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Try – verb: to make an attempt or effort to do something or in this case…someone.

Sex. Logan Mitchell loves it, and ever since he realized his raw sexual appeal at a young age, he has had no problem using it to his advantage. Men and women alike fall into his bed—after all, Logan is not one to discriminate. He lives by one motto—if something interests you, why not just take a chance and try?

And he wants to try Tate Morrison.

Just coming out of a four-year marriage with an ex-wife from hell, a relationship is the last thing on Tate’s mind. He’s starting fresh and trying to get back on his feet with a new job at an upscale bar in downtown Chicago.

The only problem is, Tate has caught the unwavering and unwelcome attention of Mr. Logan Mitchell – a regular at the bar and a man who always gets what he wants.

Night after night Tate fends off the persistent advances of the undeniably charismatic man, but after an explosive moment in the bar, all bets are off as he finds his body stirring with a different desire than his mind.

As arrogance, stubbornness and sexual tension sizzles between the two, it threatens to change the very course of their lives.

Logan doesn’t do relationships. Tate doesn’t do men. But what would happen if they both just gave in and…tried?

382 pages, Kindle Edition

First published November 9, 2013

About the author

Ella Frank

87 books8,441 followers
Ella Frank is the USA Today Bestselling Author of the Temptation series, including Try, Take, and Trust and is the co-author of the fan-favorite Preslocke series. Her Prime Time series has been praised as “highly entertaining!” and “sexy as hell!”

A life-long fan of the romance genre, Ella writes contemporary and erotic fiction. Some of her favorite authors include Tiffany Reisz, Kresley Cole, Riley Hart, J.R. Ward, Erika Wilde, Gena Showalter, and Carly Philips.​Ella is represented by:

Kimberly Brower
Brower Literary & Management

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 3,423 reviews
Profile Image for Shelley.
395 reviews534 followers
December 4, 2013
You know what I love about this book?

The hype! No really, I love it.

I'm thrilled that an m/m book is attracting so much attention and enticing a whole lot of new curious hetero readers to explore the genre. I absolutely love that, and for that reason I really, really wanted this book to be a shiny sparkling example of what new readers can expect from this genre. Ella Frank is not an author I have read before but she comes with a reputation for writing good hetero erotica and so I thought if Joey W. Hill (Rough Canvas) and Kele Moon (Starfish and Coffee) can pull off the switch so beautifully why not give her a chance.

Ella Frank’s first mistake is to not being able to let go of the hetero by including a graphic m/f sex in the first paragraph – a big no-no! “her creamy thighs where spread wide apart with his cock sliding in and out of her soaking wet pussy” is not something that appeals to the typical m/m reader. Yes 80% of us are woman and yet, I do sympathise for the 20% who are GAY men. Is it not polite to mention somewhere in the blurb that this book contains scenes of graphic m/f sex? Not (according to some) necessary, but I do feel it is courteous and respectful. If the roles were reversed I suspect there would be uproar.

Try is a gay-for-you erotic story – that’s it - there is nothing else, no surprises, no angst, no humour, no plotline – want and possession – that is all. Logan is the bisexual initiator and Tate is the confused straight guy. The two men circle each other in a dance that’s predictable push and pull with dialog that is uninspired - full of clichéd sexual innuendos like this …

“You’ll be hungry then? Logan: Yes, but not for food. Tate?”

Not only is the dialog clichéd, it’s very questionable. What man actually says things like “All of that honey-colored skin, naked under me, your curls all over my pillow as I drive my cock inside you—oh yeah, Tate, that’s going to happen. Mark my words.” - This is not realistic.

The conversation is so borderline cheesy and without weight that I never connected to either of these MC’s, they are simply too simple, too fictional and shallow. How old are they? Why is Tate a barman, did he not get a college education? All I know is their petty high school jealousies and the need for constant (girly) reassurance. No matter how many times (at least 49!!) I am reminded of their physical attributes I found them uninspiring; together they fired up about as much chemistry as a bowl of milk.

This book is labelled erotica and yes there is a lot of sex. But each scene is like a copy of a copy of the scene before it – the mechanics might change but the descriptive is the same: rigid cocks, molten kisses, groans and growls, up against the wall, biting lips, heated stares, mine blah-blah-blah. I really couldn't care about a 20 page blow job scene that might as well have been performed by a woman. I was bored while Ella Frank worked her way down her list, ticking every off each sexual act to eventually reach a point of ultimate surrender. For me this writer does not capture the true essence of what m/m erotica is and her effort pales in comparison to what this genre has to offer. But then, your mileage may vary …

I slump and can only hope that Ella’s fans will enjoy this one as much as they enjoy her previous works. I want to embrace all these brave new readers and welcome them into the genre with open arms but I fear that this book not a good representation at all. So please believe me when I say that in comparison this book really sucks is the poor relation.

I find myself bitterly disappointed with this book. All of it. It feels so far removed from m/m romance that I could scream and weep for the genre’s missed opportunity. I’m sorry I have to be the droll policeman standing in front of the spotlight of shiny gif excitement waving a hand and repeating “Nothing to see here folks, move along ….this way please” and points to the recommendation list below.

To the new m/m reader:

Boys in Our Books recommend these books as a great place to start your m/m journey:

Shattered Glass
Hot Head
Deadly Nightshade
Faith & Fidelity)

This genre has SO MUCH MORE to offer you, SO MUCH! If you loved this book then m/m is going to rock your world - if you didn’t love it? I don’t blame you. This is NOT a good introduction (IMO) but don’t give up yet.

Honestly, you don’t know chemistry until you have read books by the likes of Abigail Roux, Anne Tenino and Aleksandr Voinov, and if you want great m/m erotica? We recommend anything by Heidi Cullinan or Cameron Dane. There are so many more wonderful authors like Brandon Shire and Tom Webb that offer heartfelt, beautiful descriptive prose and genuine quality to call on.

For the devout m/m readers: There really is nothing to see here, you have read it all before. I cannot recommend this book to anybody.

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Profile Image for Baba  .
858 reviews3,967 followers
December 4, 2013
4 steamy M/M debut stars.****Review completed November 11, 2013

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To those who don't like pics and gifs: Just look away. Problem fixed. I enjoyed this book and I'm entitled to review it any way I please. You know I see fangirl previews all the time that don't interest me in the least. So what? I can ignore them and the issue is solved. I don't get it why people have a cow because of those previews or pics and gifs in general. Plus, I'm all for live and let live. Now we can all take a deep breath and be nice to each other again. Thank you.

All right, let's give it a TRY.

All quotes approved by Ella Frank.
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Fans of Ella Frank know already that Logan has been introduced in Edible. He and his half-brother Cole (hero of Edible) own a law firm. You can, however, read TRY without having read Edible first. TRY is the first book of a trilogy and at the same time it's also Ella Frank's first foray into the M/M sub-genre and a successful debut at that.

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Let's meet Logan, the good-looking successful lawyer and man-whore. By the way, have you noticed already how sexy glasses can be? You just need to look at his picture that guy and then you know what I mean.

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Logan prefers no-strings-attached sex until he walks into his favorite bar After Hours and sees the new and very straight bartender. Granted, when Logan meets him for the first time he definitely wears more than his swim trunks. *cough*

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Once he sets his eyes on that gorgeous man with the curly brown hair, he can't stop thinking about him. He wants Tate and starts to flirt with him. And Logan is unapologetically relentless in his endeavor. His somewhat cocky confidence is only one of his features. Logan can be very persuasive and our disconcerted Tate has a hard time to resist him. I don't reveal a secret when I tell you that Tate has to cave in eventually.

They start to test boundaries and Tate turns Logan's life upside down. So, is there more in the cards for Logan than a few great f@cks? Time will tell.

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The beginning and basically the first half of the story were very well paced and filled with plenty of witty banter, sexy flirting, solid dialogue and some delicious smexy times. Towards the middle it dragged a bit and the second half of the story didn't provide enough plot for my taste. There was, however, lots of sex and I'll give you that, Ella, it was well written and steamy sex. Then again I wouldn't have expected anything less from you. I completely get it that TRY was exactly that: A chance for Tate to discover man-on-man action and it's always good when you get to try out different locations and positions. I loved the first half of TRY and I really enjoyed their sparkling chemistry. Boy, it sure leapt off the pages. I highlighted like crazy and found many great quotes. These two form a wonderful and sexy couple and complement each other nicely. They shared lots of biting, sucking, licking, rubbing, penetrating and…er…swallowing. You get the gist, right? Suffice it to say that the sex was steamy and hot.

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What are my expectations for Take? I hope there will be a transition from a solely sexual relationship to something deeper and more personal. I want to see an emotional connection that exceeds Logan and Tate's jealousy and I really want to see them open up to one another. Also, I want them to date, I want them to spend their time off together outside the bedroom. I'd like to see some outdoor action (pun intended). Yeah, I know your mind is in the gutter now. No dirty thoughts please. Besides, I want Logan to TAKE what he wants and desires. Moreover, I expect him to TAKE a risk but also vice versa. Tate must do the same.

I'm very happy that Ella started to write M/M because she has a huge fan base and I'm convinced that many of her readers will take the plunge into unknown waters and pop their M/M cherry by reading TRY. It's a very good choice. TRY is an easy, very sexy and fun read and I enjoyed it very much. M/M is my favorite subgenre and I'm very excited that our community will grow further thanks to Ella.

