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Blame! #3

Blame!, Vol. 3

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"Action packed, bloody, and cerebral to the core, it's stunningly drawn and impossible to put down." â€"Play Magazine Having been delivered an imperative by the Authority to find the Net Terminal Genes--the key to halting the rapid and random growth of Cluster Town--Killy and Cibo come closer to unlocking the secrets of the Netsphere. However, the ability to actually understand the language of the Net Terminal Gene carriers may have been forever lost. Will Killy find a way to translate these seemingly undecipherable signals before the Authority itself is destroyed by its own creation?

226 pages, Paperback

First published August 20, 1999

About the author

Tsutomu Nihei

225 books628 followers
See also 弐瓶 勉.

Tsutomu Nihei (弐瓶 勉 Nihei Tsutomu, born 1971) is a Japanese manga artist. His cyberpunk-influenced artwork has gained a strong cult following. He has a relatively large community of fans in Germany where his manga Blame!, NOiSE and Biomega were published by Ehapa. Blame! was also published in France and Spain by Glénat, in the US by Tokyopop and in Italy by Panini Comics.

At first he studied architecture and later it is shown up in his manga works with drawing huge structures. This became one of his general theme that makes his manga unique. His works are usually in black and white. He is also an avid fan of the video game series Halo, as he mentions in his commentary section in the Halo Graphic Novel.

Taken from Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsutomu_...

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 40 reviews
Profile Image for Monsour.
477 reviews34 followers
September 30, 2017
Cool art, lots of action, We finally saw how the safeguard minions made. But compare to the other volume this is a little weak.
Profile Image for M. Ashraf.
2,150 reviews131 followers
June 24, 2018
A bit of :/ meh volume.
More dialogue, still cool artwork.
Story starting to form, but still do not really care.
Profile Image for 47Time.
2,989 reviews91 followers
July 29, 2018
The decay of society is further highlighted in this volume. When Killy and Cibo reach another settlement, the locals reveal they can't read. They are descendents of planters, but have forgotten their ancestors' occupation or skills. The action scenes seem epic, but the confusing artwork makes it nearly impossible to enjoy them.

Killy is weakened by an injection of nanobots during a fight with the safeguard. He and Cibo are joined by Sana-Kan who guides them toward another settlement. On the way they meet the locals who reveal that net terminal genes haven't been used for ages in their town. While Killy is being healed, Sana-Kan figures out how to gain access to Toha Heavy Industries, a building the locals haven't been able to get into.

Profile Image for Josie.
56 reviews
January 24, 2024
This one Iiked. There was a story line there to follow, but the loneliness is missing that I like. Still there is no logic there and no background story, but I accepted that now. Also very confusing, that cibo seems to be two people it's not quite clear to me, but who cares it's what it is haha.
Profile Image for Ashley.
69 reviews4 followers
May 20, 2024
So at last, we're getting some answers to the mystery that is the world in Blame!. While it's nice to finally know something, I do find myself missing the solitude of the earlier volumes. I liked that Cibo takes more center stage in this volume. Killy is...Killy, and he's not a terribly captivating character. He shines best by himself.

I still find myself not being able to tell characters apart. I think some of the action scenes are drawn well, but they are very difficult to follow. Also at this point, the story needs to break away from "find person/people, they are nice, giant robo-monster appears and kills them, Killy shoots the robo-monster with the gun" loop. If I see a character so much as smile at Cibo and Killy, I'm thinking "Oh, they're for sure dead".

I'm sticking with the series...for now. We'll see how Volume 4 goes.
Profile Image for Bradley.
1,142 reviews7 followers
March 5, 2024
Less mystery in the mix which means a bit of reveal. Not sure if that is to the detriment of the series. I sometime enjoy the silence, it's in the same vein as Ico and Shadow of the Colossus for me, where it can tell a more beautiful story woven by the reader's imagination. Part of that is taken away and it was inevitable. This happens in every story ever, but there was something special I felt at the beginning of this series.

