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I was supposed to find my brother in South America and bring him home.

I wasn’t supposed to get kidnapped in the process… or unearth an ancient blood curse coveted by two of the world's most powerful, dangerous werewolf packs.

I definitely wasn’t supposed to develop any feelings other than hate for my brother’s enemy: the ruthless—and beyond obnoxious—Alpha werelock holding me hostage.

In a kinder world, I might’ve stumbled upon a classic werewolf mate-for-life alternate universe and encountered the stuff of romantic fairy tales.

Trust me—this isn’t that world.

CONTENT: This 74k word novel is PART OF A SERIES AND CONTAINS A CLIFFHANGER ENDING. This book contains violence, strong language, reference to sexual situations, and is intended for adult readers. If you don't enjoy satire or dark humor, preposterous paranormal circumstances, over-the-top alpha males, or teenage girls acting out, then you should probably skip this series.

317 pages, ebook

First published February 27, 2016

About the author

Hettie Ivers

14 books794 followers
Taking life one litigation, TPS report, and naughty book at a time. Sitting in traffic in Los Angeles.✌️

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 178 reviews
Profile Image for Lillian ☁ Cloud 9 Books ☁.
574 reviews344 followers
June 16, 2017
***** 4.5 WERELOCK Stars *****



Milena has been searching for her brother, and all the clues lead her to Brazil. Unfortunately she gets captured by a group of men as soon as she lands because they want to use her for a trade.

The other party she meets are not normal human beings. They aren't even normal werewolves. They are werelocks, an advanced magical breed. Although the trade doesn't go through, the Alpha keeps Milena.

Milena has an unexplainable connection not only to the Alpha, but to he previous Alpha as well. I can't decide who to like more. The current Alpha, Alex, is demanding, inconsiderate, and impatient. Alcaeus on the other hand is understanding and soothing.

I was a bit hesitant at first about reading Slip of Fate because Milena is 18, but I'm so glad I got the opportunity to read this. I loved her personality! Even though this isn't an erotic book, there were a lot of moments with heat. I can't wait to see what happens once Milena fully trusts the werelocks!

description description description

Profile Image for ★ Belle The Bibliophile ★.
876 reviews268 followers
May 30, 2016
It's a NO From Me.

This book was a terrible read. I'm still reeling from its awful execution. The heroine spent about 40 to 50 percent of the book, completely mute and in a state of unconsciousness. Imagine that -- this book is written in a first person POV of the heroine -- that's a lot of pages where the heroine has barely any line!

Not only that, none of the characters in the book was very unlikable. The heroine acted like a prepubescent child instead of the eighteen year old girl she was, the Hero's a cheating asswad, all the side characters were just obnoxious and ridiculous.

The story doesn't flow smoothly -- it's just a mess. It just makes me so mad because I've read fanfictions better than this.
Profile Image for Melanie A..
1,184 reviews516 followers
December 14, 2017
After finishing the series:
Book 1: 5 stars
Book 2: 3.5 stars
Book 3: 4 very solid stars
Overall: Definitely worth reading!

WARNING: This is an unapologetic fan-girl review. Gushing is about to ensue!

This book came out of nowhere for me; it was a freebie that I picked up a while back. I opened the file on a whim after rejecting 4 other books and....I loved it!

From the very first page, it was: GO!!

I loved the fast pace and the stellar writing. And the story? I think it was written specifically for me! We're talking a slightly dark, slightly twisted package that came wrapped up in a paranormal gold bow!! Imagine the love child of Addison Cain's Born to be Bound and Amelia Hutchins' Fighting Destiny!

It's a paranormal read so I won't try to untangle the plot - I'll just hit on the most pertinent points: wolves, fated mates, magic, a delicious Alpha, an unwilling yet headstrong heroine who holds her own, and a host of very entertaining secondary characters. Shake that all up and add a pinch of abuse of power/coercive attempts at seduction and we have a ====> 5 STAR READ!

