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Hating The Player

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Melody Carson has been in the same class as Tyson McCannon since primary school.

She's watched him play with girls, set the school on fire, skip classes, prank teachers, smoke behind the school, break the law, get into fights with other guys for fun, and even watched him get suspended for three weeks.

He always ruins everything and never does what he is told.

Melody has hated him since the day he set foot in her school and luckily he has never noticed her.

That is, until now. Tyson has set his eyes on Melody and won't stop until he gets what he wants.

And he wants her.


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11 books67 followers

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Profile Image for Kayla Silverss.
Author 1 book121 followers
August 2, 2017
So I've been trying to read some more books on wattpadd and give them and try and I have stumbled on this author which by the way oh my god is Actaully amazing.
This book has everything in it. The way it's written and the twists and the relationships.

This book is about Melody, she is a girl that doesn't really fit in. The bad boy and massive player Tyson has a bet with his friend that In 3 months he can make Melody fall in love with him. Melody hates him but she accepts to spend 3 months with him. The thing is she isn't just falling for him. He is falling for her.

Okay so melody was just a great character to follow and learn about her life and honestly I just felt to attached to her and her story.
Tyson was also great to see from his point of view too. We never really get to see the point of view from like the player in these kinds of contemporary books and I just really loved him.

The amount of drama and obstacles these two had to face were unreal. The romance was written so well and they fell for eachother while watching Disney movies like how cuteee.

I loved the plot. It was very cool and intriguing and also entertaining.

So if you do read this book, you will probably be doubted yourself if you have read the ending correctly. No spoilers but I promise you, your mind will be blown.

Profile Image for H..
200 reviews15 followers
December 20, 2019
This is the worst thing I've ever read in my entire life.
Now that I've read this book, there will never be another worse book for me to read. This one takes the cake. Or shall I say the cupcake? [that was a terrible reference to this terrible story]

Where do I even begin?
The writing style and grammar were awful but they were honestly not even factored in my decision of it being the worst thing I've ever read.

No, the true horror is the characters. They are truly the worst characters I've ever read about. Toxic, selfish, not self aware at all, don't have personalities (they change their minds and feelings about 20 times during ever interaction), have no concept of accountability or consequences and are just so repulsive in general. No amount of awful words I say will do their awfulness justice.

Don't even get me started on the plot. It is so obvious that the author didn't plan it at all. The "plot twist" [spoiler ahead, but keep reading this review and save yourself the trouble of reading the book] of her having cancer WAS THE WORST SO CALLED PLOT TWIST IVE EVER COME ACROSS. There was no subtle hints throughout the book that she found out she had cancer, no build up, and no LOGIC behind it. It was added purely for shock factor. And guess what? It was not a shock at all.

I kept reading the comments throughout the book (if you've read a story on wattpad you'll know what I'm referring to) and I was relieved to see others who found the story and characters as problematic as I did and pleased, even, to see some people who actively made fun of the book as it made the experience almost bearable.

You may be thinking "why would you keep reading if it's so awful?". Well, it's because at the beginning of the book the author put a note saying that the book is bad at first but gets better near the end. Also, my younger sister recommended it to me and said the same thing so I held on until the end for it to get better (I really wanted to like it for her sake, but it turns out she didn't remember anything that happened when she told me to read it; and now that we've talked about it and she remembers what happened, she thinks it's awful too).

I'm not only disappointed and disgusted by this book. Nope. I'm furious, too. The toxicity of the relationships was met with so many teen girls expressing in the comments their love for Tyson (the love interest) and how sweet they thought he was and how they wanted someone like him. Uhhh... a boy who constantly calls you a slut (even though you're with him exclusively but he's constantly going out and kissing other girls every time you have the slightest argument) and never apologises for it and shouts at you and calls you selfish for not telling him every little thing and physically harasses you and pretends to be DEAD IN THE HOSPITAL to get your attention and constantly tells you how worthless you are and is always criticising you... if that's the kind of person you want then I'm really worried for you. The main character was that kind of girl, who forgave every toxic and unforgivable thing he did and said and I'm pretty sure her only reason is that he's good looking and she wants to kiss him (she kept saying as much).

I want to wipe this book from my memory UGH.
Profile Image for Lexy.
1,093 reviews27 followers
November 4, 2020
I just finished reading this book on wattpad and I thought that it was good
Profile Image for Cynthia .
51 reviews
November 24, 2017
This book was so AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!






Profile Image for Lee.
39 reviews
May 1, 2017
Disclaimer: To avoid spoiling the book for someone else, I won't give specific details, just vague plot twists.