That's not to say the quality has dropped tremendously, I'm still going to continue reading Blame!. A little magic lost that's all.
Profile Image for Ahmad Hossam.
277 reviews86 followers
February 28, 2021
At this point, the story is somewhat taking shape, but boy is it hard to understand what's going on. Don't get me wrong. The art is fantastic. It evokes the same existential dread and despair that most dystopian works strive so hard to achieve yet ultimately fall flat. The massive structure do not make you feel tiny.. they make you feel insignificant.

Yet, after 16 chapters, I came to the conviction that the artist can't draw actions scenes if their life was on the line. This is not a stylistic choice (again, the art is superb in the quiet moments) It's poorly choreographed. If you squint hard enough, you may find some coherent fight scenes hidden under this mess. I just can't.
Profile Image for Emperador Nui.
83 reviews7 followers
January 4, 2021
El tomo de la confrontación.

Los paisajes y las civilizaciones singulares no son los únicos que ocupan el foco de atención, en este tomo se materializa al fin la figura del enemigo, que se presenta en multitud de ocasiones con diversas apariencias, cada una más poderosa y aterradora que la anterior.

Con una estética y una predisposición tan clara a la oscuridad, no cabía duda de que los enemigos tendrían una capacidad increíble de generar caos y muerte ante su paso. Por suerte, Killy y el resto del elenco poseen un ingenio elevado capaz de hacerle frente a estas contrariedades bélicas.
Profile Image for Kurtis Burkhardt.
5,998 reviews51 followers
February 29, 2020
The “Blame!” Series is pretty good, lots of cool action and interesting art but can’t give a 5⭐️because it lacks in the story👍😁❤️
Profile Image for scafandr.
253 reviews6 followers
January 22, 2024
Первый том этой манги для меня больше был хорошим с визуальной точки зрения, т.к. диалогов было крайне мало и не особенно было понятно, что происходит с главным героем. Второй томик уже был более насыщенным на подробности. К третьему же тому все пошло, как надо. Становится понятно, что ищет Килли (геном, которым владели древние люди, ибо сейчас все генномодифицированные).
Сюжет этой книги - это один огромный спойлер. Я так увлекся, что прочитал книгу залпом. Я уже подозревал, что Килли не простой парень-убивашка. И скорее всего ищет он геном не просто так. Меня дико рвет на части, чтобы рассказать, что же случилось в 3-ем выпуске, но держу себя как могу. Очень интересно, что случилось с Килли, что он решился на поиски священного Грааля... 10/10
Profile Image for Shin Donghae.
2,255 reviews8 followers
January 2, 2022
Dengan (masih) begitu minimnya dialog yg menjabarkan setingan dunia mang ini, pemandangan dan peradaban yang unik bukan satu-satunya yang menjadi fokus perhatian. Pada volume ini sosok musuh akhirnya terwujud, yang muncul dalam banyak kesempatan dengan penampilan berbeda, masing-masing lebih kuat dan menakutkan daripada yang terakhir. Sehingga memunculkan pertanyaan Safeguard itu apa sebenarnya? Melihat kemampuan Sana-kan seperti itu.

Dengan estetika yang begitu jelas dan kecenderungan terhadap kegelapan, tidak diragukan lagi bahwa musuh akan memiliki kemampuan luar biasa untuk mendatangkan malapetaka dan kematian di belakangnya.
January 18, 2022

these get better and better with each volume and I'm only 30% in! the unfathomable world concepts (and sizes) has yet to grow stale on me and the overpowering existential dread and the immense feeling of insignificance these drawings are able to instill continue to satisfy.
What this volume does better than the previous two is that the story is starting to form and I actually have an idea of what's going on. Still great action and absurdly fascinating and infinitely creative world-building and design concepts but with an added bonus of a plot and some characters that are starting to make sense and seem to be building towards something grand.
72 reviews1 follower
June 9, 2019
The art and the world itself has been consistently great throughout the first two books. I had a difficult time getting into Blame after the first volume as there wasn’t much to go on. From the second volume onward it’s been a roller coaster ride.