Milena was a great heroine, whose innocence had an edge to it:
My Freudian high school guidance counselor would've probably accused me of displacement or some such shit. But that pretentious bitch could suck an egg.
She handles her kidnapping and subsequent treatment by the Alpha, Alex, well. Not once did I roll my eyes. ;) There was a lot of wonderful psychological push and pull between them.

Alex is not used to being accountable to anyone. His word is law and he enforces it with violent brutality; there are no second chances. He's an asshole and Milena doesn't like the pull he has on her, but under it all she senses more:
Often in life the people who seem to least deserve empathy are the one's who need it most.
I have to say that I really enjoyed Alex's brothers and sister in this one. I especially liked Alcaeus who brought a ton of humor to a dark situation, and was a great foil to Alex and his broodiness:
"Would you quit the histrionics and violin music for five fucking minutes?"
This was a great enemies to . . . well, they're still enemies, but this is a trilogy. I'm already half-way through the second book!
Profile Image for Runningrabbit.
1,385 reviews97 followers
February 11, 2018
Fated and Mated

This novel is written with true panache and a class vocabulary and turn of phrase.

Melina is a 18yo girl.with little to no experience of both the world and her own sexuality. Enter stage left a trip to Brazil, a kidnapping, family secrets and a brother who may or may not have been murdered by the very people she finds herself in the company of. Although at times Melina may push the envelope, the reader just needs to remind themselves that she really is both naive andtotally without guile.

Enter stage right for the sexually deviant and humanly and humanely challenged.

The book as a whole is superbly written in both sentence structure and sensitivity with some observations well crafted into a nutshell. The tale itself is laid out succinctly and with creativity.
Profile Image for Christa.
897 reviews76 followers
September 3, 2017
Uncomfortable. That's how I felt reading this. I love a good enemies to lovers story, but this fell short.

The main character spent the majority of her time unconscious. I'm a fan of a swooning but it got old quick. It was heroine was injured, unconscious, listen to characters talk over her unconscious, be magically healed, rinse and repeat.

For a book with no sex scenes, there were some uncomfortable rape vibes. Magical mind control seemed a lot like a date rape drug and it felt squicky.

There's a cliffhanger. But it's not a good one. I was warned on the Amazon page that there was a cliffhanger so I can't get too upset. It's common for authors to have one book that is split into three books when it would be better for the story of the books where shortened/edited into one excellent book, not three mediocre books. This is what the cliffhanger felt like to me. I may be wrong, but I won't be continuing the series to find out.

And the hero cheats.

Free on kindle - not on kindle unlimited

Profile Image for Pegan Knight.
Author 6 books23 followers
June 3, 2016
O.M.G!!!!! I could NOT put this book DOWN!! From the very start I was hooked...I mean who ACTUALLY opens up a story with "I had to pee!!"

That was all it took for me to become addicted to this amazing new author. Her story plot will catch you in an instant and you will be whisked away to a world of HAWT male Werelocks who seem to all want our heroine!! Be warned that the authors attention to detail is riveting and you will get lost in the story in seconds, falling in love with any one of the stories central characters.

*Remy is my man!!*

If paranormal erotica is your thing that you HAVE to read this start of what I am positive is going to be a thrilling series of adventure and a search for real love.
142 reviews3 followers
May 15, 2016
***Provided a e-copy from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review***

Slip of Fate is about a girl named Milena who embarks on the journey to find her step-brother. However, she never finds him as she is kidnapped and used as a trade. Milena’s half-brother is the enemy of the Werelock family she is given to. Milena is on the verge of facing death for her family, when a development arises. Milena is the mate to the Alpha and her death could lead to his. Determined to escape and rescue her half-brother, Milena must battle the growing attraction she feels for the Alpha and a twist you will never see coming. Slip of Fate is a must read!

Here’s what I liked:

The writing style- The writing style of Hettie Ivers is absolutely amazing. The entire time it felt like I was in Milena’s shoes experiencing all of the pain and heartache she felt. The writing alone made this story mesmerizing.

