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How much trouble can one small female be to a modern-day shapeshifting Viking? Well…it really depends on local gun laws.

Conall Víga-Feilan, direct descendent of Viking shifters, never thought he’d meet a female strong enough to be his mate. He especially didn’t think a short, viper-tongued human would ever fit the bill. But Miki Kendrick isn’t some average human. With an IQ off the charts and a special skill with weapons of all kinds, Miki brings the big blond pooch to his knees—and keeps him there.

Miki’s way too smart to ever believe in love and she knows a guy like Conall could only want one thing from her. But with the Pack’s enemies on her tail and a few days stuck alone with the one man who makes her absolutely wild, Miki is about to discover how persistent one Viking wolf can be.

255 pages, ebook

First published March 6, 2007

About the author

Shelly Laurenston

45 books7,715 followers
Originally from Long Island, New York, Shelly Laurenston has resigned herself to West Coast living which involves healthy food, mostly sunny days, and lots of guys not wearing shirts when they really should be. Shelly Laurenston is also The New York Times Bestselling author G.A. Aiken, creator of the Dragon Kin series. For more info on G.A. Aiken's dangerously and arrogantly sexy dragons, check out her website at www.gaaiken.com.

Pseudonym G.A. Aiken

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 807 reviews
July 12, 2024
Looks like feminism just committed suicide again! Surprise, surprise!

This is Feminism, my once evil, nefarious cat, self-defenestrating after reading this book. Sad.

A note to talented PNR authors everywhere: making your heroine an obnoxious, vulgar, hateful, rude, selfish, foul-mouthed bitch doesn't magically turn her into an assertive, bold, strong female character. I kid you not. Even when you give her an IQ of 170 . I kid you not. It simply magically turns her into an obnoxious, vulgar, hateful, rude, selfish, foul-mouthed bitch. Thus magically turning me into a homicidal maniac with slightly slaughterish tendencies.

Also: having a Neanderthal asshole with an IQ of -650 as a male MC is somewhat inadvisable. Especially if said Neanderthal asshole is incapable of seeing women as more than tight pieces of ass. This too tends to magically turn me into a homicidal maniac with slightly slaughterish tendencies. I'm weird, I know.

Also, also: the fact that your story is a fictitious one doesn't make it okay for you to promote demeaning behavior towards tight pieces of ass women. Neither does it make it alright to objectify them and stuff. No it bloody shrimping doesn’t.

Also, also, also: sex scenes. Sigh. Writing overabundant, distasteful, "we go at it like rabid barnacles in heat," TMI sex scenes does not a hot, steamy, sensual, erotic read make. Not it doesn't. A pathetically ridiculous, unappetizing, OTT, unsexy, worse than the worst of amateur porn-like read, however, it does make. Because, strange as it sounds, a little subtlety never hurt anyone. Shocking, I know.

Also, also, also, also: why would you want to create a super engaging and likeable cast of characters when you can have a bunch of unpleasant, crass, hare-brained nitwits instead? Beats me and stuff.

Oh, and by the way: books like this one kinda sorta make me feel like...

You are quite welcome.

P.S. this book is violently hazardous to one's health. Read it at your own risk, my Little Barnacles.

• Book 1: Pack Challenge

[January 2015]

Anne said “squicky” and I said “yippy!”

Surely this can't be as bad as Pack Challenge. Right? Right.

Profile Image for Anne.
4,388 reviews70.2k followers
September 8, 2021
5% into the book...

She put her free hand to her face to rub her eyes in exasperation, but she smelled her scent on her fingers again. Dammit. Masturbating in her sleep again.


Um. I'm going to put this one down now.

And I did...
But I'm not a quitter, dammit! So I re-downloaded this sucker from the library a few days ago and finished it.
Well, it was recommended to me by my good pal, Sara, so I wanted to give it a fair shake. In her defense, she recommended the series to me because I enjoyed Laurenston's Dragon Kin stuff that she writes under the name G A Aiken.
But since I'm an ass, I'm also going to have to point out that some of the descriptions of the sexy stuff kind of made my nose wrinkle and my gag reflex kick in just a bit.
Now, I'm not blaming you, Sara, but I'm going to have to toss out an example here.
* clears throat *

"He needed to know this was what she really wanted. She ran her small hand across his jaw and down his neck."

