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Fear Street: Fear Hall #2

Fear Hall: The Conclusion

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Having fled her dorm room, college freshman Hope hides out in an abandoned sorority house on campus where she discovers that the evil she is trying to escape has become a part of her. Original.

160 pages, Paperback

First published August 1, 1997

About the author

R.L. Stine

1,520 books17.4k followers
Robert Lawrence Stine known as R. L. Stine and Jovial Bob Stine, is an American novelist and writer, well known for targeting younger audiences. Stine, who is often called the Stephen King of children's literature, is the author of dozens of popular horror fiction novellas, including the books in the Goosebumps, Rotten School, Mostly Ghostly, The Nightmare Room and Fear Street series.

R. L. Stine began his writing career when he was nine years old, and today he has achieved the position of the bestselling children's author in history. In the early 1990s, Stine was catapulted to fame when he wrote the unprecedented, bestselling Goosebumps® series, which sold more than 250 million copies and became a worldwide multimedia phenomenon. His other major series, Fear Street, has over 80 million copies sold.

Stine has received numerous awards of recognition, including several Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards and Disney Adventures Kids' Choice Awards, and he has been selected by kids as one of their favorite authors in the NEA's Read Across America program. He lives in New York, NY.


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Profile Image for Ivy.
1,494 reviews76 followers
April 2, 2019
5 ⭐

Hope is now living in an abandoned building since she is a wanted murderer. She breaks up with Daryl but he starts killing again to get her back. He kills Mary and Margie so Hope will be safe. Hope meets a guy named Chris and really likes him. Chris finds out where Hope lives and he and Melanie go there with the police. Hope and her friends fall to their death.

This series was really weird. RIP Hope. Sad that she didn't get the help she needed. Glad she isn't tormenting anyone else. Wish they would have expanded more on Fear Hall. Was Daryl the evil in Fear Hall? Does Fear Hall make you see your true self?
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Profile Image for Chelsea.
1,918 reviews58 followers
June 8, 2018
Meh. R.L Stine really hyped up the conclusion for this two-part story about Hope and her "haunted" dorm room at college. However, the Conclusion really falls short after the epic reveal in the first part. Now that we know Hope's secret it was almost silly to put us through the narration of the other "characters". There was Darryl's murderous rampage for revenge, the introduction of another potential love interest and then Hope trying to hide from the police in an abandoned sorority. The ending felt anti-climatic and sad...there was no scariness or horror...just sadness for an unnecessary and abrupt end. This two-parter could have been one condensed story and marketed under the super-chiller series of Fear Street and it may have helped the rush writing style.
Profile Image for Lynn K..
658 reviews17 followers
January 6, 2020
The conclusion to Fear Hall. These really could have been one book. Is there some rule that Fear Street books can't be over 200 pages or something? The beginning started to feel repetitive but when we started to get chapters from some other characters perspectives it picked up again. Not the best thing I've read, but also not the worst. I really wish this duology was about the weird happenings that are rumored to occur at Fear Hall and not about a girl with a bad representation of mental illness.
Profile Image for Courtney Gruenholz.
Author 13 books18 followers
August 3, 2022
If this book was one whole story it would be five stars added together.

To begin with, it could be a regular Fear Street book but it couldn't take place in Shadyside because the twist wouldn't work. Hope has to be far away and surrounded by people who don't know her.

Getting perspective from Hope and Darryl is okay. Getting perspective from only one of the girls known as the three M girls and this new guy Chris I don't really think was necessary because well...aren't there enough personalities in this book?

We still learn a bit about how horrible Hope's mother is and a little more about why her mind is in such a horrible state. I'm disappointed we don't have comeuppance for Mrs. Mathis she's the only horrible person who deserves to be a victim.

The ending is sad in that it's both tragic and has no real closure. The kills are as harsh as any Fear Street book and kind of the saving grace.

