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He was everything she wasn’t looking for …

Finding a naked rock star in my bed was not how I saw my new life starting. Especially when that rock star is Evan Wyld, guitarist of the hottest band on the planet, Dirty Texas.

He looks dirty as sin with colorful tattoos, muscles and piercings in all the right places. Summer is about to heat up as I join Dirty Texas on their European tour.

She was everything he wasn’t ready for…

Sienna Hayes is off limits, but ever since the blonde bombshell accidentally climbed into my bed, I’ve been fantasizing about the ways I could help her get over her ex.

She has baggage, but I’m known for being a good time. Maybe I can be her rebound, help put her back together again. 

One little taste can’t hurt; can it?

418 pages, Kindle Edition

First published April 1, 2016

About the author

J.A. Low

40��books1,487 followers
"JA Low lives on a faraway beach in Australia. When she's not writing steamy scenes and admiring hot surfers, she's tending to her husband and two sons, and dreaming up the next epic romance."

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 328 reviews
Profile Image for Book-Bosomed  blog.
516 reviews250 followers
April 2, 2016
DNF @26%

The book started out on a sexy and intriguing note. In the prologue we find Sienna discovering a naked Evan in her bed. Things heat up and I felt like the chemistry was already building. But then chapter one reverts back several months. Instead of the brewing chemistry between Evan and Sienna, readers get Evan having a ONS with a groupie and Sienna getting humiliated by her husband on her birthday. All of these ‘several months past’ sections were a real roadblock for me in terms of connecting with the main couple. In fact, all it did was establish that both of them came with a ton of baggage, which I didn’t find endearing. And unfortunately that continued even after Evan and Sierra meet which is why I was unable to finish reading. With all the OW/OM drama I think this story would be best categorized as erotic rocker drama rather than simply romance so enjoyment of the story will depend a lot on your style of reading. All in all, it wasn't for me and contained troupes I do not enjoy in romance stories.

Romance Safety Gang Notes:
Profile Image for Beneath The Covers Blog.
1,512 reviews505 followers
June 25, 2016
Salacious, bold, and passionate! J.A. Low gives "getting dirty" a whole new meaning!

After her marriage falls apart, Sienna Hayes needed a fresh start. What better way than to join a European tour with the hottest rock band on the planet! But when she comes face to face with her hall pass, Evan Wyld, and the electric chemistry they have, Sienna begins to wonder if this fresh start is the right path for her.

Finding a woman in his bed is nothing new to Evan. But when that woman is the gorgeous new stylist hired by his band, and the latest star in his lewd fantasies, Evan is all too willing to be her rebound guy. But as the tour starts and their relationship becomes strictly professional again, can Evan shed this bad boy reputation, and become the man worthy of Sienna? Or will she only see him as her rebound?

Suddenly Dirty is hot and filthy, but in the absolute PERFECT way! Sienna and Evan's relationship has an explosive start. The way both characters craved each other before they actually met in person was realistic and very true to how most "crushes" develop. The connection between these two kept building until you knew something was going to happen. Fresh starts don't always mean your past disappears...for either of them. Emotions run high, misunderstandings occur, and secrets are revealed.

Sienna and Evan complimented each other wonderfully; their desire for one another was scorching, and left me wanting more well after the story ended! I also loved how the supporting cast of characters have their own stories forming. It gives more strength to this book, and substantial anticipation for the continuance of the series. We're going to be seeing a lot more Dirty Texas, and I can't wait!

5 Seductively Dirty Stars!

*received ARC in exchange for an honest review.* ~Kelly
Profile Image for Romance Rehab.
350 reviews77 followers
October 10, 2019
Romance Rehab: book recs, author services, general badassery: http://www.romancerehab.com/

Nope. No, no, no. I will NOT finish reading this one.

Plot overview: Sienna gets dumped by her husband, so she accepts a job touring with Evan Wylde, slutty rockstar extraordinaire. Lots of sex ensues.

Had to DNF at 6%, y’all. I know there are tons of folks out there who would say, “But Jennifer, if you didn’t finish reading it, you have no business reviewing it.” To those folks I say, a) No one is the boss of me and I’ll review whatever I darn well please, b) If a book pisses me off so much that I feel a need to rant about it after reading 6%, well, there’s not much that’s going to stop me. #SueMe #SorryNotSorry and c) If this review saves even one reader from suffering through this unholy dumpster fire, then my effort will be worth it. You're welcome.

