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A Twin Sisters Mystery #3

A Manor of Murder

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Home renovation, like romance, can cause its share of headaches. And in Louisiana’s Bayou country, the path of love can be strewn with murder . . .
Between maintaining a home renovation business and patching up their personal lives, twin sister divorcees Sunny Taylor and Eve Vaughn are too busy to meddle in their aging mom’s romantic affairs. That is, until the strong-willed senior makes plans to marry her retirement community’s newest resident. Her cadre of buddies at Sugar Ledge Manor are worried that Mom’s beau is only after her money. But when the groom-to-be’s nephew, Edward, is found dead in the house he’d hired the sisters to remodel, the situation gets even stickier.
Everyone knows Edward and the twins disagreed about the upcoming marriage. The crime hasn’t just thrown a wrench in their professional reputations—now the killer seems to be taking aim at Mom. That discovery, along with a second sudden death, sends Sunny and Eve sifting through motives thicker than a Louisiana gumbo…and trying to nail a murderer before all dreams of happiness come crashing down along with their family…

196 pages, Kindle Edition

Published March 27, 2018

About the author

June Shaw

16 books84 followers
June lives near lazy bayous of south Louisiana surrounded by her wonderful four children and their children, her squeeze Bob, and many friends. She writes the Cealie Gunther mystery series and other books.

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Displaying 1 - 13 of 13 reviews
Profile Image for Betty.
2,002 reviews61 followers
February 20, 2018
The third in this series started out slow, however, it slowly became better as the tale evolve. I felt that were too many mentions of the sister who was shot death and Sunny dyslexia. There are two separate romances that are developing. Sunny and Eve are startled too!earn their Mother is planning on getting married. They are shocked and worried about their Mother. They are doing work for the nephew of the man who their Mother wants to marry. They go to his home to talk with and find him dead. Homicide Detective Wilet feels the twins guilty of murder. They began to investigate to clear their names. Sunny is distracted by her budding romance with Dave. Sunny has a flashback to the murder of her sister and recalls and an orange car in the vicinity. Will the twins be able to find answers before the sisters end of in jail?

Disclosure: Many thanks to Lyrical Underground for a review copy. The opinions expressed are my own.
Profile Image for Kathleen.
1,209 reviews59 followers
April 4, 2018
“A Manor of Murder” earns 5/5 Bayou Delights…Murderously Fun!

Best Done in Twos! My newbie status has been changed to eager fan! I thoroughly enjoyed this third book in June Shaw’s Twin Sisters Mystery, and along with reviewing the synopses of the first two books and references (no spoilers) to background and characters provided in this book, I easily joined in. June Shaw deftly penned middle-aged “twin sisters” Sunny Taylor and Eve Vaughn with a very engaging writing style and entertaining banter between the twins. The sisters are opposites with many of their personality traits which causes a few realistic conflicts and sibling rivalries, but they are very close and work well together as business partners and amateur detectives—a bit of the yin and yang. Add to this, a quirky octogenarian mother, their mother’s Chat and Nap group, and a hint of romance—yes, romance, but the twins vie for the same man…

Family conflicts are put center stage with the twins frantic about their mother’s plans to marry…marry a man she's only known for a short time. The groom-to-be’s nephew and client loves the idea his uncle is getting married, fires the twins for their opposition, and then is found murdered. Oh no, another dead body, “persons of interest” again, another investigation. I enjoyed the mature perspective and intelligence the characters bring to the story…ok, Sunny does youthfully giggle a bit over her budding romance which is endearing. The storyline of murder has elements expected for a cozy mystery—the lead characters find themselves mixed-up in murder, take on an amateur detective role, often circumvent the authorities, and find themselves in personal peril, but June provides descriptions of the bayou environment, southern food and manners, and delightful twists and turns with enough possible solutions that make this an engaging, fun read. I highly recommend this book for fans and newbies alike, and am eager to read the first two books to see how everyone got here from there!

