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Once upon a time, there was a girl who stopped believing in fairy tales after her innocence was stolen.

Morgan Myers is tired. So damn tired. Most people either push her around or brush her off, and she's not putting up with it anymore. Determined to reclaim the life that had been stolen from her, she puts her trust in the last person she ever expected to: the notorious Scar. Morgan sees a side of him that few people seem to know--the man, not the myth. Lorenzo. And what she sees, she likes, a lot more than she thought she would.

But fairy tales aren't real, as life likes to remind her. Some dragons, you just can't slay, no matter how hard you fight them. And when hers comes back around, breathing fire, she's forced to face some unimaginable horrors. But lucky for Morgan, there's a white knight in combat boots out there that isn't afraid of monsters.

You see, it's impossible to be afraid of something you face every day in the mirror.

339 pages, Kindle Edition

First published February 6, 2017

About the author

J.M. Darhower

28 books8,105 followers

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Profile Image for ✦❋Arianna✦❋.
790 reviews2,601 followers
February 6, 2017

5 Stars!!

“Maybe we’re all crazy. Maybe the trick in life is just to find someone whose crazy plays well with your own.”

Once again, J.M. Darhower managed to amaze me with her talent! I don’t have enough words to tell you how much I loved this story. I absolutely loved every single aspect of it, 'Grievous' being without a doubt one of the best (in every way) conclusion I’ve read so far. Lorenzo and Morgan ‘Scarlet' ’s story was amazingly written, so addictive and original, so…perfect. If you read and loved 'Menace' , the first installment in the series, I guarantee you will love this second installment even more. It was that good!

“She wants the fairy tale with the happy ending. All I have are bullet holes in a house with no soul.”

Morgan desperately tries to reclaim the life that had been stolen from her. She wants to find HER. She NEEDS to find HER. She knows how lucky she is that a powerful man like Lorenzo wants to help her. And Lorenzo? He’s ready to do anything for this woman who makes him…FEEL so much and he will do ANYTHING to help her find HER. He tries to fix...things for Morgan, he tries to make everything better, Morgan realizing that Lorenzo is far from being the monster everyone thinks he is.

"My wicked little belladonna, beautiful, deadly, so tempting to keep tasting but so goddman toxic every touch is just too much."

I f@cking loved this story! Every aspect of the story was more than well done…everything was flawless. J.M. Darhower managed AGAIN to blow my mind! As I mentioned, this second installment was gripping, but what I didn’t tell you is that it was even more gripping than the first. The multitude of twists and turns, the way that the action was perfectly blended with the suspense and steam made this book for me to be the perfect conclusion. Everything I mentioned above held me at the edge of my seat and every single dark and gritty aspect of the story made me devour this story like no other.

“Whatever this is I’m feeling, I want it to stop. I want it to go away. I want to stop fucking seeing her every time I blink. I want to stop fucking thinking about her every time I pause to take a deep breath. She’s like an infection that’s settling into my chest. I would rip out my own organs if I thought it might purge her from my system.”

Lorenzo was simply amazing in this second installment! The perfect anti-hero. I loved everything about him – his “colorful” personality, his thoughtfulness and consideration, his compassion, the SIMPLE way he cared…EVERY. SINGLE. THING. I love a “good” anti-hero and Lorenzo was more than perfect – dangerous, f@cked up in the head, yet so very unique, appealing and intriguing. He blew me the f@cking away and I simply loved it! Needless to say, his portrayal was simply stellar in my opinion and once again, I found his crazy antics to be entertaining as hell.

Morgan was as fantastic as she was in the first installment in the series. Strong, courageous, fearless, she was the perfect match for our anti-hero. As I mentioned in my review for 'Menace' , Morgan was my favorite heroine this author has written so far – the way she loved, the way she cared were great and I loved how she accepted and…more than accepted Lorenzo just the way he is.

“The woman’s touch is witchcraft. It’s a sin to give in, but seeing as sinning is my specialty, I let her dark magic consume me, because what do I have to lose?”

Lorenzo and Morgan’s relationship was once again entertaining. I don’t want to give too much away about how their relationship unfolded here, but if you loved their dynamic in the previous installment, you will love them here as well.

The ending was so very satisfying and the epilogue – simply perfect.

Overall, this was an amazing conclusion to these characters’ story and I highly recommend if you are looking for a dark, gritty, captivating tale with a strong heroine and a fascinating anti-hero.

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Profile Image for Hulya Kara Yuksel.
1,023 reviews1,253 followers
May 22, 2018
22nd May,2018
So far I read this book 3 times and still it's so freaking good. I'll never get tired of this crazy man! <3

“For the first time in a long time, I feel this strange twinge inside of me. It’s hard to describe. It’s a tightening in my chest. It’s a tingling in my fingertips. It feels as if my lungs are trembling, like the weak punk bitches are trying to stop functioning.
The woman has got me all fucked up here, flipped upside down and inside out.
It’s like the striking of a match.
All it needs is that spark.”

If you know me a little by now then you would know that I’m a huge fan of all J.M.Darhower books but especially I’m a huge fan of Ignazio Vitale which he is an another character from another great series of JMD... :) When I first read Monster In His Eyes series, I thought nobody can’t beat him and he'll be my all time No1, until I get to know Lorenzo very closely...

Lorenzo is not a good man or he is not the kindest person you have ever met but when he shows that he cares about you, when you catch that sweet moments with him.... With just a simple word or just a touch to your hand... He just makes your heart roar for him and now here I am, my mind is so messed up and I’m trying to hold myself so hard not to lose my shit because I’d never, ever thought that I’d say this but Lorenzo Oliver Gambini just stole that first place from Ignazio because this menacing crazy asshole turned my world upside down. :)

I love everything about this man. I love his stupid jokes, his obsession about Star Wars movies or his addiction for oranges or his I don't give a fuck anything in this world attitude... Well until Scarlet (Morgan) came along... That woman ruined him and she became his new addiction. :) Beside Lorenzo, I really, really loved Morgan too. She is the most badass heroine I have ever read. She is fearless and strong just like Lorenzo and they're perfect for each other... <3

My God, I could talk on and on about this series... Ahhh I just love him so much and I hope JMD will write another book for him (well or maybe 10 more books will be fine for me…) because I just can’t get enough this guy… :)

Lorenzo, you own me body & soul and I have no idea how am I gonna carry on living without you. But I think just for a while I’ll live in a bubble with you because I'm still not ready to say goodbye to you. Ahh you crazy asshole, I'll love you forever... <3

“Whenever I close my eyes, I see her. Scarlet. I see her smiling. I see her crying. I hear her laughter flowing through me, sending chills down my spine. The sound of her moaning creeps through my bloodstream, the face she makes in the throes of passion the pulse that spurs it on. Whatever this is I’m feeling, I want it to stop. I want it to go away. I want to stop fucking seeing her every time I blink. I want to stop fucking thinking about her every time I pause to take a deep breath. She’s like an infection that’s settling into my chest. I would rip out my own organs if I thought it might purge her from my system.”

