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Auguries of Summer

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Easy-going Sebastien divides his time between working as a cleaning technician, caring for his widowed father, and running off to the park for soccer practice. Coasting through his existence, he's convinced he doesn't have much going for him.

That isn’t what his best friend Jack thinks. Quick-witted and passionate, Jack is fascinated by art and history, but the greatest book or painting could never compare to how he feels when he's alone with Sebastien.

In the last five years, Seb and Jack have shared everything, sometimes even a bed. Yet though their chemistry is smoking hot, Sebastien keeps Jack at a safe distance. But when the two move in together to lower their living expenses, that distance gets smaller and smaller, until Sebastien and Jack are standing so close, they can't see what's right in front of their eyes ... the love of their life.

177 pages, ebook

First published April 1, 2016

About the author

Mel Bossa

29 books207 followers

I think I've written and changed my bio on here a hundred times in the last decade. See, that's why I don't have tattoos!

I've been a GR for over ten years and I still use it daily to keep up with my reading and to learn about books, old and new ones, but more importantly, because as I grow older and hopefully wiser, I realize that readers are my favorite type of people. They seem to be a little more empathetic and open-minded, and generally more cultivated.

If you look at my shelves, you'll see that I used to read about 70 books a year but in the last years, I've grown more selective and take my time with my lovers, ahem, books.

Yes, I am also a LGBTQ writer and Francophone Montrealer.

I cherish my readers, and want to take this space here to thank you all personally for reading and reviewing my books. You make reality tolerable like a good class of wine.

May your life be blessed.

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Displaying 1 - 29 of 29 reviews
Profile Image for Tess.
2,049 reviews26 followers
May 3, 2016
4.5 stars

This lovely romance began with a melancholy feel that was, in my opinion, quite apt for the Montreal setting. I'm not sure what the author's magic was, but she pulled me into the story immediately and and had me caring for Sebastien and Jack from just about the first page. I suspect it's because these guys felt flawed and very real to me and that's what I crave most when I read romance. This had a slightly different format - most of it from Sebastien's POV (current day and then five years ago) with the last part from Jack's POV - which I thought worked very well. Let's just say there were tears in my eyes at some point through all three parts.

Under the August stars, he kissed me slow and deep. Then he leaned away, still holding my face in his hand. "You know what the best feeling in the world is?"
I didn't answer, holding my breath.
"Being in love with your best friend." Sebastien rubbed my hair back. "Nothing can beat that."

Profile Image for Mercedes.
1,137 reviews95 followers
December 7, 2021
4.5 Stars

I loved! This story absolutely sucked me in. I couldn't put down and stayed up until I was done with it.

I am so thoroughly impressed! I've been reading Bossa's books for years now, since falling in love with Split. But there were some stories that just didn't work for me at all. Yet, I felt Bossa's Books were my Brokeback Mountain, I just couldn't quit them. And I am glad I kept trying because this book is a gem.

I loved both Jack and Sebastien, both are very real and flawed characters that you just can't help falling in love with them AND their story. These guys are not lawyers or millionaires or anything extravagant. They are a cleaning guy and a store manager and they are both school dropouts. And that's part of what makes them believable and relatable.

I loved the way their story is told. For a change not a lot of dramatics but just a lot of missed opportunities. I found a flashback midway through the story initially annoying but then I understood that was the right spot for it and was also the missing puzzle piece to this story.

My favorite quote is this one by Sebastien:

After all was said and done. The truth was, I wasn't strong enough to be Jack's man.

You were killing me Seb! Until you finally grew a pair! Although this is very much a character and relationship driven story, the sex scenes were hot! I am normally the type to actually skip them but these two were on fire!
Profile Image for Renée.
1,107 reviews380 followers
July 9, 2016
3.5 stars!

This was a really sweet read that I had the pleasure of experiencing with my girl, Christelle. I've read several by this author. Her stories are hit or miss for me, and I needed a buddy to do this with me. Christelle loves me so she stepped up to the plate, so to speak.

Bossa weaves a fresh spin on friends to lovers, which I admit is a favorite trope of mine. Sebastien and Jack are our MCs and have been best friends for five years after a failed attempt at dating in the beginning. We do get both MCs' POVs, though not in alternating fashion, but first half one and the second half the other. I really like when I get to see into the minds of both characters when I'm reading romance.

