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Critter Catchers #4

The Devil of Pinesville

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It's business as usual for Critter Catchers Demmy and Cody, with one pretty major change. Now, they're not only juggling their animal control business and decades of friendship, but the beginnings of a romance as well. Cody's always put a time limit on his past relationships, and he's certain he's going to mess things up with Demmy. For his part, Demmy is pretty sure Cody will, too. But trouble arrives in the form of one of Demmy's ex-boyfriends who contacts them about a case they might be able to handle in Pinesville, New Jersey. Sensing not just physical but romantic danger, Cody makes certain to accompany Demmy on the trip.

In Pinesville, they meet up with a handful of residents just as colorful, if not more so, than those in Parson's Hollow. And both are surprised to find they have some competition on this case, namely the Critter Ridders, a pair of very competitive women operating their own animal control business.

As the case intensifies, tempers flare and loyalties are tested, bringing Demmy and Cody to the point where they must decide if they're willing to save the business, their friendship, or their romance.

258 pages, Kindle Edition

First published October 28, 2017

About the author

Hank Edwards

79 books214 followers
Hank Edwards (he/him) has been writing gay fiction for more than twenty years. He has published over thirty novels and dozens of short stories. His books fall into many sub-genres, including romance, rom-com, contemporary, paranormal, suspense, mystery, and wacky comedy. He has written a number of series such as the suspenseful Up to Trouble, funny and spooky paranormal out for you gay romance Critter Catchers, Old West historical horror of Venom Valley, the erotic and funny Fluffers, Inc. series, and the funny and thrilling Lacetown Murder Mysteries series co-written with Deanna Wadsworth. Under the pen name R. G. Thomas, he’s published a young adult urban fantasy gay romance series called The Town of Superstition. No matter what genre he writes, Hank likes to keep things sweet, steamy, and fun.

Join his author group on Facebook (www.facebook.com/groups/hankshangout), visit his website at www.hankedwardsbooks.com or send along an email to hankedwardsbooks@gmail.com.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 36 reviews
Profile Image for Rina Pride.
330 reviews87 followers
May 23, 2024
Estou lendo mais para acompanhar o desenrolar da relação de Demmy e Cody, não tanto pelos casos 😅Esse caso do demônio foi o mais fraco, esperava algo assustador e acabou não tendo importância nenhuma para o crescimento dos negócios de nossa dupla. Pelo menos o final foi ótimo, só o Cody para juntar todas suas ex namoradas e fazer uma declaração para Demmy. Imagina ter que viver numa cidade onde seu boy já namorou quase todas as mulheres dali kkkkk putz
Profile Image for C.S. Poe.
Author 39 books1,058 followers
September 21, 2019
Hank Edwards is back with another hilarious, exhilarating, and terrifying adventure, and the Critter Catchers are not… happy about being on the case. Really. Okay, Cody isn’t happy. Because Cody would rather never run into another monster for as long as he lives. But Demmy, ever the thinker, wants to unravel these mysteries and help people. So when his ex-boyfriend Oliver sends a message after months of radio silence, asking if the two were still in the business of hunting unusual animals… it’s time for a road trip to New Jersey.

The whole situation is weird and uncomfortable. Sure, they’ve got Jugs to depend on to run the business for them now, but helping Demmy’s ex isn’t really high on Cody’s list of things to do, especially since the two are in the beginnings of a very intense relationship that is romantic but maybe—are they exclusive? Is it forever? Just for fun? Would one of them sound ridiculously needy to ask that they both be in it for the long haul? Being friends and now lovers is complicating for both of them, Cody isn’t out about his bisexuality, Demmy can’t go back into the closet no matter how much he loves Cody, and oh now they have to hide their feelings from Oliver and his pistol of a grandmother while hunting some enormous bat-creature in the woods?

Life is never boring for these two.

Edwards once again gives the reader some fantastic side characters to sink their teeth into. He creates complex and multi-layered people, which is refreshing and appreciative. Some lovable, some that makes the hackles raise, and everything in between. He’s especially good at writing older women, and I adored how those ladies had unique interactions with Cody and Demmy each across the series. The monster in this book was also an interesting change from previous titles. I’d go so far as to say no one much shed a tear for Book One’s monster, and while Two’s was a real zinger, I wouldn’t entirely venture into calling it a monster. Book Three—terrifying. No remorse felt by me after that whirlwind. But Book Four? He really shook it up by making the reader ache for the monster, not just the danger he’s constantly putting our boys into.