Ella, you did a great job with TRY and I'm looking forward to reading the next installment in this trilogy!

Recommended read. Also recommended to those readers who haven't read M/M yet, provided you enjoy erotic romance. Buckle up coz you're in for a steamy ride.

**ARC courtesy of Ella Frank, author, in exchange for an honest review**

Profile Image for *J* Too Many Books Too Little Time.
1,921 reviews3,718 followers
August 20, 2018
Third time re-reading....

Just as good as the first.

Never got bored.

Logan and Tate are still one of my favorite couples ever!

And yeah.....

This book is hella hot


Re-read in anticipation of Take on the 8th!

Tate and Logan were H.O.T.

So ready for more....


Two Words:



This book made me

Logan is what I like to call an equal opportunity lover. Man, woman, both....

When he sees Tate

Tate's all

I'm straight.

I'm screaming

Do it!! TRY! TRY!! TRY!!!

And once Tate does...

Followed by about 10 more orgasms!

I seriously loved Logan and Tate. Navigating their way in the first relationship for both of them. Tate discovering his feelings for Logan (and a man in general). Logan wanting something more than a one night lay.

The build-up and exploration between Logan and Tate was addicting. Tate learning all of the different things he could feel and experience with Logan...all leading up to the one thing that would make Tate officially Logan's. And when it finally happened

That is All!!!

Logan and Tate's story is just beginning. Logan convinced Tate to TRY. What happens after Logan TAKEs Tate as his?!?!

Take Temptation 2 cuming Summer 2014!!!
August 15, 2024
I did TRY.

And I failed.

To this book, I say:

This smacked of PORN WITHOUT PLOT.

There was TOO MUCH PUSSY. There is a reason I read M/M, Ms. Frank. Cut that shit out.


And TOO MANY POV SHIFTS. Every couple paragraphs, it flipped, and since the MCs were interchangeable, I couldn't even bring myself to care who did what to whom.

And the MCs were TOO PERFECT and TOO GOOD LOOKING and talked about how hot they were all the damn time. Also: VAIN, so bloody vain.

God, there was just so much wanking and angst and wanking.

Logan was this crazy, stalkerish predator who wasn't bi as much as a sex addict. And Tate was wishy-washy and virginal (scared to try cock!), although he did progress throughout the book. The focus was on the sex in lieu of everything else.

This is M/F erotica disguised as M/M.

Plus, the ending is a non ending. We're left with a question without an answer. And that's a NO for me.

One extra star because the writing didn't suck, and I can see how this would appeal to an M/F audience.
Profile Image for Heather K (dentist in my spare time).
3,997 reviews6,251 followers
December 29, 2019
**2.5 stars**

I had no idea what to expect with this book. My M/F reader friends pretty much all loved it and my M/M reader friends pretty much all hated it. I am a hard-core M/M lover with hundreds of M/M books under my belt. I honestly was prepared to hate this fully and completely.

Surprisingly, I didn't. But you might.

Does this book work as a convincing romance? No. The main characters literally spend no time getting to know one another. None. Logan is a pushy jerk and Tate is practically forced into each step of his "relationship" with Logan. I hated Logan. I thought Tate and Logan were horrible together. I didn't get them at all as a couple and I thought it was not convincing at all.


As a M/F author, I had expected Ella Frank to be... well, shy about M/M sex. I haven't read any of her books before this one and I though it would be tentative for some reason. I was knocked off my feet by the amount of graphic sex in this one.

And so...

Well, I have this kind of fetish, as some of you might know. I love, LOVE "sexuality discovery" books. Give me a gay virgin and I'm as happy as can be. So even though the sex was more than a bit cheesy at times, I have to say, I LOVED that part of the book. I could have read about hesitant, drawn-out first-timer sex all day long. I wish the couple actually WORKED together, but... you know... details ;)

I was going to round down to 2 stars but I'm so pleased that so many readers are trying M/M from this book that I rounded up to three stars. And if any first time M/M readers are reading this review and want some recs, please hit me up! I have a whole new world to show you. ::Cue "Aladdin" music::
Profile Image for Christy.
4,234 reviews35.1k followers
November 14, 2013
5 Fantastic Stars!

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Try is Ella Frank’s first go at an m/m novel, and I feel that she knocked it out of the park. I really loved the characters, the humor, the steam, just everything about this one!

After reading Edible, I knew I needed more of Cole’s half brother and partner at his law firm, Logan. When Logan Mitchell first sees new bartender Tate Morrison, it is lust at first sight. Logan doesn’t know if Tate is gay or straight, and Logan could care less. When he wants someone, he wants them. He doesn’t do relationships, but he likes to Try a bit of everything.
“So... I like to try a bit of everything and everyone.”

Tate is a newly divorced bartender. He has never been attracted to a man, but there is something about Logan. The way he looks at Tate, pursues him. He wants no part of this thing with Logan, but his body can’t deny the attraction he feels towards him. All Logan wants is for Tate to take a chance. To just try.

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The build up and sexual tension between Tate and Logan was great. I loved watching Tate’s internal struggle between what his head was telling him he should want, and what he actually wanted.
“It’s like you expect me to flip a switch and just accept that everything I ever believed about myself has changed, and that I should be okay with that. Do you know how insane that is?”

“I do. But do you know what else is insane?”


“You still haven’t told me no.”

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“I want you as hot, hard, and desperate as you’ve ver been before- and once you’re there... then I’ll take you.”

In my opinion, Logan Mitchell was the shining star in this book. I couldn’t get enough of this guy. He’s confident in who he is and what he wants. He’s sexy as all get out and so funny to boot! Some of my favorite Logan lines-
Just when he figured life was going to be easy and hand him a woman to bend over his desk, it threw him a nice fucking curve.
Batter up! I want to play with some balls.

“Yes, I know that was inappropriate. But, Tate?”

“Yes, Logan?”

“That’s when I’m at my best.”

“Boundaries, Logan. I think you’ve crossed enough with me today.”

“We’ve also established that I have none.”

“Give you an inch...”

“And I’ll want six or seven more.”

“You’re so fucking big.”

“Words no man minds hearing ever.”

All humor aside, Logan had an internal struggle in the story as well. He wanted Tate, but he wants a lot of people. Sex is easy for him, it’s everything else thats difficult. Tate is the first person in a long time to make him want to try something different. To make him want more than just the fun and meaningless sex he’s used to.
“You make me want things that I’d forgotten I wanted.”
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Tate and Logan change each other. Bring out new wants, needs, and desires.

Sexy, intriguing, funny and sweet. The chemistry that Logan and Tate shared was off the charts hot! And the humor and back and forth witty banter was great. I loved Logan and Tate together in all ways. This is a must read! I highly recommend it for those who love m/m, and for those who haven’t read any, this would be the perfect title to start with. Just give it a try. I’m so excited for book 2- Take. I think we will get to see even more of Logan and Tate’s character development and watch their relationship grow.

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“Every time we do this, it convinces me that I’m exactly where I need to be.”

***ARC kindly provided by author, Ella Frank in exchange for an honest review***
Profile Image for Rosalinda *KRASNORADA*.
268 reviews537 followers
August 11, 2016


Try is the first MM book by Ella Frank and I sure as hell hope is not the last one. I have read all her books and I thought she couldn’t top Blind Obsession. Oh well, hello Tate & Logan! You guys sure gave Philippe a run for his money.

If you guys check the blurb you’ll know what this book is about, I won’t talk a lot about the story, this will be about my feelings when I was reading the book.

I need to say I was excited when I heard Ella was writing her first MM book. I know some of you guys are reluctant when MF authors decide to write MM but I guess we need to TRY their books before judging, right? So I added it to my TBR without even knowing what this book was about. When I read the blurb and realized this was about a “straight” guy I was happy dancing in my desk. Yes, I love GFY stories, I can’t freaking help it and let me tell you this, ELLA FREAKING DELIVERED!

This is a light and hot as hell read and even though I am not a huge fan of erotica lately, I loved this one. We have two completely different male characters. We have Tate who is a confused bartender who crosses paths with Logan, a lawyer who will make him question his own sexual tastes.

But what happens when you think you know everything about yourself and suddenly you start questioning your feelings? Are you able to accept it or will you fight against yourself?

You need to read the book to know what happens but trust me when I say this is a book that will make you feel those butterflies in your tummy. I loved the banter between them, I loved how they were fighting each other with their words but they were eye fucking each other with their eyes. You could cut the sexual tension between them.

And yeah, this book only spans over two weeks of their relationship so you guys need to have this into account. I absolutely HATE reading books where characters love each other after one kiss or one quick fuck. That’s NOT real. So I am very grateful that Ella stuck to reality and showed us a real relationship during their first two weeks. I can’t wait to get into more emotional stuff in the next book.

That being said, I must also admit there were two emotional moments that were completely outstanding for me:

And the most important thing, Ella has a huge number of ‘MF readers’ fans who are willing to give this genre a TRY. That is just AMAZING, I can’t wait for them to discover how completely AWESOME is this genre.

I can’t wait to TAKE that second installment, my body is more than ready for more Tate & Logan.

So, are you ready to TRY?

