOOK: ‘Thirty-seven years in the force, and if I was allowed to choose just one thing to erase from my mind, what’s inside that room would be it.’

That’s what a LAPD Lieutenant tells Detectives Hunter and Garcia of the Ultra Violent Crimes Unit as they arrive at one of the most shocking crime scenes they have ever attended.

In a completely unexpected turn of events, the detectives find themselves joining forces with the FBI to track down a serial killer whose hunting ground sees no borders; a psychopath who loves what he does because to him murder is much more than just killing – it’s an art form.

Welcome to The Gallery of the Dead.

MY THOUGHTS: I ought to have liked Gallery of the Dead by Chris Carter more than I did. It has all the things I like in a book; plenty of bodies, mystery, no obvious suspects. Yet I found myself strangely disconnected from Carter's writing. At 512 pages it is a long book, too long for what it is. The author repeats himself and over explains things, which detracted hugely from my enjoyment. I kept getting the feeling that I was being lectured to, which is not why I read fiction. Both these problems contributed to my feeling no suspense when I ought to have been.

Other things also irritated me - the constant use of people's titles, e. g. Agent Fisher when, after we had met her, either Erica or Fisher would have done. Robert Hunter had the annoying habit of making huge leaps in his understanding of the crime with no explanation of 'how'. When his girlfriend is talking about having the roots of her hair touched up, he has this epiphany and rushes off. He doesn't share his epiphany with us.

2.5 stars. Overall, a disappointing read for me. But, as reading is a very personal experience, you may be one of the many people who love this book. If you enjoyed the excerpt and like the summary, please go ahead and read Gallery of the Dead by Chris Carter. I look forward to hearing your thoughts.

Thank you to Simon and Schuster via Netgalley for providing a digital copy of Gallery of the Dead by Chris Carter for review. All opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own personal opinions.

Please refer to my Goodreads.com profile page or the 'about' page on sandysbookaday.wordpress.com for an explanation of my rating system.

This review and others are also published on my blog sandysbookaday.wordpress.com https://sandysbookaday.wordpress.com/...
Profile Image for Carolyn.
2,478 reviews695 followers
March 9, 2018
At the opening of this novel Detective Carlos Garcia and Robert Hunter of the LAPD Ultra Violent Crimes Unit find themselves at one of the most horrific crime scenes they have ever seen with parts hacked off the body, blood all over the walls and a strange looking code carved into her back. This is just the start of a rampage by a serial killer who is on a special quest to create a 'gallery of the dead'.

Chris Carter has yet again come up with imaginative scenarios for his psychopathic killer to arrange for his victims and this killer is definitely one of his creepier ones. Hunter and Garcia are forced to work with the FBI on the case in the form of Agents Erica Foster and Larry Williams, something neither group is happy about.

Although the novel had all the elements for a top thriller - gory deaths, a psychopath, interfactional tension between the FBI and LAPD - but somehow I didn't enjoy this quite as much as the previous book in the series. The novel was a tad long and over-explanatory in some places and then not explanatory enough when Hunter is hit with major insights and the reader is left totally in the dark as to how he made the connection. The suspense never really builds up, except towards the end where the race is on to find the killer and his final victim. Hunter himself seems a bit lacklustre in this outing but it could just be that his insomnia is catching up with him or that the author is taking his character for granted in this ninth episode. Overall, a good, gripping read which should keep fans of Robert Hunter happy until the next in the series. 3.5★

With thanks to Netgalley and the publisher Simon and Schuster for a digital ARC to read
Profile Image for Mandy White (mandylovestoread).
2,419 reviews699 followers
February 11, 2018
Easily 5 stars.. I would give it more if I could! I am such a big fan for the Robert Hunter series and this might be the most gruesome yet!

Robert Hunter and Carlos Garcia are no strangers to shocking crime scenes working for the LAPD ultra violent crimes unit... but this killer pushes the limits. Without giving anything away let's just say don't go into this book if you have a weak stomach. This killer is clever but Robert Hunter is determined to track him down and stop him. This time Hunter and Garcia join forces with the FBI and the killer crosses state lines.

