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Werelock Evolution #2

Fear the Heart

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I know what you’re thinking: Being bound to one of the most attractive, powerful werelocks on the planet can’t be all bad, can it?

Actually, yes, it can when you’re mated to an asshat narcissist.

But the fact that I’m turning into a dog and destined to spend an eternity with my brother’s archenemy isn’t the worst of my problems.

An ill-fated blood curse bent on revenge is blossoming to life within me—threatening to unlock a reign of darkness on the world with the potential to destroy everyone.

Oh, yeah—and I’m about to enter my first heat cycle...

CONTENT: This full-length novel is book 2 in a series and is not a standalone. Please read after Slip of Fate. Please note this book has a CLIFFHANGER ENDING. The final book in the trilogy, Revenge of the Wronged, is complete and available for purchase.

332 pages, ebook

First published May 24, 2016

About the author

Hettie Ivers

14 books794 followers
Taking life one litigation, TPS report, and naughty book at a time. Sitting in traffic in Los Angeles.✌️

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 99 reviews
Profile Image for Lillian ☁ Cloud 9 Books ☁.
574 reviews344 followers
June 16, 2017
***** 4.5 DOPPELGANGER Stars *****

Not a standalone

"You are definitely my favorite addiction. And I do need my fix now. Rest assured, though, princess, I will keep my word and play nice with you. Very f*****g nice."


HOLY CRAP. This broke my thermostat!

#TeamAlex all the way!

He's still demanding, devious, and dangerous, but there are a lot of reasons why he is the way he is. Alex made me melt into a puddle of goo, and I just couldn't get enough of him. This was so much hotter than Slip of Fate.

A lot of things from book 1 are answered, but now there are bigger problems. A war is coming, and so many things are blurry. I didn't know who to trust sometimes.

I loved the sexy moments. I loved the characters. I loved the humor. I loved everything. I can't wait for the 3rd book in this trilogy, and I'll gladly read the spin-offs. Hettie Ivers is a mastermind!

description description description

142 reviews3 followers
May 16, 2016
Fear the Heart was an amazing sequel to Slip of Fate. Once again I couldn’t put the book down because it was fabulous. I highly recommend it and the Werelock Evolution series.

What I liked:

Alex- Of course, I loved Alex. He still has his moments of being mean and self-absorbed, but they are dialed back a bit in this book giving us the chance to see him vulnerable. In Fear the Heart, you get to read about the reasons to why he is the way he is. Alex was a lot more emotional and sweet. #TeamAlex

Female Characters- In this book we see a lot more of strong female characters. First we have Milena who still wasn’t quite sure what she wanted, but she definitely grew up more in this book. Then we have Lessa, Alex’s sister. She had a bigger role, more of a motherly one, and I enjoyed seeing that. And how could I forget about Guadalupe?! When I first read the part of her jumping up and down and laughing at the fighting, I imagined a young girl(maybe early 20s?) only to find out that she was in her sixties. I was surprised by that, but it made her character even more enjoyable. Guadalupe was a great addition to the story and I hope we get to see her in book 3.

Werelocks- We learn more about the werelocks in this book such as that they can teleport. When we found out some of them could teleport, I was a little unsure about it, however, where it came in during the last chapter made me happy it was included.

THAT ENDING: The final page of Fear the Heart was absolutely perfect. It was absolutely adorable what they said!

What I didn’t like as much:

The beginning- The beginning had a lot of information to it. The information was all necessary to the story so I do understand why it was set up like that. I do, however, wish the information was spread out a bit more than all of it packed together.

THAT IT ENDED! I wish this book never ended because I am losing my mind waiting for book three to come out. Can it like come out today?!

Book 3 predictions/hopes:

Alex and Milena will have a happy ending
Kai will also have a happy ending
Ever since book one, I never quite trusted Alcaeus so I am going to keep an eye out for him in book 3. He seems just too nice and eager about Milena which has me a tad nervous. Who knows, I might just be paranoid and he turns out to be a good guy after all!
If Milena is forced to chose between Alex and her brother, I hope she chooses Alex!

Overall, it was an amazing book and I highly recommend it. 4.5 WERELOCK STARS!!!
Profile Image for Pegan Knight.
Author 6 books23 followers
June 3, 2016
Absolutely a MUST READ!!! However I highly suggest reading the 1st book Slip of Fate BEFORE reading this book.

I love books like this as they really take over my imagination and as in a review made by a previous reader YOU WILL CRUSH ON THE CHARACTERS!! I'm currently torn between Alex an Alcaeus...although I will admit that Remy had my heart for most of the first book.