I know what you're thinking. This doesn't sound so bad, right?
Wait for it...

"Then, slowly, leaned forward and began to lick her juices off his mouth and chin."


I guess I'm just a prude, but I don't wanna read a sentence like that ever again. Ewwww! Ewwww!
Who does that?!
Licks her juices off his mouth and chin...


Ok. I'm in my Happy Place now, and everything is all better.
And really, other than a few really squicky lines like that, I actually liked this book. In fact, I'm kind of interested in reading the rest of the series.
Apparently, these Packs and Prides are all fighting over something, and it got pretty interesting there before the big showdown.
Also, I like the OCD wolf-guy that we meet toward the end of this book, so I'm thinking I may go back and read book one to find out what the story is between him and his wife.
So, yeah, believe it or not, I had fun reading this one.
I'm not going to go out on a limb and recommend Go Fetch! to any of my friends like Juicy-Chin-Sara (as she will now forever be known) did, but I'm probably going to read this rest of these.
It was an overall fun and fluffyish PNR!
December 13, 2011
Firstly, let me state for the record:

I AM MIKI!!! I claim her somewhat questionable behavior and her unapologetic geek-girl-dom!!!

I read 'Go Fetch' as an e-book and not only was it hilarious the first time around, but now that it's available in print, it's even funnier. Yay I say, an interracial romance WITH NO ANGST! Lots of lust but no hand-wringing. Lots of humor and hot sex with characters who actually feel like they do exist. No perfect bodied-heroines or fits of the vapors. Nice!

Conall and Miki make a wonderful couple--they remind me of those screwball romantic comedies of the 40's (sans the language and the sex). What I LOVE about Miki (and all of Laurenston's heroines) is that they're nonplussed by the fact that the hero sprouts fur or wings. She's constantly telling Conall to "go fetch" (hence the title of this book). She's also unafraid of the leader of the Magnus Pack (and her best friend's husband) Zach. Conall has one hell of a time convincing love-shy Miki of the genius IQ and Doc Martens that he's there to stay. Conall's friend and leader Zach thinks he's nuts for pursuing a woman he 'knows' is psychotic--but love and hormones are blind.

Miki's a kick-butt kind of woman, but not to the ridiculous slayer extent. She's also warm, kind and fiercely loyal to her two best friends--Sara and Angelina.

Most of those familiar with me know that I have grown tired of the paranormal romance genre because of it's predictability and cardboard characters. Everyone's either a vamp, were, shifter, slayer or some combination of those. I have a few authors whose work somehow manages to remain fresh and Laurenston is one of them. Her heroines are quirky, not always ladylike but they just feel REAL. And though her heroes are alpha, they're not over-the-top Tarzan types.

But you've all been warned, I'm MIKI!
Profile Image for Lana Reads.
494 reviews216 followers
January 22, 2021
It was a fun and steamy read, much better than expected. This book wasn't perfect, some parts were not edited well, but the characters were crazy and fun enough to make it entertaining.

If you like shifters, action, steam and humour, try this one, I'm sure you will not be disappointed!
Profile Image for Dina.
1,324 reviews1,314 followers
May 18, 2009
Considering that I didn't like Pack Challenge, the 1st book in the series, very much, I approached this book with some "apprehension". But I was willing to give Ms. Laurenston another chance, so I kept my mind open. Well... I'm glad I did, because I really enjoyed reading this funny - and sometimes downright hilarious - story.

I'm not much into the Viking Thor-like look, but I wouldn't mind having Connal howling after me, LOL. Once he decided Miki was his, there was nothing she could do to turn him away. While every other male in the vicinity was smart enough to be afraid of her, he was just proud of her kick-ass attitude. And boy, she was really something to be feared! I didn't buy her reason for being wary of getting involved with Connal - come on, how many times am I going to read about a hero/heroine who's commitment-shy because their parents had a crappy relationship? - but, thankfully, she didn't drag it on and on.

