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Side Hustle: From Idea to Income in 27 Days

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The author of the New York Times Bestseller THE $100 STARTUP shows how to launch a profitable side hustle in just 27 days.

For some people, the thought of quitting their day job to pursue the entrepreneurial life is exhilarating. For many others, it's terrifying. After all, a stable job that delivers a regular paycheck is a blessing. And not everyone has the means or the desire to take on the risks and responsibilities of working for themselves.

But what if we could quickly and easily create an additional stream of income without giving up the security of a full-time job? Enter the side hustle.

Chris Gullibeau is no stranger to this world, having launched more than a dozen side hustles over his career. Here, he offers a step-by-step guide that takes you from idea to income in just 27 days.

Designed for the busy and impatient, this detailed roadmap will show you how to select, launch, refine, and make money from your side hustle in under a month. You'll learn how to:

- Brainstorm, borrow, and steal to build an arsenal of great side hustle ideas (day 3)
- Apply "Tinder for Side Hustle" logic to pick the best idea at any time (day 6)
- Learn, gather, or create everything you need to launch; then set up a real life way to get paid (days 13-14)
- Start raking in the money by channeling your inner Girl Scout (day 18)
- Master the art of deals, discounts, and special offers (day 21)
- Raise your game: improve, expand, or make more money off your hustle (days 24-26)

A side hustle is more than just another stream of income, it's also the new job security. When you receive paychecks from different sources, it allows you to take more chances in your "regular" career. More income means more options. More options equals freedom. You don't need entrepreneurial experience to launch a profitable side hustle. You don't have to have an MBA, or know how to code, or be an expert marketer. You don't need employees or investors. With Chris as a guide, anyone can make more money, pursue a passion, and enjoy greater security - without quitting their day job.

272 pages, Hardcover

First published September 19, 2017

About the author

Chris Guillebeau

58 books1,623 followers
Chris Guillebeau is the New York Times bestselling author of The $100 Startup and other books. During a lifetime of self-employment, he visited every country in the world (193 in total) before his 35th birthday. Every summer in Portland, Oregon he hosts the World Domination Summit, a gathering of creative, remarkable people. Chris also hosts Side Hustle School, a popular podcast that is downloaded more than 2 million times a month.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 418 reviews
Profile Image for Elaine - Small Farm Big Life.
341 reviews100 followers
September 4, 2017
Unfortunately this is going to be my first bad review. I feel guilty! I wanted to like this book. Who doesn't want to have an idea and create an income in 27 days? I wasn't even really expecting to do any of the suggestions in 27 days. I thought if the book could give me some good ideas for the next few months I would be thrilled. But the book has all the ideas that are regularly in my inbox. It's not anything new. It's the same game all entrepreneurs are playing to try to get ahead.

Week 1: Build An Arsenal of Ideas
Week 2: Select Your Best Idea
Week 3: Prepare For Liftoff
Week 4: Launch Your Idea to the Right People
Week 5: Regroup and Refine

First, the chapter ideas alone are going to take more than 27 days to get through. 5 weeks is 35 days. I suppose you could say that in 27 days you could have your idea out into the world, but I think that it would be far from complete. 

I'm also not comfortable with the idea that the author is suggesting people steal other people's ideas. I get that a lot of us do similar things. I am definitely not the only book blogger out there. There are lots of us! But I like to think that my writing and style is my own. I would never steal someone else's ideas, just as I would never want someone else to steal mine. Not cool!

"Day 3. Brainstorm, Borrow, or Steal Ideas. Using what you've learned about high potential ideas, brainstorm, borrow, or steal at least three possibilities for your hustle."

I just think there are other books and websites out there with ideas on how to make your side hustle work. I would suggest you search those out rather than using this book. For only being 272 pages it is a lot to get through and I didn't feel like I gained anything in the end. 

