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He Said/She Said

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In the summer of 1999, Kit and Laura travel to a festival in Cornwall to see a total eclipse of the sun. Kit is an eclipse chaser; Laura has never seen one before. Young and in love, they are certain this will be the first of many they'll share.

But in the hushed moments after the shadow passes, Laura interrupts a man and a woman. She knows that she saw something terrible. The man denies it. It is her word against his.

The victim seems grateful. Months later, she turns up on their doorstep like a lonely stray. But as her gratitude takes a twisted turn, Laura begins to wonder--did she trust the wrong person?

15 years later, Kit and Laura married are living under new names and completely off the digital grid: no Facebook, only rudimentary cell phones, not in any directories. But as the truth catches up to them, they realize they can no longer keep the past in the past.

From Erin Kelly, queen of the killer twist, He Said/She Said is a gripping tale of the lies we tell to save ourselves, the truths we cannot admit, and how far we will go to make others believe our side of the story.

400 pages, Paperback

First published June 6, 2017

About the author

Erin Kelly

55 books1,534 followers
Erin Kelly was born in London in 1976 and grew up in Essex. She read English at Warwick University and has been working as a journalist since 1998.

She has written for newspapers including the The Sunday Times, The Sunday Telegraph, the Daily Mail and the Express and magazines including Red, Psychologies, Marie Claire, Elle and Cosmopolitan.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 3,508 reviews
Profile Image for Chelsea Humphrey.
1,487 reviews82.2k followers
June 1, 2017
This was the last piece of book mail that I received before we made the big move to Virginia in February, and I’m ashamed that it has taken me so long to dust it off my shelf and read it. I had seen numerous raving reviews featuring He Said/She Said, especially early on from my UK friends as they tend to get all the best books across the pond first, but I still wasn’t entirely sure what to expect based on the very brief blurb and cryptic reviews I scoured on Goodreads. I’m entirely grateful for two things- that the reviews I came across were so vague and that I chose to hold off on reading it until precisely the right moment. While I read a great variety of genres, I tend to enjoy certain ones in an ever-rotating circle based on my mood and other particulars; since I knew that this was a slow burn I decided to hold off until I was in the mood for that particular pacing. Or as I like to describe it, I pitched an adult temper tantrum because I do what I want. I highly recommend going into this one as blind as possible; I know that I suggest this regularly as it’s how I prefer to experience my novels, but trust me, this is one that the less you know the better.

As I’m going back through the story in my mind, I believe that the factor that makes this book soar to a 5 star place is the sheer discomfort it caused me to feel. There are too many psychological thrillers being published that are nice, exciting stories that grab our attention but, in the grand scheme of our reading experience, aren’t truly memorable. Not so with He Said/She Said. This book had me squirming from beginning to end with characters that will stay with me for ages. Numerous readers warned me prior to cracking the spine to “Just hang in there. We know it’s slow but I promise, the ending is worth it!” Needless to say, I went in with very low expectations; as an avid reader of psychological thrillers, I’ve begun to grow weary of the novel that is dependent upon a whopping twist at the finale to gain it’s popularity. Maybe it was due to these warnings but once I picked this book up I simply couldn’t put it down! Yes, it is 100% a slow burn. HS/SS is a classic example of your gradually building suspense that blows you away when you reach that final climax, although there are still a few surprises past that as well.

These characters were a complex bunch; while I found each one was somewhat unlikeable in their own way, my views on them were ever-changing, so they weren’t the type of unlikeable that can force me to toss a book aside to the DNF pile. Authors have to walk a fine line while writing these sort of narrators and I feel Erin Kelly did a fabulous job here. Personally the duel narrative really worked for me here; the plot does jump between past and present which can get confusing at times, but that mild confusion really enhanced my journey alongside Laura, Kit, and Beth. The minor characters were actually the ones who shined brightest for me; the backstory with Kit’s twin Mac and Laura’s former room mate Ling was so complex and realistic that it added an entirely necessary layer to the novel. As we move forward alongside our narrator’s Kit and Laura, we realize that this husband and wife are struggling with the same levels of psychological trauma manifested in anxiety and insomnia, but are portrayed in different forms. This was a fine example of how men and women tend to deal with stress and trauma to the psyche in differing ways and I’m grateful that the author chose to develop the story not just within the plot, but on an emotional level as well.

I’m going to leave the rest up to you to decide if you want to read this book; I feel like those readers who enjoy literary thrillers in the domestic fiction realm will really take to He Said/She Said. While I know this book won’t be enjoyable for every reader, I feel it did a fantastic job of offering so much for a variety of readers, not just your loyal MTS (Mystery, Thriller, Suspense) crowd. This story felt like it broke several genre barriers, as many are seeming to do currently, and I think this offers a greater potential for a more diverse audience. Don’t let this review fool you; while it may be a character driven story in lieu of a fast paced plot, the eerie suspense left me breathless and caused me to check that our doors were locked multiple times before bed. This is one book you won’t want to miss for Summer 2017 folks; highly recommended and looking forward to hearing other’s reactions upon turning that final page.

*Many thanks to the publisher for providing my copy; it was a pleasure to provide my honest thoughts here.

** TRIGGER WARNING-as alluded to in the blurb, there is a brief rape scene that is somewhat graphic in description. This was necessary to the plot and all further mention of the attack is dealt with in vague, legal terms.


Well, this has only been sitting on my shelf for 4 months... can't begin to tell you how excited I am to finally dig in!

Profile Image for Larry H.
2,792 reviews29.6k followers
May 24, 2017
I'd rate this 4.5 stars.

Now that's the way you do a thriller.