The plot is amazing and seamless and the detail given of the characters is just descriptive enough to get your mind latched then it can make up the rest.

I honestly don't think that I can wait for Aug when the 3rd book comes out!!

Hettie!! What a way end a book girl...I actually screamed NO!! LOL!!
Profile Image for Paula  Phillips.
5,276 reviews331 followers
May 30, 2016
Milena is now adjusting to the world of the Werelocks which are werewolves and warlocks hybrids. Due to an ancient curse caused by Joaquin Salvatella and delivered to her great-great grandfather Hector when he was nine years old. She has been wanted and hunted by those around her dying for the curse to be broken and a piece of the power. It seems that Milena is the one that has been prophesied as the ancient vessel which could bring power or chaos depending which hands she falls into , she is the pawn in the chess set. In a way Milena reminded me of Elena (not just because of the name) from the Bitten series as she was one-of-a-kind and it seems that a few of the Werelocks want to take Milena as their mate , but only one can - Alex. The thing is Milena doesn't trust Alex at all as he kidnapped her . When Milena's starting to trust Alex and his clan, what will happen when she is visited by her older brother Raul and he gives her a different side of stories ? Who can she trust - her brother or the ones she has come to care about ? Though Fear the Heart is Book #2 , I found that it could be read as a stand-alone and that this book watches her go through the changes and the balance of how to control the She-Wolf and her powers inside. Now that Milena isn't fully human, can she control herself or will it overpower her and she will lose control ? Fear the Heart was quite a fast-paced read , though and in my opinion - I think Milena is mating with the wrong Werelock as I preferred Alex's older brother and Kai. I also found the relationship between Alessandra and Alex quite frustrating and annoying as for a sibling relationship - there is a line between protective and too close and for me and she was so annoying as she always stood up for Alex. It's like Really, we get the fact that you are more on Alex's side than anyone elses. If you love Paranormal and Werewolf/Warlock stories and loved the series Bitten by Kelley Armstrong then you will love Fear The Heart by Hettie Ivers.
Profile Image for Shani.
844 reviews35 followers
May 26, 2016
I should start out with a warning or two, or even five!

* This is the second book in the Werelock Evolution series. You really SHOULD read the first one, “Slip of Fate” first! These are meant to be read in order. If you don’t, you’ll regret it. Trust me!

* These are not for the faint at heart. They are paranormal and erotica. This one has a substantial amount of heat, steam and ok, maybe combustion?

* You will become addicted to the story and crush on the characters. I fully admit it, I think about them every day at some point. It doesn’t help though that a few of my werelock stalkers enjoy posting about them and pics every day on facebook!

* This is a heavy story for some. It’s a lot of information to take in, but so worth it.

Now that I’ve sufficiently warned everyone, on to my review!

The story picks right up where Hettie left us hanging at the end of book 1. Thank heavens she did! Milena has had a rough few months. She has lost everyone she loves, dealt with more responsibility than any other 18 year old she knows and thrown into the fire so to speak after making a long journey to find her brother. But instead of some things getting easier, they go in quite opposite directions!

She’s finding out the truth about her brother Raul and where he has been all of these years. The fact that he was involved with the very man she loves/likes/hates makes it all even more confusing. My heart hurt for her as she is smacked in the heart with the truth of where she comes from and who she truly is. There is no reaction time that sets in. She has to take it and sort it later as chaos is going to flood through their paths. In this case they better be wearing hip waders to stay dry!

Since Alcaeus has been around forever and a day, he’s able to tell the stories of his family history and where he had met the Salvatella Pack long before. But of course with Alcaeus, it’s a grand production! I mean, he is so theatrical and all. Of course that feeds another river of chaos and another and another….

Milena struggles to come to terms with all this information. How can any of this be true? She feels betrayed by the people whom she thought loved her. Instead she’s not sure who to trust or where to turn. The one person she does trust is Lupe. Lupe can offer her insight where the others can. I LOVE Lupe! She’s a part of the story as it goes on and one that is sure to be amazing.

You know, it’s not just enough to wade through the river of torment, family history, lies and death. As Milena says, “destiny is an asshole.”, and destiny proves it. Suddenly as she is comes into her new/old wolf self, she has this insatiable craving for the smell, taste and touch of magical flesh. Her she wolf is ready to join the parade. She won’t be denied and neither will Milena. No, she’s not wanting to eat a bunch of animals or rare steak here guys. Jeesh, this isn’t a horror book! Just kidding! I’ll leave it to your imagination and your wandering self as you get closer to the gutter!

