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Heartwood Hotel #3

Better Together

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Spring has sprung and the animal staff of the Heartwood Hotel gear up for another busy season in the next installment of this adorable illustrated chapter book series.

Spring has come to Fernwood Forest, and the Heartwood Hotel is all a-bustle. With Mr. Heartwood off on vacation, it’s up to Mona and the rest of the staff to keep everything running smoothly. When rumors buzz of a rival hotel, Gilles is determined to prove that the Heartwood is the very best with the splashiest Spring Splash the forest has ever seen. Guests check in from near and far to compete for the Cutest Egg, the Tiniest Talent, and the Best Blossom. Newcomer Henry is all too happy to help out, making Mona start to feel unsure of her place. Does the Heartwood really need her as much as she thought? But soon there’s more to worry about than whose egg has the sweetest speckles. Some decidedly uninvited guests have been drawn to the festivities. Can Mona find a way to bring everyone together in time to save them all from danger?

Readers will cheer for these kind, brave, beloved characters as they embark on their next adventure in the third book of the charmingly illustrated Heartwood Hotel series.

168 pages, Hardcover

First published February 6, 2018

About the author

Kallie George

81 books326 followers
I’m an author, editor, and speaker living in Vancouver, BC, near the sea. When I’m not writing or editing, I’m teaching creative writing workshops.

I have my Masters of Children's Literature from the University of British Columbia.

I love picture books, fairy tales, beautiful art and music, and baking cookies.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 121 reviews
Profile Image for Beka Metz.
33 reviews1 follower
February 1, 2023
Another great book in the series! These are such wonderful books for kids. Either to read on their own or for a cozy heartwarming story to share at bed time. The characters are all so wonderful and Kallie George is a wonderful writer!
Profile Image for Galleane.
1,485 reviews159 followers
June 3, 2019
Retrouver Mona et toute la bande de l'Hôtel Heartwood était terriblement plaisant et si ce tome remue de nouvelles choses chez Mona, sa capacité à prendre du recul et à réfléchir à ses actes en fait un personnage toujours très riche et très intéressant à suivre. Ce tome fait le plein de sentiments, ils éclosent, piquent ou dégagent des odeurs doucereuses, à l'image de ce cher printemps.

Mon avis complet : http://bloggalleane.blogspot.com/2019...
Profile Image for Elizabeth.
2,160 reviews54 followers
October 17, 2019
A delight! Gentle, soft, sweet, I loved the story line of upkeep of the hotel and anxiety about a new hotel opening in the woods. Cannot wait to read the other 3 written so far. I love the sweet packaging of the story...the pictures look like rosemaling. (I also like how having a bad day is described as being a "grump". All of us can relate!)
Profile Image for Michelle.
389 reviews23 followers
February 26, 2022
Another cute installment in this good, clean series. I think I might've liked this one even more than No. 2, but I definitely think my boys like them much more than I do. So, what I'm saying is that they have kid appeal but not as much appeal for the adult who's reading aloud.
Profile Image for Dena McMurdie.
Author 4 books135 followers
May 9, 2018
SO CUTE!! This series makes me smile from the inside out!

This is the third book in the Heartwood Hotel series and it takes place in the spring when the flowers are blooming and birds eggs are hatching.

The badger that owns the Heartwood needs a break from the busy winter, so he heads out on vacation, leaving the hotel in the hands of his employees. Amid rumors of a new hotel opening up in the forest, the animals decide to hold a special spring celebration to solidify their reputation as the best hotel.

Thus ensues the most adorable spring fling ever, complete with the cutest egg contest and tiniest talent competition.

I loved this book. It's a wonderful addition to the Heartwood Hotel collection and perfect for young readers that love books about forest animals. If you have a reader between the ages of 6-9, you'll definitely want this series on your shelf. With the cutest illustrations you've ever seen in a chapter book, this is a series kids will enjoy reading again and again.

Source: Thank you to the publisher for sending me a copy of this book.
Profile Image for Gmr.
1,230 reviews
February 1, 2018
An adorable addition to the growing Heartwood Hotel series with enough danger and excitement to keep it interesting, but a whole lot of the friendship and heart we've come to love. It was great visiting with old friends, enjoyable making new ones, and wonderful to see Mona settle in more at her new(ish) home.

**copy received for review
Profile Image for Staci.
618 reviews4 followers
November 10, 2023
Update 2023: I just finished this with my youngest (7), and she loved it!

