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Talk Dirty to Me

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Mark Carrington already broke my heart once.

This sexy, temperamental playboy might dominate the major leagues, but there's no way in hell I'm letting him play ball with my heart again.

Until I find myself facing him down every morning on our new radio show, and his undeniable hotness starts to break down my resistance--and almost erase all the memories of how he dumped me back in high school.

We've both grown up since then, and now Mark is even more gorgeous and infuriating than ever. But I can't get away from him--not when my beloved alternative rock station depends on his sexy ass to avoid getting bought out by a greedy corporation.

But when he corners me in the production room to compliment my sexy radio voice and admire my David Bowie T-shirt, it's all I can do to keep my clothes on and my hands off of him. So I don't.

And the more I get to know him, the more I realize he's hiding a big heart behind all that swagger. And the deeper we get, the deeper I fall.

Published January 25, 2017

About the author

Lulu Wright

2 books176 followers

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Profile Image for Stacey.
1,446 reviews1,139 followers
January 25, 2017

***It's ALIVE!! AND IT'S ONLY $0.99***

Bad memories might not be so bad after all.

Oh My Lordy...LOOK AT THAT COVER!!! Abs, low slung jeans and scruff (fanning myself).

Well, Talk Dirty to Me was surprisingly good. That sounds bad, doesn’t it? See, I normally start a New Adult Romance judging before I start. That sounds bad too…geez, I’m on a roll.

I’m not trying to insult this book or the author, HONEST!! It’s just that NA romance normally makes me roll my eyes, humpf or tsk, and shake my head in annoyance. I just feel so old and jaded when I read them. 20 years ago, I was as silly and irresponsible…but I hardly need to be reminded of this. But, as I said, Talk Dirty to Me surprised me. Oh, they still did silly stuff but they realised their mistakes, made an effort to make amends and learnt from their mistakes…ALLELUIA!!

Rose is having a very bad start to her day. As the producer for an Alt Rock radio station, it’s her job to make sure that the right music is being played. Pearl Jam, Foofighters and Soundgarden are definitely what should be played. Unfortunately, one of her DJ’s has lost the plot and is playing…Katy Perry.

Rushing into the station to save the day, she doesn’t quite make it in time before the owner finds out. Doc Bing, the owner, takes this opportunity to shake up his radio station. With the morning DJ out, it’s time for some new blood and when Rose finds out who it is, her bad day turns into her own version of hell.

Mark Carrington is a star baseball player and uses his fame to its best advantage. When he gets into a little strife for punching another player, his manager, Stanley needs to go into major spin cycle to clean up his image, pronto. Mark will take the punishment, though as he had a very good reason for hitting Tommy Pizza, and the Pizza man knows exactly why.

Mark is going to have to put on the smiles, chat with the reporters and play nice. He even takes time out of his busy off-season schedule of partying and “consulting” with women from his little black book to do community service. Imagine his surprise when a woman from his past is going to be helping him spin himself clean.

The journey for Mark and Rose is not an easy one. They are extremely attracted to each other but they have a lot of hurt feelings to get past before they can move on. With Mark being in the spotlight a lot and also having to deal with anger issues, this doesn’t make it easy for either of them.

Rose has her own issues with having to constantly put out fires at work. She also feels bad because Rose doesn't have enough time to dedicate to a project she started with her best friend and roommate, Geo.

Lucky for Mark and Rose, their chemistry helps them find ways to connect…in the closet, car and office.

Now, Talk Dirty to Me was good, but there were a couple of issues that I struggled with. Mark was a wee bit of a douchewaffle at the start of the story and I didn’t particularly like where his mind went when he needed to relax. He did come good in the end and luckily I didn’t have to “see” him in action. Mark's anger issues seemed a little OTT and not really him.

Rose also had a bit of an episode of stupidity but it was a one off so my shaking of the head in disappointment didn’t last long. At times she didn't come across very professional and appeared a little too immature for her role.

The issues the couple faced at the end seemed to be “fixed” a little too easily in my opinion.

I enjoyed Talk Dirty to Me. I loved the music references, growth in the characters and connection that formed between them. I will definitely be reading more from this author in the future.

To buy Talk Dirty to Me for $0.99 from Amazon - http://amzn.to/2jbxlps

Here's a little Style Setter Tribute I whipped up because deep down I'm a bit of a Rock and Roll grunge chick. If I was 20 years younger, this is what I would wear...


