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Scum's Wish #1

Scum's Wish, Vol. 1

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Mugi and Hanabi are the perfect high school couple...but their relationship is built on a single shared secret: They're each in love with someone else.

180 pages, Paperback

First published February 19, 2013

About the author

Mengo Yokoyari

59 books34 followers
横槍メンゴ (Yokoyari Mengo) is a japanese mangaka.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yorip/
Sarahah: https://yormen.sarahah.com/

She is also known for illustrating PVs on Nico Nico Douga under the name "Yori." Most notably, her illustration for MikitoP's "Yi Er Fanclub."

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 82 reviews
Profile Image for Tamara.
689 reviews218 followers
March 9, 2016
1.5 stars (half star given due to complex characters and I'm feeling generous)

Read up to chapter 35

Status: On-going

Genres: Over the top drama, Too fucked up romance, Mature (my ass)

Premise: This is really twisted and fucked up in any angle possible. Shit went from normal love to "potential Yaoi" to "Yuri" so fast. LOL..everybody loves everybody..but no one loves the one who loves him/her..MANGA LOGIC.

Warning: If you start this manga one of these two things will happen:
a) Either you gonna drop it but will probably come back at the last chapter to see if there's an orgy or not.

b) You are gonna keep reading but every chapter you'll go: ''Why do I kept reading this I wonder... I know I like f*cked up things but this is just getting more miserable by the chapter..''

Dont say I didnt warn you ;)

Thoughts: This series started out on a high note for being more mature and different from the other romance fluffy manga with depth to its characters. But now it had become an over-the-top edgy/emo piece of crap that looks exactly like a manga edition of all those 20 cents love novels you found on the streets. The characters development is laughable, the emotional conflicts is ridiculously stupid, the characters's actions are way beyond the comprehensive capability of human brain.

I mean, look, this manga is so fucked up, it makes me want to rip my eyeballs out with a fork....

This manga is so fucked up just when I thought there was a pure light in this manga it just drops into the depth of the deep ocean.

Everything in this manga is so fucked up I want everyone, I mean, everyone, to burn in hell. The only one I feel bad for is the onii-chan sensei because he is being FUCKING lead on...

This manga is so fucked up there is cheating but DAMN IT I cant even be mad at them because;
1. They both did it

2. They weren't even in a real relationship. (Friends with benefits)

3. Because they both found out about it and accept it.

4. They are both messed up in their own way which makes me really ship them. (I cant believe I'm shipping anyone in this manga but I really am. They are just so fitting for each other. Feel like the Joker and Harley, fucked up yet the perfect couple.)

Lastly, this manga is so fucked up I dont know why I even kept reading it in the first place. It was so unnecessarily complicated and stupid but I couldnt stop reading it hahaha. I'm at chapter 35 and it is beyond of hope right now..a lost case.. but I just wanna finish reading it so that I can get back to my normal daily life....I feel like since I came so far, I need to see how much fucked up its gets. I'm expecting this to turn into a yandere fucked up manga with a lot of crazies so yay, another School Days drama

Verdict: Lmao this manga is scaring me right now more than watching a horror film in the middle of the night...It is beyond fucked up so save yourself and don't even give it a chance because it's nearly as fucked up as School Days.

What I mean by that is...cue to HUGE School Days (ending) spoiler...

*shivers* It's still a better love story than Twilight, though. ^^

Artwork: Between good and mediocre, mainly mainstream style. No details, no shading.

Profile Image for Raynička.
114 reviews6 followers
May 28, 2017
I just had to read manga after watching few episodes, because I wanted to know what will happen next. Anyway, after few first chapters in the manga, you can't really say anything about most of the characters, but you can see, there is something in them and personally I would like to know what happened and how will it continue.

Beautiful but shy girl fall in love with the most perfect boy in the planet, confesses and guess what, he likes her, secretly admires her from the start. If you want this kind of fluffy and cliché story, then go read whatever shoujo manga you find, they are all same anyway.