So, here’s what made me DNF with EXTREME prejudice at 6%:

1. The prologue is completely redundant. I have no idea why it’s there at all. Prologues are generally annoying to me, but this one was especially bad since it was all repeated info later on in the story. (“Later on” being at 6% of the story. 6%!!)

2. In the 6% of the story I read, Evan got 2 blowjobs from random groupies. He pretty much treated them like crap, too, and didn’t really feel all that bad about it.

3. Sienna wakes up to a naked man strolling into what she thinks is her bedroom, and rather than avert her eyes and get out of there, she can’t tear her gaze away from his apparently hypnotic penis, and starts jerking off this complete stranger. She’s apparently an idiot with no self-preservation skills, because if Evan had been an ugly naked guy who’d wandered into her room at night, it’d be an episode of Criminal Minds instead of a hot fantasy. But because he’s hot, I’m guessing she just knew he wasn’t a rapist, huh? Ugh.

4. Sienna witnesses Evan getting a blowjob from a random groupie, then has sex with him a few minutes later. Gross!! At this point I can’t even see Evan as a hot, tattooed rocker. All I can think of him as is a walking, talking, strain of antibiotic-resistant syphilis.

5. In only 6% of the story, Evan has destroyed Sienna’s leggings and an expensive pair of panties. Guys, you can take things off of women. You don’t have to destroy them.

6. Sienna might be the least mature 30 year old heroine I’ve ever read about. And don’t even get me started on Evan “syphilis-ridden manwhore” Wylde. I have no tolerance for that crap.

So, long-story-short, I don’t really care what happened after the 6% mark of the book. The part I read was enough to make me immediately add this book and the series to my “burn it and send it to hell” pile. But hey, if you’re into shallow, narcissists who don't know the difference between sexy and slutty, then this might be for you.
Profile Image for Coco.V.
50k reviews49 followers
Want to read
February 19, 2019
🎁 FREE on Amazon today (2/19/2019)! 🎁

He was everything she wasn’t looking for …

Finding a naked rock star in my bed was not how I saw my new life starting. Especially when that rock star is Evan Wyld, guitarist of the hottest band on the planet, Dirty Texas.

He looks dirty as sin with colorful tattoos, muscles and piercings in all the right places. Summer is about to heat up as I join Dirty Texas on their European tour.

She was everything he wasn’t ready for…

Sienna Hayes is off limits, but ever since the blonde bombshell accidentally climbed into my bed, I’ve been fantasizing about the ways I could help her get over her ex.

She has baggage, but I’m known for being a good time. Maybe I can be her rebound, help put her back together again. 

One little taste can’t hurt; can it?
Profile Image for Jenny.
1,024 reviews133 followers
May 6, 2016
DNF @ 26%

I had high hopes for this story because it started off intriguing.

But then it took a major left turn that had me like...

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If you catch a guy that you're into getting a BJ from a chick and then proceed to make out with some random guy to make the other guy jealous...

THEN instead of telling the guy you're crushing to hit the road...you proceed to sleep with him...literally 20 minutes after another chicks mouth was on him...

Profile Image for Danielle Harris.
797 reviews
April 2, 2016
Holy cow!!!!

This was freaking hot!!!!!! Evan is a super sexy man beast with a sexy Prince Albert yummy! I am so Jealous of Sienna. Oh you lucky girl! I can't wait to read more from this author.
Profile Image for tiana.
526 reviews4 followers
June 12, 2022

this book here was good, but it kinda reminded me a lot about "sinners on tour". i don't know if it was the plot or maybe the huge amount of sex (not complain it though, cause the sex was H O T).

basically we have a boy band.... i don't know if it was rock? lmao i read the book and don't even remember if it was rock... i'll assume it was.

the story happens very fast and it has a lot of details that could have worked another way.
what do i mean? well, it felt a little bit like a fanfic.... those usual plots that everyone are able to predict, but i loved the characters and probably will keep reading.

nothing special you know?
Profile Image for Simply Love Book Reviews.
7,046 reviews859 followers
October 20, 2016
Slick's review posted at Guilty Pleasures Book Reviews

3.5 stars

Dirty Texas is a rock band with roots in Texas and a reputation that follows them everywhere they go; Suddenly Dirty features band member Evan Wyld and Sienna Hayes whose life imploded on her birthday, their story is pretty messed up, they make a lot of mistakes, but through it all they find they can't live without one another.