Jack and Sebastien are moving in together to save on money. We come to realize soon enough that, even though their romantic relationship ended five years ago, part of it never really died. More so for Jack than Sebastien. Add on that they've shared a bed randomly over that time frame, and yeah....complicated. They are so obviously the loves of each other lives, but it takes a while for these two to get on the same page with the communicating.

Bonus points to Bossa for the heavier hand when writing the smexy times than she has in the past!!

What I had a hard time taking in was why Sebastien was so relationship-phobic. That was never explained well. Additionally, Seb's dad plays a fairly prominent secondary character who lives solely off of Seb's money. And he's an able-bodied man. Um....no. As a matter of fact, fuck no. And all he did was belittle Seb and Jack every time Jack's name came up. So I say to Seb's dad: "Peace out, mother fucker." But Seb never did. He just kept on playing the doormat. Big strike for me.

When our boys finally get their shit together, it was really romantic and kinda swoony - in the best way possible. I can say I really liked this one, so I'm going with 3.5 stars.

~BR with my lovely girl, Christelle!~

Profile Image for Ed Davis.
2,599 reviews93 followers
July 4, 2021
Well. I have really mixed emotions about this book.I found most of it so depressing. I’m surprised I kept reading. I don’t know there was something about it that kept me reading. The ending was beautiful of course. Good writing but I can’t give it more than 3 stars.
Profile Image for Sara .
1,516 reviews154 followers
April 21, 2016

I am drained now. Totally drained and totally satisfied from this book, my first from the author. I am going to try to review this but when books leave me strung out, I find it hard to put words together to make sense.

I am a huge fan of the friends to lover’s trope and when you make it best friends with wonderfully squirmy and gooey UST to full blown swoon central throughout the story, it’s like it was written just for me.

Tell me a story, Jack. Tell me about one of those great love stories you’ve read about.

I adore the way the story is told. I love that we meet them in the now, that the story starts with Sebastien’s present POV and the situation of him moving into a new apartment over the summer to share expenses with his best friend Jack. We learn that these two have a history, that they were lovers briefly in the past but them being friends is what mattered most. But we also quickly learn that Seb has it bad for Jack but is terrified of what it all means.

Let me get this out, the UST is off the charts with these two and the confessions were so overwhelmingly romantic I was hooked before I had a read a quarter of the book. I wanted Jack to spill his guts and for Seb to let down his walls and accept that he is truly in love with his best friend. I wanted them to create gorgeous meals together and listen to Jack tell Seb stories and Jack to soak up all that Jack offered. I wanted it so much it hurt and it was the best kind of hurt.


This book is so rich and by rich I mean with emotion and the perfect blend of storytelling that sucked me in so fast I had no choice but to marinate in it until my fingers are pruny. I love books that make me look things up and nearly every time Jack opened his mouth to tell one of his stories, I was googling to catch up and to simply be in the scene with them.

So, we know the boys are best friends and they have feelings for one another but Seb, he holds Jack at arm’s length and won’t allow himself to let go and be fully in love. It was heartbreaking to be in Seb’s head and deal with his perpetual struggle of accepting that his “Heteronormative straight acting” self was so turned on by Jack and effeminate men like Jack. There is so much internalized angst with Seb that I was so damn thankful the author took us back five years to see when he and Jack met.

Jack was something else. I’d never known a man so alive and turned on by everything. His mind sped all the time. He had thoughts and opinions on everything.

I was jonseing for this meeting between the boys but this whole back story is filled with the self-loathing of Sebastien's need to feel masculine and not so "gay “while fighting his feelings for being turned on my effeminate men like Jack. They are what turns his crank and gets him off but he's terrified to admit it, even to himself. He falls hard for Jack the first night they spend together but doesn't know how to fit Jack into his world without hurting him and that his the last thing Seb wants to do. Keeping Jack at arm’s length is the only way he can assure they stay friends and Jack doesn't get hurt. But Jack, he wants Seb and will go to remarkable lengths to show it though it often falls on Seb's deaf ears and heart. Boy oh boy, the whole past part of this book was heartbreaking and yet brilliant with how it was laid out and where it was placed in the story. It gives the reader so much insight to Seb and you learn that Jack is everything to Seb and everything he wants to be; free and completely himself regardless of what the masses think or the judgment they pass. I cannot express how much I loved the Batman and Robin story and how Seb had always known the type of guy that did it for him though he tried the opposite and then... Jack came into his life.

From the moment I’d first seen Sebastien... I’d known he’d make me suffer, but that the highs would be worth every low.