This is one of our family's favorite series. Another great book!
Profile Image for April.
125 reviews7 followers
July 10, 2022
This one was our favorite in the series so far. We flew through it, even going to bed 30 mins early 2 nights so we could read more. This one was exciting, a little suspenseful, and filled with some great problem solving and naming of feelings that I appreciated. My boys love Heartwood Hotel and we can’t wait to start the last book tonight!
Profile Image for Shira.
6 reviews1 follower
February 17, 2020
I loved how a new foe was introduced, and the lightning bug show! Plus, the lightning bugs and the bee's working together was spectacular! Here's one word that's a fit for this book. Splash!
Profile Image for Cassie Cole.
169 reviews1 follower
September 23, 2024
Man, we really love this series as a family. We even hooked the Stumpps too while they were staying with us. We really liked the addition of the bumblebees and fireflies, and the theme of overcoming jealousy to work as a team.
Profile Image for Brenda.
1,221 reviews20 followers
March 2, 2018
Mona Mouse and Tilly Squirrel are the best of friends. But even the best of friends find it challenging to be together or to understand one another all the time.

On top of their challenge, Gilles, in Mr. Heartwood's absence, wants to make sure Heartwood remains the premier hotel in the wood. He creates quite a hullabaloo that can only be addressed when the animals follow Mr. Heartwood's precepts of kindness and care, cooperation and generosity.

These is a gentle series of friendship and fun. It is fun to imagine this magic happening in the forest behind the house.
Profile Image for Sarah Sammis.
7,549 reviews245 followers
April 22, 2020
Heartwood Hotel 3: Better Together by Kallie George is set in the spring. Just before the Spring Splash, Mr. Heartwood has to leave on business, leaving the hotel in the capable hands of his staff. Are they up to the task?

Mona Mouse has settled comfortably into her job and her life at the hotel. Henry Squirrel has also now moved in and seems to be winning the hearts of everyone, staff and guests included. Mona, though, might be a little jealous.

Profile Image for Diana.
1,911 reviews64 followers
May 26, 2023
Very sweet early chapter book I read with my 6 year old. We've really enjoyed this series!
Profile Image for Fernweh_nach_Zamonien.
538 reviews7 followers
January 23, 2021
Das dritte Abenteuer der charmanten Maus: charmant, warmherzig und zuckersüß und wie immer traumhaft illustriert.


Das kleine Waldhotel und seine Belegschaft erwacht aus der Winterruhe und mit dem Beginn des Frühlings zieht auch der Trubel wieder ein.

Der Besitzer des Hotels gönnt sich seinen wohlverdienten Urlaub und so ist es an Mona und den anderen Mitarbeitern, die Gäste bei Laune und das Waldhotel am Laufen zu halten.

Um den Frühling gebührend zu begrüßen und die Bewohner zu unterhalten, organisieren die Angestellten ein Blütenfest und scheinbar wird die Hilfe der kleinen Maus Mona überhaupt nicht mehr gebraucht.

Doch die Ruhe währt nur kurz, denn unerwartet tauchen Gerüchte auf und ungebetene Gäste stehen vor der Tür.


ab 6 Jahre (zum Vorlesen)
ca. ab 8 Jahre (zum Selbstlesen)


Das gebundene Buch hat die Optik einer Baumrinde und eine geschnitztes Herz ziert dessen Mitte. Zusätzlich wird es von einem Umschlag geschützt, auf dem das atmosphärische Coverbild, ein Teil des Baumes mit ersten Blättern und vielen Blumenketten zu sehen ist.

Ein kleiner und hochwertiger Bücherschatz. Alle vier Bände sind farblich aufeinander abgestimmt und auch das jeweilige Covermotiv harmoniert perfekt mit den anderen.

Im Inneren ergänzen und unterstreichen zauberhafte braun-weiße Bleistiftzeichnungen die Handlung. Zudem schaffen sie eine warme und wunderbare Atmosphäre.

So schlicht die Illustrationen auf den ersten Blick wirken, so detailliert und liebevoll sind sie auf den zweiten.

Der Zeichenstil gefällt sehr und die vielen kleinen und großen Illustrationen lassen Mona und die Bewohner des Waldhotels lebendig werden. Die Darstellung der Tiere ist besonders gelungen, da Maus, Eichhörnchen, Dachs & Co. natürlich und trotzdem niedlich und sympathisch dargestellt sind.

Mein Eindruck:

Dies ist das dritte Waldhotel-Abenteuer. Jedes der vier Bücher ist einer Jahreszeit zugeordnet und alles beginnt im Herbst mit der Ankunft von Mona Maus. Jede Erzählung ist in sich abgeschlossen und auch ohne den ersten Band zu kennen, findet man sich schnell zurecht, da die Vorgeschichte kurz zusammen gefasst wird.

