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Always Delightful

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Petra works too hard and curses too much. According to her family, she needs to lose some weight and find a good husband before she “gets too old.”

Forced into being the maid of honor at her obnoxious sister’s wedding, she’s certain the only thing that will save the day is alcohol. Lots and lots of alcohol.

Until she meets the best man.

Jack is on her level in every way and they agree that the only way to survive the shit show of an event is to drink, torture the newlyweds, and dance. He’s good-looking, charming, hilarious, and into her in a way that’s definitely different.

Petra’s snark doubles you over in laughter and her vulnerability is a true compliment to her delightfully bitchy attitude. Fortunately, Jack is capable of keeping up.

You need this hilarious romantic comedy by Always the Good Girl, Shayne McClendon in your life. Seriously, you need it.

129 pages, Kindle Edition

First published October 21, 2012

About the author

Shayne McClendon

80 books618 followers
Shayne McClendon is the author of more than fifty published books and over five hundred short stories (and counting).

She writes heart-pounding romantic fiction as Shayne McClendon, thrilling paranormal romance as Sabrina Rue, and LGBTQ+ action-packed erotica as Charlize Rojos.

In 2020, she published her first official non-fiction titled Love and Live Fearlessly after spending more than a decade as a ghostwriter and researcher for leaders in the health industry.

Shayne spends most of her waking hours writing in one genre or another. Currently living in Tulsa, Oklahoma near her kids (who are all grown up now) and kept company by the best furry companions on the planet, this author takes the hermit lifestyle to a whole different level.

Coffee consumption is too high, amount of sleep is too low, but the words always feel just right.

If you’re looking for your next great read...look no further than Shayne McClendon! Her dramatic and erotic romances will grab hold and not let you go until the very last page.

Stop by her website Always the Good Girl for free stories!

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 51 reviews
Profile Image for DKristin.
494 reviews225 followers
October 10, 2013
Okay, yes it was a short story. It all happened very quickly. It is absolutely unrealistic to think that could happen for anyone... but it was fan-freaking-tastic!!!

Jack was a doll and managed to remain all man even while being cotton candy sweet! Petra was fantastic and the right balance of witty and sarcastic and vulnerable!

These two together are quivering nether regions hot!!! LOVED IT!

::Quotage:: (Yes, I am aware that's not a real word!)

"I'm honest. I will tell the truth no matter how much you don't want to hear it or how mean you think I am. If you don't want me to give it to you real, it's best if you don't choose me as a sounding board." ~Petra

Ummm! YES!!!! That sounds like something I say all the time...

"Don't take this as your cue to talk to me about diet and exercise. You don't know me. I eat healthy. I run my own business and live an active life. My body, quite simply, likes itself the way it is." ~Petra


"...a few brave aunts wanted to know when it was going to be my turn to walk down the aisle. My blank, borderline psychotic stare and total lack of response may have scared them a little." ~Petra


"I came harder than I ever had in my life with or without a partner and distantly cursed every man who'd been in my bed before Jack. At this moment, the truth was crystal clear that with them I could have been anyone. I had fulfilled an immediate need and nothing more." ~Petra


 photo shittingrainbows.jpg

Profile Image for Lauren.
6,131 reviews56 followers
July 14, 2021
I have only read one book by Shayne McClendon in the past and it is my favourite book (yes to everything). Because of this I was wary and had high expectations. Wary because Yes to everything broke my heart. High expectations because Yes to everything is my favourite book. I needn’t have worried because I adored this book. I devoured this book in one sitting and didn’t put it down once. I am eager for the next book in this series. I LOVED Petra, she is absolutely hilarious! She says and does what she wants; she doesn’t care what anyone thinks. Her sister Ava on the other hand.. I wanted to slap her silly. Failing that, I wanted Petra to slap her silly. Jack is the male version of Petra. He and Petra are perfect for one another. The chemistry between Petra and Jack was through the roof! I was seriously rooting for Petra and Jack to live happily ever after. I will admit that I wanted Petra’s mother to put Ava in her place. I wanted Ava and Kevin to have to get off their butts and work.
The storyline for this book is easy to follow and a hilarious read. If you’re looking for a book that will make you laugh the whole way through, this book is for you. I can honestly say that I will be reading this book again and again.

