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Rich Woman: A Book on Investing for Women, Take Charge Of Your Money, Take Charge Of Your Life

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Why do so many women accept the myth that men are better at investing? RICH WOMAN - which was self-published by The Rich Dad Company — addresses this self-sabotaging habit head on and teaches women the essentials about finance. Key sections include:

The First Four Keys to Being a Successful Investor - Arm yourself with some financial education, start small, put a little money down, and stay close to home.

How to Get Smarter Quickly - Financial jargon can be intimidating. Kim Kiyosaki teaches the three easy rules to raising your financial IQ — increase your vocabulary every day, ask the basic questions about money, and don't worry about asking the wrong questions.

Why Women Make Great Investors - A recent Merrill Lynch report revealed that only 35 percent of women hold onto a losing investment for too long while 47 percent of men are guilty of the same mistake. Learn the strengths that women often have as investors.

This book is for you if you:
• never want to lose sleep over money again
• want to take control of your financial future
• and are tired of looking for a "rich Prince Charming" and demand financial independence!

274 pages, Paperback

Published April 10, 2006

About the author

Kim Kiyosaki

30 books94 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 197 reviews
Profile Image for Krista.
116 reviews7 followers
June 25, 2007
This was a quick read, she wrote it as if she was talking to and teaching a group of friends about how they can take control of their financial life. She doesn't like that there are woman out there that don't know how to do anything with money other than balance a checkbook! She wants woman to be more aware of the world and how they take care of themselves and their families through learning about investing. It isn't a "how to" book, more of a book to increase awareness.
Profile Image for Tiffany.
139 reviews4 followers
February 17, 2011
Don't make fun of me! I have decided to learn about the world of investing. Kind of a cheesy read, but a good one to start on.
This book was VERY cheesy... VERY. But, I had to start somewhere and get a little terminology going I guess. On to a better on.
Profile Image for Nathanael.
90 reviews13 followers
August 18, 2012
A review for the men: If your wife/girlfriend is reading this, you'd do well to read it too. Money is a team sport, and it's important to know where your partner's going with it.

Of course, if you're more inclined to see love as a battlefield, well then, forewarned is forearmed. ;)
Profile Image for Natasia Angel.
432 reviews
January 11, 2011
Even though I'm not a woman yet, I really like this book and the idea of being financially independent..
And I think women have been underestimated for hundreds of years.. Society thinks that women cannot understand finance and money.. But the truth is women can do anything they want..
Profile Image for Catherine.
15 reviews
October 27, 2013
Kim makes an excellent case for the dire need for women to be financially independent and the (U.S) statistics (and sympathetic worldwide trends) to back up her case are startling:
-50% of marriages end in divorce. (The #1 thing couples fight about is money.)
-In the first year after divorce a woman's standard of living drops an average of 73%.
-Of the elderly living in poverty, 3 out of 4 are women, yet 80% of these women were not poor when their husbands were alive.

We live in a totally different society to the one my mother grew up in and an entirely foreign world to the one my grandmother grew up in, and as such I personally feel the need to actively pursue my own financial education.

Some quotes and inspiration which stuck out from the book include:
"I do not wish (women) to have power over men; but over themselves." - Mary Wollstonecraft
"A good goal is like a strenuous exercise - it makes you stretch" - Mary Kay Ash
"Power is the ability not to have to please." - Elizabeth Janeway
"You can learn new things at any time in your life if you're willing to be a beginner. If you actually learn to like being a beginner, the whole world opens up to you." - Barbara Sher

Overall it is my opinion that this is an excellent book that all women should read but sadly, I suspect that only a dismal few will even be interested in.
Profile Image for Allison.
13 reviews9 followers
September 2, 2008
If you want to be an independent woman who can take care of her own finances with or without a man, read this book. I didn't know the first thing about investment options or jargon before I picked this up. I still can't say I know much jargon, but I do know that there are smart ways for me to handle my money and investments that even I could handle.