Auch ist der Aufbau der Geschichte immer gleich, denn es wird ein Fest geplant/veranstaltet - passend zur jeweiligen Jahreszeit - und dem Hotel/den Gästen droht plötzlich eine Gefahr, der sich die kleine Mona Maus mutig und gewitzt entgegenstellt.

Die Geschichte ist altersgerecht, einfühlsam und warmherzig erzählt und die Charaktere werden liebevoll und detailliert beschrieben.

Das Frühlings-Abenteuer hat zudem alles, was man sich zu dieser Jahreszeit wünscht:

erste Blüten, das langsame Erwachen aus der Winterstarre und ein Neubeginn.

Der Leser erkennt, wie glücklich Mona in ihrem neuen Zuhause ist. Daher leidet man ein wenig mit, wenn sie mit Selbstzweifeln oder Eifersucht kämpft. Dabei wird sie von allen anderen Mitarbeitern und Gästen geschätzt und geachtet.
Aber die kleine Maus lässt sich so schnell nicht unterkriegen. Sie hat das Herz am rechten Fleck, hilft wo sie nur kann und beweist wahren Mut.

Ich kann dieses zauberhafte Abenteuer sehr empfehlen, denn es erzählt eine wunderschöne und hoffnungsvolle Geschichte über Hilfsbereitschaft, Gemeinschaft und Selbstvertrauen. Im Kern die wichtige wie wundervolle Botschaft: „Wenn wir zusammenhalten können wir alles schaffen!“

Eine wunderbare Buchreihe und ein wahrer Bücherschatz!
Wir freuen uns schon auf die das nächste Abenteuer von Mona Maus und den Tieren im Waldhotel und sind bereits etwas wehmütig, da es zugleich das letzte der bezaubernden Reihe ist.

Hinweis zum Hörbuch:

Zu jedem der vier Bände ist passend ein Hörbuch erschienen. Gelesen wird die mit Musik untermalte, ungekürzte Fassung von Andreas Fröhlich.

Durch seine ganz unverkennbare Art und mit Hilfe verschiedenster Variationen der Stimme lässt er die Bewohner und Angestellten des Hotels lebendig werden.

Auch hierfür gibt es die volle Sternchenzahl und eine Hörempfehlung!


Auch der dritte Band der zauberhaften Kinderbuchreihe rund um die liebenswerte Mona Maus und ihre Freunde beinhaltet eine außergewöhnliche Geschichte mit einer warmherzigen Atmosphäre und traumhaften Illustrationen. Auch die (kindgerechte) Spannung kommt bei der Erzählung nicht zu kurz.

Wichtige Themen wie Eifersucht und Selbstvertrauen sowie Hilfsbereitschaft und Zusammenhalt finden in diesem Abenteurer ihren Platz.

Von uns gibt es aus ganzem Herzen eine Leseempfehlung für Groß und Klein, für Jungen wie Mädchen! Die Reihe "Das kleine Waldhotel" hat das Zeug zum Kinderbuch-Klassiker!

Rezensiertes Buch: "Das kleine Waldhotel - Ein Blütenfest für Mona Maus" aus dem Jahr 2019

May 28, 2023
Le printemps est en place. A l’hôtel Heartwood, tout le monde s’active pour accueillir de nouveaux clients. Monsieur Heartwood étant si fatigué, tous ses employés ont réussi à le convaincre de prendre des vacances. Le bal du printemps se fera sans lui. Un nouvel évènement que la souris Mona va découvrir et qui va lui réserver quelques surprises…

Notre amie Mona, toujours aussi enthousiaste, va découvrir qu’un nouvel hôtel est en cours de construction au sein de la forêt des Fougères. Quel raz-de-marais crée cette nouvelle. Gilles, le lézard, souhaite en mettre plein la vue en créant non pas un bal, mais un festival avec divers concours. Cela cause bien du travail à Mona, qui doit aussi supporter le petit-frère de Tilly. Il faut dire qu’Henry est bien remuant et pas très discrets. Sa meilleure amie n’est plus très présente pour elle et cela amène des soucis.

C’est toujours avec grand plaisir que je me plonge dans un nouveau tome de cette saga saisonnière. Cette fois, une ambiance bien mouvementée règne au sein de l’hôtel Heartwood. Notre héroïne Mona est inquiète au vu de la situation générale. Avec Henry et Tilly, elle devient envieuse et agacée. On la connait tellement plus rayonnante. Pour autant, elle ne va pas perdre son courage et sa force légendaire pour faire face aux évènements.

