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Haven Point #6

Serenity Harbor

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In the town of Haven Point, love can be just a wish—and one magical kiss—away…

Computer-tech millionaire Bowie Callahan is about the last person that schoolteacher Katrina Bailey wants to work for. As far as she can see, he’s arrogant, entitled and not up to the task of caring for his young half brother, Milo. But Kat is, especially if it brings her closer to her goal of adopting an orphaned little girl. And as her kindness and patience work wonders with Milo, she realizes there’s more to sexy, wary Bo than she’d ever realized.

Bo never imagined he’d be tasked with caring for a sibling he didn’t know existed. Then again, he never pictured himself impulsively kissing vibrant, compassionate Katrina in the moonlight. Now he’s ready to make her dream of family come true…and hoping there’s room in it for him, too…

377 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published June 27, 2017

About the author

RaeAnne Thayne

286 books3,299 followers
I'm not one of those people who knew from birth she was destined to become a writer. I always loved to read and throughout my childhood I could usually be found with a book in my hands. To the disgust of my friends, I even enjoyed creative writing assignments that made them all groan. But I had other dreams besides writing. I wanted to be an actress or a teacher or a lawyer.

Life took a different turn for me, though, when my mother made me take a journalism elective in high school (thanks, Mom!). I knew the first day that this was where I belonged.

After I graduated from college in journalism, I took a job at the local daily newspaper and I reveled in the challenge and the diversity of it. One day I could be interviewing the latest country music star, the next day I was writing about local motorcycle gangs or interviewing an award-winning scientist.

Through it all -- through the natural progression of my career from reporter to editor -- I wrote stories in my head. Not just any stories, either, but romances, the kind of books I have devoured since junior high school, with tales about real people going through the trials and tribulations of life until they find deep and lasting love.

I had no idea how to put these people on paper, but knew I had to try -- their stories were too compelling for me to ignore. I sold my first book in 1995 and now, more than 30 books later, I've come to love everything about writing, from the click of the computer keys under my fingers to the "that's-it!" feeling I get when a story is flowing.

I write full-time now (well, as full-time as I can manage juggling my kids!) amid the raw beauty of the northern Utah mountains.

Even though I might not have dreamed of being a writer when I was younger, now I simply can't imagine my life any other way.

I love to hear from readers. You can reach me at my email address, raeannethayne@gmail.com

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 319 reviews
Profile Image for Julie .
4,166 reviews38.2k followers
July 20, 2017
Serenity Harbor by RaeAnne Thayne is a 2017 HQN publication.

RaeAnne Thayne has written another sweet, touching, and inspirational story that is sure to warm your heart!!

Katrina Bailey is not the same woman she was when she left home with her former boyfriend on a trip to Columbia. But, as she returns for her sister’s wedding, she has a hard time convincing her mother and best friend she is no longer the flighty, flirtatious girl she once was. She's changed and intends to prove it.

But, a chance encounter with computer-tech millionaire Bowie Callahan, catapults Katrina into a situation where her resolve is sorely tested.

Bowie recently discovered he had an autistic half-brother named Milo who has recently been orphaned after the death of their mother. He is ill equipped to cope with the situation and grabs onto the way former school teacher, Katrina Bailey was able to calm and diffuse Milo’s meltdown. He is so desperate for help, he offers her twelve thousand dollars to watch Milo until the social services autism professional arrives to work with him.

Reluctant at first, Katrina begins to see the financial advantage of helping Bowie and Milo, because of her own very special plans for her future. So, she finally agrees.

It’s not long before the couple realizes they have a strong attraction to each other, but Katrina must remain focused on her goals, which means keeping her feelings for Bowie platonic, no matter how badly she wants him.

At first, I didn’t think I would like Katrina. She was aloof, and very abrupt with Bowie and more than a little judgmental.

But, as the story progressed, I could see she really had to work hard to keep her newly acquired pragmatism in place. I began to see her as a very realistic character with very human emotions and flaws, which helped me slowly warm up to her.

Bowie was a flustered new parent, which would have been the case under any circumstances, but Milo’s autism is especially challenging. I felt sorry for him more than anything because he just seemed so lost, and unsure, and very overwhelmed, although he did seem to put his work before family in the beginning, he grew to understand where his priorities should be.

Katrina and Bowie tried to keep their feelings at bay, but love was stronger than their will to fight it, in the end, although you should be prepared for some frustration along the way.

But, the real star of the show here, is Milo! This child will worm his way into your heart and then melt it. I loved watching his progress and how through him Katrina and Bowie found one another and their happily ever after.

I enjoyed this special romance from one of my favorite contemporary romance authors, and loved getting the chance to check in with some of the characters I've met in the previous installments of this series.

Overall, this is a nice addition to the series!

4 stars
July 6, 2017
Katrina Bailey is an English teacher living in Columbia. She wants to adopt a local child but lacks the money for all the paperwork. Kat travels to Haven Point, Idaho for her sister’s wedding. She grew up in this town and plans to stay with her family for a few weeks.

While in Idaho, Kat sees a six year old boy having a meltdown in a grocery store. She distracts and soothes the child who is named Milo. His brother Bowie observes the interaction and is impressed with Kat’s skills. Bowie has been caring for Milo since his mother’s death and he is ill equipped to deal with his autism. He has a high pressured job running a software company and knows very little about children with learning disabilities. Bowie is in a bind and hires Kat to help Milo during her stay. Kat is turned off by Bowie’s arrogance but she needs the money to cover the legal fees for her pending adoption.