Profile Image for .Lili. .
1,259 reviews261 followers
July 8, 2014
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When I saw Ella Frank was coming out with a new book on the month of my birthday...
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Then I found out it is a M/M Erotica book...
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Then I really thought about it...
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Imagining it...
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AND now that I've finished it:
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LOVED it!!

In this story we are reacquainted with Logan, Cole's brother. He's sexy, confident, and will f*ck anything with a hole that sparks an interest. He's not afraid to go after he wants and when he wants something he attacks, and won't stop until he gets it. One night after work, he pops in for an after work drink and sees Tate. Upon seeing him, he's immediately in lust. Tate though doesn't take bite because he's very much straight and he feels confused by the pull he feels toward Logan.

This book is the beginning of a series. Here we get the beginning of a relationship. The chase and the sexual explorations that come at the start of a new relationship- and holy hell are these two hot.

This will probably be you while reading it:
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My suggestion would be not to read this in public and wait until you're tucked away in your room.

As always Ella Frank's writing is flawless. The story has great flow. Chemistry between the MCs if off the charts. Although this book is not a standalone it's safe to read. I myself was afraid to take the plunge because I loathe cliffhangers! This story wraps up this stage of a relationship but sets you up for the next stage of one. When feelings, families,and opinions are more involved. After I finished reading my iPad wasn't in danger of being thrown against a wall. Instead I was eager for the next book!! Logan and Tate are now my favorite MM couple and I'm counting down the time until we are reunited again. This is an easy 5 star rating!

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**Thank you to the lovely Rosalinda for the book ♥
Profile Image for Shile (Hazard's Version) on-hiatus.
1,120 reviews974 followers
May 23, 2021
Re listen- May 2021

Logan and Tate still rock. 😍

Audiobook Read April 2020

I got my reading mojo back, thanks to Logan and Tate. 😍

5+++++++++++++++++ infinity stars
August 2018

“I want you. Tell me how I can have you.”

The 6th time! I got my fix and OMG! Asssfkfdljnfkjnsfdkjhdlkjdshabfdkjnkd! I FEEL SOOOO GOOOD!

This series is special, they say you never forget your first! and i don't think i ever will. Ella gave us Logan and Tate and they will forever be my No. 1 Couple with Logan being my no. 1 book boyfriend.

I fell in love with Logan, he is just so special with his confidence, sleekness and no filter mouth. He is just special, i don't know how to explain it.


Tate, the not so straight bartender who slowly crept his way into my heart and refuses to leave, with his loyalty, stubbornness and Love.

“I also like that.”
“What?” Logan exhaled.
“How much you want me. It’s a fucking rush. The way you watch me, and look at me is so shameless.”


This book is so erotic, we don't have a plot, it is basically about Logan trying to get Tate to TRY him. The chase is so exciting to read, the problem is it might not be for everyone, you either Love it or not. And as for Logan it is the same you either Love him or Hate him, he can be too much but for some unknown reason i still love him.

Ella knows how to write the sex scenes that i love, we have long hoooooot! sex scenes and i devoured every word, the connection/ chemistry between Logan and Tate is off the charts.

“What else did you learn today?”
Tate hesitated for only a second before he told Logan the one thing that had really gotten him off.
“That I can take you face-to-face—with you on your back under me.”
When Logan remained silent, Tate continued, “I want you like that. I want to watch you.”


On Fiiiiiireeeee!!!!!

I will LOVE LOGAN and TATE Forever and ever and ever.


And Logan:


My obsession with fictional characters is so unhealthy but i can't quit this drug, it is sooo satisfyingly. I know you, my lovely friends understand this.


That time when i figured out how to add Gifs and Pics
March 2017

This gets better every time. Logan and Tate crept into my heart and stuck. I Love this couple they will always be my number 1.

Logan smiled and raised his eyebrows. “I don’t know what porn site you watched this morning, but if this is the result, we need to buy a subscription.”
Tate chuckled, moving against Logan’s body. “I learned a lot of things.”
“You did, huh?”
As Tate nipped Logan’s mouth, he nodded. “Yep, let me tell you about it, and then we can see if there’s anything you want to try.”



I Still didn't know how to write reviews and add pics
August 2016

Re Read August 2016 my Third read and i still get tingly when i read about Logan and Tate the best MM couple ... I love them so much.

Before i figured out to use GR properly and write reviews
January 2016

I Looooved this book its epic well written.. thank you Ella Frank
Profile Image for Bibi.
1,287 reviews64 followers
February 6, 2019

*Book 1 of 4*

Logan: Delish. Bi-sexual
Tate: Double Delish. Straight. Seperated but in the process of divorcing the wife.
Plot: Who needs a plot when you've got 2 alpha males...I kid. I kid (maybe).

This was a deliberate obliteration of boundaries, with Tate being the object of Logan's attention, leaving Tate strangely attracted but bewildered. I'm not GAY (he says). Well, that argument got old rather quickly (and who could blame him) as Logan's overwhelming sex-appeal brought Tate's walls tumbling.

Then the story became stuck on repeat. Sex (really hot sex). Fight. Make-up. Repeat.

Finally, at the 90% mark, there's some progression which basically sets up the next serial. Need to know how Tate handles family and soon to be ex-wifey, as the inevitable happens.

Effortless, blisterering hot, and engaging. Good one.
Profile Image for SueBee★bring me an alpha!★.
2,417 reviews15k followers
August 15, 2017
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★★★★! Try, book 1 of 3. Attorney Logan Mitchell’s very sexy & persistent seduction of straight bartender Tate!

Thanks to all the lovely ladies for buddy-reading! It was truly EPIC!

“I want you. Tell me how I can have you.”

Books in The Temptation Series should be read in order:
Book 1: Try
Book 2: Take
Book 3: Untitled

Try (book 1) is the story of successful attorney and man-whore extraordinaire Logan Mitchell in his pursuit of Tate Morrison, a straight bartender fresh out of a divorce.

After work Logan likes to stop by the bar downstairs to pick up men and/or women for casual sex. One night he spots a new bartender and decides he wants him - at all cost and so his relentless flirtation, seduction and taunting of Tate begins. After his divorce Tate is not looking for a relationship with another woman, much less a man. He just likes to flirt a little with customers to ensure a good tip, but he is quickly unsettled by Logan.

“I don’t care if I have to be here every fucking night. I’m going to have him.”

This story is as very much a seduction with sexual tension out-of-this world, but it is also a story of self-exploration and dealing with one’s past, for both Logan and Tate. And naturally the story will touch on the subject of prejudices. I think the title is indicative of the theme as it was a journey of “Try’s” for both of them.

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Logan, Logan who can resist him? But as the layers of the cocky-mouthed, king of come-backs are peeled off we realize there is much more to him and much more to come in future books. Seven words to describe Logan Mitchell: Complex, captivating, jaded, dominant, relentless, flawed and…. vulnerable .

“I am a lawyer, and I’m always looking for a loophole.”

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Three words to describe Tate Morrison: Conflicted, reflective, loyal, noble, insecure, endearing and sincere.

“You make me want things that I’d forgotten I wanted.”

The build-up of sexual tension kept me glued to my Kindle. That said, the dialogue felt a bit off/slow at times and their little spats made me question their ages (which I don’t believe were revealed in book). As for ending…. it leaves them in a good place, but with several unresolved issues. It is clear that there is much more of their story to come!

Off-the-charts sexual tension! Charismatic and memorable characters! An interesting and compelling journey and a very enjoyable read!

I’m going to enjoy making you pay for that particular cocktease.”

Logan rating: 5 stars
Tate rating: 4 stars
Sex scenes rating: 5 stars
Sex scenes frequency: 4 stars
Storyline concept rating: 4 stars
Storytelling skills rating: 4 stars
Story ending rating: N/A
Book editing rating (5 = no edits spotted): 4.5 stars
Overall rating: 4 stars

Would I recommend this series: Yes.
Would I re-read this series: Maybe later.
Would I read future books by this author: Yes.

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Profile Image for Lana ❇✾DG Romance❇✾.
2,178 reviews13.4k followers
November 13, 2013
5 Sexy Steamy Stars

"You know what you want to do. There's no one here, and no one is going to come in. Just do it,” he whispered, "Try."

Ella Frank's books need to come with a damn warning.

Reader beware: Contents of book are extremely hot
Please read at your own risk...
Side effects may include:
TOA: Total Ovary Annihilation
The constant need to attack your significant other
A constant and persistent Hot and Bothered sensation
The repercussions of having to take care of said Hot and Bothered sensation if significant other is unavailable

I had pretty high expectations for this book when I first found out about it. Especially since it was right around the time I read Edible, which I friggin LOVED! I couldn't wait until Ella's foray into the MM genre. But I was almost afraid to read this, thinking I may have set my hopes a little too high. Well disappointed, I was not. I loved the hell out of this book! Try was one hot fucking ride, (pun most definitely intended) that I didn't want to end.

If you're looking for a deep and emotional story, that's not quite what you'll get here. I think my BR pal Allison had it right with it being 90% sex and 10% story. But you know what? I was VERY OK with this. It wasn't mindless smut, it had just enough story to keep the reader engaged and begging for more. Given that this is book 1 out of 3, I'm thinking we'll get a whole lot more story in the next books.

I knew I would love Logan after the quick intro we get of him in Edible, and I was definitely right. The man was just delicious. The things that would come out of his mouth? He had me worked up with every dirty and outrageous word that would leave his mouth.