Avec ce troisième tome, l’auteure nous réserve de nombreux rebondissements. L’intrigue est si bien ficelée, qu’on ne s’y attend pas. Comme toujours, de beaux messages sont passés : « Tout seul on va plus vite, ensemble, on va plus loin. »

En bref, une aventure toujours aussi passionnante à lire et pleine de joie de vivre. Et comme le dit Mona, encore une histoire “récoeurjouissant” !
221 reviews1 follower
July 3, 2023
Retour à Heartwood, pour le printemps cette fois. Le directeur de l'hôtel, M. Heartwood, part exceptionnellement en vacances, et le personnel souhaite que tout se passe au mieux pendant son absence. Les employés décident d'organiser un festival du Printemps, pour concurrencer l'ouverture prochaine d'un autre hôtel, dont ils craignent la concurrence. Très vite, les idées fusent, et c'est l'effervescence. Un peu trop au goût de Mona, qui commence à s'inquièter. Surtout qu'Henry, le jeune frère de Tillie, court dans tous les sens et fait tout pour se faire remarquer...


C'est toujours un plaisir de retrouver les membres de l'hôtel Heartwood, avec un tome cette fois-ci plus mouvementé que les précédents. L'agitation règne dans l'hôtel, et Mona découvre la jalousie - due à un grand manque de confiance en elle, elle a l'impression qu'Henry va prendre sa place. La petite souris est en proie au doute, et perd momentanément de vue les valeurs qu'elle aime tant défendre et développer : l'entraide et la solidarité. Heureusement, elle redevient vite elle-même ! Elle sait même reconnaître ses erreurs, ce que je trouve admirable.

Encore une fois, cette galerie de personnages est développée avec finesse. Leurs émotions sonnent juste, on se met facilement à leur place. Quelques indices sont semés sur les parents de Mona, j'ai hâte d'avoir le fin mot de l'histoire avec le dernier opus !

Un tome (un peu) plus sombre, mais dans lequel la tendresse et la solidarité triomphent. Une petite escale hors du temps, un bonbon de douceur et de réconfort !
Profile Image for Bethany.
Author 22 books98 followers
April 22, 2018
When Mr. Heartwood takes a break, Mona the maid feels like she needs to step up to make sure nothing falls out of line. But things are different now because Tilly's brother Henry is in the picture. He hogs Tilly's time, gets a lot of praise, and is always around. Mona finds herself growing jealous of the new squirrel.

Word reaches the Heartwood Hotel that a new hotel is opening soon, which can be bad for business. The staff needs to do something big to draw in customers and keep up with the competition. So, they decide to have a Spring Splash that will be packed with all sorts of competitions. But at the Heartwood Hotel, you never know what a season might bring, and this one has the possibility of going terribly wrong.

I love the animals and illustrations in this book. They are adorable and perfect for children. BETTER TOGETHER teaches that others can help and you don't have to be good at everything. Instead, it's better to have friends who will be there for you no matter what, especially when you're in trouble.

Final Verdict: I would recommend this to children starting to read chapter books and those who love animals. BETTER TOGETHER is a well-rounded and heart-warming read.
15 reviews
January 4, 2019
Spring has come to Fernwood Forest, and the Heartwood Hotel is all a-bustle. With Mr. Heartwood off on vacation, it's up to Mona and the rest of the staff to keep everything running smoothly. When rumors buzz of a rival hotel, Gilles is determined to prove that the Heartwood is the very best with the splashiest Spring Splash the forest has ever seen. Guests check in from near and far to compete for the Cutest Egg, the Tiniest Talent, and the Best Blossom. Newcomer Henry is all too happy to help out, making Mona start to feel unsure of her place. Does the Heartwood really need her as much as she thought? But soon there's more to worry about than whose egg has the sweetest speckles. Some decidedly uninvited guests have been drawn to the festivities. Can Mona find a way to bring everyone together in time to save them all from danger?
Profile Image for Katherine.
827 reviews3 followers
July 23, 2021
This series has been such a delightful experience to read aloud together! The characters and phrases have entered our family culture (I heard one child remind another today, "We live by protect and respect, not by tooth and claw" HAH!). If I were trying to describe the perfect read aloud for my family at our current ages, stages, and interests, this series would be what I would point to. It is gentle enough for my sensitive kids, with enough pictures to engage my 3 year old and enough adventure to keep my 5 and 8 year old begging for another chapter (and I enjoy them too!). We binge read each one and have mixed feelings knowing the next one is the last! I've also loved the conversations it has started for us about friendship, the importance of expressing (not hiding) your feelings, and the gift of family (both biological and "found family").
632 reviews
June 26, 2023

