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Hope Is the Thing with Feathers

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A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2017 Advent Calendar collection [ Stuffers|36583136].

Fifty-six-year-old Samuel Phipps is all alone on his small farm in the Ozarks, with nothing but a menagerie of chickens, pheasants, turkeys, and other birds as company—which is just the way he likes it. In fact, if Samuel had his way, he’d tear down his neighbor’s house so his solitude could be absolute. One day Faloola, his favorite turkey, escapes, forcing Samuel to make the trek next door. When Raymond Webber—sixty-seven—answers the door as naked as the day he was born, Samuel doesn’t know whether he’s more annoyed… or attracted. The two men are opposites in every way—Samuel is serious, while Raymond believes in free love and herbal relaxation. The weeks leading up to Christmas are rocky to say the least, but some holiday spirit might help them get past their differences….

48 pages, ebook

First published December 1, 2017

About the author

Brandon Witt

33 books443 followers
Brandon Witt's outlook on life is greatly impacted by his first eighteen years of growing up gay in a small town in the Ozarks, as well as fifteen years as a counselor and special education teacher for students with severe emotional disabilities. Add to that his obsession with corgis and mermaids, then factor in an unhealthy love affair with cheeseburgers, and you realize that with all those issues, he's got plenty to write about....

Visit Brandon's webpage: http://www.brandonwitt.com/

Visit him on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/brandon.witt...

Enjoy episodes of The Witty Hour: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCO5c...

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 79 reviews
Profile Image for Meags.
2,324 reviews591 followers
December 3, 2017
3.5 Stars

A lovely holiday read, to be sure. The characters were refreshing and the writing was truly beautiful. I particularly appreciated the fact that this story featured a blossoming romance between two men of mature age (one 56 and the other 67).

Shockingly, this is my first Brandon Witt read, but I can assure you it won't be my last.
Profile Image for * A Reader Obsessed *.
2,438 reviews504 followers
December 31, 2019
3.5 Hearts!

To be honest, the reason why I picked this was because of the main characters’ ages. Though I love me a hot alpha virile man in his prime every day of the week and twice on Sundays, it’s not necessarily a bad thing when one character is described as Kevin Costner’s doppelgänger and the other I imagined as a mature Paul Newman. Hence, my interest was piqued and I wanted to see how Witt played this one out.

Loner Samuel is very set in his ways. He just wants to live his life on his farm with no interruptions or complications and that’s what Raymond is when he moves into the house next door. Raymond is all sorts of disconcerting and infuriating, but Samuel can’t help but be charmed against his will and he’s a lot upset that his structured life is tilted on its axis. How dare Raymond make him want for more!

Overall, I quite enjoyed this and appreciate Witt stepping outside my repertoire of romance requirements and expectations. Perhaps as a bonus for readers who have read Witt’s Then the Stars Fall, Travis makes an appearance and you get an update on him, Wesley, and kids. This was a heartwarming tale of never ever being too old to find love and happiness again, and one should always take the opportunity when it arises!

Thank you to the author/publisher for a copy in exchange for a honest review

For more reviews on this week’s Advent releases, please check out the blog!!

Profile Image for CrabbyPatty.
1,674 reviews181 followers
December 5, 2017
Sigh. Hope is the Thing with Feathers is just your typical story about a missing runaway turkey named Faloola and a 67-year-old hippie who answers the door naked and makes "magic brownies." Nothing to see here, folks. Well, except for that penis, or as Samuel thinks:
Too much. Too much information. Too much weirdness. Too much penis. God, penis. It had been so long.
Seriously, Brandon Witt's latest Christmas offering is a beautifully written, charming story of two older men (Kevin Costner look-alike Samuel is 56 and Raymond is 67) set on Missouri farmland outside the small town of El Dorado Springs. Samuel has never left Missouri, except to escape to the "big city" of Joplin when he was 19, returning to live on the family farm, while Raymond has traveled the country in a Winnebago for the past 30 years, 10 of those years with his now-deceased husband Robert.