As for the story, it was fast paced and kept me entertained, but I really didn't get WHY those hyenas were after them. Maybe I missed something. Or maybe those hyenas were just vicious. Anyway, all's well that ends well - at least, with Connal and Miki, because her friend Angie had something else going on... Darn, I need to get Here Kitty, Kitty! to see what happens next.
August 18, 2010
Love this series b/c both H/h are strong willed. No damsels in distress in these books...I think that makes the males even more dominant and a little insane b/c the females don't take orders very well. There is also a lot of humor...like smart ass humor. I love it!

In This 2nd book, Connal--lovingly dubbed "the Viking", persues Miki, a genius working on her dissertation-and is far from looking for a "mate". Of course there is a little mystery, but there is a lot of sexual tension and humor. This is a new favorite for me.

I am diving right into Angelina's story in book 3.

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Profile Image for Wendys Wycked Words.
1,581 reviews3,922 followers
March 11, 2016
This was a nice, funny and steamy read. It didn't blow me away however.
I think part of that is really my own fault, because I skipped book 1, so for some parts, I didn't know what was going.

 photo thor-no-idea_zpshosac6ys.gif

I liked the heroine in this one, she was smart and feisty and didn't take crap from anybody...she was quite dangerous actually. The hero was a hot alpha male...you can never go wrong with that !!

In short....this book is about a human female and a hot Alpha wolf (not the alpha, that's book 1). They get it on...a lot and end up being completely and insanely in love, eventhough this was not what they had planned for themselves. The steam was very hot..I liked it ;) I also liked the snarky humor.

 photo fetch1_zpsbc58jbpj.jpg

3,5 stars, because I was just too confused to fully enjoy it. Still gonna read book 3 though, I want to know more about the alpha shifter in that one ;)

Profile Image for Julie (jjmachshev).
1,069 reviews289 followers
February 9, 2009
Stayed up late again last night to finish "GO Fetch" by Shelly Laurenston. This is the second book in her 'Magnus Pack' series and it's just as erotic and humorous as the first one. If there's one thing I can't resist, it's an author that can combine hot sex and humor WELL. Shelly Laurenston seems to have the knack and as a result, her books seems to find their way to my keeper shelf with regularity.

Conall hasn't been able to get the short, nasty-tempered friend of his Alpha's new mate out of his head. He's spent so much time in the shower trying to take care of his problem that his Alpha is complaining about the water bill! So when said female appears to be in danger, well...Conall decides she needs her own guard wolf.

Miki is a genius who can't NOT think. She learned her lesson about love very early in life and decided it just wasn't for her. And the whole sex thing too...who needs it? Now if she could just quit thinking about the Viking shapeshifter. I mean he's like, twice her size...and really really hot...and he won't stay out of her dreams!

These two are a riot. She keeps trying to drive him away, and he just won't bite (hahahaha). The sex is smoking, the plot is a continuation of the first book even though you don't need to read it to be able to follow. But I think that if you read this one, you'll want the first one and "Here, Kitty, Kitty" which will be reprinted in May09.
Profile Image for Yodamom.
2,085 reviews210 followers
May 30, 2017
Light smexy fun with Aplha shifters.
Loved the Mega Man Viking Wolf shifter Conall, that man is the stuff fantasies are made from. He's big strong, sensitive and has a fabulous sense of humor.
Miki, she is a genus, but acted like a freaking idiot many times. She drugged someone not knowing if it would kill them, she didn't listen to advice and put others in danger. She was rude, nasty even to people just trying to help her. Her few semi redeeming excuses did not sway me to enjoy this character. I did not like her, not at all. AS a character reader I had to kick one star off for her.
Profile Image for Wendy.
526 reviews280 followers
July 1, 2013
Not good, not bad. I would have enjoyed it more if it wasn't for the loud and potty mouthed heroine, who irritated me all the way through the book. Apart from that I enjoyed Shelly Laurenston's sense of humor and I adored the hero Connall. What a wolf! Growl! ;)
Profile Image for Rain.
712 reviews121 followers
March 9, 2018
Okay, ich bin leicht fasziniert. Der Klappentext klingt nicht so, aber im Grunde besteht das Buch aus 320 Seiten Sex mit wenigen Szenen zwischendurch, in denen was anderes passiert xD
Profile Image for Ren Puspita.
1,333 reviews966 followers
April 20, 2011

