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Batman Beyond (2016)

Batman Beyond, Volume 1: Escaping the Grave

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A part of DC Universe: Rebirth!

Terry McGinnis takes on the Batman cowl amidst rumors that the original Joker has returned. An entire section of Gotham City has decended into the Jokerz' hands, creating a community of clown-worshipping crazies called Jokerztown! Rising from the chaos, Terminal unifies the gang of Jokerz and he's after the new Batman.

Written by Dan Jurgens and illustrated by Bernard Chang, the in-continuity tales of the Dark Knight of the future continue here in Batman Beyond, Volume 1: The Return!

Collecting: Batman Beyond 1-5, Rebirth

144 pages, Paperback

First published June 28, 2017

About the author

Dan Jurgens

2,208 books277 followers
Dan Jurgens is an American comic book writer and artist. He is best known for creating the superhero Booster Gold, and for his lengthy runs on the Superman titles Adventures of Superman and Superman (vol. 2), particularly during The Death of Superman storyline. Other series he has been associated with include The Sensational Spider-Man (Vol. 1), Thor (vol. 2), Captain America (vol. 3), Justice League America, Metal Men, Teen Titans (vol. 2), Zero Hour, Tomb Raider: The Series, Aquaman (vol. 3), and the creator of DC Comics' imprint Tangent.

Jurgens' first professional comic work was for DC Comics on Warlord #63. He was hired due to a recommendation of Warlord-series creator Mike Grell who was deeply impressed by Jurgens' work after being shown his private portfolio at a convention. In 1984, Jurgens was the artist for the Sun Devils limited series (July 1984 - June 1985), with writers Gerry Conway and Roy Thomas. Jurgens would make his debut as a comic book writer with Sun Devils he began scripting from Conway's plots with #8 and fully took over the writing duties on the title with #10. In 1985, Jurgens created the character Booster Gold, who became a member of the Justice League. His first work on Superman was as penciller for Adventures of Superman Annual #1 (1987). In 1989, Jurgens began working full-time on the character when he took over the writing/pencilling of the monthly Adventures of Superman.

Dan Jurgens was the penciller of the 1990–1991 limited series Armageddon 2001 and co-created the hero Waverider with Archie Goodwin. In 1991 Jurgens assumed the writing/pencilling of the main Superman comic book, where he created a supporting hero named Agent Liberty. During his run on Superman, Dan created two major villains, Doomsday and the Cyborg. Doomsday was the main antagonist in the Death of Superman storyline. Jurgens wrote and drew Justice League America for about one year and in 1993 pencilled the Metal Men four-issue miniseries, which was a retcon of their origin story. Jurgens wrote and pencilled the 1994 comic book miniseries and crossover Zero Hour. He wrote and penciled layouts (with finished art by Brett Breeding) to the Superman/Doomsday: Hunter/Prey miniseries, which was a follow-up to the successful Death of Superman storyline. In 1995 Jurgens and Italian artist Claudio Castellini worked on the highly publicized crossover Marvel vs DC. In the same year, he gave up the pencilling duties on Superman.

Jurgens scripted and provided layout art for the Superman vs. Aliens miniseries. The story was about a battle between Superman and the aliens created by H. R. Giger (a.k.a. the Xenomorphs), from the Alien film series. It was co-published by Dark Horse Comics and DC Comics in 1995.

In January 1996, Jurgens was writer and penciller of the new Spider-Man series, The Sensational Spider-Man (Vol. 1), at Marvel Comics. The title was initially conceived to be the flagship showcase for the new Ben Reilly Spider-Man (it replaced the Web of Spider-Man series). The initial seven issues (#0–6, January–July 1996) were written and pencilled by Jurgens. Jurgens pushed strongly for the restoration of Peter Parker as the true Spider-Man and plans were made to enact this soon, but Bob Harras, the new Editor-in-chief, demanded the story be deferred until after the Onslaught crossover. Jurgens had by this stage become disillusioned with the immense amount of group planning and constant changes of ideas and directions and took this as the last straw, resigning from the title. In a past interview several years after his Spider-Man run, Jurgens stated that he would like to have another chance on the character, since his run was with the Ben Reilly character during the Spider-Man Clone Saga, and not Peter Parker.