Kit and Laura are young and newly in love in the summer of 1999. Kit, who has been chasing solar eclipses since his childhood, convinces Laura to join him on a trek to Cornwall for a festival, during which they're expected to see a total eclipse of the sun. While the weather doesn't quite cooperate to give them the full eclipse experience, it still wows Laura, as she truly understands why Kit finds these events so mesmerizing, and loves being able to share them with the man she loves.

Walking back to their campsite after the eclipse, Laura comes upon a man and a woman. At first she doesn't understand what she's seeing, but then she realizes that the man appears to be taking advantage of the woman. She, then Kit, intervenes, the woman is dazed, the man is angry and protests his innocence. Once the authorities take over, the peace of the event is shattered for Kit and Laura, knowing they may find themselves part of a trial in the future.

After the case is over, the woman gets in touch with Laura to express her gratitude for their help. As the woman becomes needier and needier, both Laura and Kit have concerns, but how can Laura turn a woman away who has had her whole life turned upside down, even been betrayed by those she considered friends? Little by little, Laura starts feeling unsure that she made the right decisions—did she actually see what she thinks she saw? Is the victim as innocent as she appeared?

"...that's the thing with secrets. They're leaky; you can't decide to share the bits that suit you without a million questions oozing out. You have to solder a part of yourself shut."

Fifteen years later, Kit and Laura have changed their names and live almost in hiding, off the physical and virtual grid. Every move they make is one made cautiously, and both live in fear that everything they've built can be destroyed in a moment. But while they share the same fears, they also have vastly different things they are afraid of, things which have caused Laura nearly paralyzing anxiety and have strained their marriage.

"There is so much unshared life to intrude upon the marriage; so much opposing history. The defining event of my life is the defining event of Laura's. I don't know how couples who haven't been through something like that stick together."

With so much at stake, they know their fears will catch up with them. And when they do, will they—and their marriage—be able to survive?

He Said/She Said seems like a pretty basic thriller at first, but Erin Kelly's storytelling keeps you hooked. If you read thrillers, or even watch crime-type shows on television, you've seen this story before, and you have a feeling what will happen. At least you think you have. But Kelly never rests on plot-as-usual; she stretches everything to the limit, so just as some of the things you expect to happen do, the next second you're shocked by what else unfolds.

The book may get a little more melodramatic than it needs to at times, and because certain aspects of the story take a while to unfold, I found myself confused by the behavior of some of the characters. But this was a really well-written book, and Kelly kept me hooked from start to finish. While I could have passed on the jet-lag-induced insomnia, I didn't mind passing the time devouring the remainder of this book.

I've only read one of Kelly's previous books, The Poison Tree, and I remember enjoying that, too. While she's apparently referred to as "the queen of the killer twist," I think if you just let the story unfold as Kelly intended it, and don't keep focusing on the twist, you'll be able to concentrate on all of the things that made this a great thriller.

NetGalley and St. Martin's Press provided me an advance copy of the book in exchange for an unbiased review. Thanks for making this available!

See all of my reviews at http://itseithersadnessoreuphoria.blo....
Profile Image for Elyse Walters.
4,010 reviews11.4k followers
June 18, 2017
MORE thanks to the public library.....
It's over 100 degrees this weekend in San Jose, California...making it impossible for me to sleep any longer. I was asleep by 8:15pm last night -- so luckily I got almost 7 hours of sleep.....

I picked up my Kindle next to my bed to begin reading one of the ebook library books I recently checked out.

I USUALLY DON'T bother to write reviews for books I don't finish --but I'm making an exception tonight -at 2:30am.

And this is why I'm discovering HOW MUCH I'm enjoying the convenience of our new modern technology which the library has adopted ......often more than Netgalley.

If I had checked out this book with Netgalley- I WOULD HAVE FINISHED THIS BOOK NO MATTER WHAT....( it's how I am). And perhaps I would have liked it more - but I
'rather' read something else. I have more flexibility to choose and be spontaneous- -zero obligation with our public libraries.

I am satiated by books written from alternating POV. I AM SOOOOO TIRED OF THAT STYLE OF WRITING IT GETS IN MY WAY OF THE STORY!!!! This was another one of THOSE TYPE OF BOOKS.
Too many psychological thrillers are written in this style. Too many books - period - are written in this style ... I AM NOT A FAN of ALTERNATING POV writing!!!!

Plus, I wasn't interested in the metaphor of the solar eclipse---( characters are bright or dark... shine or hide)-- it just wasn't for me.

"The shadow will fall where where the shadow will fall, in a pattern that was established when we were still primordial soup. But clouds are not nearly so predictable. An unanticipated cumulus can disappoint a crowd of thousands who only moments before were standing confidently in sunshine. The thrill is outwitting the weather."
Profile Image for Always Pouting.
576 reviews931 followers
February 24, 2020
So I don't think there's any way I can talk about this book without spoiling it so uh just don't read anything if you don't want to know. Like I'm going to candidly mention the twist so just heads up.

Laura and Kit are married and have been in hiding for years. After witnessing a crime during an eclipse festival they went to together, things change for them as a new person enter their life, driving the two closer together as they bond over their shared trauma. Can I just say that I did enjoy this book immensely, and that I know a while back I read a book about not getting the big deal about eclipses but this book made me rethink that. For some reason the way the author for this book talked about eclipses really worked much better in terms of making me understand what the appeal is than for the other book I read, probably because this was fiction and that was nonfiction. I tend to get more into fiction.