I’m a sucker for exes turning into friends in fiction as well. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not always possible. And when it is, should be handled carefully to make both individuals redeemable. So I really appreciated what Edwards did with Oliver in this book, and how he interacts with not only Demmy, but Cody—the source of so many arguments. Another hell of a read in the Critter Catchers series!
Profile Image for ~SZ~ &#x1f49c; cats & coffee.
642 reviews32 followers
September 30, 2023
Audiobook Review

Story: 5 stars
Narration: 4 stars

The guys travel to Pinesville New Jersey to help Oliver and his grandmother search for the Devil of Pinesville. Being from NJ and growing up in the Pine Barrens I am very acquainted with the story of the Jersey Devil, which this story is based on. Obviously the town and name of the creature have been changed but I loved this idea. The Jersey Devil is such a staple in NJ folklore. We even watched a movie about it in elementary school which caused nightmares for me! I actually went to school with a girl who was supposedly related to the Leeds family, the family the devil is from. The story is so creepy but also fun!

There is a lot of relationship angst in this one. Cody isn’t ready to come out and let the town know about him and Demetrius. Demmy understands but is hurt when Cody turns away from him whenever anyone almost catches them together or mentions them being a couple. He also isn’t sure if his time is almost up with Cody since they have been together about the length of time when every other relationship of Cody’s has ended. Seeing Cody flirt with a woman also hurts Demetrius because he doesn’t know why Cody would choose to stay with him when he could be with a woman.

Cody comes to some major conclusions about his feelings and he goes about showing Demmy in a very weird way. I’m not sure I’d like to come face to face with my partners exes but it is a running situation throughout the series.

The narration has improved immensely since the first book but I did feel like Oliver sounded like his grandmother sometimes and not like he sounded in previous books.

Profile Image for Natalie Nicole.
327 reviews22 followers
August 7, 2021
In 'The Devil of Pinesville, Critter Catchers Book 4 by Hank Edwards
our boys Demi and Cody are together at last--in the closet! In the previous book, readers saw the boys solving the mystery of people disappearing near the Everglades in Florida and were also treated to Cody accepting his love for Demi as more than the fraternal love of guys who had been friends since boyhood. Readers observed that the romantic love between the men was firmly established but not yet acknowledge. That changes in Book 3 and the men engage sexually after running from their feelings for so long. However, being Platonic friends for decades doesn't make admitting they are a couple easy in the current novel. On the contrary, how does Cody, the town lady player, admit that he's been going at it with his best buddy? It's only slightly less scary than the Devil they encounter in Pinesville while helping Demi's past lover!
Writer Hank Edwards is especially gifted in penning the tension, frustration, and fear that exists between both men as they transition from friends to lovers making it nearly as scary as the encounters with the monster! With his focus on Cody, Demi is understandably uncomfortable when he gets a text message from his old boyfriend Oliver who moved to Pinesville to live with his grandmother. There's a Devil running around and he's certain the Critter Catchers partners can capture the creature. He offers the guys room at his grandmother's home failing to tell them that 1) they will be staying in a barn and 2) a reward has been offered for the capture of The Devil. They get there to find that a two-woman team called Critter Ridders is there to win the prize!
Even with a creature running about Pinesville, their deep-in-the-closet relationship serves as an equally scary backdrop for the story for those readers who love the boys. Each guy has valid concerns about what happens next in their relationship. Demi's concerns involve the Cody timeline with relationships. Cody loses interest in women and tends to end the relationship at about six weeks. As that marker approaches, readers feel Demi's anxiety. Cody's concerns center around the value he place on his friendship with Demi. Demi has been Cody's anchor for years as he attracted friends and lovers then pulls away when he gets 'crowded'. His fear of losing Demi is real and so touching. In the end, Cody realizes he can't back out or he'll lose permanently. It's a moot point when he understands that a Platonic relationship with Demi just isn't at all satisfactory--he wants, needs, and craves an emotional, sexual commitment.
Profile Image for Martin Xiong.
5 reviews
June 12, 2022
One star for fulfilling the role of qualifying for the Libby genre-audience filters that found their way to landing on my library shelf. Second-star for at least trying.

The story of unequal parts murder and mystery, jarringly sloppy tangents of romance (although the best scenes involved bouts of amorous, shared bodily interactions), and a slight bit of rural-horror was altogether a tight outfit. A majority of the very intentional standing-in for what is obviously the author's form of prose is incisively interrupted by the author themself lacking a general sense of awareness for the when and where of critically unnecessary third-person, disembodied narrations in the midst of their story; it isn't necessary and keeps chopping through whatever narrative flow they're building.

