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Heart of Darkness #1

The Moon Shines Red

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Award winning author, Pamela Sparkman's fantasy debut novel is tantalizingly wicked, drawing the reader into a world of forbidden love where nothing is quite what it seems.

Lord Lochlan was cursed in the womb, condemned by the perceived crimes of his parents. On the thirteenth year of his birth, the red glow of the moon washed over land and sea like a faded bloody stain. Everything was bathed in it, including him. A constant reminder of the curse that marked him before he was born. Every night he gazed at it like he was lured and haunted by it. It followed him, it beseeched him. It called out to him. Just once he wanted to see the moon glow as everyone else saw it. Bright and illuminating. But he knew that would never be possible.

The all too familiar feeling of despair suffocated him, like long gangly fingers squeezing his neck, cutting off his air. He fell to his knees and begged for the sky to fall on him. He had suffered long and tirelessly and he was desperate for it to end. And yet, he fought to breathe. He fought to stand back on his feet. Because fighting back was as instinctual to him as breathing. He had come too far to let his loneliness and despair get the best of him now. He was battle worn and weary, but he still had a reason to live.

Or so he hoped.

He stood back on his feet and he fought against the doom that hovered over him since the day he was born and he stared up into the darkened sky.

At the moon that shines red only for him.

I should have stayed away from him. But I couldn't.
HE was my love...my life. And he just might kill me.
So I guess that means...he may also be my end.

266 pages, Kindle Edition

First published May 5, 2017

About the author

Pamela Sparkman

7 books285 followers
Pamela Sparkman grew up in Alabama. She became an avid reader at a young age. The written word has always fascinated her and she wrote her first short story while still in elementary school. Inspiration for her stories always begins with a song. She believes music is the pulse of life and books are the heart of it.

When she isn’t writing, however, she’s spending time with her family and taking one day at a time.


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Displaying 1 - 30 of 64 reviews
Profile Image for Jennifer Kyle.
2,509 reviews5,352 followers
April 24, 2017


Pamela Sparkman delivers a captivating fantasy story consisting of faes, humans, unseelie, magic, and demons. The heroine’s name is Elin whom has powers and has been living the past few years hidden with her parents. Elin meets Lord Lochlan and the story takes flight as he is the cursed one and they seem to have fantastic chemistry yet he can’t touch another.

”If he could make one wish, he would wish to have one moment in time where he could just touch her.”


There’s also the dark fae who pose a huge threat to our Elin as the story take several twists and turns along the way.

”You never came to save me. So I will make sure no one comes to save you .”


Romance fans have no fear you will swoon at the extents Lochlan will go for his true love. The story is well written having a sweet flare of poetry that guides these characters of this multifaceted world. I’m very interested in reading the next book in this series - oh how I love a tortured hero!

**ARC generously provided by the author in exchange for an honest review**
Profile Image for Maria✦❋Steamy Reads Blog❋✦.
662 reviews2,730 followers
June 23, 2017

So listen, this fantasy romance is pretty amazeballs!

Yes, I did just say a-m-a-z-e-b-a-l-l-s.

I have bad news and good news, though.

Bad news is that I can't tell you much about the plot, because this whole novel is a giant puzzle and you'll be given clues throughout the story. And I know what you're thinking now...

Oh you weren't?

The good news, though. I can tell you about the hero. The dude has a huuuuuuge sad. The moon. The moon is not itself. For him it's red.

But wait, it gets worse. There's a curse on the guy and he is forced to live for god knows how long all alone. Until this one girl comes along. To his library.

I bet you were thinking he'd be living in some creepy place, huh? But who doesn't love the library? Definitely bonus points, right there.

There is another plus, though! He ain't too bad on the eyes!

Probably looks like this after washing in the river. Or something. GUYS. Don't mind me, really. Just, if you like fantasy romance do give this one a shot. It's super duper romantic and has a very mysterious vibe to it. The secondary characters are very intriguing too. The only complaint I have is that the book could have been a bit longer. I suppose this could be taken as a compliment :D

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Profile Image for Claire.
2,319 reviews729 followers
August 7, 2018
5 - "Dathúil." Stars!!

♥♥♥ Re-Read - Aug 18 ♥♥♥

Still as amazing the second time, as it was the first

Pamela Sparkman outdoes herself with the first book in her new fantasy Heart of Darkness series.

Amazon US: http://amzn.to/2qb1lsO
Amazon UK: http://amzn.to/2oTqPr3

The Moon Shines Red was all that and a box of chocolates, and although I cannot really say much about the story for fear of posting inadvertent spoilers, I cannot recommend this book highly enough. The author hit pay dirt with everything in this book, her writing style fits it perfectly and the vividly descriptive prose worked so well in giving the reader such clarity on the people and places that were being described.

"You should expect the unexpected."

Words, I have so many words in my head about what I want to say, but to put everything together coherently and without giving anything away, the story between Elin and Lochlan, held me in its grip as each new revelation added to the plot.

"There is more to you than meets the eye…"

There is a lot going on in this one, and you won’t get bored, the multiple POV’s are added at just the right points, that they are are confusing because you are given the opportunity to get to know each and every character with such clarity, even though most of them aren’t necessarily what they initially seem, I was transfixed, transported and totally enthralled with it all.

I have been an avid fan on Pamela’s books and writing since her first release, and each and every subsequent release improves on the last, I can honestly say that this is some of the best story-telling I have read in a long time, and I am dying to get back to the Kaelmor Kingdom, with the release of A Monster like Me at some point in the future. I hope that we don’t have to wait too long, but this isn’t a story that will leave me anytime soon, and I think you will be saying the same if you pick it up and let your imagination enjoy the ride the author takes it on with the telling of The Moon Shines Red.

ARC generously provided by the author, and it was as it always is, my absolute pleasure to provide the above honest review in exchange.

**Dathúil means - A pleasure for the eyes.
Profile Image for Christie«SHBBblogger».
987 reviews1,300 followers
April 1, 2017

Title: The Moon Shines Red
Series: Heart of Darkness #1
Author: Pamela Sparkman
Release date: April 25, 2017
Cliffhanger: No

I've been a fan of Pamela Sparkman's since her debut book, Stolen Breaths . I will read anything she writes, but I must admit, I was in a frenzy of excitement when she decided to take on the fantasy genre. It couldn't have come at a better time, because I've been finding my way back to fantasy and PNR in the past year. You might even say it's my current obsession phase, so color me happy that she made this choice to branch out. One of the things I really love about this author is that she doesn't put limits on herself to try new genres and characters.

This story is completely different from all of her others in almost every way. Most notably, the mysterious undertone throughout this entire book. It weaves between the characters and ties them together in a genius way. The riddle of the hero's curse will keep you flipping the pages and attempting to work out where it will lead you.

When what is blue turns red, your child will bring man to his knees in sorrow
For they will not see the light of tomorrow
Let it be so until the mountains move and the rivers shiver
As soon as what's been shrouded is revealed, all wicked souls will quiver
A refusal shall mark an age of tranquility
And the restoration of balance shall bring forth a remedy

Lord Lochlan is conceived from love, but judged and condemned as shameful. An innocent punished for the perceived crimes of his parents. He exists centuries in isolation and misery, just surviving. Never experiencing a normal life or even a promise of the beauty the world has to offer.