“My wicked little belladonna, beautiful, deadly, so tempting to keep tasting but so goddamn toxic every touch is just too much.”

“Love is a terrible excuse. It’s dangerous to lose yourself in someone else.”


“Maybe love made you kiss all messy. Maybe love made you hungry for faces.”

“You speak Italian?” I ask.
“Some,” he says, leaning down like he’s going to kiss me, but instead he runs his nose along my jawline. “Why? You want me to talk dirty to you?”
“I, uh...” He’s got me flustered as he grabs my hip, pulling me even closer. I shiver, feeling his warm breath on my skin. It’s like he’s breathing me in. “Well, I didn’t, but I kind of do now.”
He laughs. “Let’s go upstairs, and I’ll teach you all the dirty words you want.”
I hum, tilting my head as his lips trace along my cheek. “All of them?”
His breath is against my ear as he whispers, “Every single one.”

"He’s got a heart in his chest.
I see it when I look him in the eyes. I see the agony he feels. He’s tortured, twisted, all tied up in knots. He’s busy beating himself up inside. But most people don’t see that, because they don’t look at him. They turn away from the surface, terrified, because what he shows the world can be downright fucking scary. But if they just took a second to really see him, they’d know what I know.
They’d believe what I believe.
And what I believe is this man is far from being a monster."

“You’re so goddamn beautiful.”
Her eyes open, and she looks down at me, leaning closer, her voice shaky as she says, “It’s been so long since somebody said that and I actually felt it.”

“You want the fairy tale,” he continues. “You want the happy ending. You want the little boy to be a fucking bird so he can fly away and make everything okay, but I can’t do it. I’ve told you that. It’s not me.”
“I know.”
“So why the fuck are you here?”
“Because I love you anyway.”

“What do you want, Morgan?” he asks after a moment, his voice low. “Just... tell me what you want from me. I can’t stand here and do this with you.”
“You named me,” I say. That’s not the first time I’ve heard him call me by my real name. Morgan. “You only name what you keep, remember?”

“You’re an asshole,” she grumbles, lying down beside me, close enough to touch but we’re not touching. She feels miles away right now, coldness settling in that space between us.
“Yeah, well, at least you know...”
“Yeah, and it’s a pity, really, because I found myself starting to give a fuck about you.”
She says nothing else.
I don’t say anything, either.
We lay there in silence.
For once, I don’t prefer it.
I want her to say something else, anything else, just to erase those words now assaulting my mind.
I found myself starting to give a fuck about you.
I don’t like it, not at all, because as she says those words, I come to realize, in the moment, that feeling might be mutual.”

"I want you gone,” he says. “I want you out of my life. Out of my system. I don’t want to spend another goddamn second thinking about you, wondering about you, worrying about you. I don’t want to look at you, don’t want to see you or smell you or taste you or hear you. I don’t want this. Do you get that? I don’t want any of this. It’s driving me fucking insane. I can’t sleep. I can’t eat. I can’t think. I hate this, whatever this is... whatever this bullshit is that I’m feeling because of you. Make it go away.”
Profile Image for Val ⚓️ Shameless Handmaiden ⚓️.
1,963 reviews33.8k followers
October 9, 2019
3 Stars

This was a super solid read.

JMD writes good mafia, that’s indisputable; however something kept me from loving this...or just full on “really liking this” per the classic 4-star GR definition. And I have no idea what that something is. Cause it was solid. And I loved Lorenzo. So much.

So it’s probably just me being a nit picky asshole unsure of exactly which nit to pick. So I’m just gonna say I read this wrong and call it a day.
*baffled shrug*
Profile Image for Lana ❇✾DG Romance❇✾.
2,178 reviews13.4k followers
February 7, 2017

She wants the fairy tale with the happy ending. All I have are bullet holes in a house with no soul.

I'll be the first to admit that I'm not a fan of duets or trilogies. It always starts out great and then fizzles out for me at the end. That's why I'm so blown away right now after finishing this book? Because this was quite possibly the best conclusion that I have ever read. Period. It couldn't have had a better ending. Talk about going out with a bang. DAMN. I'm still calming my tits over here.
Maybe we’re all crazy. Maybe the trick in life is just to find someone whose crazy plays well with your own.

Everything only got better with book two; Morgan being one of them. As much as I liked her in book one, she was even better here. She's this amazing combination of strength and vulnerability, tough as nails personality with a splash of pain. She was absolute perfection. If only every heroine I read was more like this woman. She totally had me under her spell.

All the puzzle pieces begin to click in place with Grievous, and when that puzzle starts to finally come together? Mind. Blowing. Filled with twists and turns, action and steam, I couldn't have asked for a better conclusion to a story that hooked me from the beginning.

As for Lorenzo? Mother. Of. God. THIS MAN.
Whatever this is I’m feeling, I want it to stop. I want it to go away. I want to stop fucking seeing her every time I blink. I want to stop fucking thinking about her every time I pause to take a deep breath. She’s like an infection that’s settling into my chest. I would rip out my own organs if I thought it might purge her from my system.

He's a violent, messed up, crazed mad man, and I loved his so muh muh much. I'm talking slightly questioning my own sanity over how much I loved him. The man has loose marbles rolling around in his head. He's not all there, get me? He's downright certifiable at times, and yet he's one of the most endearing anti-heroes I've read in a long while.
The woman’s touch is witchcraft. It’s a sin to give in, but seeing as sinning is my specialty, I let her dark magic consume me, because what do I have to lose?

Grievous was a high-octane, dark and violent ride that was filled with twists and turns and enough heat to set your kindle on fire. It was danger and lust, violence and love. It. Was. Everything.
The woman has got me all fucked up here, flipped upside down and inside out. It’s like the striking of a match. All it needs is that spark.

If you had any doubt about the raw talent that is JM Darhower before, this book will make a believer out of you. Trust me. It's an absolute must read!