I’m an Aussie chick who loves to read and review romance, drink coffee, be a Style Setter and stalk David Gandy. To see more of my reviews, fashion, food and pervathons -

Profile Image for Sophie.
590 reviews477 followers
January 8, 2017
Talk Dirty To Me, is a sinful, sexy and intense journey through past, present and future. Lulu Wright penned this novel with such truth and raw power that just fights to encase the reader. It took me longer than I'd have liked to finish this book, unfortunately life got in the way and delayed my progress, despite that though I was DESPERATE to get back into Rose and Mark's world. To revel in the oozing sexual tension that just BURNS throughout this whole story.

In all honesty, I didn't fully connect to Rose straight away, something about her just didn't click, I can't say what but it was there. But as the story progressed, Lulu did an amazing job at making Rose one kick ass, sassy, sexy character. Her snark and wit were hilarious and on multiple occasions I wanted to high five her for her one liners.

Being a Brit, I struggle with fully understanding Baseball, but if Mark Carrington is out there and real and offering baseball lessons then SIGN ME UP! This extraordinary man was written to perfection. From the first meeting, sparks started flying FOR ME, never mind between the characters. Mark was alpha, bad-boy, fit sportsman, all the things that tick all my boxes. As the story want on Mark turned out to be everything and more, underneath all that ruggedness was a sensational swoon worthy man that gave me butterflies.

What really stands out during Talk Dirty To Me, as I've mentioned was the undeniable connection Mark and Rose have, it's believable and easy to follow. Despite the first half of the book sizzling with angsty sexual tension that connection only builds and builds. The added sports background, rock/alt music, and second chance romance aspects made this a book I couldn't get enough of.

Talk Dirty to me was flawless, exciting, enjoyable and I fell in love with it all!
Profile Image for Diane Plourde TDC Book Reviews.
1,783 reviews30 followers
February 6, 2017

It was a great honour and privilege to get to read this story way before it's available to anyone else. Personally I find it nerve racking just in case I don't relate to the story. Well guess what? This 5 Star story captivated my undivided attention from the first page to the last one.

Mark is on the top of his game as a pro baseball player. One incidental misunderstanding lands him in hot water. One of the things he needs to commit too is to host a baseball segment on a radio station. Rose runs the said radio station. She's overworked, stressed and underpaid. The catch is that they know each other from high school so this is not an happy reunion. Perception from the past is different for each of them.

This is a second chance sexy romantic comedy. It was a very funny story that was highly addicting. The banter between these 2 was quite entertaining. The author nailed it with all these come backs that were uniquely funny. The comparison with some expressions used was well executed. Everyone had funny nicknames that suited their personalities. This storyline was very well thought out and accomplished to perfection.

I enjoyed the characters very much. Great, well developed characters are for me, what makes a story a success. What they were feeling was completely the opposite of what they portrayed on the outside. They had amazing chemistry. They shared quite a few intense scorching hot scenes that could melt the snow of a roof in a cold January day. Bottom line, this is a great way to start de New Year with an amazing story.

Standalone told in a dual POV with a great HEA. I strongly recommend this story.
Profile Image for Jen .
807 reviews610 followers
February 6, 2017
3 Alt Rock Stars

Overall, I enjoyed this funny and hot offering from Lulu Wright. I found myself laughing out loud more than once and I loved the alternative rock radio station setting.

This one's getting a three star instead of four because I didn't end up connecting with any of the characters, including the two reunited lovers. Scratch that! Geo, the do gooder, dreadlocked roommate reminded me of most of my college roommates. My alma matter ran crunchy, doncha know.

As much as I enjoyed reading Talk Dirty to Me, I went through moments of loving the humor to feeling completely disconnected from the story. I was up, I was down and then I was just left feeling a little bored.

Profile Image for Samantha Ortegon.
Author 1 book50 followers
February 9, 2017
I am feeling like one lucky lady to receive an ARC of Talk Dirty to Me for an honest review. This is Lulu Wright's second book and in my opinion she is doing everything right when it comes to story lines, characters, drama, comedy, romance and the sexual heat. I freaking loved this story!!!

There is no way in hell to not fall and feel a connection to Rose Taylor, she is the smart, quirky, beautiful producer (who does it all) to an alternative rock radio station. Rose may not always make the smartest decisions when it comes to letting her guard down, but taking a chance on her new sports talk show host isn't one of them. The only problem is this major league player broke her heart once and now will she be able to keep her head on straight and not be distracted by the gorgeousness that she has to work side by side with?