It is a regular occurrence within each chapter and nearly every other page. The reader cannot escape the author inserting themselves into every scenario, breaking the fourth-wall.

In short, the author frequently interrupts themselves in lieu of being unable to show what their cast of characters are able to emit in emotion, or action to forward the story alone on either/or; and instead, the reader is constantly flamed with a masque of narration meant more so to supply something for the sore absence of complete suspense, or fluidly romantic tension.

You might well be reading about obvious body language translating the primary love interest's troubles in proverbial paradise, when quite suddenly the author will consistently insert a follow-up font of text literally telling you that there's possible strife in domesticity; if you couldn't already tell--but you obviously can just from reading about 'the shifting of eyes' or 'turning your back to so-and-so'.

Other than that complaint, I found the mystery aspect very charming indeed. The rapport between the pseudo-detectives helps progress the story, where all of the severe authorial intent is blatantly in your face every other page. Good story though and I hope to read more of the author's works.
Profile Image for Terri.
1,533 reviews
December 20, 2019
This series is so much fun! Poor Cody and Demetrius can't catch a break in their Critter Catchers business. They either end up scratched up or worse by the animals they are removing, or they end up pitted against something even scarier. In the previous books, Cody and Demmy unintentionally ended up fighting monsters, but this time, they reluctantly make the decision to go after one.
Oliver, Demmy's ex, has moved to Pinesville, and he asks the partners to come investigate a goat-bat-man creature that has been terrorizing the adjoining woods. The guys go, but along with looking for the Devil of Pinesville, butting heads with two women who are in the same line of work, and fighting jealousy each man feels at different times, Cody and Demmy also have to figure out where they are going in their newly intimate relationship. Cody is afraid of coming out, and Demmy is afraid of being left behind. I wanted to shake them at times and hug them at others.
I love these adventures, and Cody and Demetrius are such great characters. They make me laugh, and sometimes they make me cry. I am really enjoying the series, and I'm ready to dive into the next installment. Bring on the next f-ing monster!
August 2, 2024
Best friends and owners of Critter Catchers, Demmy and Cody are now also finally in a relationship but it isn’t smooth sailing. After a lifetime of being (mostly) straight, Cody is terrified of being outed. Of course, Demmy is constantly hurt by Cody’s denials and is worried he’ll just be another notch on Cody’s highly decorated bedpost. Meanwhile, Demmy’s old flame, Oliver, stirs the pot by inviting the boys to catch the Devil, a terrifying winged creature that is being sited around Pinesville, NJ. As well as constantly annoying Cody, Oliver neglects to mention there’s a hefty reward and that other catchers are on the scene. They’ll have a devil of a time sorting all this out!

I’d sort of hoped we were past all the relationship insecurities, but these took up the vast majority of the story with the devil creatures occasionally slotted in between. I wouldn’t have minded but Demmy and Cody both spun their wheels A LOT (sigh!) and the devil subplot just sorted of petered out without much of a resolution—I didn’t even feel like I got a really clear description of the beasties. 🎧 Voice artist Zachary Zaba channels the emotion well but his occasional mispronunciations jar.
Profile Image for E.Muddle.
1,226 reviews17 followers
December 6, 2019
So even after the ending of the last book, it appears we are not past the angst, and pining, and uncertainty that Cody and Demmy both feel. They have moved into a rather intense physical relationship, but both of them have doubts. Cody isn't out yet and Demmy can't help but wonder if he'll ever be ready to do so. On top of that, there is that pesky concern over whether or not they're exclusive, or if Cody even wants to be. Cody, for how sure he is about his feelings for Demmy, isn't too sure about the rest of the world. Then there is Oliver - Demmy's ex - calling them up out of the blue with another adrenaline-filled monster case...

