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Sometimes the dead need the living to survive.Psychic Charlie Payne has been busy raising her son, helping the local deputy solve the worst of his cases, and accepting her birthright as a witch.When her cousins suggest combining a girl's week in the mountains with her induction into their coven, she jumps at the chance for a break.But her vacation turns into a nightmare when Charlie encounters the spirit of a young woman who is definitely not looking to move into the light. When this ghost sets her sights on Charlie, she won't stop until she gets what she wants.And if she succeeds? It may cost Charlie more than her life.Devil's Snare is the third book in The Witches of Palmetto Point series. A spine-tingling supernatural suspense that will have you clinging to the edge of your seat. If you like nail-biting stories that keep you on the edge of your seat, characters that you'll want to be friends with, and terrifying twists, then you will love The Witches of Palmetto Point series by Wendy Wang!Download your copy now, turn on the lights and find a comfy chair because once you start reading this supernatural thriller you won’t want to put it down.

290 pages, Kindle Edition

Published September 30, 2017

About the author

Wendy Wang

34 books482 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 170 reviews
Profile Image for Montzalee Wittmann.
4,863 reviews2,299 followers
September 24, 2023
Devil's Snare
By Wendy Wang
Charlie and her cousins go to the hills for a witch ceremony but what they find is more than they expect! They have to call in reinforcements!
August 30, 2020
Absolutely love this series!

This series is fantastic, enthralling, and paranormal! What I also love about this series is that it's based in the Low country of South Carolina where I was born and raised. I can't wait to find out what happens next in Charlie's life!
Profile Image for Montana Cefalu.
48 reviews
August 11, 2018
Really mixed feelings about this series... first, I haven’t been able to give any of the installments up to this point greater than three stars. I thought the first was the worst but kept reading out of curiosity, because I thought I sensed a potentially interesting story and was hoping for a big payoff, if only the grammar and punctuation would improve. And they did. But the series has been riddled with typos from book 1, to the point where I stopped bothering to submit corrections on my Kindle. It’s really an immersion breaker.

Second, none of these books were particularly scary or suspenseful to me, and I chose this series looking for some horror (well, the first book had “Haunting” in the title, so Kindle recommended it to me). Not nearly “spine-tingling” as advertised. Part of that is due to underdevelopment of the baddies, and also because the author isn’t very descriptive about anything, from the appearances of the ghosts and monsters to the setting, which is all super important in horror. In fact, were the ghosts really ghosts? They may as well have been belligerent humans because they weren’t emphatically ghostly. Lots of opportunities for descriptive creepiness while Charlie was lost in the woods, too, but no payoff. Hard to consider these books suspense/thrillers, even. More like mysteries with some witchy stuff and friendly ghosts thrown in.

In my opinion, the best book was the second, which allowed the most development for several of the characters and explored Charlie’s relationships at greater, satisfying lengths. I came to love many of the characters in that book. It also did a better job making the ghosts seem ghostly and threatening. There was some of that in this book, too, but it wasn’t quite as noticeable since Charlie was solo for most of the story, and her enemy was a witch, rather than a ghost. I will say that the story was pretty interesting this time around. It felt like the author was really taking her time with it. Until we reached the final act, and the ending felt like I was reading a succinct summary of events, like they’d printed the author’s outline by mistake, rather than the finished product. Really rushed and lacked much detail to effectively build up any suspense or emotions. The ending really fell flat because of that.

I also have to complain about my man Jason, who was one of the best parts of book 2 but seemed at times unrecognizable from that version of Jason in this book. It felt like he was made dumber and somehow more irrational than before, even though he seemed to have grown up and matured quite a bit in Book 2. And his adorable chemistry with Charlie had completely dried up. It’s like all the time they spent getting to know each other and protecting each other in book 2 had been reduced to random awkward silences and Charlie giving Jason knowing looks that made him realize he didn’t stand a chance with her. There didn’t seem to be any hope for Tom, either, as a romantic interest or even as a friend for Charlie, based on her unwillingness to forgive him for the events of book 2. She seemed to treat him too badly. I will say that I was really feeling the chemistry between Tom and Jen, though, and was hoping for some kind of development there, but Tom kind of ollied out at the end of the book after performing another heroic gesture that wasn’t nearly as impressive or touching as the first, due to the rushed storytelling.

After reading reviews for Book 4, I honestly don’t think I’ll be continuing this series based on a disappointing projected lack of payoff.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Cindy.
2,307 reviews168 followers
October 13, 2017
Things finally get witchy. Even though this series is called Witches of Palmetto Point 
up to this point its been centered around Charlie Payne, a psychic who sees dead people and can interact with them like they were alive. She has been hesitant to join the witches coven her cousins are apart of but they finally convince her to join them in the mountains to get inducted. After helping the sheriff with a lot of cases recently dealing with ghost that range from evil to children who were murdered she needs a break and agrees to the girls weekend..