Not as heartwarming as the first two, but still has some nice moments.
191 reviews5 followers
May 10, 2021
I can't say enough good about this adorable series for children. I'm reading it aloud to my 6 year old son who loves it. He would let me read the entire book in one day if I'd do it. Book #3 progresses (Note: You definitely need to read them in order) as the friendships get a little more complex, new conflicts and troubles are presented and resolved, the characters learn about themselves and others, and enemies are overcome through team working and looking out for each other. Each book in the series has been my new favorite. I just love how it teaches my child about friendships, conflict resolution, selflessness, hard work, and more.
Profile Image for Sammi Watson.
279 reviews2 followers
April 16, 2023
As spring arrives in Fernwood Forest, Mr. Heartwood takes off for a much needed break. But when rumors spread of a rival hotel, the Heartwood launches their Spring Splash to prove who's really the better hotel. Everyone's helping, even little Henry, who is causing Mona to question her place. In the middle of it all, danger strikes. Can Mona save everyone from danger?

After being occupied with schoolwork, I finally got a chance to finish this adorable story! While still being a cute, simple story, Mona the mouse faces questions we all have at one point or another while learning valuable life lessons.
Profile Image for Séverine.
894 reviews4 followers
May 19, 2023
Si j'ai parfois été un peu agacée par les réactions de Mona, je dois bien avouer que son sentiment de jalousie ne l'en a rendue que plus réelle. De plus, quand il le faut, elle parvient à en faire abstraction pour venir en aide à ceux qui en ont besoin. C'est un personnage que j'aime beaucoup, elle a un très grand cœur pour un aussi petit animal. Et de nouveau, cet Hôtel est empli d'une ambiance de douceur, de bien-être et d'entraide. Qu'est-ce que j'aimerai qu'un lieu comme celui-là existe dans la réalité ! Bref, un moment de lecture passé à l'Hôtel Heartwood, c'est toujours un moment ultra agréable et cocooning, je ne peux que conseiller cette quadrilogie !
Profile Image for Kristi.
190 reviews4 followers
June 30, 2023
These books are so cute I love reading them to my kids and they love listening to them! This is the third book in the series.
In this one, Mona finds herself at odds with Tilly's little brother Henry. At every turn during the Spring Splash Festival, Henry seems to be encroaching on everything Mona is familiar with. With the introduction of new characters (I'm not sure I can think up any new voices but that's half the fun!) it sounds like book four is definitely in our future. This has a really sweet ending and of course my kids are begging for more.
18 reviews
January 27, 2024
Reading through the series with my kids and throughly enjoying Mona and the adventures of the creatures at the Heartwood Hotel. This book was my least favorite so far. The characters were unkind towards each other in parts (though, yes it was all redeemed in the end), and there were a few parts that startled my children. While I appreciate the lessons that we can learn from the book about how we treat others, I did feel like this one went more negative than necessary.

Highly recommend the series, but this was the least favorite of them in our household.
Profile Image for Keri.
273 reviews31 followers
April 30, 2024
This was our least favorite in the series so far... In the words of my kids, "They spend so much time arguing!" I get what the author is trying to do: continue teaching lessons about kindness, empathy, and working together. But I don't think I or my kids enjoyed quite so many negative examples on display.

Still a cute setting and (mostly) loveable characters with an overall advancing arc and little mysteries to solve along the way, but we definitely didn't enjoy it as much as the first two books.
Profile Image for PakTung.
45 reviews
May 10, 2018
Better Together by Kallie George was better than I thought it would be. There were great moments where Mona the little mouse experiences jealousy and sadness, and I thought that was very sad. Mona also unexpectedly saves the hotel again, this time from a whole squadron of owls attacking them, which I didn't expect because she practically saves the Heartwood Hotel every time something bad happens. Nonetheless, this was a really good book and I enjoyed pretty much all of it.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Gina Notes.
261 reviews
September 23, 2023
4.5 rounded down

This is the third book in this adorably sweet series! The Heartwood Hotel captured us again. This time, the book is set in spring. Mona is feeling a little jealous about a newcomer to the hotel, they are feeling nervous about a competing new hotel, and they have to work together to fend off a wild threat. This series is definitely a favorite in our family, and spans a wide range of ages. We can’t wait to read the 4th.
Profile Image for Lynn  Davidson.
6,715 reviews31 followers
August 26, 2020
This is book 3 of the Heartwood series. In this story, Mona the mouse is jealous of Tilly the squirrel's little brother Henry. While Mr. Heartwood is away the substitute manager Gilles the lizard decides the hotel needs to throw a bigger than ever Spring Splash, especially with rumour of a new hotel opening. Things get way out of hand and guests need rescuing. Great story for mg and up.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 121 reviews

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