From there, Milena fights everything. Herself, her desire for many things, her past, those around her and even the memory of her mother and brother. She is face to face with her brother at one point and begging him for information. She’s had some flashbacks of moments in her childhood and she wants the pieces put back together in the puzzle. His answers aren’t what she truly expects and she is surprised by his more aggressive attitude. Is what he says true? Can she trust Alex’s pack?

More and more information comes into play as they discover as a group more about Milena’s family and story. As the lines start to lose their blur, Milena and Alex learn more about each other. Alex tells her his true feelings and what that means to their kind. They have a lot of give and take in this book, a little different than the first. Alex is more in the forefront of the male characters. There is far more to him than the cocky, aggressive, dippy doo dah butthead he was in the first book. His kinder heart makes a few peeks through out the heavy clouds. It stirs up the storm in Milena’s soul and she’s forced to acknowledge if not accept some of her feelings. But in true fashion of their tumultuous relationship, Alex resorts to be an asshole again. All's not lost though!

The only negative I have is, I want to have all the information right now. No wait for the next book to come in the series. I want it right now! Like that t.v. commercial, I should just be hanging out the window yelling at Hettie, “I want my Werelocks and I want them now!”. Think she’ll go for that? Dang it, probably not huh?

With all joking aside, I really did love this book. It’s more intense, definitely sexier, crazy, emotionally charged and just awesome. I’m a sucker for a good paranormal book. But you throw one at me that has such an entertaining back story and hot sexy men, I’m looking! Hettie did a wonderful job picking up where the last one left off and keeping us on the proverbial leash to the very end of this one. Well done my friend, well done!

Because now, we all have to sit and wait for the end of summer and the next in the series! I highly suggest you go check out “Slip of Fate” first and then this book. I can promise you, you’ll never expect all the highs and lows. Don’t forget your hip waders because between the rivers of chaos and the storm that’s brewing, you don’t want to get soggy!

Thanks Hettie for the sensational read!

Profile Image for N Swaffar.
859 reviews26 followers
May 15, 2016
**ARC provided by Author, in exchange for an honest review**

☆☆☆☆ 4.5 Stars ☆☆☆☆

Fear the Heart is a very slow burn books, with teeny tiny hot moments throughout the book. This sequel goes on with more explanation that could have been missed from the first book. Not so much adventure in this book at all, but the adventure of Alex and Melina finding themselves. If you are reading this book, don’t give up. All the explanation is very much needed for the story. But let me tell you, it will be all worth it to get the sexy hot hot times between Alex and Melina. Read now, believe me.

 photo FearTheHeart-Teaser.jpg

Melina and Alex get a chance to know more about each other in this book. All the reason behind everything that’s been going on around them and between them. We get to see the caring side of the Alpha Alex and he will for sure make any reader swoon after his admittance. While Alex was more of a mystery in the first book, he is wide open for all readers to see in this sequel. Can I say WOW! The heat and connection between Melina and Alex was purely hot hot hot. The way the feast on each other, was wow. Ms Hetti Ivers sure knows how to write those sex scenes.

While this book leaves us with a little cliffhanger, it is a happy one that really do gets me excited for the 3rd book of this trilogy. I sure hope I see more adventure in the 3rd book and lots, lots more Alex and Melina. Such a sexy couple.
10 reviews
May 17, 2016
What a great sequel!

The book starts with a lot of clarification, background and history, which answers a lot of questions you have at the end of book nr 1. I finally saw links between people and events, which were unclear before.
the book is of course so nicely written, that not the WHOLE story is revealed. Some mysteries remain, some new ones occur, all VERY exciting - I want more!

Besides this marvelous plot, and the nice style it's written, it's great to see their relationship evolve; first not at all, then tentative and then some more.. (The wine cellar scene is my absolute favorite!!).

Looking forward to reading how it all continues in the next book...
Profile Image for InBookEden.
107 reviews5 followers
May 30, 2016
Like the first part, the resume is completely enchanted. I couldn't put down.
Melina int the first part was quite lost, but this book has grown.
I'm glad that we got more information about the werelocks, such as: ability to teleport for it.
I thought about it we would be if we could just jump from place to place, it would thrill :)
And we met a new character, in person of Guadalupe. I hope I can play a role in the next section.
Alex was in this section is much more emotional, more gentle.