Raymond believes in the power of the universe to bring the right people together and he's lived a joyful life. Samuel is a fairly dour man, seemingly comfortable in his loneliness, who dotes on his turkeys, pheasants and fluffy Cochin show chickens (or as Raymond says "It’s like a poodle went to KFC and had an orgy.”) and dreams of getting a brood of Swedish Black hens. And, damn it, Raymond awakens a longing in Samuel:
But, I had to admit, there were times when another body, another male body, would fill an ignored emptiness in me. Just the strum of another soul harmonizing silently with mine.
In doing this review, I just realized that I could write (and write) about this story, which feels amazingly whole and complete at just 48 pages. Witt creates such a depth of character here and sets in motion a relationship between two men who are definitely not perfect, but are perfect for one another. 4.5 stars.
Profile Image for Jewel.
1,871 reviews272 followers
November 14, 2017

Hope Is the Thing with Feathers is my first Brandon Witt story, if you can believe that. I'm not sure how I've managed that, but there it is. This is also one of the few stories I've read with older characters. The MC's are 56 and 67. I like this! Love isn't just for the young! And it's never too late to find it.

Samuel Phillips is pretty set in his ways and loves all the solitude he gets by living out in the middle on nowhere. Well, except the one neighbor he has whose presence Samuel finds annoying. Not because he knows the guy, but because Samuel has decided he doesn't need companionship.

Raymond Webber inherited his house from his biggoted old uncle. Raymond is a bit eccentric and makes magic brownies and wants to live off the grid. He's older and flirty and, much to Samuel's chagrin, amusing. Raymond is also very inappropriate and I kind of loved that.

After an extremely awkward first meeting, they dance around each other until Samuel figures out he actually wants more than his animals for company.

I enjoyed this short, in spite of the touch of insta. I love Witt's writing style, and the landscape he painted with his words.

ARC of Hope Is the Thing with Feathers was generously provided by the publisher, in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Ann.
1,452 reviews130 followers
December 12, 2017
4.5 Stars for Hope Is the Thing with Feathers

Every year, Brandon Witt’s contribution to the DSP Advent Calendar is one of my top faves. Hope Is The Thing With Feathers continues the tradition. He always has a unique take on Christmas romance, whether it be a traditional tale or an unexpected fantasy, his storytelling is amazing. It was really refreshing to read a story with a couple of mature MCs finding their HEA, even if it was by unconventional methods. Oh Faloola, we heatedly knew ye. The struggle Samuel goes through during the tale is in turn heartbreaking and heartwarming. As I got to know him it was obvious he was a romantic at heart and thinking how much of that pure spirit was wasted because of small mindedness killed me. If anyone deserved a chance to be his true self, it’s Samuel and it takes the free spirit that is Raymond to let Samuel finally be Samuel and let himself have the happiness he deserved.

**copies of the DSP Advent Calendar were provided in exchange for honest reviews**
Profile Image for Ami.
6,041 reviews491 followers
December 17, 2017
As much as I liked that both men were in their 'older' years (Samuel is 56 while Raymond is 67) but I COULDN'T GET OVER THE FACT that .

I was so upset over this to properly enjoy the rest of the story. Even if Raymond brought those in the end (which was yeah, pretty sweet thing to do). I also didn't like Raymond's nonchalant act in regards to seeing . I'm not vegetarian myself and yes, I eat meat, but I don't really like to blatantly reminded about it on pages I guess.
Profile Image for Shelba.
2,493 reviews80 followers
December 21, 2020
Sorry, but if someone ate my pet turkey, they'd be getting fucked, just not the way they hoped. You eat my pet, at best you'd be dead to me.

Just because it was a turkey and not a more traditional pet, like a dog or cat, doesn't make it more acceptable to eat a man's pet.
Profile Image for Lissa.
1,255 reviews135 followers
December 7, 2017
Well, this was a complete dud for me.

It sounded like it was going to be a good story. Samuel relishes his solitude (oh can I relate to that), but he has a naked hippie neighbor move into the house next door (Raymond).