Jurgens had also written and pencilled Teen Titans (vol. 2) for its entire two year, 24 issue run. New Teen Titans co-creator George Pérez came on board on this incarnation of the Titans as inker for the se

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 154 reviews
Profile Image for Sam Quixote.
4,669 reviews13.2k followers
May 30, 2017
I’m giving Rebirth every chance here. Dan Jurgens has always been a shit writer, Batman Beyond is always a shit title, but maybe - just maybe - the Rebirth version of Dan Jurgens’ Batman Beyond will be good…? Nah.

Terry McGinnis - the OG Batman Beyond - is back from the dead. When did he die? How did he return from the dead? Who was Batman Beyond while he was gone? Not only aren’t they answered but the fact that these questions are asked in this first volume negates the claim on the back cover that this is a “great new jumping-on-point”! Future’s End, a big DC event story from a couple years ago set in the Batman Beyond-verse, is also a key reference in the story. This is for seasoned BB readers only; though, to be fair, a rushed retelling of Terry’s origin is included at the start so there’s a half-assed attempt at being accessible for new readers.

The Jokerz gang have taken over a patch of Gotham and their leader, Terminal, is trying to bring Joker back from the dead. Terry, himself recently returned from the grave, dons that snazzy outfit once again to fight Jokerz, once again. And at no point is it ever interesting to read.

It’s a cliched superhero v supervillain story with weak and forgettable supporting characters and few standout scenes. Terry’s girlfriend Dana Tan is taken hostage for no reason - she’s literally there for the villain to spout exposition at. Bernard Chang’s art is ok, the twist at the end isn’t bad and Terry does do something different instead of just being Batman Beyond and punching Jokerz goons for a change. It’s small potatoes though compared to the vast tedium that is the rest of the book.

Batman Beyond Rebirth is just like every other Batman Beyond book: beyond boring!
Profile Image for Lyn.
1,933 reviews17.1k followers
March 15, 2022
I never watched the TV show.

For those folks, like me, who have not and the idea about Batman Beyond is … beyond them … ahem … then here’s the skinny: Decades in the future, Bruce Wayne is out of the picture and a new cowled crime fighter is wearing the suit and operating out of the Batcave, a beginning that was initiated by a brief association with the elderly Wayne.

Writer Dan Jurgens and artist Bernard Chang have done some good work for DC’s Rebirth project on Batman Beyond. Instead of the Joker, we have the Joker cult, called Jokerz, still causing problems in Gotham and our hero, assisted by his younger brother and some others, are trying to fight the fight.

Not bad, a little predictable, and the BIG REVEAL at the end is somewhat anticlimactic.

Profile Image for Chad.
9,140 reviews1,000 followers
December 29, 2018
It's the same creative team of Dan Jurgens and Bernard Chang so the big change for Rebirth here is that Terry McGinnis is back in the suit. No more Tim Drake as Batman Beyond nonsense.. or any of the stupid Future's End crap either. It's a return to the status quo of the TV show. Terminal has taken over the Jokerz and carved out a section on Gotham as JokerzTown. His ultimate master plan, "DUH DUH DUH", is to bring back the Joker. I'm sure you can see where the rest is headed from here.

The Good: I love the relationship between Terry and his little brother Matt. More of that!

The Bad: I don't really want to have Dana back in the book. We don't need everything to return from the cartoon.

The Ugly: That big reveal at the end, you could see coming a mile away and I didn't care for it.