There was much I liked about this book including the camaraderie between Evan and his band and Sienna and her friends. I did like Evan and Sienna together, but I felt like Sienna was always the one giving and Evan was the one always holding back. They had a fling that was suppose to end when the band started touring and she started working for them as a designer, but that didn't work out to well. I didn't like that Evan disrespected Sienna on numerous occasions and yet if she even hinted at being with someone else he went ballistic and created problems. For me the relationship was very lop-sided and while I have no doubts they both fell in love; I felt Sienna's love was pure, but Evan's love was built more on the fact he didn't want anyone else to have her. As this is a series, I'm sure we'll see more of them in books to come and hopefully that will put my mind at ease about their relationship.

They both have things in their past that have made them wary and distrustful so when they have issues, their issues are big. In my opinion Sienna is way too forgiving and she lets Evan off the hook too easily to many times.

I enjoyed Suddenly Dirty very much, despite my issues with it; this is a very eclectic group of people and I look forward to reading the books to come.

*Reviewer's note: This author is from Australia and as the book is set in the US some of the language and grammar usage is off and there are quite a few misused words and some other editing issues. While it didn't lessen my enjoyment of the book, a thorough proof reading and editing would make this story stronger. Overall though it was an entertaining first effort!

Review copy provided for an honest review.
Profile Image for Dani.
Author 120 books2,328 followers
March 7, 2016
4 Dirty Stars!

This story starts off with a bang… Literally! Sienna wakes up in bed with a famous rock star. Isn’t that what any girl would want? Sure! Unless he’s your boss.

Sienna has a lot to work through. She’s been heart broken and she has to now come to terms with her newly single life. But when things take a turn for the worst, she has to pack her bags and leave her home. Her best friend works for one of the hottest rock bands in the world, where she finds her new life, but nothing is that easy… Is it?

Evan is the rock star known for enjoying his status. He’s single and doesn’t want a relationship. When he sees a photo of Sienna he sets his sights on the blonde beauty. The only problem is that she’s going to be on tour with them. The rule is, do not get involved with staff.

Rules are meant to be broken right? There is some scorching scenes that will leave you needing a cold shower. After getting a taste, neither Sienna or Evan can deny the attraction. But when the past comes knocking, Evan’s trust issues are tested. Can they get past the hurt and pain of former partners?

Alpha Book Club

ARC provided by author in exchange for an honest review.  Reviewed by Dani from Alpha Book Club


Profile Image for Erin Lewis.
5,189 reviews187 followers
May 2, 2016
4.5 star review of Suddenly Dirty (The Dirty Texas Series #1) by J.A. Low

Not only is J.A. Low a new author to me, this is also her debut novel and one I hope to read more of in the future.

From the start of this book, I just knew I was going to enjoy it. When Sienna Hayes suddenly finds herself confronted by naked rock star Evan Wyld I just knew that this book was going to be good and I wasn’t disappointed. Add in the fact that he is pierced and it just gets better and better. There is only one problem, he is her new boss.

Evan is the guitarist of the band Dirty Texas; an intriguing pierced, tattooed man with muscles in all the right places. Sienna is trying to recover from an extremely public divorce and has a lot of baggage. She is totally the opposite of what Evan wants in a woman and yet he immediately wants her.

Sienna knows it is wrong but she is unable to resist her attraction to him. What follows is supposed to be a simple hook up. But nothing is ever that simple. The sex between these two is sizzling and despite themselves, they cannot keep their hands off each other and it soon turns into something more even though secrets from their pasts threaten to destroy them.

I really enjoyed the chemistry between Evan and Sienna. Overall I enjoyed Suddenly Dirty and will certainly be on the lookout for more from J.A. Low and I look forward to reading more of the members of the Dirty Texas Band.

Congratulations on a great debut novel.