Many people are complaining, that this manga is ugly and disgusting. After first volume, not really. I will wait how it unfolds. But anyway it has one thing that is missing in many mangas: this is realistic.

This is a manga about characters which have problems, which are a bit broken and twisted (and stupid :D). Sure, we can pretend everyone had a happy childhood and perfect puberty. Seriously, not all f*cking things in the world are beautiful and not all people are always happy go lucky. There are ugly things in this world you don't want to see, you try to pretend they don't exist, you try to close your eyes but this doesn't change the fact these things still exists.

In this manga, no fairy tale like development of story will happen. And that's so superb. Because characters are young, stupid, inexperienced and they have nobody who can support them. Is it so suprising that sometimes, they will get lost on their way? You think everyone will find the true love right in the high school will have the most perfect relationship and ends up with a big happy family? They are young, their hormones are rising, they are curious about their sexuality and they can't develop a normal relationship because they don't date person they love. I see many adult people around me dating somebody so they just won't feel empty or lonely. And you expect teenager without any experience to know how to react and what to do? Stupid.

Few of their thinking processes were perfectly described. How does it feel to touch somebody? How does it feel if touches you someone you don't really love but like him anyway? Simple questions for which most of the kids don't know answers. Kids are always guick to google and watch porn on the internet but to find out about something, that is called emotions and other psychological shit going on inside your head when you are having sex with somebody, well that's another cup of tea, I guess.

Maybe this manga will feel wrong, you will feel disgusted, but this doesn't mean that the manga is bad. I still prefer works (literature/movies/series/whatever) that will make me feel something and it doesn't matter if they are good or bad emotions. This manga will check how's your moral principles and you will be thinking what would you do in their places.

I don't care what anyone thinks about this. I like this manga and hope it will be better with next volumes.
Profile Image for Coco.
1,092 reviews541 followers
February 6, 2017
No puedo creer que algo así de retorcido, haya conseguido tener licencia para un anime.
Profile Image for Mehsi.
13.5k reviews410 followers
February 10, 2017
I am also watching the anime and thought I would check out the manga, see if it was different. But I found out that the anime does a goshdarn good job on adapting the manga. :P I will just continue with the anime. Maybe when the series gets licensed in English I will buy it and read it. Pretty good series, though a bit depressing and definitely quite mature at times (plus knowing the anime it will get even more mature).

Edit: While writing this I vaguely thought I had heard of a license, but due to my day being absolutely swamped with stuff I didn't have time to do any checking. Thanks to Laura D for pointing out it is licensed! Guess I will get to buying this series, I need it on my shelves.
Profile Image for Lör K..
Author 3 books94 followers
February 13, 2017
I genuinely have no clue what to think about this manga.

It is completely morally wrong, sick and twisted -- incest trigger warning is all I'm going to say -- but at the same time, the whole plot line is so... capturing. No matter how disgusted I felt at times, I just couldn't put it down. The characters have depth, although a lot of it only seems to be their love for other people, forbidden love, but there are points where we see beyond that.

I felt so uncomfortable reading this manga, but I've finished the first volume craving more. I'm note sure about this manga, and I wouldn't recommend it unless this is the specific thing you like to read. The plot line is interesting to say the least, it's continuous and monotonous throughout the first volume, but it still has claws that pull you in and make you really think.

I've even come to care for one of the characters, going as far as to feel bad for them.

I really don't know how to even summarise this book; half of me is screaming don't read more and the other half is screaming binge the other seven volumes. Again, I wouldn't really recommend this but I also recommend that if you're curious, read it yourself and see what you think.

This is definitely a strange manga, and it seems to have gripped me enough to try at least one more volume.
Profile Image for James DeSantis.
Author 17 books1,176 followers
July 21, 2020
So what happens when two high school students can't be in a relationship with the people they are "in love" with? Oh well they use each other's bodies while making believe they are messing around with the actual people they like.