The only negative thing I have to say about this book is the format was a little too "women getting together to have coffee and chit chat." I understand the reason for the setup and it made the information more conversational, but sometimes I felt I was being pandered to.
Profile Image for Helga Soenimanggar.
38 reviews7 followers
August 17, 2007
every women must have this book in their hand. i'm serious. really good book to change our mind set. we can be independent grl and free financially from man!!! because we must preparing pr self for the worse condition and if we can earn our money and have our own money so we don't have count on man for this financial trouble anymore. read this and you will know what i'm talking about preparing for the worse!!!
Profile Image for Poppy Solomon.
Author 4 books27 followers
December 23, 2020
I was excited to read an investing book by a woman, but this was terrible. It's pretty obvious this book exists as a hastily put together marketing tool trying to get you to buy their other books. It's full of typos and has no actual information on investing. Definitely do not recommend.
Profile Image for Wyimaginowanie.
118 reviews9 followers
March 25, 2024
Bardzo dobra książka dla ludzi którzy dopiero uczą się, i chcą zacząć w coś inwestować, pokazując różne dostępne opcje. Myślę, że idealnie motywuje do działania, i aż chce się zacząć robić coś w tym kierunku by w końcu osiągnąć całkowitą niezależność finansową.
Profile Image for Charo Moreno.
6 reviews
July 13, 2018
Mi primera #reseña la escribo tras leer “Mujer millonaria. Guía financiera para la mujer” de Kim Kiyosaki @therealkimkiyosaki, socia y esposa de Robert Kiyosaki @therealkiyosaki, autor del #bestseller “Padre rico, padre pobre” (aún por leer). A Robert lo conocí a través de los #podcast 🎙 de @josemiguelgarcia_ de #EmprendedoresDigitales (Episodio 67). Muy recomendable 👍🏻

Hay dos motivos por los cuales he leído a Kim antes que a Robert. La primera es porque @falcaide76 me regaló este libro y toda recomendación de Paco la abrazo con curiosidad 🕵🏻‍♀️ La segunda razón es porque al leer la contraportada reconocí a otra #mujer apostando por nosotras 🙋🏻‍♀️ Otra mujer ejemplo de superación que inspira.

En sus más de 300 páginas Kim nos cuenta cómo la vida le hizo plantearse su situación financiera desde un punto de vista liberador. ¿A qué se refiere con eso? Sencillo a la vez que ambicioso. Para Kim “la libertad financiera llega cuando sin trabajar puedes mantener tu nivel de vida con el dinero que generan tus inversiones”. Dicho así suena atractivo a la vez que misterioso ¿cierto? ¿Cómo lograrlo? Ella lo resume con una serie de claves. Siendo la primera: identificar en qué punto te encuentras hoy.

Así que coge papel y lápiz y empieza por calcular tu riqueza a día de hoy:
- Haz una lista de tus gastos mensuales
- Suma el dinero que tienes en ahorros, bonos y acciones
- Divide ingresos por gastos = riqueza (meses en los que podrías vivir como hasta la fecha pero sin trabajar)

Un ejercicio sencillo que pone cifra a tu realidad financiera. Ahora toca trabajar para que tu ésta sea eterna. Kim recomienda:

1 Infórmate. Lee. Estudia. Participa en foros de inversionistas. Pregunta. Cuanto más sepas sobre el área de inversión en el que quieras enfocarte, mejor te irá.
2 Empieza a invertir a pequeña escala y con poco dinero. Práctica con riesgo bajo ya que será un ejercicio magnífico para aprender de tus errores, porque los cometerás. Y no pasa nada. Sencillamente aprenderás para tu siguiente inversión.
3 Invierte cerca de casa. No es lo mismo comprar un piso como inversión en Madrid viviendo en Cádiz. Así sabes qué pasa en el área en el que inviertes. Y si sucede algo no tienes que desplazarte y puedes solucionar el problema rápido y sin gastos adicionales como el de desplazamiento.
4 Disponte a ganar. Al seguir las cuatro primeras claves estarás en buen camino. No hay nada como un poco de éxito al principio para ayudar a construir tu confianza como inversionista. La confianza en una misma es una ganancia secundaria del éxito de invertir. Para ello es recomendable alejarse de aquellas personas que nos recuerdan constantemente que invertir es arriesgado y no quieren escuchar lo que hemos aprendido.
5 Elige tus relaciones con prudencia. Rodéate de amigas que te apoyen. Busca a alguien que sea exitoso en lo que tú quieres hacer y pídele que sea tu mentor. Busca un grupo de mujeres inversionistas en las que apoyarte.
6 Nunca olvides que invertir es un proceso que nunca termina. Incluso cuando logras la libertad financiera debes seguir practicando los primeros 4 puntos. Porque la clave es como la vida misma: el viaje es la recompensa.
7 Diviértete. Celebra cada éxito en el camino. Reconócete en positivo. Sirve de mentora a otras mujeres y vive la vida que quieres vivir.

#libros #lecturas #librosrecomendados #instalibros #megustaleer #crecimientopersonal #libertadfinanciera #culturafinanciera #bookstagramespaña #bookstagramer #bookstagram #hoyleemos #somoslectores #booklovers #instalibro #leer #aprendiendodelosmejores #emprender
Profile Image for Soko.
257 reviews48 followers
November 27, 2021
Хөрөнгө оруулалтын талаар цэгцтэй бөгөөд ойлгомжтой жишээгээр дүүрэн ном уншихыг хүсвэл энэ номыг сонгож уншаарай гэж зөвлөе. Тогтоод сууж унших биш барин тавин удаан уншлаа. Эмэгтэй хүн бичсэн болохоор бас жижиг гэлтгүй зүйлийг орхиогүй тоймлон бичсэн нь илүү таалагдах байх.
"Миний ирээдүйн санхүү нөхрөөс минь хамаарахгүй байх болно" гэж багадаа гаргасан шийдвэр нь түүнийг амьдралын турш хөтлөх болно.
-"Сонголтын төлөө" Хийсэн сонголтоосоо хамгийн их ашгийг гарган авч ирээдүйдээ зөвхөн зөв шийдвэрийг гаргацгаая... гэсэн хундаганы ерөөлийг нь хааяа вино тулгангаа найзууддаа хэлээд инээлдмээр санагдсан тул энд бичээд үлдээе. Учир нь миний найзууд ч гэсэн бие даасан эмэгтэйчүүд. Бүгд л өөрсдийн хүчээр ажилд, байранд орцгоож, одоо яг хөрөнгө оруулалт, тэтгэврийн хуримтлал, хувьцаа койны зах зээлд их бага гэлтгүй мөнгөө оруулан алдаа оноогоо дэнслэн ярилцаж, нэг нэгнээ уруу татан энэ зам руу замчилж байгаа үе ч яг таарчээ. Ким бол "ЗАМЧЛАГЧ" найзуудынхаа зөвлөгч нь болж тус номонд гарна. Найзууд нь ч бүх салбарт ажиллагч, гэрийн эзэгтэй нар учраас мэдлэгийн зөрүү ихтэй, кейс ихтэй. Ойлгохгүй байгаа найзууддаа маш энгийнээр тайлбарлана.
Бүлэг тус бүрийн эхэн дэх үгнүүд үнэхээр анхаарал татмаар. Жнь:
Эмэгтэй хүнд эрчүүд, албан тушаал, мөнгө, хүүхэд, найз нөхөд, тохь тухтай байдал, бие даасан байдал, эрх чөлөө, хүндэтгэл, хайр дурлал, утас нь татагдадгүй 3 долларын үнэтэй дөркө хүртэл хэрэгтэй. /Филлис Диллер /
Ирээдүйд мөнгөний төлөө ажиллахгүйн тулд чи мөнгийг өөртөө ажиллуулдаг болох ёстой. Үгүй бол чи цалингаасаа хараат эрх чөлөөгүй нэгэн болно.
Сар тутамд чамд хэдий хэр мөнгө хэрэгтэй байдаг вэ? Заавал тооцож гарга.