Profile Image for Aubree.
152 reviews20 followers
January 14, 2017
DNF @39%... I hate doing this. I hate not finishing a book. I promised a review, but I am just so bored! Evan and Sienna are 30! What is wrong with them? I'm 30! She just came out of a divorce which is sketchy and fast and creepy with the way Beau claims it wasn't his choice. Now she's drunk, on a stripper pole, and having "temporary" sex with a rockstar? I get him. Rockstar, party boy. Makes sense. She was apparently married to an uppity asshole for 10 years. Let me repeat...TEN YEARS!!??? And suddenly she's some little sex kitten with no priorities or I don't know maturity? She didn't have a kid that entire time, but Beau's mistress had no problem getting knocked up by accident.

They aren't children or even young adults! The author should have made them in their early twenties and had Sienna come out of a long-term relationship, maybe one from high school...then, I would have less trouble believing the behavior. Next, add a plotline that involves more than disjointed sex scenes and angsty commitment issues.

One girl's opinion.
Profile Image for Tammi.
2,005 reviews32 followers
March 3, 2016
This is my favorite type of story a bad boy rocker turned good by love!! And this is a great one.
Sienna was so sweet, innocent yet so strong. The thing I loved most was the amazing support system she had. When her whole world was crushed her best friends were right there for her. Ready to kill him and hide the body type friends.
Evan was a the typical arrogant, cocky full of himself rocker. Different Groupies every night. A total hit'em, quit'em #sshole. But he softens at the first look of Sienna on a phone screen.
They start as a hook up but neither can get enough of the other. They have their ups and downs, their highs and lows but through all of it I wanted them together. I have to say the fact that they were HOT AS HELL together didn't hurt.
This is the first I have read from this author and she definitely has a new fan! Seeing this is the first in a series excites me. I loved this whole group of friends and can't wait to read more of their stories.
Profile Image for Michelle.
1,568 reviews166 followers
April 26, 2020
Luvd this.

Hero 5🌟
Heroine 5🌟
Story 5🌟
Writing 5🌟
Steam 5🌟
Romance 5🌟
Angst 4🌟
Secondary Characters 5🌟
Drama 5🌟
Twists 4🌟
Action 4🌟

Recommend - Yes
Profile Image for Natalie Miernicki.
730 reviews2 followers
September 18, 2016
I received this book for an honest review.

Wow for a debut author JA Low blew this one out of the park! Hard to put down from start to finish this book kept me entertained... the explosive chemistry between the two main characters was sizzling, hot as hell and funny too! I would highly recommend this book to anyone who likes hot dirty talking rockers and their sassy sweet sexy leading lady!
Profile Image for Brechtje.
64 reviews6 followers
October 17, 2022
No plot, horrible spelling mistakes, and the spicy scenes were not good. So from this author i read her later books first and now i’m starting her earlier novels and i’m glad to notice she grew a lot with her writing bcs this was bad 😭
Profile Image for Lizzie RoseShine.
703 reviews8 followers
September 7, 2022
This story is about sienna n Evan relationship in their side side story between them n their friends who supports them. Things got more steamy between both main characters to get more bonding between them, their relationship always from argue to make- up to over n over again 😒 it's gets tiring to watch it. This two needs to go to therapy session like literally. The reason I give 1 star because I like derrick(gay sassy boy) & Sebastien so far in this story, they grew on me. I don't read it through the end though n stop where sienna n Evan having conversations about their past relationships until they're do hot steamy night.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for April.
418 reviews9 followers
April 1, 2016
ARC provided for an honest review.
Another Manic Book Rambling brought to you by April of:
Read & Share Book Reviews

5 Wyld-ly Wicked Sexy Stars!

A heady lustful combination of sex, sin & swoon, Suddenly Dirty is J.A. Low's stellar debut and explosively sexy start to what is sure to be one hell of a hot series! Sex, drugs and Rock & Roll, whats not to love?! Packed with sexy rock stars that I can't wait to bed...err, know. This book is all about Evan Wyld and his rock star life. He's one book boyfriend you definitely don't want to miss out on!

Exceptionally well written with well versed characters, each bringing uniqueness and adding to the overall experience of this exposition. It was love from start to finish. I devoured this book and was left begging for more.

Dirty Texas is gearing up for the European leg of their summer tour.
Sienna's life is crumbling before her very eyes, very publicly.
He was her "hall pass".