Mark Carrington is a major league superstar who has to give his time, voice and knowledge to the new early morning sports radio show. Mark has no problem with hitting the balls out of the park and scoring a home-run with the ladies, his problem is his issues with anger. His latest tabloid repercussion has him co-hosting a show with the girl that broke his heart. Rose is everything he remembers and more than he ever expected, her sexiness may be his weakness. With memories of their past and his fame, will they even have a chance getting out of third base?

Talk Dirty to Me is a great romantic comedy with some heartbreaking moments, the sexual references are off the charts hot. This story kept me interested from page one, I honestly felt a magnetic pull to my kindle that made it difficult to walk away from. This is 5 peanuts and cracker jacks stars of a read!!!

Profile Image for Mizz.
1,074 reviews387 followers
February 5, 2017
*ARC provided by Author*

Random Ramblings:
•I love second-chance romances because I love grovelling heroes but I don't like the ones where the heroine has to chase after the hero
•Two scenes of attempted rape (one with heroine)
•Yeah, I love heroes who tell me how much pussy they get…

[image error]

[image error]
Worst Lines: “you’re not my father” – no matter how old you are, this line will ALWAYS make you sound immature as hell


“I reach for my little black book of pussy. Yeah, I’m old fashioned that way. I hate cell phones and refuse to own one. I thumb through. Who haven’t I had in awhile?”
Profile Image for ✰ Bianca ✰ BJ's Book Blog ✰ .
2,244 reviews1,308 followers
February 6, 2017


Rose is very passionate about her managing job at a local New York/New Jersey alternative rock radio station.
She’s constantly trying to keep the station from being sold or going bankrupt.
And when her morning DJ suddenly decides he’s insane, her boss hires a famous bad boy baseball player for a morning sports talk show. And not just any bad boy baseball player. It’s Mark – the guy who broke Rose’s heart back in highschool!

Mark has to do what his agent tells him or else! He’s been in a bar fight – for a good reaseon – but still – he’s on probabtion with the team and his agent. That’s how he ends up the morning host at a radio station for a few weeks. A station where Rose works – he remembers her very fondly from school. But he doesn’t know why she seems to hate him…. she broke HIS heart ….
What happened back then????

Lots of sparks are still flying between them today!
But Rose could never be with him! He’s dated supermodels for eff’s sake! What would he want with her?


I really enjoyed this book! I loved the whole radio-station feel of it! Not a fan of baseball at all, but there was almost no baseball in the book! Phew!

Rose and Mark are both great characters. Mark is so adorable and sweet and a little or a lottle broken inside – but he’s working on it….

Of course it would have been easier for them and the reader if they would’ve just talked things out right from the beginning! Ugh, I hate stupid lies and misunderstandings and whatnots! BUT, I still loved the story!

I didn’t love the end – the end before the epilogue! I was expecting a more clever and bigger make-up thing to happen. But it was just bam – we’re back together – The End - Epilogue! It was so very weird and I didn’t get it at all – but that might’ve just been me ☺☺

TALK DIRTY TO ME was a really fun & sexy & moving lovestory! It almost convinced me to watch some baseball – but only for the man candy of course! (Which, of course, is also the only reason I love to watch football!)


Smokin Hot Book Blog Email
Profile Image for Book-Bosomed  blog.
516 reviews250 followers
February 4, 2017
4.5 Stars

Rose Taylor, 25, manages an alternative radio station in the NY/NJ area. She loves her rock music, but a stress free job she does not have. It only gets worse when her morning blows up over the airwaves and more complicated when she learns that her former classmate, now pro baseball player, Mark Carrington is joining the morning show team.

Mark’s day isn’t going much better. His very public fist fight with the sport’s world golden boy has him in hot water with his agent and part of his penance is a radio show gig that isn’t one of his career goals.

The opening scene hooked me on the story from the first pages, providing some laugh out loud moments. The writing was witty, painting colorful, quirky characters and vivid settings.

I also connected with Rose right away. I hate country music; love rock. Having graduated high school at the height of the grunge era, the station’s playlist spoke to me. (Oh and she went to a Rancid concert instead of prom—cue my envy!) I also loved how Rose was a strong female character, giving back every time Mark tried to rowel her up and keeping him on his toes.

“I wonder if anyone would notice if I undid my jeans right here, wrapped my fist around my cock and pictured exactly what I really wanted to do to Rose Taylor in that DJ booth…”

While Mark was a full of himself, sports celebrity with a big ego and anger management issues in the beginning, he was also a character who grows. I liked how the story developed his character, hinting at his background as a contriving factor to his issues but never using it as a scapegoat for blame. Both Mark and Rose were realistically flawed, and I appreciated how the message of learning from your mistakes and seeking professional help when needed were stressed throughout the story. The themes of public and private self, the downsides to fame, self-esteem, and maintaining your integrity were also central to the plot.