Death is his consort, coldness his constant companion.

He's grown weary, sunk into despair at the hopelessness that he'll ever escape his fate. The path to freedom begins with the most unlikely little spirited package. He admires her fire and wit, he tries to keep her at a distance for her own safety. But while his presence has always commanded fear and awe, Elin quickly overcomes his intimidating magnetism and surly disposition.

Even in the outdoors his presence dominated, consumed, like a monolithic column rising above the ground. His essence was as tangible as the man himself. Even the air around him hummed in reverence.

I loved Lochlan. He was protective, strong, and genuine, yet darkly cryptic. Even after suffering the contempt of his people and centuries of hurt, he maintained a light underneath that darkness. From the beginning, it was obvious to me that he was ripe for redemption. He only needed someone with the courage to fight this monumental battle by his side. There is a brewing war, and his battle is integral to the outcome of it all. The only question is, is he doomed for damnation or is there a flicker of hope in all of the madness? Hiding unthinkable scars that it seems could never be healed, he hold everything inside and lets it fester. Never revealing the deep cut that he can never forgive himself for.

Elin was a young woman who like Lochlan, knows what it's like to be judged for being different, found wanting. Forced to move to Kaelmor Kingdom with her parents in search of safety, she unknowingly moves closer to the fire. Danger is never far from her, but she lacks the knowledge to protect herself. She's intelligent, yet a little naive at first and more than a little innocent. That innocence is heartbreakingly shattered, and her whole world is shifted in ways she couldn't have imagined. But through her pain, we see her grow into a steely resolve and strength no matter what's thrown at her. With Lochlan, she has a protector, a friend, and a man who she yearns to be close to. Their forbidden love delivers an ache and anticipation that draws you right into their rioting emotions.

They're passionate. Tender. Desperately longing for the impossible.

“I came back.”
His heart swelled. “Why?”
She shook her head. “Because, I felt like you needed me. Did you? Need me?”
All he could do was look at her, wondering why it took so long for her to come into his life. “Yes,” he said. “I think I always have.”

Nothing is quite what it seems in this story. Their journey is filled with malevolent forces, hidden agendas, and shocking truths. The ending leaves you with one story complete, and another waiting to be told. Knowing what she has planned for the next in the series, I'm not ashamed to say that I'm already counting down the days until she starts writing. This character is one that is completely torn, broken, and filled with complexities. Tormented doesn't even begin to cover him, and I know his will be one fascinating and twisted tale.

Pamela Sparkman always knows how to write a story full of emotion, true romance, and meaning. But this book has exceeded my expectations and shines brighter than I ever could have anticipated. The Moon Shines Red is a love story born in impossible circumstances, and strengthened in adversity and tragedy. There are power struggles, deceit, and secrets to be uncovered. It's about the balance of good and evil, choosing sides and fighting for something that's worth dying for. It's the ultimate fantasy romance that poses the question, "Can love really conquer all?"


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Profile Image for Maayan.
Author 3 books315 followers
May 6, 2017

Amazon US: http://amzn.to/2qb1lsO
Amazon UK: http://amzn.to/2oTqPr3

It's not a secret that I've been a fan of Pamela Sparkman for awhile now. I've read Stolen Breaths, Shattered, Skin Deep and then the spin-off Back to Yesterday.

This woman has a way with words that pulls you right into the core of the story and then gripping you straight in the heart. Her writing is lyrical and beautiful, and it's always a treat to jump into one of her stories.


When what is blue turns red, your child will bring man to his knees in sorrow
For they will not see the light of tomorrow
Let it be so until the mountains move and the rivers shiver
As soon as what's been shrouded is revealed, all wicked souls will quiver
A refusal shall mark an age of tranquility
And the restoration of balance shall bring forth a remedy.

Her stories are real, but at the same time, they make me feel in a fairytale. When she told me that she's planning to write a fantasy novel, well....I was over the moon. Paranormal & fantasy romances are my all time favorites. And I had no doubt that she'll pull it off because, well...she's Pamela Sparkman. And I wasn't wrong. Not only did she build a rich and interesting world, she created characters with a soul.


This book is like nothing she ever wrote before. She took a chance on something different, and I can't express enough how proud and amazed I am by the outcome.

The Moon Shines Red tells the story of Lochan & Elin. Elin moved to the Kaelmor Kingdom with her family to start anew. She starts her journey as a young, sweet & naive girl, surrounded by her loving family. Elin always felt different than the rest of the world. She has a pretty special gift - she can see happy memories of people. (Well...everyone besides Lochan). She always felt like she needed to watch over her shoulder, but she lived her life as normal as she possibly could.


Until a tragedy strikes and turns her world upside down. Everything she held dear was in danger. Everything she knew about her family was a lie. Everything she knew about herself was wrong. She was broken and lost, searching for threads to hang on to, until that path led her straight into the sights of Lord Lochan.


“I was alone with a man I was told all my life to fear.”

It's hard to tell about the story without giving too much away. Reading this book blindly felt like unwrapping a precious present...a treasure that you knew awaited inside.

Gosh. I want to say so much. But I'm holding myself back. LOL.

Lochan. My lovely, lonely Lochan. He was protective, broken, brooding, caring, judged, feared, loving. He was the cursed child - part Fae, part human.

“When I touch someone, or they touch me...that is the image they see and it reflects back at me so I see it too. Right before they die of fright, then shatter like ice at my feet.”

He became Elin's protector in her darkest days, and Elin became his light, in an endless world filled with darkness and heartache.

“He was an outcast, despite his title. Everyone in the village was afraid of him. He walked among us but never with us. Stay away, they would say. Don't go near him, they would whisper. he stayed hidden beneath his cloak and his face remained a mystery, shrouded by his hood.
Until now.”

They completed each other. They fit like pieces of a puzzle. I could feel their yearning and desperation to be with one another, and to do something so simple. To simply...touch.

“First,” he said softly, “I would hold you…like this.” He moved in a fraction. “And I would memorize the color of your eyes, the slope of your nose, the shape of your mouth, and I would think… I am never going to be the same after this.”
A tear slipped down my cheek and I had to bite my lip to keep it from trembling.”

Their love was limitless, unstoppable, and Lochan wouldn't let anyone take his light away.


“Together, they stared upwards while the night wrapped around them like a blanket. Again, things were said between them, even though no words were spoken. Sometimes, the whispers of the heart spoke louder than the deepest voice.
Her heart had said…. I am here now and I will find a cure.
His had said… I hope that you do.
And you will owe me that kiss.
The anvil inside his chest had said… More than that. I will owe you my life.

Pamela also created a wonderful set of supporting characters and gave each and one of them a life of its own. A purpose. They were vivid and pulled on my heartstrings. I wouldn't mind reading a story about each character that was woven so beautifully and smartly into the story. The monk Searly, her parents, Arwyn. And the villain - Zeph, was built from so many layers. I started the story with hating him, but something in him...I can't explain it. And I don't want to say too much.