A super weird, semi-trashy, yet somehow entertaining slice of life manga. This is about a guy and a girl who are massively in love with two older people but both of those people seem to like each other. SO they settle with each other, kissing, feeling up, rubbing, you know all the good stuff. So with that they feel like they're getting SOMETHING even if it's not with the person they want.

Like I said, it is trashy. It's rated M for a reason. It's not overly sexual and I don't even remember seeing a nipple, but they do other stuff even over clothing that will make this for adults only. The story itself is kind of depressing in a way even when they have plenty of jokes. and somehow some of the jokes land, while others miss.

This isn't a great manga. But for 2$ it wasn't bad. A 3 out of 5.
Profile Image for Carrie Asagiri.
75 reviews4 followers
February 6, 2017
First of all, I would like to make a disclaimer: this manga is not suitable for everybody. Depending on the reader's sensibilities, moral, and experience, this could be disgusting or at least felt wrong.
I'm the kind of reader who knows from personal experiences the kind of relationships depicted in this manga, so I'm not that shocked but it touches some inner buttons anyway.
I am not going to talk about the plot because it is something you can read on the GR summary, so I am going to focus on the two main aspects of a comic: art and story. The art is average for any shoujo o shounen romance manga, even though this is a seinen one. Regarding the story, the author has made a very good job in the character's field due to their psychological complexity and the way their feelings is display.
Everything in this story is so wrong that is perfect. The characters weren't made to be liked, but they can be understood. They are broken people with sick relationships in order to keep a bit of sanity in their lives and bear their pain.
This manga is not your average high school romance but a very twisted, mature approach to a kind of relationship that is wrong but it does not mean that do not exist.
Profile Image for Diana.
178 reviews
July 9, 2017
Comencé a leer este manga gracias a cierto vídeo en Youtube y debo decir que aunque no esperaba mucho del plot, tampoco fue que me decepcionó lo suficiente como para abandonar esta historia. Estamos acostumbrados a historias con amores imposibles que a medida que avanza la historia empiezan a volverse posibles, muchas veces esas historias involucran personajes cuyas diferencias de edades son grandes pero que aún así en cierto punto de la historia superan este prejuicio y están juntos; bueno, esta historia es lo contrario. Ambos protagonistas están conscientes que su atracción por esos amores son más que imposibles y, en vista de la soledad y el dolor que eso les acarrea, toman la decisión de buscar consuelo en el otro mediante una relación sumamente física. Por ese único detalle realista se ganó una estrella. Los protagonista no me agradan, todavía, del todo pero tampoco me desagradan; se denominan así mismo parásitos por la relación que han establecido entre ellos y ambos son inmaduros en sus respectivas maneras. La parte introspectiva es intensa y el trazo es sencillo y a la vez algo explicito con ciertas cosas.
Profile Image for riven.
66 reviews2 followers
June 4, 2021
I finished the anime a few months ago, so that's probably why I'm not that much involved in the plot. But it's still really good and i enjoy reading it .
Profile Image for Isabella.
826 reviews55 followers
September 1, 2021
this series

it starts so well and then it just goes ✈️💥💀
Profile Image for Sams.
79 reviews9 followers
October 16, 2022
Molto triste e con tantissimo potenziale... Non vedo l'ora di leggere i prossimi volumi!
Profile Image for KillerBunny.
237 reviews130 followers
February 21, 2023
3.5 stars, it was alright. Not bad but not fantastic either. The ending was great tho
Profile Image for Juliet.
196 reviews7 followers
April 1, 2022
Just remembered watching this a long time ago and I don't recall all the details (I definitely forgot moka), but I still remember the feels.
This is sexual and sick, yes, but I liked the way they portrayed the problem of being human— sometimes weak and a slave to emotions. I understood the characters and I approve the ending.
Profile Image for Rosario Rolon.
56 reviews20 followers
February 5, 2017
I know many people are gonna think ,this is your typical romance and stuff based on the cover . I strongly suggest you give this book a chance because it is by far greatly written. Characters are really relatable . When it comes to your crush and someone you love and I mean really love ,it just has to be them no matter what ,taking it from someone who got rejected it is a harsh world .