Not saying it is bad but I can't really understand why it's in two parts. One big honking book but if we're going to split it into twain...I like the first book better.
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Profile Image for Tanja.
590 reviews55 followers
December 2, 2015
>>Diese Rezension und viele mehr findet ihr auch hier: http://wort-welten.blogspot.de/

Es ist ein Albtraum. Als Hopes Mitbewohnerin Eden ermordet wird, haben ihre Zimmernachbarinnen nichts Besseres zutun, als Hope als Mörderin zu benennen und ihr so die Polizei auf den Hals zu hetzen. Mit Mühe und Not kann sie mit ihren beiden Freundinnen Jasmin und Angel fliehen und sich in einem verlassenen Verbindungshaus auf dem Kampus verstecken. Doch auch ihr Freund Darryl folgt Hope dorthin. Darryl, der manchmal so wütend wird, dass er sich nicht mehr unter Kontrolle hat. Darryl, der aus Eifersucht Hopes Freundin Eden und noch zwei weitere Studenten ermordet haben muss. Als wäre die ganze Situation noch nicht schlimm genug, stirbt bald darauf eine der ehemaligen Zimmernachbarinnen von Hope. Hat Darryl erneut zugeschlagen?

Auch wenn ich in der Vergangenheit schon so manches Buch aus der Feder des großen R. L. Stine gelesen habe, so ist dieses doch eine Premiere. Jedenfalls kann ich mich nicht wirklich daran erinnert, jemals einen Fear Street-Roman gelesen zu haben, der außerhalb von Shadyside spielt - schon gar nicht am College. Entsprechend gespannt war ich also auf die Geschichte. Ich kann nicht so ganz sagen, ob es an mir hängt oder ob die Auflösung der Geschichte einfach im Allgemeinen leicht zu erraten ist. Mir war allerdings schon auf den ersten Seiten klar, worauf das alles hinauslaufen würde - und ich fand es richtig schade. Dementsprechend lange habe ich dann auch dafür gebraucht, das Buch zu beenden. Ich mag einfach lieber Bücher, deren Handlung noch Überraschungen bereit hält. Dennoch war dieses Buch hier schon okay so, wie es war. Aber wegen der Sache mit der allzu durchsichtigen Handlung ziehe ich noch einmal eine Welt ab ...
Profile Image for Alex.
5,930 reviews1 follower
January 21, 2018
It's taken me years to track down a copy of this book - thanks, Interlibrary Loan! The first book had such an amazing twist ending, and I've always wanted to know what happened next.

Sadly, I shouldn't have bothered wondering, because the answer is: nothing. Hope's friends get practically zero screen time here, except for Darryl, and nothing is really explained at the end.

But, it's nice to FINALLY be able to shelve this book as read after all these years.
Profile Image for Amber "Epp".
1,134 reviews63 followers
June 4, 2017
in 2013 my local library was getting ride of all paperback books and they had all the R.L. Stine / Christopher Pike books so I bought all of them and read them with a massive teen book marathon .. I really hope that a whole new generation of teens gets to fall in love with these books !!! as they are simply the best I loved all of these books in my teens .. :) and I really enjoyed going down memory lane re reading them as an adult ... :)
Profile Image for Vidi..
34 reviews1 follower
September 3, 2019
Yep. Dua kali duduk. Dan ending yang 'tidak' mengherankan.

Jujur awalnya saya agak optimis sama 'dwilogi' yang satu ini, sejak ending buku yang pertama agak mengagetkan. Sangat jarang sekali R. L. Stine membuat buku yang bersambung (atau saya yang tidak tahu). Maka dari itu saya rela untuk membeli sambungan buku keduanya yaitu si The Conclusion ini. Namun saya pikir dengan saya tidak membaca buku ini, semua masalahnya sudah terlihat jelas, kita semua tahu bahwa si Hope mengidap Bipolar. Pada buku The Conclusion ini, saya melihat R.L. Stine terasa agak 'maksain' untuk memanjang-manjangkan cerita. Seakan-akan saya sedang menonton sinetron yang episodenya ribuan. Ada masalah yang terasa dibuat-buat. Seperti apartemen terbakar, muncul si Crish, dll.

