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Nemona can’t believe she’s crash landed on the planet Fyrian with the brooding, golden-skinned alien who destroyed her ship and scattered her crew. She should want to kill him. But everything on Fyrian is an aphrodisiac. So she just wants to have him. Now.

Revenge. That’s all commander Oten has wanted against humans for more than a century, ever since they tried to destroy his kind. He never thought he’d end up in bed with one. But the desire the sex planet stokes for this human female is eating him alive. Keeping his hands, his mouth, and his vampiric fangs to himself proves impossible—especially when she’s begging him to touch her.

Nemona has no idea what endless sex with a Ssedez will do to her. But Oten knows all too well. They need to get off this planet. Before their coupling stirs an alien mating bond that neither of their hearts can withstand.

211 pages, ebook

First published March 19, 2018

About the author

Robin Lovett

16 books287 followers
ROBIN LOVETT enjoys writing romance to avoid the more unsavory things in life, like day jobs, housework, and personal demons. To feed her coffee and chocolate addictions, she can frequently be found overdosing on mochas. When not writing with her cat, she’s busy embracing untamable curly hair and adventuring in the outdoors with her husband.

Her newest sci-fi romance series on KU is ALIEN QUARANTINE RESCUE. Her other sci-fi series, PLANET OF DESIRE series features a sex planet, kick-ass heroines and, of course, ultra hot aliens.

Her dark romance thrillers STRANGER, DECEIVER, and KEEPER feature heroines who know what they want and sexy anti-heroes who know how to give it to them.

Check out her extra free stories available through her email list http://www.romancelovett.com/contact/
Find her on Twitter and Facebook @LovettRomance

For the writers, check out her weekly posts on #RWChat, a Twitter chat for romance writers every Sunday evening. She also writers a monthly romance writing column on diyMFA.com. She is represented by Rachel Brooks of BookEnds Literary Agency.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 180 reviews
Profile Image for ♥ WishfulMiss ♥ .
1,250 reviews117 followers
October 19, 2023
For Oten and the world building alone, my rating would have been a solid 3 but Nem and the lack of romance, made this a 2.5 Star read

Nem and her rebel ship are attacked, her crew is scattered and she’s on a desolate planet with the alien warrior that tried to kill her. If things couldn’t get worse, the planet they crash landed on releases toxins that drive you mad with desire. It stimulates the body to such a degree that it causes you excruciated physical pain until you relieve it. And if you haven’t guessed it yet, you relieve it by having sex. A lot of sex. A ton of sex. Sex. Sex. And more chafing non-stop sex.

Oten and his warriors attacked the human space vessel under the impression that they were part of the Ten Systems. The human federation that warred on his people and killed millions without provocation. The last time they tangled with humans, his entire race had to go into hiding, they destroyed their home planet and evacuated all the saviors to another planet. Their existence is secret and after a hundred years of living off the Ten System’s radar, is threatened when Nem’s ship is spotted in their orbit.

When they crash land on a dangerous and unknown planet, Oten and Nem form a fragile alliance to survive. With distrust and less than friendly feelings towards each other, Oten and Nem have to navigate their way back to their people, if they don’t kill each other first.

What I liked:
From a sci-fi standpoint this was a really good start to the series. It had interesting and well thought out world building. I loved the conspiracy of the Ten Systems and the quiet rebellion we see in Nem and her crew. Then there’s the alien life we encounter along the way. The Ssedez were fascinating and Oten was such a contradiction, with his ingrained respect for women and his equaling ingrained hatred of all things human.

He was a bit rough around the edges but I loved that once he realizes that his feelings for Nem were real and not just a side-effect of the toxin in the air, he laid it all out there. His character delivers the majority of the limited romance and warm fuzzies in this read. In the beginning (and well into the second half of the book, both MCs say and think – via inner dialogue - some pretty messed up things to and about each other. Their people’s past history plays a big part in how they act and why but Oten was able to redeem himself from his past actions. Maybe because he struggled a lot to cope with his Attachment to Nem and his turmoil made him more dimensional? IDK. All I know is he surprised me and I liked that he was able to change for the better.