This is book 9 in the series and absolutely worth the wait since The Caller came out. If you are not familiar with this series do yourself a favour and read them ALL... if you can stomach I.

A very big thank you to Simon and Schuster Australia for an advance copy of this book via NetGalley... I feel honoured to be selected to read and review this in exchange for my honest opinions. I will definitely be recommending this book to all my reader friends
Profile Image for Barbie.
109 reviews343 followers
April 2, 2020

My thoughts in a nutshell
Chris Carter is my favorite author. My favorite pile includes almost all his books. This is one of them.

I have a deep connection with Hunter and Garcia. I love them. They are the perfect match in a Cops Tinder. :D
They are so intelligent ... and talented. They always analyzed the situation, looking for clues and search correlation. Just like a pro. ;)

Exciting as always! The ending... god. :D I was so shocked. I couldn't find words.

CC's books have different vibes. Nevertheless, here are some words that characterize his books: cruel, gory, extremely violent and bloody, gripping, graphic, complex.

Thrilling, just pure perfection. It keeps my interest. I never get bored with it. Easy but also complex. If you know what I mean. I know it is a paradox but bear with me.

Couldn't put it down feeling
I always wanted to keep reading it! I can't say more. My kindle was stuck to my hands.

My new favorite! I can't wait to read the next book. I highly recommend it to crime lovers, but just be careful. It is not for anyone because of the graphic and violent elements.
Profile Image for Helga.
1,160 reviews306 followers
August 28, 2018
Chris Carter, I LOVE YOU!

I love you, because you never ever disappoint me. I love you because you’re always there with your clever, gruesome and bloody plots to entertain me. I love you because of Robert Hunter. I love you because of the severe shocks you give me when I least expect them.
When I begin reading one of your book, I know I’m going to have hours and hours of nonstop roller coaster rides. I feel safe with you.

Please don’t stop. Please carry on!

Profile Image for Pat.
2,310 reviews480 followers
December 26, 2019
I can see irony here. I've just done a 3 star mini review for a book where I thought the killer, who displayed his victims gruesomely, did not work for me. Indeed he was a caricature. In this book the killer displays his victims gruesomely and I loved it. Go figure. I think its the overall package. Carter hooks you in right at the start, he grabs you by throat and doesn't let go. Not all authors can do that. It also helps that I've followed this series from the start. The books are all stand alone but it does help with understanding the key players if you've read the books in order.

Detective Robert Hunter and his wingman, Carlos Garcia, of the Ultra Violent Crimes Unit of the LAPD are called to one of the most gruesome (not that word again) crime scenes they've ever encountered. there are body parts and skin removed from the victim and a Latin phrase is cut into her. Something about beauty WTF. More deaths, thankfully not as um don't use the g word, brutal (that'll do) and more Latin phrases about beauty. Hunter, with his unique ability to get into a killer's mind, begins to see that the killings are supposed to be artworks. Well, I mean some of the early religious painting are a bit kind of, you guessed it, gruesome.

I will absolutely read anything this guy writes, and I do recommend the series (but please start at the beginning). Not everyone's cup of tea and not for those with weak stomachs.
Profile Image for Gary.
2,807 reviews402 followers
March 12, 2018
This is the 9th book in the powerful Robert Hunter series by author Chris Carter. These books should really carry a warning because if you don't like blood and guts then they are not for you. Detectives Hunter and Garcia of the Ultra Violent Crimes Unit face another shocking crime as they join forces with the FBI to track down a serial killer ; a psychopath who loves what he does and treats his murders as an art form.
This author does so much more than just tell gruesome stories that will shock the reader, they have excellent plots, interesting believable characters and are full of suspense. This is the 9th book I have read from this series and I am still hungry for more off this author, great read.
Profile Image for Evi.
107 reviews10 followers
January 28, 2019
Chris Carter is my favourite author, there is no question about it. I love all books from the Robert Hunter series, and 'Gallery of the Dead' is no exception. This is a crime/thriller book with a freaking awesome storyline and characters, it was so good that I couldn't put it down.
I love Robert, I love Carlos, and most of all I love Chris Carter who creates these exciting novels.
Profile Image for Liz Barnsley.
3,592 reviews1,058 followers
December 13, 2017
I’ve been a huge fan of the Robert Hunter series from way back when, I’ve enjoyed them all to one degree or another – Gallery of the Dead was a huge tick in the plus column – not only was it scary good and dark as you like but had that real addictive quality – yes exactly like a binge worthy tv drama. JUST ONE MORE CHAPTER.

