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Mirror World #3

The Way of the Outcast

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Mirror World is stirring, about to embrace the new global changes of its map.

Everyone is getting ready to colonize No-Man's Lands. The strongest clans send their best fighters on recon missions, impatient to make a stake for the juiciest locations.

Market prices have taken to the sky like flocks of scared pigeons. New alliances are struck while mercenaries upgrade their armor and grind an edge on their swords. Their time is looming.

A war is coming to Mirror World.

Olgerd too is getting ready, a new goal already in his sights. The ancient Ennan City awaits him.

All he needs to do now is gain some strength.

400 pages, Kindle Edition

First published December 19, 2016

About the author

Alexey Osadchuk

37 books450 followers
Alexey Osadchuk was born in 1979 in the Ukraine. In the late 1990s his family moved to the south of Spain where they still live today.

Alexey was an avid reader from an early age, devouring adventure novels by Edgar Rice Burroughs, Jack London and Arthur Conan Doyle. In 2010 he wrote his first fantasy novel which was immediately accepted for publication.

He also used to be a passionate online gamer which prompted him to write the story of a man who joins an MMORPG game hoping to raise money for his daughter’s heart surgery. The first book of Mirror World was published In 2013. The English translation of the series is now available on Amazon in its entirety, prompting a reviewer to call Alexey “one of the best LitRPG authors to date”.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 53 reviews
Profile Image for Soo.
2,792 reviews337 followers
May 28, 2021

Yay for libraries!
So... while I like the idea for the MC developments, I'm not enjoying the way it's happening. One more book in the library. I'm not expecting plot points to tie up well, but I am curious to see what weird jumps will be done to do it.
Profile Image for Grant Merrifield.
586 reviews12 followers
December 19, 2016
It reads so fast

Certainly my favorite out of the three.
Would stay up to read four five and six if they were out.
I recommend this book to anyone who would like to visit an epic world.
Start with the first one.
Profile Image for Chris Evans.
903 reviews43 followers
June 15, 2017
I don't know, something about this series is starting to wear on me. In part I think it's the lack of a diverse cast of characters. Olgerd is pretty much the only character in this series with a few minor characters showing up here and there and some non-speaking animal companions. The result is A LOT of internal monologues and navel gazing. The goals are also too nebulous. I get that he needed money and now needs to complete tasks for the loan, but he fails to explain how much money he has, has paid, and still needs. He seems to throw money around at times like it's no object while lamenting his financial state.

What's started bugging me too is, why is he bothering with a loan when they've already established people BUY accounts? He's built up how special and unique his character is that I find it hard to believe he couldn't get several hundred thousand dollars for it when people pay millions into the game for things. Or what about supplementary income from things like twitch streaming, or Youtube style lets plays? He's one of the most famous characters there are now, he could be making bank on people watching him play. Don't give me that the Dev's wouldn't want him to do it either. If anything, it seems like it should either be required or they should do it themselves, otherwise it would alienate players who don't see why or how important, game changing things are happening. -_- The society he lives in is also rather depressing, but maybe that's due to this being written by a Russian in Russia.

Third book, third focus, Instead of Gathering Profession leveling, or Reputation leveling, this one is focused on Combat Class leveling. It's a somewhat cleaver idea, and I think I know what the fourth is going to be . At the same time, he keeps starting over and all we get is a book going through low level content over and over.

I'll continue with the series but I'm really hoping he adds more main characters.

2.5/5 rounded up
34 reviews
December 19, 2016
I love this book.

If you want to read a satisfying book that continues oleg's story this is the book for you. Really like the direction they've taken the series.
Profile Image for John Walley.
Author 1 book5 followers
December 19, 2016
It's great

Now the waiting game for the next book. Seriously great series and great novel. Explains a bit more from the previous two and gives more lore.
Profile Image for GaiusPrimus.
813 reviews87 followers
January 4, 2017
I'm still debating between 3 and 4 stars. While the entertainment value was there, the book definitely felt short. Maybe it was because there was a lot of character development in the first 2 books and this time around there was a lot of fighting.