When their two worlds collide it's an explosive plot of fiery passion. The sexual tension between Evan and Sienna is enough to disintegrate the panties right off of ya! HOLAAAY! With the ups, come the downs and these two definitely have some baggage to contend with and sort through. BUT as always, in my happy bubbly little literary world, love always wins...eventually *wink* This book left me reeling with a permanent goofy grin and bouncing around like a giddy school girl *siiiiigh* It was perfect!!!

"I tried to show her a piece of my soul, laid bare, just for her."
Profile Image for A.BookNerd.Bookseller&Bibliophile.Blog.
2,756 reviews105 followers
August 17, 2018
This is my first J.A. Low experience and I am excited to finish this series. Sienna is a boutique owner/stylist who's whole world gets turned upside down when she her marriage and her business basically fall apart. She finds a new job which takes her around the world and on tour with rock band, Dirty Texas. Band member, Evan, rock star and playboy/ notorious womanizer is at the top of her celebrity pass list. Is he relationship capable or relationship worthy?

This book was an enjoyable read with chemistry and sexual tension. There were tons of ups and downs with the leads and the "band family." I'm looking forward to reading the other books in the series.

Reviewed by: Lauren L.
Profile Image for Bones.
336 reviews36 followers
January 2, 2018
Un poco mas de historia mas alla de lo que pasaba en el dormitorio no hubiera estado mal.. Le falto eso. Mas historia y un poco menos reclamos de posesion hubiera ayudado
Profile Image for Meegz Reads.
1,479 reviews124 followers
June 30, 2019
*4 Stars*

This was my first JA Low book, and it certainly won't be my last. I really liked being in the Dirty Texas world, and getting to know these characters.

Evan and Sienna are great together, and at first its just the chemistry, but once they start getting to know each other and spending more time together its fab. It was kind of funny at times watching Evan get all jealous even though he wasn't supposed to be, given the agreement they had come to.

The secondary characters in this book, and there are many wonderful ones, really help make the story a great one as well. I loved all the other band members and staff members and I can't wait to read their stories as well. There is some great setup in this for future couples, so to say I'm curious is an understatement.

I really enjoyed this one and I look forward to more!

Follow me on:
Profile Image for Wonder Tre Reads -Tre Harris.
1,254 reviews29 followers
November 5, 2017
3.7 rating, was a good rockstar romance but at times I just lost interest throughout unfortunately. Sienna goes through a horrible life changing event and just happens to cross paths with the singer of Dirty Texas Evan. It’s a good love story filled with spicy sex scenes and heartfelt moments that I loved but at times I felt as though I knew what was going to happen and I didn’t have the urge to eat to the next scene. I will say towards the end my interest was highly spiked and the story completely flew with my eyes never leaving my kindle. I have purchased the next 2 books in the series and will definitely be reading to see what’s to come. This is my unbiased and voluntary review.
Profile Image for Kim Richards.
1,338 reviews7 followers
May 28, 2017

I won the book in a competition on facebpok. So glad I did as of is a brilliant story..
I was pulled into of by the end of the chapter 1. There are a few twists and turned in it and a few surprises. I did find myself get!ting a little bit frustrated with the 2 characters that this book is about. I laughed and I cried, but over all I really loved the story.
JA Low is a new author to me. I have already been on amazon a bought the next book in the series.
Highly recommended this book.

Profile Image for Janee.
2,626 reviews11 followers
July 9, 2017

Funny in some parts. Mostly a lot of sexy times. I did tear up in the beginning and little at the end.
Profile Image for Bec.
648 reviews3 followers
December 16, 2018
What a ride!

I love this story.
The characters are written in such a great way you can just imagine that anyone of them could be you, me or both!

I would love to skip a few years ahead and see how Ryder is going with his Daddy and Mumma
Profile Image for Þórey Jónsdóttir.
577 reviews9 followers
February 24, 2019
This story has a lot of good things but also a lot of bad and annoying things. There were also many conversations between characters that were absolutely pointless and I skipped through a lot
542 reviews5 followers
July 8, 2020
Merry go round

Evan and Sienna's story has tons of twists and battles. They endure and overcome each one. Another rock star is off the market.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 328 reviews

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