The building mystery kept me on the edge of my seat. The blooming romance made my heart beat fast. The story was filled with mystery, humor, funny banter, pain, love, heartbreak, hope and kickass characters.

“You're an arse,” I said.
“I'm an arse?”
“Yes,” I bit out, jutting my chin forward. "You're also tense, evasive, aggressive, brusque, and demanding.”
“Is that so?” His voice sounded...entertained.
I ignored his tone and answered his question. “Yes.”

See what I'm talking about?

“If I let you set my breeches on fire, would you forgive me then?”
My annoyance sparked like dry wood. “No, however, I would enjoy watching you dance around very much.”
A hearty, robust laugh consumed all four walls of the library. “I'll remember not to upset you in the future.”

I loved this two <3

Personally, this book felt like a rollercoaster. Pamela Sparkman surprised me one time after the other. There were several twists and turns and what I believed was WRONG turned out to be RIGHT.

The Moon Shines Red is a story that will stay with me for a long time. Pamela blue me away with the fantasy world she built and the tender, passionate and heartwarming romance she created.

Who will win in the upcoming war?
Would it be good or evil?
And how much evil is the evil?

Read and find out! <3

OMG. I'm so excited and really looking forward to the next book is this series!!!


“I’m proud of you, acushla.”
“Why do you call me that? What does it mean?”
“It means…” He leaned forward, careful not to touch me, and whispered “My pulse.”


#VirginHero #AlphaMale #SafeRead
Profile Image for Astrid - The Bookish Sweet Tooth.
795 reviews908 followers
April 21, 2017

Review @ Vanilla & Spice Books

✬✬✬ 5 "UNIQUE" STARS ✬✬✬

I'm quoting the author when I say, this whole book is one huge spoiler so I'm not going to talk about the plot...a lot.

Often when I close one book and start a new one I feel a bit disoriented. Going into the first of a fantasy series can be quite overwhelming to begin with. More often than not it's an information and name dump that makes your head spin. Many authors totally ignore the fact that most readers don't remember the names and details a couple of pages later. This is NOT what's happening here. Pamela Sparkman uses names and details only where needed, you transition right into the story.

The character development is well done. Ms. Sparkman creates a multi-dimensional cast of personalities.

Let me begin with the heroine, Elin, who is a sweet and brave young woman, with a compassionate heart and lots of spunk. She doesn't trust easily but there is an instant connection she feels with the hero. Elin has a unique gift, she can see the happy memories of people which I found to be a refreshing change. In stories such as this one you often have a character who can see the horrors of people.

Lochlan, our hero, is heartachingly lonely. He has a cross to bear that is inconceivable, you wonder how he has become such a good person. His anguish is in every word. Lochlan doesn't mope though, when danger touches both of our main characters' lives he has his work cut out for him and takes charge. Lochlan is a good man who is loyal to those he loves and relentless when he needs to protect them. The farther you get into the book, the deeper the feelings for Elin become, the more you feel how desperate he is. It's a testament to this author's writing that you physically feel Lochlan's loneliness and yearning.

The side characters are so vivid that it's almost a crime to call them that. The villain of the story is fantastic. He is a conundrum of callousness, cruelty and kindness and compassion. I know it's hard to believe but trust me on that...he is an awesome bad guy. Searly is Lochlan's most trusted and beloved friend. The guy always looks on the bright side and not a lot can dim his light. He holds my heart hostage because he was pure kindness and love.

The story is written like a scavenger hunt. Hints are laid out throughout the story. You follow bread crumbs, solve a puzzle and that opens up a whole new lot of questions. Most of them - important for this story - if not all, are being neatly tied up and answered in this installment.

One thing I should mention are the POVs we have here. Every chapter from Elin's point of view is written in first person, every other character's POV is written in third person. I didn't have a problem with it at all, it didn't take away from my enjoyment. After the first two, three chapters you have adjusted (if you actually need to) and won't even notice anymore.

I'm a first time reader of Pamela Sparkman. Yes, I must have lived under a rock because this lady knows how to write. Her proficiency at spinning a gripping tale is comparable to a lot of veteran writers so she must have honed her skill. Let her take you away in The Moon Shines Red, away into a land full of magic and adventure. I promise you'll be utterly enchanted and charmed.

Profile Image for Lillian ☁ Cloud 9 Books ☁.
574 reviews344 followers
June 16, 2017
***** 5 Stars *****

THIS IS A MUST READ! I can't stop thinking about this book! Get ready for magical events, dark curses, and mystical creatures from other worlds.

The story is mainly about Elin. She has always had issues fitting in and has never felt normal. When she goes to a library and learns about an old disagreement among the humans and fae, things start changing and unraveling.

Lochlan is cursed. He's been living in darkness for generations. He feels alone and angry at the world, but something about Elin brings him out of the shadows.

The two can't stop their hearts from wanting each other. And when something threatens Elin, Lochlan swears to protect her with his life.

I felt so much for the lovers, and my heart broke for them. I even loved reading about the evil characters. Obviously... that only means one thing. EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS BOOK IS PERFECT!

Pamela Sparkman's writing is absolutely magical and she weaves this story flawlessly. I hope that in the next book, there will be more Elin and Lochlan. I've got some questions, and I need answers!

description description description

Profile Image for Jenny - TotallybookedBlog.
1,883 reviews2,067 followers
September 4, 2018

4.5 Fabulous stars!

‘He smiled today. His smiles are as rare as mine, so I took his smile and tied it to the ribbon around my heart, where I can treasure it always.’

Pamela Sparkman is a new to us author and after reading and falling in love with this book, you can bet we’re eagerly awaiting the next Heart of Darkness story, because the secondary character this story will be about, completely captured our imagination and fascination and we need more!

The Moon Shines Red is a standalone and does have a conclusion, so if you’re worried for continuance or cliffy’s, don’t be. Just dive straight into Lochlan and Elin’s enchanting and beautiful story and prepare yourselves for a magical adventure in this urban fantasy romance.

We adore tales about the Fae fantasy folklore. Those pesky, treacherous creatures with their half-truths riddles and tricks, the alpha Fae who falls and fights for his love….the trysts, the curses, tricks and legends…sigh…they enthral us time and again, and we’re happy to say Pamela Sparkman most certainly treated us to an alluringly expressive and beautiful read, satisfying our much needed PNR fix.

The premise of the story captured our imaginations and hearts as poor Lochlan cut such a sad and lonely figure. This is a man who has only known isolation; never being able to experience the comfort of a touch, the warmth of a hug, the love of a woman after a curse was bestowed on him at birth, resulting in dire consequences for the person if they ignore the curse and touch him.

‘If he could make one wish, he would wish to have one moment in time where he could just touch her.’

Banished to a monastery with Searly, a Monk as his only true friend, (and what a heartfelt relationship it was) the pair have struck a firm friendship, with Searly showing a dogged determination to try and seek a reversal to the curse affecting his friend.

Lochlan has resigned himself to a life of seclusion and loneliness until he comes upon the beautiful human, Elin. This makes him want and need that human affection he has been denied all his life. However, little did they know their world was about to be turned upside down.