After we learn what happened five years ago, we get back to the present and I have to say thank you so very much to the author for ending the story with Jack. I needed to know his thoughts on Seb and what better way than when it all gets so real for the two of them for us to be in the POV of the man who is Seb’s rock and who rocks his world. Phew. Yeah, this was a great read and I am in love with the story.

The issues of the child being the adult to a parent was here along with a few social and mental health issues and they were dealt with well. Seb's relationship with his parents wasn't the easiest though he adored his mom. He tried so hard to be a good son and help, even with his dad after his mother passed away. It was just so hard for him, he's been this kid in an adults body for so long, he doesn't quite know how to adult but then again, how many of us really know how to do the proper adulting thing. I thoroughly enjoyed the side characters as they never distracted from the story but added depth and character to Seb and Jack. But the boys, they are front and center and their romance, their love story was gorgeous.

Auguries of Summer is a lovely tale of best friends to lovers who give in and give it all to be happy. It’s a story about seeing the signs you may miss out on what could make your life full of love, of checking off those boxes of happiness not everyone gets to experience and savoring them. It’s a tale about being able to move on from grief and accept that you can be happy with a loved one’s passing and it’s simply, at the heart of it all, a love story of two young men who were made to love each other.

~ARC provided by the author for an honest review~
Profile Image for Meep.
2,162 reviews215 followers
April 17, 2016
An ARC was kindly offered to ward off the apocalypse; I never seek ARCs so though no Zombies were spotted this was still a new experience for me. ;)

Wasn't sure what to expect, the blurb sounded a fairly simple premise with a whiff of 'miscommunication', but I needn't have worried.

The start is straightforward introducing two likeable characters: Seb who is very 'normal' made low grades, does a job on no-ones career prospectus and plays soccer in his free time. Keeps his head down and doesn't make waves. A decent solid guy. Then Jack with his touch of fabulousness, upbeat, styled and clever. The story being mainly from Seb's pov Jack is a shining, popular light, I liked that it's up to the reader to see a little deeper.

There's a few side characters, colourfully drawn. They never steal the show but if this was to become a series I'd be interested in knowing them better.

It's immediately obvious that these two friends absolutely adore each other, with a nice lick of lust to spice things up. But it's not quite their time. There's no self-denial or big event, no big misunderstandings or silly squabble; the boys talk. To me it was series of missteps - standing near your train but on the wrong platform, needing time and a few more steps to get there. Just missing the connection to come together, and all so damn believable. That's the kicker, the characters felt real, I could believe in them, in their lives. They're so close to being the perfect couple but there's steps to get there, almost a coming of age for Seb.

There's a step back five years to see them meeting, though often wary of flashbacks I thought this worked well. It meant we got the full story without a disconcerting time-jump from linear telling. Allowed us to see them meet and believably show how it became a friendship.

By the end I felt wrung out, that feeling when you step back from a book that's consumed you. It's deceptive, emotion so simply stated it feels raw and how by the end we (and they) get to see the strength of commitment and know things are going to be great - my eyes may have gotten damp but I was happy and smiling wide.
Profile Image for Milica.
261 reviews5 followers
April 25, 2016
I received an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

4.5 stars...

Auguries of Summer follows Seb and Jack through their journey from not-quite-lovers, then best friends, to lovers...or as I see them - soulmates.
I'm going to refrain myself from talking about the actual plot, since there's not much of it - this a character-driven story, and let me tell you, Mel Bossa created a characters who will stay with me for a long time.

Sebastien is a young gay man who drifts through life without any real purpose or any vision of the future...he constantly struggles with his nature as a gay man on one side and what society tells him what a men should be like, gay or not, on the other.The fear, the confusion in him paralyze him so much that he hasn't able to see the love of his life living alongside of him for years. Caring for his father, paying for his debts, and watching how he downfalls with no way for him to help him, Sebastien's only bright spot in life is Jack...Jack, who has always been there for him, but who Seb always keeps at a certain distance lest he gives him a false hope and hurt him. Because he can't be what Jack needs...Seb may not fight against the fact that he is a gay, but for him to be with someone like Jack - effeminate and fearless (or so it seems) - he'd need to find the strength inside of him that he's not sure he has. There's little strength in him left especially after his mother's death, which he never got over.