ARC courtesy of author in exchange for an honest review

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Profile Image for TheCrazyWorldOfABookLover.
362 reviews914 followers
February 7, 2017
NOW LIVE!!!!! http://amzn.to/2kvk7IV


If I thought I loved Lorenzo while reading Menace, nothing, and I MEAN NOTHING, could have prepared me for what I felt for him while reading this.

There really isn't much I can say about Grievous without revealing major plot points from book 1 or spoiling everything from this book. But I can say Grievous picks up right where Menace leaves off.

I can say this book is filled with action, revenge, crazy twists and turns, and some scenes that were so emotional there was no way I wasn't going to wind up sobbing on the floor like a child.

I can say Lorenzo is SO much more than he first appears. He's emotional and thoughtful and passionate and even though he sometimes can't find the right words to say, he's perfect just the way he is.

"Whenever I close my eyes, I see her. Scarlet.
I see her smiling. I see her crying. I hear her laughter flowing through me, sending chills down my spine. The sound of her moaning creeps through my bloodstream, the face she makes in the throes of passion, the pulse that spurs it on. Whatever it is I'm feeling, I want it to stop. I want it to go away. I want to stop fucking seeing her every time I blink. I want to stop fucking thinking about her every time I pause to take a deep breath. She's like an infection that's settling into my chest. I would rip out my own organs if I thought it might purge her from my system."

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I can say Scarlet is hands down one of my all time favorite heroines.

And I can also say the ending was SO GODDAMN PERFECT I went back and read it 3 times.

For the love of everything good and holy, please tell me there will be more from them. Please JM? I'll even buy you a Buster of your own. I need to read about them for the rest of time. I don't want their story to end!!!!! I absolutely loved this story from start to finish.

"My wicked little belladonna, beautiful, deadly, so tempting to keep tasting but so goddman toxic every touch is just too much."

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This was the perfect mix of dark and sexy and surprisingly romantic. JM just has this way of storytelling that grabs you and doesn't let go. She also creates the most unique characters you can't help but love even though you know you shouldn't. This woman never disappoints. I am itching and anxiously waiting for whatever comes next for her! She will forever be one of my top favorite authors.

Grievous is out February 6th! | http://amzn.to/2kvk7IV

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Profile Image for ✰ Liz ✰ .
1,374 reviews1,343 followers
February 28, 2017
"I've got you."

J.M. Darhower has done it again! Grievous is the second book in the Scarlet Scars series, and it is flawless. With strong characters, an intense plot, passion, and non-stop action, my emotions were on overdrive the entire read.

"Stupid little suka, you will always be mine."
Grievous picks up directly after Menace. Lorenzo and Scarlet have been thrown together in the midst of a tornado. Scarlet is desperate to get back what she has lost, and although Lorenzo is a cold hearted man full of raw fury, he has fallen hard for Scarlet. He will stop at nothing to keep her safe and help her get her life back.

"It's a sin to give in, but seeing as sinning is my specialty, I let her dark magic consume me, because what do I have to lose?"
Scarlet is in danger. Even with Lorenzo by her side, her life is at stake. As Lorenzo and Scarlet grow closer together, both passion and tenderness grow between them, and Lorenzo begins to feel emotions in a way that he has never experienced before. When danger threatens to tear them apart, Scarlet and Lorenzo will burn the world down to survive.

"He fucks me. There's no other way to describe it. This way, that way, upside down, inside out, he fucks me until my muscles quake and my body aches, my senses all jumbled."
Told in dual POV, I enjoyed every single solitary moment of Grievous. The main characters are complex, and together they make quite a unique pair. I adored the raw intensity of Lorenzo, and Scarlet was full of spunk. Both of them are driven to protect the ones they love, and when they fall in love with each other, it is as if they have been reborn into a new world that they can only discover together. The secondary characters enhanced the story greatly and helped drive the plot by adding humor, wit, and intrigue. J.M. has always written strong heroes that I quickly fall in love with and yet, I found this series to be even more notable due to the strength of the heroine. Together, Scarlet and Lorenzo are unforgettable. The passion is raw as Lorenzo, and Scarlet pursue each other on every level completely.


I highly recommend Grievous to any mafia romance fan. Lorenzo is a damaged hero who will stop at nothing to protect what is his. Scarlet is his, and their story is one that I will never forget.

***Scarlet Scars Series***
Menace (Scarlet Scars, #1) by J.M. DarhowerGrievous (Scarlet Scars, #2) by J.M. Darhower

*ARC graciously provided via author in exchange for an honest review!

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Profile Image for  Sonya ♕Chatterbooks book blog♕.
1,000 reviews1,164 followers
February 6, 2017
⭐⭐⭐ 4.25 STARS ⭐⭐⭐⭐

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���You can call me sir if it gives you the tingles. Otherwise let’s just stick with Gambini.

This is why I love J.M Darhower. Her ability to reel you in and leave you tethering on the edge of your seat while throwing back shots like it’s going out of style because there’s no way you’re getting through this story sober.

This is why I love bad ass alphas. They’re take no prisoners attitude and knowing one way or another, these guys are gonna sh*t done. They’re lawless, fearless, and ruthless in all aspects of their dealings and if you think you can change them, you’ve obviously been smoking some really good stuff because that’s not happening.

This is why I read. That euphoric feeling you get when you know without a shadow of a doubt, you’re going to be taken on an EFFED up journey that’s going to obliterate your comfort zone. Your adrenaline goes up, your nerves has gone haywire, and that little voice inside your head that’s telling you don’t continue, you ignore the hell out of that chick! Why? Because whether we want to admit or not, we’re all a little crazy and I LOVE crazy.

Being a man of his word, Lorenzo is a man on a mission to get Morgan’s daughter back. Not willing to risk their safety any further, he takes extreme measures in ensuring his family is protected for the time being. But there’s always a loop hole in everything and Lorenzo is about to find out that he’s not untouchable and his family isn’t really all that safe.

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Morgan has been missing a piece of herself for the past year without having her little girl around. She’s worried, scared and most of all angry because she knows that time is running out in trying to get her back. There’s this saying that monsters aren’t real. But for Morgan, that’s not the case. Especially when the monster himself turns out to be the father of your child and the nightmares you can never seem to escape in your dreams.

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“Even the happiest homes aren’t always happy.