And that ending, I didn't see that coming at all, honestly and I felt really torn about what happened. When I first finished the book I felt that maybe it was all a bit unfair about how Laura reacted but then I slept on it and no she was totally justified. Like I can't believe Kit did that, that's so manipulative and emotionally abusive, especially in light of the horrible anxiety and panic attacks Laura had for years after. Jesus, I don't even know what to say except that it was so well executed that I didn't see it coming yet I could see the signs when I looked back. The hints dropped were ambiguous enough to go either way but once we got the context, wow, like what the actual hell. I really enjoyed this one, couldn't put it down.
Profile Image for Deanna .
722 reviews13k followers
July 28, 2017
My reviews can also be seen at: https://deesradreadsandreviews.wordpr...

4.5 Stars!

When I read the description for He Said/She Said sometime last year, I knew it was a book that I had to read. I was positive I was going to like it. However, with all of the hype I started to worry that I was expecting too much. Over a year later I finally had my hands on it and was excited to start reading.

The book opens with two women standing in a restroom, side by side at the sinks in front of the mirror. They are trying to avoid looking at each other. Both are wearing black. We don't know if this is past or present. Who are these two women? They finally lock eyes in the mirror and both wonder...

"How did it come to this? How did we get here? How will it end?"

London March 2015: We meet Laura first. She tells us about London and how she didn't choose to live there, but loves it now. They live in a bustling part of London which gives her and her husband what they need....anonymity.

Laura is pregnant and Kit is going out-of-town to see the latest eclipse. Laura is very anxious but wants Kit to enjoy himself. She knows he would stay if she asked. In some ways Kit's glad to be traveling alone, and that he doesn't have to worry about Laura's safety too. He's been protecting her from the fallout of what happened on Lizard Point for so long and he will do whatever it takes to keep it that way.

"I'm about to leave my pregnant, over-medicated, anxious wife to travel across the seas to another country where there is every chance the woman who nearly destroyed us will be waiting for me."

Kit is an eclipse chaser. Eclipses have been a part of his life since he was a young boy. At age twelve he saw one of the greatest eclipses ever.... and since then he has devoted his life to recapturing that experience.

1999 Lizard Point - They had been together for only six months when it happened. An eclipse festival. Basking in the afterglow of her first eclipse, Laura almost misses the purse laying on the ground. Kit heads off to see if anyone has lost a purse. Laura sees that the purse must have spilled as there are some coins scattered on the ground.

"We dropped hands and it was the last time everything was perfect"

As Laura rounds a corner she comes a horrifying scene. Who and what she sees changes the lives of everyone involved.

This was quite a thought-provoking read. Told from both Kit and Laura's POV. It takes place over more than seventeen years.

This novel had me constantly asking myself what I would do in similar situations. If I came upon a scene like Laura, what would I do? Would I do what she did? Would I freeze?

I wasn't just questioning myself about that moment but so many of the other decisions made by the characters over the course of the novel. It's so easy to say I would do what's "right" but do we always know for certain what is right? And would I make the same decision today as I would have fifteen years ago? With all of the knowledge gained with age and experience? It's hard to say...

With great twists and an engrossing story-line, "He Said/She Said" was a compelling and addictive read that I really enjoyed. While I was definitely interested from the very start, it was a bit of a slow burn, but I'm glad I stuck with it. There is a lot of talk of eclipses which I wouldn't have thought I would be interested in. However, I soon found myself googling eclipse pictures along with some of the phenomena like "Shooting corona", and "The diamond ring effect".

Like any other novel, this may not be for everyone, but I really enjoyed it. A story of betrayal, lies, relationships, trauma, guilt, and loyalty. He Said/She Said checked all the boxes for me. It was a great read that I highly recommend.

Thank you, Minotaur Books and NetGalley for providing an advanced readers copy of this book for me to read in exchange for my honest review.
Profile Image for Paromjit.
3,060 reviews25.6k followers
February 14, 2017
This is a dark, murky and atmospheric psychological thriller, it is a tale of Laura and her boyfriend, Kit, chasing an eclipse in Cornwall where Laura happens to see a violent attack being carrried out on Beth by Jamie. Laura insists on calling the police. A traumatic and brutal court case ensues with Jamie on trial for rape. Laura is the only eye witness. Jamie's family are there to support him and the defence run Beth ragged, it becoming a case of he said, she said. Jamie finally ends up being convicted, in a crime where there is such a low percentage of convictions.

After the trial, Beth comes to visit and she and Laura begin to build a friendship, only for things to go awry and ends up with Laura and Kit's home burning down. Laura and Kit change their names, go on the run and get married with the hope that they are untraceable. Years later in the present, Laura is pregnant and Kit is off to chase another eclipse as the past comes back to threaten their lives once more. This is a story where nothing is as it appears, there are secrets, lies. issues of trust and multiple twists. It is an intricately plotted story revolving around the four characters, their relationships and interactions with each other and the issue of perception. On occasion the story feels a little over egged for the sheer sake of it. However, overall I found it an entertaining and absorbing story steeped with an air of menace and fear. Thanks to Hodder and Stoughton for an ARC.
Profile Image for Matt.
4,194 reviews13k followers
May 1, 2019
In a book that has garnered much attention on Goodreads, Erin Kelly treats the reader to a unique spin on an oft presented scenario. Splitting the story between an evolving past narrative and one set in 2015, Kelly leaves the reader unsure where to focus much of their attention. A complete solar eclipse is days away, which has Kit making all the last-minute preparations for an event he has marvelled seeing since 1991. Less excited is his wife, Laura, who is six months pregnant with twins. Their joint concern is not the crowds or the sun's glare, but the potential sighting of 'Beth', who appears to be stalking them. It is only as the story progresses that the reader learns of events that transpired at the eclipse of 1999, where Laura came upon Beth and Jamie Balcombe, engaged in some primal sexual encounter. Laura was sure it was rape and alerted the authorities of this, while Jamie did all he can to convince her otherwise. Beth remained silent, though Laura would not let the victim's state of shock allow a rapist to roam free. With the evidence collected, the matter was brought to trial, where Laura testified that she heard a faint 'no' uttered during the encounter. Balcombe presented a defence that it was only a rough sexual encounter, but completely consensual. After the trial and a guilty verdict, Kit and Laura found Beth showing up at their flat and trying to forge a friendship while supporters of Balcombe do all they could to smear the victim through any means necessary. Laura had to come to terms with what she saw, Kit stood by her, and Beth accepts nothing less than total belief that she was a victim in all this. With brief glimpses into the present, Kit violates the cardinal rule of staying off the radar, which begins a series of events that could have dire consequences. As the narrative picks up momentum, the reader learns more about eclipses, both solar and character, which flavours the story and offers many twists that take the story in unexpected directions. An entertaining psychological thriller that provides readers with a chilling view into the power of perception. Worth a read, even if the hype might be a little overdone.