It boggles my mind that this story is rated so highly!
Profile Image for Antisocial Recluse.
2,712 reviews
December 1, 2017
Warning; this book is full of fowl names! Sorry, not sorry, I’m an unrepentant pun-lover, so it had to be done! The book is actually filled with a humorous, charming holiday theme and a rare feature for romance stories; two mature, seasoned men as the main characters. Samuel knew nothing about Raymond when they met, but Raymond had heard a bit about Samuel from his homophobic uncle, who left him his farm. Samuel, living alone for so long, has become quite curmudgeonly and doesn’t know what to make of the freewheeling Raymond at first, (aside from the swinging genitalia). Then Faloola, the missing turkey, inadvertently becomes a bone of contention between them.

The back and forth between them was amusing, with all the assumptions that Samuel jumped to, and the way Raymond persuades Samuel into a better point of view. Although Raymond is the older of the two, he’s not stuck in his ways like Samuel has become. Strong character building and a nuanced Ozark setting is remarkably good for such a short novella, but that’s only to be expected from the talented Mr. Witt. For a holiday appetizer or tasty literary snack, this will hit the spot. Also the perfect length for a bubbly bathtub read, without fear of pruney fingers.

*An ARC was provided by the author or publisher and I have chosen to publish a fair and honest review for Hearts On Fire Reviews blog*
Profile Image for Joyfully Jay.
8,293 reviews481 followers
December 19, 2017
A Joyfully Jay review.

4.5 stars

This was an absolutely delightful read. It may be only fifty odd pages long, but the characters jump off the page. I love how Samuel is a curmudgeon who learns to live a little and Raymond is a wild child who learns to have a care for others. The story is rich in the little details that define Samuel’s and Raymond’s rough living—they are about a far removed from society as you can get—from caring for all Samuel’s livestock to Raymond’s desire to live totally off the grid.

The Faloola hook was an excellent and creative way to bring these two dissimilar men together and from there, their individual personalities are clearly shown to get under one another’s skin in the best of ways. They may be men of a certain age, but I certainly wouldn’t have know it if it were for the explicit mentions of their ages. Overall, it found the characters played extremely well off one another and there was a compelling mix of drama, crossed lines of communication, and va-va-voom to warm up anyone’s winter night!

Read Camille’s review in its entirety here.

Profile Image for Sara .
1,516 reviews154 followers
December 4, 2017
4.5 Hearts

Witt is a master at the Christmas stories as I have fallen head over heels for each one I’ve read. This one though, it was beautiful in only the way he can deliver a story and this time around, we ain’t got no spring chickens for our couple.

I adored this. Truly. I loved that we got men later in their years - 56 and 67 to be exact - and that while they have settled in a way of life, romance and desire aren’t dead. I don’t know why that is a stigma of aging? That you lose desire for intimacy and sex? Oh well. Raymond and Samuel prove that it doesn’t die, you just need that one person do make you feel again.

“Have you heard of the three loves theory?”

The explanation of the three loves theory was different than what I had heard but I like it better. I first heard of the three loves in reference to Jackie Kennedy and that you marry first for love, second for money and third for companionship. I find it much more romantic and less mechanical do think of three loves for three different stages of your life. It’s a wonderful thought that you can experience love and loss but never give up hope of finding it again.

Samuel is one grumpy old man and Raymond is free as a bird with his magic brownies but these two complement each other well. Sure, they meet under a terrible instance of misunderstanding of turkeys but they to take time to see the situation clearly and from the other’s perspective.

Other than about a handful of sentences around 32% that had me rolling my eyes and quieting my vegan activist self… I loved this. Not gonna lie, my heart melted around 82% because Raymond is kinda amazing and Samuel deserves someone who can be so thoughtful and endearing.

A story titled as one of my favorite Emily Dickinson poems and a story that echoes the meaning of the poem well, would have to be full of emotions and this lived up to my expectations.

“Hope” is the thing with feathers -
That perches in the soul -
And sings the tune without the words -
And never stops - at all -

And sweetest - in the Gale - is heard -
And sore must be the storm -
That could abash the little Bird
That kept so many warm -

I’ve heard it in the chillest land -
And on the strangest Sea -
Yet - never - in Extremity,
It asked a crumb - of me.
~ Emily Dickinson

***********************************************The Jizzians and the Grumpicorns are at it again! We Unicorn's are reviewing the Dreamspinner 2017 Advent Calendar every Sunday, Jizzmas gang bang style on the blog. Check out the rest of the reviews for this story here, to see which side of the Jizzmas celebration the uni’s claim.