...Санхүүгийн хараат байдал нь эмэгтэй хүний өөртөө итгэх итгэлийг бууруулдаг ба мөн��өний асуудал байгаагүй бол эмэгтэй хүн чадах юмаа хийхээр зориглож чадах байсан...
... Эмэгтэй хүн өөрийгөө үнэлээд эхлэнгүүт орчин тойрныхонтой харьцах харьцаа нь сайжирдаг.
... Бид хиймээргүй байгаа зүйлсээсээ зайлсхийхийн тулд ямар нэгэн шалтаг, халхавч бодож олох нь олонтаа. Эдгээр шалтагууд нь хүндэтгэх шалтгаан юм шиг харагдаж байвч яг үнэн дээрээ тэдний цаана нь хүсэл зориг байхгүй байгаа нь нуугдаж байдаг. Бид их төлөв ямар шалтаг ашигладаг билээ?
Тиймээс хөрөнгө оруулалтыг сонирхож эхлэхээр шийдсэн л бол том шалтаг гарч ирсэн ч гол чиг шугамаа барин явах ёстой. Таны хувийн шалтгаан чинь эргэлзэх тээнэгэлзэх үед цааш хөтлөн авч явдаг байх тийм жинтэй байх ёстой байх нь ээ.
... Би мөнгөтэй болохоороо тийм ийм юм авна, эсвэл би завтай болохоороо тийм ийм юм хийнэ. Танил үг байгаа биз?
... "Би чадахгүй" гэж хэлэнгүүт л чиний сэтгэх процесс чинь автомата��р зогсчихдог. Үүний оронд өөрөөсөө "Би яаж үүнийг хийх вэ?" гэж асуух хэрэгтэй. Энэ асуулт нь тархийг чинь ажиллахыг шаарддаг.
... Шийдвэр гаргахдаа эмэгтэй хүн орчин тойрныхоо хүмүүсийн ашиг сонирхлыг тооцох хандлагатай байдаг, эрэгтэй хүн энэ тал дээр илүү хувиа бодогч байдаг.
...Эрсдэл нь хөрөнгө оруулалтанд биш " ХӨРӨНГӨ ОРУУЛАГЧ" таньд байдаг.
- Өөрийн гэсэн мөнгөтэй л болоогүй цагт эмэгтэй хүн хэзээ ч хараат бус болж чадахгүй. /Элизабет Кади Стенсон/

Заавал уншаарай гэж зөвлөе. Он хуучин гэж гололгүй мөн эмэгтэй хүн эмэгтэй хүндээ л зориулан алдаа оноогоо дэнслэн амжилтаа хуваалцсан тус номыг уншихыг аминчлан бас эмэгтэйчүүддээ л захия даа.
Бас нэг сайхан үгээр дуусгая.
Эмэгтэй хүн бол дүрдэг цай л гэсэн үг. Халуун усанд дүрэхэд улам өтгөрдөг. Эленара Рузьвелт
Profile Image for Lauren.
98 reviews
October 1, 2021
There's nothing quite like a typo in the very first sentence to assure just how promising a book will be...

This was ridiculous. After 100 pages of bragging about how great her life is being married to a rich guy, Kim finally started to give investing tips:
1) If you can't afford it, buy it anyway (See the majority of most failed marriages and bankruptcy filings as a point of reference for how well this works.)
2) Put minimum funds down on investment properties and rely solely on tenants to provide your cashflow. (See the 2020 Covid pandemic and correlating Presidential eviction moratorium as evidence as to why this is moronic.)
3) Pay yourself 30% of your monthly revenue BEFORE allocating funds to pay your bills. If you can't make a payment, call the creditors and explain -- they'll understand.