This is the sixth book in the Haven Point series and it can be read as a stand alone book. The story shows people with different experiences coming together after a chance encounter. I enjoyed this well written novel by RaeAnne Thayne.
Profile Image for ♥Rachel♥.
2,081 reviews897 followers
September 9, 2017
DNF @48%

I've never read RaeAnne Thayne before but I don't think this book was a good choice as a start for me.

I’m not in the mood for a “romance” where they just push each other away because they have too much going on in their lives or previously made plans. Don’t most people have a lot going on? Somehow when you find the right one you can’t help but fit them in and then tackle life together.

A copy was kindly provided by HQN Books via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Kathryn.
1,694 reviews278 followers
July 20, 2017
Serenity Harbor by RaeAnne Thayne is #6 in her Haven Point series. However it can very easily be read as a stand alone. I hadn't read any other one in the series and I slotted into it no trouble. I am sure those who have read previous books though will enjoy what surely are cameos from previous couples who now have their happily ever after.

I really enjoyed this small town contemporary romance. When you place an adorable six year old into the mix you have me hooked every time. Milo is Bowie's brother, one he has only just heard about and is now the guardian. Only trouble is he has no speech and is on the autism spectrum. That's where Katrina comes in, she is present when he has a melt down in the supermarket - she manages to distract and manage it no trouble. And from there a beautiful relationship is about to unfold.

Katrina is a school teacher although not working at present, she is endeavouring to adopt a little four year old from a South American country, who has Down's Syndrome. All her efforts so far have gone done the gurgler and she is desperate to succeed in adopting and bringing her to her hometown, and if she can't she intends to go live in South America for good.

Bowie is a successful and wealthy tech guy and really wants to care for his brother, with Kat's help he is going to be able to come to love and care for him well, however in the journey he also comes to love Katrina, who is a little reluctant in that realm. Both Bowie and Kat have had experiences growing up that have left them a little distrustful and careful.

This was an easy read, I was swept up into a relaxing, fun read. I'd quite happily read on and possibly back in this series!
Profile Image for Ami.
6,040 reviews491 followers
May 22, 2017
3.25 stars

Serenity Harbor , the 6th book from Haven Point features schoolteacher Katrina Bailey (the youngest Bailey sibling, sister of Wyn and Marshall from book #4 and #5) and computer-tech millionaire Bowie Callahan. In between the two there is also a sweet six-years-old autistic boy, Milo, who is Bowie's half younger brother. Bo doesn't know that Milo existed but when he gets guardianship Bo is determined not to take care of him

Milo is pretty much the catalyst for Katrina and Bo's relationship. Kat's first encounter with Bo and Milo is when Milo is having a meltdown in supermarket with Bo not knowing what to do. Since Kat is a primary schoolteacher, she makes connection with Milo. Bo asks Kat to help becoming Milo's temporary nanny, until Milo's future autism specialist arrives and before Kat leaves back to Colombia.


Hmmmm... I've loved the previous stories from this series but I think I hit a snag this time around. Now, I LOVED Milo ... my heart went out for this boy. It annoyed me at first that Bo seemed to focus more on his works rather than his special-needs brother. Bo gets better in dealing with Milo of course but still... he could've get to that point sooner.

I think my problem is because I didn't feel the chemistry between Kat and Bo. In fact, I thought Kat had better connection with Milo. ALL of Kat and Milo's interaction warmed my heart dearly. From the moment she crouched down on Milo's level to talk to him out of his meltdown, to making him breakfast, to teaching him to verbally communicate. It was beautiful and touching for me.

On top of that, the whole felt a little outside of my realm of romance. It's a little bit too out there. Plus I couldn't help thinking that using too many special-needs children to make me care for Kat and Bo as a couple to be a little "manipulative".

So yes, I didn't love this as romance as a whole. BUT everything with Kat and Milo lifted up the book for me. I'm still interested with the next book of course! It will feature the charming Jamie Caine and the librarian Julia Winston. That sounds promising :)

The ARC is provided by the publisher via Netgalley for an exchange of fair and honest review. No high rating is required for any ARC received.
Profile Image for Amy.
2,218 reviews1,945 followers
June 21, 2017
All of my reviews can be found on www.novelgossip.com

Serenity Harbor is the sixth book in Thayne’s Haven Point series and this was my first experience with the author. I had no issues jumping in at this point as it looks like each book focuses on different residents of the same town, so while this one was about Katrina and Bowie, characters from the previous books made an appearance. I really like when authors build a series this way and I wish I had the time to go back and read from the beginning! Instead, I’ll just be happy that I found these books now and will continue to follow from here on out.

This book had everything I’m in the mood for when I pick up a romance novel. It was super sweet without being over the top and cheesy, it had a great setting with a picturesque little town and characters that stole my heart. I like Kat and Bo well enough but the star of the show for me was Bo’s little brother, Milo. He’s a six year old little guy with autism who had a rough start to his short life. Anytime I watch a show or read a book with a character on the spectrum, I’m instantly interested. My son has autism so I’m obviously always on the lookout for characters with it as well and I’m always nervous about how they’re portrayed. I shouldn’t have worried as Thayne did a beautiful job and her portrayal was real, honest and highly accurate. She either has personal experience with autism or she did some fabulous research, either way bravo!