I had heard and seen much about this over the past while and thought I would take up the recommendation of a friend of mine to give it a whirl. Kelly offers the reader some interesting perspectives as it comes to character development, building a persona in both the past and present simultaneously. The central cast develops and regresses throughout, depending on the perspective used. This forces the reader to balance everything before making a final determination on guilt or innocence. Using the solar eclipse, both literal and metaphorical, serves to present the reader with the essential aspects of the story, whereby the characters shine at moments and scurry away to hide at others. However, once all is revealed, there is an anti-climactic moment and a rush to understand what has just happened. Kelly builds the narrative up throughout and keeps the reader wondering, but also serves up large twists at just the right moment to turn the story on its head. This shows not only superior skill but also pulls the reader in and leaves them wanting more, even when the road ahead is, seemingly, free from any more surprises.

If I might offer a single criticism that I feel jolted me out of the smooth delivery, it would be the use of legal terms during the trial portion of the book. Kelly flips between British and American legal terminology at will. While this might not disrupt the reader's attention span, it left me confused and returning to double check the jargon, where I noticed the repeated error. Perhaps during the subsequent re-release of the book these erroneous phrases will be tightened up and the proofreaders scolded.

Kudos, Madam Kelly for putting together this wonderful piece. I found myself enthralled at certain points and begging for more at others.

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Profile Image for Maxine (Booklover Catlady).
1,365 reviews1,363 followers
August 29, 2023
Freaking fantastic! Those twists! I'm reeling from how good this book was. Seriously awesome stuff. This one is escapism gold!

I am almost speechless from the ending.

This is a well executed book that lacks nothing. The plot is clever, intricate and sucks you in bit by bit. You will feel so many different feelings reading this book. At least I hope you do - I did.

Kit and Laura. A young couple in love. Kit is an eclipse chaser - travelling around to the best world vantage points to see a solar eclipse. Laura's love for Kit has her share his passionate hobby. They go to a festival one day, to see an eclipse and what happens next eclipses their lives forever.

This is just astonishingly good. The characters are deep, complex, faulty - oh if only I could spill the beans for you all. But I won't. You need to journey with this book, from beginning to end to experience the intense story from start to finish. You will not believe where it takes you.

It's taut and so tense at times, like a great psychological thriller should be. Weaved in are moments of writing magic, prose that sweeps you into a world of imagination. At times it's sublime, other times it's harsh and mean and oh so very dark. But remember the eclipse? Light behind shade. All the brightness covered just for a moment.

I can't rave more - it's just a must read book. It will keep you guessing, second guessing and doubting all the way. Be ready for the twists and reveals. They come like a sledgehammer to the heart.
Profile Image for Meredith (Trying to catch up!).
877 reviews13.9k followers
April 25, 2017
He Said/She Said is a slow building psychological thriller filled with crazy characters and some surprising twists and turns.

The narrative is divided up into parts that correlate to the stages of a total eclipse of the sun.
In 1999, college sweethearts Kit and Laura attend an eclipse festival in Cornwall where they interrupt a rape. Laura befriends the victim, Beth. After testifying at Beth’s trial, Laura and Kit think that they are though with this horrible event. However, Beth inserts herself into their lives creating havoc. She scares them to the point where they question whether or not she was truly a victim. Fast forward 15 years later, Kit and Laura have gone to extreme measures to hide from Beth.

Told from Kit and Laura’s alternating POV’s, it eventually becomes clear that all is not what it seems.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book; I thought I had things figured out, but I got totally taken in by one of the characters and didn’t read between the lines to see the truth. Then there was that unsettling last sentence!
This is not an action packed read, rather it is fueled by an undercurrent of tension that gradually builds to reach an explosive point. I would definitely recommend!

I received a copy of this book from NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Norma.
557 reviews13.5k followers
February 29, 2020
It was definitely a rewarding experience for me to have gone into this book totally blind!

HE SAID/SHE SAID by ERIN KELLY is a slow-building, dark, and twisted psychological thriller that is cleverly formatted into parts that conforms to the five stages of a total eclipse of the sun. With each phase of the eclipse more details are revealed to us.

This book started off a little bit slow and tedious for me as the information and details that were given regarding eclipses didn’t really hold my interest and I was also a little confused of why the characters were behaving the way that they were. Then when I got around to 100 - 150 pages in everything started to fall into place and then I couldn’t put this novel down.

ERIN KELLY delivers an extremely fun, atmospheric, and enjoyable read here with some surprising twists and turns and a few unexpected reveals! I did not actually figure out one of the reveals until the dynamics of the novel changed from the viewpoint of one of our characters. The story is told from alternating points of views of our two main characters, Kit and Laura with two different timelines from 15 years ago and present day.