I did like the author's treatment of Oliver, and how he and Demmy (and eventually Cody) managed to maintain a mature friendship. I certainly didn't mind the possessiveness and jealousy it brought out in Cody. The tension hanging over their relationship as they deal with a literal devil is all kinds of delicious, making the strong ending feel so so worth it.
Profile Image for Lisa.
526 reviews4 followers
December 30, 2020
Book 4 continues where Book 3 ended and now Demmy and Cody are in a relationship. Cody hasn't come out yet and he spends the first half of this book trying to figure out how to come out to his town. Demmy is supportive but has his own fears about what he means to Cody. After all, he knows Cody's previous relationships don't last long and theirs might be over soon. When Demmy receives a call from his ex, Ollie, he and Cody head to Pinesville to figure out what is lurking in the woods? Is it truly a Devil of Pinesville or is there something more sinister? What makes this even more hilarious is the Critter Creatures meet the Pinesville version of themselves aka the Critter Ridders which is a team of two women who are bisexual and seem to be in a relationship of sorts. There are some misunderstandings and jealousy in this latest adventure but everything works out in the end. I loved the last scene when Cody finally confessed his feelings to the entire town and Demmy has a visit from Cody's past ;) It was amazing and I'm glad Cody finally figured out his feelings for Demmy and vice versa. Both men talked to each other and sorted out their feelings :)
897 reviews11 followers
December 30, 2021
I think Cody and Demmy might be getting the hang of this critter catching thing. I love the humor of the hometown jobs, and the skunk scene is worth a read all by itself. But the heart behind the true Devil of Pinesville is amazing. So creative and poignant for the times while still keeping the adventure suspenseful and fun. There is another crew giving Demmy and Cody a run for their money in tracking the critter, so having that bit of competition was a nice addition.

On the relationship front, this is the hardest book in the series. By that I mean that they are still new, but old too (since they've been best friends for 23 years). They haven't figured out all the "couply" stuff that friends don't normally have to think about ... and neither one wants to rock the boat. It's a romance, so of course they work it out, but the way their journey is written, it really could have gone either way. I love that realism Edwards brings to his stories.
Profile Image for R.
1,974 reviews
November 10, 2019
Demmy and Cody are still figuring the ins and outs of their relationship. Still catching critters and still struggling to make ends meet.

They get a call from Oliver saying he has another mystery for them. Cody wants no part of it, because...Oliver. So jealous he can’t stand the thought of Demmy hooking up with Oliver again, he still agrees to drive six hours away to go monster hunting.

As usual, the boys get in over their heads, but this time there might be money if they find the Devil of Pinesville.

This book was less monster and more human issues. Jealousy, competition from other critter hunters, and a sympathetic monster made this book a nice addition to the series. The guys are sometimes a bit dense, Cody is so clueless. I like the writing and the books are fun to read.

I received an arc of this book.
Profile Image for Kathryn.
3,410 reviews27 followers
November 1, 2019
The Devil of Pinesville is the fourth book in the Critter Catchers series by Hank Edwards. Business, friendship and romantic relationship juggling plays a part in this installment of the funny and suspenseful series. Demmy and Cody are finding thier groove in it all when a new mysterious case comes knocking at their door. Add to that the fact that there is competition now for getting rid of unwanted critters and this book provides a good mix of angsty drama, hilarious moments, suspense and mystery... and some satisfying romance. Another enjoyable and entertaining read, with good plot and great characters.

I received an advanced reader's copy of the book and I am voluntarily leaving my honest review and recommendation.
871 reviews1 follower
November 19, 2019
This is the fourth book in The Critter Catchers Series. A great book the writing was good. The plot was entertaining and it was steady throughout the book. I found the story and characters likeable. The characters were developed and thought out. Cody and Demetrius are the MC’s of this book. There are such good ideas here in this book and series I wish that they were more organized so that they flowed better. The Idea for monster’s death great and unique. I loved the familial feeling that there was as well. I can recommend this book as a good read. I voluntarily read an advance copy of this book for an honest review.
815 reviews3 followers
April 15, 2021
Love it

There's trouble in paradise. Cody can't seem to come out of the closet yet and Demmy is fine with it until his doubts intrude. Then Demmey gets a strange text from his ex Oliver he wants know if they're up for a monster hunt. Cody is realizing the longer he waits to come to terms with his relationship with Demmy the more he's hurting him. While trying to track the monster Demmy starts to wonder if their time together is almost up and Cody is so worried he's going to mess things up. While they both try to figure things out the have an urban legend chasing them,competition from another critter catching business, and an ex.
Profile Image for Claudia.
2,967 reviews40 followers
December 22, 2021
Why, oh why did he had to do that? I was really happy with this story, I liked that the conflict was believable and the reactions of the characters where true to their personalities.

I also enjoyed the case, although it felt a bit mushy at its end.

But the way in which the conflict was solved? So way over the top and completely (sorry not sorry) stupid! It doesn't help that, IMHO, when someone needs to do such an exaggerated gesture it's because they think they will need the reminder later.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanyway, maybe it's just my dislike for Cody showing his ugly face :P

I'm still will be listening to the rest of the books :P
1,912 reviews3 followers
December 3, 2019
I'm definitely loving this series, and this one is my favorite this far. It definitely has a balance of relationship/business, and of course their friendship too. The mystery was just as interesting to me as the relationship issues and concerns that they were going through. And as always there was the well written suspense, mystery, a little drama, some romance, and of course the humor that we all love. This was just what I love in this series.