We know the H/h, Miki and Conall from the first book, Pack Challenge. Miki Kendrick is Sara friend, together with Angelina, they known as "crazy b*tch*.. But Miki had a brain. Well, her IQ is more than 180 and she love bitchslapping to anyone :P. Conall Viga-Feilan, big bad wolf with teddy bear personalities had stalked Miki and adore her fine ass :P.. When finally Miki stay in Sara and Zach mansion, and then found her in his room, Conall think he's already in heaven (no kidding)

There problem in this book is simple, not complicated like the previous book, but written well. Magnus Pack facing a new enemy and that enemy is hyena shifter that targeting Miki too. Miki is frustated, because she will defend her thesis to get her doctorate while she avoid Conall. Conall want to mate with Miki, but she is just an ordinary human, so he don't want to take a risk..

But in the end.. all player are the winner, and winner take it all!! :D


I love this one more than Pack Challenge (Magnus Pack, #1) by Shelly Laurenston .. Miki and Conall is great couple. I adore them more than Sara-Zach.. And, I love, I love Conall!! He's what I said a mix of alpha and beta hero. Demanding but so sweet inside! He's not your ordinary teddy bear! :D.. I want him!!

I'm glad there's no more cursing and swearing, but still Sara, Miki and Angelina are crazy, but this book more focus to Miki instead :).

The sex scene is SMOKIN HAWT!! Not really into erotica, but really2 hawt, make me ..

My favorite scene is when finally Conall realized that he had make Miki pregnant. The scene between Miki, Conall and the rest of the pack is funny and hilarious, because is told from both Miki side (or we can call it women side) and Conall side (the men side). But, that scene is show how finally The Pack accept Miki as their own, even she just an ordinary human. :D

Right now, Shelly Laurenston must be my new author that worth a try and I can't wait to read Here Kitty, Kitty! (Magnus Pack, #3) by Shelly Laurenston .. This one is about sophisticated Angelina Santiago. Not sure about her since she is my least favorite :P

This is My Conall Viga-Feilan :D
May I introduce you to Chris Hemworth! (clue : He played as Thor)

This is after he's shapeshifting to wolf of course ;P

NOTE : I know the story is about wolf after all, but I can't help myself to use the little monkey icons *LOL*
Profile Image for Jamie *Gypsy Smut-a-teer*.
484 reviews264 followers
June 29, 2013
Have I mentioned lately that I love me a good shifter story?? Well, I do, absolutely adore them actually, but a shifter story with a girl that has sarcasm and wit and who can defend herself plus add in some sheet scorching sex, I'm on that so fast, I'll make some peoples head spin, lol. This was that book!! :)

Go Fetch picks up right after the last book for a short time then jumps ahead 6 months. Miki and Conell can't get each other off their minds. To the point they are giving themselves hand jobs in their sleep. Yes, you read that right. They make each other absolutely insane. Miki hasn't been to California to see Sara once because she is avoiding Conell. But avoiding isn't an option any longer and the first day there the attraction becomes almost unbearable for both of them. Conell keeps smelling something, something he can't identify but yet has smelled before. When someone attacks Miki right outside the Pack's club and that same smell is on her, he then knows he will protect her no matter what.

Miki has to go back to Seattle for her dissertation. That's when all the fun starts. Conell follows her to protect her against her will. With all sorts of shifters coming around, hot sex on most every location of a hotel room, including one really hot pop ice scene and plenty of action this book was fantastic. Miki and her friends were the same irrestible charming selves with over the top sarcasm and plenty of hilarious dirty talk. Conell was a major alpha Viking shifter, ummm...enough said, that alone should sell you on the book. But if not, here are some funny quotes that will definitely make you want to read it, lol.