I love a good self-help book, so I was disappointed that this one fell short for me.
Profile Image for daemyra, the realm's delight.
1,075 reviews37 followers
January 3, 2019
It says something about Chris Guillebeau’s Side Hustle (and the readers of Side Hustle) that I was recommended to check it out at the library. Guillebeau believes side hustles are the new job security and everyone should have a side hustle. It's a pretty safe thing to say that no single employer deserves your lifelong loyalty, and you should continually learn and add to your skill set in order to be considered employable. AI is coming, people, and it is transforming industries. Depending on your goal, you may read Side Hustle to learn how to make a few extra bucks outside of your day job for a nice trip now and then, to significantly increase your savings while keeping your day job or to turn your side hustle into your new day job. Whatever your goal is, Guillebeau defines the side hustle as something small that you can grow to be big if you want, and it is something that makes you money, not costs it, in a short amount of time.

There are three factors that matter in determining if an idea is a true side hustle that will generate money:

1. Feasibility - How easy is it for you to turn the idea into action in a short amount of time?
2. Profitability - How quick will it take for you to make money in a short amount of time?
3. Persuasion - Why will your clients and customers want this now?

I found the two additional questions to ask yourself the most useful:

1. How quickly can this be executed?
2. How excited are you about this idea?

The idea of the side hustle and that of the passive income stream is becoming more and more popular. Not only are people turning their hobbies into freelance gigs, but there are more digital entrepreneurs making a living online. Beyond social media influencers, there are people who make a nice chunk of change by selling a resume template online.

Money Magazine ran an article in their December issue about digital entrepreneurs making thousands a month simply by printing t-shirts online. Julia Glum asks in her article, “Ask Me How I’m Getting Rich Selling T-Shirts Online” whether this is a gold mine or a pipe dream. Side Hustle is an interesting read because many of the side hustles do appear to be get-rich-quick schemes that suggest anyone can have a side hustle.

The truth is, a lot of the side hustles are boring and seem to be found by luck. Most case studies were of people who didn't believe they would make money, found out that they did, and were pleasantly surprised. The End. Or, they were of people who were able to sell their hobby. For example, a person who missed her dog made sure her dog-walking profile was properly filled out and was able to generate a few extra bucks and also hang out with dogs. One photographer sold their photographs on stock sites online, and by chance a rep from Pottery Barn contacted her and bought one of them. Another photographer started to take wedding gigs. Another wrote fish tank reviews and was sent cheques for his referral links. Another person purchased items online at a low price to sell them again at a higher price.

Side Hustle is a book that could only have been written in the late-stage capitalism we are now in, where the gig economy is driven by economic necessity. It is interesting to explore the popularity of side hustles not just for those making ends meet but those that want to retire early. The FIRE (financial independence, retire early) movement relies, in part, on generating passive income streams. A recent article in Hollywood Reporter, "Hollywood's Drifter Class", describes industry workers choosing to live in their vehicles, mostly as a result of LA's high rents, but one industry worker they found to speak to them hoped to make a down payment on a rental home as a passive income. His plan was to retire 5-10 years ahead of schedule. The dream of financial independence and the promise of finding fulfilment in your work when you are your own boss are great taglines to sell the freelance lifestyle, but Guillebeau never romanticizes the side hustle. It's not about being an entrepreneur, having a grand vision. In fact, Guillebeau suggests the opposite - pursue whatever it is that makes you extra money. Write those fish tank reviews!

Side Hustle is a gimmicky book written by a true salesperson/marketer that could have been released as a free e-book, in my opinion, but it does offer good advice, at a high-level, about the type of questions you should ask yourself before committing to a side hustle, especially when you have a day job.
Profile Image for Ryan Kirk.
Author 55 books420 followers
October 2, 2017
So, I'll start out by saying I'm a huge fan of Chris and his work. So that may color my judgment a bit.

I'll also say this wasn't my favorite book of his.

Side Hustle is fairly self-explanatory. The book is a guide to starting a side business, an outgrowth of the daily podcast Chris has been doing all year. I haven't listened to the podcast, so I can't comment on that, or how this book relates.

To me, this book is classic Chris: inspirational, well-written, and full of excellent case studies. It's also a bit short on details.

By now, I'm used to this with his books, and I come to them for inspiration, not nuts-and-bolts guidance. In this case, the book succeeds admirably. Even though I already have a business, this book was a good reminder of a great many things, and I appreciate that.

