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The Santa Trial

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In this standalone holiday novella, USA Today bestselling author Tess Thompson weaves a tale of winter wonder for two lonely hearts at the expense of a common criminal who just might be the real Santa Claus.Neither Ryan nor Rena is thrilled to be called for jury duty. He’s a widower with a small daughter who needs him.She’s a struggling single woman who can’t afford to miss a day’s pay. But when the two spot each other across the courtroom, suddenly jury duty doesn’t seem like such a burden after all.Together with their fellow jurors, they must decide the fate of a defendant who believes that he’s Santa. It’s a seemingly unromantic task for two infatuated strangers, but love could find a way with a little help from the magic of Christmas. Like a stocking stuffed with all the special treats of the season, this novella is as sweet as sugar plums and as satisfying as a batch of cookies fresh from the oven.

102 pages, ebook

First published October 22, 2017

About the author

Tess Thompson

115 books1,665 followers
Tess Thompson Romance...hometowns and heartstrings.

Tess Thompson is the USA Today Bestselling and award-winning author of contemporary and historical Romantic Women’s Fiction with over 60 published titles. When asked to describe her books, she could never figure out what to say that would perfectly sum them up until she landed on, Hometowns and Heartstrings.

She’s married to her prince, Best Husband Ever, and is the mother of their blended family of four kids and five cats. Best Husband Ever is seventeen months younger, which qualifies Tess as a Cougar, a title she wears proudly. Her Bonus Sons are young adults with pretty hair and big brains like their dad. Daughters, better known as Princess One and Two, are teenagers who make their mama proud because they’re kind. They’re also smart, but a mother shouldn’t brag.

Tess loves lazy afternoons watching football, hanging out on the back patio with Best Husband Ever, reading in bed, binge-watching television series, red wine, strong coffee and walks on crisp autumn days. She laughs a little too loudly, never knows what to make for dinner, looks ridiculous kickboxing in an attempt to combat her muffin top, and always complains about the
rain even though she chose to live in Seattle.

She’s proud to have grown up in a small town like the ones in her novels. After graduating from the University of Southern California Drama School, she had hopes of becoming an actress but was called instead to writing fiction. She’s grateful to spend most days in her office matchmaking her characters while her favorite cat Mittens (shhh…don’t tell the others) sleeps on the desk.

She adores hearing from readers, so don’t hesitate to say hello or sign up for her newsletter:
http://tesswrites.com/. You’ll receive an ebook copy of her novella, The Santa Trial, for your

Much to her father’s horror, you can find her everywhere on social media.
BookBub: http://bit.ly/2esOcrn
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorTessTh...
Goodreads: http://bit.ly/2vClTfX
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/tesswrites
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tesswrites
Instagram: https://instagram.com/tessielouwrites

Please note: Tess is not affiliated with the writing duo of Charlene Tess and Judi Thompson.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 166 reviews
Profile Image for RedRedtheycallmeRed.
1,824 reviews45 followers
December 1, 2020
I'm ok with cheesy romance when it comes to Christmas stories, but this was over the top cringey. Rich guy meets poor girl (who's been obsessed with him from afar) during jury duty, and their romance proceeds at warp speed. The "Miracle on 34th Street" type trial is mostly an afterthought. Rich guy has a 7 year old daughter who seems unrealistically older than her years, asking Santa and Jesus (the religious aspects seemed out of place in this story) to bring her a new mom.

Bah humbug I guess.
Profile Image for Rebecca.
2,793 reviews132 followers
January 3, 2019
Magic happens when Morgan, a 7 year old girl, asks Santa for a wife for her dad, Ryan. After losing her mom as a baby, Morgan decides it's way past time for her dad to marry again so she writes a letter to Santa asking for him to grant her wish. This was a sweet and heartwarming story about second chances at love.

Location: Seattle, Washington
Profile Image for The Half-blood Reader.
1,069 reviews50 followers
July 8, 2021
**Read for Jordan Ford's Summer Reading Challenge 2021**

Why this book isn't for me, in quotes:

'Daddy doesn’t have much fun because he’s so worried about his business and all his employees and taking care of me all by himself. Grammie says it’s not easy for a man alone. Aunt Rosie says a little girl needs a mother.'

'if she [dad's new wife] could be a great cook, that would be awesome. Daddy and I like to eat. A lot. But, between you and me, he’s not too good at cooking'

'Broke and lonely in Seattle. Never mind that, scroogy-scrooge. She must do her civic duty without complaint. It was the least she could do to live in this great country.'
So American in a bad way. How is it that great if you keep describing the homeless and how poor you are?