"I hate both of you."

"Now. Now. Angie and I only want you to be safe. You're not on any birth control. Sometimes people get lost in the moment. Angie did it with the best of intentions. We care about you and want you to be happy."

"F@ck her. F2ck you. And, for that matter, f@ck your intentions."

"See. Those are the tense cuss words of a woman who needs to get laid."

So freaking funny,....here's one more....

"You don't have any school plans tomorrow, do you?"

"No. Why?"

"Just wondering what would happen if we kept this going for the next four or five hours.

"I don't sleep, Viking. Not really. So it wouldn't matter to me." he licked her neck. Nipped her earlobe. And she kept riding him.

"You just need somebody to wear you out."

"Yeah. Good luck with that."

"The gauntlet's been laid. I accept your challenge."

"No. No. Now let's be rational about this."

"Dogs aren't rational, baby. We're dogs. We just want a job. And I just found mine..."

Don't worry, there are plenty more conversations like this to enjoy!! Just give it a try, you won't be disappointed. Definitely can't wait for more from the series....

"Just one thing. No matter where we are. No matter where we go. Or where we end up. That you always...and I mean always, Miki Kendrick...make sure our freezer has cherry ice pops."
Profile Image for Emily.
5,497 reviews526 followers
July 14, 2024
Conall Vga-Felian knew from the first moment he met feisty tempered Miki Kendrick that he wanted to bed her, the problem was she wanted nothing to do with him and she let him know it. The more she pushes Conall, the more certain he is that Miki is the one for him. When Miki's life is put in danger, Conall is determined to keep her safe but Miki has other ideas, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

Loved this book, so far my favorite in this series. Conall has the patience of a saint when it comes to Miki who can be downright mean. There are several laugh out loud moments int he book as Miki tries to push Conall away.

1/2-Decided to reread because I was in need of something funny to read. Just as good the second time around. Connall is the master of patience, well kind of, when it comes to Miki. The stuff she does to him had me chuckling out loud, great book.
Profile Image for Ronda  Tutt.
861 reviews52 followers
February 24, 2011
Fun and Hot Erotica!

Great follow up from the 1st book in the Magnus Pack Series. The Magnus Pack Wolves are awesome but when you add Sara's two best friends to the mix that are human, the story becomes funny as hell with their smart ass attitudes and their kick ass abilities as independent women. Miki and Conall story was great and of course the erotica scene was hot as hell. I loved all the interaction between all the characters, they made me laugh several times with their remarks. Great Read.
Profile Image for Mindy Lou's Book Review.
2,829 reviews744 followers
April 4, 2021
Miki was awesome. She is a human in the midst of shifters, and she is so brilliant and lethal that all these huge shifters feared this tiny human. I loved her warped mind. I loved that Conall loved her warped mind, and the crazy humor of this author had me laughing a lot. I will definitely be reading more from this series.
Profile Image for Lučka.
357 reviews69 followers
June 25, 2018

I read the first book years ago and I forgot how crazy these women are. There's too much smut and no world building for my taste, but these books are funny as shit. I'll read the next one for sure.
Profile Image for Somia.
2,065 reviews156 followers
April 22, 2022

If you want a read with quirky and funny characters this is the book for you.

I liked the heroine - Miki Kendrick is smart and feisty and doesn't take crap from anybody, she may be petite and human but everyone should watch out.

I prefer this and book three to the first in the series.
April 7, 2010
I started reading this book first because someone recommending it as a good bwwm book. However, you really need to begin with the first book in the series to understand this one. Unfortunately the first one is not as well written as this one, however, you need it. This book: I like the fact that although the hero was huge and could be a bully, he was not. He was gentle and understanding to the heroine, who actually was a aggressive. She was a great AA heroine in that the focus was never on race. In fact, if you missed that little tidbit either in the first book or in minimal descriptions in this book, you might not ever know. For me, that is the type of bwwn book I like. Create a good character and make her black and that's all you need. You don't have to "ghettorize" the character to give her appeal. Also, I love the fact that she is super smart. I enjoyed the patience he has with her in allowing their relationship to develope as much as time would allow. Good bwwm read if you can get through the first book.