"Does every word that comes out of your mouth have to do with sex?"
"Usually, eighty/twenty, but with you, it seems more ninety-eight/two."
"And the other two?"
"The other two I have spent trying to convince you."
"And do you think I’m convinced?"
"I think you’re getting there.'
"And when I do? What happens to the two percent? More sex?"
"I think when you get there, you’ll never want to leave. One thing about guys—we like sex. How long has it been, Tate? I’ll give you the best sex you've ever had."

Tate was the perfect ying to Logan's yang. I loved how hard he tried to resist Logan. But let's be honest, how can anyone possibly resist Logan for long? The man is damn persistent when he knows what he wants. He's not shy about voicing his desires, and he was definitely desiring Tate.

This? This changes things. If you think I’m going to walk out of here and you’ll conveniently forget about what happened, you should think again. This wasn't a fluke, no matter how much you try to pretend. You wanted it as much as I did, and you should remember that tonight when you jerk off, thinking about my tongue in your mouth."

And when these two get together?

I thought my Kindle just might spontaneously cumbust. Holy fucking hot cock, batman!

I think I might have highlited every single thing that came out of Logan's mouth. I sat there for hours trying to pick and choose quotes for my review, and at the end, I pretty much gave up. Everything he said is pure gold, and I think I'd have a never ending review even if I gave you just a few of my favorites. So this is all she wrote...

For those that are afraid of a cliffy

Miss Frank,

You are the queen of steam. I cannot wait to see what book 2 will bring.

Thank you to all my awesome BR buddies! Nothing like popping a few MM cherries to make for one EPIC Buddy Read ;)

For more reviews visit
Profile Image for Meags.
2,323 reviews591 followers
March 27, 2024
5 Stars

In July of 2014, I started a random book on a train and my whole world changed.

Try was my first monumental introduction to both Ella Frank’s writing and, more importantly, the world of M/M romance. I honestly loved every second of the experience and have never looked back, diving deep into the genre with an open-heart and mind, and an eagerness that could be classified as an addiction by some.

As a newbie to the genre, at the time, I was slightly apprehensive going into the unknown. Luckily, my transition was made easy, due in large part to Ella Frank’s impeccable writing style and her grounded characters. Her words just flew off the page for me, holding my attention rapt, which I find a rare skill in the genre of romance with this kind of erotic edge. And, yes, this story is deeply erotic and damn delicious at every turn of the page because of it.

The sexual tension between cocky lawyer Logan and presumably straight bartender Tate is next-level. I felt every emotion like it was my own, making me desperate to read quickly and intensely. These two characters—and what is the beginning phase of their love story—is all-consuming and, quite frankly, obsessive. I adore these men so much that they have quickly become one of my all-time favourite book couples—top three indisputably. Trust me when I say I don’t make that sort of statement lightly.

This first story ends on an HFN/semi-cliffhanger note, but rest assured, the story, the passion, and the deep infatuation continues in grand style as soon as book two (Take) begins.


Read #3: February, 2017

Still as special to me as it originally was back in 2014. Logan and Tate will always be a favourite book couple of mine. They're my happy place!


Read #4: July, 2023

It’s officially been nine years since I first read this story and started down the rabbit hole of M/M romance, that is still to this day my favourite reading genre, and I will forever be grateful for Logan, Tate, and Ella Frank for getting me there.

Impressively, this book is just as good as I remembered. Some feelings fade over time, but apparently my joy for this series is not one of those feelings.

Logan Mitchell is still one of my absolute favourite M/M heroes, if not my favourite. He’s arrogant and inappropriate, sure, and gawd does he push boundaries and laws of decorum at every turn, but as that public shield begins to come down, his vulnerabilities and absolute adoration of the Tate slays me EVERY SINGLE TIME.

I honestly can’t imagine ever not feeling what I feel for these characters and this series as a whole, and that’s pretty damn special.
Profile Image for ☆ Todd.
1,396 reviews1,547 followers
February 1, 2021

Did I enjoy the book? Yes.

Were there times that I wanted to fast forward? Yes.

Could the plot have been covered in *significantly* less than 353 page? Definitely, yes.

I know some guys get off on arrogant assholes, but there were more times than not when I would have told Logan to go get fucked, meant it *and* stuck to my guns about it.

And when Tate truly needed Logan the most, but Logan wouldn't even (to use his own word) 'try'???

Hell, no. Screw you, I'm out. Selfish, arrogant little man-cunt of a lawyer. *Poof*, bitch be gone!

I'll probably read the next book, 'Take', but I really hope that Logan really steps up to the plate and the author will 'try' to keep the sex scene count to under 1,000 the next time.

★★★½ stars.
Profile Image for Elise ✘ a.k.a Ryder's Pet ✘.
1,314 reviews3,030 followers
August 12, 2021
Forth re-read: 12.08.2021
Okay before you give me that look you should know I wasn't supposed to re-read this. I really wasn't. I just happened. Accidental. Really. And when I started it, I just kept going and I fucking finished it. I really wasn't supposed to read it..... man I suck when it comes to re-readings. I just can't help it. I mean, I just fucking read. I need help.

Third re-read: 20.04.2021
I go back and forth on whenever I like this one or not. It's like a mood thing. I think this time I was in a bad mood with migraines and not feeling so well. I ended up skimming more than I should've done. That said, I did enjoy it to some degree but so much bothers me as well.
New rating: 3 stars.

Second re-read: 10.10.2020
I don't know why I suddenly thought of this book. Maybe it was because I read something else from the author and actually liked it, and wanted to give this series yet another shot. I got to like 23% into the book and I was like... "why is it somewhat good?" Like I didn't want to stop for some reason. Have I grown up or something? I'm so weird. There you go guys, people's opinions and thoughts change. I mean, this time around I actually liked Logan - and somewhat got a tiny bit annoyed at Tate. That was kinda mind blowing to be honest. Overall, I'm glad I decided to re-read it again. Maybe it was just that I read it at the right moments or some shit like that.
New rating: 3.5/3 stars.
He felt nervous.
When the doors opened, he reminded himself that he did this kind of shit every day. Chasing shiny, sexy things was a familiar hobby of his, one he usually enjoyed and excelled at. He went in with only one motto—try, take, top.
Try a sample, take the goods, and then come out on top. Never let things get messy.
And this wouldn’t be any different.

⋰⋱⋰⋱⋰⋱*What is wrong with me?*⋰⋱⋰⋱⋰⋱

Re-read: 02.01.2018
Why I decided to do this to myself is beyond me. I guess I had hoped I had change for the better and was more open towards books, that I wasn't so picky... yeah, no. I guess you just can't change how you feel. I didn't like this re-read. It was a complete mistake and I feel.... disappointed in myself, really. It sucks that I can't get myself to enjoy this book. I just don't like the characters. Tate os just fine, however, I still don't like Logan one bit. I do however, enjoy the jealousy and possessiveness, but nothing else. Bad start at this new year...
New Rating - 2 stars.
“I know what I said,” Tate told him in a clipped tone.
“Then what’s the problem?”
Tate was trying to think of one, but all he managed was, “I don’t fucking share,” as he reached out to Logan. This time, there was no mistaking what he wanted, as Tate gave in to his curiosity and took Logan’s mouth with his own.

First read review:
Cliffhanger. Of course it ends in a damn cliffhanger. Typical. Just fucking typical. However, I'm not sure if I'm interested in continuing Logan Mitchell (34) and William Tate Morrison (29)'s story. Sure, they were cute and had me smiling, but I think one book is enough of these two for me. I think. Tate was strong considering the situation he found himself in and having his life turned upside-down, held is own and possessive.
“You make me want things that I’d forgotten I wanted.”

Logan, - who I must admit I didn't like, specially not in the beginning, though luckily it changed as he changed - was inappropriate (with his words), full of himself, cocky but did have his moments. He also could get possessive and jealous. As could Tate too actually... Tate and Logan together was what made this book alright. Though the story was boring because nothing really happened, the couple was still an enjoyable ride to follow. But I'm not sure if I want more of them...
“I don’t expect you to announce this to everyone. Hell, I don’t even want that. But if you ever pull away from my hand again, like I have the fucking plague, don’t be surprised by my reaction.”
Catching his breath, Tate dared to ask, “Which will be?”
“Depending on my mood? Either a quick lesson on how much you like my hands or my back as I walk the fuck away.”
With that parting shot, Logan turned and walked out, giving Tate a taste of exactly what he did not want.

Quick basic facts:
Genre: - (Adult) Contemporary Romance (M/M)
Series: - Series, Book One
Love triangle? -
Cheating? -
HEA? -
Favorite character? - Tate Morrison.
Would I read more by this author/or of series? - Sure.
Would I recommend this book/series? - Sure.
Will I read this again in the future? - No.
Rating - 2.5 stars.
Profile Image for Pavlina Read more sleep less blog  .
2,434 reviews5,107 followers
December 4, 2013


This book totally hooked me from the first page until the end!!!
I love Ella's writing and with this challenge writing a M/M she proves how great author she is!
This is my first M/M from a woman author and I didn't know what to expect...Ella didn't disappoint me!!Try is amazing!!!