The strong language -here and there- and cliche aside, this was a really good read. Even the title screams cliche, but then it had a twist and I was like "Okay . . . maybe it's not so cliche" then boom, i'm surprised again and it's happily ever after for the average girl and the player, and I'm almost pulling my hair out, like, just when it was steering away from being cliche! Then once again, i'm surprised, shocked even and I can't help but applaud the author. It was memorable because of how everything unfolded. Yes, there were a few plot holes -very little- and sometimes I wished that I could meet the characters to, you know, just TALK civilly, it all worked out -somewhat- in the end. Overall, though most times I try to avoid the predictable cliches and even cliches overall, i'm glad I read this book. (I finished it in a matter of hours, and I only took so long because I was occupied for a bit.)
Profile Image for Yaireliz.
13 reviews8 followers
December 1, 2017
I don't even know how I feel about this book. I read it until one of the last chapters when I stopped. Right from the beginning I knew it was going to be another cliche story where the bad boy falls for the good girl and all that but I kept reading it because I got curious. When I got to the part where she was staying at his house and she went to make him jealous by making out with another boy and started moaning for nothing it started getting a little weird. When the part where he read her diary and finds out she has cancer and started fighting I hit the back button and started searching for another story to read. I didn't hate it but I don't like it. This books was one of Wattpad's lousiest books I have read.
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January 17, 2019
oh god, i hated this book. he’s the typical bad-boy player and she’s that fucking quirky girl that’s in every teen-fiction.

i’m skipping everything until the very end, because i’m sure there’s another review talking about the middle, but randomly she just get’s cancer at the very end? we don’t get any hints of this, at all, and it’s so forced it’s ridiculous.

then, the ‘player’ goes off and tries to hook up with cliché school barbie in the hallway at school in front of everyone, including his (ex?) girlfriend. she then proceeded to say some bullshit to him that i’m assuming was supposed to be inspirational, they just magically make up and she dies at the end.

what a book.
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Profile Image for Madz.
1 review
June 5, 2017
Wow this book shocked me I never thought that it would end like that :( The characters were amazing and so was the story line. One of the best books I've read <3
Profile Image for hayley.
13 reviews
April 18, 2023
i don’t even know what to say abt this one.. the characters aren’t likeable in any way whatsoever, they’re selfish and rude, they’re toxic asf and act without expecting consequences.

he constantly calls her a slut, a hoe, and so forth, yet as soon as they have an argument he’s out kissing other girls, he never apologised and is constantly an asshole, he tells her she is worthless and means nothing to him, and two seconds later is telling her he loves her?? and to go to the extreme of paying ppl at the hospital to fake your death just for some attention.. disgusting.

and the plot of cancer made no sense. it didn’t drop any hints whatsoever throughout the book that she had it and was just dumped on us in the last few chapters, which made no sense at all.

overall i didn’t like this book and nothing made sense 🫡
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Profile Image for Rayne ♥.
197 reviews46 followers
April 18, 2021
I'm definitely in the minority when I say this but I actually enjoyed the plot twist. The ending was one of the most memorable from all the online books I've reads. I agree that the writing and characters were just terrible and some things just didn't make sense, but I did enjoy the plot twist.

Note: I’m much nicer with my ratings for online books that have not been published.