There were a few things that kept this book from being five stars. First, the 27 days claim is a bit gimicky. I get it, but don't like it. Second, I was hoping for some new information, and for anyone who has been in this space for a while, there's little here that's new or original. Again, as inspiration, it's fantastic, but it's not going to break any new ground.
November 1, 2017
I aimed to get this book a few months ago, and it's my rezeki that I received a free copy from Pansing through Alyssa J. Oon. First, I have always prefer this type of non-fiction books where it gives you a practical step by step guidance that is easy to read and practical to follow. Even as I have done my own version of Side Hustle for the past 10 years, it is good to be reminded of the approaches, and there are new ideas in the book that I can use and implement. Apart from sharing practical steps, the writer also share inspiring stories and experiences from people who has done it. I love how it can motivate us to achieve something that some of us may afraid to do or start because of lack of confidence or fear of the unknown. I definitely recommend this for those who are looking for ways to identify and generate part-time income using what you already have. I wouldn't say that it can be achieved in a month as it will depend on your goals and what you can do (or looking to do), but the steps are easy and practical to follow. This is a good book for 'beginners', who have never done part-time/additional income-searching before.
Profile Image for Ali Spittel.
Author 1 book217 followers
June 18, 2020
I’ll be honest, I definitely was not the target audience for this as someone who already has a stable side hustle. That being said this book felt repetitive to me and very, very beginner level. I could see it being helpful for someone at absolute 0 with side hustling, but not for those beyond the very introductory phase.
Profile Image for Mai Mohamed.
Author 1 book285 followers
March 10, 2024
الكتاب الثاني اللي اقرأه للكتاب واللي بيدور برضوا عن side hustle أو انك ازاي تعمل دخل تاني بجانب شغلك
احسن حاجه ف الكتاب كانت الأمثلة بس مش كل عجبتني وحستها بعضها مش واقعي اوي وجو الحلم الأمريكي هعمل حاجه النهاردة هتجبلي فلوس بكرة الصبح!!.. اي كلام
بس ف الآخر لساني حالي هو it's good to know
أو بمعني آخر.. خد فكرة واشتري بكرة 😀
Profile Image for Ken Corum.
1 review7 followers
September 13, 2017
If you're anything like me, any large scale life change requires thought, planning and execution. I'm not one of those people who can just jump into something head first with the "ready, fire, aim" mentality. So, that's why I appreciate a book like "Side Hustle" by Chris Guillebeau. If you don't know his previous books or have been exposed to his ideas before, sometimes he does advocate for a "just try something, what could possibly go wrong" attitude, but with a sustainable side hustle, it does take some thought and planning, which Chris does a good job outlining in this book. You don't have to have entrepreneurial or business school experience to have a side hustle...anyone can do it!

Loaded with real-life examples, Chris takes you through the journey of coming up with an idea, determining if there is societal impact and profit in that idea, how to launch the idea, product, or service, how to make refinements where necessary and how to sustain the hustle long term. If you haven't heard of his accompanying "Side Hustle School" podcast and website, those are also great supplementals to the book as well, in case you need more ideas.

So, I am still in thinking mode about what my side hustle is going to be, but Chris advocates that instead of thinking, "action is so much better!" So, once I figure out my plan of execution, I'll be on that side hustle journey to hopefully increase my stream of income to have a more comfortable life.
Profile Image for Traci.
47 reviews16 followers
September 15, 2017
*Thanks to NetGalley and Crown Publishing for providing an advance copy for review.

This book was a good overall introduction to the concept of side hustles. I felt however, that it would be most helpful if someone already has an idea (or ideas) for a potential side hustle, as I didn't feel that the chapter on generating ideas was as useful as the implementation chapters. I would have preferred more information and examples regarding idea generation, as I don't feel that I'm the most creative person when it comes to figuring out what a feasible side hustle might be. If someone already has ideas though, and just needs some basic direction in order to get up and running quickly, this book could be really beneficial!
Profile Image for Ahmad Abugosh.
Author 1 book25 followers
October 7, 2017
While I would recommend this book to someone that never got too deep into entrepreneurship, and wants to start their own business, for myself I really wanted to like this book, but found the concepts in it too basic, and I was expecting a bit more. What I did like about the book were the anecdotes, the bias towards action, and the fun and practical tips!