4/5/10-I upgraded the stars because I have read this book and Here Kitty Kitty again since this review.
Profile Image for Zeek.
889 reviews149 followers
October 7, 2010
Wolf shifter Conall's been on Mici's tale from first introduction- literally and in Go Fetch he finally runs the mouthy, uber-intelligent friend of his Alpha's mate to the ground.

But a new clan of shifters are on the warpath and his woman is the first target- can he protect her and woo her without having her run for her life in the opposite direction?

Of course he can- he is a descendant of Viking's after all= but not without a fight.

Really liked this one- the heroine actually turned out to be very endearing even though I think she protested a bit too much. Still-another fun read!
Profile Image for Feyre.
1,225 reviews117 followers
November 29, 2022
Nicht mehr Sara, nicht mehr Zach. Jetzt Miki und whats-his-name, der Wikinger.
Miki ist Sara in total schlau. Macht sie aber nicht sympathisch. Immer noch sind die besten Freundinnen blöde Schlampen/Huren und so weiter. Sara hatte wenigstens noch die "Ausrede" Shifter. Miki ist einfach nur so eine sehr unangenehme Zeitgenossin mit hohem IQ. Von dem sie dem Wikinger mal was abgegeben könnte, denn der hat bei der Verteilung offensichtlich bei Muskeln angestanden. (Seine Abstammung von Loki hatte auch außer "ich mach den Typen irgendwie interessant" auch keine weitere Bewandnis, oder?)
Während die Handlung ein passables Lesevergnügen hätte bereiten können, stehen die unfassbar unsympathischen Figuren und die Erzählweise dem für mich total im Weg.
Profile Image for Anino .
1,067 reviews72 followers
June 3, 2015
All I can say is that this book was so good, that I decided to go ahead and buy the next installment in the series. "Go Fetch!" was absolutely fantastic with it's perfectly balanced snark, well-written dialogue, and excellent timing that made it simply irresistible.

Giving this one: 5 Fantastic Stars!

Profile Image for Samantha.
986 reviews2 followers
September 6, 2010
I really loved this book. Miki was my kind of girl. The characters were less bitchy in this book, IMO. I realize that I really don't like Sara, but I HATE Zach. He was out of line in this book. I didn't like that. Whenever I get to the 3rd book, I hope those they are not in there that much.
Profile Image for Cee.
2,841 reviews148 followers
September 21, 2023
3.5, rounded down because I have no idea why the hyenas were after Miki or why they had information on Angelina. Please explain!!
But almost 4 stars because Von Holtz! I didn't realize they'd show up in this series and now I remember Miki being mentioned in Pride, so yes the Pride re-read is definitely going to happen. I'm ecstatic.
Profile Image for Megan Riverina Romantics.
1,256 reviews72 followers
February 3, 2024
Rating: ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Heat Rating: 🔥🔥🔥
Narrator Performance: 🎧🎧🎧🎧.5

A good book. A decent plot. Enjoyable characters. Miki is an hoot. There were times where I couldn’t help laughing out loud hysterically. People were giving me strange looks 😂

I’m not happy with the conclusion to the conflict though because there wasn’t one given. Miki was like “Why are you doing this?” to the bad guys and they didn’t give an answer. Although from the epilogue I believe it will come in the next book of the series.

Narrator did a wonderful job. Good acting with a large repertoire of voices to differentiate the characters.
Profile Image for TinaNoir.
1,829 reviews320 followers
November 18, 2022
2022 - Re-read in Audio. Miki is still a riot and so irreverent. I love this little pistol!

*****Original Review *******

In the first book of this series Pack Challenge, we first meet Miki as a diminutive bartender who has a smart mouth that can get her into a lot of trouble. She was busily rescuing her best friend Sara from a spot of trouble.