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Profile Image for ♡ Yelena Otkazat'sya ♡.
352 reviews45 followers
August 31, 2020
Is this the worst book I've ever read? It very well may be. Certainly right up there with Meg Cabot's bastardization of the Persephone mythos with Abandon. A truly horrible attempt at a YA romance novel. Negative 0/10. I definitely do not reccomend.
Profile Image for Carol.
329 reviews1 follower
January 29, 2018
It didn't really read. I couldn't. Too much swearing so I skipped to the end and was surprised by the ending but I am still not reading it.
Profile Image for Maud-Maylis.
128 reviews28 followers
January 23, 2018
??? I am speechless after reading this last two chapters. Considering the origin of this book, it was amazingly well executed even though it was, like many of its Wattpad counterparts, quite short. The death of Mel is so unexpected and doesn't make much sense. I'm not complaining it did provide a source of entertainment and drama that moved the story forward but I thought it could have been just teased or revealed in the previous chapters. Maybe TPG could have even added the scene where Mel writes in that brown book to the story. This would have added more depth to the character of Mel as we could have read about her struggle on who she should reveal it to and the choice she made to not tell Tyson. There were a few insignificant spelling errors and typos that were humorous while being unwanted.
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Profile Image for Lor.
116 reviews
May 3, 2022
This book was, well I won't sugarcoat it. It was terrible. From the grammar all the way down to the characters. Tyson's ego was literally up to the sky like WHY IS HE SO FULL OF HIMSELF. and he literally isn't ashamed of the dickbag moves he has... and Melody oh my gosh don't get me started on her. The girl KNEW they were BETTING on her and still let them do it. LIKE THEY WERE BETTING ON HER VIRGINITY, THAT'S NOT SOMETHING YOU CAN WIN!? and the amount of slut shaming there made me want to throw my laptop out the window. Like BROOO STOP CALLING THESE GIRLS WHO YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT SLUTS! overall this book was so bad, I don't know why it's as popular as it is and the reason it got 2 stars was because of the epilogue and because I cried. Most of my tears were for the girl in the hoodie tho. yk both dying of cancer after they found love.
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23 reviews
February 28, 2022
I really didn’t like how he would do something thinking its alright and she would do the EXACT thing and he would get mad at her ! Like???? Wth like when they went to the lake !!!! How are you gonna try and make her jealous by kissing the girl and then she do it and he all on her top. “What are you doing”? Then, when he faked his death like wtfffff??? What the hell is wrong with him?? Taking about he wanted to make sure she still cared about him!???? Don’t even get me started on the plot . This man bully you so much but you kissed him in the FIRST chapter??? When the man read your little journal and was founding out that she was dying,he kissed another girl the next day😒???This book was all over the place .
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Profile Image for Becca da Romance Queen.
265 reviews16 followers
October 17, 2020
4 1/2
"This is a story of a girl who hated a player."
I thought that this was just a bad boy to good girl romance, but it was so much more than that. It made me cry, laugh, scream, all that jazz. It was so awesome! The ending was beautiful, thank you TPG for writing this and making me happy, but also sad. If you ever read this, P.S. You are too obsessed with The Fault In Our Stars LMAO

You can find the OG version on Wattpad.
Profile Image for jada.
3 reviews
July 20, 2017
I don't want to spoil anything for anybody, because it's pretty big... but just know that this book is amazing. I never would've thought it'd end like that. But if anything I appreciate it because in real life love stories don't usually happen the way that they do in books. It gives you some sense of reality and maybe that's a good thing.
Profile Image for Erlita Scorpio.
Author 3 books3 followers
May 31, 2021
The story is a little bit cliche. And at the end of the story, I actually wanted to cry but also thought, "did I miss a narrative that explains melody has a disease?" Bc I've found it towards the ending and that is what makes this story doesn't make sense. But the author managed to make readers curious and enjoy reading the continuation of each chapter.
Profile Image for Dusty.
23 reviews
May 31, 2022
So.. I'm gonna be very straightforward this a cliche book you have got your average brunette and the brown haired guy.. it's just well not the greatest book you'll read you'll gag and keep your phone aside for all the cringe that has been caused. that's the book. it has some amazing twist and well live along side cringe
2,470 reviews10 followers
November 17, 2017
Poor writing. Bunch of nonsensical rambling. Too much drama. Not a whole lot of story. Disjointed timeline. Bad cheesy ending. Too bad too. I’ve read and liked other stories by this author.

Read on Wattpad.
Profile Image for trisha!!.
113 reviews6 followers
December 22, 2017
I hate this so much, it’s the second time it makes me cry!
I totally forgot this was the book that made me cry and my dumbass decided to read it again and now i’m crying.... AGAIN!

I totally forgot that she was gonna die, so that was surprise for me again.

I enjoyed reading it
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Profile Image for Shyanna C.
21 reviews1 follower
February 5, 2018
One of the best books I have read by far. This book was about a girl named Melody Carson who had her life turned upside down by a guy at her school named Tyson McCannon. This story had much detail and action it in.
Profile Image for Mads.
66 reviews1 follower
July 22, 2018
This book is absolutely amazing!!! It made me cry all night but it was worth it. Admittedly I’ve read it at least 3 times now but the ending and the song you put just makes my heart burst every time I read it.
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Profile Image for Rosemary York.
20 reviews
May 13, 2021
This book is sooo good. I love that the ending wasn’t like every other book or movie. It was a roller coaster of emotions throughout the book and I love that. I LOVE this book and it’s 10/10 recommended.
31 reviews1 follower
May 19, 2021
This was a pretty good book. It was a fast read. It was a little cliche in the beginning but all books are like that. It was the common enemies to lovers trope. The ending was sad. I think many books have one of the main characters die. Overall it was good.
2 reviews
November 5, 2021
The ending killed me i need a warning next time! The way that in those last chapters it suddenly changed hate that sorry but the rest of the book was just so good and can’t do thattt imma be depressed for a year nowww
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5 reviews
February 4, 2022
It was interesting during the beginning but after I sort of got into it, it got much to fast-paced, everything happened all at once and my brain, though it is extremely stupid, could not comprehend what was going on.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 85 reviews

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