More: http://biangiolvas.blogspot.com/2016/...
Profile Image for Smutty Muffin .
37 reviews17 followers
October 22, 2018
Holy crap the 2nd book of this series has some serious steam going on in it. Alex is a complete alpha male and is amazingly hot. Virgin heroine and sweet hero male = my kinda book 😍😍😍 The only downfall is that he cheats on her when they first meet (in the first book) and it kinda plays out in book 2, sooooo.
Profile Image for Fannie.
5 reviews1 follower
June 5, 2016
So excited this series is being published! Followed Hettie online for years and I'm still hooked on her writing no matter how many times I re-read these books. Her werelocks are my favorite secret addiction! Can't get enough of Kai and CAN NOT wait for the conclusion in book 3!
Profile Image for Diana Perry.
225 reviews9 followers
May 17, 2017
Wow! Just as hot & exciting as book 1! Can't wait to read book 3! Couldn't put it down. Tensions rise as true nature comes into play between well written characters & an erotic & captivating plot can't go wrong. True MUST READ. I voluntarily read this ARC & this is my honest review
Profile Image for Sheena.
978 reviews26 followers
June 7, 2017
Wonderfully addictive ....

I have not laughed so much at the start of book in a long way time...three pages in and I was desperate to find someone to talk to about it.....this is the second book in the series and starts exactly where the other left off...a paranormal , dark in parts, sexy, thrilling romance...what more could a fan of the genre desire....the focus is on the main characters Alex and Milena who are having to re-evaluate their lives and allegiances whilst a threat to the current world order is lurking dangerously close...

The characters in this book are so well written and the relationships and interactions between them all complicated and addictive.... Alex and Milena remain at the heart of the story as they fight for and against each other...I love the fact that in this book Alex has recognised his true feelings and his emotional intelligence begins to develop.....I was fascinated by Milena's conflict as she now has to come to terms with her inner she-wolf leading to some really comical moments..Not only did the relationship between Alex and Milena hot up verbally but also their sexual tension and chemistry is volcanic..and when Alex expresses his regret for his previous actions and decisions the only way he knows how.... Milena was quick to point out that 'Alex proved to be a natural at nonverbal apology'......

Alex's family are fabulous their exchanges and their sibling rivalries are hilarious but they are also loyal, loving and protective of those they care about......a special mention here for Guadalupe, Alcaeus’s longtime human housekeeper, who was a wonderfully written larger than life personality...

As the second in the series this book felt a bit like the middle sequel in a film franchise acting as a link between the scene setting beginning and the explosive finale... the plot development in relation to the larger werelock world conflict was minimal..in addition the werelocks and the world they inhabit had a comprehensive back story that was fascinating but also complex and at times I lost the family connections and threads... however that said the authors skill at setting a scene and creating a genuinely intriguing imagined world made this story an absolute pleasure to read....

This is a captivating paranormal romance; there is darkness and steamy, dirty sex and the actions of the werelocks are often reprehensible but to me they are all perfectly imperfect...I can not wait to read the next in the series.......
Profile Image for GrnEyed.
282 reviews7 followers
May 29, 2016
I’m going to make a suggestion prior to starting my review, if you can only read this book and not Slip of Fate, the first book in the series, do NOT hesitate. You will not regret it. Although some pieces appear missing in the story here and there due to not reading the first book, by the end of the book everything was making sense to me.

As for the book itself, Hettie Ivers is an absolute master when it comes to storytelling. I have not bothered reading many books involving supernatural themes, such as the ones in this book. The only thing I have experienced that come close to this is the Twilight series. I have to say, this book is on par, if not better, than that series.

Hettie created characters that a fearless, ferocious, strong, weak, naïve, funny, incredibly sexy and much more. I was pulled into Milena’s world wanting to know if she’d survive. Would she be able to withstand the force that is Alex? When a man such as Alex says, “Regardless of whether or not I deserve you, Milena, I want you. I need you. And I intend to have you. Always,” can you possibly say no?

If Alex doesn’t grab a hold of you and practically rip your heart out of your chest in the most romantic way possible then he will grab you in other ways. Milena will grab your heart and stir the fires of passion deep in your innermost core. The fires Hettie starts with Milena and Alex are the type of fires that may just burn down the Amazon Rainforest.

If the love, passion, and sensuality doesn’t keep you turning each page with enthusiasm, the familial connections and back story between Milena, her brother Raul, their parents will shock and surprise you. It may also tug at your heartstrings as it did for me when Milena discussed her cancer brain mom.