“Morgan’s what you might describe as a handful. She’s sweet and well-behaved, for the most part, but she’s a little energetic and way too smart. I swear, she never stops talking. I always thought girls were supposed to be gentle creatures. She’s more like an exuberant puppy."

'“I love weddings.” “Really?” “Every moment of them. I would never get tired of seeing a beautiful bride walk down the aisle toward her groom.”'
*sigh* You're going to make me say it? How heteronormative of you to only think of straight couples getting married.

'“I thought you were newlyweds.” No ring on this finger, lady. Whatever would give her that idea?'
For someone religious who has premarital sex, you seem to forget wearing rings isn't obligatory for the married.

'She’d like to give him too much wine and do a lot of things with him.'
You mean, take away his ability to consent?

'a man rang the Salvation Army bell. Seven reached into her pocket and dropped some coins inside.'
The Anti-LGBTQ organisation who kicks trans people in need back to the street?

'“I thought women were supposed to be able to talk and text at the same time,” he said'

'Rena chuckled as she grabbed the last piece of toast. “I know what girls like because I was one.”'
So you are saying all little girls are the same? Instead of individuals with different tastes? I'm assuming you liked both dolls and cars like me, then. Drawing, painting and playing with wet dirt. Etc etc etc...

It's a sweet story, especially for Christians, Catholics, Protestants, etc... But it is infested with heteronormative patriarchal ideas and gender role stereotyping.

Not only that, it is cringey. Rich guy finally notices poor girl who was already obsessed with him (he was her pretend boyfriend in her mind). The romance happens in 2 days. His daughter Morgan does not sound like a 7 year old, but way older. It combines Santa, who was turned into a capitalism symbol thanks in part to Coca-Cola, with Jesus. That's beyond weird.

The trial ends up not being a big part of the plot, just a tool to force the 2 lovers to meet, that is then promptly swept under the rug.
Profile Image for Giuls.
1,662 reviews137 followers
November 5, 2022
Tess Thompson è un’autrice di cui ultimamente sento parlare molto, per cui ero curiosa di leggerla, anche se ammetto che iniziare da una novella forse non è stata l’idea migliore.
Lo stile, comunque, mi è piaciuto molto e ho trovato questo libro una lettura veloce.
Però, causa anche le poche pagine, la storia mi ha dato abbastanza il nervoso: d’altronde ne è venuto fuori il classico colpo di fulmine con insta-love annesso, che io proprio non riesco a mandare giù… però era abbastanza prevedibile, data la brevità del tutto.
Inoltre non ho apprezzato del tutto la trama di fondo: la ragazza povera, con la giacca vecchia e troppo leggera, che incontra il ragazzo bello e ricco, pronto ad aiutarla e a soccorrerla. Come se fosse scontato la storia dovesse sempre andare così, con lui che aiuta lei anche economicamente.
Mi è piaciuta però l’idea che Santa Claus esisti realmente, non per portare i regali ai bambini, ma per permettere quei miracoli di Natale che fanno sempre bene all’anima, l’ho trovata una cosa molto dolce e carina.
Profile Image for Stefi Rashkova.
150 reviews28 followers
December 26, 2020

Well, I'm not that much into short stories, but I loved this one! It is heartwarming indeed and made me sensitive. It's a Christmas story about love and hope! It has some messages to deliver and you can read it in a sit. So, what are you waiting for?
Don't count the stars in my review for I'm not experienced in this kind of stories. My joliday spirit put the rating. The only thing I think that wasn't so well written is the wish of the little girl, because I think that kids don't speak like that. So, it wasn't realistic. But, the story has many things that seem unbelievable anyway. So we should just open our hearts and have a litte faith!
Profile Image for Karma Queen.
294 reviews
December 10, 2020
This is a cute, quick holiday read that I can see being adapted for a Hallmark Christmas movie. We've got a widower (Ryan) with a little girl (Morgan). The story starts off with Morgan making a video message for Santa asking for a wife for dad who will also be a good mom to her. Ryan is selected for the jury that will sit on a trial for a man who thinks he's Santa and accused of stealing gifts (although he does replace them with better ones). Rena is also chosen for the jury and Ryan is smitten right away. She's living paycheck to paycheck and cannot afford the time off work. You can probably figure out where this is going and that's OK. This is a good choice if you want a little PG-13 romance and holiday whimsy.
Profile Image for Shannon.
435 reviews15 followers
November 26, 2018
When you need a story that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, author Tess Thompson writes it!