There’s moderate drama with the anvil being dropped in the early chapters. But the romantic angle is developed well throughout the story as you wait for the other shoe to drop. There’s no insta-love. The two have good chemistry as they muster through their new work relationship while subconsciously working out their very different impressions of their high school days and adolescent selves.

“He repositions his body against mine, deep in the zone now, and I don’t think he even feels my ass pressing against his hard dick anymore.”

There were a few places (such as their back-story) that lacked some explanation or could have been expanded further, and the ending felt just slightly rushed in the final chapter and epilogue. The humor is strongest in the beginning but drops off a bit as the plot progresses.

Told via Rose and Mark’s first person POV, this is an upbeat, second chances, love-hate standalone romance.

Safety Highlights:

*I volunteered to review this ARC. All reviews written by Book-Bosomed Book Blog are honest opinions. In the interest of providing unbiased book reviews and to avoid misleading other readers, it is the blog’s policy not to withhold or delay any reviews no matter the star rating. To the best of my knowledge, this title was presented to the blog without any conditions or stipulations.
Profile Image for Jo - •.★Reading Is My Bliss★.•.
2,419 reviews237 followers
February 2, 2017
I’m sure that we can all remember our high school crushes, the boy we wished would notice us, even just a chin nod or some little acknowledgement. I know that I looked way different at 16 than I did at 24 – the braces were off and thank goodness the whole hair perming phase of my life was done.

Rose kind of dated Mark Carrington back in high school, she had the kind of family life he only dreamed of having and he enjoyed spending time with her. She wasn’t like other girls at school and that is probably what he liked the most about her. Unfortunately those memories and friendship were left behind as they grew up.

Today they both live very different lives. Rose is working at an independent alternative rock radio station, something she is very passionate about. Mark is an all star baseball player for the Yankees. He rubs shoulders with celebrities and dates gorgeous models.

Unfortunately, Mark has a big fall from grace and has to make amends by doing a few extra curricular things in his down time. This is how the sports talk radio show at Rose’s radio station comes about. However, she wasn’t expecting to end up co-hosting with him. Her sexy ScarJo voice wins some new audience and the flirtatious banter between her and Mark gains them an eager following.

However, it’s what happens in all the hidden nook and crannies of the building with Mark that keeps things even sexier than the banter on air. The high school crushing turns very adult and intimate – getting to third base has a whole different definition now.

Mark had forgotten what it was like to be with someone who isn’t after him for their own personal gain but just because they want to spend time with him, not the baseball star. He has also learnt over the years that you can’t trust anyone and he is once again proven right by the person he thought he could trust with all his secrets. Forget talking dirty, dirty talking is about to have devastating consequences on what could have been something amazing.
Profile Image for Heather andrews.
9,520 reviews162 followers
January 30, 2017
Mark somerimes had to use his brain when it came to Rose, "she’s really upset , like doesn't want to eff or let me go down on her or even just give her a massage upset. I am at a loss as to what to do. What would Ryan Gosling do? I’m trying to remember every chick flick I’ve been forced to watch..." I liked this book, I liked Mark.
Profile Image for Sarah.
1,789 reviews1,343 followers
February 5, 2017

4 Second Chance Crowns

With Dirty Talk, Lulu Wright has again created a fun and light romance that will entertain readers with engaging characters and light-hearted plot.

All of the characters are interesting in this story, particularly the cast at the radio station. Each of the quirks and eccentricities are fun to read about, and readers will love the little community created among this odd group of friends. The two main characters, however, drive the plot of the story. With their past history, readers will be anxious to see them finally reconnect. Through their radio show, these two slowly start to let go of their past and move towards finding comfort in the arms of each other. Through the relationship, readers get to witness their masks fall away and Mark and Rose’s true selves are exposed not only to each other but also readers. They get to see that Rose is interesting, has amazing taste in music, is passionate about her career, and just wants to do what she loves with the people she loves. Mark is a much more complex and interesting character. At the beginning, he seems to be a spoiled manwhore sports start who likes to throw temper-tantrums, but as the story progresses, he is revealed to be so much more. His past and relationship with his parents weighs heavily on him and who he is as a person. Seeing his development as a character throughout the course of the story, particularly once he begins to fall in love is a joy to watch. My favorite moments, however, are with the two of them together. They are completely free with one another and act without any reservation. They support each other, they love each other, and they are consumed by one another. It is just pure love!