We have Hanabi who's in love with her teacher,and Mugi in love with his teacher too.Many more characters are involved in this story ,like the best friend,the childhood friend .Its drama and character development waiting to happen .
Profile Image for Mark.
2,312 reviews200 followers
December 5, 2018
It’s this versus Domestic Girlfriend for the most messed up relationships in a manga, though I think this one might edge it out. Unhealthy is probably being too kind. I was expecting it to be a lot more lurid given the cover, but that was the most salacious thing about it.
Profile Image for Kenny.
866 reviews37 followers
February 6, 2017
Twinning complication of unrequited love replacement strategem.
Profile Image for Banu.
72 reviews28 followers
January 22, 2019
It is not as naughty as on the cover XD. It's cute actually.
Profile Image for Giulia.
144 reviews11 followers
December 29, 2022

Partiamo dal fatto che io ero super convinta di leggere un gl, invece non ha niente a che fare con ciò. Se ho letto la trama, l'ho letta saltando probabilmente il pezzo principale, il succo del discorso.

All'esordio di queste pagine non mi convinceva molto, mi annoiava un pochino.
Anche se il fatto che questi due ragazzi avessero tutti e due un amore non corrisposto, mi ha incuriosito. Perciò niente mi ha bloccato la lettura.
Anche se non ho ancora ben capito il legame che c'è tra Hanabi e il professore.

La storia mi piace perché è ben strutturata, non perde pezzi, non è velocizzata. Ne segue il giusto lineamento e questa probabilmente è la parte che mi è piaciuta di più di questo manga. Per il resto NI.
Anche i personaggi li ho trovati carini, stranamente sono riuscita a sopportarli tutti e mi ha stupito questa cosa.

Scopro che questi due ragazzi stanno insieme, ma non stanno veramente insieme. Lo fanno solo per "soddisfare" quel bisogno, quel desiderio di stare con chi vorrebbero.
Loro utilizzano l'immaginazione attraverso i loro corpi per stare con il loro innamorato. Non mi ha convinto molto questa parte, perché tutti e due si affidano a una persona che non conoscono, a uno sconosciuto.
Lei si trova tra le braccia di questo ragazzo che non ha mai visto e lo stesso vale per lui.
Solo per immaginare, per provare quel senso di soddisfazione.
Mi sembra un po' un controsenso, un'incoerenza (ormai ne sono abituata.)
Tutti e due sono innamorati di un'altra persona, più grande, e per coprire questo bisogno usano il proprio corpo tra loro.
Sembrano che lo facciano anche per il fantastico bisogno carnale umano.
La vedo un po' come un tradimento verso i propri sentimenti, verso ciò che provano.
In più è una mossa molto esagerata e disperata. Per carità ognuno fa ciò che vuole, ma dare il proprio corpo a qualcuno che non conosci solo per immaginarti di fare sesso con la persona che ami...la vedo una cosa abbastanza esagerata e che non ha un verso senso logico.
Spero almeno che alla fine della storia saranno questi due ragazzi a mettersi insieme. Se alla fine Hanabi starebbe con il professore la vedrei come una presa per il culo, anche se Hanabi non ha ceduto il cuore a Mugi. (Per ora.)
Non mi convince molto questa parte di storia. (Ovvero il centro di tutto, ma okay)
Però, sono curiosa di come va a finire, di come si completa, perciò leggerò il seguito sperando che la storia non diventi troppo incoerente, perché già un po' lo è.

"Quando si è innamorati di qualcuno si prova una passione così forte da perdere la testa e, pur volendo, è impossibile soffocare ciò che si prova.
Noi stiamo insieme...ma siamo innamorati di altre persone.
Entrambi siamo l'uno per l'altra il rimpiazzo dell'altra persona."

Profile Image for Xylene  Qien.
167 reviews
July 5, 2019
It's okay for me. Not as out of hand as i thought, not an outstanding written piece of work for my taste too. It's an okay view.