Endingnya juga tidak termasuk 'Happy Ending' seperti novel yang sebelumnya saya baca. Di sequel ini digambarkan Hope sangat malang, begitu malang hidupnya hingga butuh sekali support dari orang terdekat. Namun tidak seperti ekspektasi indah saya, ternyata dugaan saya benar kalau Hope ternyata mau bunuh diri. Jadi intinya adalah : jangan pernah menebak-nebak plot twist yang akan disuguhkan, nikmatin saja bacanya (daripada ternyata nggak ada plot twistnya, berabe deh).

Jadi yahh.. sudah. Setidaknya saya tidak penasaran dengan endingnya.

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92 reviews1 follower
February 14, 2021
Full review at: https://www.jackreacts.com.au/post/fe...
Snippet: I enjoyed this one better than The Beginning. There was no real twist here, so it was more about Hope's internal battles. I'm a bit disappointed that nothing ever really came of the whole issue with her mother, but I guess we learned a bit more about why Hope was the way she was. It's a bit of a downer in the end but I think that was really the only way to effectively wrap up Hope's story.

The deaths were pretty inventive too, but I feel like should have died since she was the worst of the three Ms, . Angel and Jasmine were basically nothing characters in this book, but I guess it's not like they would have had anything to do anyway.

Check out my full review linked up top for an in-depth recap :)

Profile Image for Laurel Ashley.
47 reviews1 follower
June 8, 2021
Alright. Well, the ending was extremely anticlimactic. I was hoping for a psych ward ending where Chris would go and visit Hope every once in awhile and she wouldn't recognize him, maybe go in and out between personalities and recognize him for a minute and be like, 'help me Chris!!' But no, we got this ending.

I also gave it 3 stars because 'Daryl' kicked a cat, a black cat at that, and that is no bueno. Like someone else said, Stine really pushed this book saying how creepy and amazing it was and how you can't miss it, but it was just meh. I kind of struggled to get through it. He def could have made this one book, like one of the Superchillers.

There was really only one cool death, but I won't spoil it. I miss the days of the Bobby and Corky cheerleader deaths/accidents. Those were so good. That sounds weird to say, but these were so lame.
Profile Image for Khurshid Ali.
597 reviews1 follower
September 4, 2023
I loved this book. This is the conclusion of Fear Hall and what a story and ending. I was hooked and read in one day.

Imagine having to runaway from your life.
Imagine your boyfriend killing just to have you back.
Imagine receiving threatening letters.


The murders begin
The confusion over your name

Comes at a heavy price

Remember any land owned by the Fear Family is cursed, covered in blood.

Would you live there?
148 reviews1 follower
August 30, 2022
It was a good continuation to the first novel. God development, but the characters could have been a little more shown. I mean, it focused more in just Hope and Darryl. But it was good, good writing, keeps you interested and you want to know how it ends. Not entirely happy with the ending, but is not a bad ending.
Profile Image for Alita.
52 reviews3 followers
December 2, 2018
Akhirnya bisa menyelesaikan buku kedua di tahun ini, lumayan susah buat menemukan buku kedua ini. Jujur penasaran banget sama yang terjadi sama Hope.

Kembali kepada Hope dan teman imajinasinya, jadi disini terkuak siapa sebenarnya teman-teman Hope itu dan penjelasan di balik teror-teror yang sering Hope terima. Saya memberikan 4 🌟 karena jujur agak kesal, karena ternyata tidak ada yang nyata di buku ini. Semuanya hanya imajinasi dan gangguan mental yang parah dari seorang Hope.
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255 reviews
August 8, 2019
I read the first installment and really wasn't very happy with it until I got to the very end and found out what was really going on. I got the second part from the library and it was not worth my time. I really love R.L. Stine books but not this one.
Profile Image for Sreypich Van.
161 reviews
November 3, 2023
That was intense and a bit sad because Hope really needs medical help. The way she recounted the abuse and torture she went through while living with her mother was truly heartbreaking. The ending felt a bit abrupt to me and it was out of character for Hope to be this careless.
Profile Image for Devi Aryani.
72 reviews14 followers
May 30, 2021
guessed the ending, but a bit disappointed that it came true.
I would have preferred some other alternative endings or more twists, but this ending is ok too.
Profile Image for Tabitha.
135 reviews1 follower
August 6, 2024
4.5 stars - The Fear Hall books are some of the most creatively violent Fear Street books I've read yet, and the unique story is fun.
Profile Image for Amanda Walker.
50 reviews3 followers
February 10, 2019
...and then I was disappointed. I slowly started figuring things out and it was getting pretty good and then the book just ended. I was let down with the ending. Overall an okay read.
Profile Image for Lyndsay-ann.
476 reviews3 followers
November 8, 2020
I think i liked thisnpart better than the first one. And I must say that this was probably one of the best stories that R.L. Stine has written in the Fear Street world. If he had done this as a full size longer story it would be up there with some of the grear horror novels.