Tired of being a sitting duck, Morgan and Lorenzo try to figure out the best way in getting her daughter back home safely. Now you know what happens when you plan something right? It goes straight to hell. But when your name is Lorenzo Gambini, you do whatever the hell you want regardless and never ask questions later. Now Morgan is in some real trouble of her own and the entire NY state is about to feel his wrath. When you mess with something that he calls his own, you’re just asking for a closed casket.

How far will Lorenzo go in protecting Morgan?

This story was packed with so much secrets and betrayal, I was preparing myself to start tallying up the body counts!!. Then if that wasn’t enough, there were some characters that I was dying to sprinkle holy water on because they were crazy as hell.

This was the perfect finale to “Menace” and I’m quite sad to say goodbye to Morgan and Lorenzo. These two went through hell, took a detour, and circled back around to hell. Lorenzo wasn’t a man of many words but his actions put any syllable to shame. He would set the whole city on fire if you ever crossed him, but for family? I pity your soul because your body will be f*cked. If you haven’t read this series yet, don’t talk to me until you do!

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Profile Image for Saswati.
489 reviews339 followers
January 13, 2021
Menace - 4 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Grievous - 4 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
My heart races, skin tingling when his gaze meets mine. He’s teetering on a brink. I pity whoever might cross this man if he ever truly lets the coldness consume him. He’s clinging to a life raft right now. The moment he says fuck it and lets go, everyone’s going to drown in the waves he creates because he’s not going down alone.
Should that scare me? Probably.
Does it? Nope.

A morally-fucked hero who will do anything for his lady? Yes, please 😌
Lorenzo was every bit an anti-hero ♥ He's a 'shoot first, talk later' kind of guy with a sense of humour like I've never seen before 😂

She wants the fairy tale with the happy ending. All I have are bullet holes in a house with no soul.

Like I said in my review for Menace, Morgan (or Scarlet) is a very strong and fiesty heroine, and the horrors she had to endure failed to break her. I have immense love for a woman who can give as good as she gets!
It's very rare for me to love both the MCs equally, but this series totally delivered 😍

Maybe we’re all crazy. Maybe the trick in life is just to find someone whose crazy plays well with your own.

Grievous is much more fast-paced and action-packed than Menace, and I loved it!

If you are looking for a mafia/mobster romance with a dash of suspense, totally lovable MCs, great banter as well as smut, definitely pick up this duet
Profile Image for Bibi.
1,287 reviews64 followers
April 30, 2021
I'm glad I gave this series a second chance.
Profile Image for Amy | Foxy Blogs.
1,681 reviews1,035 followers
January 12, 2022
I need a moment to catch my breath. GRIEVOUS was everything I had hoped for and more. I've been anxiously waiting for this second part knowing that Ms. Darhower was going to blow this out of the water. I never doubt her abilities to write the best dark books out there.

If you're wondering what kind of work our anti-hero, Lorenzo, does he has summed it up for us:
"We bribe a bunch of motherf*ckers to look the other way as we funnel the good sh*t in from Cuba. I deal with our connections and handle the money. Three distributes the inventory, while Seven makes sure I keep my head on straight through it all. Eye on the prize. The rest of the guys, well, they mostly do the brunt work, and it pays pretty damn good, so they don’t complain."

Morgan's 'job' is just surviving and staying out of trouble while Lorenzo tries to solve her situation. The thing is Morgan does what Morgan wants. She's survived a long time on her own so she's not just going to start taking orders from anyone.

"And I thought I told you to stay out of trouble. I even asked nicely." ~Lorenzo
"Yeah, well, the trouble with trouble is that it doesn’t always look like trouble, Lorenzo." ~Morgan
'This was very obviously trouble, woman." ~Lorenzo

I love that Morgan never shied away from Lorenzo. At times Lorenzo was unpredictable and claimed to be allergic to feelings but that never stopped Morgan from continuing to keep him on his toes.

Holy moly, the twist in this book had my jaw on the floor. I wish I could say more about it but you’ll see when you read the book. Just be ready to say - WTF.

I got all choked up reading the ENDING because it was so EPIC. It squeezed at my heart and made my eyes feel watery.

I love this dark, sexy and at times a funny read. An intense and emotional read that will you leave flipping pages as fast as you can to see how it all ends.


RELEASE DATE: February 6, 2017

Grievous is a 2-part series set in New York. Menace is the beginning of Lorenzo & Morgan's story and Grievous is the conclusion.

**Complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.**

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September 30, 2022
“The trouble with trouble is that it doesn’t always look like trouble!”

The following ratings are out of 5:
Narration: 🎙🎙🎙🎙
Romance: 💚🖤💙❤️💜
Heat/Steam: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Story/Plot: 📕📗📙📘📔
World building: 🌏🌍🌎🌏🌍
Character development: 😌😎🙃😮🤐

The heroine: Morgan (a.k.a. Scarlet) - at the end of Menace we found out the truth of her past with Cassian Aristoff, the Russian mob boss.

The Hero(es): Lorenzo Gambini (a.k.a. Scar) - Lorenzo Gambini is over the top hilarious. He is a killer and a sociopath with absolutely no fear and says the most hysterical things in such a deadpan manner.

The Story: Lorenzo and Morgan are now a ‘thing’ though it hasn’t been defined exactly what they are. Morgan is still terrified and terrorized by Cassian Aristoff and Lorenzo wants to get him off her back once and for all, though it is a delicate situation since Cassian has a hostage and killing him might mean never finding her.

Like the first book this one was told in dual points of view with dual narration. Narrated by Kasha Kensington and Iggy Toma who both do a great job and have pleasant voices that are easy to listen to. This book is as good as or better than the first. Lorenzo is sexy, dangerous and hilarious AF. He is a lovable sociopath for certain. Every other review I read mentions how much the readers love Lorenzo. You just have to love all his little quirks and quips.

“There’s no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, Pretty Boy. Life isn’t magically delicious. The consequences of breaking a mirror is that your goddamn mirror is now broken.”

“If you’re measuring, fellas, to see which of you has the biggest cock,” I say, “I can end this easily by telling you it’s neither one of you jackasses, because nobody has a bigger cock than I do, so sit the fuck down before I’m forced to whip it out.”

“Whoa buddy!” I say, letting out a laugh as the detective scrambles to pull himself together. His pants are down around his ankles, damn near tripping him, his awkwardly hairy ass on display. “Might wanna shave that shit, Sasquatch.”

“Long story,” I lie. It’s sort of a simple one—my closest guy betrayed us, turning into a bigger rat than Peter Pettigrew in Harry Potter. Yeah, whatever... you’re wondering how I know who that is, huh? Truth is, my brother’s got a nerdy side. He read the books as a kid, wouldn’t shut up about it.