Profile Image for John Lamb.
580 reviews30 followers
January 11, 2018
Sometimes these business books seem like they are more interested in selling you on whatever "cult" they're trying to get you join (I see you "Rich Dad, Poor Dad") and this definitely ventures into that fray. However, it is helpful in brainstorming and thinking through methodically about starting a small business most of the time.
Profile Image for Jason Pettus.
Author 13 books1,389 followers
March 31, 2023
2023 reads, #30. Digested as a synopsis through the summarizing service Blinkist. This is one of those unfortunate relics from the so-called "side hustle era" of the 2010s, in which an endless amount of well-intentioned people started convincing millions that they too could start doing a "second job" that would involve almost no time (in this case, for example, Guillebeau declares right at the beginning that you shouldn't have to do a minute over 5 hours of work a week for his plan to be a success), but somehow provide the supplemental income that would usually only come with 20 to 25 hours a week at a traditional job (here, for example, Guillebeau immediately follows up this 5 hours per week declaration with some examples of side hustles that went on to make their creators thousands of dollars every month, not disclosing that they didn't ramp up to those revenue levels until after they'd already become enough of a success as a side hustle to decide to start putting in full-time hours on it), this sort of magic Hogwarts land where tech innovations and a global economy was going to let all of us have this superhuman ability to make endless money while putting in almost no work at all, with buzzterms always being thrown around by these well-meaning "thought leaders" about "passive income" and "the long tail" and "virtual assistants" and "remote working" and "the gig economy" and "algorithm-derived search engine optimization," as they closed their Moleskine and packed up their electric scooter so to make it on time to the latest TED Talk about how they should always be grinding.

Of course, here in the 2020s, we now know that this mostly amounted to just a bunch of hot air, and got millions of desperate Americans nothing for their trouble but even further into debt than they were before. And even when it theoretically worked, like was the case with me in the 2010s with a series of side hustles (making handmade notebooks at Etsy, selling rare books at eBay, being a personal chef for dinner parties, and more), at the "5 hours a week" level I was lucky to make even 50 bucks a month from any of these activities, and had to ramp up into 20-hour part-time-job territory before any of them broke a thousand dollars in profit for an entire year. In fact, it looks like the only people who actually made out like bandits in the side hustle era were the people like Guillebeau selling people on the side hustle idea itself, a grandly traditional pyramid scheme in which the only way to make real money is from convincing other people that there's a way for them to make real money. That makes this particular book not worth your time anymore, since all the smoke and mirrors of the side hustle era have been nakedly revealed by now, in our current sour world of evil social networks run by right-wing sociopath supervillains and a resulting bankrupt nation (financially and spiritually) on the brink of collapse (both metaphorically and literally); although for sure I still recommend other Guillebeau titles from this period I've also digested through Blinkist, such as The $100 Startup and the job-search guide Born for This, which provide much more traditional advice and therefore are a lot more evergreen than titles like today's, which might as well be subtitled Move Fast and Break Things...Oops, We Accidentally Destroyed Society, Our Bad, I Guess Hindsight Is 20/20.
Profile Image for Soňa.
771 reviews55 followers
March 8, 2019
Kniha bola poskytnutá na recenziu internetovým portálom Bohaty Otec

Byť svojim vlastným pánom, mať možnosť slobodne sa rozhodovať a realizovať svoje nápady je snom mnohých ľudí. Len málokto sa však odváži urobiť radikálny krok a vymeniť relatívnu istotu zamestnania za neistotu podnikania. A možno to ani nie je potrebné. Prečo si najprv nevyskúšať podnikanie v malom, bez veľkého rizika a zároveň získať doplnkový zdroj príjmov?

Už podľa opisu je jasné o čom kniha bude. A fakt je:) Je to ďalšia kniha od Chrisa (predtým som už čítala Startup za pakatel) a v oboch podáva svoje informácie priamo, otvorene, ponúka náhľad pod pokličku, overené tipy a triky, vysvetlenia, proste všetky podstatné veci, ktoré by človek mal vedieť keď sa rozhodne podnikať.