It was definitely lacking in some places though.

Spoilers ahead.

All these murders are happening on campus yet the main suspect can move around and go on dates and be seen in public with no issues. At least until the end. There should been more on the police activity, as well as the media, on campus.

The ended also felt a bit rushed.

Overall though this story was so awesome.
Profile Image for Liliana.
952 reviews209 followers
May 21, 2023
Reviewed on Lili Lost in a Book

So, in the last book we found out that Hope had DID, or a split personality disorder. In this book we see when/why she developed these other personalities, aka her supposed roommates. Her mother was just so terrible to her! It was awful! And we also find out when Darryl, her other personality, appeared.

In the last book we had multiple POV with Hope and her other personalities, and in this book it’s like that again. I didn’t really understand why as we already knew it was one person. It wasn’t as interesting or exciting. This book in general wasn’t that interesting. Hope was just going around in circles! Nothing was happening! I mean, Darryl kept killing people, but that’s it! There was no moving forward to accomplish anything! The book kept mentioning stories about the dorm... Ghosts, howls, etc. THAT'S what I want to read about! That would’ve been more intriguing!

Sigh. This book was a nothing book. It was so uninteresting. And the ending was unsatisfactory. I’ll give Hope this: at least she stood up to Darryl. But this was just not good. What a way to finish off this series. It’s definitely not one of my favorite books in the overall Fear Street series.

The Fear Street connection: Fear Hall is named after Duncan Fear, who made some donations to the college.
Profile Image for Drucilla.
2,528 reviews49 followers
January 18, 2012
So you'd think this book would be better than the first one because the reader knows Hope is crazy. It isn't. The personalities don't have as much screen time as they did before, except for Darryl. Once again, Hope is able to murder a bunch of people before she dies. One, how does Hope have the strength to kill these people? Second, the ending would have been much better had she lived and been arrested. I would have loved for it to come out that it was her mom that made her crazy. She how she takes that.

P.S. It says that Fear Hall has 13 floors, but that just seems out of place with the rest of the college. Anyway, I think a series about Fear Hall would be cool.
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Profile Image for Joanne Fern.
1 review1 follower
October 2, 2015
Despite some negative reviews on the ending, I think this book ended beautifully though it is tragic. I love how Mr. Stine delves deep into hope's thoughts, how her insanity is brought about by the misfortunes and abuse she suffered growing up. It's really creepy and spooky, I love this book a lot, it's so amazing I haven't even fully recovered from it. I had to re-read the first part to connect all the dots together. Definitely one of his best !
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Profile Image for Indah Threez Lestari.
13.3k reviews261 followers
October 31, 2009
Just like I wrote in Fear Hall: Beginning review, there's no Darryl. He's just one of Hope's other personalities.

Interesting tips for wanna-be killers: you can kill someone with 6 gallon of chlorine in the jacuzzi...
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Profile Image for Jina.
344 reviews7 followers
October 1, 2014
A good ending to this two part-book story. My only disappointment is that it never lets us know what happened to Hope's mother. Is she still alive or did one of Hope's alter egos kill her? And was she really a bad mother?
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Profile Image for Maisya Farhati.
Author 3 books13 followers
June 30, 2007
This is the sequel of Fear Hall: The Beginning. It's cool too... In this book, we'll know some important clues but there are still some conflicts of the main figure.
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