This was not an action-packed read but there were definitely some jaw-dropping moments as the tension gradually builds to reach that ever so exciting climax and then it doesn’t end there as there is a final twist in the last paragraph. I would definitely recommend!

Trigger Alert: There is a rape scene early on in the novel and is discussed throughout.

Publication date: June 6, 2017

All of Brenda’s and my reviews can be found on our sister blog:

Thank you so much to NetGalley, Erin Kelly, and St. Martin’s Press for the opportunity to read an advance copy of this book for a fair and honest review.
Profile Image for Carol.
1,370 reviews2,293 followers
June 6, 2017
...."Something and someone is always in the dark."

....The beginning....defines the five stages of a total eclipse....the next one being August 21, 2017 by the way, and we just happen to be right in the path of totality at its thickest....so cool.

....Anyway, Kit and Laura are a match made in heaven....the real deal....and they happen to be eclipse freaks. (especially Kit) Even with limited funds, they travel around for the amazing experience of it all....so fun....until the incident....until their lives are turned upside down....now they look over their shoulder....now they live in fear....and they make some dangerously foolish decisions along the way.

....Alternating past and present, Kit and Laura gradually disclose pieces of the puzzling storyline with some wonderfully creepy moments, surprising reveals, and a killer of a tweak at the finish line that makes HE SAID SHE SAID my kind of read!

....AND, in the end, even after ALL the pages had been turned, I STILL could NOT shake the eerie untrustworthy feeling I had for....you know who! Hmmmmmm.

Many thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the ARC in exchange for an honest review. Enjoyed my first Erin Kelly.

Profile Image for Jennifer Masterson.
200 reviews1,343 followers
June 8, 2017
I'm done. I can't go any further. This is just toooo slow for me. DNF at 35%. The writing is good and so is the narration. This is the audio version. I'm wondering if it is better in hardcopy.
Profile Image for Kaceey.
1,298 reviews4,070 followers
April 6, 2017
Just as there are different phases in an eclipse, so are there different phases to this book!

Eclipse chasers Kit and Laura are set to experience their first eclipse together at one of many festivals held around the world. For the couple this will be the adventure of a lifetime, special memories to be shared between them both. Perhaps even some day with their children. (If they make it that far). Instead, what they witness will change their lives forever.

Told from both Kit and Laura's p.o.v, the story incorporates two separate time-lines. Present day and 15 years earlier, when everything began spiraling out of control. Sounds a bit complicated, but as the book progresses things begin falling into place.

Cleverly composed, it is divided into sections that parallel the different phases of an eclipse. So in keeping with that theme I’ll to divide my review into 2 separate parts.

1ST HALF: Started a little long-winded and never quite held my attention. A great premise, but it didn't feel like it had either focus or direction. I had a hard time relating to the characters, wondering if I’d actually be able to finish it.

2ND HALF: literally half-way through, gratefully, things took a 180 degree turn and was finally off and running. I was rewarded for my patience! The suspense dialed up and I couldn't put it down. Suddenly there were curves I never saw coming. (Actually gasped twice!)

Sorry to say I can't reveal much more about the story-line without giving it away. Just know there are many sides to a story. Don’t forget – what may first appear straightforward may be anything but…

Thank you to NetGalley, St. Martin's Press and Erin Kelly for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Susanne.
1,174 reviews38.4k followers
June 6, 2017
3.25 Stars* (rounded down)

Has there ever been one single event that shaped the course of your life thereafter? One event that you couldn't erase or hide from no matter how hard you tried? One where you thought to yourself, if only I'd gone left instead of right? .. but alas, we do not get to have do overs, and neither do Kit and Laura, who were faced with such an event in 1999, and as of 2015, they have yet to escape its aftermath.

As of 2015, Kit and Laura are a married couple, who, after being together for what seems like forever, are expecting twins. For most of his life, Kit has been fascinated by Solar Eclipses. He started chasing them with his father, and has kept doing it ever since. Upon meeting Laura, they started chasing them together. In 1999, they trek to Cornwall for an Eclipse Festival. There, Laura witnesses a young woman being brutally assaulted and comes to her aide. The woman, who she comes to know as Beth, says and does nothing. Laura, believing Beth to be in shock, and takes over and gets Kit to find help and gets the police involved, thus changing the course of their lives forever. The case goes to Trial. Laura and Kit testify on Beth’s behalf against her accuser, Jamie, with Laura being the key witness. It is her testimony that leads to Jamie’s conviction.

Thereafter, all of lives their become intertwined, for better or worse. Beth seeks Laura out. She is drawn to her and though they build a friendship, something is off and both Laura and Kit become mistrustful. Things go bad quickly and both Kit and Laura take off, changing their name and from that point on, nothing is as it seems.

For me, this was a very slow paced, long winded and hard to read novel. The first half of the book was extremely slow and because of that, it failed to grab my attention. The second half of the book was almost as slow, though it had more unexpected twists and turns, but unfortunately, it just didn’t live up to the hype.

Thank you to NetGalley, St. Martin’s Press and Erin Kelly for an ARC of this novel in exchange for an honest review.

Published on NetGalley, Goodreads on 06.5.17.
*Will be published on Amazon on 6.6.17.
Profile Image for L A i N E Y (will be back).
397 reviews814 followers
May 20, 2018
But at the base-rock level of morality, I felt no guilt. My lie was a route to the truth: therefore, truth it was.

This book had done such weird shit on me - not until the very the last sentence did I ever imagine, for all the 400 pages of it, that would be the one character who I recoiled from the most. It’s inexplicable. Even to myself. Considering other obvious bullshit, fucked up mess going on in the story. But there you go.