Another thing that I really liked was that this was a clean romance, meaning no graphic love scenes. I’m not a prude, but oftentimes I find myself skimming over sex scenes, so the lack of them worked for me here. That doesn’t mean that there was a lack of chemistry between the two leads, there definitely was, it just focused more on them building a relationship based on more than physical intimacy. I love that, it’s a book I would be comfortable recommending to a teenager. I think this would appeal to fans of Nora Roberts or Kristan Higgins as the writing style was similar, or to anyone looking for a feel good read with heart.
Profile Image for Siobhan.
4,770 reviews589 followers
July 4, 2017
Serenity Harbor is the sixth book in the Haven Point series, yet it can be enjoyed as a standalone novel. I enjoyed it as a standalone novel and had no issues falling in love with the characters and the town. In fact, I now plan to go and read the prior books in the series, as I wish to know more about the characters and the romances that are already in existence. Moreover, I already have book seven sitting on my Kindle, ready to be read extremely soon.

The tale of Serenity Harbor is, in all honesty, quite a simple one. The simplicity of the tale, however, merely adds to the impact of the story. It gives us a realistic tale of love, the story of two people finding love when they least expect it. It’s simple and sweet, yet I can easily imagine it happening in the world. It made a nice chance from the drama filled romance novels I so often read. Whilst you’re pulled into this one, the story holds a tight grip because you’re interested in the characters, not because you’re curious as to how the drama will play out. I’m not saying this story is completely drama free – every romance story has drama to a certain degree – yet we’re not forced into life or death situations in every other chapter. As I said, realistic.

For me, the strongest part of the story was in our child character. I often find that young children can make or break stories, especially when they’re pivotal to the storyline. Sometimes it can feel as though the author has included them simply as a prop, never allowing you to develop feelings for the child. Such is not the case here. Whilst my heart was doing regular summersaults due to the romance between our lead characters, it was beating an even faster rate when we spent time watching the child develop. He truly is a wonderful character. You love him, you want the best for him, and you cannot help but connect with the story because of him. He really is a wonderful character. Add in the fact we have another child in the background, another we grow to care about, and this book pulls at your heartstrings in a large variety of ways.

Without a doubt, this is an emotion filled read. I’m not saying you’ll be sitting holding tissues to your eyes to blot away the tears nor will you be chuckling at every other sentence – it’s not the extreme ends of the emotional scale. This a more subtle emotional read, one that slowly pulls at your heartstrings. Every so often, there will be an extra dip into the emotional cocktail, one that leaves you with palpitations you cannot ignore, yet with the emotion being consistent throughout, it’s hard to notice when you’re sucked into the story just how deeply you’ve connected with each of the characters.

Without a doubt, you’ll be sucked into this one, addicted from start to end. It quickly becomes a story you cannot put down, in my case forcing me to read it in a single sitting. You need to know what happens. You need the specifics of how everything plays out. You need to see the emotions through until the end of the story.

If you’re looking for a beautiful romance, look no further than Serenity Harbor. It will leave you enchanted with the Haven Point series and wanting more.
Profile Image for Jacob Proffitt.
3,198 reviews1,929 followers
August 29, 2017
This is sixth in a series, and other couples from previous books pop in and out like weasels in a hen-house. Including Kat's sibling and friends and neighbors and doctor and, uh, yeah, it's a lot. You get that in the small-town setting and it isn't a bad thing, but it's better if you actually know the people so you don't get so impatient about their intrusions.

I have to say this is my least favorite in the series, so far. Which doesn't make it bad, but I was a bit impatient with the story. I'm probably being a little bit harsh, really, because I enjoyed it okay most of the time. I mean, I really liked Kat and her care for disadvantaged children came across as touching and genuine and that's tough to pull off—particularly in a story that seems to have larded them on by including both an autistic boy as a near-omnipresent force and a Down syndrome girl as Kat's driving motivation. The couple of scenes of other children who had known Kat when she was their elementary school teacher helped cement that because you saw how naturally they acted with her. It's a tough balance to make as a writer, and I think Thayne pulled it off.

Bowie was more problematic as you could see he's pretty driven and something of a workaholic. I think Thayne pulled off humanizing him, even early in the story, but again, that's a tough balance to strike. One problem with Milo's very active presence, though, does rather overwhelm the time and opportunities to build the Bowie-Kat relationship. So the chemistry between them is muted.

But the major problem amplified by the muted chemistry is how so very much of the plot was driven by negative motivation*. This was mostly Kat, but Bowie had his moments, too. And by mostly Kat, I mean that the absolute entire conflict in the relationship, and I mean absolutely every single piece, was Kat's insistence that she doesn't want to fall into the same patterns as her previous relationships. Yes, she has a positive goal in finalizing the adoption of Gabi and that's fine. But that has exactly zero impact on why she can or cannot be together with Bowie. So yeah, she's a big ole hairy "no" the entire story and for reasons that are shown to be stupid at literally every turn.

So this story cruised on a 3.5 or so for most of the book. Until the end. When it dropped a whole star in one scene. Okay, it's going to be an undetectable star-drop because it was a 3.5 rounding down and I'll end up rounding this 2.5 up, but it's still a huge freaking disappointment that

Sigh. So very disappointing.

A note about Chaste: Like most of Thayne's books (but not all), this is pretty chaste, with some deep(ish) kissing and nothing more.