Now this being the third book in the series you can already pretty well guess Charlie isn't going get away from the dead... Turns out there is one dead vengeful witch on the mountain that wrecks havoc for Charlie and those close to her.
123 reviews2 followers
June 14, 2020
Quick reads, really enjoyable series so far.
Profile Image for Stormy McDonald.
Author 7 books6 followers
October 27, 2022
Another fun read by Wendy Wang. I love the banter between the characters and their magical adventures.
7 reviews
April 11, 2020
Charlie’s evolves into her true self

The author did a great job showing more and more depth into the cousins and their relationship to the heroine. I also enjoyed how the relationships/friendships are evolving and how much love and loyalty binds them to Charlie. I am looking forward to book 4!
Profile Image for Robin.
548 reviews11 followers
January 31, 2022
I think I need to start a new reading list titled "mindless pleasure".... meaning, it's something without life changing content but it allows my mind to "take a break". This (and the previous 2) fit into that category.
I liked it.
Profile Image for Jingizu.
95 reviews2 followers
December 2, 2021
2.5 stars really (once again, just when are we getting the half-star rating system?)

Disappointed with the direction the story is going. At least we got to see more of the cousins and Evangeline, who is Charlie's aunt and cousin Daphne's mom and that was really nice as I like the cousins. Was annoyed with them for calling Lisa a lush because she drinks a few glasses of wine a week? That is really off IMO.

It was also nice that this plot is slightly different than the previous two, and had some interesting elements. I wonder why I often end up enjoying the antagonists more in these kinds of stories.

Too much unbelievable with no set-up, like Charlie suddenly being super powerful in magic, even though its been established that her main witch power and magic is communicating with the dead, psychometry and vision-dreams (which are pretty powerful abilities already). Now she is the Scarlet Witch?

Also, Jason irritated me endlessly in this book, I wanted to shake or slap him several times. For instance, what is his macho-man problem with Tom? Just jealousy? Also, Charlie refusing to "forgive" Tom because he is supposedly a "liar"? Seriously? He should have just walked up to you and told you "hey, I'm the reaper your cousin summoned and that is haunting your visionary dreams"? Yah right, that would have gone down well I'm sure.

Too much preaching as well about white witchcraft and black witchcraft and using Wicca lines like the law of three and harm none. Hereditary witch families who had been practicing the craft for hundreds of years would never use such rules and terms (which are a pretty new thing in paganism).

Really disliked the religion angle this went towards as well i.e. Lucifer etc. Annoying.

Still a light fun read, and will read the fourth one to see how the series progress.
2,344 reviews10 followers
August 22, 2021
Charlie Payne comes from a long line of witches but, with the exception of interacting with the dead, she's never been able to draw on her inherent magic.
She's off for a week in the mountains both for a break and to join her cousins' coven - maybe relaxing and concentrating will work the trick.
But it is not to be, no sooner has she settled in then she is attacked by a very solid ghost and finds herself lost and imprisoned in the Devil's Snare forest.
According to local legend it is the home of a powerful witch and those who enter the Devil's Snare never return.
Can Charlie make her way to safety or will she have to face the seemingly-immortal Abigail Heald?
"Devil's Snare" often has a light touch but it is not particularly humorous. I got a few chuckles from it, in particular from:-
""Most witches will have a long life. My grandmother lived to be a hundred and seventeen and died quite unexpectedly."
"Jason shook his head in disbelief. "That's amazing. Why was it unexpected?"
"She went flying without her glasses and flew right into a building. Unfortunately, we're not impervious to gravity or blunt objects.""
The book could have done with a final edit as there some spelling errors, 'vile' for 'vial' being one that sprang out, the previous book had a similar problem with 'bear' and 'bare.' For those of a pedantic nature - Homonyms!
It's a very linear plot and all the better for it.
3.5 Stars.
Profile Image for Roger.
4,774 reviews20 followers
December 14, 2023
Devil's Snare: Witches of Palmetto Point Book 3, my third read from author Wendy Wang an author I’d not heard of until I received an email from author Gwendolyn Druyor outlining the challenges that her friend Wendy was facing. Wendy’s husband David is in the hospital. "He's been there for a couple of weeks already. Something twisted in his guts and his lungs are not working as they should. There have been incremental improvements, but nobody is telling her he's getting better.
She's scared.
Wendy is going to have to cancel the preorder for her next book. Amazon will not allow her to do another presale for a full year. Presales bring in a lot of money, drive rank up for launch day, and are very important to indie authors. It's going to crush her business.
All that on top of spending the holidays in the ICU, wondering..."
Motivated to give a new author a try I went out and got the first four books in this series. This book, the third, a 7-hour 9 minute/290-page psychic suspense mystery was thoroughly enjoyable picks up at the conclusion of the second book. ” I received a free Audible copy of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review." The gifting of this book did not affect my opinion of it. Amy Melissa Bentley’s talented narration again adds to the enjoyment. I look forward to reading more from this author and The Witch's Ladder: Witches of Palmetto Point Book 4 is next on my TBR list. (RIP Marley January 20, 2014 - July 24, 2018).
Profile Image for Linda.
425 reviews39 followers
September 26, 2020
Charlie sees dead people, helps them and while she comes from a family of good witches, she doesn't consider herself a witch, until they convince her she has the powers within herself. Charlie's aunt trains her in spells and things every good witch needs to know, finally convincing her that she will get better over time.