“Do not hide your pain from me, and I will not hide mine from you.” ,/i>

Now, we could go into detail here about what unfolds, but where’s the fun in that? Oh no, you need to experience this authors bewitching story for yourselves firsthand, because there are surprises and twists galore to be enjoyed in this one!

‘For a reason unbeknownst to him he needed her to like him.’

This author had our hearts soaring over the lengths this man went to for love, she had our hearts beating and never failed to grip us with the surprises, twists, emotion, suspense and passion of this fantasy. The passion in this case coming from the connection between Lochlan and Elin. Their love was true, innocent, subtle, yet fiercely heartfelt. We believed it, we felt it, and we loved it. We certainly didn’t need a graphic sex scene on every page to convince us of the connection between these two, that’s for sure.

“I was willing to give you all the time you needed, I would have given you forever if you’d asked for it.”
“I know.”

Love, loyalty, friendship, forgiveness and hope. Pamela Sparkman did an amazing job of lovingly bringing Elin and Lochlan’s story to life, telling it with an old world storytelling charm that only added to the atmospheric surroundings. The vividness of the Faery realm, the beauty of her characters and the way in which she kept us glued to our Kindles was testament to the terrific story she delivered!

“…so you see, you love…it does matter. It matters very much.”

THE MOON SHINES RED is available to purchase below
Amazon US
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Merged review:


4.5 Stars

'He smiled today. His smiles are as rare as mine, so I took his smile and tied it to the ribbon around my heart, where I can treasure it always.'

Pamela Sparkman is a new to us author and after reading and falling in love with this book, you can bet we're eagerly awaiting the next Heart of Darkness story, because the secondary character this story will be about, completely captured our imagination and fascination and we need more!

The Moon Shines Red is a standalone and does have a conclusion, so if you're worried for continuance or cliffy's, don't be. Just dive straight into Lochlan and Elin's enchanting and beautiful story and prepare yourselves for a magical adventure in this urban fantasy romance.

We adore tales about the Fae fantasy folklore. Those pesky, treacherous creatures with their half-truths riddles and tricks, the alpha Fae who falls and fights for his love….the trysts, the curses, tricks and legends…sigh…they enthral us time and again, and we're happy to say Pamela Sparkman most certainly treated us to an alluringly expressive and beautiful read, satisfying our much needed PNR fix.

The premise of the story captured our imaginations and hearts as poor Lochlan cut such a sad and lonely figure. This is a man who has only known isolation; never being able to experience the comfort of a touch, the warmth of a hug, the love of a woman after a curse was bestowed on him at birth, resulting in dire consequences for the person if they ignore the curse and touch him.

'If he could make one wish, he would wish to have one moment in time where he could just touch her.'

Banished to a monastery with Searly, a Monk as his only true friend, (and what a heartfelt relationship it was) the pair have struck a firm friendship, with Searly showing a dogged determination to try and seek a reversal to the curse affecting his friend.

Lochlan has resigned himself to a life of seclusion and loneliness until he comes upon the beautiful human, Elin. This makes him want and need that human affection he has been denied all his life. However, little did they know their world was about to be turned upside down.

"Do not hide your pain from me, and I will not hide mine from you."

Now, we could go into detail here about what unfolds, but where's the fun in that? Oh no, you need to experience this authors bewitching story for yourselves firsthand, because there are surprises and twists galore to be enjoyed in this one!

'For a reason unbeknownst to him he needed her to like him.'

This author had our hearts soaring over the lengths this man went to for love, she had our hearts beating and never failed to grip us with the surprises, twists, emotion, suspense and passion of this fantasy. The passion in this case coming from the connection between Lochlan and Elin. Their love was true, innocent, subtle, yet fiercely heartfelt. We believed it, we felt it, and we loved it. We certainly didn't need a graphic sex scene on every page to convince us of the connection between these two, that's for sure.

"I was willing to give you all the time you needed, I would have given you forever if you'd asked for it."
"I know."

Love, loyalty, friendship, forgiveness and hope. Pamela Sparkman did an amazing job of lovingly bringing Elin and Lochlan's story to life, telling it with an old world storytelling charm that only added to the atmospheric surroundings. The vividness of the Faery realm, the beauty of her characters and the way in which she kept us glued to our Kindles was testament to the terrific story she delivered!

"…so you see, you love…it does matter. It matters very much."

THE MOON SHINES RED (Heart Of Darkness #1) - Standalone available below
Amazon US
Amazon UK

MONSTER LIKE ME (Heart of Darkness #2) - Standalone available below
Amazon US
Amazon UK

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Profile Image for Anne OK.
3,803 reviews537 followers
August 5, 2023

I’ve never been a big fan of the fantasy genre – at least I wasn’t until this favorite author made a 180-degree turn and headed in a very different direction.  And I willingly followed because her writing is that good.  Utterly spellbound, beguiled by, and swept up in this tour-de-force of fantasy, I devoured every word Pamela Sparkman wrote and begged for more.  I am not kidding!  Quite simply, she wowed me and convincingly gave me no choice but to venture into the world of mystical creatures, both good and evil.

In a faery tale that is guaranteed to enchant as prose and poetry become one, this journey begins when an evil curse is placed upon an innocent baby boy before his birth.  The King of Kaelmor broke the rules when he fell in love with a Faerie princess.  It had long been the mutual agreement that humans and faeries were forbidden to share romantic ties.  When their union produced a child, war broke out.  Both sides deemed the baby a mixed breed — unacceptable as an impurity.  And Lord Lochlan was never seen again.

When what is blue turns red, your child will bring man to his knees in sorrow
For they will not see the light of tomorrow
Let it be so until the mountains move and the rivers shiver
As soon as what’s been shrouded is revealed, all wicked souls will quiver
A refusal shall mark an age of tranquility
And the restoration of balance shall bring forth a remedy

In a different time and place, another innocent child accused of practicing witchcraft and using magic, along with her parents, is forced to seek refuge in a new and unfamiliar place called Mirova, a town that is the doorway to and from the land of Faery.  Unbeknownst to them, evil is now closer than ever, and life as Elin has known it will be lost forever.

Let the goosebumps begin.

As Lochlan grows up banished from home and family, his life is filled with years of loneliness and sadness.  Until the curse can be broken, it carries an everlasting aftereffect preventing him from sharing a closeness with anyone — one touch brings tragic results.  His world remains a cold and isolated place until a small beauty surprisingly slips through a crack in the wall he has built around himself, and with her brings a little sunlight into his dark world.  When Elin requires protection, a kindly Monk Searly brings her to the monastery where another lost soul also resides.  The plot quickly advances at this point.  Lochlan becomes a protector, and he and Elin form a friendship that soon sparks deeper desires.  Intrigue, mystery and love are always at the heart of their story. 

Always expect the unexpected!  With treachery and danger always a constant threat, survival is only a heartbeat away for Lochlan and Elin.  Evil forces threaten at every turn and soon Elin has been snatched by their enemies and Lochlan sets out on a harrowing journey to save her and return her to safety.  Long-held secrets are exposed that affect both their lives with shocking results.  Readers will be captured in a spell that wraps Elin and Lochlan in a finely woven tapestry of danger, fantasy and a magical love story.