* Negative Motivations: I kind of hate that the term "negative motivation" isn't widespread, yet. Since it isn't, I'm going to save off this little jag to append to my reviews that feature the term. Jennifer Crusie blogged about it a bit back and it changed how I understand story. The problem with the term is that if you've never heard it before, you'd assume it meant motivations that are harmful or immoral. Not so. What it refers to is motivations not to do something. The thing is that many of us are motivated to not do things for a lot of different, perfectly valid and reasonable, reasons. The problem is that in a story motivations to not do things are a huge drag on the plot—particularly considering the fact that most negative motivations are overcome by the character simply deciding they don't care any more (or, rather, that they do care and are now motivated to do the thing). So not only do you have a counter to action but you also have a situation where to overcome it, all a character has to do is change their mind. Which means eventually, the reader is rooting for the character to get over him/herself already and do the thing we want them to do. Conflict drives story. Conflict between a reader and a main character drives readers away from story.
Profile Image for Priyanka.
186 reviews41 followers
July 14, 2017
Check out http://abooklionshideaway.blogspot.in/ for more reviews.
This is the first book I got to read by RaeAnne Thayne. Being a fan of small town romance fan, I immediately clicked accept for this review and I am glad I did because I absolutely loved it! This is the 6th installment in the series but it can be read as standalone.

Serenity Harbor is a story of Katrina Bailey, a school teacher and Bowie Callahan, computer tech genius. Bowie's six year old brother Milo works as faith and gets these two from different worlds together. Milo has autism and Bo has no idea how to deal with little kids let alone with one with special needs even though he loves him dearly. So when Kat comes into their lives, Bo is desperate and ready to do anything to hire her as a nanny until autism specialist arrives in few weeks. What started strictly as temporary, Bowie isn't sure either he or Milo is ready to part with her just yet.

Katrina Bailey is not like her old self as much as people in the town still believe her to be. After going to South America and meeting Gabi, she feels like she has found the meaning to her life and needs to do everything to adopt her daughter. She is back in town for her sister, Wyona's wedding and wants to go back to adopt Gabi as soon as possible to give her daughter a proper life. But until then she can't help but accept the job to look after Milo. Milo wins her heart soon enough and so does his older brother Bowie. The struggle gets real when its time to leave.

It was a sweet and clean romance. Kat is really good with the kids and she proves that people can change for better. I really enjoyed reading Kat and Bo's story and the cameo's of other characters has me intrigued wanting to read all the previous stories. I recommend it to all who enjoy Jill Shalvis, Robyn Carr, Kristen Higgins and Nora Roberts kind of authors.

*A copy was provided for blog tour in exchange for an honest review*
Profile Image for Susan.
4,626 reviews114 followers
November 14, 2017
Good book. Kat has returned to Haven Point for her sister's wedding a changed woman. Before she left, she was known for being a bit flighty and for flirty relationships that didn't last. She gave up her job as a teacher to follow her boyfriend to South America and ended up broke and abandoned. She pulled herself together, found a job teaching English and volunteering at an orphanage. There she met four-year-old Gabi, a special needs child that stole her heart. Her goal now is to adopt Gabi and bring her back to Haven Point. With Gabi depending on her, Kat is determined to change, become more responsible and stay away from men.

Bowie is a newcomer to Haven Point, moving there along with his computer business. He was just settling in when he was blindsided with guardianship of a younger half-brother he hadn't known existed. Complicating the whole situation, Milo is autistic, and Bo is overwhelmed. This is evident when Milo has a meltdown in the grocery store, and Bo has no idea what to do. Fortunately, Kat is there and steps in to prevent disaster. Relieved and impressed, Bo immediately offers Kat an outrageous sum of money to become Milo's temporary nanny. Though not impressed with Bo, the money will help with her adoption plans, so Kat accepts.

I liked both Bo and Kat. He overcame a difficult childhood with an unstable mother to become the self-made man that he is. I loved that Bo stepped up as soon as he found out about Milo and immediately took him in, determined that he will have a better life than Bo had had. I ached for him and his frustration at his inability to communicate with Milo. I also loved how, though the frustration was clear; there was no resentment over the huge changes that Milo has caused in Bo's life. Bo did have some trouble at the beginning finding a good balance between work and home, but he did figure it out. I liked Kat, too, though she did have some times when she frustrated me. I liked the way that her medical issues as a child gave her such empathy for special needs kids. Her obvious love for Gabi and quick connection with Milo were heartwarming. Unfortunately, some of the effects of her childhood illness weren't so good, leading to some serious problems with self-esteem. I really didn't like the way that she still thought of herself as "StupidKat" because she isn't stupid by any means. I was also frustrated by her refusal to share any of her worries about the adoption with her friends or with Bowie. She made things so much harder for herself because of it.

I enjoyed the development of Bo and Kat's relationship. There was no doubt about the attraction between them. Both of them felt it right away, but both were determined to resist. Kat because she has decided that Gabi will be the sole focus of her life, without the distractions caused by her poor choices in men. Bo is so busy with work and Milo that he figures there isn't time for a relationship. Besides, he feels he doesn't have any true idea of what a loving relationship is. But as Kat works with Milo and teaches Bo how to relate to him, they discover that they actually like each other, too. Bo is surprised to find himself wondering what it would be like if Kat were to stay, and the idea doesn't scare him. I also liked that he was one of the few people who understood Kat's love for Gabi and her need to adopt her. Kat also realized that her feelings for Bo were growing, but her reaction was to push him away. She refuses to believe that they aren't just another bad decision in a long line of them, especially since she believes that she isn't smart enough for a man like him. It takes a runaway Milo to open her eyes to the truth and allow herself to accept Bo's love. I also liked that she finally realized that accepting his help didn't make her weak, it made her stronger.