Jednoduchosť a prehľadnosť. Výborné je, že plán, ktorý má cca mesiac (27 dní presne) a každý deň je venovaný možno malej, ale dôležitej časti. Je to aj spôsob ako pom��cť v začiatkoch pri veciach, ktoré sa môžu zdať veľmi jednoduché, ako aj pri veciach, ktoré môžu byť zložité. Zároveň toto denné minimum pomáha v procese uvedenia vedľajšieho príjmu do reality tým, že sa nič nevynechá. Okrem toho , že veľa ľudí sa takejto výzvy zľakne, veľa z nich môže zlyhať práve preto, lebo vynechajú či zabudnú alebo nebodaj sa zaseknú na niektorom bode. Aj preto je myšlienka jedna aktivita na jeden deň prehľadná a ľahko pochopiteľná.

Pre mňa to budú príklady z jednotlivých príjmov hlavne u ľudí, ktorí sa venujú kreatívnemu podnikaniu (umelci a pod.), keďže to je pre niektorých z nás len predstava, s ktorou sa nevieme stotožniť. Čo možno zvádza aj k tomu, že ak nemám v zásuvke odložený zoznam možných podnikateľských nápadov, tak to bude so mnou bieda (tu je dobrá rada z úvodných kapitol, viac si všímať okolie a nápady postupne prídu - iste určité úsilie bude nutné).

Prvá veta:
Vedľajší príjem má veľa výhod, všetko ale začína tým správnym nápadom.
Posledná veta:
Poníka sa mi možno nepodarí zohnať, ale možno tam nájdete iné veci!

Video recenzia je tiež na YouTube stránke Bohaty Otec https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=niW5r...

Goodreads Challenge 2019: 13. kniha
814 reviews5 followers
September 19, 2017
This book maps out a comfortable outline of how to take your ideas and turn them into a profitable proposition. It's easy to read and follow. I enjoyed it and would recommend it to anyone who is interested in following their ideas to fruition.
Profile Image for Vanya Prodanova.
787 reviews25 followers
August 8, 2022
Харесвам Крис Гилбо много, тъй като винаги е кратък, точен и директно в целта в писането и коментарите си. Проблемът е, че тази книга не беше кой знае какво. Определено има доста позитиви, просто като споменаваше Facebook и подобни абсурди, не можех да се стърпя да не въртя очи. Опитал се е да направи книгата си да е актуална независимо кога я четеш, но макар да са минали пет години от издаването й, някои неща ги чувствах адски остарели - като примера на човека, който е пуснал приложение с излизането на първия iPhone. Ами, безумен пример е, сложен в дадения контекст.

Основната информация какво точно е side hustle и как всъщност да се насочиш да избереш подходящия за теб, е доста интересна и със сигурност актуална за всеки период. Имаше някои изводи, които трябва да направиш на база примерите, които даваше, но ги пропусна и ти ги оставя да ги четеш между редовете - всичките негативи, свързани с side hustle като например, че трябва си готов да минеш през доста провалени опити преди да попаднеш на нещо, което се чувства правилно и е успешно.

От една страна книгата ми хареса, но от друга се чувстваше като рекламен материал, а не като "Изкуството да бъдеш неконформист", която е ултимативно добра книга. :)
Profile Image for Debbi Mack.
Author 19 books131 followers
June 26, 2018
A very clear and logical step-by-step guide to finding money-making ventures you can do on a part-time basis and get off the ground without spending too much time or money.

A great book for getting you to think of creative ways to use your existing skills and resources to make money.

Highly recommended.
Profile Image for Andrew.
637 reviews218 followers
June 22, 2017
A practical - and surprisingly inspirational - guide to getting a side hustle going. And Chris Guillebeau keeps repeating a few simple things:

A side hustle should make money, but it's not a full-time job or investment.

Do more of what's working and less time turning around failures.

Done is better than perfect.

And let's repeat that one. Done is better than perfect. So get going.
Profile Image for Ryan Williams.
Author 70 books11 followers
October 30, 2017
Loved it! Easily one of my favorites. I listened to the Audible version and also bought the print book for easy referencing.
Profile Image for Alina Butenko.
101 reviews8 followers
August 16, 2019
Людина, що написала книжку про те, як отримувати успішний пасивний заробіток, вочевидь, повинна знатися на цій темі. Крісу Ґільбо лише 41 рік, а він не тільки працює сам на себе вже понад 10 років, а й встиг побувати в усіх 193 країнах світу. Дивина та й годі. Але 2013-го він відвідав останню країну – Норвегію. На той момент чоловікові було 35 років.