Profile Image for Lelyana's Reviews.
3,327 reviews388 followers
December 2, 2017

This is rare. A senior love story between 57 and 67 year old men is very rare in MM genre.
It's very sweet actually. I liked the idea of a second times , third times chance of love affair and not spending your old days alone and lonely, but with someone you love.
Samuel and Raymond are bot unique characters. Samuel with his love for chicken, and Raymond with a tendencies of eating it! LOL
This was a fun read, I enjoyed both Samuel and Raymond. Mostly Samuel, he's a sweetheart.
Profile Image for Dawn.
797 reviews
November 22, 2017
That was a sweet story to start my holiday reading. It brought out all the emotions even being a small book. I liked reading about older characters, a nice change. The funny thing is I could hear Brandon’s voice in my head as I’m reading, from all his readings. That was a bonus. 😄 Enjoy.
Profile Image for Christy.
4,000 reviews119 followers
December 4, 2020
There is absolutely nothing that I enjoy more than reading a love story involving mature people. I’m not (and I refuse to) call Samuel and Raymond old, especially seeing as they’re not that much older than I am. Regardless, I truly like watching the dance of love between people who should know a thing or two about not straying into miscommunication, and having enough sense to not make the same mistakes they did as young men. Of course, it’s even more entertaining when all the wisdom they think they’ve learned goes right out the window.

I have to admit that I didn’t like the circumstances surrounding Samuel and Raymond meeting for the first time. In fact, I might have cursed the author in my head several times, while trying not to let any tears well up. But watching these two men, so completely and utterly different, dance around each other made me smile.

Please find my full review at Rainbow Book Reviews
Profile Image for MiaReadsMMBooks  .
395 reviews51 followers
March 28, 2020
A quirky, funny, delightful holiday-themed MM romance starring two men of a certain age who are opposites in so many ways but perfect for each other in all ways that count... if they can only work out how.

This novella legitimately made me giggle in so many places. Sentences such as "It's like a poodle went to KFC and had an orgy..." and the way Samual and Raymond initially meet (and Samual's horror) (Oh Faloola!) had me snort-laughing into my Kindle. 🦃

There is such genuine charm in this story, so many delicious little gems and a heart that'll have you cheering for the HEA.

A perfect holiday read, just in time for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Recommended.
Profile Image for Nikyta.
1,436 reviews264 followers
December 5, 2017
Reviewed on The Blogger Girls

This one is really hard for me to write a review on because, while the premise is intriguing, it started off absolutely horrifying for me. I couldn’t get passed that initial reaction, which left a bad taste in my mouth and colored my view of the rest of the story because I was disgusted with that initial meeting.

Lets back up a step, though. This story is about Samuel, who’s content with his life of solitude out in the country. When his favorite turkey escapes, he’s forced to meet his new neighbor and hope he’s able to find his turkey. He finds her alright but also finds Raymond, who opens his door completely naked. The attraction is strong from the start but things start off rocky when one thing after another happens that pushes them farther apart instead of closer.

Now, I won’t explain why I had an issue with the beginning and I don’t want to give a clue because it’d be quite obvious if I did. What I will say is that, poor turkey 😦 Also, I couldn’t really connect with either Raymond or Samuel after that. For one thing, I found Samuel’s pining a tad annoying and, as for Raymond, I found him irksome too. They two just did not grow on me at all. I felt like they were too immature considering they were well into their prime.

However, what I will say is this one was pretty promising. I liked the premise of the story and I liked that Raymond and Samuel are complete opposites. I also loved the fact that it’s about an older couple. Both Samuel and Raymond are set in their ways and don’t plan to change any time soon. However, I felt like the author could have gone about things a bit differently and maybe fleshed out the characters more. To me, they were too one dimensional and I couldn’t connect with them after the beginning.