The epilogue was sweet. I loved seeing the huge difference in Bo and his joy in his life as it is now. The happy chaos of the party was so much fun to see. Gabi's exuberance was a lovely balance to Milo's quietness. I especially enjoyed seeing the changes in Milo brought about by the love of his new family. I look forward to seeing more of them in later books.
Profile Image for Terri  Wino.
747 reviews69 followers
July 8, 2017
What can I say about this book that I haven't already said about her others? I just really enjoy this author's stories and characters. When I need a heartwarming tale to give me a break from all the dark, suspenseful thrillers I read, RaeAnne Thayne is my go-to storyteller.
Profile Image for Dorine.
613 reviews32 followers
July 7, 2017
Rated 3.5 - SERENITY HARBOR by RaeAnne Thayne touches the heart with an unusual blended family created by need, then vitalized by love. Book six of the HAVEN POINT series reunites fans with many of their favorite characters, including a wedding celebration for one of them.

Teacher Katrina Bailey returns home for her sister’s wedding, but her heart remains in Colombia where a little girl awaits her return. Katrina is in the final stages of adopting Gabi, a four-year-old girl with Down syndrome. Yearning to save Gabi from the orphanage where she’ll remain without the medical care she needs, Katrina’s determination weighs every decision.

When Katrina runs into Bowie Callahan, partner in Aidan Caine’s computer empire, her natural gift with children shines through. Bowie’s young brother, who is on the spectrum for autism, is having a meltdown in the middle of the grocery store. When Bowie offers Katrina a ridiculous amount of money to be Milo’s nanny while she’s in town, she can’t turn him down. That money may be the perfect answer to her adoption woes in Colombia. Her fear–will her heart bear to abandon one child for another?

Most of the time with series, I remember the next couple when I start reading about them in their book. This time, I didn’t remember Katrina or Bowie at all, so I’m not sure they were introduced in prior books, or if I just forgot them. That said, I spent a few confusing chapters trying to remember who was who, so this may be one of those books that will benefit from a reread of the series prior to this one. If you haven’t read the series at all, you won’t have that fight with your memory chatting with you as you read and may have an easier time of it.

Once all the characters started to click in my brain, I delved into the heart of the story. I found Katrina to be an amazing heroine but at times very difficult to like because of her treatment of Bowie. He also had quirks that made me wonder if he was ready for commitment to a person, when his job seemed to be his one true love. They are both very caught up in their own worlds with no desire to fall in love. They don’t make it easy, so when their story ends, it’s beautiful.

Bowie’s autistic brother, Milo, is the star of this book. That child stole my heart and made me cry. RaeAnne Thayne’s ability to characterize a child with disabilities, and their struggle to fit in, is as much heartwarming as it is heartrending. You’re going to need your tissues for this one!

Reading RaeAnne Thayne’s series books are like catching up with old friends. There’s always a busybody or two, well-meaning folks who seem to stir the pot, then there are those you can’t wait to see, even if it’s just a glimpse. This book wasn’t my favorite in the series because I couldn’t relate to the main characters, but the children were amazing. Fans of Haven Point will love catching up with the town while enjoying three events that draw them all together. The last event was my all-time favorite. The joy in that chapter was lovely.

For the most enjoyment, read this series in order. Start with book one, SNOW ANGEL COVE, then continue with REDEMPTION BAY, EVERGREEN SPRINGS, RIVERBEND ROAD, and SNOWFALL ON HAVEN POINT. I’m sure you’ll laugh, cry, and sigh as they find their happily-ever-afters. I’m excited about Jamie as the hero in book seven, SUGAR PINE TRAIL, releasing in September 2017, because he left a lasting impression in SERENITY HARBOR. I can’t wait to know what’s behind that flirtatious smile.

Review by Dorine, courtesy of Romance Junkies. Print copy provided by the publisher for an honest review.
209 reviews12 followers
August 12, 2018
This newest addition in the Haven Point series is written with pure heart. The title says it all. What better location than Serenity Harbor for Bowie Callahan to live with his newly discovered six-year-old half-brother, Milo. Hiring Katrina as his nanny for the next three weeks so that he can get used to a new life with his brother turns out to be a godsend in more ways than one. Balancing work and family is quite the challenge for him. I loved this book and know in my heart that this is very near and dear to the author. What a beautiful, loving story!
Profile Image for Simply Love Book Reviews.
7,046 reviews859 followers
June 26, 2017

Serenity Harbor is the latest addition in the Haven Point series and it was a heartfelt story. The center of the story surrounds an autistic boy who needs care, and the situation it creates for his computer tech half- brother and a compassionate school teacher. Katrina Bailey is back home for her sister Wynona’s wedding and encounters a harried Bowie Callahan dealing with his brother Milo at the supermarket. She settles the young boy and seeing how she did it astounds Bowie that he offers her a job to be Milo’s nanny. Katrina can’t imagine working for the arrogant, insensitive man but changes her mind when she realizes the money could come in handy with her efforts to adopt a small girl in Colombia, South America.