Once the Magnus pack roared into town and Sara learned she was a shifter, Miki and Angelina, her two full human best friends, learned to cope and adjust very quickly. Just cause Sara was now a wolf made no difference to these two.

Normally nothing phases Miki. She is usually armed to the teeth, not only with weapons but also her formidable brain. Miki is a certified genius with an incredibly high IQ. However none of that prepares her for Connell Viga-Fellan, a Viking descendant wolf-shifter who wanted her the minute he laid eyes on her in the previous book.

Miki wants nothing to do with him, determined to follow a path she charted long ago (defend her dissertation, get a job as a professor, marry the incredibly boring Todd). But an assault from a group of unknown shifters nets Miki a bodyguard.

Sara is now the powerful alpha of the Magnus pack. In just several short months she's completely wiped out a rival Pride of lions who were responsible for her parent's death. Her reputation has grown so formidable that most of the shifters around the country want no part of offending her and many take pains to assure her that they did not attach her best friend. So it is a mystery who attacked Miki.

Meanwhile, Miki is off to defend her Dissertation with a viking-wolf in tow who is determined to make her change her mind.

I LOVED Miki! She is a genius geek with a very, very smart mouth. There are so many laugh out loud moments with Miki. I love that she and Zach, Sara's mate, have a prickly relationship (of course, Miki throwing a ball and saying 'Go fetch!' to him when he least expects it doesn't help matters). And I love how the relationship between her and Colin evolves. He clearly wants Miki even though he is is semi denial about how much. She wants no part of him because she's afraid of how much he can come to mean to her. But their enforced closeness makes them learn about each other. Very nice romance story in this book. great sexual tension as well.

The story arc that began in the first book continues through this one. Sara, Zach, Angelina and the rest of the Magnus Pack appear in this book. While this is clearly Miki and Connall's story, Laurentson is great with juggling many, many characters all of whom have larger than life personalities.

And I am really liking the distinctions she is making between all the shifter types. The wolves vs. the Lions vs. the hyenas vs. the tigers etc. they all have very distinct social structures. I am assuming she is basing her fictional communities on how the real animals behave socially to some extent.

Another winner from Ms. Laurenston.
752 reviews73 followers
June 1, 2017
Miki! Miki! Miki!

That’s what Miki’s little geek friends shout when she comes around and I love her so much, I find myself shouting it with them. She’s beyond genius, funny, witty, and could be crowned the queen of snark. She’s the poster child for small but mighty because even though she’s a human, she has a cunning creativity when it comes to her mean streak that scares the shit out of shifters.

How can you not love a woman who is without a filter, saying whatever comes to mind, no matter how inappropriate her thoughts or comments are. Her inquisitive mind is constantly in overdrive especially when it comes to this new to her world of shifters. This leads to constant questions and odd and usually inappropriate experiments. There’s a reason the book is called Go Fetch, lol.

Now she’s not the only reason Go Fetch is my favorite SL book. I love that she’s paired up with the perfect wolf for her, Connal. Everyone thinks he’s one great big teddy bear and the nice one of the bunch. Miki saw straight through that bullshit and knows he’s the most terrifying of them all. The first time Connal saw little Miki it stopped him in his tracks, and come hell or high water he’s going to catch her and make her his. Too bad she has no intention of being caught.

The Chase she leads him on had me in stitches. I wasn’t kidding when I said she was mean. She’ll do anything to keep from giving in to her feelings and some of the shit she pulls on him is freaking hilarious. Well, until she poked the bear one too many times and the rabid Viking wolf came out to play.

The meaner Miki got, the more turned on Conall became which worked out well because these two are hot together. I’m surprised every time I read this my iPad doesn’t explode into flames. Conall may not be quite a genius like his woman but he is unbelievably creative in the bedroom.

There’s a new adversary in Go Fetch and they are creepy as hell, even the kids! Conall’s family isn’t all that great either but they were more for comic relief than any real threat.

Go Fetch has everything I love rolled up into one book. Strong characters who don’t take themselves too seriously, lots of action, it’s hotter than hot, and full of snark and fun.

Rating: 5 Loved The Viking, but Miki Wins Stars

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