I read a complimentary advance copy of the book; this is my voluntary and honest review.
846 reviews2 followers
December 24, 2017
Loved it!!!! We get to see Demmy and Cody's relationship grow and dealing with exes and jealousy. I loved the new paranormal mystery and that there was professional competition for Demmy and Cody. I was kind of sad for the paranormal conclusion especially when Demmy explains the mystery. I was worried about Demmy and Cody and where the next step would be, but I loved the surprise in where it progressed and I look forward to the continuation of the series.
Profile Image for Dokun888.
250 reviews4 followers
August 28, 2018

Liked how Cody and Demmy struggled with their budding relationship here although I wish it was more well developed and the conclusion, so to say, less abrupt XD but it was fun to read and even though I like gay fiction characters to be almost perfect appearance wise it was kind of refreshing to realise that Demmy has a thinning hair XD I'm trying not to think about it too hard though XD
1,466 reviews4 followers
November 23, 2019
This book is the best so far in this amazing series!, Demetrius and Cody’s relationship is at risk and they need to decide what they want, while trying to find a mythical monster and get a reward. Full of action, intrigue, romance and hot scenes... the plot kept me in the edge of my seat all the time. I cried a little but enjoyed a lot. Great reading!!!
I received the book as an ARC and this is my honest opinion.
Profile Image for Patricia Nelson.
1,735 reviews20 followers
December 3, 2019
Have you ever read a book where you just want to shake some sense into a character who is SO oblivious to what's in front of them? And THEN that same character proceeds to flub up every time they turn around?! Well, a certain character in this awesome, fantastic, fascinating, mysterious, slow burning, and hilarious fourth entry in the Critter Catchers series had me pulling my hair out. I was hooked from beginning to end, and can't wait to see what happens next.
2,781 reviews42 followers
December 31, 2019
The Devil of Pinesville is the fourth book in the Critter Catchers series. All I can say is that this series just keeps on getting better.
Juggling a business, friendship and romantic relationship can be daunting to say the least. Add in an ex and things get interesting.
This story is a great mix of angst,drama, humor, suspense and mystery and some wonderful romance. Bring on book #5!
Profile Image for Denise GremoryKohta.
3,877 reviews5 followers
January 7, 2020
Man they worked for this!!

So much angst from these guys. For best friends their communication skills could use some work. I like how the author used something that is a major problem nationwide. Another way to show how damaging it can be. He had not just the characters feeling bad for the monster. And Demetrius and Cody might finally be getting somewhere.
Profile Image for Lee Hall.
882 reviews5 followers
February 26, 2021
Absolutely loved this book!

Hank Edwards really hit it out of the park with this book! 4th in the series, this book deals with the Devil of Pinesville, Cody and Demetrius’ relationship. Things come to a head in both the relationship and the Devil! Surprised and thrilled, I hope you enjoy this wonderful book! Highly recommended
Profile Image for Angelica Holmes.
465 reviews1 follower
June 15, 2021
Series is so amazing!

Fourth instalment in this wonderful series. Although it starts of a little slow it is a very well written story and finishes very strong. The banter, characters, and plot of the book are so fun. It makes it so hard to put the book down.
Profile Image for Danis  ❤️ MM.
555 reviews5 followers
May 24, 2022
Love Demmy and Cody. Cody can be a bit of an a$$ in this one, but makes up for it in the end. It was nice to see Oliver's character again, even though he was a rival for Demmy's affections, I kinda liked Oliver. Looking forward to the next installment.
Profile Image for Robert Fontenot.
1,498 reviews15 followers
November 23, 2022
Another solid entry in the series although I kind of wish the horror elements had entered the story a little bit sooner. All in all though I thought the relationship progression was handled well and the horror elements were fun.
Profile Image for T.A.
514 reviews
May 12, 2024
Monster Hunting

Demmy and Cody go to Pinesville to help Oliver with a monster hunt. What they find is a test to their new relationship and a sad ending for the Devil of Pinesville. Cody realises that nothing is as important as Demmy.
5,701 reviews35 followers
November 18, 2019
so many fun and interesting critters in this series.. i really enjoy it.. it is always leaving me curious to see what comes next.. i love it
Displaying 1 - 30 of 36 reviews

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