What I didn't like:
This is more of an erotic sci-fi read rather than a traditional romance (aka a lot of sex but not enough emotion to back it.) The emotional connection, for me, came a lot later on and the love/hate between the MCs was drawn out almost to the very end (to be fair, this was mainly because of our h.) With all the obstacles both MCs kept bringing up and predicting the doom of their relationship before it even began, I was hoping the ending would give us some much needed closure. Instead it was wrapped up fairly quickly and painlessly with Nem doing a complete about-face. It felt too rushed to be completely satisfying.

This could have used an epilogue that highlighted their relationship outside the endless whirl of smexy times. And I wouldn’t have minded a glimpse of Oten’s world either, just saying!

Favorite Lines:

Envious of the air filling her lungs. Envious of the leaves touching her legs, the rock supporting her back. I would be all those things to her and more – if I could. ~ Oten

Would I recommend?
This one's a tough one. For those into straight up hard core erotica with a sci-fi alien twist, this would would be a good rec. If you're looking for a bit more romance and soft feels with your smut, this might be a pass.

* * * ARC provided for an honest review * * *
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All
thoughts and opinions are my own.

February 1, 2021

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Mandatory disclaimer: Robin Lovett is my Twitter friend. That didn't bias my review, however, and I paid money for this book.

TOXIC DESIRE was a purely impulse buy for me. I grew up on Star Wars and Star Trek and used to read fanfic of both back in the day, which has given me a soft spot for trashy space smut, especially when decent world-building and strong female protagonists are involved.

Nemona is the female commander of her ship, although in the interest of being a gender-neutral democracy, everyone wears disguising suits and uses voice coders. When we first meet her, she's all suited up and opening fire on an enemy alien, the Ssedez, a powerful and dangerous warrior race that are enemy to the humans.

The Ssedez is named Oten and he is not happy with the humans either, and he decides to fling them both into the fires of a nearby red planet. Only, rather than being engulfed in flames, they find themselves in a steamy jungle that appears to inspire heat in more ways than one IF YOU CATCH MY DRIFT.

I'm going to be honest: this book is porn with plot. Most of the emphasis is on the sexual content, which is done REALLY well, so I didn't mind that at all, but I would have given it a higher rating if there were more storyline and more emotional connection since that's what I really crave in fiction. A three means I liked it, though, and there is SO MUCH to like about TOXIC DESIRE. It feels like a fun off-shoot episode of Star Trek-- like, I could totally see this happening as a filler episode on one of the shows (I'm thinking of that Voyager episode where they entered Warp 10 and became salamanders???).

Anyway, this was really great and I thought the physiology of the Ssedez was super cool. Gold retractable armor and ribbed-for-her-pleasure anatomy??? *wink* Also, all the thought that went into the descriptions of Fyrian (the planet) and the whole concept of a living, breathing aphrodisiac planet was PRETTY COOL (or should I say pretty hot?). I was in need of a light read to cleanse my palate between DNFs and this ended up being the perfect thing to break my book slump.

I'd definitely read more from this lady! If you love Star Trek: Voyager, I think you'll especially love this, because Nem(ona) is kind of like Janeway crossed with Samus Aran.

3 to 3.5 stars
Profile Image for Hot Mess Sommelière ~ Caro.
1,375 reviews169 followers
September 7, 2023
After having listened to the audiobook read by Melodie Carlisle, which has a very pretty cover as well, I can now safely recommend that format as well!

I know there must be people out there who have read more alien erotica than I have, but trust me, it can't be many.

I have read so much alien erotica, I could probably write one (a bad one T_T) on auto-pilot and I would not have to think twice about a plot. The main series I'm reading is Evangeline Anderson's Brides of the Kindred series, which has 25 books in the main series and 30 or so in the spinoff. I read 90% of those books and I'm only behind because somehow Evangeline writes more alien erotica than I can stomach. Not that it matters, because every few months, I buy all the backlog and read all of them in a week.

Which is what happened with this book and the three AMAZING sequels. I will say that this book is not as great as the two that follow (Captive Desire and Stolen Desire), mainly because, as others have pointed out, Nem kinda takes her hatred for Oten too far.

General Nem, or, as we later find out, Nemona, is the heroine of the story. She is the General of her ship of rebels who have fled from the human Ten System dictatorship only a couple of months before. The ship somehow makes it into Ssedez airspace and they down Nem's ship and kill lots of crew.