Received an advance copy from DC and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Chelsea 🏳️‍🌈.
1,791 reviews6 followers
July 11, 2017
** received from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review **


Having never read anything of Terry McGinnis or seen the Batman Beyond tv show, I went into this as a complete noob. I didn't know anything about Terry except his name; I knew nothing of the side characters or his origin as Batsy. That being said, I found this pretty entertaining and easy to get into. There's enough context clues to understand the history of Terry's world and they give enough of the side characters (Max, Matt and Dana) to understand their role in this. Pretty solid intro for me.

The story is Terry comes back from the dead in time to combat the big bad, Terminal. He's running the new Joker gang, Jokerz in what people are dubbing Jokerz town. They've kidnapped Dana, Terry's ex girlfriend, and Terry decides to go undercover to stop them.

I wasn't a huge fan of the Chuck E Cheese style coloring through out the book. They took the Joker's purple and green color scheme and ran with it which made for a jarring clash of colors that pained me to look at. It makes sense for the setting, I guess. The scenes where Terminal is revealing his evil plan were fine for a B level villain, I guess. I didn't care to learn more about him and I called the end reveal from a mile away. It set up a more interesting plot than this book though this is a rare case where I think volume 2 will be much better.

I like Terry as a character. Sometimes hero quipping can be a little tiring but I found him charming. I like Max and Matt's influences as well. I'm interested to see where this thing with Dana goes. Here's hoping she doesn't become the typical comic book girlfriend. The set up for Terry and his old "friend" is really interesting so I look forward to reading the next volume.

3.5 stars.
Profile Image for James DeSantis.
Author 17 books1,176 followers
April 26, 2017
I had fun with this. It wasn't amazing or even great, but it was solid enough for me to have a good time with it.

I grew up with Batman Beyond. I respect the 90's Batman Cartoon but it wasn't my thing. I loved Batman Beyond and even the cheese that came with it. Saying that I never read a comic of his. I always felt like it would tarnish the image of Terry so I never tried. I just didn't think it was worth my time.

Till Rebirth announced they'd be doing a series. I jumped on to try it out. Glad I did because this was pretty fun. Watching Terry and his brother work together to take down the Jokerz or whatever the hell they are is both fun and badass at points. Sure it's simply by the numbers superhero writing but sometimes that's all I need to have a fun read.

I liked Max and Terry's relationship. Even more so I like Bruce and Terry. The feels at the end of this volume made me smile. Sure you could see it coming from a mile away but it's good. I also could see the very ending coming but hey, who didn't?

I hope this series can builds. This feels very "First volume/arc kickoff" and it'll get better from here. I can only hope. I say give this one a chance!
Profile Image for Wing Kee.
2,091 reviews32 followers
June 9, 2018
3.5. Hey looks who's also rolled back!

World: The art is good. It's more muted compared to other Chang art, there are less 'action' panels and so when they happen they matter more. The eyes still bug me about this Batman but oh well. The world building is solid, it's the final roll back I hope to make this the same world with some slight changes to fit Batman Beyond to DCU. There are some differences and inconsistent parts but I guess they can use the 'time travel' excuse on everything (Max knowing the Batcave and Dana knowing about Terry).

Story: A solid start for the new status quo. It's well paced and well written. It's fast and basic and just fun. It feels like the show. The plot is interesting in how they rolled back another important piece of Terry's world pre 'Futures End'. The villain was okay, the end with the reveal was kinda fun and I did enjoy myself.

Characters: Solid character work with the cast. Terry has moments of growth with you realization of who he's missing and Max and Matt are fitting in well as Team Batman. I didn't really feel anything special for Dana (always liked Max way more) but like previous series she's just the girlfriend and there is not a lot of development. The villain was okay, nothing special but it seems everyone survived being turned into a cyborg now...

Solid and a large piece that rolled back and a new villain at the end should be old and fun.