My favorite thing about this book is that you can see that the translation was done with westerners in mind, as opposed to whatever happened with The Phantom Castle. They are both being put out in NA by the same company, so there should be some standards across the board.

The fact that you are basically looking at a character reset mid-series also adds to the ambiguity of enjoyment. Anyways, it could be just me.

Nonetheless, I'm more excited about Mirror World #4 as opposed to any of the other series out from MagicDome books, with the exception of Andrei Livadny's Phantom Server... if there was a book 4 in that series.
Profile Image for Robert Spellmann.
291 reviews2 followers
December 26, 2016
Awesome R

I will not rate any book highly when the language is too crude to recommend it to friends or family.
Osadchuk can write! But even his translator is culpable for the base language.
66 reviews5 followers
January 5, 2017
Must read

I love this book it hits all of my favorite things, gaming, legendary stories a man fighting for his family, and a great adventure. The third book in the series is well worth reading I can't wait for the fourth.
Profile Image for Logan Horsford.
526 reviews19 followers
March 12, 2017
Holy crap did the beginning drag. After an hour into it, I just gave up. I don't remember the first two books being this slow of pace.
Profile Image for Robert Barker.
23 reviews
May 18, 2017
Good Story, too short

I like this one, but I was surprised at how short it was. I feel like it shout have cost 1 buck instead of six.
Profile Image for Sydney.
1,330 reviews63 followers
April 21, 2022
3 The First Of The Outcasts Stars

The Way of the Outcast is the third book in the Mirror World series by Alexey Osadchuk.

I'm sensing a theme here. Apparently every other book in the series us going to be used for sole purpose of setting up the one that comes after it. There's nothing terribly wrong with that imo. I am, however, dreadfully attached to Gard's family and Tronus. Which means I'm extremely disappointed to experience them basically neglecting all of the good Olgerd has done, and transitioning to looking on him and his with open hostility.

I believe Olgerd is still terribly naive and ignorant. Given how many times people have had one over on him, you would expect that he'd adapt to the status quo and plan accordingly. How was he surprised that there was more to this race quest, for his lost civilization? Especially when Irene told him that his activating the obelisk would start a war? Naivety.

I don't think their small force will ba able to stand against enemy barrage of players, and forces of both Lighties and Darkies. I'm curious to see how he will escape the utter devastation of the Caltean people, and hold his ground long enough to clear the way for the Ennans. I also believe there's a possibility that the game will open to allow players and NPCs to switch to his side.

Profile Image for Jim.
346 reviews9 followers
July 27, 2022
Reputation is a key component in how everyone sees and treats Oleg

In this arc of the story Oleg is growing his new combat abilities and skills and learning to use them and improve them. He has capitalized on his reputation gains and simple method of treating NPCs on the game as human has shown amazing gains as well. He is on a racial quest that will change everything for him and the game world at large, if he can survive the PKs, recruiters and his on adventures. Long term immersion isn’t as safe as you may think, it all depends on where you are and how much you spend. Gaining full time employment in game has helped a lot but it is just a necessity of life while building credit. He has few options but with his brothers advice decides to embrace the fight ahead of him and do his best to grow beyond what he loses to PKs.
In this way he decides to solo an instance and while he succeeds, he soon learns that success is its own curse in a world where reputation is so important.
But hey, he has a flying mount when no other players do…
Profile Image for Panda.
595 reviews37 followers
June 2, 2017
This one went in a different direction compared to the previous two.

The first book focused on world building

The second tried to focus more on lore and Oleg's struggle to go against the tide (while still benefiting, he's still a family man in the end!)

This one however is more.... mainstream, it's the zero to hero story of how Oleg leveled up his fighting class from.... well zero to alot!

This is well written book but because of the storyline it loses it's uniquness, there are alot of books out there about people going into the game world, fighting monsters and leveling up.

I give book 1 and 2 5/5 stars and recommend them to any fan of the genre. this one is 3.5 stars for me, it's well written and action filled but something is missing here.
12 reviews2 followers
October 4, 2018
What happened? One of the main selling points of this series was the fact that the MC was a non-combat character. He was a miner, doing his one thing.
Now, together with a character reset, we have sunk to mediocrity. Generic litrpg, with generic achievements and generic levels and generic plot.