We meet Oten, the perfect hero of the story, as he is battling Nem (still thinking she's a man, because of her gender-concealing uniform and distorted voice) and dragging them both in an evacuation pod to the fire world, Fellamana. He assumes he will burn to death but takes the loss willingly if he can take the enemy general with him. Instead of dying, however, the both of them get to the planet more or less unharmed, and discover that the planet has breathable air.

Unfortunately, the shipwreck isn't the biggest problem ... the planet they landed on is. Because the air might not kill you, but it gives you the worst horny fever that anyone could ever have, and Oten and Nem basically notice what's going on only when they are dry-humping each other like wild animals.

Cut off from her team, her ship and any resources, Nem agrees to let Oten (whose Ssedez team considers him dead, since the fire planet is presumed to be inhospitable) go with her. Obviously, the two of them hate each other too much to have much conversation, but they are also too horny to let the other one go. The treck to Nem's shipwrecked spaceship is pure porn and I loved every second of it.

Oten is easy to love, since his thoughts are sincere and cohesive. Nem, on the other hand, is a mess, which is partly explained by the fact that she has concealed her true gender for more than a decade and also had only one sexual relationship in that time. To say she is socially awkward would be putting it mildly. She's a dick, pretty much.

Her denial of her feelings for Oten got pretty painful towards the end and we see some rejections that didn't feel absolutely necessary. I fully sympathize with anyone who feels that Nem was an idiot who refused the best gift she could've gotten and didn't deserve Oten.

That being said, I feel like the writing and characterization were very strong in this book, which convinced me personally that the two of them were a match. Robin Lovett writes perfect characterization even during sex scenes, and her development is pretty much flawless. It's beautiful to read a genre that I love so much but which has so few good writers ... become more. Some passages were truly amazing, and I am so, so, happy that Nenia randomly read&reviewed this book so I could discover the series.

I am sure I will read many more good books by Robin Lovett, and I plan on reading everything she publishes, even her dark stalker romance backlist, which isn't my thing at all.

BEST ALIEN EROTICA (trust me I'm an alien erotica scientist)

I fail to understand how anyone gave this a low rating, people are crazy these days.

I'll write reviews once I've read the (checks amazon) other 3 books in this series. God I hope she writes 30 books.
Profile Image for Julie.
343 reviews5 followers
May 10, 2019
3.5 stars, which is more than I expected.

This was exactly what I wanted from it. I started reading this because the premise is so stupidly hilarious to me. Getting stuck on an aphrodisiac planet... that just sounded like a whole lot of ridiculousness to me. Just as expected they have way too much sex, to the point where it's pretty much not possible, since she's human and I doubt her body could take that. The best part is that the book actually addresses this. I did not expect it to, so kudos to you, book. She actually does get hurt and needs to heal and all that after she gets the aphrodisiac-antidote thing. Self-aware book right here.

There was a more worked out plot than I expected there to be. Not that it was anything innovative or surprising, but towards the end of the story a bit of effort gets put into the actual plot and the different species and planets in this world, which I enjoyed.

Was pretty fun overall. I'm not complaining.
Profile Image for Sheryl Nantus.
Author 57 books369 followers
February 16, 2018
If you're into sexy aliens, hot lovemaking sessions on a planet where everything's an aphrodisiac - grab a copy of TOXIC DESIRE now!

Robin Lovett's aliens aren't just lethal - they're sexy as hell. TOXIC DESIRE will have you signing up for the first ship going to the Ssedez homeworld! But be careful - one bite from these sexy aliens and you'll never leave!

When General Nem finds herself face-to-face with a dangerous Ssedez, her first thought is to kill the aliens who have boarded her ship and killed her crew. But circumstances dictate otherwise and she ends up stranded on a planet where everything can kill - including the alien who hitched a ride in her escape pod. Survival makes strange allies however, while she tries to deal with her growing desire for her unintentional partner. Filled with sex, politics and romance, TOXIC DESIRE is the first in what has the potential to be a fabulous series! If you're into science-fiction romance, be sure to put this title and series on your list!
Profile Image for Naima Simone.
Author 165 books1,898 followers
February 16, 2018
I loved this book! Once I started, I couldn't put it down. Review to come!
300 reviews9 followers
August 1, 2023
Steam: 5/5 - Top notch, couldn't be better.