Ryan is a widow and a single father. Since the death of his wife, he has focused on his daughter and his work, and little else. He's a good man, a hard worker, a devoted son, supportive brother, and doting daddy. But, he's a sad and lonely man despite the good and wonderful things that he has in his life.

Rena is an underpaid, overworked assistant in Ryan's company. She lives in a run down apartment that offers little heat in the winter and little cooling in the summer. Unbeknownst to Ryan, Rena has fantasized about being his girlfriend for quite sometime, but he doesn't even know that she exists....well at least not until the two end up serving on jury duty together.

Along with their peers, the two must decide the fate of Santa! It is clear from the start, that this Santa is unlike any "mall Santa" the jury has ever encountered. Is he guilty of stealing Christmas? It appears that this case isn't as black as coal or white as snow!

The only thing that is clear is that there is something between Ryan and Rena, and neither want the case to end...
Profile Image for Ellen Anderson.
1,248 reviews
November 19, 2018

This is probably my favorite romantic holiday short story ever. The magic of Christmas and the wonder of love. You just need to believe.
Profile Image for Mary.
679 reviews
November 19, 2018
This is a sweet and uplifting Christmas story, filled with love and the magic of Christmas. I could definitely see this as a wonderful Hallmark holiday movie.
Profile Image for Simoloverosa.
328 reviews19 followers
November 8, 2022
Morgan è una bambina orfana della mamma cresciuta da un padre attento e amorevole che non le ha fatto mai mancare nulla. Ha appena sette anni ma ha dentro una notevole energia e una spiccata intelligenza che la portano ad essere matura, acuta, precoce e molto sveglia. Ha tanti desideri da realizzare per il Natale ma vedere suo padre sempre triste e spento la esorta a chiedere a Babbo Natale di esaudire un desiderio tutto speciale, che colmi finalmente con l' amore quel vuoto dentro i loro cuori. Ryan è un padre meraviglioso che divide la sua vita tra lavoro e casa con grande soddisfazione anche se una parte di lui si sente incompleta senza, al proprio fianco, quell' anima gemella con cui condividere le gioie e le difficoltà della vita. Ma le donne non vogliono un uomo già vedovo con al seguito una figlia e del resto anche lui non vuole una donna che non accolga con sentimento sincero la sua preziosa bambina. Ma dove trovare un angelo generoso e gentile che sappia amare entrambi in una città tra l' altro fredda e caotica durante il periodo di Natale? Credete nei miracoli? Ebbene in questa novella il miracolo dell' amore scalda le pagine con intensità riempiendo i nostri occhi di profonda commozione. Una novella natalizia dolce e incantevole narrata con delicata finezza che regala momenti di lettura meravigliosi. Conosciamo Babbo Natale in una veste sorprendente e spiritosa che si trasforma in un abile cupido per far scoccare la scintilla tra Ryan e Rena. Rena vive una situazione economica disperata avrebbe proprio bisogno di un miracolo ma nonostante tutto si rimbocca le maniche per andare sempre avanti con dentro la speranza di un futuro migliore con sogni da realizzare tra i quali avere una famiglia. Solo Babbo Natale poteva unire tre anime buone e bisognose di quell' affetto virtuoso, puro e sincero che l' amore. Tess Thompsn, come sempre, costruisce le sue storie mettendo in risalto elementi semplici e reali quali i sentimenti e la famiglia attraverso i quali crea momenti unici ed emozionanti che colpiscono e gratificano l' animo. In poche pagine ha tratteggiato personaggi dal forte spessore umano con i quali si entra subito in sintonia provando dentro tutta la magia del loro articolare incontro. Una splendida e avvolgente atmosfera natalizia che solo una penna così sensibile poteva regalarci. Lettura consigliatissima che fa sognare.

Segui @simoloverosa anche su Instagram, Facebook e Tik Tok
Profile Image for Alice Gerini.
Author 19 books28 followers
November 30, 2022
"Non devi sentirti in colpa per amare qualcuno al punto che piangi per la sua perdita"

📚Ryan e Rena non sono per niente entusiasti di dover comparire in giuria. Ryan, vedovo, è padre di una bambina che ha bisogno di lui. Rena, invece, è una giovane donna single in continua lotta per arrivare alla fine del mese. Ma quando si accorgono l’uno dell’altra nell’aula di tribunale, gli impegni di giuria non sembrano più così pesanti.
Insieme agli altri giurati, dovranno decidere il destino di un imputato convinto di essere Babbo Natale, il compito apparentemente meno romantico di tutti per due estranei innamorati; ma, grazie alla magia del Natale, questi sentimenti potrebbero realizzarsi.