Onward to the next book!
Profile Image for Molly™☺.
815 reviews56 followers
January 30, 2022
55% | C+| Good

"Couple thousand Joker wannabes? That's beyond Batman"

This series is set in the future where the mantle of Batman has gone to Terry McGinnis. No matter the year, as long as there's a Batman, there's always a Joker. A gang coining themselves as Jokerz are wrecking havoc all over Gotham, and it's up to Batman to stop them

This is a very middle of the road Batman story. There are some good elements such as Terry who is a fantastic protagonist, and then there are some bad elements such as the plot twist which, shocker, pretty much everyone saw coming. The villain isn't memorable nor overly imposing, and apart from Terry's brother, a lot of the supporting characters seem rather bland at the moment. The art, on the other hand, gets no complaints from me as it's simple, pleasant to look at and coloured really nicely. Perhaps not the strongest of starts, but it has enough set-up to make me want to pick up the next volume.
Profile Image for Chris Lemmerman.
Author 7 books108 followers
January 29, 2021
Everything old is new again as Batman Beyond gets its own Rebirth. Dan Jurgens has his work cut out for him here as he has to catch up the reader on what's been going on with Batman Beyond as a result of Futures' End, as well as set up the next story going forward and restore most of the previous Batman Beyond status quo by bringing back Terry and Bruce.

I've not quite finished the cartoon just yet, but I don't think that's too much of a barrier to enjoying this book - the references thus far are to earlier episodes that I've already seen, and while the exact reason Terry was out of commission isn't addressed entirely (just some vague allusions to Spellbinder being involved), it's easy enough to get into once the series gets going, and there are some useful flashbacks to explain where Bruce Wayne's disappeared to as well.

The plot itself feels kind of small, but it's Terry's first adventure back in the suit after time away, so the stakes are higher than they could have been otherwise. The Jokerz are trying to resurrect the Joker, and kidnap Terry's old girlfriend Dana along the way, so it's up to Terry, Max, and Matt (who also knows that Terry is Batman now?) to save the day. Add in a few Joker-related twists and you've got a winner.

Bernard Chang's artwork is a perfect fit for this book, his sleek style invoking the world of Neo-Gotham and the cartoon series exactly as you'd hope. Fill-in artist Pete Woods isn't quite as successful, his visuals a little muddier than usual, while Ryan Sook who pencils the Rebirth issue is solid as ever, but I'm kind of glad he doesn't pencil the main series just for timeliness concerns. I do find Terry's eyes a little off-putting though, since they're red instead of white like the original show costume.

Batman Beyond's rebirth is more of a reset than anything else, but it manages to mine a lot of story potential while putting pieces back onto the table to be played with later. There are some nice progressions (including someone discovering who Batman is other than Matt, finally) and a cliffhanger ending that will likely cause lots of problems further down the road, so I'm definitely in for the long haul.
Profile Image for Devann.
2,458 reviews176 followers
July 12, 2017
I received a free copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

Let me just start by saying I don't think I've literally ever read a DC or Batman comic except like maybe The Killing Joke and something else back when The Dark Knight movie came out. However, Batman Beyond was one of my favorite shows as a kid so I thought I would request this title for the nostalgia value. I should have just rewatched the show. It was somehow both really boring and ridiculous at the same time and I don't know if I'm just missing something because I haven't read the other comics but I thought the whole point of a reboot was so new readers could come in without having to catch up first? I mean parts of it were cute, and I love Max, but really reading this just made me want to go watch the show again, I have no desire to read more of it.
Profile Image for RG.
3,087 reviews
April 25, 2019
I've never read anything on Terry before so thought I'd start here. I was in the mood for a Batman novel. Bought the digital copy, but wont be continuing the story. I just felt like the entire story was subpar. Also having never read any of this neo futuristic Batman I felt a little lost.
Profile Image for Robert.
1,860 reviews150 followers
September 29, 2017
I loved the "Batman: Beyond" animated series, and this Rebirth relaunch is a worthy continuation. Also, it contained a mid-arc twist that even this jaded comics reader hadn't seen coming, so an extra star for that!