"There's no one here and no one is going to come in. Just do it,"

Logan is a confident, sexy and arrogant guy who likes sex and he doesn't care if it's with women or men…He isn't the monogamous type and the only thing he wants is to have fun!!
Until he meets… the new bartender who works at Logan’s favorite after work spot.,,
The only thing Logan wants is to have this man in his bed...


Tate…mmmm he is gorgeous and divorced...but the fun is that he is straight!!
But he is intrigued from Logan...He can't understand what he really feels...and afraid to Try anything...with Logan
Can Logan manage to make Tate Try things that are unusual for him????
When they are finally together things start being more serious...they want more than only sex...
Can they manage to keep their relationship??
There are problems that they must tide over...

I loved the chemistry between them from the beginning!!These two have a passionate connection!


This book is really hot and steamy!!!For me it's one of the hottest books I have ever read!!
I fell in love with the boys!!!I like Logan's smart mouth

"Tate you're sexy as fuck.The minute I saw you,I got hard.When you opened your mouth,I became one hundred percent interested.And when you kissed me?I lost my damn mind.I'll be as patient as I need to get you inside me." (omg Logan *sigh*)

and Tate…well I like everything about him!

I can't wait for Take!

Thank you so much Ella and Rosalinda!!

*arc kindly provided by author, Ella Frank in exchange for an honest review*

Profile Image for DKristin.
494 reviews225 followers
December 4, 2013
I was going to write over my previous posts in my review but I'm too fond of it to let it go. So I shall just add on to it. It feels like I waited forever for the next Ella Frank book to come out. As you can see below I was very excited because it was M/M and she writes such hot and quality shit that I just knew this would be AMAZEBALLS!!!! I am happy to report that she did not let me down. I am so in love with Logan and Tate. Their bantering was fabulous, the aggression between them was always sexual no matter how mad one of them may have been at the other. Leading me to believe that this book had some of the hottest angry sex ever!!! It was wonderful watching Tate and Logan grow both separately and together as they each had their own battles to fight while trying to figure out if they could make it work. JUST WOW!!!!!!!!! Get it! Read it! Love it!!!! I know I did!!!!!

Logan & Tate

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I think I've finally found the perfect gig for my Johan... he'd make a super yummy Logan!!!!

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Tate was a little harder to pin down... pun intended!

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LESS THAN 10 DAYS... OH MY GOD!!!!!!! I can totally handle the awesome right?!?...

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I mean it's just another Ella Frank book right?!?...

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I mean it's just about the hotness that is Logan right?!?

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And yeah it's M/M... no biggie, right?!?...

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Who am I kidding??? I hope I can handle the heat... I'm sure it's going to cause all kinds of vaginal distress & ovarian obliteration!!!

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**If you need another set of eyes to look it over...you know just to make sure it's not too hot... I mean I totally wouldn't mind helping you out and reading an ARC!!!**
Profile Image for Exina.
1,252 reviews405 followers
January 5, 2020
*DNF at 52%

Based on the hype I expected an extraordinary, wonderful and heart-wrenching story… so I expected a romance. But it is NOT a romance.

It is a (badly recited) chronicle of a seduction. Logan sets eyes on Tate and wants him in his bed. He is used to get everything whatever he desires, but Tate resists him. Tate’s resistance sets Logan afire, and makes him even more insistent. (Oh, see how nicely I can paraphrase ‘stalkerish’… lol)

Tate is attracted to Logan – for whatever reason –but he is straight, and freaked out by lusting for a man.

So this is the conflict they’re constantly and repeatedly talking about and thinking about. No plot, no palpable emotions, no characterization. The only question is if they‘ll fuck or not. And as it is labelled as an erotica story, you already know that they will.
Hesitantly, he pushed forward. “What else do you… like about me?”
“Like? That’s not the right word.”
“Then, what word would you use?”
“What else turns me on about you?” Logan suggested.

The characters are not likeable. Logan is irritating and stalkerish, Tate is irritating and pathetic. We hardly know anything about them, but their looks are depicted exhaustively.

The writing style is awful, full of repetitions. The author’s favorite phrase seems to be “That was when…”. It occurs 25 times. You think I’m exaggerating? See this:
that was when he’d seen Jessica
That was when the bartender gave
that was when he came to his final conclusion
That was when Tate had backed off.
that was when Tate’s reality became one huge
That was when Cole jumped in.
That was when he curled his fingers
that was when Tate decided he needed to get the
That was when Logan’s expression went from
that was when Tate decided to join in on the
That was when a low laugh hit his ears.
That was when he also discovered
That was when he realized that
That was when he got to watch
That was when Logan stopped
that was when he spoke up.
that was when he found himself promising,
That was when Logan lost his patience.
That was when he heard a question
That was when Red slid down
that was when it hit him.
That was when Tate felt someone
That was when Logan stepped back,
That was when Logan’s palms smoothed
that was when the sound of his cell phone

The other is “that was what”. I didn’t even dare to count the word “try”. Fitting title, huh?
“What’s wrong? Afraid you might like it? How do you know unless you try?”

I hated the games they played, hated the shitty, repulsive and unnecessary M/F sex scenes.
The M/M erotic scenes were equally bad too: boring, repetitive, and drowsy. No intensity, no chemistry.

Sometimes (okay, okay… often) I love a steamy and dirty PWP story, but it was not like that. All the steam of the world would have been evaporated due the elongated sex scenes, the all-present and endless conversations about the same thing over and over again.

I really don’t get the high ratings.


Profile Image for Eda**.
720 reviews438 followers
February 17, 2015

** 5++ “cinnamon gum” STARS **

“Congratulations,” Logan heard whispered as Tate’s hand snaked down between them, and his fingers wrapped around him.




That was HEAVEN!

I loved EVERYTHING about this book. I wouldn't change a single sentence, a single word, a single comma! I'm a newbie in the M/M Romance world, but Tate and Logan just made it into my all-time favorite book couples, so there's THAT... This book will be one of those that I reread a 1000 times like a lunatic and enjoy immensely every f*cking time, for sure.

** A special THANK YOU to all of my GR buddies that recommended this awesomeness to me after learning I've recently popped my M/M cherry. YOU GUYZ ROCK and I seriously f*cking love you all! **

Logan Mitchell has always had the same motto: Try/Take/Top. In other words, “Try a sample, take the goods, and then come out on top and NEVER LET THINGS GET MESSY.” He is a successful lawyer with a fat wallet and a pretty face that -along with his “milkshake”- brings “all the girls and boys to the yard”, …if you know what I mean... ;) He has no desire to bind himself to someone, oh no, he wants to TRY a little bit of everyone, man or woman, that interest him enough and when his interest wanes…just move on to his next prey.

But the rules of the game change when Logan walks into his favorite bar next door to his Office and catches a glance of beautiful brown curls framing a masculine face belonging to the new bartender, Tate

Tate Morrison is a VERY straight guy on the verge of an ugly divorce with the wife he just couldn't keep happy whatever he’d done over the years and all he wants is some alone time to get his life back on track.

But a set of blue eyes peering back at him behind black hipster glasses and the very flirtatious words exchanged with the owner of them make that task impossible… Logan is one of the regulars of the bar Tate has started working at 2 days ago as a bartender, and Tate isn't sure how to feel about the guy's gaze always following him around…

Logan can’t get the bartender out of his mind. The potent need to TRY this easygoing and relaxed guy that gets incredibly tense and unsettled only when around Logan, is suffocating. Logan always goes after what he wants and he is going to have Tate, there’s no doubt about that.

“Considering you seemed so confused when, really, there is nothing to be confused about.”

“Except for the fact that I’m STRAIGHT.

“Yes, well, I don’t let LITTLE things like that stand in my way.”

But there’s a surprise waiting for Logan this time… Logan Mitchell who is always the one on charge, who has never wanted or pursued a man as hard before, who has never waited for anyone, turns into a nervous wreck ready to beg for more whenever he is near Tate.

“You've changed me, and you don't even realize it. Just being with you, near you? It makes me want to be a BETTER person. You make me want to take a RISK.”

Tate can’t get the blue-eyed devil out of his mind. This guy is too pushy, too arrogant, too confident and his smart mouth pisses Tate off…all while giving his c*ck the most intense ache it has ever experienced. As much as he wants to yell that he doesn't even LIKE Logan, there’s no fooling anyone since his body says otherwise… Yes, Tate Morrison, a man that has never had a doubt about being straight in his life, has a hard-on for a guy! And more importantly: He is okay with this fact.

“I want the man who sat down across from me and changed the way I look at the world. And if that’s WRONG, then I’m confused because when I’m near you, it feels SO DAMN RIGHT.

Tate gives a good fight but he can’t resist Logan’s charm much longer... But can he even trust a man that constantly switches his “choices”? How can he hold his hand and take a step into the unknown when it’s all about the the “chase” for the man in question? What if he gets what he wants, gets bored of him and leaves him with his world crushed?

Logan gives a good fight and finally gets what he wants… But is he even willing to TRY and push past his fears to keep Tate around, when the idea of tying himself to anyone terrifies him? How can he do all that, when the man in question is acting like he is embarrassed by Logan and wants to remain “secret friends”? How can he swallow up his hurt and bravely TRY to keep this man in his palms?

“So...what's your truth, Logan?”

“I think YOU ARE.