There are also a lot of things that the author described about the main character that simply disappear from one book to another. But this time, it's essentially the main character of the previous 2 books who actually dissapears. Olgerd as we knew him before, the miner, is no more. Now we have Olgerd the slingshot marksman. Very jarring. For those of us who got invested in Olgerd the miner, this is a huge disappointment. DNF
Profile Image for Scycer.
297 reviews9 followers
May 27, 2020
I cannot believe that this novel was initially written as a light novel and then got published. The quality makes me wonder and reassess what Russian authors are capable of.

The third book in the series evolves the main protagonist and he is finally in a sort of equal running to the greater pressures of society around. He also finally reaches the location where the Ennen quests have been driving him towards.

The flow is good and the plots are exciting.

I do recommend picking up and reading this series.
113 reviews
April 15, 2020
Again Great!

Well done again Mr. Osadchuk. Fantastic writer who appeals to this 56 years old imagination. The mix of real world issues with fantasy works well. The ability to link what might happen should VR become immersive beyond today’s capabilities brings up some great ethical issues, legal issues, and displays the ugliness of mankind.
Thanks for continuing this series and doing it well.
Profile Image for MG.
978 reviews15 followers
March 12, 2024
These novels that began as serial fiction online sometimes lose something as they are presented as novels, and that is a clear narrative arc. We are three volumes in and I am not sure what the point is, other than the main character making money online to pay for the new heart his daughter needs--though that has little to do with the main action in the book. There are nods to something more behind the random jags in the plot, but I would think more would be clear by now.
Profile Image for Wilhelm Eyrich.
339 reviews23 followers
November 21, 2020
My favorite of the series by far.

He finally starts to play the game like a normal person and even starts to thrive. Meets a new group of people how I really enjoyed. I was wondering what took so long but even the lowest subscription is 50,000$??? Absolutely insane and doesn’t make any sense financially for a game company.

Low 4 star but much better than the first two.
Profile Image for Ammon Lauritzen.
22 reviews26 followers
March 15, 2018
This is probably the narrative high point of the series - it feels more like a novel than the genre tropes typically allow. There is interesting character growth and hints toward deeper secrets to be discovered in the future.
20 reviews1 follower
July 6, 2018
One of my favorites

I truly enjoyed this series. Great action, lots of heartfelt emotion, and an all-around good story. I'm thrilled book 4 is out, and I'm starting it right.... now!
67 reviews
February 24, 2019
Very enjoyable!

I’ve really loved the story, and I’ve read them about a book a day - I just can’t put it down! Nice character development, LitRPG without wasting tons of pages on stats

Highly recommended!
2,213 reviews51 followers
June 5, 2022
When the journey is pointless you have problems.

This is where the story is at, the journey feels forced and pointless. The action is prescribed, the outcome is inevitable. This is a worst case of railroaded story and MC plot armor.
32 reviews
September 21, 2022
A shift in story focus

I liked the original premis, where Olag is focused more on his out of game life and the in-game stuff was secondary, it's what made this series so different from every other litrpg book out there
Profile Image for Lubos Elexa.
312 reviews3 followers
February 12, 2023
Tam, kde prestáva kopáč byť kopáčom a stáva sa z neho čarodejnícky superman, stráca sa čaro knihy, z ktorej už bude len bombastická naháňačka za ďalším nepriateľom a väčšou a väčšou armádou, ktorú treba poraziť. Škoda, klasický megalomanský prekúrený dej.
Profile Image for Michael Lynn.
285 reviews
March 20, 2024
I gave the last 4 stars due to pacing and some plot armoring issues but that is in the past. We are back on the solid gold train and loved this one. Could not put in down and listened every chance I could squeeze in. Finished it in 2 days and jumped right into the next one.
5 reviews
February 27, 2017
Loved it

Great absorbing read. Good world interweaving from the VR to the "real" world. Likable characters, with some minor pacing issues.
Profile Image for Gari Thesnale.
38 reviews
May 20, 2017

Book 3 did not disappoint-I am just sad that I have to wait until the end of the year to read the next one!!!!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 53 reviews

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