Profile Image for Peter Derk.
Author 30 books377 followers
March 29, 2018
Apparently there was a huge war against robots sometime before this book. Which I HOPE was never actually in the comics. I kinda think it was, but I like the idea of having this gigantic robotic cataclysm, and the whole thing happens between books. So everyone's just like, "That was pretty fucked up with those robots, eh?" But we never see that battle at all. Half the people are dead, apparently, parts of town are all screwed up, but we mostly just hear people being all, "Goddamn robots..." There's something hilarious to me about that, this thing that's referenced all the time, and because it's a robot uprising we pretty much get it automatically, and nobody ever really goes into detail. Because why would you!? That'd be like me referencing the Holocaust and then turning to my left and saying, "The Holocaust was a WWII-era German..." Nobody would do that. Or, like, "Geez, it was like 9/11 down there." [turns to left] "9/11 is the common term to describe the attacks on..."
Profile Image for Georgie zakka.
188 reviews6 followers
August 30, 2019
I wasn’t expecting to like this as much as I did since recently I haven’t been liking dan jurgens’ work but this was pretty good.

Now terminal was an ok villain mostly because he’s always around the jokerz gang but never acts crazy or like the joker and you get a lot of Lex Luthor vibes but not In the good way, I also thought some dialogue with Dana was annoying.

But I love the brother relationship between Matt and terry because you can tell they’re bros, I find that pretty shcway and I liked the futuristic art especially the vibrantness of the jokerz suits.

Overall good book.
Profile Image for Ryan Stewart.
500 reviews42 followers
April 3, 2020
2020: yeah I forgot I’d read this. It’s fine. I liked it more this time, but it’s damn far from a good jumping-on point.

2018: I wouldn’t go so far as to say this was good. And it’s definitely not the jumping-on point it acts like it is (Futures End knowledge required!), but I’m a sucker for Terry as Batman and this was entertaining.
Profile Image for Ellen.
1,030 reviews20 followers
July 14, 2017
This probably doesn't quite deserve the 4 stars, but Batman Beyond is still one of my favorite cartoons ever. This is the first comic I've read of the character and definitely made me want to re-watch the show and then read all the graphic novels up to this point. I'm looking forward to more Terry McGinnis.
Profile Image for Jenny Clark.
3,123 reviews116 followers
May 16, 2018
Art is good, story is ok, but I don't get everything that is going on.
That being said, I am kinda new to comics, and have not really been catching up, or all that interested in doing that. Just too many series I want to read to try and make my way back to the beginning of them.
So, I am going to assume the war that Terry is talking about takes place in the 2016 Batman Beyond series, where Tim Drake is BB??? (If not, please let me know!) On a side note, library has that series! Volume 1 and volume 3. They got rid of volume 2... Or perhaps it was taken or lost.
Anyways, getting back to this Batman Beyond, there are a few things like the war, and Bruce dying in it, and Terry having been supposed dead, that you just have to roll with. Not a huge deal, in my opinion.
My main issue in this comes in with Joker. He is a Batman villain. Bruce Wayne, not McGuiness.
The fact that Bruce was disguised as Joker by Teminal was actually pretty cool, and goes with the duality of their two natures and their relationship. The fact that he is still alive is not bad, since Bruce is, but for him to still be active? I mean, the man has to be in 60s or 70s by the time this decades later future comes in... It just feels kinda shoehorned in. Let the Jokerez gang, or Inque or any of the other Batman Beyond villains stay in, and be the main players. Terminals plot by itself would be fine too, just Joker being there and still active annoys me for some reason.
Overall, I am a fan of the animated show, so this was a good way to continue that. If you have never seen the show, I would recommend you watch it first. I would also recommend reading the New 52 version of this just for the little bit of background it would give you for this.
Profile Image for Wayne McCoy.
4,104 reviews27 followers
September 5, 2017
'Batman Beyond Vol. 1: Escaping the Grave' by Dan Jurgens with art by Bernard Chang, Ryan Sook and Peter Woods, is an appropriate subtitle for the story told between the covers.