P.S: Sorry about the overabundance of HAWT HAWT HAWT gifs....I couldn't help myself ;)

Profile Image for Sara .
1,516 reviews154 followers
November 12, 2013
So when you hear that a traditional male/female romance writer is diving in the male/male genre you are curious. When you hear that it’s an author that has a dedicated following you are a bit excited that they will be introducing their fans to the wonderful genre that you are saturated in and loving. When you get the book, you are confused from page one when the MC is balls deep into a wet pussy. Oh yeah. I had to check the blurb before I went on to make sure this was about two DUDES and not some sort of ménage or just a bisexual deal. Nope. Okay then, let’s see where this goes.

Where this went was downhill fast. The MC’s were not likeable, Logan was arrogant to the point I wanted to punch him in the throat and Tate was so wishy-washy I rolled my eyes so much I could see yesterday. Cheesy lines, you say? Oh yeah. How can my brain not go there after struggling through 300+ pages of I don’t know what the hell that was? Can someone help me, please?

We are told how to feel as these men test the waters of their relationship. I never figured out why either of them liked the other. I get it; they are both hot yet other than Logan’s constant reenactment of a Robin Thicke summer hit wearing Tate down, I don’t understand why he went for it. Logan is supposed to be some sexy alpha man whore whose milk shake brings everyone to the yard…um, I never saw the appeal. The story was all over the place, it was awkward and did not have a steady flow. The abundance of details may suit some but not me, nor does repetitiveness and good lord the dialogue drove me nuts. Did the inner goddess come over for tea with the boys? I was so tired of reading the word TRY in every tense it could be in. I couldn’t bring myself to do a search count for it, I did not want to see it again. Can we say over usage at its finest?

Now, I get that this will have an audience and the audience it is intended for… I am not a ticket holder of. I currently read strictly m/m romance, I am lost in it and I love it. From boys figuring out their sexuality to gay for you stories, to FBI agents to hard core BDSM. The boys do it for me and they are boys. Now, if you haven’t read m/m romance you won’t understand that there IS A DIFFERNCE in how it’s written. It’s not just a search and replace him for her or penis for vagina. It’s different. Men are different. They have sex different, they interact different, they think different. This read to me as men thinking like women would. They had sex like women would. Yes, anatomy aside, it read as women in the scenes. Along with that misstep, there was zero connection between the MC’s. I did not feel they were into each other at all. Scenes that should have had me full of emotion had me irritated to the point I wanted to give up and DNF this at 30% but I have liked previous work from the author and know what she is capable of. Unfortunately, this fell short. Hell, this didn’t even pull out the toddler stool to see onto the m/m shelf. It was just off, so off when it had a chance to be a bridge between the two genres.

With all the hype and pre-release reviews out there already I will expect this to have glowing ratings. I will be the odd chick out and that is fine. Regardless of where I get a book, I am honest about my reading experience. I am sure the reader this was intended for will love it and that is as it should be. This just was not for me.

*ARC provided by the author for an honest review*

Profile Image for Karla.
987 reviews1,105 followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
November 12, 2013

DNF at 50%, so no rating! All sex, no substance...it did not work for me at all!!

I did try again to skim to the end, but nothing seemed to change, one sex scene after another. No character or story development, nothing pulled me in. I hated Logan, his mind games, manipulation and pushiness. It made no sense to me. Tate...he was just there, I was as confused about him as he was about his sexuality, he was Logan's toy, there was no depth to his character.

I really enjoyed Ella Frank's Exquisite series, and was excited to see her delve into this genre! I tried it once, I tried it twice and then I gave up. I love a good erotic m/m book and this was not one of them!

*ARC courtesy of the author in exchange for an honest review*
Profile Image for Flo.
285 reviews589 followers
March 25, 2020
Spoiler-free review for Try, Take and Trust!

5++ **my kindle just caught fire** STARS

“There's no one here and no one is going to come in. Just do it,” he whispered, eyes locked on to conflicted brown orbs, “Try.”

I...this book...this series...Logan...Tate...speechless.

We throw things like binge reading around quite liberally. When I say I couldn't put these books down I actually mean it. Three days with no more than three hours of sleep per night. I got absolutely nothing done in the meantime. I was lost in this scorching hot and incredibly addictive love story between Logan and Tate. Goes right on my all-time-favourite and best-of-2016 shelves. Simply unbelievable.

The level of hotness was almost ridiculous, riddled with constant innuendos, sexual tension jumping off the page and I've been grinning like a loon ever since.

“You’re pretty pissed off, Tate. What’s wrong? Afraid you might like it? How do you know unless you try?”

The Temptation Series is a gay for you M/M story.

Tate Morrison just came out of a bad relationship and is in the process of putting his life back together and divorcing his soon to be ex-wife. He is straight. Never even thought about being with a man. That is until his second day of working behind the bar at After Hours when he serves this guy...

“Hmm…mouthy lawyer equals one sexy cocksucker.”

Logan Mitchell is a thirty-four year old lawyer who lives by the motto to try everything at least once. Women. Men. Doesn't really matter. He is the most over the top flirt and to be perfectly clear - a man-whore. Logan has no boundaries, no filter whatsoever and he goes after what he wants. That being Tate, the sexy bartender.

What follows is a sizzling cat and mouse play between Logan and Tate. The poor guy never stood a chance when it comes to the counselor.

What can I say? The series is addictive. Logan and Tate stole my heart. The banter, initial courting, up until they really commit to one another was golden. I love the characters. The polar opposites that attract and somehow fit together like they were made for one another. Logan’s unapologetic brazenness and Tate’s silent strength was just pure magic for me. Not to mention they are so damn sexy together.

Over the course of three books Logan and Tate deal with a lot of issues. Starting with the fact that Tate is actually straight. Fortunately Logan is relentless in his pursuit. While they get over the fight with themselves there are other problems adding up. Family, prejudice, sexual exploration and the ultimate commitment to each other.

“You make me crazy and furious and out of my mind with need, but in the end, you make me so fucking happy. I can’t ever remember feeling this way. And no one is going to tell me it’s wrong. No one.”

The thing that really sold me right from page one was the deep connection. The first moment Logan and Tate meet the spark between them is palpable and overtime such a strong bond and intimacy develops. It was simply beautiful to see their relationship blossom beyond the physical attraction and against all odds. All of that is done in a very detailed way in dual POV and with a lot of very descriptive and panty melting sex scenes. Which in no way means lack of growth emotionally or the absence of plot. It's just REALLY sexy, well and it is erotica after all. So no complaints from me.

The Temptation Series is something to lock out the world and get lost in for a few days.

I'm not big on reading M/M books. For no particular reason I just never was drawn to them. But almost all my GR friends have recommended this series to me and I have to say it was a huge win and not unlike Tate I feel like I have been corrupted. Male on male might not be for everyone, but I truly believe the kind of love Logan and Tate have for each other transcends gender and is just epic.

On top of that the writing is stellar and captivating. Ms. Frank rather effortlessly sucks you in and she sure won't let you go until you're done.

“I want the man who sat down across from me and changed the way I look at the world. And if that’s wrong, then I’m confused because when I’m near you, it feels so damn right.”

Only question left is. Why on earth haven't I read this earlier? Seriously? I honestly think there is nothing hotter on my bookshelf. If you haven't read the series or even tried one of Ms. Frank's books, I don't know what you are doing. She is an author to check out for sure.

In conclusion...

“Congratulations,” Logan heard whispered as Tate’s hand snaked down between them, and his fingers wrapped around him.

“On?” he pushed past the lump in his throat. Tate raised his head and looked him right in the eye.

“Corrupting me.”

I'm still shocked, all kinds of turned on and a little lost. Book-hangover material if I ever saw one.

Profile Image for Gigi.
2,148 reviews1,033 followers
September 11, 2016
Added a star after the re-read. Love these boys!

Re-reading Sept. 2016: 4 stars? Um, I don't think so. Must read again to be sure.

Ok, so these boys drove me crazy! Drama, drama, drama! But it did make for some pretty intense sex, so bonus points. I will wait to review this book as part of the series.

May 10, 2015:
Review of the trilogy is here.
Profile Image for Val ⚓️ Shameless Handmaiden ⚓️.
1,963 reviews33.8k followers
May 30, 2017
5+++ Stars

Holy Massive Fucking Orgasm, folks.

This was so fucking good, I can't stop saying the work fuck.


Logan? Yum.
Tate? Yum.


Logan and Tate together? DOUBLE YUM.


I loved this. I thought Logan was a really magnetic character and his pursuit of Tate had me interested from the page they met. I thought the progression of their relationship was really well done and believable (being that Tate's "straight" and Logan is...not).

Their scenes together were hot and every time they even interacted I was spellbound. I can't wait for the next one.

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Profile Image for * Meli Mel *.
856 reviews676 followers
November 14, 2013

♥♥♥ 4.5 Amazingly HOT Stars ♥♥♥

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"Everything I want, and everything I crave, is you."

●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●

First off, if you are looking for a SUPER HOT m/m read, well then, look no further. Ella Frank will fog up your windows and make your panties melt right off of you with her debut m/m novel.

Logan Mitchell always gets what he wants. He doesn't do commitments. If he likes a woman or man, then he does whatever he can to have them. He exudes sex and confidence. He knows it, and uses it to his advantage. So, when he sees Straight bartender, Tate Morrison, he knows he must have him. And will go at any lengths to make that happen. After being patient, Tate finally agrees to try and Logan couldn't be more happier and hornier. Soon he finds himself in a sort of commitment with Tate. He will ONLY have sex with Tate, and no one else. He is shocked to see that he is actually okay with that. As time goes by, Logan starts to feel more for Tate and is scared out of his mind. This was afterall, suppose to be just sex.