“Just one night of that sleep would probably cure me of every problem I have. I’d wake up the next morning feeling like Mr. Rogers, welcoming motherfuckers to my neighborhood.”

One other reason I like Lorenzo is because he is human. He was beaten with a shovel when he was younger and has a scar across his face and is blind in one eye. He suffers from insomnia and migraines. He needs Scarlet despite not wanting to admit it. He is also very nice to her and does nice things for her.

Profile Image for NMmomof4.
1,651 reviews4,582 followers
February 13, 2017
3.5 Stars

**Please note that I had a crazy packed weekend away from my books/iPad right after finishing this. Please forgive me if I miss any details or get anything wrong, as I seem to do best if I write my reviews right away (which didn't happen here) **

Overall Opinion: This was a cute conclusion to the duet. I liked it, but not quite as much as the first. I really wanted some more HEA moments! Maybe another (and further) jump ahead epilogue?!? I loved, loved, loved the H's interactions with the kid in the story -- so more of that would've been awesome! It was definitely a lot of suspenseful moments in this one, and while it kept my attention -- I wanted more of the romance for my greedy self ;)

Brief Summary of the Storyline: I'm going to keep this extremely brief because I don't want to ruin it. This is Morgan and Lorenzo's story. It takes off where the first book ends, where Lorenzo has decided that he is going to try to help Morgan out. There is a lot of suspenseful moments, some sexy times, and some laugh out moments...but they do get a HFN ending.

POV: This alternated between Morgan and Lorenzo's POV.

Overall Pace of Story: Good. I never skimmed and I thought it flowed well.

Instalove: No, but they already had developed feelings when this started (maybe not love yet).

H rating: 5 stars. Lorenzo. I LOVED this crazy man and especially his interactions with the h's daughter!! Too cute.

h rating: 4.5 stars. Morgan. I liked her a lot. I liked her strength and how she loved both Lorenzo and her daughter.

Sadness level: Low, no tissues needed

Push/Pull: Not really.

Heat level: Hot. They have some hot tension, chemistry, and scenes -- but not so much it takes away from the story.

Descriptive sex: Yes

Safe sex: Yes

OW/OM drama: Yes

Sex scene with OW or OM: No

Cheating: Not IMO

Separation: Yes

Possible Triggers: Yes

Closure: This had ok closure with what I would call a HFN ending.

How I got it: This was part of my kindle unlimited subscription.

Safety: This one should be Safe with exception for most readers.
Profile Image for The Girl Murdered by Her TBR.
425 reviews931 followers
October 11, 2021
Flat out 5 stars y'all...

This is my half-assed thoughts because I'm a lazy bish review

This is so perfect and I'm not ready to say goodbye to our favorite orange obsessed badass mafia man.

Okay where to start? Oh probably by declaring my undying love and devotion for Lorenzo-I'm-allergic-to-feelings-Gambino . He was still very much himself in this book—meaning he was still funny af, he still gives ridiculous nicknames to everyone and anything, he's still very much obsessed with his oranges—and that is everything I could've ask for.

The plot was not hard to get into unlike the first because this was already the continuation. The 2nd part was more complicated and suspenseful because the secret has been spilled on the last part of book one. In this we deal with Lorenzo & Morgan's catching feelings with each other —which unsurprisingly they did a lot of denying. This was the part where they decide to go hard or go home. I adore them both, Morgan being tough, hard, unbreakable and of course how fierce and passionate she is to her loved one. For Lorenzo, well he is Lorenzo I really don't need to say anything else.

I'll keep the next paragraph hidden because it contains minor spoilers

Nonetheless this was still perfect. Loved it very much. I would like to thank JM Darhower for creating our Orange-loving mafia man.
Profile Image for Leigh.
1,316 reviews301 followers
May 10, 2022
Reread September 2021

Oh Lorenzo, be still my heart. I have loved my visit once again with Lorenzo and Morgan. As I've said before I wanted a little more. Maybe a jump into the future with a glance at what these two are up too. Yes I'm that greedy when it comes to them.

Reread February 2020

Reread April 2018

Still a 5 star read for me. Lorenzo and Morgan will always be a favorite couple of mine and after my reread all I thought was I want more.

Original Review February 2017

Grievous is the continuation of Lorenzo and Morgan's story and it was excellent. I loved every part of this story, it made me cry and it made me smile. Morgan is definitely one of my favorite h's and is one that I will always remember. Many may sit in judgement of her because yes she has used her body in the past, but when something is taken from you that means the world morals be damned you will do whatever it takes to get it back. There was so much strength in Morgan but also such vulnerability that makes you realize this young girl has been through so much. Now on to the yummy yet psychotic Lorenzo, he is by far my favorite crazy anti hero. Yes he is still his crazy ass self but there is definitely a change in him since Morgan came into his life. No he didn't change into some sappy romance hero he is still rude, crude and you still have to question whether or not he is going to shoot you. But when it comes to Morgan his actions speak so loudly about how much he has grown to love her. So in the end it wasn't hearts and rainbows that stole my heart it was chocolate chip pancakes.
Profile Image for Jacqueline's Reads.
2,950 reviews1,523 followers
March 27, 2017
3.5 Stars

I wasn't a huge fan of Menace. I gave it three stars and so you are probably wondering why I would read the second book? Well it's a single parent book duh!

The book started out good. It has been some months since I read the first one and so I went into this one with a fresh outlook and open mind.

I liked the beginning and I liked the relationship between the Heroine and Hero.

I just found some parts dragging. It's been two weeks since I read a decent book so I'm kind of in a moody reading mood but I did try with this one. I actually liked it slightly better than the first.

I think it's because I understand her more. I didn't like her so much in the first book but NOW I get it.

If the middle part didn't drag so much I would have enjoyed it more but overall the book was okay. I found the little girl cute. I found the villain really mean and at times hard to stomach and I found the hero growing on me. Just a tad bit. I know he's no hearts and flowers kind of guy but could he gave a little heart? Just a tiny bit.

I still love the author and I will always read her books but this series wasn't my top fav and that's okay.
Profile Image for Jeanne .
306 reviews
February 10, 2017

5 "I love this dangerous, menacing asshole" stars!