I watched the anime, so this review may be a bit off compared to the manga experience.

But generally, it's a good representation of real life. It's awful, young people do stupid things, hormones flaring up their sex drives, confusing relationships and dramatic conflicts being thrown at their faces. Yep. As awful as real life can be. But this is handled with a slightly mature tone of the female lead. So it's not really a pain to follow her thoughts.

In another light, the story might not appeal to some, as i understand that entertainment are made for the sake of, well, entertaining. Mainstream entertainment has been playing with our thoughts and emotions for something we can pursue or dream about, and hope to achieve it by projecting ourselves to the characters. It makes us feel good a lil bit about life. But this? It might turn people off for being brutally honest about people and how they deal with relationships. And nobody wants to see the awful side of things.

The ending, although sad, is the best ending for the characters. It's a small coming-of-age ending for us as the viewers/readers too. You win some, you lose some. You want to achieve something, you need to sacrifice something in return.

There's no such thing as a painless, happy ending.
Profile Image for Kitty Marie.
183 reviews39 followers
June 30, 2019
A seinen (basically, for a mature male audience) series that looks like a shoujo or josei (geared toward female audiences) manga. Speaking of looks being deceiving, the heroine looks cute and unassuming but is hiding a dark secret that's left her bitter and twisted- enough so to embark on a mutually fake relationship with a classmate. I am already shipping she and the classmate who are in unrequited love with other people and can relate to each other on that aspect. They seem like equals, evenly matched in understanding of their agreement.

Before the end of this volume, another character is introduced. The bubbly and funnier atmosphere they bring to the table shows that there is some considerable variance in the characterization, even if the unrequited love theme is overdone here- even that new character suffers from it. Nonetheless, this is an interesting storyline so far and has the fastest pace ever. I flew through this first volume in about 1/3 the time of a "normal" manga volume. The panels are well organized, I'm never confused on who is talking or thinking, and the art is clean and attractive overall. I have quite high hopes so far but this one has a lot of room to get better or worse.
Profile Image for DoctorFeddy.
254 reviews1 follower
January 23, 2023
Questo manga mia colpito e mi ha attaccato alla lettura per i suoi personaggi, non ho mai letto un fumetto con personaggi così antipatici, ma quell'antipatia che ti avventi alla lettura invece di allontanarti, per vedere cosa gli accade. I protagonisti sono due ragazzi delle scuole medie che si ufficialmente fidanzati per dare l'impressione di essere una coppia modella ma in realtà loro amano persone diverse che però sono irraggiungibili, ma che con questo stratagemma credono di avvicinarsi sempre di più all'obiettivo cioè fare breccia nel cuore delle loro corrispettivo fiamme. La relazione si spinge anche più avanti del semplice bacio, affrontando anche i discorso sesso anche senza averlo consumato in toto, Hanabi ama il professore ma se qualcuna si Mugi si arrabbia quindi credo che lei sia possessiva sia del suo finto ragazzo che del suo professore, mentre Mugi è innamorata della sua professoressa, ma vuole esplorare anche le sensazioni che può dare il toccare una ragazza. Due personaggi che si comportano come due ragazzini alle prime esperienze, e sono curioso di sapere come continua, se questa cosa continua se si sfalda, o diventa una cosa più seria di come è adesso.

Voto: 7.1/10
Profile Image for Chiara.
112 reviews37 followers
July 14, 2023
Vengo dall'anime, quindi sapevo già cosa aspettarmi.
Ho letto parecchie critiche su questo manga in cui lo si definisce "malato" ma faccio uno spoiler -sulla vita, non sulla storia- gli adolescenti fanno sesso e fanno cose stupide proprio in quanto adolescenti. I sentimenti (e gli ormoni!) iniziano a prendere il sopravvento e alle volte si prendono delle decisioni molto discutibili come ad esempio iniziare una relazione sessuale con una persona perché non si può averne un'altra. Certo, non è propriamente il "meccanismo di difesa" che avrei adottato io a quell'età ma... Non è sicuramente nulla di mai visto e sentito.