The sharp writing, realistic dialogue and the head games were all contributing to a very intriguing (if not always fulfilling) book. The first half was so intriguing, it was hard for me to leave the book alone. I particularly enjoyed

If it was 50 pages shorter, I would have enjoyed it a lot more. As it was, several parts felt dragged out, I assume to lengthen the paranoia/anxiety/suspense. While once or twice would have worked just the same, in my opinion. Well, at least these characters were interesting to read about.

rating: ★★★½
Profile Image for Sarah Joint.
445 reviews1,010 followers
June 28, 2017
Five stars. This book is spell-binding. The characters are memorable, the twists are well-executed, and the whole story is just completely absorbing and clever. Do not spoil this book for yourself! You'll regret it if you do. The timelines and perspectives jump back and forth, but the author actually managed to accomplish that in a way that never confused me. Very impressive.

Kit and Laura are young and in love. Seemingly made for each other, in a way that would make others envious. Not long after they meet, Laura accompanies Kit on one of his many eclipse chasing adventures. His passion is to travel around the world when and wherever that hushed event that blocks out the sun occurs. He's been fascinated by it since he was a child. Laura's fascination with them stems from Kit, and she's found his enthusiasm contagious. But the first trip they take forever changes their lives... Laura witnesses an attack and stops it. The young victim, Beth, wants to see the attacker Jamie go to prison for rape. As witnesses, Kit and Laura have to testify in the trial, as Jamie's defense tries to paint Beth as a reckless and promiscuous woman who consented to rough sex with a man she barely knew.

Fifteen years later, they remain together. Now married, Laura is pregnant with twins. Neither had any idea how the case would change their lives, but it has. At first it's not clear why, but they've gone into hiding for their own protection. Kit is still traveling to see eclipses, but he must do so carefully. Laura is now a ball of anxiety, far different from the carefree young woman she once was. What happened in the aftermath of that first eclipse they shared together that altered their lives so irrevocably? I'm not going to tell you, so you better read this book and find out.

I received a copy of this book from Net Galley and St. Martin's Press, thank you! My review is honest and unbiased.
Profile Image for Melisa.
328 reviews531 followers
May 21, 2017
I am going to go there and say it: this is the best book of 2017 thus far, in my humble opinion.

The story is told in alternating pov’s and timelines from the two main characters, which is necessary and effective in the case of this story. Briefly, there are two witnesses to the aftermath of a sexual assault, and this is the story of how it affects the lives of all involved. This is strong subject matter, and the words within this book are powerful - the writing is great, the character development is thorough - I didn’t want to say good bye to (some of) the characters, nor did I want the story to end.

In the beginning, we have many points which are alluded to, but nothing is detailed, which definitely gives the reader an overall sense of foreboding and mystery. The first half of the book was definitely a slower pace, which I usually believe slows down the story with psychological thrillers, but I daresay I enjoyed it even more than the suspense that follows in the second half. And boy, does it ever follow.

There is much to be said of how the issue of sexual assault was portrayed here - from the perspectives of the victim, witnesses, accused, media and how it affects these individuals for the rest of their lives. Again, it was very powerfully addressed by the author, and I believe this would be a great book club discussion.

I highly recommend this book to readers of all genres, I believe there is something for everyone here.

5 stars.

Thank you to Netgalley, the author and the publisher for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Profile Image for Diane S ☔.
4,893 reviews14.4k followers
June 12, 2017
3.5 Laura and Kit share a love of eclipses, travel all over to find the best spot to witness them, it is where they meet and fall in love. When Laura witnesses something horrible at one of the eclipse festivals she is unprepared for all the changes her life will take as a direct result of this.

I have read all but one of the books written by this author and found them all very readable, suspenseful, love how she tackles different themes in each. In this one there are the moral questions of when and if it is every okay to lie, even if you are sure it is to correct an egregious wrong and do the end every justify the means, in a relationship or the law? Interesting questions. Loved the structure of this book, centered around the different phases of an eclipse, each phase reveals a new revelation in the ongoing story. Suspenseful? Sure, but maybe I am finally getting better at guessing because I had some niggling thoughts beforehand on some of the reveals.

A slow buildup with much misdirection, an ominous tone throughout and though I didn't guess the ending zinger, I can't say I much cared for it either. So many manipulative characters but still a solid and interesting read.

ARC from publisher.
Profile Image for Zoeytron.
1,036 reviews851 followers
June 6, 2017
Copy furnished by Net Galley for the price of a review.

A story of obsession, lies, and crippling paranoia. Someone is dancing dangerously close to the edge of madness. This one is made for those who prefer their psychological disquiet to slowly simmer before it breaks into a rolling boil. The title is right on the money.

Eclipses are cool, and this story is stellar.
Profile Image for karen.
4,006 reviews172k followers
June 6, 2019
fulfilling my 2019 goal to read (at least) one book each month that i bought in hardcover and put off reading long enough that it is now in paperback.

this is a slight deviation from the goal, because it was a present, not one i bought myself. the lesson i'm trying to teach myself with this project is DON'T SPEND MONEY FOR NO REASON, DUMMY! WAIT FOR PAPERBACK! LEARN RESTRAINT!

but it is equally shitty a character trait to not read books when they are prezzies.

my composition = 20% bone and skin matter, 80% garbage human.