Holy crap that was good! I think this is my favorite J.M Darhower book. Loved! I can just feel the book hangover starting and I just finished 5 minutes ago.
Profile Image for SusanAhh.
486 reviews122 followers
August 13, 2018
“They say the eyes are the windows to the soul. Is it really any wonder why mine are fucked up?” – Lorenzo

“I see it when I look him in the eyes. I see the agony he feels. He’s tortured, twisted, all tied up in knots. He’s busy beating himself up inside. But most people don’t see that, because they don’t look at him. They turn away from the surface, terrified, because what he shows the world can be downright fucking scary. But if they just took a second to really see him, they’d know what I know. They’d believe what I believe. And what I believe is this man is far from being a monster. I’ve lived with monsters. I know them.” – Scarlet

There has been an unforeseen and unavoidable delay for me between the time I finished this amazing second book in the “Scarlet Scars” series. Interestingly enough, for me the characters of the book were with me in my mind and daydreams fairly regularly especially the unique hero, Lorenzo (Scar).

I am astounded at the skill of Ms. Darhower in writing a book, actually a series, wherein the hero isn’t the least interested in romancing his love…if he even would acknowledge that he can or does feel such an emotion. Yet…the reader feels his heart…feels his love…feels his passion for his only love, Scarlet. Extraordinary really!!!

In this second book the foreboding “Scar” the alleged psychopathic killer is more Lorenzo the man with vulnerabilities beginning to show through his armor. When he uttered the phrase, “Vedere il mio cazzo tra quelle belle labbra è una fantasia che mi ha perseguitato dal momento in cui ci siamo incontrati.” and I translated it into English, I felt that gentle flip in my heart one gets when you see or read something that moves you to feel desire…your secret crush…a beautiful explicit love scene on film…a passage written by this author.

Lorenzo now knows more of the mysteries of Scarlet. Her little girl, Sasha, was taken from her from the Russian mobster, Kassian (Sasha’s father). Kassian is a cruel man obsessed with Scarlet. He abused her before she reached the age of consent and ever since he found her as a homeless adolescent wandering the streets of New York. She had managed to escape him with their daughter. Later, the mobster stole the little girl from Scarlet hoping she would return to him for Sasha’s sake. Lorenzo…for whatever reason he tells himself…wants to rescue and return the little girl to Scarlet and take down yet another mob boss. He wishes to make the world safer for both of them. His efforts, however, result in the capture of Scarlet by the Russian. Lorenzo is now focused on rescuing both his Scarlet and her daughter, Sasha.

Scarlet must once again endure a dark night of the soul in her captivity. She is a marvelously strong woman who holds on the promise of one day seeing her little sunshine again through misery, pain and terror. Scarlet is the perfect heroine for Lorenzo. She is intuitively wise which to my way of thinking beats straight intelligence hands down always. She has kept her love alive in her heart through all that she suffered and she has suffered and lost quite a lot in her young life. She is not overly needy though she does want and need Lorenzo in her life. She does not profess to understand him completely, but she has a good grasp on the basics of his unique way of being. She sees Lorenzo’s heart of gold as sure as he tries to hide it. For his part, Lorenzo is treading lightly as all of this "weirdness" is new territory.

The story is flawlessly told in three first person point of views. The little girl Sasha’s voicing of her experiences ratcheted up the emotional impact and the suspense to multi-fold level. Each character’s voice or POV presented after the other was authentic…drove the plot progression without creating inconsistencies or plot holes. There are some suspenseful and accelerated action scenes that can be extremely difficult to write. They are written flawlessly. These had me on the edge of my seat. When a book reads so fluidly, we sometimes forget as readers the talent and skill behind the writing that gives us such pleasure.

Beyond the hotness…whoa the hotness!!! And beyond the character development and superb action writing, there are some wonderful allusions and allegory that all great writers include in their work to touch our soul and keep our minds engaged. I noticed this quality in this author’s writing from the very first book of hers that I read. Wonderful gems scattered throughout the narrative. Her word choice is also spot on for description, mood setting and general readability.
I would encourage any lover of the darker romance and romantic suspense with the added flavor of the shadowy world of organized crime…you know…those dark, frightening, number one with a gun, super intense, the world is mine, alpha male heroes who live by their own moral compass that doesn't quite point true north….TO READ THIS SERIES!!!

“I love this dangerous, menacing asshole. I can very easily stand on my own two feet, but the thought of losing him makes my knees go weak. The thought of not having him around makes my chest ache. I can breathe without him. I don’t need him. He’ll never complete me, because I’m already complete. But yet so much of me is now tangled up with so much of him that the thought of living the rest of my life without him around makes me feel cold inside, like he gives me my warmth.” - Scarlet

February 12, 2017
4* scarlet heart STARS!!



Long version:
Menace really left me hanging with WTF will happened next. When Morgan Myers was desperate, Lorenzo Gambini decided to step into her life. Lorenzo claimed he's not a white knight but he will do anything to help her. He's no fairy tale for her, but he will give her the happy ending she deserved.

They have a complicated chemistry, but definitely not love. They're just enjoying each other company for now. Big surprise for Lorenzo who can't deal with people for a long time. Believe me, I really loved how they spend time together. Unusual yet enticing. Lorenzo always managed to surprise me. Of course their sexual tension was off chart as always. Dayum!
“You speak Italian?”
“Some... Why? You want me to talk dirty to you?”
“Well, I didn’t, but I kind of do now.”
“Let’s go upstairs, and I’ll teach you all the dirty words you want.”
“All of them?”
“Every single one.”

“Vedere il mio cazzo tra quelle belle labbra è una fantasia che mi ha perseguitato dal momento in cui ci siamo incontrati.”

My only issue was their mundane activities. So much unnecessary things that I hardly remember. However, I really appreciate how Lorenzo started to show the way he cares for Morgan. He isn't a man with words, but the way he act proved another thing. My favorite moment is when Morgan and Lorenzo 'strolled' around like they're dating for real. Almost like a normal couple. Very swoon-worthy.
I found myself starting to give a fuck about you.
I don’t like it, not at all, because as she says those words, I come to realize, in the moment, that feeling might be mutual.

Longing and despair makes someone did something stupid. Yes, sometimes Morgan frustrated me with her unpredictable moves. Trouble seems to follow her everywhere. As always, Lorenzo saved her ass. However, Lorenzo's progress to 'help' her was really late. IMO, he lost his aggressiveness & sadism because he overthink everything. When the time came... BAM! I just couldn't put this down until I reached the end. The suspense was killing me and keep me on my toes.