There’s a lot to love about this fast-paced story filled with wonderfully defined characters – although some of them are not so lovable.  Good and evil battle it out in a fiery revolution that allows no escape as you fly through the pages.  With twists and turns around every corner, you’ll still be trying to solve the mysteries until the very end.   There are plenty of surprises as the author makes her way to the conclusion, leaving not a single question unanswered.

Impeccable writing by this author makes for effortless reading, where she spins a perfectly paced plot within the realms of the Fae.  In a world beyond the everyday, few storytellers have the gift of so deftly arranging a fantasy or building a world so magical that it comes to life on the pages, but Pamela Sparkman is the best at her craft and she made it happen.

Will fate and a luminous moon reward Lochlan and Elin with true love and a happily-ever-after?  I’m not telling!  But where Elin and Lochlan’s story ends, another begins.  A character filled with morbid anguish, guilt and misery must battle personal demons for his own existence, along with forgiveness and love from others, in the next installment of the Heart of Darkness Series.  No release date scheduled.

Already the faeries are at the top of my “best reads of 2017” list.  Just goes to prove that faery tales aren’t just for the young — but the young-at-heart as well!  I hope you’ll give this amazing story a look-see.
Profile Image for Malene.
1,275 reviews723 followers
September 30, 2018
Wow! This is what I call a beautiful fantasy romance. Pamela Sparkman captivated me with her exquisite and flawless imagery. She transported me to another universe and I was deeply enthralled not only with the story but also with these intriguing and unique characters. Elin, Lochlan and Searly are three wonderful characters who are so different from one another but have one thing in common. Despite their choices and curses they’re good people. Down to the core. Lochlan could’ve chosen a different route given the cards he’s been dealt with but he didn’t. He’s accepted it.
Elin is such a fabulous heroine and despite her losses she doesn’t give up. Thanks to Lochlan and Searly. Their friendship is truly magnificent and built on love and respect. This is a roller coaster ride of mystery, fantasy and romance. The perfect mixture.
The Moon Shines Red won me over with a compelling storyline and fascinating characters or should I say creatures. So many twists and turns and I enjoyed every moment. I haven’t read a fantasy book in awhile but thanks to Pamela Sparkman my love for the genre has been renewed.

5 Light Stars
Profile Image for Gitte TotallyBookedBlog.
2,048 reviews940 followers
June 10, 2017

4.5 Fabulous stars!

‘He smiled today. His smiles are as rare as mine, so I took his smile and tied it to the ribbon around my heart, where I can treasure it always.’

Pamela Sparkman is a new to us author and after reading and falling in love with this book, you can bet we’re eagerly awaiting the next Heart of Darkness story, because the secondary character this story will be about, completely captured our imagination and fascination and we need more!

The Moon Shines Red is a standalone and does have a conclusion, so if you’re worried for continuance or cliffy’s, don’t be. Just dive straight into Lochlan and Elin’s enchanting and beautiful story and prepare yourselves for a magical adventure in this urban fantasy romance.

The premise of the story captured our imaginations and hearts as poor Lochlan cut such a sad and lonely figure. This is a man who has only known isolation; never being able to experience the comfort of a touch, the warmth of a hug, the love of a woman after a curse was bestowed on him at birth, resulting in dire consequences for the person if they ignore the curse and touch him.

‘If he could make one wish, he would wish to have one moment in time where he could just touch her.’

Banished to a monastery with Searly, a Monk as his only true friend, (and what a heartfelt relationship it was) the pair have struck a firm friendship, with Searly showing a dogged determination to try and seek a reversal to the curse affecting his friend.

Lochlan has resigned himself to a life of seclusion and loneliness until he comes upon the beautiful human, Elin. This makes him want and need that human affection he has been denied all his life. However, little did they know their world was about to be turned upside down.

“Do not hide your pain from me, and I will not hide mine from you.” ,/i>

Now, we could go into detail here about what unfolds, but where’s the fun in that? Oh no, you need to experience this authors bewitching story for yourselves firsthand, because there are surprises and twists galore to be enjoyed in this one!

‘For a reason unbeknownst to him he needed her to like him.’

Love, loyalty, friendship, forgiveness and hope. Pamela Sparkman did an amazing job of lovingly bringing Elin and Lochlan’s story to life, telling it with an old world storytelling charm that only added to the atmospheric surroundings. The vividness of the Faery realm, the beauty of her characters and the way in which she kept us glued to our Kindles was testament to the terrific story she delivered!

“…so you see, you love…it does matter. It matters very much.”
Click here for our full review at TBB

THE MOON SHINES RED is available to purchase below
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Profile Image for Annika.
461 reviews115 followers
May 31, 2017

Huh. Didn't think I'd ever say that, but wow, this book was absolutely beautifully kitschy.
Considering I'm not into fae lore, or insta-love, for that matter, I'm surprised by how much I enjoyed it.
He smiled a smile that would make Satan shiver. "I don't need an army."
The wind picked up the next words he spoke and carried them away like a hired messenger. It was a warning; the wind set on delivering it. "I am the army. Be ready."

A curse, a cutesy yet epic love story, an amazing villain, a teeny bit of subtle humor, atmospheric, almost fairytale-like writing, myth, mystery and action, all this and more is what you'll get with Pamela Sparkman's The Moon Shines Red.
Looking forward to the sequel.

ARC provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Emma.
122 reviews111 followers
August 14, 2018
3.5 stars

Loved it, I struggled a tiny bit at the beginning, but the enjoyment I had with the book was worth it. it was so sweet and emotional with suspenseful twists and turns, I loved heroine's strength and hero's vulnerability, and I'm a sucker for books that can make me instead of hating the bad guy, loving him and prying for his salvation, and believe me, I loved him way before the revelations were made.
Profile Image for Heather❀Kiss The Pages❀.
712 reviews296 followers
September 3, 2018
A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!! This book, set both in the human and faery world was absolutely wonderful. Our hero, Lochlan is cursed, feared by others and carries a huge burden that leaves him in such a state of loneliness. Then he meets Elin, a sweet ordinary girl who we find out is anything but ordinary. She does not fear him like everyone else and the love story that unfolds was so painfully heartbreaking! Elin is faced with her own personal burden of immense pain when her life as she knows it is completely turned upside down. Although Lochlan can't be there for her like really wants to, he is never far from her, always protecting her.
"...all the healing has to begin somewhere. For me, that somewhere began when the loneliest soul I'd ever known offered to give company to the saddest."

I won't give spoilers but it seemed like it was impossible for Elin and Lochlan to really be together. For so long, I just couldn't see how they could get there HEA. My poor heart could hardly take it 💔💔💔.

There is great world building and action packed scenes that make this fantasy romance complete. This author is a great storyteller and pieces of the puzzle get revealed at just the right time. The pace was just right and the side characters are all brilliantly developed. We also have a great bromance with Lochlan and Searly! Searly is an essential character who always supported Lochlan and his love and sacrifices made brought on so many emotions.

This book does not end on a cliffhanger but it does set you up for Book 2 which you don't NEED to read but trust me, you will WANT to read it!