●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●

"You've changed me, and you don't even realize it. Just being with you, near you? It makes me want to be a better person.
You make me want to take a risk."

"What do you want to risk?"


●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●

What can I say about Logan, he was one HOT SEXY BEAST! I loved every dirty little thing that came out of his mouth. I could understand how anyone could be held captive by his allure. He was just irresistable. Due to a relationship from his past, he no longer does them. He loves the casual encounters he has and thinks his life couldn't get any better. He never thought that after having people fall into his bed that the one person he wanted wouldn't do that. He had to pursue Tate, something he doesn't do. The only thing that bugged me at times about Logan, was that he couldn't be serious when Tate wanted to be. But at the same time, I kind of liked it, it was very confusing to me. There were many times I wanted Logan to TRY with Tate. He asked so much of Tate and I wanted him to as well when Tate asked that of him. But he would get scared, which was understandable, but I wanted him to take that final leap. Other than that, I really loved him.

Tate Morrison is currently trying to finally end his four year marriage with his ex-wife who is trying to make things difficult. Tate isn't interesting in dating at the moment and is perfectly content on his own. He's trying to start anew. He is living in a small apartment and just got a job as a bartender. Tate is charming and gorgeous but he is also straight. And when he meets Logan, there is something about him that catches his attention. Then he realizes Logan is bisexual and has been flirting with him. Tate doesn't know what to think or how to act, so it starts to piss him off. But the real reason is because he also feels an attraction to him. Logan's relentless pursuit to have him is what causes him to finally give in. He knows Logan isn't monogamous, so he makes sure that he will be while their sexual relationship lasts. He still can't believe he is doing this and that he later finds himself wanting more of Logan than just sex.

●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●

Tate-"Yeah, me giving a guy head."

Logan-"And loving it?"

Tate-"Yes, and loving it. How did that happen?"

Logan-"You met me."

●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●

Tate was an awesome character. He was equally as sexy as Logan. The poor guy got his world turned upside down the moment Logan entered it. He didn't know what do with this new found attraction to men, or more specifically to Logan. He has been with women his whole life and can't fathom his want for this one man. Tate goes through a journey of trying to come to terms with that, he just needs some time. I totally got where Tate was coming from, I can understand his initial shock and hesitancy to agree to Logan's proposal. But I loved that once he gave into his feelings, he was able to be more confident in himself and what he was doing. I liked that he gave back to Logan just as much as what he recieved. Yes, he was unsure at times, and more than a little terrified, but this was all new to him. I like that Tate was open minded and that he slowly tried things out with Logan. I wouldn't have believed it if things went too fast. I loved the every interaction Tate had with Logan. And I loved it when Tate's sexy side would come out.

●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●

Tunneling his fingers back into the hot, snug home where his cock wanted to take up residence, he admitted"I want in here so bad, Tate. I have wanted it since we first met."

"Then, take me."

●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●

The chemistry between these two characters was through the roof. The sexual tension from the beginning was driving me insane. I couldn't get enough of their banter and arguments. There was just a lot of heat between these characters. I know this is an erotica, so of course there is going to be a lot of sex in this book. I will admit that even though the sex was über HOT, I kind wanted more of a relationship to happen between them, for more of their emotions to come out to light. But that was because I had thought initially going in that this was a stand alone. I hadn't realized it was part of a three book series where Tate and Logan's story would continue. Now, I SERIOUSLY can't wait to read the next book. It seems that emotional connection I was craving for them will finally come in the next book. Ella totally left me hanging with that ending. There was a bit of a cliffhanger (but not really, in the sense that things did get resolved at the end). So it did leave you with an overall good feeling. But it did leave you wanting a whole lot more. It was a great debut m/m novel from Ella Frank. As per usual, the sex scenes were the best and really well written. I enjoyed the characters very much. Again, I can't wait to read more of these two. Loved it!

*Part of the EPIC Buddy read*
November 12, 2013
Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

Yes, this book needs to come with a health warning. Spontaneous combustion of girlie bits! Consider yourself warned.

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

When I read about the upcoming MM book by the awesome Ella Frank, I was ecstatic. As a seasoned Ella fan, I know the woman can write some seriously awesome love stories, holy hotness sex scenes.... Add the MM genre to her resume? Fantastic! She did not disappoint. I feel like MM has to be written in a certain way for it to work for me...it has to capture the strength, power and beauty of the male body and mind. Add the angsty component of one man being straight, battling his sexuality and it's scorching! Flawlessly delivered! Gah! Fan-girling here!

Logan, bi-sexual man-whore, arrogant lawyer, half brother to Cole in Edible, sets eyes on the new bartender at his local hangout. The guy is perfection! Once he sets his sights on him, he WILL have him. He gets what he wants... But he says he's straight, pushes back all his advances. His anger and hostility just turns Logan on even more. Straight? Then why doesn't he look back at him that way?

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

Tate, just entering the final stages of a God-awful marriage/divorce is just settling into his new life. New apartment, new job...not interest in dating for now. But in walks this guy in a three piece suit that was made for his tight, perfect body. What the fuck? Why is he checking out a guy? He's straight. When this suit makes eye contact with him, his body reacts and the suit starts his relentless per suit of him. The guy is pushy, arrogant and Tate struggles to fight back his advances. He's got a reputation of fucking everyone that works in this bar. He won't be the next conquest. He's straight anyways. Right? Then why can't he get Logan out of his mind?

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

"You know what you want to do. There's no one here, and no one is going to come in. Just do it,” he whispered, "Try."

Devoured this book. Logan is relentless in his pursuit of Tate. He's so arrogant but Tate brings out a whole different side to Logan. He's never had a relationship, doesn't stick around but this guy makes him want more...

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

If you've never ventured into the MM scene, this is a great cherry popper. This was a big buddy read and A few girls had never read this genre. The book is seriously hot but there's a love-story here too. I think the whole GFN thing makes delving into it easier for non-seasoned MM readers. It's angsty and a slow build. Not a quick wam-bam, thank you maham. Logan keeps trying for Tate but Tate resists so by the time he caves to Logan's advances, you're screaming your release, "Yes!"

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

Tate doesn't share. Can Logan commit to an exclusive relationship? Both are entering uncharted territory here. Tate never being with a man, Logan never having a relationship beyond sex. Can they make this work?

So, considered yourself warned. Find your spouse, significant other, WHATEVER you need to get through this sizzling book. It is seriously panty melting hot.

Looking forward to the future books about Logan and Tate.

Thanks for the awesome buddy read ladies! Even though I took up the rear! (Pun entirely intended)
Profile Image for Michelle.
2,082 reviews887 followers
May 2, 2016
ARC in hand thanks to Ella and the awesomeness that is the S/t.

5+ Holymotherfuckingshitthatwashot Stars

Let me first start of by saying that this was my first venture into a full m/m romance. I fell in love with Ella Frank with her first release and knew that if there was an author out there that would be gentle with this m/m-virgin, it was her. I had no idea what to expect or what kind of experience this book would leave me with. Now that I've had a moment to reflect…

We met Logan Mitchell during Edible, Cole’s half-brother and partner at their law firm. We saw his arrogance and just how much of a flirt he was. But we also learned that he doesn't like to limit his sexual taste to just one gender.
Logan is sexual and confident. When he sees something he likes, he gets it.

“Try as sample, take the goods, and then come out on top. Never let it get messy.”

We know the back-story of Logan from Cole in Edible, but we get a glimpse of a much deeper picture of just how being left behind by his father left him. How his past shaped the man that he is today. There is far more depth to Logan yet to be explored and something tells me that beyond the hard shell, the sexual innuendos and all the flirting; Logan is going to blow us away.

But things are going to get real messy. Let’s say hello to Tate Morrison. Newly divorced, bartender at After Hours and straight…at least he thought he was.

“Who is this guy? Tate stood there, completely stunned by the words that had just come out of that perfectly shaped mouth – Wait. Why do I care about his mouth?”

There is just something about Logan that causes Tate to react. First it’s his eyes that can’t seem to stay off of him, then his thoughts and eventually it’s his the rock hard cock nestled between his legs. Tate’s never wondered what it would be like to be with a man, but something about Logan makes him want to try.

This was a fantastic. I had moments in this story where I was certain that I was going to explode from the sexual tension between these two. I was not sure if I was going to get two aggressive alpha-male types or a clear top-bottom picture. But holy shit when they would get all wound up, shit went from tame to fucking buck wild in two seconds flat.

“The room was practically vibrating with sexual tension, and a whole fuckload of testosterone”

The sensual inner thoughts that were laced throughout the scenes in the story were perfect. Hot and sexy, if I had a cock it would have been twitching.

So for those of us that have read Ella Frank’s books, we know she is the queen of the buildup. She teases us until we are going to explode and then she gives it to us good. And when these two finally get there, hold on tight.