The cousins and Charlie decide to go on a special vacation to celebrate her induction into the family coven, unfortunately they're staying in a cabin near a haunted forest. The forest is haunted by a dark witch. Anyone who becomes lost in the forest, never comes out. This is the legend the women are reading about on the way to their vacation.

What happens when Charlie goes for a walk, sees a spirit and falls into the river brings the worse fear to Charlie and the cousins. They find that the whole town is under the evil witch's spell, so they will have no help. They immediately call home, bringing their detective friend, their new reaper friend and aunt to locate Charlie and get her out of this haunted forest, but can they do it, or is she already dead? Love the characters and how they interact with each other. Look forward to another good ghost story involving these ladies and their friends.
Profile Image for Tina M.
599 reviews2 followers
May 29, 2021
Another Good Read

I really like this series for a couple of reasons.
1) Very little backstory from the previous books. I detest having to read the same thing 3, 4 times in a series. Redundancy is boring!!
It’s almost like some authors are reaching for new readership, as if the majority of people would actually start a series at the 2nd, 3rd, etc. book. It’s a turnoff to the followers of the author because it smells like greed a mile away. I’m grateful this author doesn’t fall into that category.
2) No overload of cursing or sexual content that really isn’t necessary to the storyline.
3) Always nice and tidy, wraps up by the end of the book, without any “teasers” trying to force you into reading more of their work.
3) Not a great deal of typos-a few-but not an over abundance to become annoying. And in the world of Ebooks, that says a lot.
4) Limited amount of carnage, gore and dismal heavy action-which can become overwhelming. In this particular genre, some series step into overload with this.
This particular book seemed slightly darker than the previous ones, but not so much I had to put the book down in between scenes.
Overall, I will continue with this series, at least for the new few. That’s always subject to change.
Profile Image for Ray Campbell.
880 reviews6 followers
November 12, 2023
In this episode, Charlie is on her way to embrace her witch nature by formally joining her family coven. On the way to the mountain cottage where the ceremony will take place, Charlie's cousin Lisa can't stop promoting the idea of visiting a haunted wood on the far side of the river from where they would be staying. On a morning walk, Charlie meets the spirit of a young girl and is transported to the haunted wood whether she likes it or not.

I like this series. The characters are charming and the mysteries fun. There is no sex and minimal obscenity. I find urban fantasy a guilty pleasure -- it's light stuff that punctuates some of the heavier books I read. However, I don't like it when this kind of YA fantasy is more of a love story than anything else. In this series, everyone keeps their cloths on and while there is lots of sexual tension, there isn't any sex. I like it that way. Good read!
Profile Image for Spinneretta.
2,574 reviews14 followers
February 15, 2021

When Charlie and her cousins head out into the North Carolina mountains for a witchy retreat, they are confronted with a dangerous situation.

This book continues on from the second, and is set a few months later.
Charlie is beginning to accept her witchy side, and the magic that comes with it.
She still hasn’t forgiven Tom for the secrets he hid, and she is still helping Jason with his cases. Her ex-husband has moved on, and Charlie is coming to terms with her new normal.
This one is a paranormal mystery with heavy supernatural goings-on. There is no romance in it, although I’d venture at least two potential interests are present.
It’s an enjoyable addition to the series, and reading about Charlie’s journey, and the world she inhabits, is an pleasurable pastime.
Fans of the paranormal mystery world will enjoy this book.
Profile Image for Jen.
90 reviews
April 22, 2024
This is book 3 in the series, and I firmly believe that she is just writing whump on her MC Charlie. This girl can't catch a break. Now she's dealing with haunted forest? Poor girl.