The story is light and quick, but there is not much depth to the story. It is very clear what the conflict is going to be as soon as the event occurs, and there is little other complications for Mark and Rose throughout the course of the book. While, this is the case, readers will still like this book. It is fun and engaging and wholly entertaining, and readers will enjoy it.

Lulu Wright’s second chance romance, Talk Dirty to Me, is romantic comedy excellence. The characters, the story, and the writing will leave readers with a smile on their faces and provide them with an easy read to sit an relax from the stresses of the world.
ARC received in exchange for an honest review.

For more reviews and other book news, check out musings of the Modern Belle at www.modernbellebooks.com.

Profile Image for Three Chicks.
2,618 reviews420 followers
January 1, 2017
Review by Lisa Kane

Second chance at romance story with some slight angst built in to stir the pot. Rose Taylor is the general manager/program director for a radio station. Life is hectic and her job is pretty much her life. When one of the hosts goes bunkers she finds out the owner is giving his spot to Mark Carrington. He's the star player for the Yankees. And he's a total player/manwhore. I have to admit, his views on sex and women didn't exactly endear me to him.

Turns out Rose and Mark had a relationship in high school until Mark broke her heart. So Rose can barely deal with having to work closely with the golden boy. Mark hasn't forgotten her, but I don't think he was pining away for her over the years.

Of course, sparks fly, clothes come off and the two start a relationship off the air. But trust is still missing on Rose's side and mistakes are made. Since the story is told from both POV's, we get what Mark is thinking about his life coming unraveled. He made up for his douche ways in the beginning of the story.

Talk Dirty to Me is hot and sweet and salty. Makes for good reading!
Profile Image for Lauren ♥ Inked in Chapters.
478 reviews38 followers
February 7, 2017
3.5 Stars

After reading The Hard Sell, I couldn’t wait to get my hands on more of LuLu’s work. So, when I was approached to read Talk to Me Dirty, I screamed a loud “hell yeah,” and dove right in. I dove in blind. I didn’t read the blurb. I hadn’t read any excerpts. I just dove. And kinda hit my head.

You see, Talk Dirty to Me has some major elements that I absolutely love…
- My family eats, sleeps, and breathes baseball.
- We are HUGE music junkies.
- I grew up in North Jersey, where a good portion of the story takes place.
- My husband grew up in the city. (There’s only one, people, it’s NYC.)

Great, right? This should have been right up my ally. I have music, baseball, home.. But there were issues. We’re not just baseball fans, we’re those crazy obsessed Yankees fans. And a good portion of LuLu’s story revolves around Mark Carrington, a New York Yankees baseball player. Now, I KNOW my Yankees. I know they are very strict in how they run their franchise. It’s not simply a team, it’s a business. So, the face punching Mark pulled off probably wouldn’t fly with them, unless he was THE FACE of the Yankees (AKA – Derek Jeter level famous…) And then… then Mark grew facial hair. Yikes. The Yankees are one of, if not THE only team, that does not allow facial hair.

You’re probably thinking, stop right there, Lauren. Who cares? … Well, I do. I’m one of those fussy, annoying people. What can I say? We all have faults.

But that’s not all… I’m still not sure where the radio station Rose worked for was located. Was it in NY or NJ? It did remind me of Seton Hall Radio, which I listened to when in high school. Kind of a low budget station that plays alternative music. That was neat. But the story seemed to jump around a lot and there were some inconsistencies. I did have an ARC and many of those things may be fixed by the time the book makes it to your hands.

Listen, it’s a second chance romance, and a cute one at that. The heroine isn’t exactly your typical girl. She’s more about comfort than fashion. She’s smart and determined, independent and doesn’t put up with a lot of Mark’s nonsense. She also doesn’t wear bras. As a mother of two, I’m jealous of that. If I didn’t wear mine, my boobs would probably tickle my toes. Okay, not really. Well, maybe.

Mark is a hunky baseball player, and who doesn’t like one of those? He’s kinda gruff and rough and doesn’t think he’s good enough. Hey, I rhymed! Bottom line, he’s sexy, and we like sexy.

I think my issues with LuLu’s book were just that, my own. It’s hard to read about a place you’ve grown up or a team you love and find they’re not represented quite right. I think it may have been beneficial to use fictitious teams (not the Yankees and the Mets, two HUGE franchises in the tri-state area.)