Anyway in this one the FBI teams up with the LAPD to track a killer who may be too clever even for Hunter – the descriptive tone of the storytelling has the Chris Carter trademark immersive quality – it is visceral and visual and definitely not for the faint of heart, which I luckily am not. Hunter as a character continues to grow and the ending of this one promises much for the future. I’ll say no more.

I love the way Chris Carter twists a plot without needing a twist – it is just flows outwards keeping you engaged and wanting to know how it all goes – even when horrible things are happening you can’t look away. That is what I look for in my crime thrillers and this is exactly what you get here.

Recommended. As a series for sure but this one particularly.
Profile Image for Tonkica.
690 reviews138 followers
August 26, 2018
Klasično dobar! Drugačije je što se iz prošle knjige pojavljuje jedan lik i u ovoj i imamo nagovještaj još jednog nastavka! Nije da se žalim! ;-)
Profile Image for Justina Neliubšienė.
317 reviews46 followers
October 30, 2022
" - Gyvename netikrame pasaulyje - plastikiniams pasaulyje, kuriame tikras natūralus grožis yra gryniausia ir rečiausia meno formos. Pačios vertingiausios meno formos. Tikro grožio neįmanoma padirbti, nukopijuoti ar atkartoti, dėl to jis nyksta, bet tikras grožis turi gyvuoti amžinai. "
Chris Carter knygos kažkas nuostabaus ❤️ . Aukštasis pilotažas. Nustebino, susuko protą kaip reikalas. 😎👏
Profile Image for Richard.
1,990 reviews166 followers
March 8, 2020
As a fan of this author you only have to see his CV and background to be impressed and realise he may know even more than he actually writes about. Owning a number of his books ready to read, when time allowed I thought this sample of his latest novel would offer me an insight on his place on my to read list.
I am utterly impressed and he clearly goes up my pending reads and number one when I next fancy a dark thriller.
The first chapter oozes a sense of impending doom, like watching a David Attenborough documentary when an animal is likely to be hunted and served up for lunch. We are left in limbo as before anything happens we are taken to meet our lead detective. Back story is introduced and a sense of dedication revealed, but this is cut short, as we are taken with him to the crime scene. This final chapter available is just chapter 4 we know it refers to the person we thought was in danger but here we have talk about the horrors of the murder and the reactions on others that viewed the body and by the end of this chapter the detectives and the reader have still to enter and observe the scene of crime.
What torture for me to leave he book at this time. What more evidence to suggest that here is a writer who can build tension and leave the reader wanting more. I guess it also points up his work as potentially being unputdownable, and best read when time affords or if an all night session will not compromise what you need to achieve tomorrow.
Profile Image for Rob Twinem.
917 reviews46 followers
February 6, 2018
I've just finished this book. I feel numb as if I've just stepped off the biggest roller coaster in the world! (Kingda-Ka, Jackson New Jersey) There are crime thrillers abundant who showcase various detectives in a book series, and what this means for the reader is that the lead detective will always survive to fight another day in another novel. I'm giving nothing away by stating that Gallery of the Dead is no different in that respect. Detective Robert Hunter is with us from page one and is still very much alive at page 500 ready for book 10 in the series. What however is important is how the author fills the gaps between first page and the end, and how he holds our attention, how he introduces those unexpected twists as yet another psychotic genius commences a killing rampage. I can tell you that I have rarely read a book so gripping so graphic in its descriptions that I am literally shaking from adrenalin and excitement so keen am I to sing praises for one of the greatest thriller writers out there.....there I've said it so what is this book about I hear you shout with anticipation.......