This book, these characters, quickly provided me with so many things and reminders of the most important things in life they swept me away. I plan to read Slip of Fate followed by Fear the Heart, for a second time, so I can immerse myself fully, into the lives of Milena, Alex, Raul, Alcaeus, and the rest of the characters. I cannot wait to see where Hettie Ivers takes her characters in the next book in the series!
Profile Image for Runningrabbit.
1,385 reviews97 followers
February 11, 2018
Full of Heart and Desire

This second novel passes on seamlessly from book one with the same characters, although the book could have probably benefited from an additional infusion of characters, to somewhat fill out and expand the story line.

Altough Milena does vaguely mature in this novel her personality could have burgeoned with some attention to growth, but as it stands there is possibly too much repetition regarding the same issues. This is where I believe some novels would benefit in being longer in themselves rather than turn into a series, for the simple reason that the characters and circumstances remain the same rather than morphing or expanding in any way.

One particular piece of intercourse in the book describes rather perfectly the level of disenguousness and guilessness of Milena’s personality, by her desire to become a public defender is explained thus by love interest Alex “Look, I’ll allow that in truth, I believe you’re likely to encounter far greater moral dilemmas on such a career path than I suspect you fully realize at present, but that doesn’t mean I don’t think you’re well suited or equipped to face those challenges.”

The major issue of change in this novel is a honing on sexual aspects which are especially monumental and pretty hot and heavy. Not a read for the daily commute boys and girls. Be either alone for this extra special loving, one of the best I’ve read without cycling through the usual phraseology and well used cliched descriptors, or save them for when you have your special sweety around ready to assuage all your most heady requirements.
388 reviews6 followers
August 31, 2016
Secrets, dark revelations and super-charged sexiness

Millena’s wolf arrives in an explosion of pheromones, erotic exploration and centuries of secrets. This book is so unbelievably good…the writing, the language—all of it.

There are more glimpses of Alex acting like the powerful and successful Alpha that he is outside of this crazy situation. Alex is still Alex—he can still be cruel, violent and callous, but in crucial parts, the perspective shifts and reveals that maybe there are reasons for his behavior—good and bad. Alex doesn't forget that he's responsible for the safety of his pack, and now the safety of his mate as well.

The story evolves from a highly entertaining and sexy shifter romance to a love story with nuance, action and substance, while maintaining the same hot erotic atmosphere and easy feel. It’s dirty, and it’s good writing.

As hot and entertaining as this book is (and it is), it isn’t just another erotic shifter romance. It's seriously good. I loved the first book, Slip of Fate, but this one is even better.
Profile Image for Buffyanna.
920 reviews37 followers
June 6, 2022
Loved it! The mystery and suspense surrounding Milena deepens as we learn that there is so much more to her family history than being descended from "the help" and much more to her genetics than being fated to be Alex's mate. Watching Milena and all the Reinosos navigate all the newly realized information, while struggling with her first heat cycle, was hilarious, arousing, and mesmerizing! We finally get to find out what Alex thought of Milena when he first met her and it is well worth the wait. The main characters are all well developed and brought to life. Brilliantly written!
Profile Image for Simone B..
318 reviews
November 21, 2017
4 solid and some extra stars!

Ok this series just getting better and BETTER!!! I couldn't put it down!!! First book was brutal, cruel sexy but this is one or lots of steps up! It's not perfect I don't want it to be perfect - perfect is boring this is not! Sometimes I felt like the main characters were stuck in one place literally one place for too long sexy sexy scenes were long but good Alex is still a bad boy but with big shy slowly surfacing heart! Straight to book 3!!
5 reviews
May 31, 2016
AMAZING sequel, and so deliciously sensual, and you get to know alot of the plot background it, I can't wait for the next sequel to see what happens between Milena and Raul and the Salvatellas, and I really hope Raul somehow redeems himself for Milena. can't wait for more Alcaeus moments
Profile Image for Blanca.
3 reviews1 follower
August 28, 2016
I loved this book! I recommend it to everybody that likes romance stories mixed with fantasy creatures. This book is rated for adults, so I don't recommend it to anyone that doesn't like foul language or smut scenes.
Profile Image for Sallie.
234 reviews3 followers
October 2, 2016
So hot!

The second book in this series is definitely hotter and dirtier than the first. With her finally getting to speak to her brother and choosing what is right from wrong, it all takes a back seat to her growing attraction to Alex.
165 reviews1 follower
April 22, 2017
Who needs sleep!