But over all, if you’re not a snob like me, you’ll probably really enjoy LuLu’s second release. It’s the sweet story of two individuals broken apart by misunderstanding and brought back together by chance. If you dig second chance romance, give this one a try. Feel free to tell me what you thought when you’ve finished.
Profile Image for Laura.
2,463 reviews112 followers
December 28, 2017
***ARC Provided by the author and Social Butterfly PR***

3.5 Stars

I enjoyed this book, the characters (most of them) and the writing style was engaging.

That said, Geo, Rose's best friend, was the most annoying secondary character...possibly ever. I thought she was over the top and I couldn't ever see what Rose was clinging to with their friendship. This really colored the story of Mark and Rose.

I liked Mark, and I liked Rose. They were mostly believable (aside from keeping the best friend) and I liked their story, the radio show idea, and their relationship. I believed their attraction, and I believed that they would end up together.

There were a number of places where I laughed out loud...and the ending, I loved how it drew in something from earlier in the book.

I do recommend this book.

***This and other reviews also featured on “I’m A Sweet and Sassy Book Whore” http://www.imasweetandsassybookwhore.com***
Profile Image for Peggy Lee (Reading Keeps Me Sane).
1,039 reviews41 followers
January 14, 2017
Lulu Wright can Talk Dirty To Me anytime she wants! I loved this second chance, funny, angsty, steamy romance.

Rose Taylor is my kinda girl, radio geeky. She's the high school nerd who has grown up to be a general manager/program director/ producer of a small alt rock radio station. Love her! In order to increase ratings Rosa's boss brings in "The Bad Boy at Bat. American All-Star. Super Slugger. Mr. Mark Carrington." who is also Rose's ex-crush/ex-boyfriend from high school. He left her feeling inadequate. Mark broke her heart in high school and continues to rattle her six years later after he blows her off when they are introduced. Rose does not take it well and has a little too much to drink. Unfortunately in her drunken stupor she shares the wrong information with her ex's arch nemesis.

Mark Carrington has a temper that lands him very hot water. He has to redeem himself and part of the deal is to host a sports talk show during off season. Mark can't believe he's stuck with Rose Taylor, his high school ex who broke his heart. "A Rose is a Rose is a Rose." After six years Mark can't believe that Rose still thinks he's not good enough for her. Will their chemistry ignite when trapped in a small DJ booth for six weeks?

The characters are well developed. Their past is well written and creates a good understanding of who they are today. They each had their own misconceptions that took six years to debunk. The story is a relationship roller coaster ride that will twist, turn and swoop right into your heart! 5 Stars.
Profile Image for FunUndertheCovers.
1,757 reviews46 followers
January 23, 2017
Lulu Wright has a real winner on her hands with this one. I will admit that I, like Rose from the book, know nothing about baseball but have no fear Mark is here to navigate the waters through all this Sports Talk. Who would believe that Rose, nerdy girl in high school, not only had a crush on the star baseball player but also secretly dated him! Alas he left her humiliated and never looked back. Rose is now working radio at a small station in New Jersey. Mark is a national league player for the Yankees and has it all or does he? Did he really leave Rose and never look back? Sometimes love blossoms from the strangest circumstances. Enemies to lovers, hot romance, second and third chance love, Lulu touches all the bases in this one! Hurry up and write some more please?!
Profile Image for Aaly.
1,357 reviews56 followers
January 12, 2017
*** ARC kindly provided by the author for an honest review. ***

Talk Dirty To Me was a pleasant surprise. Fun, sweet and sexy. I was entertained.
Rose and Mark rocked the boat!

Full review to come.
Profile Image for Melanie (mells_view).
1,810 reviews377 followers
January 26, 2017
I'm falling in love with LuLu Wright...

A really enjoyable second chance romance between a bad boy baseball player, and a radio show producer. These two have a bit of a rocky past, that was full of misunderstandings.

They are thrust together on a radio show when Mark gets into a bit of trouble and has to do the show as a stipulation of his manager. Rose is the producer at the station and is less than thrilled to have to work with Mark. Especially because the tension and feelings that have always been there between them, haven't gone away even with six years apart.

The story was great. Some of the little moments these two had together were great. Mark was a flawed character and worked on himself throughout this story. Rose was actually a pretty great character and things happened that made her a crappy character, but she redeemed herself by the end. The naughty bits are hot, and the falling in love bits are sweet. LuLu Wright does an amazing job at making her characters feel real and normal. Even though these characters had lifestyles that were a bit in the public eye, they still felt relatable in ways.