As for Jack...there's no summarizing him or trying to explain the phenomenon that is Jack Barkley. As I said he is the bright spot of Seb's life, and for one day he was mine,too. Because he is truly something special -he's strong as any force of the nature and fragile as a petal all at once. He will enthrall you with his stories from the past that was long gone, make you laugh with his funny remarks, but most of all he will make you feel and for Seb, he feels so much with every part of who he is. And he is well aware of all the reasons why he shouldn't love Seb, but the heart wants what it wants and there was so much hurt in his. And the thing is, I should have felt at least some anger toward Seb for knowing this and not loving Jack as he deserved, but I just couldn't...and neither did Jack.

It took some time for these two to get together, but once they did they were everything. The second part of this book evoked so much emotions in me, especially the part where we get to know how they met and where we get an insight into Seb's relationship with his mother. Unfortunately, what stopped this book from ending on my favorites shelf is that those glimpses from the past came a little late for me. I'd prefer it if author chose to interweave present and the past instead of keeping linear storytelling. This way I found the first part of the story lacking the emotional gravity it should've had and I was unable to see where all that love came from. But that's only my personal preference and I honestly think most of the readers won't have a problem with this fact.

This would be the point in my review where I'd say that if you like best-friends-to-lovers theme read this one...but Auguries of Summer is so much more. This is a story about love...about freeing yourself and realizing that in the end, for love, it was all worth it, even if the one meant for you has been beside you all along.
Profile Image for Christelle.
808 reviews
July 10, 2016
3.5 stars

BR with my stunning friend Renée (my advice : go to see her review : so worth it !!).

This is a sweet and melancholic friends to lovers / opposites attract to each other story.
The main characters are Batman and Robin…no wait... my mistake ;)...I mean Seb, the big muscled but shy, introverted and in the closet teddy bear who got out of school to do odd jobs to support his family, and Jack, the flamboyant and witty Jack, estranged to his family, hiding his insecurities behind his rambling and jokes.
Despite the difficult moments of their first encounters and having to fight clichés from both sides, they develop a surprising “friendship”, gravitating around each other while dealing on their own with their sexual attraction but together with their flaws.

This was a first for me with this author and I love trying something new. Right from the beginning, I didn’t want to stop reading because there was potential. I could feel the bound between Seb and Jack. What confused me was the Seb’s indecision about his relationship with Jack : very hard to comprehend and I spent a lot of time alternating between rooting for and ranting against Seb. It was unraveled too late for my liking and I did care about that because I enjoyed the story so much I wanted nothing to spoil my enjoyment.
What really did it for me : Jack’s character and his endearing patience, the steamy moments and a swooning and down-to earth, but so romantic, HEA.

Thanks to Renée for putting this book in my radar and doing this BR with me !!
Profile Image for **Kαчcєє**.
680 reviews17 followers
July 8, 2020
4 stars

This is my first novel by Mel Bossa and my second novel in a row dealing with an MC who feels he is not capable of love nor is he deserving of love.

Sebastien is at war...with himself. He’s caught between the type of man he’s attracted to (effeminate) and afraid to be seen with a man who would quickly identify Seb as gay. He’s been told by his father that being gay is ok as long as nobody knows about it. So he fights his feelings for his best friend...for FIVE years. And Jack is SO deserving of love.

I LOVED Jack. He put up with more than most would. But, after chipping away at Seb for so long, Seb can’t deny his feelings any longer.

This is a very sweet hurt/comfort—learning to accept yourself as you are—story. ❤️
Profile Image for Maygirl7.
824 reviews59 followers
June 12, 2016
This was okay. I don't think I care much for Bossa's writing style. Plus that backward leap in time in the middle and then forward leap back to the present was really jarring.
Profile Image for Ken Cook.
1,432 reviews7 followers
March 24, 2021
Two very different young men, both only children and living in Montreal, lead this novel through multiple life steps as they accept their relationship. Sebastián, emotionally and financially drained by his widower father, strives for the hetromasculine norm while prodigy Jack revels in the flamboyance of gay life. The plot jumps around through flashbacks, introducing the reader to these characters, clarifying their issues. A critical element is Valencia, the wise sage artist, who provides the impetus for taking chances.
Bossa provides only bits of Montreal, the east end and the gay town mainly. The dialog and descriptions are truly spot on in giving insight into their struggles. A very moving and thoughtful book, strongly recommended.
1,551 reviews2 followers
October 9, 2021
Liked it, the timeline was strange with its jump to the past in the middle, not sure that was my favorite, but I liked it and the jealousy. Read on kindle
Profile Image for Joseph.
766 reviews3 followers
September 29, 2024
I enjoyed this book. It took me a little longer to read because I had some other things going on, but this was a good solid story book. It was done in two parts, but it was done very well.
Profile Image for Borderstar.
912 reviews17 followers
December 30, 2016
3.5 stars
I'm not totally sure about this - having read a few things by Mel Bossa now, I think I just don't quite click with her writing for some reason - I like the premise and actually, I do like a lot of elements but there's always something that just feels missing for me?