Кріс Ґільбо займається не тільки подорожами та письменництвом. Він також реалізує різноманітні власні проекти: творчі та благодійні. Його головною метою є допомога людям з усіх куточків планети перетворити ідеї на гроші, аби в подальшому отримувати задоволення від професійної реалізації. Хто ж не хоче підзаробити грошенят без відриву від основної діяльності?

На думку Кріса, є багато людей, які хотіли б заробляти більше, але з різних причин вони бояться звільнятися зі своєї стабільної роботи та поринути в підприємництво. А деяких така думка взагалі жахає. Дійсно, не всі можуть ризикнути та почати працювати на себе. Це велика відповідальність.

А що ви скажете, якщо вам запропонують залишатися на основній роботі, але паралельно створити додатковий прибуток? Цікава ідея! І головне �� не потрібно відмовлятися від звичного рівня безпеки, який дає основне місце роботи.

Саме такий виклик ставить перед читачем відчайдушний автор книжки, і пропонує створити пасивний заробіток «на стороні». Для створення своєї додаткової справи, яка має принести додатковий дохід, Кріс пропонує детальний 27-денний план дій. Для зручності та більшої структурованості всі дні об’єднані в тематичні п'ять тижнів:

1-й тиждень: створення арсеналу ідей;
2-й тиждень: обрання найкращої ідеї;
3-й тиждень: підготовка до старту;
4-й тиждень: пропонування ідеї правильним людям;
5-й тиждень: шліфування й коригування.

Книжка являє собою найлегший, найзрозуміліший та найструктурованіший підручник для самостійного опрацювання, який ви колись тримали в руках. З перших сторінок вам пропонується детально розписаний щотижневий та щоденний план із короткими описами дій на кожен конкретний день. Далі автор пропонує способи підробітку, аналіз передумов, які важливі для створення власної справи. Також до уваги читача та майбутнього бізнесмена – лаконічна інструкція, як користуватися 27-денним планом. Решту книжки складають детальні описи кожного кроку на шляху до кінцевої мети – додаткового заробітку. Читачеві залишається тільки дотримуватися описів та кожного дня впроваджувати у своє життя нові навички.

А коли ви перегорнете сторінку з описом дій останнього дня курсу, то побачите, що Кріс Ґільбо підготував для вас бонус у вигляді «додаткової амуніції». Оскільки метою книжки є охоплення кожного аспекту життя підробітчанина та спорядження його всім, що потрібно для потужного старту, ви також отримуєте:

- короткий аналіз кількох проектів (приклади яких є в книжці);
- способи перевірки ідеї за допомогою Facebook і $10;
- шаблон для написання «Листа ідеальному клієнту»;
- невеличкий посібник проектів із нерухомістю від знайомої експертки Кріса;
- різноманітні корисні ресурси та посилання.

Отже, усім охочим мати додатковий дохід залишається лише взяти це все й запровадити власну справу!

Profile Image for Sabina.
133 reviews3 followers
January 23, 2021
No you won’t build a side hustle in 27 days after you’ve read this book. This was quite clear to me, but I was willing to give the guy a chance anyway.

He shares many success stories which make the concept of starting a business sound easy. “Karen put her calendar on Etsy, and made €1500 each month! The first sale came in almost immediately!” These things are very rare and are not realistic. Starting IS easy, selling is not.

The book is, in fairness, written in a light and entertaining way. I got some ideas that I’ll definitely apply to my current projects. But I didn’t really learn anything new.

This book is intended for people who are afraid of trying something new and may need some support and ideas.