A great author, and I can't wait to see what comes next from her!
43 reviews
February 7, 2017
A great read. Worth every star.

Thanks for an awesome book. Loved every minute.. cant wait to read more of your great stories. You need to read this if you want a 5 star read. Don't wait get it!!!!.
Profile Image for Debbi.
268 reviews2 followers
February 6, 2017
Loved everything about Mark and Rose's journey!
There's something about a baseball player that is sweet, sensitive and has a heart of gold. This story had all the feels. Lots of laughs, but a lot of moments that pull at your heartstrings. Loved all of the Rock and Roll references and the David Bowie line was the best! This was a great afternoon read and I love Lulu's writing. High on the steam factor! And a hot hot hot tub scene!
2,958 reviews26 followers
January 29, 2017
Mark the baseball playercomes off as full of himself but is read wrong by everyone and that causes him to lash out until he meets up with his high school sweetheat Rose who owns a radio station that is her passion and life They are forced to work together with that flame igniting again and the passion just flies.This second chance that they have is beautiful with bumps in the road of course but who doesn't.I won an arc of this book voluntarily reading .My first by this Author and I loved it.
Profile Image for Melissa.
606 reviews125 followers
February 1, 2017
**ARC provided by publisher**
2.5 stars

This is my first book by Lulu Wright. I'm a fan of sports books usually so I went into this looking for a fun, sporty romcom. I'm also a big fan of second chance romances so I was looking forward to that aspect of the book as well. However, it didn't quite hit the mark for me.

Talk Dirty to Me gives us the story of Mark and Rose. Opposites who met in high school, briefly dated-though neither of them labeled themselves a couple-then went their separate ways. They both had misconceptions of each other and since they didn't really talk (ok, who really talks in a high school relationship anyway) they didn't take the time to fight for one another.

Things weren't much different between these two as adults. The push/pull was still there between them as was the lack of communication at first. I wanted to tell them to quit playing games and open their eyes. Once they actually opened up to one another though I was all in. I finally believed them as a couple.

What bothered me about the story was actually the supporting characters. I think Rose's best friend is one of the more annoying characters I've ever read. I just couldn't deal with her. Her coworkers were a little better, but not much.

The book overall was just ok for me. I did appreciate the sports aspect of it. I would try this author again.
Profile Image for Kimberly Anne.
3,167 reviews184 followers
January 21, 2017
This Sports Romance Was A Homerun!!!

There is no doubt about it,Mark Carrington had some anger issues! A fight with another player put him in some serious hot water! His friend and manager, Stan, had enough! An ultimatum is given, and Mark has to get his act together! Counseling, a Radio Talk Show, and public apology to the other player is on the agenda. If Mark says "No Way" then he'll loose the friendship and support of his friend. His first day at the Radio Station becomes the first of many days with Rose. She is his "One That Got Away". They went to school together! She made him feel like he was not good enough for her. Now he was rich and famous, a ball player! He felt like he could hold his own with her! I think he thought that he would "WOW" her with his magnificent self!! He forgot that Roses have thorns!

The ball was in play and, I couldn't wait to see who would win! Mark or Rose!
Profile Image for Reva Coomer.
1,732 reviews
March 19, 2017
This was a fun steamy read. A little heartbreak but not much. I really wish it would have explained a little more about what happened in high school between the two. They talk about it, but never explain or make it clear what happened. I love a second chance romance...So much fun. At first, I thought I was going to hate Mark. He was cocky and said some really stupid things. He redeems himself and shows he is more than a cocky ball player. I love how they are on air together, so hott! Rose is a nerdy music lover and will do what it takes to make her radio station survive. I loved her from the start. Very good read.
Profile Image for Red Cheeks Reads.
2,230 reviews376 followers
March 9, 2017
Rose and Mark have a history together. Each of them have a different idea on how things were back in high school but either way Rose was left feeling hurt and broken hearted. Rose is adamant she won’t let Mark into her heart (or panties) again! But when Mark has to work at her radio station for a few weeks, things definitely start to heat up between them and staying apart from each other isn’t as easy as Rose thought it would be. And the longer they spend together, maybe Rose doesn’t want to be apart from Mark at all?

“I have reached a new level of mad, sad horniness.”

This was such a fun, flirty, entertaining read. It really kept me laughing the whole way through and the chemistry and back and forth banter between Mark and Rose was so much fun to read!