Detective Robert Hunter works for the Robbery Homicide Division and in particular the Ultra Violent Crimes Unit (UVCU) based in LA, where together with his partner Detective Carlos Garcia is tasked with solving those cases where extreme forms of torture and brutality have been used. Robert is unique in the world of fiction detectives; a very high IQ, psychology graduate from Stanford and the author of a book now mandatory reading for the FBI's National Centre for the analysis of violent crime. He is a loner, an overactive brain that causes him to suffer recurring bouts of insomnia. but also a connoisseur of single malt Scotch whisky. The first body discovered is that of model Linda Parker "posed" in a room where the low temperature has kept away the inevitable blowflies but this does not stop the author graphically explaining the damage this Calliphoridae insect can cause...."They would have concentrated their efforts in the mouth, the nose, the eyes and any open wounds. In the case of a skinned body, the entire body became an open wound and therefore a breeding ground for blowflies. In just a few hours there would have been as many as half a million eggs laid all over the corpse. Those eggs would have hatched within twenty-four hours and in a single day, the maggots that those eggs produced would have reduced a full grown body to half size.".......

The hands and feet have been separated from Linda Carter's body, the skin removed apart from a small patch at the rear where a series of marks and lines have been carved into the skin. Hunter becomes aware of the significance of this "signature" and as the body count escalates with more strange markings identified the detectives together with the assistance of the FBI work tirelessly in an attempt to make a connection between the bodies and thus hopefully identify the killer. The victims are displayed in a thought-out creative manner, Is the perpetrator trying to show the world how clever an "artist" he is or has he an underlying agenda? The answer when revealed demonstrates the author's understanding of the psychotic mind and reflects his training as a criminal psychologist.

As I read this book I was totally at the mercy of some very clever writing. I did not know where the adventure would take me, I was unable to second guess or spot the red herrings, all I knew was that a "Gallery of the Dead" was being created by a madman who appeared to have a higher intelligence than both the combined power of the Robbery Homicide division and the FBI. As I raced towards the conclusion I felt sure I would be able to anticipate the final outcome but was left gasping when a totally unexpected event occurred which threw into doubt everything I had read before......

So there it is dear reader of my review an outstanding novel that leaves me wondering just how Chris Carter can improve? I leave you however with a thought; Carlos Garcia is Brazilian.."Everyone likes Brazilian people because we can samba."... he also likes to wear his long hair "pulled back into a tight ponytail"....do you notice some similarities between him and a certain author of psycho thrillers? I leave that thought with you..... My thanks to the good people at Simon& Schuster for this "gratis" copy in exchange for and honest review, and that is what I have written. Highly, highly Recommended.
Profile Image for Alan Cotterell.
546 reviews188 followers
October 1, 2018
Loved this book from page one, as usual. But for once I did start to get distracted for a short time, which has never happened before with this series.
As ever it has some of the most gruesome scenes, you have ever read, but they never seem to be unnecessary.
Hunter is as outstanding as ever. What a character!
Loved the ending twice, bit of a cliff hanger.
I feel I can only award 5 stars for this book, most of his go on my 6 star exceptional shelf, but not this one. Hopefully the tenth book will be back up there. Certainly has potential. Can't wait.
Profile Image for Gabrielė|Kartu su knyga.
640 reviews290 followers
October 30, 2022
Nieko naujo nepasakysiu tik tai, jog dievinu Carterio knygas. Visuomet su dideliu nekantrumu laukiu pasirodant naujų istorijų.

Šį kartą detektyvas Robertas Hanteris bei jo kolega Karlosas Garsija susiduria su serijiniu žudiku. Pirmiausia juos sukrečia nusikaltimo vieta, nors šie detektyvai yra tikrai daug matę.
Jie greitai supranta, jog turi reikalą su tikrų tikriausiu psichopatu, kuris yra be galo disciplinuotas bei protingas. Ir jį pergudrauti bei įveikti nebus taip paprasta.
Taip nutinka, jog Ypač žiaurių nusikaltimų padalinys suvienija jėgas su FTB. Jų tikslas - sugautui šį psichopatą.