This book is NOT really intended for people who already run a small business and are looking to expand.
Profile Image for Jay French.
2,131 reviews82 followers
June 25, 2021
I began reading this book believing it would focus on examples of side hustles making money. Smartly, the author just included a few examples, and even repeated some examples within the text where it made sense. Instead of being a catalog, he made this much more a how-to for coming up with the idea, kicking off a side hustle project, and operating it. Topics include A-B testing, creating an origin story, and how to set pricing. I found many excellent, basic ideas for creating and operating side hustles that were useful. I have listened to more than 500 episodes of Guillebeau’s podcast “Side Hustle School”. He’s taken many of the lessons described in this series and put them in an order here that makes some sense. I liked the way that he organized his side hustle project methodology in a way that it could be presented as a calendar, although I found some of the days’ worth of work should often take much longer. Good book for the topic, at a practical, rule of thumb level.
Profile Image for Valerie.
902 reviews5 followers
October 9, 2017
In this book, we get to know more about those people who take on an opportunity. This can because of interest, because of extra money, or just for fun. The book shares with us some ideas about how to make this a reality for those who aspire to do this. In full disclosure, I am not positive that I would be very skilled at doing that. But this book made me believe that I could possibly do something like this.

I appreciated that the book was honest and gave you practical tips and advice. The words were based on experiences of real life people and I recognize that can be incredibly valuable.

I am glad that I had a chance to read this book. Thank you for the opportunity.
148 reviews1 follower
March 13, 2018
This is really more like an activity book than a guide. I worked with a group of colleagues on a CSR project for work and we followed the program Gullibeau lays out in the book. It was pretty fun, and I'd say our project was a mild success. A lot of the tips are straightforward and could be gleaned online. There is little really earth shattering but it's a pretty neat book for anyone curious about starting any kind of side project. We generated enough of a return to run our effort cost-free, so the ideas work on a basic level.
Profile Image for Madeline Wright.
216 reviews7 followers
January 4, 2019
I really took my time with this one because I wanted to fully absorb each of the daily lessons. It's pretty clear early on that you can't do all of the day's tasks in a single day without a significant amount of deep thinking or pre-planning (assuming a hustle hasn't just landed in your lap) but it still provides a decent framework of how to go about each step of starting a side hustle. I can tell that my struggle will be staying motivated to continue forward even when I don't yet see positive results.

I enjoy listening to the "Side Hustle School" podcast and look forward to building out a viable side hustle of my own.
64 reviews
August 11, 2021
I can agree with many of the reviews that indicate this is for beginners or was repetitive in some areas, or even could have just been an article. And I am not a beginner in this foray. BUT, I had gotten away from some of my past hustles or past ideas of hustles and this was something that jump started my thinking again. It is basic, but that's actually what I needed at the time of reading it. Some other books that do get more in-depth can actually come across as intimidating. This is a great "starter" book, in a sense. An introduction, of sorts.
Profile Image for Adam.
19 reviews1 follower
March 4, 2019
I really enjoyed this book. I've read some books promising some financial or material outcome for following their steps, this is sort of that but not really. The examples he uses in the book are very real and the dollar amounts he's talking about people making in their side hustle is not millions, which makes it relatable because a few hundred bucks a week is considered a win here-- and it would be for me too. If you're at all interested in this type of book, pick this one up.
Profile Image for Zachary Wrightsman.
40 reviews10 followers
January 11, 2020
There are good stories of how people got their side hustles. I didn’t have an idea before starting it and still don’t. I’m sure it’s good advice but I wouldn’t know. An okay book I’m sure if you follow what’s in it and have an idea of what you want to do for a side hustle. A lot of the side hustles on there too are like side jobs where you have to ha e experience in something. Like giving guitar lessons or photographer
Profile Image for Emma.
188 reviews35 followers
March 14, 2020
Wow, I really loved this book!! Super practical and full of tips.

The book doesn’t go into the subject matter very deep, and some things could have used some more explanation, but that was also what I expected of this book: A proper how-to on starting a side hustle.

I would highly recommend this to people who are serious about starting a side hustle but are not sure how to start.
Profile Image for Abdulrahman.
128 reviews75 followers
December 2, 2021
اكمالا لرحلتي مع كتب كريس قاليبو، الكتاب يعطيك خطه من عدة خطوات لبناء بزنس جانبي يجعلك سعيدا بممارسة اشياء بالغالب انت شغوف بها او تملك مهاره جيده، و بنفس الوقت تحقق دخل جيد يعمل كمساعد لمدخولك الرئيسي الذي بالغالب يكون من راتبك الوظيفي.

يُفضل قراءة الكتاب بعد قراءة كتابه الاول 100 dollar startup.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 418 reviews

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