Cannot put these books down! They are fast becoming my favourite supernatural series! So different and so hot! I cannot wait to read the next one. Brilliant!
Profile Image for Rachel Beamin'.
366 reviews45 followers
March 1, 2017
Alright, alright, alright. *Matthew McConaughey's voice*

Book 2 picks up directly where book 1 left. I know I have said it before in other reviews, but I FUCKING LOVE WHEN WRITERS DO THAT! Let’s not recap for 18 chapters, leaving the last 1-2 for the middle and end. Bravo.

**Side note: this is not a book to read at work. To say my face got all rosy red when someone busted into my office is an understatement.

Wow, in book 2 the tables have definitely turned. Ole’ Alex is a groveling mess. But we will get back to that. We get the back ground of the Joaquin Curse and how the Salvetella Pack did a genocide of Milena’s family, - “OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!” - all because Joaquin fell in love with a human. Alessandra and Raul are now big players in the book, with Raul showing up in Milena’s dream being all scary-stalker-big-brother-ish. We learn about Alessandra and her need to covet Alex.
Alcaeus is still being Alcaeus, brute.
Remy, swoon.
Their family dynamic can make a Jerry Springer episode look like Sesame Street. All they do is fight, point fingers, blame each other and one up. LOVE IT. Reminds me of my family.

”It’s been a century since you diddled a skittle.”

The one point in the book I was mentally screaming at was when Milena practically raped Kai. I seriously was “AH, HELL NAH. THAT SHIT BETTER NOT HAPPEN.” Bless Alcaeus when he stepped in and Lupe snapping a picture of said entanglement.

Throughout book 2, Alex groveled. Apologizing and begging forgiveness. He attempted to prove Milena wrong in her “he is the devil incarnate” view of him. There were several parts I just knew KNEW that she would say “the hell with it, let’s bond and make beautiful babies”. (Hey Alex, I’ll bond with you! And I make really cute kids.) However, Alex can’t get his attitude in check and he pretty much begged Milena to hate him… well he didn’t come out and say that, but that’s what it felt like to me.

I typically don’t read the note at the end of the books written by the author, for some reason I skimmed through this one. What surprised me was “self-published”, I honestly wouldn’t have thought that. The writing was great, the lack of grammatical errors was AWESOME, the character buildup, practically all of it was superb. Though, I have read several self-published books, this series top it.


So, please Hettie Ivers, keep writing.
Profile Image for Viv.
144 reviews7 followers
October 8, 2019
Another good read !

This installment goes through a bit more background history of the Reinoso and Salvatella werelock packs.
Milena is still unsure of her feelings for Alex and finally gets to see her brother Raul, which in turns leaves her more confused.
Alex grows more and more frustrated as time goes on with Milena for not acknowledging that they are mates.

Milena has so much going on with trying to work out what's going on with her brother , hows she going to cope with being the vessel and the blood curse that is cursing through her, and her first up coming shift into a alpha female wolf.
It's a good read !
Profile Image for Bobo's Book Bank.
550 reviews14 followers
November 18, 2017
This is book two in the Werelock Evolution series and is an enemies to lovers, paranormal romance. Right after finishing book one, I plowed right through book two! It just gets better and better! The world of werewolves and mystic that Hettie Ivers created is simply fantastical, magical and spellbinding. Book two definitely has more hot, steamy sex scenes, a bit of suspense and a dash of humor. Plus, I adored the secondary characters that managed to enhance an already amazing story. It also ends in a cliffhanger and I can't WAIT for book three! Told completely from Milena's POV.
Profile Image for Kate V.
1,557 reviews236 followers
July 23, 2019
The next installment to Milena and Alex's story was really well written. First, excuse me while I go take a cold shower. Second, I take back wanting to stab Alex in the eyeballs. Alex is definitely redeeming himself in this one and becoming someone better or at least becoming someone that Milena deserves. Milena's character is growing. The story is intriguing. Now on to the last one.
1,237 reviews
August 5, 2017
4.5 stars

N this book Alex point of view of his undesirable behavior is explained. Kai is the only normal person that can keep his human or animal in check.
Profile Image for Debra Shutters.
603 reviews17 followers
May 4, 2019
I read book 1 Slip of Fate and this book picks up where book 1 left off where Milena learns about Joaquin Salvatella and the blood curse from Alcaeus. She also learns some about her brother Raul. I enjoyed reading this and recommend it!
5 reviews1 follower
October 17, 2016
The story keeps getting better, and even without all the love scenes, this would still be a entertaining read because the plot about the werelocks has enough going on to stand on its own. I forgot to mention in my review of book 1 that I also enjoy the satire and humor in these books.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 99 reviews

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