The story takes place in a Gotham City of the future. Terry McGinnis was thought to be dead, but he is back as Gotham's Batman. He got his suit and training from Bruce Wayne, who is now dead. The Joker is also dead, but that doesn't stop a large cult of criminals from adopting his persona and running riot in a part of town called Jokerz Town. The Jokerz are up to something big and when Terry finds out, he goes undercover as one of the Jokerz to stop it. Is he up to the job?

I know Batman Beyond from the animated series, and not as a title, but I really enjoyed this graphic novel. I like the future punk elements, like the Bane/Joker mashup character. The characters and story are good, and things seem to be set up for good plot lines to come.

I received a review copy of this graphic novel from DC Entertainment and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this graphic novel.
Profile Image for Koen.
854 reviews1 follower
August 29, 2017
Ow yeah!
Batman beyond... my new favorite..
First time BB for me, so perhaps that's the reason for me being so excited...
We're in the future, Bruce is no longer Batman but trained a guy named Terry to be the new Bat..
Somebody wants to revive the Joker...
but things turn out to be about so many other things... and then the ending... Well, let's just say I could be hooked to this, very quick, if they keep up the pace.. ;)
Profile Image for Zebulynn Hanson.
147 reviews5 followers
September 10, 2020
I was a big fan of the cartoon as a kid. The comics just as good. Wow is all I can say

I was a big fan of the cartoon as a kid. The comics just as good. Wow is all I can say
Profile Image for Ramón Fernández Ayarzagoitia.
179 reviews33 followers
July 5, 2017
Ok, so the first issue in this series is about 80% exposition. I honestly thought I was going to hate this and that it would be another run-of-the-mill, designed to be canceled, Batman Beyond story.
As you can see from my rating, this is by no means the impression I was left with after reading the other five issues in this volume. The story develops better more naturally after issue two and it was fun, heartwarming and a perfect return to what the character should be. I enjoyed this thoroughly and I’m convinced it represents what Rebirth is trying to do, even if it also highlights some of the problems with DC’s new approach.
Bayman Beyond goes back to the basics and to what makes the character great: a less gritty and more (physically and emotionally) vulnerable Batman in an unforgiving, cyberpunk-ish future, who tries to fill his predecessor’s shoes as admirably as he can. Terry McGinnis, a little more experienced than in previous incarnations, but rusty from having to leave his mantle for a number of years (apparently due to the Brother Eye incident described in Future’s End, even if that makes cero sense), has to rescue his former girlfriend from the growing gang of Jokers, who are also trying to revive the man Himself. As you can see, a lot of this touches on some of the typical Terry McGinnis story beats (this might be Rebirth’s biggest problem: some of its stories feel like they have already been made), but the story has a few twists and some great action scenes to keep you interested and entertained.
Overall, I had a lot of fun with this comic and I would recommend it to any fan of Batman or of the original cartoon series. Comics don’t have to be groundbreaking if they are really fun.