✒️Volete entrare nel clima natalizio? Leggete questa novella e succederà.
✒️L'inizio è sicuramente molto originale, lo sviluppo seppur prevedibile non manca di regalare sorrisi, sospiri, qualche lacrima e riflessione.
✒️La storia è scritta in terza persona con doppio punto di vista, nonostante sia un racconto breve riusciamo a conoscere bene i protagonisti e i personaggi di contorno.
✒️Il clima natalizio la fa da padrone e non solo nelle vie decorate, nei negozi o nelle case addobbate, ma anche (incredibile ma vero!) nell'aula di tribunale!
✒️La storia è di una dolcezza e delicatezza unica, non so se la novella fosse legata a storie precedenti ma in ogni caso sono riuscita a comprendere tutto senza avere letto altro dell'autrice.
❌Uniche due pecche: l'amore istantaneo (che magari ci sta se ipotizziamo la "magia del Natale") e il finale un po' troppo frettoloso.

🎄Per il resto nulla da aggiungere, è una lettura meravigliosamente a tema natalizio! La consiglio? Assolutamente sì!

🌟🌟🌟🌟½ /5
Profile Image for Kelly Young.
Author 33 books47 followers
December 13, 2020
I found this to be too religious for my liking. The Christian aspect also seemed at odds with not only Santa, but with references to being under a spell and of faeries.
Had the description of the book included its religious leaning, I likely would have not picked it up. But I had it, so I read it. The story itself is actually heartwarming.
I was distressed by the fact that Rena stayed at Ryan's over Christmas with no thought for her fish, freezing and hungry and alone in her cold apartment. I assume he died, as he is never mentioned again.
3,585 reviews15 followers
April 26, 2021
This started out as a cute story about Santa going on trial for exchanging generic gifts at a homeless shelter for what the kids really wanted. Rena Burke and someone she's seen often at the local Starbucks, Ryan Scott, are in the same jury pool.  

The court case was dropped in lieu of Ryan and Rena getting together.  He's rich; she isn't.  He buys her things, yadda, yadda, yadda.

It takes him a year (of living together) for him to decide to marry.  Great role model for Morgan, the daughter. I was so incredibly disappointed in this story on so many levels.
Profile Image for MaryEllen.
2,329 reviews21 followers
November 22, 2020
For some reason the author chose to toss in a very un-Biblical storyline in an otherwise Hallmark-esque story.
Profile Image for Bambi Rathman.
338 reviews67 followers
November 14, 2018
This story starts out in the sweetest way. A little girl, Morgan, making a video asking Santa for a new mommy...and a wife for her daddy. This is a Hallmark/Miracle on 34th Street aura novelette that captures the spirit of Christmas. Giving, caring, love, hope, magic and believing in miracles. This is a story that will be enjoyed as a Christmas tradition year after year for me.
The story is magical and with the sparkling glitter of Tess Thompson's story telling talent this book brings the holiday spirit to life. Never stop believing in your hopes and dreams. The letter Santa writes back to Morgan made my heart warm and spoke to me about love and how God made us to be love. The message in this book is so meaningful and a reminder of what Christmas is all about.
I have loved every single book of Tess Thompson's that I've read. This is no exception and I know I look forward to future books with excitement and joy like on a Christmas morning!
Tess Thompson, thank you for a truly heartwarming story that touched my heart in more ways than I can say. It's beautiful! I believe!
549 reviews4 followers
November 24, 2018
A very cute Christmas romance. You almost know how its going to end when you start it, but you read it none the less just because its so heartwarming and sweet. And what's better than a happy Christmas story to make you believe in miracles again?
For me the best part of this novella was the quote from Einstein: "There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle or you can live as if everything is a miracle." This quote hit me hard because just the day before reading this story I attended a motivational talk and the speaker quoted these words at the end of her speech. To receive the same quote two days in a row means something special.
Profile Image for Margaret Yelton.
1,962 reviews37 followers
December 7, 2019
The Santa Trial by Tess Thompson this was such a heart warming story. It may have been a short story, but it was actually one of the best ones I have read in quite awhile. I would definitely recommend this story to others.
Profile Image for Michelle.
1,684 reviews60 followers
November 18, 2020
This is just the cutest, sweetest story. A lovely holiday read.
Profile Image for Eliza.
Author 1 book10 followers
February 9, 2024
Recensione a cura di Paper&Popcorn Blog (IG: @paperandpopcorn_blog)

"Miracolo nella 34a... a Seattle"


Quanto romanticismo c’è nella storia? Molto. A tratti risulta essere anche troppo, ma le anime romantiche non rimarranno deluse.