Il vero problema di questo primo volume non sono le scene vagamente spinte ma che è un volume puramente introduttivo, dove ci vengono presentati un po' tutti i personaggi che faranno parte dei vari triangoli/quadrilateri/esagoni. I disegni non sono nemmeno nulla di che.

L'anime comunque mi era piaciuto per le dinamiche tra i vari personaggi, a tratti un po' soapoperistiche, ma comunque realistiche. Sì, ci saranno altre scene in cui i personaggi si daranno più che un bacio quindi se cercavate la storia d'amore shojo dove malapena ci si sfiora la mano... non fa decisamente per voi!

Profile Image for Rosa Rodriguez.
317 reviews27 followers
April 11, 2021
I went into this series blindly only with the facts that I’ve heard it’s good.
And not gonna lie it was okay, like I thought it was gonna be something else, but instead the two main characters have crushes on older people, which isn’t really my type of thing to read.
I don’t like to read stories about unrequited love because you don’t gain anything out of jealousy, and admiring the person you like.
I mean to predict what the ending might be, is that the characters might end up officially together at the end, I mean with the rules they came up with, they’re all gonna cross the line over them because of how physical their relationship is.
It reminds me of friends with benefits type of relationship, but the only difference is that they see each other everyday so they might fall for each other sooner.
I’ll probably read another volume to see which direction it’s heading but I don’t really see myself being super interested in this type of series.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for saye¿!.
38 reviews
October 10, 2022
>>>>emm ya, no se muy bn q decir
kuzu no honkai lo vi hace unos años por su anime
anime que no voy a mentir, me gustó mucho porque me hizo transmitir ese vacío y soledad que representa en mucho a esta historia

ns muy bn como llegue al manga, solo lo abrí de la nada en clase y comencé a leerlo y aquí estamos

en cuanto a la historia, te puedo decir que no es mala
esa necesidad de llenar el vacío con algo tan banal que es el sexo
el camino de un amor desdichado y no mutuo,
el encontrar un sentido
etc etc
el manga no es malo, aún así siento, a mi parecer, que me entrego más el anime

de todas maneras, hanabi y mugi en su transición de crecer
me parecen reales
al contrario, como deteste a esos dos profesores
y mucho más al profesor
del asco
aunq se podía comprender las acciones tan vacías de akane, simplemente no entendía la capacidad de dejarse pasar a llevar del profesor
pd: amo el ed del anime, precioso
Profile Image for John Ronald.
192 reviews2 followers
April 26, 2022
The characters aren't supposed to be sympathetic...they're deeply flawed, seriously f*cked up people. They're conventionally beautiful, attractive people being horrible to each other and it's also HORNY A.F. I haven't finished the anime either, though as to be expected, the anime rather condenses things...the first episode as I recall condenses volumes 1 & 2 of the manga....mostly things get hot & heavier sooner in the anime.

This show & manga confirms my thesis that well done Ecchi is hotter & hornier than blatant hentai, which is often over the top & gross and frankly unsexy. Scum's Wish dials it in just right, at least for me so far.
Profile Image for Marianne.
565 reviews15 followers
July 21, 2023
I like it enough to continue reading it. I wonder how this fake relationship will turn out. The expectations and the outcomes are already reeling in my head, but, it’s still nice to see how the characters would go about their day (especially with third-parties acting as obstacles to the fake relationship). Also, I can only see “Oshi no Ko” characters in “Scum’s Wish” because Mengo Yokoyari drew the art on this story as well. ☺️
Profile Image for Esteban.
11 reviews
May 21, 2018
Easy to follow but way too slow

Though the story is non-cliche, it has no unexpected turns nor surprises. That makes it easy to guess and follow. However, it is quite interesting as it deals with real-life issues. 4/5, the fifth star is taken away because the story is way to slow and gets to the point about half way into the book.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 82 reviews

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