Katrina/Kat is an interesting character because she is definitely a product of her youth. Having a seizure disorder growing up she can now empathize with those with special needs, and as a school teacher she reached out and offered more help if they needed it. Being the youngest of the Bailey family she bucked the system and didn’t follow her other siblings into law enforcement. She wanted to do something different. She was your typical teenage girl and went a little boy crazy and sought after male attention but it never lasted long. After following a young man to South America on a whim, she discovered something about herself and that she wanted to be more than that simpleminded girl. She was going to put herself first for a change. Stuck in South America and teaching English there she met Gabi and wanted to adopt her. Coming home for the wedding didn’t deter her from her goal, but meeting Milo and Bowie definitely put a kink in that plan.

Bowie/Bo could also be one to say he won’t forget his childhood upbringing considering the poor job his mother did for both him and Milo. He dealt with it up until he was 16 years old and somehow hacked himself into attending MIT. There he was able to hone his computer skills and become a key player in Caine Industries as their #1 R&D man. Finding out that he had a young 6 year old stepbrother was definitely an eye opener and he would do everything in his power to give Milo the help he needs as his only family would. Bowie may look like he is all work and no play, but he hasn’t had anyone in his life to show him what he has been missing, until he meets Katrina. Seeing what both his work counterparts, Aiden and Ben, have in their life, has Bowie changing his tune and thinking maybe he would like to have the same thing in his life. How these two go about it was definitely entertaining watching them slowly develop fonder feelings until they could no longer deny them.

It was a special treat to read more than a romance in Serenity Harbor because it showcased autism and international adoption. It was subtle and did not overwhelm the romance between the main characters but showed how it is a major part of their life. Katrina and Bo may have started off on the wrong foot in the grocery store that day, but it deepened into a real friendship, until they both wanted more but didn’t quite know how to take that final step. After a small calamity at the end it all worked out for Bo and Kat, making this a sweet and feel good story in the end. I love this little town of Haven Point and Serenity Harbor is a great addition to a heartwarming series.

Review copy provided for a voluntary review.
Profile Image for Gwen.
794 reviews3 followers
March 27, 2017
Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful story! This is another great story by RaeAnne Thayne set in the town of Haven Point. I will tell you what one of the things that makes it so great is the real story of a little boy named Milo who has autism and his brother, the wonderful Bowie, who works for the new tech company in town and is looking for a helper for his brother. Enter Katrina, who is in town for a wedding and used to be a teacher. After being hurt by another guy, she has another plan for her future. This changes when she meets Bowie and starts working with his brother and getting closer to Bowie. This is just another wonderful addition to the series.
2 reviews
March 16, 2017
Serenity Harbor is an easy reading book. The charisma and attraction between Katrina and Bowie create an atmosphere of anticipation and hope. The connection between Katrina, Milo and Gabi were an excellent way to tie the characters together in an unusual way. I enjoyed reading the book, especially since it was cold outside. The end of the book is heartwarming.
Profile Image for The Blonde Bookworm.
298 reviews40 followers
June 28, 2017
Serenity Harbor was a fun and romantic read. It is the sixth book in the Haven Point series, but it can be read on its own as well. I didn't read the any of the books before Serenity Harbor but I still enjoyed the story just as much and it made me want to go back and read the previous books. I loved the characters and the mix of friendship, romance, and family. There was definitely a lot of romance, but it flowed well with the story and didn't feel too over the top.

As much as I loved the characters, their dialogue often seemed a little stiff. I felt like Katrina was a know-it-all and I was a little surprised that she and Bowie were attracted to one another. With that said, it was easy to move past the stiff dialogue because the storyline was so cute and touching and the setting was absolutely gorgeous. It made me want to go sit on the back porch and stare out at the lake with Bowie and Kat.

Serenity Harbor was a fun summer romance read and I look forward to reading more from Thayne in the future. I would highly recommend this novel to readers who enjoy fun and light romance stories. Thank you so much to Harlequin and Little Bird Publicity for sending me this novel in exchange for an honest review!
Profile Image for Bree Hill.
924 reviews576 followers
August 13, 2018
The Haven Point series continues to get better and better. Serenity Harbor was what I expected and needed. Lighthearted, inspirational, fun and sweet. This one definitely felt a tad more angsty with the pushing away of the love interest than some of the others I’ve read in the series but I enjoyed it. Thayne has a way of creating characters that just steal your breath from you, real seeming people you find yourself rooting for and love that she makes her characters really work for.
Profile Image for Jayme.
100 reviews8 followers
June 28, 2017
Kat comes home to Haven Point for her big sisters wedding. She's only home for a month, she's sworn off men, she has to get back to Columbia... then she meets Bowie and Milo.... and her life changes forever. The relationship between Kat and Milo melted my heart.
This is a definite must read from RaeAnne Thayne!!
Profile Image for Grace {Rebel Mommy Book Blog}.
475 reviews175 followers
July 14, 2017
This was my first time reading RaeAnn Thayne and visiting the world of Haven Point. What a delightful little place Haven Point is! I am so glad I decided to give this a try even though it is well into the series. I had no issues following along as any necessary backstory needed was given.