Atrodo, jog perskaičius jau tie Carterio knygų autorius nebeturėtų labai nustebinti, tačiau klydau. Kiekvienoje knygoje autorius vis dar geba mane nustebinti. Dinamiškas siužetas, įtraukiantis tyrimas bei įdomūs personažas.
O žudiko motyvo tikrai nebūčiau atspėjusi. Tiesai paaiškėjus viskas tapo akivaizdu.
Dar viena puiki istorija, kuri detektyvinių knygų gerbėjams patiks. Jeigu dar neatradote šio autoriaus kviečiu nesnausti! 🖤
5 reviews
March 4, 2018
Dear God. The writing in this book was just. So. Bland.
Disclaimer: I didn't finish the book. Which is unheard of for me, but the writing was so tedious and patronising I just couldn't do it any more.
The premise sounded promising, if pretty run-of-the-mill for crime fiction - gory murders, serial killer, FBI involvement, yadayada. I wasn't aware it was the 9th in a series, and if I had been, I probably wouldn't have bothered buying it.
The main problem that Gallery of the Dead seems to suffer from is such amateurish and basic writing it actively detracts from any worthwhile plotline or development. It's so awkward, clunky, and bland it's genuinely hard to read. It reads like an early draft of an amateur writer, not the work of someone who's had 10-odd novels published.
Characters are always referred to by their full title - on page 2, the name of a cat is mentioned 9 times. It's never 'the cat' or 'her pet' or 'the animal', it's ALWAYS 'Mr Boingo'. (Really?)
Every chapter is ended on an awkward and over played cliff hanger.
Every female character is a hard-ass bitch.
Every character is such a boring, overused stereotype I found myself literally groaning out loud at some of the cliches. The main character is a damaged (of course he is) cop, who suffers from extreme insomnia (of course he does) and also a genius who graduated at 19, with a PhD by 23 (of course he did). It's like the author has taken every single cliche crime thriller hero stereotype he can think of, and run with them. There's no originality, no real craft in the writing or language. It reads like a first year student's work.
Very disappointing work, from a supposedly established and well-known author.
If you're wondering whether or not to read this...my advice is just don't.
Profile Image for Andrea.
1,060 reviews153 followers
May 6, 2018
I don't know what it is, but I have been a bit disappointed by this series lately. Either I am no longer easily shocked, or...

Anyways. In this case, there's nothing really wrong with the book (I did finish it in one day, after all), it was just a bunch of little things that bothered me:
- the constant sudden epiphanies that meant a chapter would end in a cliffhanger because it would take at least one chapter until a character's sudden "OMG-moment" would be explained
- what felt like lecturing to me; a lot of things would be explained by Hunter in the most simplistic terms to his apparently much less knowledgeable captain/ FBI counterparts. I get it, he's smarter than everyone else, but jeez...
- the constant British terms out of "American" characters mouths (rubber, boot of a car, fringe, "have got" questions; the list goes on). I never realized it in the other books (might go back and check at some point), but this time it just annoyed me.
- One of the main characters saying that this killer was "the worst they had ever seen", when I can attest from reading previous books that that is just wrong. This guy was bad, yes, but why his behavior would shock Hunter and Garcia after the events of "The Executioner" or "The Death Sculptor", I don't know.

All I'm saying, I expected more from this author.
Profile Image for Shaghayegh.
343 reviews94 followers
February 13, 2023
پاراگراف آخر کافی بود تا فردا جلد بعدی رو شروع کنم 😬
شایدم همین الان؟ 🤔🤔
Profile Image for The Book Review Café.
777 reviews218 followers
February 19, 2018
I have long been a fan of Chris Carter’s “Robert Hunter” crime series since I picked up The Crucifix Killer the first book in the series way back in 2009! I always look forward to reading his latest offering. If like me you are a fan of the darker crime thriller, the more gruesome the murder the better(I know I need professional help!) then you really need to buy a copy of Galley Of The Dead. If you haven’t read any of his books don’t be put off by the fact it’s the ninth book in the series because it can easily be read as a standalone without knowing the backstory.