Alex- Okay, I am positive most people are going to hate Alex because of his huge ego and somewhat terrible personality. However, his mean personality was necessary to make his character stand out and not blur into the story. We also got to see glimpses of a more humane Alex which was amazing to see. He is by far my favorite character! #TeamAlex

Milena- Milena wasn’t my favorite character, at all, but I did like/appreciate her character. The emotion that her role in the story needed was there which is what made me like her. There were definitely times(especially the first couple of chapters) where I could not stand her! But by the end, I came to like her.

Werelocks- In most stories it is either Werwolf or Warlock. The combining of both was perfect! I absolutely love the cool powers they possessed like the healing or ability to go into someone’s mind.

What I didn’t like as much:

Male dominant world- This story seriously lacks strong females which I found somewhat disappointing because I love reading about powerful females who can stand up for themselves. Alex’s sister had a brief part in the story at the very beginning, but after roughly the fourth chapter, she disappears(not literally). I wish she had a bigger role as I felt she could have contributed a lot.

Plot(ish)- The plot I didn’t really mind. It kept the story going and it kept me reading. My only complaint is that there really weren’t any actual events that happened until the very end. I wish there was more to it like maybe an actual fight between Alex and his brothers; just something that took away from the constant inner battle that Milena had every single chapter. The plot just lacked something for me. What? It’s hard to pinpoint exactly, but the book did it’s job by keeping me reading.

Putting together the positives and negatives from this story, I’d give it a 4.5 rating. It was interesting and I couldn’t put it down. I do recommend this book to mature readers.
Profile Image for Nay Denise.
1,601 reviews86 followers
September 17, 2016
Received this book for review.

Oh My Words! This was absolutely fantastic -- much better than I thought it would be. I cannot believe how much I truly enjoyed this. The characters were phenomenal, the writing was amazing and the chemistry throughout the book just flowed seamlessly. This was full of steamy scenes without the sex and humor!

Milena is an amazing character. I loved her from start to finish. Being only 18 years, kidnapped, lied to, humiliated and ultimately finding her soul mate she handled things a lot better than I would have. She was snarky, sarcastic, moody, emotional and just your average teenage girl. She may have been scared every now and then, but she never held her tongue. She always spoke against Alex when she felt she needed to. I loved her strength before her powers kicked in.

Alex is the "bad guy", the Alpha werelock and downright hot. Despite all of that he is a grade A douchebag. He is so used to getting what wants and never looked at humans until he met his mate. Alex cracked me up because even though he pretended to be cold-hearted he definitely had a soft spot. Seeing him learn his way around human girls and accepting his fate was amazing. I love how he battled with his wolf in regards to Milena. His wolf was so forthcoming and sweet. He himself was harsh and teasing. Love him!

Alcaeus is forever going to be a fav for me after reading the prequel, Girl from Jussara. He is funny, cocky and downright outspoken yet kind. He is the total opposite of his brother Alex.

Kai is so amazing. I love how quiet and sweet he is. Remy is interesting to me. All the werelocks are all hot and definitely alpha males, but none of them compare to the brothers Alpha Alex and Elder Alcaeus.

That ending blew my mind and made me laugh like crazy. I am too excited to see what's in store for Milena now that she and everyone else knows about her powers. Definitely looking forward to the sequel, Fear the Heart.
Profile Image for Sheena.
978 reviews26 followers
June 7, 2017
I loved this book..this is the paranormal genre at it's best...it is dark with the werewolves being more antiheroes than heroes and Alex, the male lead, being the biggest and baddest of them all! He commits some heinous crimes and behaves like a complete and utter a**hole for the majority of the book.....What is it about bad boys that is so appealing? ......the heroine, Milena, is feisty, funny and holds up relatively well considering she is exposed to an alternative world of which she had no prior knowledge or experience.... a world which is wonderfully described with comprehensive history, folklore and legend....