Petra is a successful businesswoman. She swears too much and answers to nobody.. Except her mother. When Petra’s mother forces/blackmails her into being her evil little sisters maid of honour, Petra isn’t happy. Petra and her sister Ava hate each other. Ava is a nasty lay about. She loves to spend other people’s money and not work. Ava is the skinny sister that took pleasure in stealing her older sister boyfriend. What Ava doesn’t know is that Petra didn’t want Kevin in the first place. Whilst trying to rub everything in Petra’s face, Petra takes pleasure in making Ava’s life hell. If she is going to be forced to be a part of the wedding she is at least going to get drunk and have fun. When Petra meets her ex’s brother Jack, they quickly hit it off. Having fun at the wedding soon progresses to them dating. When Petra learns something about Jack will she let it ruin her new relationship
Profile Image for Brittany Reece.
43 reviews4 followers
December 18, 2013
The divine Ms. McClendon has done it again!
Being Delightful was truly a delight to read! For once, the heroine wasn't a pencil thin classic beauty who did everything right (not that there is anything wrong with those types of heroines, but Petra was just amazing!)

Petra- snarky, snarky, snarky, and slightly bitchy Petra. I loved her from the first sentence!

When Petra is forced into being a bridesmaid for her perfect sister, she does so, for the sake of her mother.
What sister wouldn't want to be the bridesmaid you ask?
The one who used to date the groom, before she caught him and her sister going at it on her bed (NOTE: the sentence explaining this made me snarfle repeatedly!)
Petra agrees to be in the wedding, and while she is there, she is the snarky and badass woman we all wish we could be in that instance. No tears for her, no no.
And who woulda thought, Petra's witty behavior attracts Jack- who happens to be the brother of the groom, and couldn't be more enchanted by the lovely Petra.
He takes her and shows her just how beautiful she is, even though the world and her family have said that she wasn't.

My only complaint about this story was that it wasn't long enough. Other than that, it is easily a favorite novella!
Profile Image for Lindsay.
2,225 reviews508 followers
August 7, 2017
This author can do it all. This is only my second book by Shayne McClendon, and it’s extremely different than the previous book (in a good way). The first book I read was serious with darker tones and it ripped my heart out and made me cry. This book, it made me laugh and it was relatable.

I loved Petra. She’s what I aspire to be. She was a take to crap sort of woman. She gave as good as she got. I loved her. And don’t get me started on Jack. He was hot and so into Petra that my kindle practically melted.

I actually loved how much…uh…research ;) both Petra and Jack did into the other person prior to them officially meeting for the first time. And the extent of Jack’s “research” had me cracking up.

This book is one you can’t miss.
Profile Image for ~ Cariad ~.
1,911 reviews54 followers
September 5, 2015
For fans of insta-love this'll be a 5!

I loved the story, banter and sexy bits - just what I needed this morning!
Profile Image for RoloPoloBookBlog.
1,102 reviews32 followers
July 18, 2013
Being Delightful by Shayne McClendon
Source: Purchase
Rating: 4½/5 stars

** Review and novella contain naughty language and naughty bits. 18 and over only, please  **

“It was funny watching the man you had once contemplated spending the rest of your life with marrying your bitch of a sister.” (loc. 8%) OUCH! Normally I would offer my sincerest condolences to any girl who had to endure such awfulness but Petra is a different kind of girl. Petra is a delightfully bitchy girl who not only owns her bitchiness but isn’t afraid of letting it show. . .most of the time.

On the day of her sister, Ava’s wedding to her ex-fiancé, Petra is expected by all to play the role of burned ex but Petra has other plans. According to her “Fuck everyone who expected me to play the hurt ex-girlfriend. Since I’d caught my former man in my bed with Ava six months ago, I’d seen a side of Kevin I never knew existed. Dodged a fucking bullet there, I though with an inner chuckle.” (loc. 11%) And so Petra continues on, in her head of course, as the wedding continues on. At some point she fakes a smile in one wedding photo, “….ruined two others out of sheer spite, kicked the happy bride in the shin, hissed in her face, and returned to my seat.” (loc. 18%). The only two redeeming qualities about this entire affair is the open bar and the hot guy/best man staring at Petra from across the aisle. Here’s to lots of alcohol and bad judgment, right?