El primer número de esta serie es exposición de la trama en un 80%, así que honestamente pensé que lo iba a odiar y que sería otra historia de Batman Beyond diseñada para cumplir y ser eventualmente cancelada.
Como pueden ver, mi calificación del mismo indica que esta no fue mi impresión final después de leer las siguientes cinco entregas en este volumen. La historia se desarrolla de manera más natural después del segundo número. Es divertida y es un regreso a lo que debería ser el personaje. La disfruté mucho y estoy convencido de que va con lo que Rebirth intenta hacer, aún si también resalta algunos de los problemas que tiene el nuevo acercamiento de la DC.
Batman Beyond regresa a lo básico y genial del personaje: un Batman que es menos rudo y más física y emocionalmente vulnerable, en un mundo cíberpunk más duro, pero que hace su mejor esfuerzo por llenar los zapatos de su predecesor. Terry McGinnis tiene un poco más de experiencia que en versiones previas del personaje pero que está desacostumbrado al manto por desaparecer durante varios años (al parecer debido al incidente de Brother Eye descrito en Future’s End, a pesar de que eso tenga cero sentido) y tendrá que rescatar a su exnovia de una banda de Jokers en acenso y que está intentando revivir al jefe en persona. Como podrán ver, esto es parecido a muchas historias previas de Terry McGinnis (este puede ser el problema más grande de Rebirth: algunas de sus historias se sienten como que ya se han hecho antes), pero la trama tiene algunos giros y muchas geniales escenas de acción para mantenerte interesado y entretenido.
En general me divertí mucho con este cómic y se lo recomendaría a cualquier fan de Batman o de la serie animada original. Los cómics no tienen que ser revolucionarios si son verdaderamente divertidos.
5,870 reviews141 followers
May 26, 2020
Batman Beyond is an on-going series published by DC Comics that features Terry McGinnis as the Batman of the future. Batman Beyond: Escaping the Grave collects the first five issues of the 2016 on-going series with the Batman Beyond: Rebirth issue.

"Escaping the Grave" is a six-issue storyline (Batman Beyond: Rebirth, #1–5) has Terry McGinnis as Batman going undercover as a member of Jokerz to save his girlfriend Dana Tan. The leader of the Jokerz is Carter Wilson as Terminal – an old schoolmate of theirs who is trying to resurrect the original Joker. With Bruce Wayne apparently dead, Terry's only back-up is his baby brother Matt McGinnis and his other school mate Max Gibson.

Dan Jurgens penned the entire trade paperback. For the most part, it is written rather well, Jurgens has recreated Neo-Gotham after the events of Brother Eye and Futures End having Terry McGinnis returning as Batman – coming back from his death. It is a classic Batman and Joker tale that has McGinnis and Wilson as rivals with Wilson trying to resurrect the Joker.

Bernard Chang (Batman Beyond #1–3 and 5), Ryan Sook (Batman Beyond: Rebirth), and Pete Woods (Batman Beyond #4) penciled the trade paperback. For the most the pencilers complemented each other rather well, which gives a rather smooth artistic flow. Chang being the chief penciler does a rather good job, some of his close ups are much to be desired, but done well nevertheless.

All in all, Batman Beyond: Escaping the Grave is a good start to what would hopefully be a wonderful series.
Profile Image for Nikki in Niagara.
4,149 reviews156 followers
July 14, 2017
OMG! This is absolutely Bat-Fantastic! So many twists and turns, the ending is unbelievable! I thought "New Superman Vol 1" was the best Rebirth trade I'd read but this has surpassed that for me. I went into this blind. I've never watched the cartoon "Beyond Batman" which this is based on, nor did I know anything about its plot or content. I was not happy when I first saw we were going to get "another" new Batman, but they've brought this off while, as far as I can tell, keeping to canon. Cleverly the book is set "several decades from now", which could be up to 70/80 years in the future from today or from the time anyone reads the book in the future, keeping the series well grounded in the "future". Terry McGinnis had me from when he opened his mouth, one of the best Batmans ever! Lots of new characters, some bringing in the past (Commissioner Barbara?!), and humour. Dark, gritty story with snide, actually funny humour. I'm in on this one for the ride!
Profile Image for Owen Richardson.
60 reviews
July 25, 2024
This was my first exposure to Batman Beyond and I wish I was introduced to him sooner - I love everything about Terry Mcginnis, his supporting cast and Neo-Gotham.
The story brilliantly incorporated tropes I love, such as Terry going behind enemy lines undercover, and it's handling and subversion of Bruce Wayne's role was genius, fully catching me off guard.
Whilst I didn't get to see too much of his personality, Terry seems like the perfect blend of Jaime Reyes and Miguel O'Hara, a combination I am always going to adore. His brother Matt playing the role of guy in the chair and hype man was also really entertaining.
Whilst the art wasn't anything special and, where Terry's cowl was concerned, outright bad, art doesn't affect a story and it wasn't enough of a hindrance to subtract from what might be my most surprising (at least to myself) 5 star rating so far.
Profile Image for Frédéric.
1,450 reviews70 followers
November 18, 2022
This is my first encounter with Batman Beyond and starting with this volume is not particularly reader friendly. This is NOT a reboot.