Romance: a low bar 5/5 - It's not gonna change your life but it's perfect for the story.

Characters: 4/5 - Nothing wrong with them at all, just coulda been a touch fuller.

Plots: a rompy/not deep 5/5

Audiobook: 1/5 - Melody Carlisle did a poor fake "alien" accent for Oten and I couldn't handle it. Dnf the audiobook and switched to reading.

Rereadable: Hard yes

Continuing with series/author: Absolutely
Profile Image for Kazen.
1,444 reviews307 followers
April 27, 2020
I read this book over my last few days of work before interpreting went remote and as you can guess, I was super stressed. What's better than a science fiction romance that takes place on a sex planet? (Yes, that's its own sub-sub-genre. Honest.)

This is the kind of enemies to lovers I can hang with - hate for good reasons at the time, followed by deeper understanding and capitulation. There's some gender stuff thrown in and while it feels pat I like that Lovett is reaching for something more than nonstop sex.

...but know going in that the first half of the book is nonstop sex - the plot only kicks in later. I would have liked more balance.

Not my favorite SF romance but there's enough here that I'd like to continue with the series.
Profile Image for hea booktubes.
1,279 reviews356 followers
September 28, 2020
Well that was quite the smutty alien tale. It starts right at page one and continues all the way through, despite their best attempts to resist.
Profile Image for Maria Rose.
2,557 reviews265 followers
February 10, 2019
Toxic Desire by Robin Lovett: Toxic Desire by Robin Lovett is the first story in her Planet of Desire series, and part of Entangled Publishing’s steamy Scorched imprint. It’s an erotic science-fiction romance about sworn enemies who find themselves on a planet designed to enhance sexual attraction – to the dismay of them both!

General Nem fought as hard as she could for her crew on the spaceship Origin, but the takeover by the alien Ssedez warriors, determined to get revenge on humans of the Ten Systems for a massacre of their people decades ago, leads her with no choice but to abandon ship. Unfortunately her escape pod ends up being for two, with Commander Oten along for the ride to the steamy jungle planet Fyrian.

It’s not just the air that makes things hot on Fyrian. There’s a chemical in the water, and the plants that increases sexual desire to the point of incredible pain, unless something is done to relieve it. For both Nem and Oten, this means the only way to stay alive is to succumb to that desire with each other. For Oten, it’s also the start of the ‘attachment’ when it appears that this human, his sworn enemy, seems to be his fated mate. With no choice but to work together and an attraction that grows stronger by the hour, will they find a way off the planet before they are permanently linked? Or would that be so bad after all?

As a friend on social media once said, sometimes you just want to read some ‘out of this world alien sex’ (or words to that effect). No worries here, there is plenty of that to keep Oten and Nem occupied. If you haven’t read an erotic sci-fi before, this may be a bit overwhelming but for fans of the genre it will be a familiar scene. Every alien has their own special attributes and Oten is no exception, with his golden hued skin shield armor that advances and retracts at will and fangs with venom meant specifically to bond with a mate. Nem finds herself not just being attracted to Oten, but becoming like him when she ingests his venom. It’s a surprising and not very pleasing discovery at first but the idea of becoming semi-immortal has its perks.

Of course any good sci-fi romance is dependent on worldbuilding, and the author does a great job here, describing the reasons for the conflict between humans and the Ssedez, as well as the toxic environment on Fyrian and the struggle for Oten and Nem to survive and try to find more of Nem’s crew. As a general Nem had insisted on gender neutral names and armor so no-one would know which of the crew was male or female, to prevent age old misconceptions that a woman would not be an effective leader. Oten is surprised and displeased by this, as in his culture woman and men have different attributes that make them work well as a team. He shows Nem that her femininity is part of her strength.

The story is complete with a happy ending for Nem and Oten as they work through their differences and come to understand each other. There are some loose story ends that look like they’ll be the focus of more to come, and I can’t wait to see where the series is heading to next! If you’re a fan of steamy erotic romances with some otherworldly action, you’ll enjoy this story!

This review also appears at Harlequin Junkie: http://harlequinjunkie.com/review-tox...