“He pulls me close to him and his hot, naked chest against mine drives me wild. I can feel every inch of those pecs on my tits, his washboard abs hard against my stomach, digging into me, our hip bones colliding.”

Rose was a great character for me. She was feisty and sassy. Despite the spark between her and Mark, she wasn’t about to roll over and forgive everything with just a few of Mark’s smiles and flirty behaviour. She really stood up for herself and gave just as good as she got!

“I want her to beg for my cock. I want her to lose track of the world, she’s so lost in ecstasy. I want to watch her come again and again and know it’s me driving her mad…and I want to hear her say she wants to be here with me too.”

I feel like Mark might be marmite for some people. I did liked Mark, I thought he was funny and cocky and confident which are things I find attractive in our heroes (in the right measure of course) but I could see why some people might get annoyed by the things he says. I personally really enjoyed his and Rose’s connection when they were on the radio and he was definitely a flirty, sexy, make-you-want-to-drop-your-panties kind of male lead!

“My hands squeeze into fists and so does my heart. I am back in a swirl of anxiety and sadness. I hear Geo’s words in my head as she fed me the best s’mores she ever made. “You got this, Rose.

Yeah. I got this. I am a Rose, which means I’ve got thorns.”

This was such an easy read that you could enjoy on a Sunday afternoon, when what your looking for is a fun, sexy read. It will make you laugh, smile, sigh, maybe shed a few tears and shake your kindle in anger, but generally you will leave this story feeling happy and romantic.

Profile Image for Emmbooks .
297 reviews16 followers
February 5, 2017
This is one of the hardest reviews i've had to write in a loooong time. I struggled with whether to give this one 3.5-4 stars. hopefully once i've written it i'll be able to pick one.

I have to start by saying I really enjoyed this. I've not read anything from this author before and I was not sure what to expect.

The book is really well written, the story is perfectly paced for the most part and there was plenty going on to keep me turning the pages.

Mark is the typical baseball star. Arrogant and cocky. Some of the stuff he says about woman and sex had my eyebrows raising, but he is such a likeable character it was easy to forgive him.

Rose was a slightly more complex character. I started off really liking her. She's a self confessed nerdy girl. She's super dedicated to her job at a failing radio station.

when Mark is introduced as the new star of the morning show she produces she immediately panics because she hasn't gotten over how he broke her heart in highschool. The only problem is that Mark remembers their relationship very differently.

once they actually start spending time together old feeling resurface, it doesnt take long for clothes to be shed.

This part of the book i loved. if it had continues this way I would have undoubtedly given it 5 stars.

My issues with it started when Rose seemed to morph into a completely different person. She became very self absorbed and in fact, a little bit of a bitch. I understood she was under a lot of pressure but i still struggled to like her at times.

Now, the reason I feel conflicted. I loved the story but to me loads of it felt unresolved. Why did the relationship fail in high school? Was there a big arguement? they have what I expected to be, 'the big convo' about the past but it's over in a few lines with nothing really being explained.

The same goes for the conclusion of the story. Obviously there is a resolution but i feel like i was told it, not shown how they got to that point (so hard to explain without spoilers!)

All in all i did actually like this a lot, so much so that I wanted more of it.

I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for more stuff from this author.
Profile Image for A little birdie told me....
627 reviews31 followers
February 13, 2017
I like this new author. I really liked her style and how she skips over the unnecessary details and just gives us the meat of the story.

However, the problem I had with the book is just a personal preference for me. It has nothing to do with the way the book was written, and I know others like this sort of thing.

First of all, I hate the turning-the-manwhore trope. Even if it's not necessarily detailed in the book (in fact, he doesn't even have sex with another woman in the book at all), it is alluded to where the phrase "swimming in pussy" is used to describe his exploits. He even has a little black book he can order it up like take out. Gross.

Secondly, I hate, hate, hate characters who assume things and don't ask questions or find out the truth before ending things harshly. It's a variation of the miscommunication trope that I really can't stand. It's as if the character would rather assume the worst and wallow in his own misery than get the facts, especially when paparazzi and the media is involved... a media, as he stated to the heroine before, twists truths and can't be believed. Frustrating doesn't cut the emotion.

But then where would we get our angst?

Like I said, the book wasn't bad. It's just my personal preferences that get in the way of allowing myself to rate it higher.
1,268 reviews8 followers
February 21, 2017
Fun read

This book was Rose and Mark's book. They knew each other in the past and dealt with misunderstandings. They now found each other again as adults going to clear up more misunderstandings.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 77 reviews

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