5 Stars
Fantasy Romance
Heat Level: None
POV: 3rd Person


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Profile Image for Pavlina Read more sleep less blog  .
2,434 reviews5,106 followers
May 4, 2017
4 captivating stars

I was so excited to start this book from the moment I read the synopsis and see Christie's amazing teasers I knew this book was for me!I really enjoyed The Moon Shines Red!I love the set up,the story is brilliant and the characters enjoyable!Lachlan stole my heart!I haven't read this author before, but I'm sure I'm going to read more books from her in the future!


Profile Image for Elizabeth Neal.
1,684 reviews141 followers
May 5, 2017
Wouldn't it be a blessing to be able to see people's happiest memories, seeing their joy when you look at them? What, it wouldn't? No, I can see where others may find that abnormal, almost witchlike. Well, at least that's been seventeen-year-old Elin's experience, her and her parents having been forced to leave her home at a young age. Ever since, she's understandably found it difficult to trust, preferring to spend time with her parents, or the monks at the monastery as she uses their library.

One day as she's exploring, she comes upon a man and it doesn't take her long to recognize Lord Lochlan, the outcast everyone warns others about. Their encounter doesn't go as she'd hoped, and instead he leaves with some harsh parting words, causing Elin to once again feel humiliated, as if she doesn't belong anywhere, emotions she thought she'd overcome.

As Elin is escaping into the books at the monastery's library, her favorite pasttime, she's once again face to face with Lochlan. Surprisingly, he not only lives there, but is also apologizing for his earlier behavior. He then shares with her why he acted as he did.

Lochlan hurriedly leaves Elin's presence, for the sole reason that he badly wants to stay. He hadn't intended to apologize, but as he observed her, actually laughing for the first time in a long while at her mumbles, he couldn't resist speaking with her once more. He wants, needs, her to like him, though he has no idea why that is. He watches as she leaves, and can't help but mourn her absence, resigned to the fact that nothing can ever come of his urge to know her, unless a cure can be found for his "affliction."

When tragedy strikes, Lochlan doesn't hesitate to step in, believing it's his fault. He knows the war has begun, and the first strike was against him. With Lochlan's help, Elin slowly begins healing, as does Lochlan himself.

"And for me, that somewhere began when the loneliest soul I’d ever known offered to give company to the saddest." - Elin

But it seems as if Lochlan wasn't the target as he'd assumed, and that is when he uncovers a secret, and it explains, in part, why he's so drawn to Elin. Now he just needs to tell her.

As Lochlan and Elin begin training, the connection between the two of them grows stronger day by day. As they fall for one another, the battle grows closer, and the outcome is unknown, as is whether Lochlan will ever be free of his curse.

What secrets will be revealed? Are there things about Elin that she herself isn't aware of? Why is someone after her? Is Lochlan also a target? Or just a means to the end for the one behind the plan? Is there redemption when your actions have hurt others? What if that person was betrayed? Can you love someone you cannot, and may never be able to, have a true relationship with? Can Lochlan's curse be broken? Is there a HEA for Lochlan and Elin?

One-click now and follow along as two people, destined to meet, become each other's salvation in more ways than one. I'm looking forward to book two and hope I'm correct in my theory on who the couple will be.

**I voluntarily reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of this book.**
Profile Image for Tammie.
1,488 reviews165 followers
October 1, 2017
Lord Lochlan was cursed in the womb, condemned by the perceived crimes of his parents.

I should have stayed away from him. But I couldn't.
HE was my love...my life. And he just might kill me.
So I guess that means...he may also be my end.

The moon Shines Red is a clean historical fantasy romance that has a bit of a fairy tale feel to it. I loved this book and the beautiful messages within it about love and perseverance so much. I haven't felt this way about a book since I read The Bird and the Sword earlier this year. There are a couple of heart-pounding romantic scenes in this book and I fell in love with the tortured Lochlan right along with our leading lady.

Lochlan is a tortured soul who has lived cursed for 500 years unable to touch anyone without killing them, so he has isolated himself from most other people. One day Elin is out walking in the forest and she sees a beautiful white owl. She starts following it until she ends up at a clearing and there she meets Lochlan. They are immediately drawn to each other, but Lochlan warns her to keep her distance. They part and Lochlan plans to never see her again but fate has different ideas.

I liked Elin as a character a lot. There is a secret about her that is eventually revealed and while it's pretty easy to predict, I still really enjoyed the story. The only complaint I have about her is that she is pretty defenseless in the beginning and stays that way throughout the whole story, even after she begins to learn how to protect herself she never has the opportunity to use those skills. I really would have liked it if she would have had the opportunity to come into her own in that aspect.

The antagonist Zeph ended up being more layered than I initially thought and I liked the story behind him and what was revealed about him. I don't always sympathize with the bad guy in books, but this was one of those times where I could feel badly for him to an extent. The next book is going to be about him and I do wonder how he can be redeemed after some of his actions. He just went too far and so I'm not sure how I'm going to feel about him in the next book.

As for the fantasy aspect of the story, I thought it was pretty well done. The story involves the Seelie and Unseelie courts in the faerie realm. We don't actually get to see too much of the faerie realm in the book as it takes place mostly in the human world, and that's something that I would have liked to explore a little more. I'm pretty sure that will happen in the next book though, since it will be about Zeph.

Thanks to NetGalley, Book Enthusiast Promotions, and the Author for giving me a copy of this book.

Review also posted at Writings of a Reader
Profile Image for Shannon.
2,544 reviews219 followers
December 7, 2018
Have you ever read a book by an author and loved it so much you were scared to read anything else by them, worried that none of their other books could live up to that one amazing story? Now I’m not saying that’s what happened to me with Back to Yesterday and Pamela Sparkman, but I’m not saying it isn’t, either. I absolutely freaking ADORED Back To Yesterday, it’s become one of my top reads ever. That book is so special to me, I just didn’t know if Ms. Sparkman could capture my heart again like she did there. But jokes on me.

I don’t even know what to say about The Moon Shines Red, other than I loved every word of it. Oh, and it made me cry, too, like all the best books do. It’s fantasy, which isn’t a genre I really ever read. It has Fairies and Faes (are they one and the same???), Unseelies. There’s good and evil. Dark and light. Hope and heartbreak. There's a curse to be broken, hearts to be healed, and loved to be found. *happy sigh* And that's really all you're going to get from me with this one.

While this can technically be read as a standalone, there is a sequel coming September 4th, A Monster Like Me (preorder is available https://amzn.to/2wpXdGN). It’s a story for one of the characters we meet in The Moon Shines Red, (which is on sale now for only $.99! https://amzn.to/2MS3dSL) and I am anxious and excited to dive back into this world.

***I'm just sharing the buy links because I think this book was wonderful and feel more people should give it a shot, I get nothing in return!
May 6, 2017
*I volunteered to review a Copy of this book from the Author*

Thank you so very much Ms.Sparkman!! I am extremely honored and grateful!! :)

4.5 Open Your Eyes To The Truth Stars!!

This was my second time reading Ms.Sparkman's work. I really enjoyed this tale!! I don't usually read a lot of fantasy but when I do it's always a breath of fresh air and this book was that in spades. I've truly never read a story quite like it!! I loved the fact that I was pulled in from the very beginning, kept on my toes, and my mind racing. I liked that I could picture things so clearly within my mind which is one of the many reasons that I adore Ms.Sparkman's writing so much. It was so action packed which thrilled me!!