The characters were so well written ..I was captivated by Alex and the family that surrounded him particularly his two brothers Remy and Alcaeus; despite their dubious morals and arrogance there was something very attractive and entertaining about their personalities......there is so much I would like to say about the compelling, complex and tempestuous relationship between Alex and Milena but I do not want to give away any spoilers.......

This was a captivating story..both magical and dark infused with plenty of humour....there is a cliffhanger but fortunately the other books in the series are already available so there is no need to despair.... I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for a fair and honest review...
5 reviews1 follower
September 28, 2016
If you like to escape into steamy stories that have a lot of drama between the heroine and hero (or antihero) and also compelling plots, this is the book---and the series---for you. It’s actually not even the type of book that I normally read, so it’s a testament to how well it’s written that it gets five out of five stars from someone who is generally not into books with werewolves, violence, strong language, or sexual situations. But in this case none of these elements are thrown in just for the sake of having them there; they are used to move the characters and the plot forward. This is a very well-written story that left me wanting to read book 2.
Profile Image for ⏃ : ✦ villainous_vixen ⏃ : ✦.
777 reviews116 followers
October 12, 2016
Slip of Fate is the first book I have read from Hettie Ivers, and I loved it! Very excited to see what come's next in Milena's story.

It all begins with our heroine Milena who is trying to find her brother. What she never expects is to meet a pack of Werewolves and the alpha of the pack claiming she is his mate!

Slip of Fate is filled with action, love, and a whirlwind adventure.

I thought this book was a great start to the series, and I could not put it down.

- Highly recommend to Paranormal Romance Lovers like myself.-
6 reviews
October 11, 2017
Sexy & entertaining! Great characters and story that draws you in!
56 reviews
October 23, 2017

I loved every minute of this book. This is one of the best things I have read in a long time. I highly recommend this book.
Profile Image for Shani.
844 reviews35 followers
April 14, 2016
I tend to get lost in the books I read. I tune everything out around me and before I know it, the story has ended and I’m left with a mixture of emotions. If it’s a cliffhanger, I’m opening up the bookstore on my kindle and rushing to find out if the next in the series is out. If it’s not, I have a moment of “Damn the Man” emotions and add the title for the next one on my notepad. If it’s a HEA (Happily Ever After) moment, it’s “YAY! It’s about time!” I still go looking to see if there is another in the series. If there is not, I’m checking out the rest of the books an author has. I have to say though too, there are some books that make me just make me mad and frustrated. With that entire back story, I have to say that I hands down, loved this book! I’m a sucker for a good romance and some steam added into the paranormal jumble.

Slip of Fate follows the journey of Milena as she makes the decision to find her brother. She has lost her mother and is all alone in the world. The one connection she has is to Raul. If she can find him, then maybe she can find some sort of order in her life again. Maybe she can feel stronger over all. Right off the bat, Hettie leads us into the turmoil. Milena is kidnapped at the airport when she lands in South America. Scared and confused, she has no idea what it is that she’s done or why. Her kidnappers take her to somewhere and inform her she’s going to be a trade off for the live of another. She figures that pretty much, this is it? This is the end of her life and how can she possibly survive anything more? She had been assaulted in more than one way just in the drive from one destination to another.

But now, her path is altered and she finds conflicting emotions of calm, fear, peace, lust and anger. Who can she trust? Can she trust the two men and woman who say that she can’t be handed over to Alex because of her brother? She asks all these questions and she can’t get a clear answer. As the arguments about her status ensue, she meets Alex for the first time. It’s a meeting that sets the precedence of the rest of the book.

From there, Hettie takes you on a paranormal roller coaster as you try to sort out the true complexity of the werelock history and culture. She feeds you little snippets of each character past to keep you engaged and guessing. The complexity of the relationship between the characters is gripping! If you were to stop and look at the relationship between Milena and Alex, Milena and Remy, Milena and Alaceaus especially, it’s really interesting. At any time Hettie could have shifted. She could have had the characters focus change into an even more complex story. That is just one of the things that keep you engrossed into the story as a whole.