Turns out, the hot guy/best man is Jack, the dirty ex-fiancé’s brother and he is not only super-hot but ridiculously funny and someone Petra just may have to spend the night with. While Petra is not generally into the one night stand thing, she has “….been celibate too long for the general public’s safety….” and furthermore, it was going to be all kinds of awesome when she “…dropped the by-the-way-I-fucked-your-brother bomb at our first family Thanksgiving.” (loc. 24%) Man, I love this girl!! Seriously, she has no internal edit button 

What Petra doesn’t know is that all the time she was wasting on her dirty-ex, Jack has been pining for her. He learned about her through his douchebag brother and while Jack never attempted to move in on his brother’s girl, he knew his dumbass brother would eventually screw up and he would be able to make his move. Jack is absolutely certain Petra is the girl for him and he has one delicious, sex-filled night to prove that to her. Man, oh, man does Jack step up to the plate and seriously, if Jack and Petra were real, I would take that bitch out for that man! 

The bottom line: I literally shook the bed I was laughing so hard while reading this dirty little novella. The plot is fun and quick but the story is really driven by its characters. I adore Petra, her self-confidence, her snarkiness, her humor, and her total honesty that is never tempered by internal editing. Jack is a beautiful man, strong, talented, intelligent, and, completely head over heels for Petra. The two together are a brilliant combination who enjoys one another on every level. If Being Delightful is a representation of Shayne McClendon’s work then I am absolutely certain I will be reading a lot more of work in the very near future!

Favorite passage:
Jack: “Should I perform badly the first time due to an over-abundance of enthusiasm, try to keep me anonymous should you post about it on Facebook. Barring that, mention that though I had the endurance of a fourteen-year-old with a Hustler spread in front of him – plenty of tissues and lotion on hand – I was hung like a horse.”

Petra: “Agreed. I better not have to lie.” (loc. 30%)
Profile Image for Ivy Deluca.
2,306 reviews313 followers
June 30, 2013
Picked this up as a free read - actually two novellas in one e-book. The first story, started off promisingly and had alot of snarky humor which I greatly enjoyed. I enjoyed the chemistry between Jack and Petra and if this had been the beginning of a full length novel, I would have been completely happy. Then it was as if it zoomed straight into HEA, just OTT with how perfect the hero views the heroine and how he wants to be with her forever, despite them just having met that night. Which was sweet, but played a bit false. There was no struggle, no obstacle, just straight to love, which is fine, I suppose, but when it comes that easy, it's hard to believe in it, and that detracted from my enjoyment of the story.

Much the same in the second story, except without any snark. Two plus size Cinderella stories, with little substance to them. There's promise with this writer so I'll give her another chance.
Profile Image for Jenny.
1,435 reviews
March 18, 2013
In the acknowledgements of this book/novella, Shayne says "For every person who reads my stories, and finds a little piece of themselves to one of my characters . . . you aren't the only one." I found myself with Petra.

Now, my sister didn't marry my ex-boyfriend . . . and I am not a plus-size Greek chick but man, she is just as sarcastic as I am and it was refreshing to read. I am often consider an a**hole but her tag line of "Sometimes being bitchy is funny . . ." is downright fitting.

That being said: You know where this story is going. It isn't a new one, a mystery, or a surprise. Petra meets Jack, they drink, they dance . . . they go home together.

What is surprising is that the HEA starts off the bat . . . Jack wants more from Petra than a night of fun. He wants her. The sex scenes are steamy :)

The Epilogue is downright AWESOME!

I will totally be re-reading this one.
Profile Image for Deborah.
969 reviews4 followers
July 14, 2015
I loved both short stories in this pack.

Being Delightful: This was such a hoot! Jack had his sights on Petra long before she ever knew him. I think it is outrageous what their mothers made them endure for the sake of their siblings! Petra is "taking one for the team" after finding her fiance in bed with her sister and mom is making her be the maid of honor now at their wedding! Petra is snarky and I loved it! Some of the things she said just makes you burst out laughing! Jack on the other hand is hot! More than a few times I was swooning!! You have to read this!

Being More: This book is a keeper! I was sucked right in and Joshua was just a sweetheart! If all men could be so caring! I wish some of Chloe's thoughts were spelled out a little more or maybe voiced to Joshua more. All and all a very lovable story!
Profile Image for Elly Helcl.
Author 5 books11 followers
May 28, 2013
Big girl erotica isn't for anyone...in fact, not everyone should/or can write it.

This isn't true for this author. She not only nailed how fat girls think on the head, she also gave her fat girl a strong, wonderful man to carry (literally not figuratively) her through life.

But the best part of this book was the wit. It was on every page, it was snarky, it was silly, it was flat out sarcastic and our H and H were eating it up! I wondered how on earth the author could keep it up through out the entire story...but she did it!