Robert Hunter is one of my favourite fictional crime Detectives, he’s a complex character, but there’s no fictional crime detective or profiler who can read a crime scene or get inside the mind of a killer like Hunter can. Hunter’s partner Garcia has come into his own in this book and his humour adds some light relief to this dark and disturbing read. I did think Chris Carter had made a big mistake by making this book a dual investigation with the FBI, as each character tried to take centre stage I was worried Hunter and Garcia would feature less but my worries were unfounded I’m glad to say, in fact the shift in dynamics within the team actually added to the overall tension.

Chris Carter has an unique way of adding incredible detail to his descriptions of police procedures, crime scenes and profiling that it feels like you are very much part of the team, privy to all the clues, assisting in joining all the dots together to capture a psychopath before they kill again. The author is known for his graphic crime scenes and the ones in Gallery Of The Dead are no different, each murder is unique in concept and very gory, this is one author’s imagination that knows no bounds, he’s happy to tread where other authors daren’t so this a book I wouldn’t recommend to the faint hearted or the squeamish amongst you.

Gallery Of The Dead is definitely a page turner with a very intriguing serial killer at it’s heart but If I’m honest although I really enjoyed this book it’s not my favourite in the series, I think the personal dynamics within the team coupled with the time spent deciphering the clues left by the killer into feasible theories actually gave this book a different feel to others in the series. Don’t get me wrong it’s still a worthy addition to a cracking albeit gruesome crime series and well worth a read. After reading the last chapter of the book I’m excited to see what happens to Hunter in the next book as Chris Carter leaves the reader with a humdinger of a teaser.

I’m giving away a copy of this book on my blog details can be found at https://thebookreviewcafe.com/2018/02...
Profile Image for RG.
3,087 reviews
March 11, 2018
Sometimes we all need books like this. Something that entertains, is alot of fun, edge of your seat thriller. Robert is back at his likeable best with Garcia. Another killer is on the loose. Carters description of the murder scenes at times can come across as unrealistic but at the sametime are completely visceral and gory, with a level of description that makes your gut turn. The plot has the same old twists and turns. A great reveal and a cliffhanger ending. Dont expect a masterpiece when it comes to writing. This is popcorn fiction at its best. Just pure adrenaline fun. Cant wait for the next.
Profile Image for Adrian Dooley.
435 reviews139 followers
May 20, 2023
Another fantastically entertaining addition to this series. Here we have Hunter and Garcia having to team up with the FBI as they both try and stop a serial killer nicknamed The Surgeon.

Look these books are extremely graphic and they do follow a formula to some extent but they are clever and really fun to read. The writing is real paging turning stuff and the pacing and plotting throughout these is excellent.
There’s an interrogation scene in this that is brilliantly written and observed. I was totally enthralled by it.

I really can’t wait to read the next in the series but I will. They are that good that I want to save them for a reading treat and that’s what I’ll do.

Carter really excels in this niche. He’s created a great character in Hunter and his creation of warped and varied serial killers is fantastic.
Profile Image for Queen D.
35 reviews10 followers
May 19, 2023
Kaip visada, autorius nenuvylė. Kolkas labiausiai patikusi dalis, nors jos visos buvo labai geros.
Profile Image for Kim Ebner.
Author 1 book80 followers
June 1, 2018
Please check out my book blog at: www.thebuzzingbookmark.com

The truth of the matter is that I should have liked this book more than I did - it had a crafty serial killer, no clear suspects, plenty of mystery, bodies that didn't seem to be linked in any way, an unusual signature left by the killer - but there was something about the author's writing style that just didn't work for me.

The plot was great, and as I mentioned above, on paper there was lots to like about this novel, but I found the book to be a tad mundane. I've never read a Chris Carter book before and so I was pretty geared up for this one but by the time I finished it, I felt pretty let down by the writing. I couldn't help but feel that the author completely missed the "show and don't tell" aspect of creative writing. There were so many places in this book where the author would tell the reader something, or would tell us what happened, almost lecturing to us in a way, rather than showing us with clever, descriptive writing. When you "show" the reader what is happening, you draw them in to the story, and they feel invested. But because the writing never did this, I never felt any real bond with Hunter, or with any of the other characters for that matter.