Overall, I think this is a book that readers should determine for themselves if they’ll like or not. I wasn’t too fond of it and felt like things could have been handled differently with a little more depth to the story and characters. The beginning ruined the book for me and from there, I was just annoyed with the rest of it but I can still appreciate what the book could have offered under different circumstances.
Profile Image for Wax.
1,295 reviews21 followers
November 24, 2017
It's always tough to rate a book when you love one MC but honestly cannot stand the other MC. I absolutely loved Samuel Phillips. He's a 56-year-old cattle rancher who has a menagerie of fowl on his farm in the Ozarks. He loves his turkeys and chicken that he even names them. He doesn't keep them for food, but raises them because he loves to do it. He is alone in his isolation except for a neighbor (Old Man Webber) who built his house pretty much right next to his family's home. Old Man Webber doesn't live there anymore, though. There's a new occupant. That person is Raymond, a 67-year-old who answers the door nude, and makes "magic brownies." Right from the first chapter, Raymond didn't sit well with me. He does something which is pretty terrible, though of course, I know he didn't know exactly what he was doing. Then, in apologizing, he admits to something else that is also pretty tough to overlook. Due to the length of the story, I am just not sure that I got to see enough of Raymond to really overlook these issues. Consequently I was left wanting more at the end. The writing and flow of the story was great, but due to MC issues, I just could not give the story more than 3 stars.
Profile Image for Amy.
1,030 reviews102 followers
December 1, 2017
An adorable holiday romance between Samuel and Raymond. I loved the fact that they were older than our typical MCs. Raymond is hilarious. A bit of a free spirit with his flirtiness and nudity, magic brownies, and his desire to be "off the grid." Samuel is more serious and set in his ways. He's happy with his life until Raymond barges in and shows him all that's missing from it. A very sweet, low angst story!

My only complaint:

Profile Image for Chelsea.
917 reviews7 followers
December 18, 2017
Yay! Christmas time!

4 hearts

Gah what a perfect way to start the jizzmas stories! Although this was more Christmas than Jizzmas as there wasn't a lot of jizzing going on (jizzing is the weirdest word).

In this story we have Samuel and Raymond 56 and 67 respectively. That alone had me wanting to read this! How often do we get to read stories about men that age! Samuel is used to and is happy with his lonely existence until the new neighbor moves in and makes an… impactful impression. Samuel suddenly has to come to terms with the fact that maybe he's not as happy on his own as he thought and just maybe he wants Raymond to help with that.

This story was soooo freaking cute and actually very funny! I loved Samuel's inner-monologue. This story had a beautiful calm, snow filled feel to it. Only downside is...skimmed over sex scene which... boo! But this story was so beautiful I can't give it less than 4 hearts! Definitely one to grab for this Christmas.

Profile Image for Olivia.
170 reviews61 followers
November 24, 2019
Heartwarming story

This story has a bit of nostalgic feel to it and it is beautifully written.
I liked that it wasn't overly sweet and fluffy like so many holiday stories.
A little slow at the middle, but definitely worth your time.
Good and quick holiday read.
Profile Image for The Novel Approach.
3,086 reviews136 followers
December 19, 2017
Brandon Witt’s Christmas story, Hope Is the Thing with Feathers, is, to date, the funniest entry of the season for me. I loved this story from start to finish. I know some may reel back a bit as to the way in which these two older men, Samuel and Raymond, get together, but I just could not stop laughing. Maybe it’s the farm girl in me, or the fact that my dad raised turkeys, but, oh my, this one is just priceless.

Samuel loves his turkeys, his cows, and his solitude. He hates the fact that Old Man Webber up and died, and left the adjacent farm to his son, Raymond. If Samuel had his way, he would have bought out the old man before he died, and now be completely alone to live out his golden years with just his animals for company. So what if he was a bit lonely. So what if he occasionally missed male companionship—well, ok, sex. He managed just fine, thank you very much. So when his favorite turkey decides to take a walk, and the hunt for her leads him to Raymond’s front door, so what if the guy answers it buck naked and looking good—wait, what?