I started this book feeling a little like we were dropped into a story partway through and that I needed more of the back story (which isn't a bad thing, as I quite like working things out as we go), but just as I started to feel I knew what I needed to and I was just getting into it properly, there was a massive time jump back to the earlier back story. I liked finding out about how the MCs met, but I don't really see why we couldn't just have started to the story at this point, as I'm not certain the timeline jumping added anything to the story over telling it in the actual order?

Enjoyable read but I didn't love it.
Profile Image for Ami.
6,041 reviews491 followers
July 3, 2018
So Jack and Seb are best friends. They are moving in together, and a week ago they slept together after Jack's break-up. Seb has been in love with Jack. There...

There's a HUGE time-jump in the middle to five years previous when they first met. And suddenly the POV switched from Seb to Jack. It was jarring and unpleasant to read. I didn't like the feeling, because I felt like I already made some connections to Seb then I had to switch that attention to Jack.

Nope, not a favorite read. I skimmed A LOT! If you push me, I don't think I can tell you how the story happens tomorrow *shrugs*.
Profile Image for Anita.
1,853 reviews27 followers
April 6, 2022
Well, not all mm romances are hearts, flowers, rainbows and puppies! I had my concerns about Jack and Sebastien early on and whether they should have been together. Both had enormous emotional baggage that seemed to be exacerbated by being together but the story is quite compelling and draws you in. While somewhat depressing, there is a element of hope that runs through their relationship that keeps you reading. Nicely written but with a couple of odd spelling boo-boos - in two different sentences, the author uses intimated instead of intimidated. Threw me right out of the story. All in all, though, a heavy, deep read that ends with an overall message of hope.
Profile Image for Leslie.
1,892 reviews20 followers
July 27, 2020
Life is scary.

Some of us hide behind bravado, and some of us just hide. Figuring out who we are is the first step, and when we’re not honest with ourselves, it can be the hardest. Then, all that comes next is taking a deep breath, pulling off that mask we’ve been showing the world, and living our honest selves; regardless of what the rest of the world thinks. It’s not easy. It’s never easy. Hopefully we all have someone in our lives who really sees us, and loves us anyway.
Profile Image for Shawna (endemictoearth).
2,158 reviews33 followers
May 23, 2024
I'm not sure how to rate this one. 2.5 stars? Ish? It was free, but the title intrigued me. It's trying to do a LOT of stuff, and not all (much?) is very successful. I did like that the characters are facing some financial issues, and while there is a gift of money later on, it's not an unrealistic sum. In some ways it reminded me of Muscling Through by JL Merrow (which I LOVE), but doesn't have the same commitment/impact.
Profile Image for Kim Stone.
1,435 reviews
February 3, 2024
New to me author. This is a contemporary mm romance. Best friends Sebastien and Jack are the main characters. Each have a journey before they commit to loving each other, a 5 year gap! Sebastien looses his mother, drops out of school and is cleaning houses, and Jack leaves is academically minded family to work in fashion stores. The story goes back in time in the middle but returns to the present day. The story is set in Canada.
Profile Image for Mike Adams.
96 reviews
December 6, 2016
Okay romance about two guys who were or are roommates/lovers, and the resulting tension. Plain prose, sassy side characters, a loving parent. I forget if there was a plot.
Profile Image for ithinkicould.
164 reviews3 followers
January 20, 2017
Probably more like 3.5. I loved the writing style and the characters felt alive to me on the page. The story and narrative tension were not well constructed though.
Profile Image for Natalija.
1,071 reviews
December 25, 2020
The book was good and it kept my attention till the end. On a side note, it needed a proofreader for the Italian language.
Profile Image for Dave.
113 reviews1 follower
July 21, 2021
Nicely done

This was a great little read and a lot of fun. I became friends with Seb and Jack, and was delighted with their happily ever after.
Profile Image for topo.
84 reviews2 followers
December 27, 2021
DNF at 20%
I skimmed through the whole book but I just think the story is awful...
Displaying 1 - 29 of 29 reviews

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