And the most important tip of all: Buy all of her husband's merch!!! Books!!! Board games!!! MAKE THEM RICH!!!!!

Utter. Nonsense.

However, if you decide to read this, please make note of how many typos you find so we can compare results: My final tally was 78.
Profile Image for Mica Flamarique.
3 reviews1 follower
July 7, 2024
Muy buen libro para comenzar a adentrarse al mundo de las finanzas. No lo recomiendo a gente que ya tenga más conocimiento sobre el tema, ya que puede resultar muy básico. Pero personalmente me gustó mucho y me empoderó como mujer! Quizás cambiaría un poco la manera de relatar el contenido
1 review
October 12, 2018
She wants woman to be more aware of the world and how they take care of themselves and their families through learning investing.
Profile Image for Catherine Flynn.
147 reviews1 follower
August 18, 2015
I enjoyed and loved this book. Purchased at a thrift storen and worth more than I paid for. I love how she motivates women to not follow the usual people were taught about money. She gave so many insights and push to do better. every page makes me excited to pursue financial freedom! I should have it read long time ago! Though I love the book and as much I get excited for all the things she taught and the story of her life and her friends, it would be nicer to cite companies base from her experience, to give idea for women and to know where to start. Well, everything has to start somewhere we need to do our homeworks and research I suppose, and that's I think the first thing Kim wants women who are serious about getting out of financial debt. This book got me so motivated that I am so eager to be financially free.
Profile Image for Daniela Rojas Osorio.
1 review4 followers
July 3, 2020
¡Un must para empezar en el mundo de la inversión! Ideal haberse leído “Padre rico, Padre pobre” antes que este libro, ahí se explican las bases de una mentalidad basada en la inteligencia financiera y me pareció importante a modo de introducción al libro de Kim.
En “Mujer Millonaria” ya se llega a un terreno práctico de cómo empezar e invertir, qué inversiones elegir y cuáles son las buenas prácticas del proceso, porque es en definitiva un proceso. Hace además un enfoque muy importante sobre el por qué entrar en el mundo de las inversiones es vital para las mujeres y su independencia. Si bien el mundo de las finanzas han sido un terreno mucho más dominado por los hombres, Kim demuestra con cifras que las mujeres, no sólo tenemos las capacidades para ser buenas inversoras, sino que además en promedio, somos mejores inversoras que los hombres.
Profile Image for Б. Долгорсүрэн.
144 reviews16 followers
August 17, 2020
Санхүүгийн боловсролдоо зориулж уншсан дараагийн ном. "Баян аав ядуу аав" номын зохиолч Кийосакигийн эхнэр Ким Кийосакигийн бичсэн энэхүү номыг уншсанаар өөртөө актив хөрөнгө оруулалт хийх цаг болсоныг ухаарлаа. Би яг одооноос ажиллахгүйгээр, ямар нэгэн орлого олохгүйгээр хэдэн сар амьдарч чадах бол? Найз хүүхнүүдийн уулзалт, хоорондын ярианд тулгуурлан мөнгө, санхүү, үл хөдлөх хөрөнгө, хувийн амьдрал, хувь хүний зохион байгуулалтын талаар бичигдсэн ном юм. Хадгаламжийг зориулалттайгаар хийх, үл хөдлөх өөрөө өсөх хөрөнгө авах, хөрөнгө оруулалт зэргийн талаар урьдны уншсан зарим номнуудтай зарим байдлаар санаа давхарджээ.
Profile Image for Krystal.
193 reviews
October 4, 2017
I liked Rich Dad Poor Dad, by Robert Kiyosaki more. She references his book a lot and should be read in conjunction. The book reads more like a story than a how-to where she is meeting up with her girlfriends over multiple lunch dates to talk about building your own wealth indepedent of your spouse/significant other. Most of her advice revolves around buying real estate and making your money that way. I don't know anything about owning rental properties or businesses, so I didn't find it very helpful.
Profile Image for Dilena Lezpin.
Author 19 books52 followers
February 14, 2019
Evaluación Real 3.8
Creo que la forma como Kim describe la forma como algunas mujeres se sienten al dinero es completamente atinado. Ella aborda todas esas situaciones en que las mujeres sienten indiferencia en conocimientos del dinero, aburrimiento e incluso intimidación. Me gusto mucho como ella hace énfasis en la facilidad con que nosotras tenemos el poder de controlar este aspecto de nuestra vida también.
Profile Image for Nana Banana.
106 reviews
June 9, 2023
Un acercamiento práctico para lo que significa invertir, con consejos para comenzar inmediatamente y una guía de las dificultades emocionales que pueden atravesarte y cómo afrontarlos. Fue un libro interesante, más directo y sin tantos rodeos como lo son otros libros de Rich Dad Company.
Profile Image for Dawn.
99 reviews2 followers
January 9, 2013
Audio version. Listening on long commutes is helping me learn more about finance. This was very story driven. Very heavy on real estate investing, but lots of good tips throughout.
3 reviews
September 28, 2024
I understand the debate on the Kiyosakis' relevance in today's finance talks. I read through them, make sense out of a few points or two. However, Rich Woman itself appeals to women, uplifts them, teaches us the very basics of money without getting the icky feeling of being 'mansplained'. Sure, some points are outdated, or do not apply to countries other than the U.S. (we're used to this) many of her points made could easily last a lifetime! I read this 2/3 years ago, her tips & assurance still is very much engraved in my brain. Which is good! This book is Sex and the City of finance books to me. Appeals to glamorous, ambitious, self-assuring women everywhere. & especially to women who are exactly the opposite!