Even through all the darkness there was beautiful rays of hope throughout. All of it gripped my heart until the very last page. There were so many twists and turns that I did NOT see coming as well!! During one part I literally had to set my kindle down to process everything it shocked me that much. I was so happy that I got be inside of the characters minds.

Elin and Lochlan's story was enchanting in every which way!! I adored their connection and their pain became my own. It should be made into a movie for sure!! Ms.Sparkman has done it once again!! I am so looking forward to reading more of her work especially the next Heart of Darkness book A Monster Like Me *Cough Cough* about you know who. ;)

I highlighted so many quotes in this story and it was so very hard to choose but this one stuck with me -

"He smiled today. And I know his smiles are as rare as mine, so I took his smile and tied it to the ribbon around my heart — where I can treasure it — always."

If you haven't already One-Clicked, What are you waiting for?!?! Buy it Today!! Trust me, even if you don't read fantasy books pick this up!! In my opinion it's best to go into this story blind because you'll want to experience every single detail for yourself. Remember not everything is as it seems. It will take you by surprise in the best way!! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did my fellow book lovers!! 4.5 Stars all around!! :)
Profile Image for Laura ( Latteandbookz ).
1,235 reviews11 followers
August 18, 2018
Reading this book being that it is a fantasy book, its not my normal go to genre. After reading this book I have to say that it is making want to read more fantasy books. This is so engrossing, I read this book on one sitting because I needed to know what had happened.

That being said let’s get into my review.

This was truly a captivating story that had all the elements that I would expect in a fantasy book. There’s magic, demons, fae and of course human. There is also multiple POV’s which I know some people don’t like. I like to add that in just as a heads up. It did take me a few chapters to get into but once I did I was hooked.

I loved the map at the beginning of the book. I think it adds a segway into the story, so that you know were the characters are from. The book is also told in two parts. ( some people might not be a fan of)  I loved the curse at the beginning of the book

When what is blue turns red, your child will bring man to is knees and sorrow

For they will not see the light of tomorrow

Let it be so until the mountains move and the rivers shiver

As soon as what’s been shrouded is revealed, all wicked souls will quiver

A refusal shall mark an age of tranquility

And the restoration of balance shall bring forth a remedy.

I’m not sure what it is about that, but I loved it.

The main character Elin who happens to have powers and living with her parents, I loved when she meets Lord Lochlan, that’s when the story for me got interesting. The story did take me in for a loop an I liked that because I never knew what was coming.  

Lord Lochlan is conceived out of love and because of that he is condemned. and because of that he has to live in isolation. He feels like he is going to be alone for ever, that is fate is set. That is until he meets Elin.

The romance that these two had was real. To be able to find love from the impossible situations that they were both in was nice to read

This is the first book that I have read by this author an all I have to say is wow. I cant wait to read what is going to happen next.
Profile Image for Jessica Burrows.
Author 0 books7 followers
April 29, 2017
I have been a fan of Pamela Sparkman's since she first sent her novel Stolen Breaths to me in an exchange for an honest review. Not only is she one of the sweetest people I have ever spoken to, she is also an amazing author.

This book just goes to show that she can write anything!

I was sent an ARC of this novel, again for an honest review. However, this will be a spoiler-free review! On my website in a few weeks after publication, I will put up my detailed thoughts!
The Moon Shines Red is a brilliantly crafted fantasy tale about a world in-between the human and the fae realm. Not only are the town/country/realm names Pamela came up with absolutely fantastic, she has created swoon-worthy characters that will remain long after you finish this novel.

The book starts off with our powerful heroine Elin and her loving parents (seriously, where can I get some?!); enter mysterious boy. Lord Lochlan is misunderstood and strange in Elin's eyes. He is someone she can't quite figure out.

Once it becomes known that a terrifying dark fae seeks to destroy the happiness Elin has, Lord Lochlan will go to the ends of the earth to save her. He will risk himself, risk everything he has made for himself, and all for her.

It is hard not to fall in love with Pamela's amazing characters.

Oh! And how could I not mention her descriptive ability!

The one thing that will always draw me in with Pamela's writing (no matter what genre!) is how vivid she can make a scene! For more information, keep an eye on my website ( www.dahliaexitium.weebly.com ) for the full review in just a few short weeks!

I want to thank Pamela for giving me the opportunity to read the ARC of The Moon Shines Red and I know you will love it as much as I did! <3
Profile Image for Trisha ❊ Devoured Words.
303 reviews93 followers
March 18, 2017
First of all, I've been a huge fan of Pamela Sparkman since her debut, Stolen Breaths. I fell head over heels over each book. This is her first book in a fantasy genre. She has seamlessly fallen into this genre and made her own stamp into this world with The Moon Shines Red. I've always loved the fantasy genre so when Pamela mentioned she is writing her first fantasy I was super excited. To be honest it was a refreshing change of place. It was just the something I needed to change up what I've been reading lately. It is also was a reason why I went back to read fantasy again. So when I finished reading it I was so sad to say goodbye. I wanted more. Begged for more. I kept asking for a small scrap of anything piece of this phenomenal story to read. It was when I told Pamela she must keep writing fantasy because her brand is missing from this world. The world and I need it. Looking forward to the next book is this series.
25 reviews
November 29, 2018
Great story!! I loved it!! This is my firs book by this author but I will be checking out her other books. Can't wait to get started on the second book in this duet!!!
Profile Image for Melyssa Winchester.
Author 27 books243 followers
May 4, 2017

Title: The Moon Shines Red
Author: Pamela Sparkman
Genre: Fantasy, Paranormal Romance
Series or Standalone: Standalone Series (Heart of Darkness #1))
Rating: ★★★★★



I’ve been attempting to write this review for well over a week. A review that wouldn’t be overly telling (because as with a lot of this authors work, you need to read it to experience its full effect yourself), while also writing a review that would do the story and the author justice. Try as I might, I was either too telling when it came to details of the story, or I would get upset with myself because I felt like I was underplaying just how truly extraordinary this story is.

The Moon Shines Red is the perfect example of why I have a shelf on Goodreads named magical. And before you think, “oh this is a fantasy story so of course it’s magical” I mean it in a different way. Romance, especially these days, and I’m talking real, heart wrenching, gut punching romance, is hard to come by. Stories that evoke feelings, they’re out there, but they're not at the top of the pile where I believe they should be. This story has that. Sure, it has all the elements of a good fantasy story (as only this author can deliver, based on prior leaps she’s taken thus far in her career), but there is more to it than that. The love that grows over time between Elin and Lochlan, it’s magical in every other sense apart from its genre.