Milena has to face for the very first time as well the true attraction she can have to another person. Let alone three! She’s been an innocent that way for so long, she’s does not trust what it all really means. With a man who makes no apologies for his escapades, she questions if she isn’t just another conquest along the way. As the story unfolds, she keeps trying to find the truth, even when it knocks her down.

When I do a review, I try to add in something that I might not have cared for, or would have liked changed. The only thing I would have loved is if it was longer and the whole story in one. But if that happened, then there would be no fun for Hettie right?

This book is truly a roller coaster ride! Hettie left it at the very best possible cliff hanger I’ve read. I’m so hooked; I can’t wait for the release of the second one in May 2016! Fair warning my friends, get your comfy clothes on, grab your blanket and settle in for a marathon read! You might want to bring some tissues and a fan as well. There are some true steamy, sexy, lustful moments too! This book is one I’d recommend to anyone who loved paranormal, romance, and erotica. I can’t wait to read more from Hettie Ivers!

Profile Image for Buffyanna.
920 reviews37 followers
May 5, 2022
Fabulous story! It hooked me in from the very first page. Imagine what it would be like to be eighteen years old and suddenly discover that not only are werewolves real, but because you smell exceptionally good, a whole room full of ridiculously hot and handsome male werelocks (werewolf warlocks) are all "aroused" and want you! Milena is at once naive yet witty, vulnerable yet determined, biased but loyal. She's a wonderful heroine and remains true to herself throughout this confusing ordeal.

I loved Hettie Ivers' unique vision of the werewolf/sorcery legends - well thought out and expositioned in this first instalment. I loved the pace of the story, with enough momentum to keep me engaged but not sacrificing character development or context. But, to say that Slip of Fate ends on a cliffhanger is an understatement. It ends abruptly, as if in mid-thought. The kind of infuriating ending that compels you to purchase and start on the next book right away, because who likes to be left dangling like that? Overall, the entire trilogy would make a great full-sized novel deserving of 5 stars, but I have withheld one star for this first book due to its inherent need for satisfaction and completion.

Addendum 2018: Having re-read Slip of Fate, I found it even more funny, clever, and creative the second time around!

Addendum 2019: Buddy reading it again. I’ve already awarded the fifth star after last year’s re-read. This series is definitely one of the most intricate, witty and enjoyable stories I have ever read!

Addendum 2022: Doing a group re-read and still finding remarkable wit in the dialogue, depth in characters and world-building, and an appreciation for wickedly ironic humour.
10 reviews
May 12, 2016
Wow, what a book!

Once I started reading, I couldn't stop anymore! I'm sooooo looking forward to the next volumes :-)

The book is beautifully written, very captivating! Hettie makes sure everything is so well described, you really feel to be 'in' the book.
You just have to continue reading since the story is very well build up, is very exciting and there are some yummy chapters in it.
I'd for sure recommend to read it!
694 reviews17 followers
May 3, 2016
It's a while since I've read a good werewolf story - I got a bit saturated and had to take a step back from the subgenre, but Slip of Fate is a perfect entry point to get back into it. The mythology is strong and interesting, the world-building well-done, with just enough mystery to keep us guessing for a while along with the MC. The werelocks are sexy and intriguing, the MC likeable and realistic, and I can't wait for the next book in the series.
150 reviews
January 27, 2018
The best

This book is so hot. I had a hard time putting it down. It is now 3:15 am if that is indication of what a good read this is. Going to get the next one in the series. Can't wait to see what happens to Milena.
Profile Image for Ally Vance.
Author 70 books516 followers
January 27, 2019
Great story, beautifully written. Milena gets on my nerves somewhat but other than that I loved the plot and the other characters, in particular Alcaeus. I've not read many werewolf paranormal romances but this is the first one I've really really enjoyed in a long while, and I cant wait to read the next one!