A copy of this story was provided by the publisher via NetGalley for review.
Profile Image for Taryn.
1,215 reviews221 followers
April 18, 2020
I’m on day two of a sinus headache. When I feel like this I’m grabbing for the most escapist books on my shelf, the ones I think of as “break glass in case of emergency” books, such as this one, set on a sex planet.

Stay with me a minute (or don’t; if you know inter-species alien sex isn’t your thing, feel free to click away now with my blessing, go with God). If you’re looking for escapism, if you’re looking for a retreat from reality, if your brain and heart need a break, then Toxic Desire might be just what you’re looking for. At one time or another, maybe we all need to imagine crash landing with a gold-skinned, musclebound alien on a planet where the atmosphere is a powerful aphrodisiac. Just saying. Also, there’s a surprising amount of heart here, as humans tried to kill off all the aliens and now they’re sworn enemies, and Nemona and Oten were stranded during a firefight in space. They shouldn’t be together and they definitely shouldn’t want each other once they’re not under the influence whatever’s in the air on the sex planet, but the heart wants what it wants. And if your heart wants more of this bonkers sexiness, there are two more books in the series out now, you’re welcome.
Profile Image for Jessen Reads Romance.
505 reviews1,425 followers
July 14, 2020
If you loved Ice Planet Barbarians, you'll enjoy this! Nemona’s space exploration ship is attacked by a mythical race of aliens called Ssedez. Their golden skin is impenetrable and rumor has it that they are immortal. When Nem and a Ssedez soldier crash land on the nearby planet, Fyrian, they discover that the atmosphere, plants, and water cause intense sexual desire. The entire planet is an aphrodisiac!

Nem is horrified to feel attraction for a being that killed many of her crew, and Oten is disgusted with himself for desiring a human whose people almost wiped out the Ssedez a century ago. When the sexual need becomes too great, they give in and holy shit it’s intense. One of the things I love about Oten is that once they realize his venom has some unusual side effects on Nem - which horrify her - he respects her boundaries even when she isn’t in her right mind due to the sexual “toxins” in the air. It’s an interesting start to the series. I’m looking forward to finding out more about the natives of Fyrian.
Profile Image for Rachel-RN.
2,278 reviews28 followers
March 20, 2018
Nem (Nemona) crash lands on a planet with Oten. That planet happens to be Fyrian. Oten has a history with humans and hates them. I thought with a good reason (they killed many of his kind/species). Together they have to survive on this planet. Except, this planet has an aphrodisiac atmosphere from the flora and fauna. I thought this sounded interesting.
I was disappointed. There's sex. Lots of it. It felt forced with two people who otherwise wouldn't be together. Or even want to be together. I didn't think there was much romance when it was all said and done.

eARC courtesy of Entangled Publishing, LLC and NetGalley
Publishes on March 19th
Profile Image for Nicole.
1,580 reviews168 followers
April 10, 2020
Hate to love? Forced Proximity? Fated mates? Scifi alien romance?
Check! Check! Check! And check!

I can’t wait to continue with this series!
Profile Image for Marta Cox.
2,758 reviews212 followers
February 22, 2018
Three and a half
I do love the pure escapism of a sci fi romance so spotted this and thought why not try a new author ? Hmm first I thought it was a romance but having read it I'd personally say it's more erotica than I'd previously thought. Not necessarily a bad thing I admit but I did think that there was more sex than actual plot . I guess I'd just wanted a lot more substance.
Essentially it's the story of two enemies stranded on a planet that seems to emit aphrodisiacs through its flora and fauna. Nem is a woman used to being in charge and yet now here she is at the mercy of her own bodies cruel desires. Her only companion is Oten, a Ssedez warrior who hates humans and yet everything in him yearns to Mate with his enemy Nem . Together they trek towards the wreckage of Nems ship but their burning need to constantly jump each other's bones leaves them facing unimaginable changes!
So yes lots of sex and it's the first in a series so clearly more to come from the planet Fyrian with its very unusual life forms. The humans have previously tried to remain asexual but I can't help but wonder whether or not those they are escaping from will find them . Plus the Ssedez are a very unusual race that could be very interesting to read about if the author chooses to expand this story line. Not a lot of action here if honest but as it ends the author has left hints of which characters she will catch up with as this series continues.
This voluntary take is of a copy I requested from Netgalley and all thoughts and opinions are my own and I believe are honest.
Profile Image for Kayla Brunson.
1,533 reviews266 followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
March 11, 2018
I DNF at 43%.
When I read the blurb I thought it would be like the Ice Planet Barbarians series so I gave it a shot because I loved that series back in the day.
Once I started reading I saw how wrong I was going into it this.
It consisted of nothing but sex, sex, and more sex! That is basically all this is. I made it to about 43% before I had to just quit. We weren’t getting anywhere story wise and I couldn't read about them having sex anymore.
I’m all for erotica as long as it somewhat has a plot.
Profile Image for romancelibrary.
1,226 reviews575 followers
January 14, 2019
What is it about alien romance that is so addicting? Picking up an alien romance is the equivalent of eating a candy and telling yourself that's the only one you'll eat for the night, but before you know it, you end up eating the entire bag of candy. I kept reading this book and completely lost myself in it. I only came up for air, or rather, food and sleep.