Quanto è spicy la storia? Zero spicy, forse solo qualche allusione.

Qualche lacrimuccia può scappare? In alcuni tratti può essere commovente.

Riesce a scapparti qualche risata? Poche, di sicuro Morgan aiuta a farle nascere.

Com’era il finale? Giusto e romantico all'inverosimile. Tutto sommato carino.

Originalità della trama: poco originale. Tante similitudini (non so se volute) con "Miracolo nella 34a strada". Potrebbe essere un retelling.

Personaggio preferito: Ryan.

Personaggio meno preferito: nessuno.

Citazione preferita: non ho segnato citazioni particolari.

3 motivi per leggerlo:
1. per ricordarsi di chi è meno fortunato ed è invisibile durante l'anno e solo un po' meno a Natale;
2. per capire il vero senso del Natale;
3. per scoprire la verità su Babbo Natale.

3 motivi (ironici) per non leggerlo:
1. perché poi vorrete andare a rubare giocattoli ai bambini (ma per sostituirli con regali più belli, eh!);
2. perché poi vorrete anche voi un Ryan nella vostra vita;
3. perché desidererete fare da babysitter a Morgan.

A chi lo consiglio: ai super romantici, agli amanti delle storie dolci e "zuccherose", agli amanti dell'instant love, a coloro che amano il Natale e a coloro che ogni anno guardano "Miracolo nella 34a strada".


Stile di scrittura: scorrevole e abbastanza semplice.

Copertina: carina, direi azzeccata.

Grafiche interne: Ci sono solo a inizio parte (già, è diviso in parti e non in capitoli) e i caratteri sono estremamente piccoli, oltre che stampati come se dovessero occupare l'intera pagina e invece fossero stati rimpiccioliti (è difficile da spiegare ma il tutto rende veramente difficile leggere la storia).

Refusi: ne ho contati alcuni, ma nulla di troppo grave.

Lunghezza libro: per essere una novella la lunghezza è giusta (contando anche che le vicende accadono nel giro di pochi giorni) ma mi sarebbe piaciuto vedere alcuni momenti più approfonditi e meno veloci.
Profile Image for Meg.
1,156 reviews9 followers
October 21, 2022
recensione a cura del blog “Libri Magnetici" by Meghan

Ryan è un vedovo che ha dedicato la sua vita alla figlia Morgan: proprio Morgan apre questo libro con una lettera a cuore aperto al mitico Babbo Natale. Non vuole sono una mamma, anche se ha solo sette anni ha le idee ben chiare e una serie di richieste dettagliate: “deve avere voglia di essere la mia mamma”, scrive Morgan.Suo padre ha scelto e deciso di dedicarsi a lei e per questo ha messo in secondo piano la sua vita: ma siamo a Natale e, a volte, forse, i miracoli accadono?Non possiamo dirlo, perché in realtà Ryan si ritrova nella selezione per la giuria ad un processo, dove c’è anche Rena; entrambi lavorano nello stesso grattacielo ma non si sono mai incontrati, o meglio lei lo ha notato alla caffetteria, ma non si sono mai parlati.
Rena ha una vita quasi alla soglia della povertà, poiché un’operazione improvvisa l’ha costretta a pagare un salatissimo conto ospedaliero, ma è anche il tipo che si toglie i guanti e li dà ad una senzatetto perché è in condizioni peggiori.A volte Rena, crede e spera che anche per lei possa esserci ancora una vita migliore: per questo riusciamo a capire come il semplice saluto di Ryan sia per lei già una conquista.

«Si domandò che fortuna dovesse essere avere qualcuno con cui poter invecchiare insieme, qualcuno con cui sedersi in veranda, una persona dolce, delicata e calorosa.»

Lei, che non ha mai confessato a nessuno quanto si sente triste durante le feste, troverà poco alla volta il coraggio di parlare con quell’uomo che la porta a comprare un albero di Natale, che le fa sentire quel calore che le manca.
Non abbiamo scene “hot”, che poi sinceramente non avrebbero avuto alcun senso in questa storia, ma un coinvolgimento fisico appena accennato, che segue quello dei sentimenti, che ricalca lo stile della Thompson, quasi elegante nelle parti fisiche.La storia di un amore, di una famiglia che si compone in modo diverso, di una bambina che aveva chiesto un dono, sperando in un miracolo, e che la vita fa in modo che accada, o meglio a Natale tutto è possibile……..