Thus begins the comedy of errors that ends with two men no longer lonely, some magic brownies, and a few more creatures added to Samuel’s menagerie. In between, there will be a few misunderstandings, a lot of sexual tension and frustration, and some of the funniest moments ever to grace a holiday story. Author Brandon Witt does Christmas like no other, and while these two gentlemen may be advanced in years, their romance is young at heart. Hope Is the Thing with Feathers is one holiday story I highly recommend.

Reviewed by Sammy for The Novel Approach
Profile Image for Ruthie Taylor.
3,714 reviews39 followers
November 26, 2017
~~I received a free copy of this book to read and review for Wicked Reads ~~

I love romantic Christmas novellas, as they bring all the magic and excitement of Christmas to life with plenty of heartwarming passion.

This is a really quirky, but absolutely lovely story. It has some very unexpected scenes, and some lovely reminiscences some of which are quite pointed. I can imagine that it has some basis in reality, as spending so long alone definitely has an affect on one's levels of empathy and expectation. That Raymond was prepared to be patient and persistent was encouraging - but the new arrivals on Christmas eve were perfect. His earlier gaffe hopefully forgiven by Samuel (I am not sure I ever will!)

Thank you Mr Witt for a different, but very entertaining and heart warming Christmas tale.

Wicked Reads Review Team

Profile Image for Susan Reeves.
Author 8 books29 followers
November 17, 2017
ARC Review, but I will be buying this for sure!

Short and sweet and I loved it to pieces! There are so few stories out there with men of an advanced age, and I adore them. Love and passion happens across all age groups and I love that Brandon represented this one in particular, and so beautifully and authentically as well. I didn't want their story to end :)
Profile Image for Serena Yates.
Author 97 books769 followers
December 12, 2017
This story makes a few things abundantly clear: it is never too late to fall in love, age offers no protection from the slight stupidity that can befall someone afflicted by unexpected feelings, and loneliness sounds a lot more attractive than it turns out to be – especially when a neighbor is far more interesting than previously suspected. Imagine all this wisdom presented with the inimitable sense of humor Brandon Witt so often displays, and you will see why I rate this story so highly. The whole setup is as hilarious as it is thought-provoking, and the result is very, very entertaining.

NOTE: This book was provided by Dreamspinner Press for the purpose of a review.
Profile Image for Tully Vincent.
Author 3 books83 followers
March 11, 2018
I was looking forward to reading a sweet holiday romance between two older men and instead ran into . Had I known, I would not have picked it up. Others love it, and it is very well written. But not for me.
181 reviews18 followers
February 17, 2018
I was looking forward to reading this story as it promised to be fun. It's quirky and unrelentingly cheerful.

Sam's day starts when one of his turkeys wanders out of its coop. To add insult to injury, it's freezing outside so now both turkey and Sam are freezing. Sam is not in a good mood when he mets his new neighbor for the first time, and the guy leaves an impression. Sam is a bundle of nerves and is startled to realize that he would like to spend time with Raymond. Hints of his past add flavor to the character. I was cheering for him to stay since I could already see how their rough edges would fit together.

Sadly, it's not to be as the situation goes downhill. See wandering turkey above and make your own assumptions. It's an opposite of meet-cute. I wondered how Raymond was going to dig himself out of the hole he was in, and I sympathized with Sam, but I still thought the whole situation was funny.

Shame on me.

Raymond is self-assured and approachable. His sunny attitude is more than a match for his self-deprecating, isolated neighbor. Their banter is quick and funny.

I confess, I had no idea show chickens existed. I'm not even sure I wanted to know black chicken exist: that's like chicken of death.
The story is told in first POV and without much fanfare shows how Raymond's arrival changed Sam's life. He used to be content in his life. Now he knows he can have so much more. People are lost without their dreams. Slow pace really allows for Raymond's impact on Sam's life to be seen. The ending is reminiscent of the beginning, in that it made me laugh.

It's a nice portrayal of building of relationship between two older people who already have lived a good part of their lives but are willing to build and experience something new.

I received copy of this book in exchange for review.
The review is also posted on Gay Book Reviews
Displaying 1 - 30 of 79 reviews

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