”How did it come to this? How did we get here? How will it end?" 

erin kelly is very good at writing ordinary people into extraordinary circumstances which, for an author of psych suspense, is the best thing you can do, as it forces the reader into that ‘this could be meeeee’ position and makes it even more suspenseful.

this one is slow and sinuous, taking its time to get to the truth of why a young married couple has been living off the grid under assumed names for fifteen years; of what—and who—they fear.

true to the genre, there are many twists n’ reveals to make the reader gasp with surprise, but for me, the best work kelly does here is in the writing of kit and laura’s relationship; the way their experiences changed them as individuals and changed the way they function as a couple, in both big obvious ways but also subtler ways that a lesser writer wouldn’t consider or bother to write. it’s definitely more ‘suspense’ than ’thriller’ when it comes to the pacing, but it’s an undeniably gripping story of secrets and lies and trust and slippery slopes.

i don’t think this book wants me to say any more about it. it just wants you to read it.

come to my blog!
Profile Image for Malia.
Author 7 books641 followers
August 28, 2017
Hm... I really wanted to love this the way most readers here seem to, but something about it fell flat for me. I listened to the audiobook, and though the narrators were fine, maybe that had something to do with my disconnect to the story. Or maybe it simply wasn't for me. That being said, it was not bad, and the writing was genuinely good. Still, while I could feel sympathy for their troubles, the characters felt whiny and not very likable. For me, it also felt fairly slow-paced, which I was not expecting.
This year there have been a number of books that received a lot of hype, which just did not click with me and some that have flown totally under the radar, which I ended up loving. Undeterred, I think I will launch into the new Ruth Ware next, so fingers crossed it will be more satisfying!
Final words - He Said/She Said is not bad or boring, just not as special or engaging as I was hoping it would be.
Find more reviews and bookish fun at http://www.princessandpen.com
Profile Image for Richard (on hiatus).
160 reviews205 followers
March 13, 2019
The story begins at a music festival on the Lizard, Cornwall in 1999. An event celebrating the total eclipse of the sun.
I remember this occasion well ........
I managed a roadside restaurant in Devon at the time and it felt like the entire population had traveled down to the West Country to witness the event (the best place in the U.K. to see the eclipse)
I can still see the cloudy skies, the darkness that eerily engulfed us and the strange silence that followed as everything came to a standstill.
Afterwards, I can unfortunately still remember the never ending, chaotic deluge of disgruntled punters as they dropped in to the restaurant to break their journeys home. I still have nightmares about it 😊
This eclipse is an evocative starting point for a thriller and eclipses are a theme that run throughout the book.
Laura and Kit are university students. They travel to the festival for a few days of hedonistic excess. Kit is already an eclipse junky and will in the future chase eclipses around the globe.
On the day of the eclipse Laura witnesses a violent and upsetting incident. She ends up testifying in court and a tangled tale of paranoia and fear begins. Much of the novel is set in the present, sixteen years later, with flashbacks gradually uncovering the reasons why her and Kit still live in terror.
I enjoyed He Said, She Said and mostly looked forward to picking it up although it felt a bit too slow and painstaking at times. For me, it just fell short of four stars.
Some of the twists and turns of the story are a little unbelievable, the shocks and surprises don’t quite warrant the long build up and the characters, although well written didn’t engage or convince me totally.
A well constructed thriller though and certainly worth reading but not a stand out favourite.
Profile Image for Elle (ellexamines).
1,112 reviews18.9k followers
December 29, 2020
Listen. I really really liked this book. But I also cannot say that much about it. I cannot. It would not be safe. So this review will be short and sweet! I hope. This book follows a couple who are hiding their identities. You know nothing about why, you know nothing about what happened - you just know they’re on the run. And you can feel the fear.

This is an incredibly slow-burn thriller that plays primarily with character dynamics and fear over who we can trust, and listen, I get it, that’s not everyone’s type, but that is my exact book taste in one paragraph.

I mean, I guess, here’s my list of why you should read this.
➽it was so fucked up
➽the slow pace really added dramatic tension
➽the characters were so compelling and 20/10
➽loved the time skips
➽I think the narrative is so brilliant in how it misleads
➽the last 25% is brilliant and basically changed me as a person
➽PLEASE read this if you like thrillers

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Profile Image for Jennifer ~ TarHeelReader.
2,446 reviews31.6k followers
May 8, 2017
He Said/She Said has been touted as THE psychological thriller of the summer, and it is receiving a huge amount of positive publicity. I am excited to say that, for me, this book completely lived up to its reputation. The tension hooked me early on, built quickly, and was steady throughout. It had everything I love in a thriller- the perfect pacing, fleshed out characters, mounting tension, great writing, an original plot, a twist I did not see coming; it really was the perfect read. The plot was so suspenseful, so clever; now I'm trying to find a way to dance around all the juicy details, so I don't give anything away! Erin Kelly is definitely an author to watch!

Trigger warning: as is mentioned in the synopsis, there is an attack on a female early on, and it does come up again throughout the book.

Thanks to the author and the publisher, I received a surprise ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Liz Barnsley.
3,592 reviews1,058 followers
December 12, 2016
Out of all the 2017 books I’ve read so far, with a fair few sitting on my shelf still, I think He Said She Said by Erin Kelly probably has had the biggest emotional impact. Not in a loud and sudden way that disappears almost immediately (although there is a moment in this book where that happens too) but in the way my mind has quietly wandered back to contemplate the nuances, to think about consequences and to wonder at life.

He Said She Said is beautifully atmospheric, the backdrop of eclipse chasers giving it a clever and intriguing setting that moves with the plot, but the main hook here comes with the utterly fascinating characters we meet within the pages. There is no other writer writing today (in my opinion) who draws so brilliantly on the vagaries of human nature to bring us authentic, incredibly present and vivid fictional folk to travel the reading road with. Here as with all her previous novels she has created something once read never forgotten.