The best way to go about reading this book? Highlighting & annotating what you find most useful. Dog-ear stories that most resonate to you (mine, personally, is one with the 'I-was-so-scared-of-driving-but-now-I'm-not' analogy on money.) then keep coming back to it when you need a pick me up! Women need more support regarding the conversation on money. I'm glad this book exists! Kim was ahead of her time. Xx
Profile Image for Ngan Kim.
115 reviews14 followers
November 29, 2021
Mình biết cuốn sách này thông qua mục rcm nên đọc trong 1 cuốn sách của Donald Trump. Nội dung về người phụ nữ khá thành công về mặt tài chính và đầu tư, nghỉ hưu ở tuổi 37 hướng dẫn cho nhóm bạn của cô về cách làm việc đó như thế nào.
Nếu ai muốn hiểu cuốn này hơn thì cũng nên đọc Rich dad, Poor dad. Nhìn chung, cuốn sách này sẽ giúp ta hiểu rõ về tầm quan trọng của việc độc lập tài chính là như thế nào, ngoài ra thì còn 1 số kiến thức khác, nhưng cũng khá phổ biến. Nếu ai đang tìm liều thuốc thần để đầu tư thành công nhanh chóng thì đây không phải là cuốn sách cho bạn, đầu tư là cả một quá trình. Kim đã viết khá dễ hiểu, nhưng là những thứ chung và khái quát nhất để người đọc có một cái nhìn tổng quan hơn
Thú thật mình mong đợi ở cuốn sách này nhiều hơn nhưng nó không đáp ứng lắm với kì vọng của mình. Và như đã đề cập trong cuốn sách, muốn đầu tư ở 1 lĩnh vực nào đó thì bạn phải trau dồi thêm kiến thức, và chỉ mỗi cuốn này không thì chưa đủ, nhưng chí ít nó đã vẽ đường để hướng mình đến lỗi đi đúng đắn.
Cuốn sách này phù hợp cho những ai mù mờ hoàn toàn về việc đầu tư. Nên đọc
1,506 reviews5 followers
February 18, 2022
Today in the United States, half of all women age 50 and older are single or divorced. In Mexico I have also met many single women.