I was so disappointed when this book ended! And then BONUS!!! There was another short story at the end of this one that was almost as good as this one!

Totally worth the buy and worth the time to read it!
Profile Image for Cinta.
Author 96 books102 followers
April 6, 2013
Erotic short story that I have enjoyed quite a lot. I love reading erotic stories with a plot and well-developed characters. When Petra unwillingly attends to her sister's wedding, she is far from knowing that she would meet the most incredible man ever.

This story is filled with charm, wit, sarcasm, and really hot sex scenes. All of that makes of this story a really delightful read. The surprising thing is that it is written using the first-person narrator. I normally don't like that in a book, but in this case it totally works and contributes to enjoying the story better.

If you like a good erotica story, don't miss this one.
6 reviews
June 25, 2013
A quick read. (a few hours w/breaks) Enjoyed the female lead's humor, was quick witted, sarcastic and blunt. Liked how the lead roles had a quick connection and amused themselves together (literally @ 1st) during what could have been a miserable night for both otherwise. If you want a quick, humorous, sexy read, this fits the bill. Bonus- was a freebie.
***Spoiler*** The female lead is a plus size girl, but doesn't distract.
Profile Image for Sandra.
466 reviews8 followers
July 20, 2013
It's so close to being 5 stars, that I gave it 5 stars.. If we're being picky, it's about a 4.75 star read. I loved this book.

I am so not a fan of siblings (or family members) dating someone their brother or sister (or family member) has previously dated, but I got over that for this book.

This was funny, sweet, sexy and I LOVE it.

PS - I didn't realize I've read some of Shayne McClendon books before. She is fast becoming one of my favorites!!
Profile Image for Joanie.
188 reviews
June 24, 2013
So, I'm in love with Jack! What a hottie & a sweetie! I definitely need me a man like that in my life!
Sex was freakin' hot & I loved the way they talked to each other.
Petra was an awesome chick...I can totally relate to her.
Profile Image for MrsSwt.
80 reviews5 followers
December 8, 2012
Fast, funny, easy read. Loved the erotica parts, but glad it had a story to go with it.
Profile Image for Monica Martinez.
34 reviews46 followers
March 21, 2013
FUNNY and HOT!!! Petra had me laughing my butt off! Great steamy short story! And it includes a bonus short story that is just as good!
Profile Image for Laura Ball.
18 reviews1 follower
March 30, 2013
Very enjoyable, funny, sexy read. Will be reading from this author
Profile Image for Angelina.
21 reviews7 followers
April 2, 2013
I am a huge fan of Shayne's writing!
This saucy number was just as good the 2nd read around as the 1st!
Profile Image for Anima.
2,602 reviews49 followers
December 16, 2013
Smart, funny, and sexy. Two novellas in one, surprise. Petra is sassy and doesn't hold back, my kind of heroine. Jack is powerful and poetic in his sweet words. Lovely quick read.
Profile Image for Yvonne Roller.
145 reviews
July 19, 2017
I Love Petra!!!

What a wonderful, snarky, irreverent read! I love Petra and want to be her. Shayne McClendon does it again. I want more!
Profile Image for Jenny Miller.
518 reviews14 followers
March 18, 2013
hilarious & quite steamy (wink wink). a very enjoyable short story.
52 reviews
October 11, 2017
Delightful HEA story (yes I know ;) )

A woman with a strong sense of self finds that she was lucky that her boyfriend decided he preferred her sister. Both he and her sister are made for each other in their self entitlement. At their wedding, which her mother had to bribe her into "attending", she meets her ex's brother. He is a whole different type of male that joins her in her style of making the best of things.

Profile Image for Cheryl (Gwyneiira's Book Blog).
417 reviews34 followers
July 26, 2016
Being Delightful is a yummy scrumptious and delightful read! It's a pretty short book but no regrets there! Everyone should definitely read this book.

I've always loved a good story about a curvy, full figure woman (with how judgmental society is about women and their figures) and an amazing alpha male.

Now, I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE PETRA <3 I love how witty, sarcastic and honest she is. I love how feisty she is. And Jack...oh my gosh Jack. Where should I start. He is definitely definitely an alpha male. The way he held and treated Petra, how he made her feel confident about her body, how he worshipped her. The way he gave and gave to her, putting her before him.

I swear, 10 pages in and I'm already in love with Jack! He is definitely a keeper <3 If only I could find my own Jack. Urg. He saw the real her, and loved every single bit of it.

Displaying 1 - 30 of 51 reviews

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