I devoured this book. It was completely turned on the entire time and found some of the most explosive sex scenes EVER in Try. I fell even more in love with Logan and his smart mouth and Tate, well he just fucking owns me. Since I can’t really compare this to other m/m books I can only say that this lived up to every prior book from Ella Frank. My first scenes that involved m/f/m had taken some time to get accustomed to, but there was never a moment in this where I was mentally trying to throw a vagina into the mix, well okay… maybe I was mentally inserting my vagina into a few of the scenes…

I cannot wait for Take to be released to see where there story goes. Is Logan finally ready to give up his sexual freedom? Is Tate ready to accept that who he wants is a man? I hope that someone has secured Ella to her chair and has an IV drip of coffee going so that we can get our obsessive and greedy hands on these two soon. A must read for fans of m/m books or anyone that is an Ella Frank fan. If you were like me and never ventured down this road before, this is the perfect introduction.

Profile Image for Mariam, the clown.
648 reviews510 followers
July 16, 2022
[1st Reread: July 16, 2022]
I'm queing in line for Louis' concert as I speak and I hope to god no one has glimpsed over my screen and read what I was reading.

I'm growing a new appreciation for this series because, this was published in 2014 and I just felt how different this book was for it's time. It was loud, out and proud, brave and defiant as fuck and I'm really proud of Ella that she created such a masterpiece, and if received a large number of love.

And god, Logan and Tate, two absolute SHITHEADS that I fucking love to hate and love and love and love.


“I want the man who sat down across from me and changed the way I look at the world. And if that’s wrong, then I’m confused because when I’m near you, it feels so damn right.”

Let it be known, and yes I give you the right to throw a shoe at the damn big head, that once upon a time, oh dear stupid Mariam open and started this book, anddddd dfned it.

Drown me in the ocean, PLEASE.

→ My lovely ole friend Nark managed to convince me to give this book another chance and let's not give that women enough ammunition to have so much blackmail over me OKAY.

regardless, I was curious at this book and also astounded at the ridiculously high ratings this book has. Especially for an erotic romance series? Please, the formulation of this sentence couldn't even be more parallel.

Yeah well, the combination of this book was hella of a ride either.

This book is the mashup of: Annoying, Hot, Swoony, Ridiculous, Infuriating, Soft and preposterously HOT book I have read in a while.
“So, that’s him?” Cole deduced as the bartender turned and walked away.
“Yep, that’s him. What do you think?”
Cole lifted the tumbler to his mouth and took a sip of scotch. “I think he hates your guts.”

“Tell me,” Logan urged.
Tate turned his feet on the sidewalk and stared once again at his reflection mirrored from the building in front of him. He couldn’t even escape his own damn self, let alone Logan.
“Tell you, what, exactly?”
“Tell me you didn’t like it, and make me believe it.”

“You know what you want to do,” Logan encouraged in a seductive tone, thinking he must be losing his mind to be making such a bold move, even for him. “There’s no one here, and no one is going to come in. Just do it,” he whispered, eyes locked on to conflicted brown orbs, “Try.”

And it was just great; to read, to enjoy, to bathe in the banter, the laugh at the most inappropriate parts, to shake my head at the absolute shamelessness Logan Mitchell precedes in the walk of life, their fucking hate-sex, and the bloody apology scenes.

This book is one big make up scene after another and it was 🔥 irresistible 🔥

I mean, if a book can make me shy, then well- I'll be damned.
“Jesus, Tate,” Logan cursed. “What else? What do you look like?”
“You mean, my cock?”
“Yes. You cut, uncut? Veiny, long? Describe it to me.”
Well, that was something Tate had never done, but eager to keep Logan talking, and for him to continue feeling this way, Tate did as asked.
“Cut, and I’d say average size, lo—”
“Don’t be a pussy, Tate. Give me an approximate length.”
Tate laughed, barely, at Logan’s put-out tone.

I only just want to read book 2, so to part with this review, all hail Logan Mitchell; the Pushy ass Hot Bastard.
Placing his hands by Tate’s head, he lowered himself until he was by his ear. “Minor details.”
Tate turned his head on the pillow until their lips were only inches apart, and he released a low grunt as Logan rolled his hips over him.
“Important ones, wouldn’t you say?” Tate asked.
Logan flicked his tongue out, tracing it across Tate’s upper lip, and when they parted, he promised, “I know what we agreed to, and what you think you want. But I will end up inside you.” He emphasized exactly which part of him he was referring to, by flexing his hips against Tate. “And you’ll beg me to be there. I guarantee it.”

Initial reactions:
I don't have an excuse for the rating I have, OKAY.
Profile Image for winotka.books.
286 reviews786 followers
January 10, 2024
Liczyłam na jakiś dobry romans MLM. No ale się przeliczyłam.
85% tej książki to smut, 15% przekomarzanki które prowadzą do smutu.
Każdy problem, każda kłótnia, każda rozmowa rozwiązywana seksem. Tu w sumie nie było żadnej innej fabuły.
Oni nie przeprowadzili ze sobą chociażby jednej głębszej rozmowy, wszystko dotyczyło R U C H A N I A więc nie wiem skąd tu jakiegokolwiek uczucia.
O bohaterach też nic się nie dowiedzieliśmy za bardzo, oprócz wyglądu i że są hot.
2⭐️, a nie jedna bo było kilka fragmentów które naprawdę mi się spodobały. Głównie dotyczyły one Tate’a, tego że znalazł się w nowej sytuacji, jego ciekawości, jak chciał odkrywać i późniejszej zadziorności jak nabrał pewności siebie. I to jedyne co.
Ale jak mnie wykręciło kilka razy z cringu.. ULUBIONE SŁOWO AUTORKI TO MASZT (tak chodzi o penisa).
Drugim ulubionym szczelina.
Ale jak przeczytałam to zdanie: „To kim w takim razie jesteś? Moim małym spermowym lizaczkiem?” 💀💀💀💀💀💀
Kurwa oczu kąpiel na już potrzebuje.
Profile Image for Darien.
861 reviews322 followers
September 30, 2018
Audio September 2018

I thought listening to the audio was a good idea. Turns out it fucking wasn’t because this is some of the most over the top ish ever.

For the story check my review below...(FYI I hate fucking Logan)

The Narration: 2 Pants Off (I’m being generous AF)

It’s soooooo bad that I couldn’t stop listening but after the 6th hour shit got exhausting. Mans got dramatic when it came to the characters, like extra extra read all about it and it solidified my hate for Logan on a level that can never reached by another character. His take on Tate was too much. All that emoting was just....I can’t stand it.

I wanted to listen to the second book and maybe give Logan another chance but I think it best I read it because from what I’ve heard the narration is just like this book and for the love of god I can’t do it again, I just can’t.

Overall, this didn’t do anything in changing my views on the story or the characters. Still hate Logan, and think Tate is a damn idiot for putting up with his bullshit.

What gigantic mess this was 😩😩😩




My feelings for this book are on another level. I started out really enjoying it...Logan in his thick frame black glasses (that alone is a panty dropper) but then Logan spoke, Logan lived, Logan was the other MC. He really grind my gears and everything he did was so obnoxious and annoying I legit wanted to pull my hair out.


Ok, ok, hear me out before you come with the pitch forks. I know my GR friends love this one and Logan is the one with all the sauce. But for me Tate deserves better and until Mr “I get dick and pussy” learns how to think with his big head. He on my shit list!!


Here are my reason for sipping on the Logan haterade:

1) His ass is pushy! Yes he’s super confident and all that but I don't buy that shit. He’s this thrust in your face of what confidence should be. I’ve known guys like Logan and I have disliked them on a maximum level. So enshround in his bedpost goals that people and “their” emotions seems not to exist.

2) Every fucking thing has to be about Logan! Tate feelings were valid, and Logan made small of everything by being that creepy guy in a club trying to put his dick everywhere. Every conversation got turned into call 1-800-I-Will-Suck-Your-Dick and what should have been breakthrough moments just fell flat.

3) CAN TATE GET A FUCKING WORD IN?? This goes back to point 2 where Logan be on this is my theme park feels. Tate was overshadowed and what should have been his highlight, his moment...he’s still the guy that Logan is fucking right now.

4) Tate’s coming out!! This was my breaking point. This is where I was expecting big things but once again small head thinker turned a situation that should have been emotionally profound to let me “stick my dick in you finally”. Like mans is on the cusp of losing his family, shit has hit the fan. Logan is so macho, he wants the sex and fuck your coming out feelings.

Mi Hate Him!!!


5) I can tell this was the writers first M/M book coming from M/F. Why you ask?? Because there is no real impact just pure fucking titillation. That I’m still a fucking man because I get pussy, I’m not so gay “I LIKE GIRLS TOO” and don’t even get me started on the bisexual impact, don’t even get me started. I see what you were trying to do but overall this book was about sex and I’m disappointed for many reasons (disappoint of the M/M) variety 😔.
Logan is problematic and something short of pigs flying is gonna take me over to his side.

It wasn’t all bad moments. The guys are sexy together and I love when a man starts discovering that he can be attracted to another man. The writing is solid and it kept me entertained and I might, I said might be interested in checking out book 2 but Logan, please don’t come to me with book 1 bullshit or else we can’t hang.

Tate I wish you would have found someone else to discover these feelings with because I feel like right now they aren’t your own. Your life has been thrown and your other half makes everything about sex.

LOGAN MITCHELL WE CANT FUCKING HANG!! Get your weak sauce out of here 😎
Displaying 1 - 30 of 3,423 reviews

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