This book focused on Katrina Bailey and Bowie Callahan and I loved them both. Katrina has just come back to town from some time in Columbia for her sister's wedding and has definitely matured while on her trip. While away has found a girl in an orphanage down there she wants to adopt and it has become her sole focus. When home she bumps into Bowie and his brother Milo while having a tantrum in a store. Because of Katrina's background as a teacher she was able to help Milo and prompt Bowie to offer Katrina a job helping him with Milo while she is home. Katrina sees this as an opportunity to help get more money for her adoption.

This was such a heartwarming plot with so many lovable characters. Milo stole my heart. He was such a good kid and just needed someone who understood how to communicate with him and Katrina was that person. I loved any time these two were on the pages. Bowie was such a good man wh was adjusting to his new life with his new found brother. He cares about him and his job and just has trouble balancing it all. Katrina helps him learn how to talk to his brother and grow their relationship

Of course then we have the romance. Slow burn for sure. They both don't think it will work for a myriad of reasons but what kind of romance would this be without a happily ever after. So the journey for them to get there was so good and the epilogue was even better.

I can't wait to visit Haven Point again and will definitely be checking out more RaeAnn Thayne.This review was originally posted on Rebel Mommy Book Blog
July 10, 2017
I am really enjoying the Haven Point series by RaeAnne Thayne. They all have been very enjoyable with all the elements one would expect of a small town romance written by one of the best.

Although Serenity Harbor wasn’t my favorite of the series, please don’t let that stop you from picking up this series or this book.

High Points:

-I love this setting and was thrilled to be back in Haven Point and to catch up with all of my favorite characters. The town is just perfect and delivers all the feels.
-I loved that this book focused on some difficult issues like International Adoption (I know how difficult this can be as one of my nieces was adopted from overseas) and Autism.
-The relationship between Milo and Katrina was just precious.
-I loved seeing more of Kat and Wyn’s relationship.

Low Points:

-Katrina just seemed a bit too immature for someone of her age. She kept going on about how important it was for her to change and be more responsible…yet it seemed that she used that as an excuse for more immature behavior.
-Bo was unbelievably forgetful at times. I understand that work can distract and delay one at times…but come on…

Profile Image for Danita.
23 reviews31 followers
March 28, 2017
I love the Haven Pointe series by RaeAnne Thayne. This book in the series was very heartwarming. We are introduced to Bowie Callahan a self-made millionaire who had a childhood that wasn't ideal. He is a computer-tech genius and is one of the brains behind Caine Tech Industries. He has recently moved to Serenity Harbor and soon after he received news that his estranged mother, Stella, had passed away and left behind a 6-year-old son, Bowie's half-brother. Bowie was shocked as he didn't have communication with his mom since he left home but he vowed to take care of him so he didn't have a childhood like he did but there were obstacles because Milo had autism.

We are also introduced to Katrina Bailey, a native of Haven Point, and an elementary school teacher. She left her teaching position a year ago to go to South America with her then boyfriend but shortly after they arrived things went south and she found herself alone. She began teaching English in a local village which is where she found and fell in love with Gabriela. A little girl with down syndrome who lived in an orphanage. Katrina began adoption proceedings but had to return home for her sister Wyn's wedding to Marshall, Haven Points police chief.

Katrina witnesses a meltdown that Milo has in the grocery store and sees Bowie's frustration. Her best friend Samantha has a crush on Bowie which is fine with Katrina because she has sworn off men as she is determined to raise Gabriela on her own. She decides to help Bowie out even though she finds him arrogant. This chance meeting between the two leads to a job and an exorbitant amount of money that Katrina can't turn down as she is running into complications with the adoption.

As the story progresses, we see the attraction between Bowie and Katrina grow. We learn about each of their childhoods and the things they each had to overcome which draws them even closer. Bowie vowed that he would never fall in love and Katrina vowed she wouldn't give her heart to Bowie or any man. Will either of them be able to bring down the walls that shield their hearts to find true love? Can the love of two special needs children show them that love is unconditional? This book will tug at the heart strings. It's full of emotion and tackles several topics relating to children with special needs and what it takes to raise them. Author RaeAnne Thayne did an excellent job portraying this.

I highly recommend this book along with the other books in the Haven Point series.
Profile Image for Cathy.
86 reviews1 follower
March 27, 2017
Katrina Bailey was an elementary school teacher but took a leave from her job to follow her boyfriend to South America. When things didn't work out, she found herself stranded there. She started teaching English in Colombia and met a child with Down Syndrome in an orphanage. The two bonded and Kat was trying to adopt the little girl. She planned to return to Haven Point with her. Kat has to return to Haven Point without Gabi to tend to her maid of honor duties for her sister, Wynona's, wedding. The attorney she has been using in Colombia has been asking for more money to handle the adoption. After she steps in and helps Bowie Callahan handle his younger brother's meltdown in the grocery store, Bowie offers her a job as Milo's nanny for the three weeks until the wedding and her subsequent return to Colombia. How can she refuse $12,000 for three weeks of work with a darling little boy who is on the Autism Spectrum? Bowie has just found out that his little brother even exists and now he is the boy's guardian. He is totally out of his comfort zone and desperately needs Katrina's help. The story, of course has conflict, but shows these children with special needs in such a warm way. It was such a joy to read. I have never read a RaeAnne Thayne book I did not like and this one did not disappoint.
Profile Image for Cathy.
1,003 reviews71 followers
August 15, 2017
2.5 stars

This was fine, but I didn't connect to the characters very much, which is kind of essential for me with this series. I thought Katrina's complete U-turn concerning everything in life could've been done better and I had no particular affinity for Bo, what with him being the newly introduced character.