These women often come from a divorce and have no means and are not used to earning their own money. Others do earn good money, but are trapped by a hustler who squeezes everything he can out of them.

This book by Kim Kiyosaki deals with these issues, and teaches women (and I think it applies in general, but she applies to the topic of women) to be independent and have and earn their own money.

If you studied an accounting or administrative career, the book may not seem good to you, but if you have problems being an independent woman and have little knowledge of finances, it has good ideas.
Profile Image for Jewel.
Author 19 books115 followers
October 7, 2022
Common Mindsets that Block Women from Becoming Wealthy

𝐉𝐞𝐰𝐞𝐥 𝐬𝐚𝐲𝐬 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⁣
"Money is, to a large degree, a mind game. It takes discipline, focus, and self-control to do the things it takes to become wealthy. Otherwise, like water, it finds the nearest drain out of your life while you're not paying attention. I love the style that this book is written in. It is easy to read because it is in story-format and it illustrates the ways that women abdicate responsibility for their financial future or allow fear to prevent them from learning and moving forward in their financial intelligence. The author is a sharp and intelligent woman herself who has made all the mistakes as well as all the right moves in life and who is today a rich woman. So glad she wrote this book and shared her wisdom."⁣
Profile Image for Jennie Clayton.
55 reviews
August 24, 2021
Cute and empowering in a Sex and the City kind of way, accessible to even the most number reluctant person.

I enjoyed this. I think it is slightly outdated now! But like the positivity and language. Instead of 'I can't afford' say 'How can I afford' etc. It may not be suitable for someone who does not make additional sensible research and struggles with compulsive shopping habits. This would first require thought and recovery.

I'd always advocate getting professional advice before investing and bare in mind the numbers and dialogue in this book will be different if you live outside the US.
Profile Image for Makubutu Nonkululeko Lekota.
53 reviews2 followers
November 4, 2021
Kim's book is empowerment book for women, she really educates women how to look at their finances and reexamine their financial knowledge and their financial futures.

I would recommend this book to anybody who is trying to start investment and is trying to plan their financial future. She gives some very good examples of loop holes which you may not have thought of in your current financial plan or in your pension.

She talks about the dangers of not having a constant cash flow and she provides formulas to work out your cash flow and ways to get a cash flow if you do not have one. The book is very solution orientated. It is really a self-help book.
Profile Image for Dincy.
40 reviews10 followers
February 7, 2022
I'd initially rated this 3 stars given the action it inspired me to take on my own financial goals. It was impactful, in that sense. The writing? Just ok. Would I consider it recommended reading? I found the first few chapters thought-provoking enough that I shared it with a number of my girlfriends. I could see myself, and them, in the characters in the book. There is some very actionable advice. But it was marred for me when I read more about the Kiyosakis, their ventures and stance on some issues. I felt as though I don't know enough to know what is truth and what is them mispresenting some of the ways that they made money.
Profile Image for Jen Catembung.
30 reviews9 followers
August 18, 2018
I took a course in Singapore about finance and I’d say every tiny detail Kim has stated in this book is definitely worth taking notes on. Read this a couple of years back but it was only now that somehow the message sank in deeper. She’s right when she said - the time is now! Be financially literate. I’m still in the process and I’m still learning, having fun learning. A must read dear ladies. Be smarter.
Profile Image for Karen Rands.
Author 1 book1 follower
August 6, 2023
consistent in the line of the Rich Dad books and needed given that they're so few books that really help women to overcome the abyss of wealth creation that they missed out on for the decades that they had no rights to have an opinion, vote, have credit, own property, take out a loan,.....
given that women had to get a male family member to cosign even if they wanted a department store credit card up until 1984 so there's a lot of ground to cover in education and access
Displaying 1 - 30 of 197 reviews

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