Quattro petali.
Profile Image for Jennifer Lara.
916 reviews3 followers
December 23, 2020
The Santa Trial: A Christmas Short by Tess Thompson is a tale of wonder and romance against the backdrop of Christmas. The story opens as Morgan Scott, a young girl, makes a video letter to Santa asking for his help. She wants her dad to meet someone and she has a list of requirements. Cut to Rena Burke who is not happy about missing work for jury duty. As she lists and prioritizes bills to pay with what income she has left, she notices that her “pretend boyfriend” Ryan is also on the jury. The man she has admired from afar is now sitting next to her. Ryan Scott is also not happy about being on jury duty, especially days from Christmas. His To-Do list gets longer by the minute. Soon Rena catches Ryan’s eye and maybe jury duty isn’t so bad after all. The case at hand is John Smith, a man who believes himself to be Santa Claus and makes it his mission to help the kids whose parents cannot afford to be Santa themselves. Is Mr. Smith THE Santa Claus? Is Rena the Christmas gift Morgan has asked for?
The Santa Trial is the Hallmark holiday romance movie on the page. It was short (very short, only 80 pages), sweet, heartwarming as any Christmas movie. It had a very Miracle on 34th Street feel which is awesome because it is one of my favorite Christmas movies. Some might call it cheesy as most Christmas romance movies are, but it was enjoyable to sit back and read for a couple hours and read a story filled with love, hope and the miracles of Christmas. I laughed. I smiled. I sighed. I closed the book feeling all warm and fuzzy. I loved the interactions between the characters and what is the holiday without a little magic? If you enjoy holiday romance stories, you will enjoy The Santa Trial.

The Santa Trial is available in paperback and eBook
Profile Image for DJ.
630 reviews
December 16, 2022
I cried like I do for Hallmark Christmas movies!

The Santa Trial:A Christmas Short by Tess Thompson, was just what I needed to get me in the Christmas spirit. A modern retelling of Miracle on 34th Street or "Yes, Veronica. There is a Santa Claus!", Tess Thompson, captures the essence of what the real spirit of Christmas is all about-- LOVE! Tess Thompson has found the perfect words to describe the meaning of Christmas and being a master storyteller, she has woven love and faith into every page of this novella. And just like the perfect ending of a Hallmark Christmas movie, Tess Thompson's ending of The Santa Trial, brought tears to my eyes! I believe my heart grew three times as big reading this book.

Thanks Tess for the reminder that if the only prayer I pray once a day is "Thank you God!", He will still be pleased. There is a reason you are on my favorite author shelf! Santa Trial is a reminder that we are kindred spirits!
Profile Image for Andrea.
698 reviews18 followers
January 12, 2020
This story is one that will make your heart swell, bring tears to your eyes, and leave you with a warm, fuzzy feeling at the same time. I reread it every year because it is one of my favorites by this author.

Morgan's mom died when she was just a baby. So she writes a letter to Santa asking for a new mommy.

Morgan's father Ryan is selected to be on a jury. So is Rena, who works in Ryan's building and who finds him very attractive. The defendant is accused of breaking and entering and happens to look exactly like Santa Claus. Oh yeah, and it's four days before Christmas.

The two end up spending some time together during the trial and the magic begins. Romance is in the air. You will believe in Christmas magic again. Hey Hallmark, here's one for you to adapt into a holiday classic movie!
Profile Image for Elda.
1,203 reviews6 followers
December 17, 2020
Ryan and Rena were jurors on a case to determine if the defendant was actually guilty of theft. The video shows him dressed as Santa taking the wraped gifts from under the tree at a safe house for women and children. But he replaced them with new gifts which he states are more apropos for each child. Ryan is juror number six and Rena is number seven. They immediately connect and stay together after the trial. Ryan’s seven year old daughter, Morgan, still believes in Santa. As a matter of fact, she wrote Santa a long letter saying she wanted a wife for her daddy and a mother for herself. When Ryan brings Rena home for dinner Morgan is sure that Rena is the one. I liked Morgan instantly. She is very precocious and lovable. Rena connects with her just as instantly as she had with Ryan. They spent a sweet Christmas together and were never parted thereafter. The end.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 166 reviews

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