I also feel that I didn't learn anything about the man behind the name. I never got to know Hunter, to understand him, his background, his thoughts, and why he felt or acted as he did. He seemed sterile to me. There was nothing about him that made me feel attached to him, and as such, I didn't really care one way or the other what happened to him. I didn't like that. It made Hunter bland and uninteresting. He's clearly smart, and he clearly has a knack for detective work, but it ends there. I never got to know the man in any way.

Unfortunately, I also found the dialogue to be slightly off. There were a number of occasions where I'd think to myself that the dialogue just seemed staid, like people don't actually speak to each other that way, let alone senior adult detectives. I might also mention that there were serious POV (point of view) issues in this book. Each chapter, rather than being written from a specific character's POV, jumped between different POV's every few lines. This was very noticeable to me, and made for difficult reading, especially in the first half of the book.

On the positive side, and my reason for awarding 3 stars when it may seem like I was going to award less, is that I did like the story and the plot. I'm a massive fan of serial killer stories, and this serial killer had me totally stumped. I couldn't work out what he was getting at with his signature, I couldn't understand how he chose his victims, and overall I was intrigued by him. There was also a fairly good twist towards the end of the book which jumped out and knocked me around a bit. For that reason I felt that the book deserved 3 stars.

This book has an average rating of 4.47 on Goodreads, which is an impressive number and so it may be that you'll love it. For me though, the writing missed the mark. I don't think I'll be rushing off to read any more by this author.

My Rating: * * * 

Publication Date: March 2018 (South Africa)

Genre: Crime Thriller / Police Procedural

Format: Trade Paperback

Source: Review copy received from the publisher. Many thanks to author, Chris Carter and Jonathan Ball SA for my review copy.
Profile Image for Best Crime Books & More.
1,147 reviews176 followers
February 5, 2018
I was thrilled to receive an ARC of the new Chris Carter and couldn't wait to get started. Robert Hunter is a wonderful character, and alongside him every step of the way is his colleague Carlos Garcia. The two of them are like chalk an cheese but always work better together. It was nice to catch up with the two of them but as usual with their roles wihtin the Ultra Violent unit they never sit on their laurels for long. This time it comes in the form of a particularly sadistic killer. The difference with this case is that this time they team up with the FBI.

I couldn't help but feel that the chock value of these murders along with the frisly detail seems to have stepped up a notch. There is no holding back with descriptive murder scenes so if you are squemish it's probably not for you. That aside the storyline kept me gripped. I also loved the fact we see more of Hunter's personal life albeit in small sections as his job alone limits what sort of relattionships he can maintain.

The first three quarters of the book was very 'cat and mouse' however the last quarter I read at lightining speed and at one point I sat bolt upright in shock! If you can stomach the violence and gore (not an issue for me) then these books as a series are absolutely addictive. For some reason it fell just short of the full stars for me, and I can't even exlain why! I just feel like this maybe wasn't as amazing as some of the others in the series, but by no means is any less enjoyable. A thoroughly enaging book that left me eager tot read the next in the series.
Profile Image for Ugnė | pilna_lentyna.
286 reviews142 followers
May 12, 2023
C.Carter knygų, pristatinėti turbūt nebereikia. Jei kaip ir aš, jau perskaitėt visas devynias dalis, puikiai pažystat Robertą Hunterį ir žinot, kokias, kraują stingdančias istorijas, autorius kuria. "Mirusiųjų galerija" ne išimtis - čia laukia dar viena įtempta ir nenuspėjama byla.⠀

Šį kartą nusikaltėlis ne tik žudo, bet ir kuria itin makabriškas nusikaltimo scenas - savotiškus "meno kūrinius". Kartu su FTB, Robertas bando kuo greičiau nustatyti "menininko" tapatybę, kol jo rankose neatsidūrė dar vienas jo galerijos "eksponatas".⠀

Nusikaltimai čia žiaurūs. Hanteris vis dar protingiausias žemėje. Kartais net norėtųsi, kad kažko nežinotų ir kaip fokusininkas iš skyrėlės netrauktų atsakymų į visus pasaulio klausimus. ⠀