This was a fun and sexy alien romance. There is some angst, but who am I kidding? No one, including myself, is reading this book for the angst lol. The pacing was a little static because Oten and Nem spent majority of the book braving the wild on the planet they crash landed on. It took a while for them to meet other characters. Regardless, it was addicting and fun AF.

I need more from this series!! I've already read Captive Desire and I can't wait for Jenie's book! I also cannot wait to binge Evangeline Anderson's alien romance series. Come at me. I'm ready for more.
Profile Image for Carly.
Author 1 book100 followers
March 2, 2018
What do you do when you're stranded on an island (that happens to be pumping an aphrodisiac through the air/water/basically everything) with a super hot golden-skinned snake-like alien guy? Well, that should be obvious. This was a pretty quick read (maybe a little too quick? I would've liked to stick around a little longer with Nem and her female crew, but it seems like this book is setting up for an ongoing series so I'm thinking we'll get to know some of her fellow rebels soon) and also pretty sweltering on the heat scale, phew! Definitely check this one out if you're looking for a new fun sci-fi/alien romance.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Kayla (onthefritz).
665 reviews123 followers
April 11, 2020
Holy smokes this story was hot af! 🔥

Mortal enemies find themselves stranded on an unknown planet that radiates a toxin to make one mindlessly sex crazed.

This book is wild, but definitely top shelf alien erotica. 👌 Currently this one is free on Amazon if you wanna get your weird on.
Profile Image for Lydia.
491 reviews58 followers
July 30, 2019
OK, I know what you're all thinking: whaaaa, alien romance?! How come?! There is a limit to how much weird can be in a novel this woman reads!

But hear me out!

This is not just any kind of alien romance! This is a story of how two civilizations, at war with each other, are about to get the revelation of the century, and all that because a single rebel ship crashes on a secret planet!

Nem is a woman in disguise. Hiding her true gender, she commands a ship full of rebels - people who want out of the human government and their awful ways of conquering and destroying other cultures in the outerspace. But her plan crashes - literally - when a ship of the Szedez population attacks hers. Now she's stranded on Fyrian, a planet that is hidden from her superiors' radars and that is quite dangerous - its ecosystem forces those who inhabit it to copulate constantly, or else they suffer physically. As if that wasn't bad enough, she's forced to battle the elements with a Ssedez by her side - Oten, the commander who makes her tingle in places she doesn't feel comfortable with.

As I said, this isn't just your typical alien erotic romance. Yes, there is that fanfiction-like trope of "sex chemical" that forces the protagonists to mate like rabbits, but it all serves a higher purpose, and, if you read long enough, you realize it's more bothersome for the heroes than just convenient for us the readers to see some action. It serves as something that not only hinders them in situations of danger, but also complicates serious conversations about emotions and stuff, as both sides can't decide whether it's their hearts talking or just hormones. I know it sounds weird, but don't knock it till you try it!

Aside from that, there's also the factor of two enemies who not only have to work together in order to survive, but are also forced to see each other in a new light, since now they can talk things out instead of relying on what cruel and corrupted politicians have said. Both Nem and Oten are strong individuals, used to order others around and not backing down, and they constantly butt heads in the book, which is wonderful to read, given the dialogues and the wit exchanged.