Disclosure: I received an ARC, but my insights and opinions are voluntary and honest.
Profile Image for Gloria.
962 reviews136 followers
March 12, 2018
This is the third book in the Twin Sisters Mystery but my first book by the author. However, I didn't have a problem keeping up with what was going on. Sunny Taylor and Eve Vaughn are twin sisters who own Twin Sisters Remodeling and Repair in a small town in south Louisiana. Sunny was married for a short while years ago and Eve has been married and divorced three times and has a married daughter and a grandson in Houston. They both care for the same man, Dave, but he and Sunny are secretly seeing each other. Their mom, Miriam, is living in a senior care facility and they have just found out that she has a beau in the facility and they are planning to marry. The sisters are concerned because Mac has just moved in, isn't from the area and they don't know anything about him. As it turns out, they are remodeling Mac's nephew's home. Edward Cancienne is an attorney in town and is trying to push Miriam and Mac's wedding up. Edward gets into an argument with the sisters at the retirement home where their argument is seen by many of the residents and he fires them on the spot. Unfortunately, when they went to his house to retrieve their tools, they discover his fully clothed body in his bathroom. They are suspects in his murder but the detective doesn't have enough evidence to arrest them. As the two do their own investigations into his murder, they uncover different people who might want Edward died. Things really get hot when a resident of the home gets sick at lunch and later dies. This is a woman who has said that she is interested in Mac too. Now not only the sisters are suspects in a murder but will Miriam become a suspect? This has a surprise ending that I didn't see coming. This is a good mystery that started out slowly but gained momentum as it went along. It is told from Sunny's viewpoint and she has some problems carried over from her childhood when she witnessed her older sister's murder. That is a side mystery in the story.
I received a complimentary copy from Lyrical Underground through NetGalley and this review is my honest thoughts about the book.
Profile Image for Lisa~Ilovemypug~ Currier.
1,997 reviews74 followers
January 31, 2018
Eve and Sunny are back again in A Manor Of Murder.
Twin sisters, Eve and Sunny share a close bond and are the apples of their mother's eye, usually.
When their mom finds romance in her assisted living facility, the girls couldn't be more surprised. More shocking is the news that she is getting married, something that sets off red flags and fireworks.
The sisters have a connection to mom's love interest, they are working on renovations in his nephew's home.

When a fight ensues, the sisters find themselves embroiled in a murder mystery so twisted it will leave you shaking your head.
I enjoy the relationships in this book, it showed the honest reality of most families.
I was pleased with the ending and I'm looking forward to reading the next book.

I voluntarily read an ARC of this book provided by the publisher and NetGalley.
Profile Image for Ann.
5,622 reviews71 followers
April 4, 2018
This is book 3 in the Twin Sisters Mystery series and I like Eve and Sunny. They are carpenter/contractors who have some issues from their pasts. The book is ok as a stand alone, June Shaw does give a pretty good background to the ladies but I sometimes felt they were bogged down with some hangups. Their mom has met a new man in her senior community and she's planning a wedding. The girls are worried about their mom's money and are trying to slow down the romance. When the girls discover the dead body of their current client things get messy since he's mom's fiance's nephew. This is the first book I've read by June Shaw and I liked the twins and the fact they had non-traditional careers.
Profile Image for RO G'ma.
1,041 reviews39 followers
February 21, 2018
A Manor of Murder is the third book in June Shaw’s Twin Sisters Mystery series. This is a well-written cozy mystery with a good mix of quirky humor, colorful characters, romance, and an interesting mystery. The mystery kept me guessing until the final reveal. Sufficient background information is provided to allow the books in this series to be read as standalones. I’m looking forward to reading future installments in this series.

Sunny Taylor and Eve Vaughn are identical twins, with completely different personalities, who live in the small town of Sugar Ledge, Louisiana. Sunny and Eve are the owners of Twin Sisters Renovations, a home remodeling and renovation business. Sunny is younger by six minutes, has dyslexia, is unsure of herself, and when she’s anxious or scared, you can hear her humming or singing Christmas carols. Eve is more outgoing than her sister is, tends to flirt with the men she meets, and paints about her relationships and her grandson, the love of her life. Their older sister, Crystal, was the victim of a drive-by shooting when the twins were eight years old. Sunny and Eve met Dave Price when he purchased a fishing camp and hired them to give him ideas for fixing the place up. Both sisters are attracted to Dave, but he’s falling in love with Sunny and she with him, but they’re keeping the relationship from Eve because Sunny doesn’t want to hurt her sister. Both sisters are close to their mother, Miriam Gautreaux, who is almost eighty years old and lives in a nearby retirement community and are concerned when they learn she’s suddenly planning to marry Sugar Ledge Manor’s new resident, Alexander “Mac” MacCormick. Sunny and Eve don’t know anything about Mac and are worried he’ll hurt and/or take advantage of her. Sunny and Eve get into a confrontation with Edward Cancienne, Mac’s nephew and their client, with lots of Sugar Ledge Manor’s residents as witnesses when he encourages the couple to rush their wedding and then he fires them. When they go to his house to retrieve their tools, they discover his fully clothed body in the bathtub. Homicide Detective Wilet feels the twins may be guilty of murder. Clarice, one of the residents, wants to steal Mac away from Miriam, so when Clarice becomes violently ill during lunch and then dies at the hospital, Detective Wilet starts pointing his finger at Miriam.