Relationships are tangled, lives are changed, far reaching consequences set in motion by a few words spoken on impulse during an untenable situation, one time when Laura witnesses a seemingly violent act. Such a small thing, a tiny exaggeration perhaps but that one moment will haunt the rest of her life. Erin Kelly weaves a devilishly clever, highly unpredictable yet always solidly realistic story, slowly bringing us to the truth of what happened under the cover of darkness and often breaking your heart whilst doing so. This is not so much an unravelling of a mystery as it is an unravelling of the people caught up in it, layer upon layer peeling from the surface until you can see the true faces of those involved.

The Poison Tree is still in my top ten books of all time, The Burning Air will always and forever be the novel that with a short couple of sentences sent me tumbling out of my comfort zone and into the abyss – but He Said She Said I believe is Erin Kelly’s finest novel to date by quite some margin. Intuitive, intricate, a woven tapestry of literary delight I loved this. Beautiful and horrifying in equal measure, speaking to difficult complex subjects, you may think you know but you don’t know. Just wait…

So Highly Recommended that I fear falling. Don’t miss it.
August 9, 2017
He Said/She Said is a gripping, intriguing, and a slow-paced tangled story of lies, secrets, and deceit that had me turning the pages as fast as I could and I finished reading this story in 24 hours.

Erin Kelly gives the story the right balance of layers needed to drive this plot using clues instead of motives. Creating believable characters that allowed me to piece together the twist to this story and leaving me feeling quite clever. This doesn’t happen very often.

The story alternates from the past where we learn what has caused our main POV characters Kit and Laura to go to extremes to keep themselves hidden from the threat of the past. This added some tension and suspense to the story told in the present. We follow along till the story meets for a fast-paced conclusion.

At times the pace was a bit too slow for me and I wasn’t all that interested in the eclipse storyline but this didn’t take away from the suspense of the story for me or the change the pace while I was reading this story.

The ending was very rewarding for me as I figured out the twist but still was shocked with how things concluded making for a very satisfying ending for me. I recommend!

Thank you to NetGalley, St. Martin's Press and Erin Kelly for a copy to read and review.

All Norma and my reviews along with our Traveling Sister reviews can be found on our sister blog
Profile Image for Peter.
495 reviews2,591 followers
March 11, 2019
The story starts with an 'alleged' sexual attack on Beth by Jamie, a guy from a well-off and influential family. The incident is partially witnessed by Laura and close behind by her boyfriend Kit. That is the essence of the book - was it rape or consensual sex - he said consensual, she said rape. The saga then unfolders, over two time periods - 15 years apart, between these 4 characters, and their ever-changing relationships and fears. Who is the one with the obsessive behaviour and who is hiding lies?

The characters are well developed and you’re often pulled in directions that make you feel you know where the story is going, except that may not be the case.

The development of the story is good and a great plot with plenty of twists - albeit nothing startling. My main criticism is that the middle third of the story drags and I found myself putting the book down and reading other books in-between. Once the story picks up again in the final third it is really good and keeps you going right to the end. The ending is really good because it’s not the typical ending that drags out to finish a story long after the plot has ended, and there are twists right to the final page.
Profile Image for Holly  B (slower pace!).
893 reviews2,482 followers
June 27, 2017
3.5 stars

Strange things happen during an eclipse... and this book is all about eclipses.

Laura and her boyfriend Kit are attending an eclipse festival. The paths of their lives are forever changed when Laura becomes a witness to an attack that night and asks Kit to go after the accused attacker.

The police are called and after charges are filed and arrest and trial take place. The prosecutor questions the defendant, Jamie. "You have a history of pursuing what you feel entitled to, regardless of the cost to others, don't you?"

Just when you think you have the mystery solved, not so fast, because there is one more piece to this puzzle. The first half had a very slow pace for me and then picked up as more secrets and motives were revealed.

I wouldn't call this one a page-turner, but rather a revelation of motives. The end is both revealing and chilling.

Thank you to Netgalley, Erin Kelley, and St.Martin's Press. Publication date is set for June 6,2017.
Profile Image for ❄️BooksofRadiance❄️.
656 reviews883 followers
April 5, 2018

If I could sum up this book in one sentence it’d be - a misdirection at its absolute finest.

What the actual fuck. Those twists, even for me were too messed up to foresee. I thought I knew all. I knew shit. Literally nothing!

High intrigue. Weird AF twists. Good pacing. I went into this prepared for a 3-star read. At best. But all in all, better than what I’d expected. So much better.
Profile Image for Stacey.
983 reviews157 followers
August 16, 2017
4.5 I’m embarrassed that I have taken so long to write my thoughts on this book, but I've upped my rating as I have had time to let this book sink in.

Initially I was taken in by the characters and the excitement around an eclipse. Who knew eclipse watching drew faithful, fanatic followers? Laura stumbles on a rape during an eclipse party and accuses Jamie, the perpetrator, of rape and he takes off. She calls Kit to step in. The lives of the four of them, Laura, Kit, Beth, and Jamie are entangled as Laura wants to see justice for Beth. Laura and Beth become friends almost immediately. Here is the part where there is a fatal attraction feel about this friendship and a renewed interest on my part. But my interest waned as I read on. Too much eclipse detail or maybe it was the hidden identities of Laura and Kit. Perhaps the reasons behind the paranoid behavior took too long to come to light. However, it was enough information about eclipses that just about the time I was going to pitch the book I did a little research and low and behold the next eclipse is 8/21/17 and yes, you can rent a space for optimum viewing near Portland, OR. It’s true, it’s really a ‘thing’. With my new found knowledge, I went back to the book with gusto and was rewarded. At 70% in BAM! Wow. I could not put this book down. I didn’t see it coming and He Said/She Said just soared to the top of my favorite reads this summer. This is a fantastic read, but be patient the payoff is worth the time!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 3,508 reviews

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