Some flashbacks kind of explain what happened before and it’s not that hard to tie things up but still. I have no idea who is this Spellbinder guy or where Max is coming from and jumping in from here diminishes the supposed impact of the obvious final twist.

This being said, the plot is awfully generic and dull. Once the tone is set you can see how it will end from miles and there’s no surprises except a new bat-costume.

The art thankfully redeems the book. Ryan Sook for starters then Bernard Chang. I didn’t know the latter but he actually does a pretty nice job.
Profile Image for laurel [the suspected bibliophile].
1,732 reviews645 followers
July 12, 2017
Terry McGinnis returns as Batman after being held captive by Spellbinder and the odds are stacked against him: the Jokerz run the streets, the police can't stop them, a new criminal is trying to bring the Joker back from the dead, Dana is being held prisoner, Terry is out of shape and, worst of all, Bruce Wayne is dead.

I'm not familiar with the Batman Beyond comics, but I love the cartoons. This seemed a bit older in tone but kept the same style and voice as the cartoon series. Overall it was a quick and fun read with high stakes and a "twist" ending.

I received this ARC from NetGalley for an honest review.
Profile Image for Urbandale Library.
364 reviews14 followers
January 15, 2019
Batman Beyond takes us into the future as Bruce Wayne has stepped down as the Batman. Terry McGinnis is trained by Bruce Wayne to take over. Escaping the Grave takes us even further into the future as McGinnis once again puts on the cowl as rumors of the original Joker's return have surfaced. We see part of Gotham taken over and converted to Jokerztown, aptly named after the Jokerz gang that took it over. The leader of this crew, Terminal, is trying to bring back the Joker; or has he already? The writing surrounding Terry McGinnis is entertaining, and his interactions with his friends and crew is down-to-earth and relatable. The mystery of the Jokerz plan for the return of the Joker will keep you guessing, and you might find yourself surprised before this volume concludes as I did. While not the best or most exciting all the way through, the good parts of this story are well-worth your time especially if you are a fan of Batman Beyond or of Terry McGinnis. The future technology and the future-Gotham are rendered well in a cyberpunk-esque way, which I am always a sucker for.-UPL Library Staff
Profile Image for Subham.
2,957 reviews83 followers
November 28, 2020
Its a fun volume and like focuses on Terry after he returns and they have to save Gotham from a gang of jokers and he has to also rescue his former girlfriend Dana and deal with Monster Man and Terminal and deal with whatever he has planned for Gotham city and also the return of Bruce wayne? This volume was good in it that it jumps into the action quick and focuses on Terry dealing with this new status quo of New Gotham, also its fast paced and has so many twists and turns and the coming of (spoiler) Joker and Batman both was cool, seems like something big is on the horizon! Also good focus on Max, Dana, Matt and Commissioner Babs!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Siona St Mark.
2,524 reviews51 followers
July 11, 2017
I don't think this is the best of DC Rebirth, hell its not even the best of this run because the next arc is better in my opinion, however this is a fun arc. I think the only real reason to read this title is if you liked the old animated show. It's not exactly like it, mind you, but it's close enough to be enjoyable, but at the same time it doesn't really impact the DC continuity or the Rebirth event (to my knowledge).
Displaying 1 - 30 of 154 reviews

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