I feel the author has taken Hemingway’s view of the story. Less is more. He does not include all the information about the world and leaves it to the reader to put the pieces together. Looking forward to reading the rest of the series.
Profile Image for June Luu.
Author 4 books25 followers
June 9, 2024
The story keeps getting crazier! The art slipped at times but still overall really beautifully drawn. The cyberpunk vibe, the cosmic horror, the introduction of time and space “forwarding”. Just damn.
Profile Image for Ricardo Santos.
Author 10 books24 followers
February 12, 2018
Blame! continua mantendo o altíssimo nível. O roteiro melhora a cada volume. E a arte continua excepcional, com suas criaturas bizarras e cenários deslumbrantes.
Profile Image for XO.
1,279 reviews
December 20, 2019
I’m loving this Blame! Story is making more sense (hopefully).
Profile Image for Roy Jokorin.
15 reviews3 followers
February 20, 2023
Still not clear what is happening, but I am too far down the rabbit hole... I need more... Fantastic manga.
Profile Image for Strangerealms.
162 reviews14 followers
October 25, 2009
This dark, gritty, alienating, violent cyberpunk manga is really good. The artist Nihei is really gifted to draw buildings and he creates an empty world left with never ending growing buildings, metallic structures, and deadly creatures out to get you. The structures and the Safeguards who were once protecting the population, are now out of control and kill everyone on sight, due to a virus the population was exposed to. Killy is set to find a person whose genes (Net Terminal Genes) are uncorrupted by the virus in order to get back the control over the structures and the Safeguards since only such a person can access the control center. During that time the Silicones, the official bad guys, keep causing troubles and want to stop Killy. Thankfully, Killy is a powerful cyborg and makes friend along the way with Cibo a scientist.

The manga has barely any dialogue, Blame! is the kind of manga where you really have to pay attention to each image and even reread a few times the manga in order to really understand what is going on. I think it is worth it.

This is my review for the whole manga.
Profile Image for Дени ★ Проданова .
504 reviews9 followers
April 11, 2015
Вижте сега, чета мангата само защото вече започнах, а не обичам да оставям нещата недовършени. С разочарование установих, че нищо не се променя. Продължават някакви хора да си джиткат из "матрицата" и разни хуманоиди да се опитват да ги изтребят, без ясна идея защо. Плюс това художника или го мързи, или просто толкова си може, обаче всичките герои ми изглеждат еднакви, което пречи още повече на следенето на и без това неясната история. Та не мисля да правя повече ревюта по тази манга, освен ако не стане нещо изключително интересно (в което се съмнявам). Не я препоръчвам на никой, който обича историите, които чете, да имат сюжет. Ако пък обичате много пуцане и малко приказки - това е вашата манга.
Profile Image for Nura.
1,032 reviews29 followers
November 20, 2014
Jadi safeguard itu makhluk apa? kayak alien aja, bisa nyaru jadi manusia pula. trus bisa berkembang dari manusia yg ditembakkan senjatanya. bisa berevolusi juga sewaktu electrofisher menghabisi Sanakan, yang ternyata safeguard level tinggi. Killy juga ternyata punya kemampuan baru gara-gara ditembak Sanakan, di antaranya bisa mengenali safeguard dan bicara dengan para builders. Dan yang paling bikin penasaran waktu si Sanakan bilang "...you regain your function?" what function? penasaran...

ada forum yang bahas tentang si killy di sini kalo pengen tahu lebih jauh.
Profile Image for Jordan.
1,203 reviews64 followers
May 3, 2013
Maybe it's because I'm more in the mood for some cyberpunk/sci-fi, or maybe it's because I finally think I understand wtf is going on, but this series has really grown on me. I ended up adding a star to my ratings of the two previous books because of this.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 40 reviews

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