Before you even get into the real nitty gritty of the storyline that takes place here, you’re given irrefutable proof that there can be no other for these two unique individuals. No one can tame the beast that lives inside Lochlan, quite like Elin can. Alter his very existence even. Much like, there can be no other protector, confidante, friend, and lover than Lochlan for Elin. They live through some of the worst things I believe characters like these can live through, especially Elin, and they’re made stronger for it. Apart and together. It was truly an honor for this reader to be able to see that. Be privy to it and even now, ages after I’ve read it, their story, love story and otherwise, it stays with me. ‘

Not only because it’s romance done right from my perspective, but also because it’s fantasy done right. It’s story telling at its finest done right.

I grew up reading Forgotten Realms fantasies. I mean, they were the go to books for me in terms of fantasy when I was younger. But they always needed a lot of time given to them because of the amount of details that go into creating not only unique characters that fit, but also an entire world, existence if you will that is definitely not an easy task. As time wore on and my time became more limited with children and other commitments, I went to stories that moved quicker. Taking on a fantasy again, well it became a dream that I didn’t think I’d ever get around to.

Pamela Sparkman, Lochlan, Elin and every other secondary character here, whether large or small, they changed that for me. It was no longer a dream, but a reality and one worth taking.

The perfect amount of detail, character development and story were here, rivalling all those fantasy authors of the past I enjoyed reading. Sometimes even bettering it.

The author took a really big risk changing genres the way she did, but much like the work she’s done in the past, moving from Contemporary to Historical, she pulled it off beautifully.

This is a must read for everyone. Romance fan. Paranormal or Fantasy fan. Just a reader period. You won’t be disappointed.

My thanks to the author and all others involved in letting me read this before release and to the author apart from that, thank you for renewing my faith and love in the written word. You’ve set the bar with this story, much like you have with your previous works and this story came right when I needed it the most. I not only got to fall in love with Elin and Lochlan, but also what I loved so much about reading and you can’t put a price tag on that.

Ending note: If there is one book the world needs to experience this 2017 year, it’s this one.
Profile Image for Clare.
526 reviews17 followers
July 27, 2017
I really liked this story of Lord Lochlan and his red moon curse. It's full of action and adventure that moves at a fast pace to keep you interested in the story. It's not my typical kind of story to read but the blurb of the book got me intrigued enough to want to read it.
It's set in a magical world of mythical creatures with one kind the "Unseelie" wanting to cause an uprising and take over the kingdom and the human world. There are so many lies told and betrayal on all sides that you never know who to trust and darkness and shadows that hide secrets that Elin and Lochlan need to discover. This is a great fantasy adventure story that I enjoyed very much and look forward to reading more from this author.
Profile Image for Julia.
623 reviews622 followers
May 6, 2017
Alright so I didnt love it. The plot and characters were both great..... but I didn't love it. Mostly because the main couple was separated the entire second half of the book and I don't like that. I guess I thought this book was going to be something different and I got my hopes up when it wasn't what I thought it was- so my bad. Props to the great writing and imagination but the romance aspect didn't just take a backseat: it's basically hiding in the trunk of the car. I need more romance and sexy times and this book had zero. Why let a perfectly hunky virgin hero go to waste??
Oh well
Profile Image for Cherise.
632 reviews21 followers
June 28, 2017
My first book by this author and definitely not going to be the last. I really like her writing style. Be warned though, this book isn't for you if you're looking for a hot lusty book, I really think this is more like a fairy tale of sorts, yet it's so well written I am more or less immersed in this tale.

To say that this is a fairy tale might be a tad optimistic as there is really quite a lot of gruesome scenes in here, it is more like a fairy tale gone horribly wrong, I guess, though after much struggle, we can breath easy when we see the hea finally coming along.

Pace is actually pretty slow yet it's chock full of descriptions of scenery, it's so well done instead of getting bored, I ended up more or less with a full picture of the whole setting of this book and it's really mystically other worldly. And though nothing initially seems to be happening much, the story still progresses and it still kept me engaged.

While I really adore our H here, I find it hard to categorise him. He is definitely a tortured soul being cursed since his birth and while he's nearing the point where he is giving up, he took one look at our h and fell hard for her. Yet due to the circumstance, it's just as painful to love yet not able to do anything about it. I really am glad while he is considered as a pariah by most, he still does have people that cares and loved him, and combined that to his innate goodness, he isn't too jaded to love our h wholeheartedly or still care about people in general.

Our h also suffered immensely, but she also is a generous person and cares about people in general. Due to our H's circumstances, oftentimes it's left to our h to take the brave step forward in this relationship. Can understand why our H totally falls for her.

Even the secondary characters are just as lovable and multidimensional, and the interaction between them with the main characters are often quite meaningful and when you look back at it, quite critical as a hint to the main storyline.

It actually is fun reading this one as we already are only given breadcrumbs before diving in, and all through the book, we're thrown little hints here and there, and you just cannot help but keep wondering if a simple sentence or a single appearance or action is significant to solving the main riddle. And there are not just the curse that needs to be figured out, there are also baddies you need to identify and motives you need to discover.

All in all, while this might not be a book for everyone, it's thoroughly engaging to me. I actually am surprised I finish this one so quickly when I look at the log as I thought I must have spent more time analysing things here. Cannot wait for the next book as I definitely want the next couple to get their own hea as well.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for KB.
116 reviews1 follower
November 5, 2017
I enjoyed reading The Moon Shines Red. The fae were fascinating, and being a fantasy lover, I wanted more information on the war and about the "Queen" and who is next in line for the throne? I don't want to give away too many spoilers.

I'm still wondering about a witch named Maude who set up wards around the monastery. Lochlan mentioned her once, and spoke about trusting her, but she never made an appearance and Lochlan never mentioned why he trusted her so much to guard his only friends, the monks.

I did wish there was more to Lochlan's adventure through the realm of Faery. I felt it was too short and rushed. It almost seemed like the entire journey to save Elin took him about an hour once he arrived in Faery—even though it's mostly about Elin, I feel an adventure, or at least some more trouble on the way, could have strengthened his desire to get back to her. I did enjoy Elin's experience in Shadowland and her slowly piecing her past together. I'm sure this past will make a strong appearance in the sequel.

VERDICT: Overall, I found this book and first attempt at fantasy to be very enjoyable and difficult to put down. The romance was strong, the fae fascinating, the history giving me a thirst for more, and the bonds of friendship and family pulled at my emotions. It was a pleasure to read and I highly recommend The Moon Shines Red for those who love romance with a bit of fantasy.

I am looking forward to the sequel, A Monster Like Me, which I hope will delve deeper into Elin and Zeph's (Zuriel) past and what brought about the events in The Moon Shines Red.

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Profile Image for Pidge.
201 reviews8 followers
June 2, 2019
After explication from the author about book two I feel it’s only fair to bump this up to a 4.5, I truly enjoyed the story of Lochlan and Elin and I think book one deserves a higher rating on Goodreads over all

I love Fae stories and it’s hard to find a good one these days that isn’t...twilighty

I wanted to give this book 5 stars and I was expecting two until 60% in where it started slipping.

The story got rushed, I feel there should have either been a sequel (not about Zeph), or the book should have been longer.

You finally see into a different world and then it’s over all of a sudden. Plus there are so many things left unexplained

Unless there will be some clarity I probably won’t read the second book.

This was a very sweet, angsty, romantic read and I DO recommend it!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 64 reviews

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