HEA is over-rated. There is no sappy romance between them. Lorenzo is still Lorenzo. A complicated man who didn't know how to show affection. Love is like an alien. Unknown and couldn't be solved like a missing puzzle. But Morgan slowly approached to him; bewitched him. She never bullshit him and that's why they comfortable with each other. Overall, I'm not really satisfied with the ending but it should be enough for now. Sigh.
“You want the fairy tale,” he continues. “You want the happy ending. You want the little boy to be a fucking bird so he can fly away and make everything okay, but I can’t do it. I’ve told you that. It’s not me.”
“I know.”
“So why the fuck are you here?”
“Because I love you anyway.”
“I love this dangerous, menacing asshole.”
Profile Image for Jess-i-ca .
796 reviews777 followers
February 7, 2017
5 - Buster the Badass Bunny - Stars

Lorenzo is the perfect anti-hero....I absolutely love his personality.
“Why all the fucking staring? Do I got something on my face?” Ha-ha. Fuck you.

And Lorenzo and Morgan/Scarlet together....Let me just say....
"I found myself starting to give a fuck about you."
I don’t like it, not at all, because as she says those words, I come to realize, in the moment, that feeling might be mutual.

 photo what-boom_zps5b5cf77e.gif

If you read book 1, then you know when we last finished there was some major drama and Lorenzo and Morgan are in the middle of it. Kassian is a big ole POS and won't give up on finding Morgan.

hate photo tumblr_m4gmuoJZl61qdoqnm_zps004263c9.gif

He does not understand

never back together photo 67248-get-back-to-twerk-gif-YP6f_zps8d1f2a77.gif

Then we get to the turning point and without saying too much, someone in this book really fucking disappointed me. (See, no spoilers!)

why photo 783795_zps0a7f90a5.gif

I can't believe you did that! How it was handled made me happy though because I was like noooooooooooooooooo, I don't want to see it go down that way.

Anyways, Morgan is now in trouble.

Like for real in trouble....

bad photo 6493002_zpsb07f135c.gif

Can Lorenzo save her?

“Face your fears and wipe your tears.

Let me just tell you the ending of this....

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I need a Melody/Leo book next!

ARC provided for an honest review
Profile Image for julia.
974 reviews149 followers
December 14, 2021
❝You stole a couch,❞ I say, ❝from a strip club.❞
❝So do you know what happens on those couches?❞
❝Probably the same ooey-gooey shit my brother does on it, but it doesn’t matter. I disinfected it.❞
❝You disinfected it.❞
❝Yeah, got a can of Lysol and sprayed the fuck out of the thing.❞

🧩 well, it's official. Scarlet Scars is one of the few duets that I actually like. now that's a big fat accomplishment, if I do say so myself. while Grievous wasn't perfect, that spot is reserved for Menace, it was a solid conclusion to LorenzoMorgan's story.

🍊 also, let me get this off my chest. while I absolutely adored Lorenzo in book one, book two was … not his finest showing. i don't know, he felt a little bit soft in Grievous. *cough* Seven *cough* therefore, i must reinstate Christian Allister back into the top spot. #sorrynotsorry

🧩 not gonna lie, i think my biggest issue with book two was the resolution of the whole Kassian Aristov plot. i was personally a bit underwhelmed when it came to his i wanted this huge showdown and instead we get … sorta dues-ex-machina-adjacent shenanigans.

🍊 hands down the best part of both Grievous and Menace was the insta-lust slow-burn romance. i say insta-lust because Lorenzo and Scarlet sleep together relatively quick. meanwhile, the romance and feelings they have for one another slowly grow over the course of the duet. when Scarlet Scars focused on the romance the duet truly shone.

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Profile Image for Bex (Beckie Bookworm).
2,249 reviews1,494 followers
April 24, 2022

This second book was much darker than its predecessor in terms of its content and here we get to see just how strong and resilient Morgan actually is after she is betrayed by someone very close to her resulting in her recapture back into the Russians hands.
Kassian is bloody obsessed with her and he is determined to get even with Lorenzo for keeping what he believes is his from him.
Lorenzo is also just as determined to retrieve Morgan and her daughter and liberate them from Karrian’s sadistic intentions and cruelty and he will do whatever is necessary to ensure their future safety.

We also get a deeper connection between Lorenzo and Morgan and no he doesn’t suddenly have a personality transplant and turn all soppy and romantic this is, after all, Lorenzo we are talking about here and he shows his affection through his deeds rather than actual words you really need to read between the lines with him as he’s not exactly forthright with his emotions.
Even trying to lie to himself over what Morgan means to him and why he’s protecting her.

Here everything is brought into the open as we learn more about Morgan’s past.
I liked how this was resolved and though there were no frilly declarations of love and affection the finish here was just perfect for both the individuals involved and most definitely showcased their similar dynamic of not showing there individual hands, I didn’t doubt their mutual affections one bit

Lorenzo and Morgan actually match-up perfectly together like missing pieces of a whole puzzle.
I do so love it when characters stay true to there original personalities and are accepted for exactly who they are no changes needed, Morgan still got a version of a picket fence just not where she expected.

Finally, I especially adored meeting little Sasha properly she was just so stinking cute and I adored seeing her bond with Lorenzo over pancakes it was adorable and a flustered Lorenzo was equally so.
Overall this has been such a fantastic well-written series that I easily lost myself in and I do highly recommend it.

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Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm
Profile Image for Snow.
2,264 reviews710 followers
February 14, 2017

3.75 "Lorenzo" stars
Face your fears and wipe your tears

And the conclusion came...

Honestly, the ultimate bright point of this story is in fact the main character!

I loved Lorenzo!
he was nothing like I am used to reading about mobsta men, he was a refreshment in his glorious dark persona filled with sarcasm and brisk snappy lines that just spoke to me on a deeper level


unfortunately, the story itself wasnt that thrilling at all, in fact at times i even felt a bit annoyed with the procrastinating way in the resolvement of the plot.

Action was there but it came just a lil bit too late to give me a culminating feeling of catharsis. And we're talking seconds...

I wished the pacing of the storytelling was a bit faster too...

It would certainly bring more into the general mood of a thrilling crime drama interlaced with an unconventional somewhat more dysfunctional relationship between two "broken and scarred" people who eventually succeeded in finding the meaning of fulfillment in emotional substance they both needed even if they believed it impossible!
Profile Image for Hana ♡.
345 reviews199 followers
February 7, 2017

Wow... what an amazing continuation to this series. After the cliffhanger from book 1 I was so eager to get into this story and learn more about Morgan's little Scarlet S. I just can't express how much I loved everything from the characters to the plot, the action, the romance - it was just so perfect! I could not put it down!