I did like that change of setting, putting the characters outside the comfort zone of the town they live in. I also like the lore drop for the magic system the author has been building. One again though, the tension builds well, and the climax just seems... Meh? Like, we get all this information and story, and then the resolution is less than a paragraph. I know they are shorter novels, but I still expected more, especially by book 3. I still am going to finish the series, but this is probably not going to go on my re-read pile.
Profile Image for Diana.
472 reviews12 followers
March 15, 2019
Charlie becomes a witch.

Charlie and her cousins take off for weekend vacation so she can be indoctrinated into the family coven. When Charlie goes for a hike early the first morning of the vacation and disappears her cousins start looking for her and finding information on the Devil's Lair. It is part of the woods across the river that has a curse on it.
Evangeline, Charlie's aunt and the leader of the coven head to the mountain with Jason and Tom to start a witch hunt.
I loved this story most of all the one's I have read so far. I am glad I found Wendy's books and recommend her works for anyone who loves a good ghost tale.
Profile Image for Carrie.
363 reviews15 followers
November 3, 2023
Nice, spooky vibe in this one! Although I understand why more of this book was in other POVs, I've noticed since book 2 that we're getting away from Charlie's POV more and more. This is just my personal preference, but I'd rather see the series through Charlie's eyes and a little more interaction between her and Jason, and that definitely could've happened here while she was in the woods. Instead there was a large chunk where it seemed like the focus was on the cousins and not too much was happening.

Also, Charlie is being too hard on Tom. I mean, come on. Seems like Jen is digging him though...
17 reviews
June 24, 2019
Last book in the series for me

I loved the concept and storyline of this series. Yes they were a little slow but entertaining. At the end of book three still no real romance going on still, I was hoping Jason was going to be Charlies leading man. I read a review stating he's with one of her cousins in the next book. I'm glad I didn't invest my time in reading book four to find that out. I won't be reading any further but I did enjoy the first three books in the series and I choose to end the story here.
Profile Image for Jaime.
556 reviews149 followers
August 4, 2019
Charlie's story is getting better...

And better. It still isnt the creepy, horror story that I was looking for, but it is better than I thought it would be. Ms. Wang is falling into the story more and more and that makes for a better read each time. I cant wait for book 4. My only word of warning: if you have issues picking out each editing error in a book, like myself, then try to hold in that urge or look past it, because the story is better than any editing error you may find.
Profile Image for InfirmBookwyrm.
294 reviews14 followers
December 12, 2020
....Minor flaws, critiques, and everything stated, this series could still be an okay, light, easy, and enjoyable reading experience for any fans of the paranormal/supernatural mystery-lite genre. Furthermore, Devil’s Snare, although somewhat different, plot-wise, than the first two books, still manages to work well in the series and should help to further the story along nicely.

*Full Review of this, the rest of the Witches of Palmetto Point, and others coming VERY soon to InfirmBookworm.com 💜💜💜
Profile Image for Corey Beth.
265 reviews
July 17, 2022
These books just get more & more exciting.

I really liked the look beyond the veil in this book, & I loved seeing more of the witchy stuff. I feel like Wendy Wang bases these books strongly on real Wiccan\pagan symbolism & energy magic. Jason & Tom are both great characters & their rivalry is a lot of fun too. If you are looking for a fast-paced, fun paranormal romp with realistic, well-drawn characters in a believable setting, then the Witches of Palmetto Point is right up your alley. Definitely recommended!
Profile Image for Mary  Aquino.
386 reviews2 followers
October 6, 2017

I like Wendy Wang's stories, so I assumed I would like this one and I sure did! Charlie is a great main character, and she leads us through a ghost and witch story that keeps you on the edge of your seat. The only unanswered question I have is whether Daniel is DJ, or DJ's father. Love how Tom and Jason interact in this story and I adore the family aspect. Can't wait for the next book!!
Profile Image for TE.
240 reviews3 followers
October 21, 2017
This series just keeps getting better and better. The cousins had their hands full in this one and even Aunt Evangeline got in on the action. Of course they had Tom and Jason as back up which turned out to be a good thing. I'm still liking the whole family vibe in these stories. Devil's Snare is a fun, fast-paced read.

For those who want to know: This one has mild violence and literally only 2 or 3 cuss words (no f bombs).
1,189 reviews11 followers
December 23, 2017
Not too bad!

This addition to the series had its ups and downs. Just not
as riveting as the first two books. There were times I thought
it was going to pick up, then suddenly it wouldn't hold my
interest. Still it was fairly entertaining. I'm not giving up on
this series though. I hope the next addition to this series will
be back on track. Everyone has their ups and downs and books
are the same way. I remain a fan of this series!!!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 170 reviews

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