Edited to add on: 27th January 2019

I absolutely loved Alex and Milena, the push and pull between them was exciting and there is so much depth to both of them, beyond anything I noticed on my first read. This won't be my last reread. The intensity of emotion that Hettie brings to this is astounding, and leaves me breathless no matter how often I read this.

Character development was spot on, and with regards to my comment about Milena getting on my nerves, I think that it's perfect that she does. Hettie has really captured the eighteen year old mindset and although Milena has maturity above her age, she still is a very young woman with all the emotional development an eighteen year old can possibly have. Alex is breathtaking, and his own level of emotional development in some ways is a perfect match to Milena, in spite of his age. He's charismatic, sexy, animalistic, and it certainly gave this a panty-melting aspect that I couldn't ignore.

Hettie has created a magical world within the one we already live in and has seamlessly sewn them together in such a way that I can almost believe that it's real. Vivid, potent, and beautifully written, it had the perfect balance between action, sexy, and magical.
Profile Image for InBookEden.
107 reviews5 followers
May 29, 2016
Nem igazán szeretem a vérfarkasos történeteket, de ez valami eszméletlenül jó volt.
Nem is vérfarkasok, hanem valami sokkal nagyobbak, mágikusabbak náluk.
Melina a bátyja után indult Brazíliába de nem azt kapta amire számított. Betekintést kapott egy különleges világba.
Attól függetlenül hogy ez nem egy erotikus könyv, nagyon sok fülledt jelenet volt benne.
June 25, 2017
Just awful

Sadly I didn't like this book. Asshole main character who sleeps with another woman while his mate is in a coma. Then rubs it in her face afterwards. Not to mention the fact this woman looks just like said mate. Yuck! Yes, I realize they didn't really have a relationship going on yet but it's a major turn off for me
Profile Image for Simone B..
318 reviews
November 21, 2017
Ok here we go the book is good but if you don't like an arrogant, cruel and horny Alphas it's not for you... this books makes your heart beats faster it confuses you and even more pissing you off! Alex OMG could kill him myself many times... you want him to suffer and I love how the this book ends love how tables are turned... but still you want him to be with her even if I feel like I still hate him and I'm upset with his brothers for that one thing but the ending and the second book are getting great! But as I said not a book for faint hearted
Profile Image for Amanda Burch.
107 reviews8 followers
September 8, 2017
I love Paranormal Romance and have only found a couple of authors that I know I'll always continue to read their work.. Hettie Ivers has just proved herself to be added to that list! I absolutely LOVED this book! Her writing style, the characters, the entire storyline. It's fantastic! However, now that this book has left me with a cliffhanger I have no choice but to devour the rest of the series. Instant one click!! ❤
Profile Image for Mel.
341 reviews3 followers
April 22, 2017
I believe there comes along an epic book series!

I really enjoyed this first book! The characters are very likeable and somehow a perfect match with a good portion of humour and sex. Of course the storyline is perfect within the paranormal world with a new kind of shifter with magic abilities.
very well written couldn't put it down, will most likely read the next.
Profile Image for Diana Perry.
225 reviews9 followers
May 2, 2017
Couldn't put it down! Cover to cover, Hettie has written the characters so seamlessly that you are drawn into their emotions & can literally feel their angst, want, lust, attraction, animosity & love. Guaranteed a HOT Sensual romance you won't soon forget. Highly recommend this book & can't wait to read Book 2
Profile Image for Dena.
4,209 reviews13 followers
October 29, 2018

This is a very complicated story with multiple parts. We have a bunch of different people and it seems the base of it is this curse that's happening to Milena. Overall this is a good story and the different parts will be explained in other books so I'm happy with the writing style.
1,237 reviews
August 5, 2017
4.5 stars

This book taught me to not go looking for my brother in Brazil even though I love him. Alex was a well beyond cruel character and more vicious than an animal.
Profile Image for Michelle.
70 reviews
July 5, 2018
It was a little confusing at times, but an interesting story. The love/ hate relationship is humorous at times. Want to see what conspires in book #2.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 178 reviews

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