Lorenzo made this book for me - his thoughtfulness towards Morgan was so adorable. Particularly because he's allergic to emotions. He is not good with words of love but his actions speak so loudly. He is still a made man and involved in illegal business but that side of him never reaches Morgan. He is protective and also pretty hilarious. Plus he always has such a way with words...

"I know if you ever lay another finger on Morgan, I'll cut your d*ck off and f*ck you with it."

Morgan is still fighting a battle against her previous abuser. She is determined to get back what was taken from her and with the help of Lorenzo reclaim her happiness. I really liked Morgan's character because she was so brave and easygoing. She knew what Lorenzo needed and never minced words. She understood his inability to vocalize feeling and didn't let that stop her from believing in their love.

These two deserved their HEA, its always so satisfying to see a couple that went through so much hardship finally get their happy ending and picket fence :)

I was very satisfied with the conclusion and I thought the epilogue was adorable. It wasn't OTT and didn't skip a bunch of years forward and have a traditional epilogue feel - it was just a nice calm ending. So if this was the end for these two I'm fine with that but I would defiantly not complain if these two popped up in some of JM Darhower's books in the future!

ARC provided by the author in exchange for an honest review! THANK YOU!
Profile Image for Katie.
334 reviews122 followers
February 10, 2017
5+++++ stars

"I pity whoever might cross this man if he ever truly lets the coldness consume him. He’s clinging to a life raft right now. The moment he says fuck it and lets go, everyone’s going to drown in the waves he creates because he’s not going down alone. Should that scare me? Probably. Does it? Nope."

What do I love the most about Lorenzo? You never know how he is going to handle a situation. Everytime you think you have a handle on who he is, he surprises you. Out of all of the heroes I read about, he is by far one of my favorites. He's crass, hilarious, and doesn't give a shit and I especially loved his witty banter with people.

The book was AMAZING and omg, the book hangover that came from this was super intense! J.M. Darhower...you are amazing. Seriously.

If you have yet to check out this series, you need to start with the first book, Menace. Trust me, this is one series you do not want to miss out on!

Profile Image for Beatrice.
1,192 reviews1,716 followers
February 10, 2017
I put all my current reads on hold to start this sequel because I'm so hooked with Lorenzo Gambini and Morgan Myers. I can't resist and HOLY. MOTHER. OF. MAFIA. this exceeded beyond my expectations. It puts me on the edge of my damn seat. It's more intense, action-packed, explosive plot twists, and some scenes truly stirred my emotions. Dammit, I almost cry over it.

It begins from the last part of Menace as Morgan is running out of time to save someone and Lorenzo is willing to help her at any cost. He's not fazed to start a war against Russians for Morgan's sake. He likes her but still pushes her away so as not to develop feelings. Undeniably, he feels it. Morgan's presence makes his heart beat fast and he hates it. I swear he's more complex, attentive, caring and incredibly sweet in this book. I love him more for showing compassion and kindness. I admire and respect Morgan so much. After all the chaos, she remained hopeful and strong. She is a survivor. I love she's patient and persistent towards Lorenzo. She sees beyond the surface and focus on his good side. He's not a monster that most people thought, Scar has a heart and soul. She's forever grateful for the things he did and she accepts him for who he is. He may not dropped the "L" word, all of his actions and endearment towards her are enough to convinced me that he love and care. It's so genuine and *sighs* it makes me emotional. Especially the remaining 25 % of this book. I tabbed them all and I'm still not over it.

WHY IS THIS EVEN A DUOLOGY WHEN I WANT MORE? *Wails like a baby* It's an amazing conclusion and I'm incredibly touched by it. Lorenzo Gambini belongs to my favorite Mafia men of all time list! I love him so much and same goes to Morgan. One of the strongest heroines ever and lastly, J.M. Darhower NAILED this duology!
Profile Image for Holly.
1,491 reviews1,413 followers
June 14, 2018
If this duology had been shoved into just a single book, I would have rated it higher. But as it stands, the first book was good because it had interesting character development, and this book was good because it had a lot more action to it. Together that would have been a great book, but separated it's just a good half of a story that didn't need to be this long. I mean, I listened to the audio book and the main problem for the characters was already resolved but there was still 2 hours left in the book! Two hours that I kind of zoned out for because it wasn't that interesting.
Profile Image for Ramona Popescu.
407 reviews138 followers
August 14, 2017
I am so happy I've found this series and so thankful to J.M.Darhower for crafting these amazing characters which connected so effortlessly with my feelings.  I loved every minute of this book and waited anxiously for the end, because I knew it will be something different and not the average HEA we romance lovers crave every time.

"Grievous" is far more alert and complex than "Menace" because it settles another pace, with a lot of action and breathtaking moments. Our favorite heroes, Morgan and Lorenzo have a common goal now and they will face every danger possible to make it happen. Their connection is different now, more intense and deeper, and throughout the plot, you will see them evolve into something else, which will make you giggle big time.

Morgan is in desperate search for her daughter, Sasha, and will have Lorenzo's help to do it. We will find out why she did all those things she did in "Menace" and everything will come in place nicely. She is one of the toughest heroines I have stumbled upon and like every minute of her interaction with Lorenzo, because her feelings were mirroring his. Having that kind of life, Morgan was never in love and this was as close as she's ever been to a man, emotionally speaking. I liked the way she handled her feelings for him, but always putting her daughter first. She was fierce, devoted and strong, really winning my admiration. She is not your average good and flawless heroine, but she really kicked ass in different situations, making her resilient and admirable.

Lorenzo is not you typical hero, he is exactly the opposite, but despite that, you can't stop loving him. He was so funny and so atypical, blowing me away with his charms and unique personality. His obsession with Star Wars made me laugh so hard various times and his jokes were amazingly written. He was a bad ass and I loved him with Morgan. There was a scene at the end when he realises the magnitude of his feelings for her that made me gasp. It was fabulous and it shows you that even an extremely bad boy/murderer can be brought to his knees by love.

The book was better than "Menace" because it had more OMG moments, more intense ones and more reveling scenes that just played with your mind. And as a plus, the relationship between the characters was more mature and interesting to follow, because you could feel their evolution and deeper connection. Truly recommend this series because it was awesome and different, with complex characters that were put in place by amazing plot and action. 


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