The story was full of suspense, action, and love scenes. There was too much of everything, and while it may sound as overwhelming at first, you quickly get used to it, and see that it really works for this kind of tale.

I particularly loved the fact that Oten was both shocked AND into the fact that Nem was a woman in disguise, and how it turned out that most of her crew had actually followed in her footsteps and were women themselves (also, congrats on the subtle hints that, given the toxic atmosphere of the planet, they didn't hesitate or care about societal stereotypes if it meant finding pleasure with each other). And I laughed like crazy when Oten and Koviye were about to get into a fight because of the confusion of who was the leader of the human rebels - and thus, their romantic interest.

I'm moving on to the next book - who wants to bet that Oten's second-in-command will get another shot at his own HEA?

***I was given an ARC from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. The opinion stated in this review is solely mine, and no compensation was given or taken to alter it.***

Read this and other reviews at: http://cupcakesandpopcorn.wordpress.com/
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Caitlyn Lynch.
Author 87 books1,829 followers
March 20, 2018
Twilight In Space, with less stalking and more sex pollen

Yep, you read that right. Sex pollen as a trope has made it out of the fanfiction world and into mainstream publishing. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, enter it into the search box at TVTropes.org. You may never emerge again.

This is basically Space Porn with Plot - a human woman crash-lands on a planet with an alien soldier, and literally everything on the planet turns out to be a toxically strong aphrodisiac. They should hate each other, but instead they can’t wait to get it on. He’s a Superior Species - he’s literally golden and shiny - and by the Power of Magical Wang he makes her shiny too! (See? Twilight. He even has fangs.)

There are an awful lot of tropes thrown into this excuse for a plot - there’s All Men Are Evil In The Future, Women Will Save The Human Race, Humans are DNA-Coded to be Imperialist Aggressors, and more, but frankly it’s making me tired to think about it. The author worked very, very hard to stay away from the icky non-consensual issues which make sex pollen a very problematic trope to work with, but in doing so she managed to fall head-first into a whole bunch of other stereotypical pitfalls.

The sex was hot and well-written, but my god, there was a lot of it. I cringed just to think about the heroine wandering around a hostile alien landscape wearing nothing but boots and leather pants (yes, that is a thing which happens. No, I am not making this up). And then the race of voyeuristic aliens turns up.

The writing was good, and the editing top-notch. But for that hot mess of Porn With Plot, I can’t award any more than two stars.

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book for review through NetGalley.
221 reviews
March 13, 2018
This is the story of two enemies stranded on a planet that seems to emit aphrodisiacs through its flora and fauna. Nem is a woman used to being in charge and yet now here she is at the mercy of her own bodies cruel desires. Her only companion is Oten, a Ssedez warrior who hates humans and yet everything in him yearns to Mate with his enemy Nem . Together they trek towards the wreckage of Nems ship but their burning need to constantly jump each other's bones leaves them facing unimaginable changes!
While I did find this book interesting, my only complaint was personally there was too much sexy times. I started to skim those parts. I think the plot was fun and interesting and I would be very interested to find out about the secondary characters.
Profile Image for Laura Brown.
Author 10 books345 followers
March 19, 2018
Wow, what a hot, sexy, fun read! This is my first alien erotic novel, but after watching a lot of Star Trek I fell right into the premise. General Nem is captain of her ship, which is captured by an alien race presumed dead. In the fight, Nem and one of the aliens, Oten, land on an unexplored world together. There’s something in the air that stirs both species to crave sexual contact or lose their minds. Nem and Oten, sworn enemies, turn to each other to ease the ache. One of the things I loved about this novel was that beyond the sexual chemistry (yum, Oten is a fantasy!), there were real emotions lurking beneath the surface that added a whole level of fun excitement to the novel. Can’t wait for the next book in the series!
Profile Image for Ann.
84 reviews3 followers
March 17, 2020
Didn't think I would be into this as much as I was but here we are!
Profile Image for Amanda.
498 reviews
December 13, 2020
Ebook. 3.5 rounded up to 4. Totally bananas but glad Kerry encouraged me to read it.
Profile Image for Mel.
1,439 reviews4 followers
June 13, 2020
Ridiculous and over the top and so so sexy, in all the best ways. I desperately needed an escape and this just did it.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 180 reviews

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