I thought Milo was sweet and liked reading about his progress and interactions with Kat. Though, as is usually the case with the Haven Point books, everything was honestly just a little too perfect here. Even more so than in other books.

I'm still looking forward to the next installment, though! One: because it's Jamie Caine (!) and I'd kind of been hoping he'd be paired with a more "quiet" character and two: because I tend to enjoy the Christmas stories more.

Having said that, RaeAnne Thayne continues to do setting quite well. I've said this in my reviews of her books before, but I really wish Haven Point was an actual place. I was travelling through Idaho a few weeks ago (though briefly) and wished I could go and visit this quirky little town.
Profile Image for Tammi Kendall.
238 reviews3 followers
March 28, 2017
Ms. Thaynes latest Harbor Point novel was so worth the wait.
I loved the story line of Bowie and Katrina. I rooted for them from the beginning. i also loved how Katrina was doing everything thing to adopt that little girl. My favorite character was Milo though. As a mom of an autistic son I really could relate to his character. I read the first 8 chapters the first night. the only reason I put the book down was the fact I had to be up in 3 hours for work. I then rushed home to try and finish the book. loved this book as I do all Ms. Thaynes books.She never disappoints. Highly recommend all of her books!
Profile Image for Carrie Sprys.
117 reviews5 followers
March 17, 2017
RaeAnne Thayne's latest Haven Point novel is a wonderfully engaging story. It combines second chances along with the challenges of creating a blended family, which together truly warm the reader's heart. I found myself rooting for the main characters' happy ending almost immediately and found a renewed sense of optimism at the story's close. I cannot recommend this author enough. Her novels always provide complex characters who meet challenges head on with the support of family and a great community. Thayne's recent book, Serenity Harbor, is certainly no different.
Profile Image for Kathi Levine.
33 reviews2 followers
March 16, 2017
If you have read previous Haven Point novels, this is the best yet! If you haven't, this is the perfect time to start. Characters from previous books return as new characters are introduced.
Profile Image for Asheley T..
1,455 reviews119 followers
September 29, 2022

Such a great series. RaeAnne Thayne is one of the first places I look for comfort reads. I chose to listen to this one while I was doing a lot of driving just because I had a lot of stressful work and things going on IRL, and immersing myself in the world of Haven Point is *chef's kiss* to me. This installment follows Katrina, a teacher, and Bowie, a wealthy software and app developer. Bowie's 6-year-old brother Milo has just come to live with him after the death of their mother, which is sort of a tense situation because Bowie didn't even know he had a brother. He definitely doesn't know how to deal with Milo's autism, and it is during one of Milo's meltdowns in a grocery store one day that Bowie meets Katrina. Katrina notices that Bowie doesn't know how to deal with the meltdowns, so she steps in to help with her kindness and impressive teacher-skills. Which, of course, attracts Bowie to her. He offers her a job working with Milo for a few weeks while they settle in, and over the course of taking care of Milo together, they fall in love.

I don't always love it when young children are prominent in romance storylines. In fact, I often hate it. But Milo is so lovable and Katrina's bond with him is really enjoyable to read. It was wonderful to watch their relationship grow. As far as Katrina and Bowie go: I wish they'd have been a little more honest about their feelings a little earlier on, but all-in-all I did love this one and can't wait to keep seeing them pop up in this series from here on out.

Audiobook Notes: I always listen to at least a little bit of these books during my work commutes but I listened to this one in its entirety. Vanessa Johansson is essentially THE voice of the Haven Point series to me and after listening to so many of these books, hearing her read them kinda feels like home.

Title: Serenity Harbor by RaeAnne Thayne
Series: Haven Point #6
Narrator: Vanessa Johansson
Length: 8 hours, 2 minutes, Unabridged
Publisher: Harlequin Audio
Profile Image for booksofallkinds.
1,017 reviews168 followers
June 20, 2017
SERENITY HARBOR by RaeAnne Thayne is the sixth book in the Haven Point Series but can easily be read as a standalone novel.

Katrina Bailey has returned home to Haven Point for one month only for her sister's wedding. Having learned the hard way that romance is not all it is cracked up to be, Katrina knows that her hometown and the memories here are no longer what matters to her and that her future lies down a different path. But when she spots a little boy who needs her, he will change everything for Katrina...

Bowie Callahan had settled into his new job and his new life in Haven Point but he gets the shock of his life when he discovers he has a little brother who desperately needs him. Determined that Milo, who has autism, will have a better childhood than he had, Bowie wants to raise him but he knows he needs help.

When Katrina comes to his rescue in the supermarket, Bowie knows she is the answer to his prayers. But as Bowie and Katrina spend more time together they both realise that they could become so much more than friends if they can both let go of their damaged pasts and embrace a new life together.

SERENITY HARBOR by RaeAnne Thayne is a lovely, charming story that will melt your heart and make you beam from ear to ear. Haven Point is a beautiful and interesting community and I love all the different interactions and gossip that flies through the grapevine, and you really feel like you are a part of this town as the story progresses. The characters are well-developed and likeable and the story never lagged for me.
SERENITY HARBOR by Rae Anne Thayne is a story of family, love, and overcoming the past, and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

*I voluntarily reviewed this book from Little Bird Publicity
Displaying 1 - 30 of 319 reviews

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