I received an Advance Reader Copy of this book from NetGalley and voluntarily reviewed it.
Profile Image for Brenda.
1,417 reviews
February 20, 2018
This could be read as a stand-alone.

Twin sisters Eve Vaughn and Sunny Taylor are almost 40 and look alike to everyone except their Mom, Miriam, and Dave Price, the man both sisters are interested in.

Twin Sisters Renovations business is growing and Miriam is settling into Sugar Lake's Ridge Manor includes a new man in her life, Alexander McCormick (Mac), much to the twins' horror. The twins become suspect in the murder of a client (Mac's nephew), and their mother becomes a murder suspect in the death of a woman vying for Mac's affection.

This cozy mystery blends well with cozy romance, Social issues discussed include; dyslexia, aging romance, the after effect of drive-by shooting survivors, and being a twin.

I volunteered to read an ARC from Lyrical Press (Kensington) through Net Galley
1,920 reviews35 followers
March 5, 2018
Sunny and Eve are the twin sisters of Twin Sisters Remodeling and Repair in Louisiana. When their latest client, and nephew of their mother’s new finance, turns up dead after he fires the pair, from the remodeling job they were doing on his new home, things don’t look good for the twins. Now they have to clear their names, find out more about the man their mother wants to marry after practically just meeting him, and grow their business.

Sunny and Eve are quite the pair. As with all identical twins, they may look alike, but they certainly are two different people. While Sunny suffers with dyslexia and hasn’t been good with romantic relationships, up to now, Eve has been married a number of times and is still looking for her soulmate. The uniqueness of each twin made this a fun read and I felt like I was back on the bayou at a camp.

While this is the third book in the Twin Sister Mystery series, it is the first that I have read. It is well written with well develop characters, a strong story line, and enough information that it can be read as a stand alone without having read the previous two books…which I’ll be reading very soon here. I can’t wait to spend more time with the twins in the next book.
Profile Image for Barbara Tobey.
2,572 reviews71 followers
March 23, 2018
Romance is in the air. No one seems to be happy about it. For two ladies of a mature age, they certainly behave immaturely towards their mother. Their lack of investigation of their mother's beau via the internet was surprising. The mystery was logically solved, but too neatly wrapped up. I do like the location of Louisiana and all that brings to the story. I like the twins and this series. I do look forward to reading the next one. The publisher provided a copy via NetGalley for my voluntary review.
Profile Image for Kathy Kennerley.
654 reviews3 followers
February 18, 2018
What a fun cozy with a set of twins in it. I could not figure out the mystery till the end. The town and its people sound like a wonderful place to visit but especially for the food! ARC netgalley.com
Profile Image for Laura.
2,557 reviews
April 3, 2018
This is a great book with a wonderful story and well developed characters. The story flowed very well and was very enjoyable. This book will keep you reading long into the night and you will not want to put this book down until you finish. This was such a great read and full of surprises. I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader’s copy of this book. The free book held no determination on my personal review.
10.7k reviews174 followers
March 8, 2018
Sunny and Eve might be twins but they're very different- except when it comes to protecting their mom. Mom's getting married but her pals don't like the idea and neither do her daughters. Of course there's a murder and of course these two investigate. I thought the last book needed a copy edit; this one didn't have the same problems but it still didn't grab me the way I'd hoped. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC.
577 reviews3 followers
August 25, 2021
A Manor of Murder is the third book in the Twin Sisters Mystery Series. Having jumped into this book first, I think it was pretty easy to get to know our heroines, Eve and Sunny. The story was about the sisters, who renovate homes for a living, finding a big client of theirs dead - right after a loud argument resulting in their firing. In the midst of the murder investigation, Eve and Sunny's mother, Miriam, is also planning on getting married to Mac, a man she only recently met at her assisted living facility. The story was enjoyable to me and I felt that it was a quick read. My only complaint is that I wish there was more of a romance development with Sunny and her boyfriend Dave. I will be looking for more books in this series and more from this author!

I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion from NetGalley.
Displaying 1 - 13 of 13 reviews

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