Šį kartą, norisi pabumbėt. Skaitydama detektyvą, noriu to, kad autorius priverstų mane įtarinėt visus. Noriu nustebt sužinojus, kad kaltas tas, kurį įtariau mažiausiai. O šį kartą, žudikas atrodė ištrauktas iš oro. Perskaičius kilo tik viena mintis: "Tu rimtaaaai??" 🙄 Gerai, kad Carteris bent pataisė situaciją su pabaiga, nes paliko puikią dovaną skaičiusiems "Pragaištingą sprendimą". Panašu, kad laukia dar viena puiki istorija ir susitikimas su senu pažystamu 😏💣
Profile Image for Carmina.
59 reviews
June 21, 2019
Der Buchtitel passt leider überhaupt nicht zum Inhalt. Verstehe nicht, wieso man hier nicht einfach den englischen Buchtitel "Gallery of the dead" übersetzt hat.
Ein weiterer richtig toller Band der Hunter & Garcia Reihe, der mit einem übelsten Cliffhanger endet. Ein Glück erscheint im Juli bereits Band 10!
Profile Image for Siobhan.
4,774 reviews589 followers
September 17, 2018
The Crucifix Killer, the first book following Robert Hunter, guaranteed my status as a Chris Carter fan, and since then I’ve been devouring each additional book. In fact, the Robert Hunter series is one of my favourite crime thriller series. I’m not big on giving out five-star ratings – I reserve them for my absolute favourite reads, those that truly blow my mind – yet the Robert Hunter series has pulled a couple of five-star ratings from me, and every other book has been a solid four-star rating. With Gallery of the Dead, book nine, we have another solid four-star rating.

If the truth is to be known, I was more desperate for Gallery of the Dead than I have been for any other Robert Hunter read. You see, I managed to get my hands on an early copy of The Caller, which meant I had to wait longer between my reading of the Robert Hunter books than I usually do. Sure, it was only a few months more – but it felt like a much longer wait than usual. The big question, therefore, is whether the wait was worth it – with the simple answer being ‘yes’.

As with every Robert Hunter read, this one sucks you in from the very first page and leaves you hooked throughout. Things progress at a wonderful pace, slowly introducing us to elements, and throwing in numerous twists the deeper into the story you get. Whenever you think things are about to come together, when you think the end is in sight, an additional element is thrown into the works, ensuring you’ll be reading on to see where everything goes. Despite the page count, this is a book you’ll devour in no time at all, finding yourself lost and hooked to the story.

Although Gallery of the Dead is the ninth book in the series, like any good crime thriller series this book can be read as a standalone novel. The story works perfectly fine as a standalone, but the ending will have the biggest impact upon long-term fans of the series. I will not go into detail, as to do so will be to give spoilers, but the ending leaves with a serious cliff-hanger. I cannot begin to explain my desperation for book ten, as the promise of what is to come has me insanely excited for the next release.

I’m always excited for the next Chris Carter release, but it is safe to say the shock ending of Gallery of the Dead has me more excited for the next release than usual.
Profile Image for Feyre.
1,226 reviews117 followers
November 16, 2021
"Jedes Mal, wenn Sie eins Ihrer Bauchgefühle haben, Robert, waten wir hinterher knietief in der Scheiße."

4,5 🌟
Wenn ich sage "ein typischer Carter", reicht das eigentlich aus, um meine Meinung auszudrücken, aber irgendwie auch nicht. Ich schreibe gefühlt zu jedem Band das selbe, aber es trifft einfach auch immer wieder zu.
Chris Carter verbindet einen fesselnden Schreibstil mit kurzen Kapiteln, die oft mit einem Cliffhanger enden, in denen tolle Charaktere in einer wirklich unfassbar gut durchdachten Geschichte agieren. So garantiert er Spannung von der ersten bis zur letzten Seite. In diesem Fall bin ich tatsächlich sehr froh, den Folgeband schon zu kennen, denn dieser wird im letzten Kapitel geteasert und die Geschichte nimmt schon ihren Lauf. Dass ich jetzt nicht auf mehr warten musste, finde ich großartig :D
Displaying 1 - 30 of 878 reviews

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