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Giants and Dwarfs: Essays, 1960-1990

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A volume of wide-ranging essays deals with contemporary politics, modern thinkers, and today's universities, and examines works by Plato, Shakespeare, Swift, and Rousseau

400 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1990

About the author

Allan Bloom

39 books185 followers
Allan David Bloom was an American philosopher, essayist and academic. Bloom championed the idea of 'Great Books' education, as did his mentor Leo Strauss. Bloom became famous for his criticism of contemporary American higher education, with his views being expressed in his bestselling 1987 book, The Closing of the American Mind.

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Profile Image for Justin.
108 reviews42 followers
June 19, 2013
The controversy over Allan Bloom is somewhat curious. But at root, I think many were offended by the tone of his essays and his unremitting sarcasm.

Nussbaum argues that he is not a philosopher. And her comment feels pejorative. But I agree, I don't think Bloom was a philosopher. He was a brilliant academic who recognized genius (in particular Aristotle, Plato, Rosseau) and wanted our feeble minds to understand their greatness. He argues for a stripped-down reading of their work (free of modern philosophic baggage like historicism and fad philosophy -- I'm looking at you positivism). Instead, he argues, we must engage Machiavelli as if he were a contemporary, and answer those questions in earnest. And that means learning Italian, so get to it.

Bloom's assignment (he was a professor after all) is immersion in the great books by reading and understanding each and every word. He finds absolute truth in those works. We can truly understand human nature by studying Plato and engaging it as a contemporary work.

And now if you'll forgive me, I'm off to the library for a copy of Renaissance Italian for Dummies.

Profile Image for DoctorM.
836 reviews2 followers
July 9, 2011
I was never a fan of Bloom, but there are lovely essays here--- esp. the pieces on Leo Strauss, Raymond Aron, and Alexander Kojeve. Fine, fine writing and perceptive essays on three men whose work is very much worth reading.
Profile Image for Rutger.
20 reviews5 followers
August 19, 2012
Primarily interesting for those who want to know more of the eccentric creature Allan Bloom was. Interesting are his essays on Kojeve, Strauss, and Aron. And his praise of FDR as greatest American leader of the twentieth century.
Profile Image for Zuri.
28 reviews5 followers
August 13, 2015
Whether or not you agree with Bloom's ideas and interpretations of the great thinkers, you have to admit, he's a great writer.
253 reviews2 followers
July 30, 2024
Giants and Dwarfs: Essays, 1960-1990 – By Allan Bloom
French Translation
L'ouvrage contient un certain nombre d'essais sur la politique de l'époque. Bloom se révèle être un véritable penseur moderne lorsqu’il aborde certains aspects des universités d’aujourd’hui. Il ajoute à cela des discours sur divers sujets allant de Platon à Shakespeare en passant par Rousseau.
Les deux principaux partis guyaniens, le PPP/C et le PNC/R, ont été fondés en tant que partis communistes et ont divisé la Guyane sur la base de la race, entre Indo-Guyanais et Afro-Guyanais. Je n’aime ni l’un ni l’autre, tant qu’il y aura des rivalités raciales en Guyane, elles existeront. Vraisemblablement pour toujours. Je ne considère pas avoir une réelle loyauté envers la Guyane. C’est uniquement parce que je suis né ici, ce qui me fait réfléchir à tout ce qui se passe ici. Cependant, je ne suis pas fidèle. Fidèle à quoi?
Comme mon père est un Guyanais européen issu des anciens colons, j'ai une perspective différente qui s'intéresse beaucoup plus à l'Europe et qui me fait aimer certaines de leurs valeurs. Cependant, je suis toujours prêt à me battre. Le bellicisme est l’ambition des cruels, mais il nous est parfois demandé de recourir à la force. Je sais que j'ai des passions autocratiques grâce aux livres sur la guerre et l'empire, j'ai lu sur l'Europe. J'ai appris que parfois notre ambition peut nous pousser à faire le mal. Je suis silencieux mais je suis toujours prêt à me battre. Je ne me bats pas comme la populace dans la rue dans une bagarre ignoble, ce n’est pas pour les puissants. Il existe de nombreux moyens de faire la guerre et de contrôler un État.
English Translation
The work contains a number of essays on the politics of the period. Bloom shows himself to be a true modern thinker discussing aspects of today’s universities. He adds to this with discourses on various topics from Plato through Shakespeare to Rousseau.
Both of the major parties in Guyana PPP/C and PNC/R were founded as Communist parties and have divided Guyana based on race, between Indo-Guyanese and Afro-Guyanese. I do not like either of them, as long as racial rivalry exists in Guyana they will exist. Foreseeably forever. I do not consider myself to have any real loyalty to Guyana. It is only because I happen to be born here, which makes me consider any of the goings on here. However, I am not loyal. Loyal to what?
Since my father is European Guyanese from the old colonists, I have a different perspective one which has much more interest in Europe and which makes me like some of their values. However, I am always prepared to fight. Warmongering is the ambition of the cruel, but it is called upon us to sometimes use force. I know I have autocratic passions from books about war and empire, I read about Europe. I learnt that sometimes our ambition can propel us to do evil. I am quiet but am always ready to fight. I don’t fight like the rabble in the street in a mean brawl, that is not for the powerful. There are many means to wage war and many ways to control a state.
Profile Image for Will Spohn.
171 reviews3 followers
December 22, 2021
An amazing collection of essays. Bloom is both a very witty writer but also one who pierces straight through when need be. Every essay, even on works I had no read, contained insight which I think will point me forward. It is in this respect, as to where we must go, that Bloom seemed very concerned. We’re in a very bad spot, definitely worse than when he was still alive. What must be done and how one should live are pertinent question, and Bloom thought that the tradition answered those questions. I, for one, am convinced. But how to convince others is beyond me.
Profile Image for Ryan Young.
796 reviews10 followers
December 3, 2023
perhaps curmudgeonly, bloom deplores the state of liberal democracy and its universities. he seems particularly exercised by “radical egalitarianism,” and how nobody cares about all his favorite books (by plato, aristotle, hobbes, rousseau, and leo strauss). also he hates john rawls.
Profile Image for Max Lewy.
Author 19 books4 followers
April 6, 2018
Brilliant insightful analysis of contemporary culture.
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